>How does the AS know it is the Client?
>>> 2. The user authenticates to the client using NTLM for example and
>>> then the client needs to access to protected resource on behalf of the
>>> client. If the "Username and Password" or "Web App" profiles were used
>>> then the user would be prompted again for credentials. But if there is
>>> a trust relationship between the Authorization Server and the Client,
>>> then the client could ask for an Access Token on behalf of the user
>>> and just claim that it did authenticate the user already.
>> A new profile could be written for how the Client uses NTLM to obtain an access token from the Authorization Server.
> I wondering about a more general profile in which the Authorization
> Server thrust the Client and allows the client to impersonate a user.
> This would cover both examples above.
Somehow the Client authenticates to the AS. What is the difference between the Client acting as itself and acting on behalf of a user where the user is not involved? It would seem to me to be a parameter provided by the Client to the AS to specify the user being impersonated.
The Client still needs to Authenticate to the AS, which is what 5.1 and 5.2 do. When the user is delegating to the Client, the user is authenticating to the AS.
Am I missing something else?
-- Dick
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Thanks for the crisp example Evan.Checking i understand the scenario quickly: usefulapp.com is a 3rd party app that is independent from company.com. Company.com users will use usefulapp.com to access protected resources at company.com.In this scenario, step 3 where the user authenticates to usefulapp.com, company.com is usually involved since company.com manages provisioning and de-provisioning of users. While there are deployments where the user provides their username/password to usefulapp.com which then checks them with company.com, there is a growing preference for the usefulapp.com to redirect the user to company.com where an assertion is obtained and presented to usefulapp.com.
To answer your questions below:
It is common practice with Google Apps and Salesforce.com to redirect the user to their organizations website and get back a SAML assertion.
The app needs to get the assertion for each user – that is how the app authenticates the user and knows the user is allowed access to the app. (ie, how step 3 happens in your example)
The assertion is usually shortlived.
Note that how the user authenticates to usefulapp.com and how userfulapp.com authenticates to company.com do not need to be the same assertion.
I can envision that the OpenID OAuth hybrid could evolve so that this use case is more straight forward. For example:
1. Usefulapp.com does OpenID discovery to determine company.com is the OP for the user
2. Usefulapp.com redirects user to company.com asking for profile data, OpenID and OAuth verification code.
3. Usefulapp.com can obtain an Access Token and Refresh Token if it does not already have one to call company.com protected resources.
In enterprise use cases, usefulapp.com is usually delegating authentication to company.com. That is why SAML / OpenID are needed – for usefulapp.com to know which user is being served and if they have access. Company.com is the authority not only on access to company.com protected resources, but also access to usefulapp.com. In contrast, in consumer use cases, usefulapp.com has a direct relationship with the user.
Per your second use case below, usually usefulapp.com has a contractual relationship with company.com, so 5.1 or 5.2 work well for usefulapp.com to access company.com protected resources when the user is not present. Given that usefulapp.com can use any token when calling company.com, what advantage is there to having the token user scoped? Why would company.com just have the user id as another parameter on APIs? The user is not present, and usefulapp.com can act on behalf of any user at company.com
Note in your example below, usefulapp.com does not learn who the user is from company.com – something usefulapp.com might need to know. That is where the OpenID part of the hybrid comes in.
In enterprise use cases, usefulapp.com is usually delegating authentication to company.com. That is why SAML / OpenID are needed – for usefulapp.com to know which user is being served and if they have access. Company.com is the authority not only on access to company.com protected resources, but also access to usefulapp.com. In contrast, in consumer use cases, usefulapp.com has a direct relationship with the user.
Per your second use case below, usually usefulapp.com has a contractual relationship with company.com, so 5.1 or 5.2 work well for usefulapp.com to access company.com protected resources when the user is not present. Given that usefulapp.com can use any token when calling company.com, what advantage is there to having the token user scoped? Why would company.com just have the user id as another parameter on APIs? The user is not present, and usefulapp.com can act on behalf of any user at company.com
On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Dick Hardt <Dick....@microsoft.com> wrote:In enterprise use cases, usefulapp.com is usually delegating authentication to company.com. That is why SAML / OpenID are needed – for usefulapp.com to know which user is being served and if they have access. Company.com is the authority not only on access to company.com protected resources, but also access to usefulapp.com. In contrast, in consumer use cases, usefulapp.com has a direct relationship with the user.
Agreed this is very often the case. However, there are cases where the 3rd party has their own account system and may allow linking to your enterprise account.
Either way, it's not clear to me that SAML/OpenID is a requirement in this flow (this was an open topic during the WRAP discussion at Facebook). Naively, if you start with the WRAP authorization flow, you can easily get identity by calling an API from the service provider to get information about the logged in user (i.e., GET https://company.com/user, Authorization: WRAP access_token=ABC123).
