Personal Programming

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Trygve Reenskaug

Oct 11, 2019, 5:02:23 AM10/11/19
to DCI-object-composition
Hi all,
I have just submitted my opus magnum
    Personal Programming and the Object Computer
to Springer's SoSym journal and keep my fingers crossed for the outcome.



The essence of object orientation is that objects collaborate  to achieve a goal.
Trygve Reenskaug      
Morgedalsvn. 5A
N-0378 Oslo    
Norway                     Tel: (+47) 22 49 57 27; (+47) 468 58 625

Kanian Adou

Nov 18, 2019, 3:03:40 PM11/18/19
to object-composition
Thanks a lot for sharing it here.

Marius - Adrian Francu

Dec 27, 2019, 3:47:00 PM12/27/19
to object-composition
Hi Trygve,

I read the paper several times. After I read it the first time I realized that I have to wait for a couple of days to think. The same as it happened when I begun to read the Oram book.
The second time I read the paper I had my daughter, which has 9 years, in my thoughts. That example with the puzzle was, for me, edifying.

Things which were triggered in my head:
-It is being said that a key point in handling complexity is granularity. How those components/parts combine to form/solve a new specifying thing was interesting. But is a granularity which is not technical, is for the newbies;
-The didactic way to start programming, but without code. I did not think about that!. In seeing that video where you explain how a novice can program an alarm clock it made me realize, even better, how code is and should be subordinate to high level overview(holistic view). Those objects which the novice can use are created by experts indeed and this gives another message: expert is, somehow, in the service of the others;
-Now is a common thing to see kids going to courses to learn a programming language. But I do not think is a good idea. Maybe I am wrong. I looked a little bit at the history , you have lived the history you saw how things changed. I heard in a video that when programing was made on punch cards it was considered to be the future in programming and assure a safe place. As I said maybe I am wrong. I try to teach my daughter testing(Weinberg school of thought), critical thinking, math but the intuitive way,... I think these skills will help her more if she will be a programmer in 20 years. And then, I saw how you explain in the paper (and in the video) how can she program at the beginning. That example and this way will, in fact , help her design/structure/organize code in intuitive way before knowing a programming language. This is awesome.
- You speak about a product but all this paper contains ideas about: design, teaching, understanding, metaphors, complexity, product design. Yes I mentioned product design(In a private email I can give you a clear example on a thing I work now)
- you were right about the fact that experts programmers might not see the point of Loke. I had to think about my daughter to make a sense, interesting….
Side note: I am preparing a talk regarding OP-DCI andI will make the demo you made in video and from there I'll start with roles, OOP, architecture, humanity.
- I saw you mentioned microservices. Initially I wanted to criticize this microservices stuff as the current /trend. But, and is a big but, if you would be involved in a so called microservices project it would be something totally different.

I shared the article to my friends also. It will not be simply ignored.

Best regards,

Benjamin Scherrey

Aug 9, 2022, 7:54:35 AM8/9/22
to object-composition
I just noticed that it looks like it was published by Springer!

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Chief Systems Architect Proteus Technologies
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Trygve Reenskaug

Aug 9, 2022, 9:22:29 AM8/9/22
Indeed it was. Its ideas have met with some interest, particularly the idea of replacing von Neumann with a distributed engine.

The essence of object orientation is that objects collaborate  to achieve a goal.
Trygve Reenskaug      

Morgedalsvn. 5A
N-0378 Oslo    
Norway                     Tel: (+47) 468 58 625

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