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Hi Marcus, All,
Marcus - Great to see you and the team for your runs last week!
Ordinarily at an in-person event we would put the scores up on the big combined sign-up sheet and scoreboard for everyone to see but of course we can't do that in this hybrid model. Instead, here's what we would be putting up on that board. Note that I have been counting each traverse as a point (so the robot returning to the start point after hitting the wall on the far side is 2 points).
Team: Knight SkyDate: 2022-07-08Judge: Raymond Sheh (Remote)Pinwheel Ramps: 3Center: 3Stepfields: 2
Elevated Ramps: 2Crossing Ramps: 14Mulch: 2Gravel: 3
Sensors: 9 (Acuity, Colour)
Hi All!
I have collated all of the Team Description Papers for this
year's RMRC, both in-person and remote. I'll be linking them to
the website shortly but in the meantime they're available from
. I encourage you to have a look!
The performances both online and in Thailand have been excellent and I'm excited to see the finals tomorrow! You can join, watch, and interact on Zoom, https://georgetown.zoom.us/j/97050173149?pwd=UWVOc3hRT1NIbVlHSkpGRXFmT0RrUT09 . I *believe* they're starting around 9am Bangkok time.
- Raymond