Dear RoboCup-Teams,
it was a great challenge in Eindhoven. Below you will find the results for the RMRC league, which you can use as a reference as long as the awards have not yet arrived. I wish you continued success and look forward to the coming years!
Best regards,
Stefan May
Championship Award (1st)
Mechatronics Rescue Team - School Centre Celje, Secondary school for mechanical engineering, mechatronics and media
Championship Award (2nd)
SiC - Chitralada Technology Institute
Championship Award (3rd)
Kokany Corporations - Széchenyi 75 Alapítvány Nyíregyházi SzC. Széchenyi István Technikum és Kollégium
Open Source & Innovation Award
S.A.R.T. - St. Francis Xavier College
Best in class Dexterity
Mechatronics Rescue Team - School Centre Celje, Secondary school for mechanical engineering, mechatronics and media
Best in class Sensor Test
CR-AESIR - CIDEB - Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Best in class Mobility/Maneuvering
Mechatronics Rescue Team - School Centre Celje, Secondary school for mechanical engineering, mechatronics and media
Best in class Exploration
Löhbotics - Wilhelm-Löhe-Schule
Winner Rapidly Manufactured Robot Team Challenge
Creative Town - Hefei Youth Science and Technology Innovation Education Association
Die Enten - Willibald Gluck Gymnasium Neumarkt
SiC - Chitralada Technology Institute