Announcing Qualified Teams for RoboCupRescue RMRC 2023 in Bordeaux!

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Raymond Sheh

Mar 27, 2023, 11:46:32 PM3/27/23
to The Open Academic Robot Kit,

Hi All!

After evaluating all of the submitted TDMs, we would like to announce that all of the teams who submitted TDMs have qualified for the RMRC World Championship in Bordeaux! As a reminder, the teams are:

- CR-ÆSIR (Mexico)
- Creative Town (China)
- Insper Dynamics (Brazil)
- Knight Sky (USA)
- Kokany Corporations (Hungary)
- SzechenyiRobotics (Hungary)
- Team Bento (Germany)

There are some familiar teams and also some new teams here which is great to see!

We also have two teams who have qualified on past performance:

- Mechatronics Rescue Team (Slovenia)
- S.A.R.T. (Australia)

Finally, we are delighted to announce that, as the result of an essay competition for French local high schools that we ran with the assistance of the Bordeaux LOC, we have qualified a local French team, Team Daquin from lycée Fernand Daguin, Mérigna, just outside of Bordeaux! They will also receive an initial kit of parts, thanks to the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Technical Committee on RoboCup, and our friends at Robotis, to jumpstart their entry into the competition.

This effort to foster the involvement of new teams in the local area of the World Championship was something that we ran as a pilot this year, and that we hope we can continue into the future.

Now for some logistical details.

I am running a bit behind in getting the website sorted out as it really needs an update but I hope to have all of the TDMs, plus Team Daquin's essay, up and available shortly.

I am also confirming the registration details (RMRC is in a slightly weird spot, being between Major and Junior) and have only just sent in the list of teams so don't try and register *just* yet. I'll send another message out when I have all the details and confirmed that the team list has been propagated through the system.


- Raymond

Raymond Sheh

Apr 19, 2023, 10:31:59 PM4/19/23
to The Open Academic Robot Kit,
Hi All!

Sorry for the delay, I have just sent the team registration details to all team leaders, via the contact email in your TDM or TPF, whichever is more recent. Please let me know if you have qualified and *not* received this information.


- Raymond
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