DENRIE status

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Chris Stoeckert

Jun 9, 2009, 9:05:36 AM6/9/09
Hi Everyone,
I'm way behind on a bunch of things and have grant reviews due Monday so apologies for not following through on my action items for the DENRIE branch.
I see that there is a session on branch reviews at the OBI workshop and would appreciate it if one of you who are attending could say a few words about where we stand. In a nutshell:
1. We have established core terms. Following up on the last workshop, we went through and added core terms or submitted them to IAO.
2. We have gone through tracker terms. We have discussed tracker items assigned to me/DENRIE and we are putting the final touches on most. Two problematic items remain which are parameter and time series. 
- Hopefully progress will be made on 'parameter' at the workshop. At our last call, we recognized that both protocol applications and data transformations have parameters and there may be distinguishing characteristics for these. 
- Time series can be a study design but it can also be a series of data tuples of measurements of time and events that happen at that time. 


Chris Stoeckert, Ph.D.

Research Professor, Dept. of Genetics

1415 Blockley Hall, Center for Bioinformatics

423 Guardian Dr., University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, PA 19104

Ph: 215-573-4409 FAX: 215-573-3111

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