. I believe you are
On Jun 12, 8:59 pm, Pushpa <
pkumar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I am having code to post message on
tweet.com from my site using
> OAUTH. The objective to use oauth is display source name as my sitename
> (i.e. from Redcounty.com) not from web.
> My problem is I don't want to go
twitter.com for
> 1)Login and
> 2) Deny/Allow process
> So in nutshell I want to generate oauth_token and oauth_token_secret
> for users without going to
tweet.com i.e. approval for Allow and Deny
> can be done from my site(
redcounty.com) using API like I used to do
> for normal login using verify_credentials.xml.