2.Oakland Tech Demo Evening - February 25

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Neil Planchon

Feb 5, 2015, 1:55:56 PM2/5/15
to openo...@googlegroups.com, Openoaklandexec, oaklandwiki@googlegroups.com oaklandwiki@googlegroups.com, Old Oakland Neighbors Yahoo Group
Hello friends, Old Oakland Neighbors, OpenOaklanders and Oakland Wiki folk...

Some of you know that I wear a 2.Oakland hat.  Below are details of a Tech Demo Evening coming up on Feb 25.  Hope to see you there and get to know you, either as a presenter or attendee!


2.Oakland Demo Evening

Join us at Port Workspaces from 6:30 - 9:00 PM, Wednesday, February 25  to learn about and celebrate some of the great products and services being developed right here in Oakland!

Learn more, register to present or to attend

Our town is a hotbed of exciting new tech startups, small businesses, non-profits and interesting products - come on out and show off! All types of product demos are invited to submit to be one of the. 8 presenters for the evening.  Whether you are in early development, close to release or working on new products, this is your chance to demo to a friendly audience of peers.  A panel of experts and investors will give you honest feedback. This is also a great chance to network, learn about and be inspired by what your fellow Oakland innovators are doing.

There will be food drink and plenty of time to network.  

Neil - with my 2.Oakland chair hat on

Neil Planchon
Cividesk - Account Manager  - CiviCRM and Cloud Solutions for non-profits - www.cividesk.com

2.Oakland - Co-Chair and Technology Team - www.twopointoakland.com
Swan's Market Cohousing - Founding Resident and Webmaster - Oakland CA - www.swansway.com
Old Oakland Neighbors - Board member, Treasurer and Technology Team - www.oldoaklandneighbors.org
OpenOakland (Code for America) - OnBoarding, Volunteer Director, CRM administrator, etc. - www.openoakland.org 
Cohousing Association - Former Board Member, Tours and Advertising Director and Fundraiser - www.cohousing.org

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