Team Description Materials for 2023!

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Raymond Sheh

Mar 19, 2023, 6:23:40 PM3/19/23
to The Open Academic Robot Kit,
Hi All!

Thanks to the 6 teams who submitted Qualification Team Description
Materials (Qualification TDMs) for the RoboCupRescue Rapidly
Manufactured Robot Challenge (RMRC) in Bordeaux this year!

We currently have Qualification TDMs from the following teams:

- CR-ÆSIR (Mexico)
- Creative Town (China)
- Insper Dynamics (Brazil)
- Knight Sky (USA)
- Kokany Corporations (Hungary)
- Team Bento (Germany)

We will be evaluating these and reporting on the list of qualified teams

S.A.R.T. and Mechatronics Rescue Team have already pre-qualified based
on past performance and were not required to submit Qualification TDMs.

If your team is not named above, and you plan to participate this year,
please contact me as soon as possible!

In particular we have not yet received Qualification TDMs from the
following teams who submitted Team Participation Forms (TPFs), and have
not pre-qualified based on past performance.

- F.I.S.C.H.D.I.N.G.S (Germany)
- T-Rob (Germany)
- SzechenyiRobotics (Germany)
- ROBO ÇUBUK (Turkey)

If you still plan on participating, again please get in touch as soon as


- Raymond

Marcus Jaiclin

Mar 20, 2023, 5:48:02 PM3/20/23
to Raymond Sheh, The Open Academic Robot Kit
I haven't seen the Creative Town TDM on the mailing list, could we get that posted for the whole list so we can all read it?

Thank you to everyone who put so much work into their robots and their TDMs!

Thank you,

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Marcus Jaiclin, Ph.D. [he/him/his]
Wu Tsai Chair in Computer Science
7607 La Jolla Blvd.
La Jolla, CA 92037

Raymond Sheh

Mar 20, 2023, 7:28:50 PM3/20/23
to The Open Academic Robot Kit,
Hi All!

Just to update the list, we now have a TDM from Szechenyi Robotics, as
well as team details from Mechatronics Rescue Team (who already
pre-qualified and were not required to submit a TDM), bringing us to 9

I'll give everyone else a few more days before we call it. As some folks
submitted TDMs in word format, I'll be converting them to PDF and
putting them up on the website so everyone can see what each other are


- Raymond

Raymond Sheh

Mar 20, 2023, 7:32:15 PM3/20/23
to Marcus Jaiclin, Raymond Sheh, The Open Academic Robot Kit
Hi Marcus,

I'll be putting the TDMs up on the website shortly. Creative Town sent in their TDM directly, I'm assuming maybe they had regional issues accessing the (Google-run) mailing list.


- Raymond
TDM-Creative Town-2023.docx
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