FW: The Campaign Continues - Bike Funding at Risk Again

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Mike Flenniken

Jun 18, 2012, 3:52:39 PM6/18/12
to obcv...@googlegroups.com, TeamBik...@yahoogroups.com, OBS Yahoo Group, B...@yahoogroups.com

Here we go again… Please take action ASAP!



Mike Flenniken, LCI USACC       OBC logo blue signature tag-4.jpg   Add Your Voice - Join OBC Today!

     President - Oklahoma Bicycling Coalition

     League of American Bicyclists Cycling Instructor

     Certified USA Cycling Coach

     Anti-aging and Wellness Coach


     405.613.9767 cell

     Skype: mike.flenniken.alethosconsulting

Follow CoachMikie on Twitter




From: American Bicyclist Update [mailto:bikel...@bikeleague.org]
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2012 1:50 PM
To: mi...@alethosonline.com
Subject: The Campaign Continues - Bike Funding at Risk Again


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June 18, 2012

Dear Mike,

You may be wondering "Why all the action alerts?" and "Will this federal transportation bill EVER be done?" Well, rest assured: You are not alone. We would love for Congress to pass a bill and do what 83% of your fellow American's want -- maintain or increase the percentage of transportation funds going to bicycling and walking. Instead we are having to constantly fight to prevent that funding being stripped altogether. You can be equally sure, however, that your e-mails and calls really do make a difference and there wouldn't be any funding to preserve if you weren't willing to speak up. So, thank you for taking action again today - and for hanging in there with us until the job is done!



Andy Clarke

League President



BFB logo with League b



National News


Please Contact Congress to Save Bike Funding TODAY   


Yes, we've asked you to reach out to Congress about the transportation bill before. In fact, you've probably responded to our calls to action more than once. Your Congressional delegation may well already know your position on cycling issues. So why are we asking again? Because this campaign isn't about a single day or a single vote. This is the fight about the future of transportation in America and we have to counter each threat or bicycling will be swept off the negotiating table - maybe for good. Make no mistake, YOUR action has kept biking in the bill thus far. Please take action today or the hard-fought progress of the past 20 years could be lost!  Read more.   


U.S. Conference of Mayors Adopts Bike Resolutions

Last week at its annual meeting, the U.S. Conference of Mayors adopted a resolution urging Congress to continue federal funding for important bicycle and pedestrian programs. With consultation from the League, Mayor Paul Soglin (Mayor of Madison, WI) led the development of the federal policy resolution, which states: "Communities that have invested in pedestrian and bicycle projects have benefited from improved quality of life, a healthier population, greater local real estate values, more local travel choices, and reduced air pollution." Soglin also hosted a Bicycle and Pedestrian Coffee Exchange, during which the Mayor and League staff discussed mayors' efforts to build more bicycle-friendly infrastructure in their communities, and laid the groundwork for a Mayors' Bicycle Meeting in Madison, Wisc., next spring. The conference also adopted a resolution in support of bike share programs.  


650 New Miles Added to U.S. Bicycle Route System

U.S. Bicycle Route System

May was a big month for the U.S. Bicycle Route System. Not only did the Adventure Cycling Association and AASHTO announce two new routes in Michigan and Minnesota, but ACA also raised a record $50,000 from individual and corporate supporters during their Bike It. Build It. Be Part of It. campaign. Read more.  


United Nations Ride Highlights Importance of Biking


UN Secretary Ban Ki-Moon

This week United Nations Secretary Ban Ki-Moon will be in Brazil for Rio+20, an international conference aimed at addressing climate change and other global environmental challenges. To highlight the importance of bicycling as a sustainable urban transportation option, the Secretary joined League President Andy Clarke and more than 100 other high-ranking participants at a press conference and bike ride in New York City this month. Read more!




National Events 


Bike Challenge = New Friends and Better Health

When Heather Towers started commuting by bike last year, she just hoped to save a few dollars in transportation costs. But, with the help of the National Bike Challenge, the Maryland resident discovered so much more: better health, new friends and increased connection to her community. "I've experienced better cardiovascular health, energy, and overall strength," Towers says. "For someone who used to get the majority of my fitness in a gym, cycling is so much more fun! It's liberating and exciting -- every day brings a new adventure on my bike." Towers is just one of more than 26,000 riders who logged nearly 4 million miles during the first month of the National Bike Challenge, a new online initiative (from May 1 to August 31, 2012) that allows you to track your miles, get your name in the running for great prizes and join a growing social network of riders from coast to coast sharing their inspiration, encouragement and riding tips. Join Heather and sign up for the Challenge today!


