RMRC Updates

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Raymond Sheh

Jun 26, 2022, 12:02:37 PM6/26/22
to The Open Academic Robot Kit, raymo...@gmail.com
Hi All!

I hope you and your friends, family, and colleagues are continuing to
stay safe in these interesting times.

As of right now, based on expressions of interest, we have 1
international in-person team, Insper Dynamics, and three remote teams,
S.A.R.T., Mechatronics Rescue Team, and Knight Sky from The Bishop's
School. We should also have around 5 local Thai teams participating

As you may have noticed, we have passed a couple of our original
deadlines that were listed in my email back in February, and my
apologies for not reminding folks about these earlier:

> - Sunday June 19 – Preliminary videos and Updated TDM due.
> - Friday June 24 – Remote attestations due.
> - Monday June 27 – Remote Best-in-Class finals teams announced.
> - Monday July 4-8 – Remote Best-in-Class finals (live on telecon).

We currently have three teams registered: Insper Dynamics for in-person,
and Knight Sky and S.A.R.T. for remote.

We have also received the TDMs from Insper Dynamics and Knight Sky, and
the Preliminary videos from Knight Sky. I encourage all of you to have a
look at their videos and TDMs, there's some great work there!

Do we have an update from S.A.R.T. and Mechatronics Rescue Team as to
the status of your teams? Of course we would love to see you in the
competition and, given the small number of teams that we have and the
differing effects that the pandemic has had on different regions of hte
world, we can be a bit flexible with the dates so please let us know if
you are still able to join us virtually and when you may be able to get
your TDMs and qualification videos to us by. Mechatronics in particular,
if you're still intending to participate please get in touch with us
ASAP as we'll need to see if we can still register you.

I want to end with a retelling of a comment that our lab director
recently that I really liked. She said that as far as COVID is
concerned, we're not all in the same boat. We're all in the same storm
but we're all in different boats, and we are all affected by the same
storm in different ways.

I would add that our boats are affected differently, for different
reasons that can sometimes have nothing to do with how good the boat is,
how much money was spent on it, or how prepared it was. The best
prepared boat can still be in trouble during the storm due to a random
accident or an unlucky wave.

For teams who are in boats that allow you to join us in person or
virtually, we look forward to seeing you! For those of you who are in
boats that need a bit of help and maybe a little more time to prepare,
please let us know what we can do. And for those who need to concentrate
on keeping your boat afloat, take care, stay safe, and we look forward
to seeing you again when you are next able to join us.


- Raymond

Raymond Sheh

Jun 27, 2022, 11:45:00 PM6/27/22
to The Open Academic Robot Kit
Hi All,

As of right now we only have videos from Knight Sky so of course I'm happy to announce that they are into the live remote telecon best in class finals!

Given the challenges faced by schools in different parts of the world, I'm happy to be flexible with the timelines. I've already had one team reach out to me with an ETA on their videos. If you haven't already and plan to still participate please get in touch!



Raymond Sheh

Jul 5, 2022, 10:43:25 AM7/5/22
to The Open Academic Robot Kit, raymo...@gmail.com
Hi All!

It looks like as of right now we still only have Knight Sky with remote videos. Since we're already partway through the remote Best-in-Class finals week, I think we need to call it now and schedule some runs!

Knight Sky - I have the following windows of time. Could you nominate one where you have 2-3 hours to do some of these runs live?
- Wednesday 6th 4pm-8pm US Eastern time (1pm-5pm US Western time)
- Friday 8th 12pm-8pm US Eastern time (9am-5pm US Western time)
- Saturday 9th 12pm-8pm US Eastern time (9am-5pm US Western time)

If any other teams wish to do some demonstrations live, please also let me know! Even if we might not be able to do official runs for you it will still be great to see you!


- Raymond

Marcus Jaiclin

Jul 5, 2022, 2:55:07 PM7/5/22
to Raymond Sheh, The Open Academic Robot Kit
We would like to schedule for starting at 12:30 Pacific/15:30 Eastern on Friday the 8th, if that works for you.  We can be flexible on the time if needed.

Knight Sky

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Marcus Jaiclin, Ph.D. [he/him/his]
Wu Tsai Chair in Computer Science
7607 La Jolla Blvd.
La Jolla, CA 92037

Raymond Sheh

Jul 8, 2022, 8:52:07 AM7/8/22
to Marcus Jaiclin, raymo...@gmail.com, The Open Academic Robot Kit
Hi Marcus,

Great, we'll see you then! And everyone else, please feel free to join (with cameras off and muted please!).