There needs to exist a trust relationship between the two domains. (I
am using the term domain loosely as it could easily represent multiple
corporate entities or divisions etc...)
In order to do this without lowering the perceived and/or actual
assurance level of the model, a secure backend user mapping standard
must be instituted.
I would move to remove the inclusion of this use case.
On Dec 28, 11:31 am, Evan Gilbert <uid...@google.com> wrote:
> Yep, happy to:
> 1. User works at company.com
> 2. IT admin for company.com authorizes usefulapp.com to access Protected
> Resource for all users at company.com (through some AS-specific admin
> flow)
> 3. User logs in at usefulapp.com
> 4. To process requests at usefulapp.com, usefulapp's servers need to get
> a WRAP access token, scoped to User, for accessing Protected Resource.
> On Sun, Dec 27, 2009 at 11:43 PM, Dick Hardt <Dick.Ha...@microsoft.com>wrote:
> > Would you walk me/us through the use case in more detail (it is not obvious
> > to me)? Why is a domain admin doing this? Where is the Client running?
> > On 2009-12-21, at 10:05 PM, Evan Gilbert wrote:
> > Following up on this suggestion - does anyone have concerns about adding
> > this profile?
> > Use case is:
> > - Someone besides the user (usually a domain admin) grants access to a
> > user's data
> > - Client needs a way to get a user-scoped token
> > On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 5:34 PM, Evan Gilbert <uid...@google.com> wrote:
> >> Here's input/output that would allow verifying the client and returning a
> >> user-scoped token.
> >> Inputs:
> >> wrap_client_id
> >> * wrap_client_secret*
> >> wrap_username
> >> wrap_scopes
> >> Outputs:
> >> wrap_refresh_token
> >> wrap_access_token
> >> wrap_access_token_expires_in
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "OAuth WRAP WG" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to oauth-...@googlegroups.com.
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > oauth-wrap-w...@googlegroups.com.
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/oauth-wrap-wg?hl=en.
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "OAuth WRAP WG" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to oauth-...@googlegroups.com.
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > oauth-wrap-w...@googlegroups.com<oauth-wrap-wg%2Bunsu...@googlegroups.com>
You are suggesting a multi-domain Authentication and Authorization
There needs to exist a trust relationship between the two domains. (I
am using the term domain loosely as it could easily represent multiple
corporate entities or divisions etc...)
In order to do this without lowering the perceived and/or actual
assurance level of the model, a secure backend user mapping standard
must be instituted.
In your use case, it seems you would like usefulapp.com to be able to call company.com before the user has visited usefulapp.com. Your suggestion as I understand it was the admin at company.com would get Access Tokens to usefulapp.com.Here are a few thoughts intended to spark conversation.The admin at company.com could go to usefulapp.com and use the web app profile to grant usefulapp.com an Access Token that can be used to make admin API calls to company.com, let's call this the Admin Access Token or ATT. There is a Refresh Token that is used to refresh the ATT. Usefulapp.com could then use ATT to acquire user level Access Tokens using the Assertion Profile, where ATT is the assertion. Company.com would require an additional parameter containing the user id in the Access Token acquisition call.This enables company.com to revoke usefulapp.com's access by not issuing new ATT's, and user level rights can be embedded in the user Access Tokens, making it easier for company.com protected resources to apply user specific access control without a lookup.Is this useful?
-- Dick
On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 8:22 PM, Dick Hardt <Dick....@microsoft.com> wrote:In your use case, it seems you would like usefulapp.com to be able to call company.com before the user has visited usefulapp.com. Your suggestion as I understand it was the admin at company.com would get Access Tokens to usefulapp.com.Here are a few thoughts intended to spark conversation.The admin at company.com could go to usefulapp.com and use the web app profile to grant usefulapp.com an Access Token that can be used to make admin API calls to company.com, let's call this the Admin Access Token or ATT. There is a Refresh Token that is used to refresh the ATT. Usefulapp.com could then use ATT to acquire user level Access Tokens using the Assertion Profile, where ATT is the assertion. Company.com would require an additional parameter containing the user id in the Access Token acquisition call.This enables company.com to revoke usefulapp.com's access by not issuing new ATT's, and user level rights can be embedded in the user Access Tokens, making it easier for company.com protected resources to apply user specific access control without a lookup.Is this useful?
This flow meets the criteria that it works for most cases and is reasonably simple.Few downsides:- Requires a browser redirect to initiate getting a token. It would be useful to have a way to make calls that can be initiated by the 3rd party directly - this might allow recovery of tokens and avoids the failure mode of the 3rd party site being down.
