Hi Audrey,
Great to hear from you, great question,
and terrific to hear that Knight Sky is planning on joining us!
So having looked at the pages, I do
agree that it isn't necessarily obvious which site is for what.
Here's the situation.
(1) is for the 2023 competition year
(in general the info on our pages with a particular year are only
for that year, unless another page points to it going "use this
other year as a guide").
(2) calls itself the new page and links
to the old page for historical info. Of course, anyone can run up
a page calling itself the "new page" so I agree it isn't
necessarily obvious that this info is authentic (unless they had
the habit of using
rrl-rmrc.org to get to us, as this used to
redirect to the parent page of (1)).
(3) is for the Major RoboCupRescue
league and has a link to RMRC in the upper right corner - but I
just realized that it ends up at an old landing page that still
links to the parent page of (1) ... which I agree also adds to the
confusion mentioned in (2).
I don't want to pull the old pages down because the info is
important, and I don't want to break deep links that have
obviously formed over the years. In lieu of that, I think the next
least confusing thing for now is to put a link at the parent page
of (1) (which folks landing at (3) get pointed to), so folks who
end up there know to go to (2) for the latest info. I've now done
that, when I have a moment, I might actually edit a template or
something so that all of the pages across (1) will have a note
pointing folks to (2).
Having said *all* that, I suspect
really your question is, "How do I find info about the current
RMRC year?" to which the answer is ... you can't because that page
doesn't exist yet. We are finalizing that so stay tuned (to (2)
and this mailing list)!
Here is the most likely arrangement.
- Dates will most likely be (but not
yet confirmed to be) similar to last year but pushed forward by a
year. (Note that RoboCup itself is being held a little later in
the year this year.)
- Qualifying for, and competing in, the
competition will likely be (but not yet confirmed to be) largely
the same as 2023 (yup this is an aforementioned instance of "use
this other year as a guide"). It is expected (although not yet
fully confirmed) that changes will be for the purpose of clarity,
fixing things that didn't quite work last year, and adjusting to
differences in the venue and LOC.
Do let us know if you have any other
- Raymond