Thanks for your updated Team Description Materials (TDMs)!

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Raymond Sheh

Jun 28, 2023, 1:07:56 AM6/28/23
to The Open Academic Robot Kit,
Hi All!

Thanks for submitting your updated TDMs!

As of right now we have 8 TDMs, from:


- Insper DYnamics

- Knight Sky

- Kokany Corporation

- Mechatronics Rescue Team

- S.A.R.T.

- Szechenyi Robotics

- Team Bento

I've read through all of them and am very impressed!

As a reminder, we will be scoring these TDMs based on how well they
teach another team how to do something. This will be used as a
multiplier on your preliminary score. Many of you have included pretty
comprehensive tutorials in your updated TDMs and I certainly encourage
all of you to read the updated TDMs and learn from each other.

Certainly it is evident that a lot of work has gone into your robots
and, while I'm sad that I won't be able to see them performing in
person, I look forward to hearing and seeing how you all do remotely!

I look forward to seeing all of you (remotely) at the first team leader
meeting! In the meantime please do continue to post questions to this
list or email us, . I hope that registration issues
have been resolved, if there are any more outstanding issues please do
continue to email and cc just so we
have visibility.


- Raymond

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