Fwd: [Lockpick Village] DEF CON 25 LPV Call for Volunteers

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Chris Jenks

Jun 4, 2017, 8:06:06 PM6/4/17
to A2-locksport, Oakland County Locksport

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Austin 'scorche' Appel <sco...@toool.us>
Date: Sun, Jun 4, 2017 at 2:25 PM
Subject: [Lockpick Village] DEF CON 25 LPV Call for Volunteers
To: Discussion of TOOOL Lockpick Village logistics <lockpic...@lists.toool.us>

Same info as last year and likely years before it, but in case you are
new to this whole shebang...
Link to form in case you don't want to go through the below:

Hey folks!

As you can probably see, I am sending this email to the LPV volunteers
mailing list.  As I have expressed before, it is our intent to handle
these types of emails through this list instead of assembling massive
BCC lists that only I can really use to broadcast messages.  I have done
extensive auditing of our lists of volunteers going back years to
assemble the subscribers to this mailing lists.  While some have
volunteered themselves to not be on this list, generally everyone should
be represented.  That said, feel free to forward this email along to
other interested parties as is usual - especially you Chapter leaders.

We are at a new venue this year!  This year, DEF CON is at Caesars.
Details are still being finalised, but we should be looking at an
additional 3,200 sq ft in our room this year!

Be advised that some things can change, though we will certainly inform
this list with updates:

As with years past, there will be shifts and various levels of
volunteering.    We do plan on using ShiftPlanning again this year to
help us manage the scheduling headache to tolerable levels.  Let me know
if you have other thoughts on this, however.  The invites will be sent
out in a few weeks after we have a quorum of volunteers.  This year, we
will be opening on Friday again.  The village will be open from 10:00 to
18:00 on Friday and Saturday, and 10:00 to 14:00 on Sunday.  Nine shifts
make up this year's rotation:

- -- ----- ----------
Thurs 01: 14:00 - 19:00-ish <-- all hands that can show, should show for
set up

Friday 01: 09:00 - 13:00
Friday 02: 12:00 - 16:00
Friday 03: 15:00 - 19:00

Saturday 01: 09:00 - 13:00
Saturday 02: 12:00 - 16:00
Saturday 03: 15:00 - 19:00

Sunday 01: 09:00 - 13:00
Sunday 02: 12:00 - 15:00 <-- all hands that can show, should show for
- -- ----- ----------

Please show up to help us set up and break down - its appreciated!

There are three levels of dedication: Light, Dedicated, and Insane.
Light volunteers will be committing to 4 shifts, Dedicated will have 6
shifts, and Insane volunteers will be working at least 8 shifts.  Think
about how much time you can commit to us for now - we will work out the
actual schedules later when everyone can see when we have a better idea
of who will be volunteering and when events will be happening during DEF

Oh!  There are perks too!  ALL levels of volunteers will have their
entry to DEF CON paid for.  Completely.  The cost of entry keeps on its
trend of rising making this year the most expensive yet.  This gives the
base value of volunteering this year a (non-redeemable for cash value)
$260 value! - to say nothing of the priceless moments that just seem
to...happen. Dedicated volunteers will even get most of their room paid
for by TOOOL.  If you are one of those golden people we call "Insane"
volunteers, the *entire* room accommodations will be paid for (plus some
incidentals like food during shifts, free swag, etc).  It should be
noted that for these room costs to be paid for, you will be staying in
one of TOOOL's block of rooms and will likely be sharing it with one to
two other volunteers.  Of course, these are just the perks that come
from us - those you who have volunteered in the past know that there are
plenty of other awesome reasons to come help us out.

This year, we thought we'd make things *way* simpler for us by switching
from an email sign-up form to using Google Forms.  Please click this
link and fill out the form: https://goo.gl/forms/1nD8dnVIBiQGrpF33 .  I
realise that some of you may be a bit hesitant to submit this
information through Google Forms.  We recognise this, but it should also
be noted that responding to this email would go to a GMail address
anyway.  If you wanted to keep this information out of Google's
clutches, I believe that you have unfortunately already lost this
battle.  If you still have serious misgivings, let me know.  If any of
your information/details change, just fill out the form again and your
entry will be updated.

TOOOL can only put on these wonderful Lockpick Villages because of the
valuable work of our friends who volunteer to show up, set up, teach
others, and make sure to see that we have enough warm bodies to
operate.  You mean everything to us.  Really.  =)  (yes, we keep this
text on year after year - only because it still is very true!)

Thanks, and I hope to see you soon!
- Austin 'scorche' Appel
Lockpickvillage mailing list


Jun 7, 2017, 2:28:19 PM6/7/17
to Oakland County Locksport, a2-loc...@googlegroups.com
Just signed up for a light spot at least, I was going to be there anyways and figured I could help out.


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