- Raymond

Raymond Sheh

Jul 12, 2022, 8:28:57 PM7/12/22
to Marcus Jaiclin, raymo...@gmail.com, The Open Academic Robot Kit
Hi Marcus, All,

Marcus - Great to see you and the team for your runs last week!

Ordinarily at an in-person event we would put the scores up on the big combined sign-up sheet and scoreboard for everyone to see but of course we can't do that in this hybrid model. Instead, here's what we would be putting up on that board. Note that I have been counting each traverse as a point (so the robot returning to the start point after hitting the wall on the far side is 2 points).

Team: Knight Sky
Date: 2022-07-08
Judge: Raymond Sheh (Remote)
Pinwheel Ramps: 3
Center: 3
Stepfields: 2
Elevated Ramps: 2
Crossing Ramps: 14
Mulch: 2
Gravel: 3
Sensors: 2 (Acuity, Colour)

Congratulations on your work, particularly as a new team!

We also look forward to the upcoming remote runs by S.A.R.T., and the in-person runs by Insper Dynamics and the teams of our local Thai friends!


- Raymond

Raymond Sheh

Jul 14, 2022, 4:07:37 AM7/14/22
to raymo...@gmail.com, The Open Academic Robot Kit
Hi S.A.R.T., All,

S.A.R.T. - great to see you just now!

Here are the scores for your run. Very impressive work, especially given the disruption you've faced!

Team: S.A.R.T.
Date: 2022-07-14
Judge: Raymond Sheh (Remote)
Sensors: 25 (Acuity, Hazmat, Thermal, Colour, Motion)
Align: 3
Center: 60
Continuous Ramps: 52
Crossing Ramps: 53
Pinwheel Ramps: 30
Stepfield: 19
Elevated Ramps: 10
Mulch: 17
Gravel: 33
Manipulation: 13

Note that I ran Manipulation differently for S.A.R.T. compared to the way it was run in-person - that's on me as the rules were a bit vague so the results are not comparable. We will sort out how to deal with this shortly.

Also I made an error in the reporting of Knight Sky's sensor score, where I just ticked off the two things they got full marks for (Acuity and Colour) and reported it as 2, rather than the total number of points they would have been awarded, which is 9 (4 for acuity, 5 for colour). This is corrected below.


- Raymond

On 2022-07-12 8:29 PM, Raymond Sheh wrote:
Hi Marcus, All,

Marcus - Great to see you and the team for your runs last week!

Ordinarily at an in-person event we would put the scores up on the big combined sign-up sheet and scoreboard for everyone to see but of course we can't do that in this hybrid model. Instead, here's what we would be putting up on that board. Note that I have been counting each traverse as a point (so the robot returning to the start point after hitting the wall on the far side is 2 points).

Team: Knight Sky
Date: 2022-07-08
Judge: Raymond Sheh (Remote)
Pinwheel Ramps: 3
Center: 3
Stepfields: 2
Elevated Ramps: 2
Crossing Ramps: 14
Mulch: 2
Gravel: 3
Sensors: 9 (Acuity, Colour)

Raymond Sheh

Jul 14, 2022, 12:58:26 PM7/14/22
to raymo...@gmail.com, The Open Academic Robot Kit

Hi All!

I have collated all of the Team Description Papers for this year's RMRC, both in-person and remote. I'll be linking them to the website shortly but in the meantime they're available from https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dPzLcF_zReYOQWSVrgEy-9ccFE6Fjx-m?usp=sharing . I encourage you to have a look!

The performances both online and in Thailand have been excellent and I'm excited to see the finals tomorrow! You can join, watch, and interact on Zoom, https://georgetown.zoom.us/j/97050173149?pwd=UWVOc3hRT1NIbVlHSkpGRXFmT0RrUT09 . I *believe* they're starting around 9am Bangkok time. 


- Raymond

Raymond Sheh

Jul 15, 2022, 1:42:21 AM7/15/22
to raymo...@gmail.com, The Open Academic Robot Kit
Hi All,

For those who find Zoom to be less convenient, I've now set up a rebroadcast to Youtube! See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76Rru1vm88Q .


- Raymond
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