There is a similar approach in the book "Domain Modeling Made
Functional" by Scott Wlaschin. Some examples from the book:
type CheckNumber =
CheckNumber of int
type CardNumber = CardNumber of string
type PaymentMethod =
| Cash
| Check of CheckNumber
| Card of CreditCardInfo
type PaymentAmount = PaymentAmount of decimal
type Currency = EUR | USD
type Payment = {
Amount: PaymentAmount
Currency: Currency
Method: PaymentMethod
(The solutions used in the book are intended for a type system like that of F# or OCaml, but but it looks like the same general concept as the Medium article.)
Unfortunately I didn't finish reading the book and haven't tried its examples in any real apps, so I can't speak to how well this works in practice, but it makes sense to me.
There's also a video by the author that I posted a while back:
This reminds me the amount role in money transfer.
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