- Requires has a different flow for obtaining a token for domain-admin managed access and user-managed access to data. For example, if I want to get an access token for b...@company.com, I need to see if I have a refresh token for bob in my store, and if not then I call and get an ATT to get an access token.
- It's going to be a more complex flow with possible per-provider differences.
The wrap_scope parameter in the initial call to get an ATT would be hard to standardize, and we also have to document additional parameters on the assertion profile to support wrap_username.
What are the goals of this revised flow?- Do you want to ensure that a user is at a browser at some point to get a token?
- Are we trying to avoid creating another profile?- (or other)
On 2009-12-29, at 9:56 AM, Evan Gilbert wrote:On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 8:22 PM, Dick Hardt <Dick....@microsoft.com> wrote:
In your use case, it seems you would like usefulapp.com to be able to call company.com before the user has visited usefulapp.com. Your suggestion as I understand it was the admin at company.com would get Access Tokens to usefulapp.com.Here are a few thoughts intended to spark conversation.The admin at company.com could go to usefulapp.com and use the web app profile to grant usefulapp.com an Access Token that can be used to make admin API calls to company.com, let's call this the Admin Access Token or ATT. There is a Refresh Token that is used to refresh the ATT. Usefulapp.com could then use ATT to acquire user level Access Tokens using the Assertion Profile, where ATT is the assertion. Company.com would require an additional parameter containing the user id in the Access Token acquisition call.This enables company.com to revoke usefulapp.com's access by not issuing new ATT's, and user level rights can be embedded in the user Access Tokens, making it easier for company.com protected resources to apply user specific access control without a lookup.Is this useful?
This flow meets the criteria that it works for most cases and is reasonably simple.Few downsides:- Requires a browser redirect to initiate getting a token. It would be useful to have a way to make calls that can be initiated by the 3rd party directly - this might allow recovery of tokens and avoids the failure mode of the 3rd party site being down.I was envisioning that usefulapp.com had a web interface that the admin at company.com would use to setup the relationship. This could be out of band token as well. I only have the one browser redirect in the example above, and the ATT could be obtained with other methods. Not sure we are on the same page here.
- Requires has a different flow for obtaining a token for domain-admin managed access and user-managed access to data. For example, if I want to get an access token for b...@company.com, I need to see if I have a refresh token for bob in my store, and if not then I call and get an ATT to get an access token.You could use the refresh token, or you could just just get a new Access Token each time with the ATT. The later is simpler.
That is somewhat of an issue for all profiles. I can see there being a trend to standardize a set of APIs that use OAuth WRAP. Portable contacts is an example that comes to mind. If this is a common design pattern, I could envision formal or informal standardization of additional parameters and values for wrap_scope.- It's going to be a more complex flow with possible per-provider differences.The wrap_scope parameter in the initial call to get an ATT would be hard to standardize, and we also have to document additional parameters on the assertion profile to support wrap_username.
What are the goals of this revised flow?- Do you want to ensure that a user is at a browser at some point to get a token?That is not a requirement. In the example, only the admin is at the browser, and as mentioned above, the ATT could be acquired in a different way.- Are we trying to avoid creating another profile?- (or other)I was describing how you could accomplish your use case using the existing spec.
In my flow above, the web profile was used by the admin to delegate admin capability to usefulapp.com. Usefulapp.com is then able to obtain Access Tokens for users as required to act autonomously for the user -- a requirement I gathered as usefulapp.com needs to act on behalf of the user before the user has ever visited usefulapp.com.If you think a new profile is warranted, I'd encourage you to write it up so that we have something concrete to reference. My intention was not to discourage a new profile -- I was wanting to understand the use case, and then was testing to see if existing profiles provided a solution. Happy to take the conversation in another direction if you like, or conclude it if we have reached a shared understanding.
Thanks for all the useful feedback. Notes below...On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 11:38 AM, Dick Hardt <Dick....@microsoft.com> wrote:
In my flow above, the web profile was used by the admin to delegate admin capability to usefulapp.com. Usefulapp.com is then able to obtain Access Tokens for users as required to act autonomously for the user -- a requirement I gathered as usefulapp.com needs to act on behalf of the user before the user has ever visited usefulapp.com.If you think a new profile is warranted, I'd encourage you to write it up so that we have something concrete to reference. My intention was not to discourage a new profile -- I was wanting to understand the use case, and then was testing to see if existing profiles provided a solution. Happy to take the conversation in another direction if you like, or conclude it if we have reached a shared understanding.Agreed that this use case is possible today. I'm hoping we can standardize enough of this flow so that 3rd parties might have consistent behavior across service providers.
This can either be by standardizing some parameters on existing profiles or by creating a new profile. I still have a slight leaning towards a new profile but could be influenced back to a layer on top of existing profiles. I'll document the option for a new profile soon.