As some might now, Andy Smith / Termie is the author of the PHP library - and he's officially still the maintainer of it.
However, in the last period of time I have been the one going through the issue-tracker and fixing the issues that come up. In the beginning I always checked my contributions with Termie before committing. However, the last few times I tried to reach him for comments on my changes I have been unable to get replies.
So I took a (drastic?) decision and appointed myself de facto maintainer of the library and fixed the remaining outstanding issues and committed the changes without clearing these with Termie.
(For those curious, it's 5 commits and 8 issues I've dealt with singlehandedly)
Okay, so the point of this email is just to say that I would like to be the official maintainer, and not just some "rebel" who commits code without checking. Does anyone have any objections? Especially if you, Termie, is reading this - is it okay?
Morten Fangel
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