News From The Bicycle Coalition of Maine (BCM)

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Chuck Davis

Jul 30, 2013, 8:54:41 PM7/30/13

LD 1460, “A Bill To Revise Maine Bicycle Law,” becomes law

Posted on June 18, 2013

On Friday, June 14, LD 1460, “A Bill To Revise Maine Bicycle Law,” became Maine State Law! 

Here’s what LD 1460 does for you:

1. It clarifies that the operator of the bicycle determines where it is safest and most “practicable” to ride on a roadway. This common sense change clarifies that when a bicyclist feels the need to use a travel lane (for example, because a shoulder is not in safe condition), the bicyclist has a clear legal right to do so. 

2. It makes the collision of a car with a bike while passing “prima facie” evidence of a violation of the three foot law. If the car hits the bike, it didn’t give three feet! It is our hope that this change will encourage more citations for violations of the three foot law, whether or not a collision occurs. 

3. It clarifies that cars may not make turns in front of bicycles when doing so interferes with the safe and legal operation of a bicycle. 

Enacting this bill is just the beginning of what we hope will be a process that changes Maine’s bike laws to improve safety and accessibility for all riders. Your membership and support of the Coalition helps us make the roads safer for YOU!


Chuck Davis
The shoppe is at:
OK Velo Sales (
1408 E 11th ST
Tulsa, OK 74120
918-587-0574 Shoppe TP/FX) for the serious stuff
918-895-0733 (Magic Jack 2nd Message TPN)
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