Fwd: [OPEN!] Ghoools and ghosts

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Chris Jenks

Oct 31, 2016, 10:08:49 PM10/31/16
to A2-locksport, Oakland County Locksport

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From: TOOOL <membe...@toool.us>
Date: Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 3:35 AM
Subject: [OPEN!] Ghoools and ghosts
To: Chris Jenks <rat...@gmail.com>

Happy Samhain, lockpickers!

There’s a chill in the air, the moon is fading to black, and things are going bump in the night.  If you believe the stories, it’s a liminal time of year when the boundary between worlds is at its thinnest, whether you want to cross over--or bring something back (might I suggest the demon Surgat, Opener of All Locks). Even if you don’t believe the stories, it’s a time for costumes, merrymaking, and trick or treating. In honor of Halloween, we're sharing some our favorite lockpicking games, complete with dressing up and make believe.

Wizards, Warriors, Duelists, and Spies
Locksport is about more than just pins and shear lines; even the most grounded of us enjoys a little story to heighten the drama. Over the years, TOOOL has invented a series of lockpicking games to tickle this fancy.   

Locksport Wizard
When you put on your robe and wizard hat in this game, you can't see anything. Each competitor gets a pair of handcuffs, a disorganized pile of lockpicks, and three minutes to pick as many locks as they can. No peeking!

Robes and wizard hats

Gringo Warrior + Black Bag
These are the original scenario games. Gringo Warrior imagines you wake up in a jail cell south of the border (perhaps after an ill-advised post-Def Con roadtrip). Armed with only your wits and your picks, you must escape from handcuffs and the cell, subdue a guard, retrieve your documents, and, if you're fancy, commandeer wheels back to the States.

BlackBag is the successor to Gringo Warrior and casts you and a partner as spies with the eponymous bag of tools, 15 minutes, and a list of objectives to complete in a mocked up hotel room. From gaining entry to duplicating a key to copying documents and accessing files, the scenario will have you racing from task to task and relying on your partner for the things you don't know.

Simulated skullduggery

Dozier Drill

Inspired by the practical shooting scenario of the same name, the Dozier Drill places two players in handcuffs. Each player has in front of them lockpicks and a tool bag, inside of which is a pistol with a single shot. Sure, it's a nerf gun, but you still don't want to come in second place in this race to the death. Players are reminded that gentlemen (and ladies) do not run from a duel, and that melee combat is considered unsportsmanlike.

 Loaded...and locked

TOOOL Welcomes New Members
This email is produced by The Open Organisation Of Lockpickers (TOOOL), an international organization dedicated to teaching and celebrating the art of lockpicking. Feel free to forward this email to anyone who might be interested in learning more about locksport and ethical lockpicking. You can always find the closest monthly meeting to you at http://toool.us/meetings.html, and new lockpickers seeking to membership can join at https://members.toool.us/.

TOOOL DC Chapter Lead

Philadelphia, PA

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