Registration Open for 2012 IMBA World Summit
Registration is now open for the 2012 IMBA (International Mountain Bicycling Association) World Summit, to be held Oct. 10-13, 2012, in Santa Fe, NM. The event will be a unique forum to to share ideas and learn about sustainable trail design and advocacy; bicycle tourism and economic development; and public lands policy. Click here to learn more and register


Thank You Sponsors of the Women's Bicycling Summit


Building on the tremendous success of the  women's forum at the 2012 National Bike Summit, the League and APBP are hosting a half-day National Women's Bicycling Summit in Long Beach, Calif., on September 13, 2012. Thank you to our initial sponsors: Liv/giant, the Alliance for Biking & Walking and Momentum magazine. Are you interested in supporting this important conversation by sponsoring this exciting event? Click here to learn more!   




New Resources 


AASHTO Releases Updated Bike Guide


This month the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials released its latest edition of the Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities. Last updated in 1999, this 200-page publication has undergone extensive revision and expansion and includes guidelines to design, build, modernize, and preserve bicycle facilities, signage, and bicycle parking facilities that can accommodate daily commuters and recreational users. Learn more and purchase your copy.  


Small Decrease in Driving = Big Decrease in Congestion

Has anyone ever tried to tell you that there are too few bicyclists to reduce traffic congestion in any noticeable way? Well, new data shows that it doesn't take large reductions in driving to see major improvements in traffic flow. According to a recent report, total vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in the United States declined 1.2% in 2011. That means, due to the economy and other factors, Americans drove slightly less in 2011 than they did in 2010. But what makes that remarkable is the striking result: Congestion decreased 30%. Read more.   




State and Local News


Bicycle Friendly States Program Spurs Advocacy and Agency Progress


The League's Bicycle Friendly States (BFS) Ranking is a great way to see how your state stacks up. But more important is the way state agencies and advocates respond to the rankings. Here are just a few of the really encouraging efforts we've seen since releasing the 2012 rankings

  • Delaware used its top 10 ranking to highlight all of their efforts from the past few years, and as a springboard to greater successes.
  • West Virginia has started an update to its 1996 state bike plan.
  • Georgia is using potential improvements in its BFS ranking as a incentive for their Complete Streets campaign.
  • Invigorated advocates in Idaho and Utah are using the BFS program to outline next steps for their state (check out the League's blog for more on Utah)

 Read more about the BFS program and see the 2012 rankings here


Advocacy on the Rise in Indiana
Cycling in Indiana is really picking up, be it the Evansville YMCA bike share program, summits in Bloomington and Columbus or upcoming Bicycle Friendly Community workshops in Shelbyville and Jeffersonville (hosted by the state department of health). Bicycle Indiana is leading the charge and has recently caught our eye on Twitter. Be sure to follow them @BicycleIndiana - a great way to stay updated on all things cycling in Indiana.


League News 


Bicycle Friendly Business Deadline June 22

Is your business active, dynamic and fun? Do your employees value transportation options and living an active lifestyle? If so, the Bicycle Friendly Business program wants to recognize you! Businesses use this program for recognition, guidance and benchmarking. The next deadline to apply (or renew) for BFB status is June 22. Learn more about the program and apply.   


Share Your Input on Bike/Ped Advisory Committees

The League is writing a policy report on Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committees (BPAC) and we need your insight and experiences on the benefits and challenges of working with BPACs. We're particularly interested in the following areas: Balancing bicycle and pedestrian issues; BPACs and advocacy groups working together; providing staff support; and BPACs' effectiveness within a government. Please email ma...@bikeleague.org if you have anything to share, and thanks in advance!   


Host an LCI Seminar in Your Community!

Does your BFA feedback suggest that you focus more on education? Is there a need for more League Cycling Instructors in your area? Hosting an LCI Seminar can be your first step in developing a strong bicycling education program. All we require is a little time and knowledge about your community. For more information on hosting an LCI Seminar, please contact Alissa Simcox at educ...@bikeleague.org.




Share this American Bicyclist Update with your cycling friends and fellow bike commuters. The generous support from the League's members make publications like this possible. Join the League today.


The League of American Bicyclists promotes bicycling for fun, fitness and transportation, and works through advocacy and education for a bicycle-friendly America. The League represents the interests of America's 57 million bicyclists, including its 300,000 members and affiliates. For more information or to support the League, visit www.bikeleague.org.



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This email was sent to mi...@alethosonline.com by bikel...@bikeleague.org |  

League of American Bicyclists | 1612 K Street NW | Suite 510 | Washington | DC | 20006


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