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Marking bridges

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Geoff Leyland

Apr 2, 2016, 2:15:04 AM4/2/16

I've just noticed that a bunch of road segments on bridges in Auckland (and possibly a wider area) have been unmarked as bridges. For Hopetoun Street over SH1 at least (1) myfanwy has added bridge polygons under the roads and added comments on the no-longer-bridge road segments that say "please don't double bridge this, it's wrong" (2).

Can anyone (myfanwy?) explain the logic behind this? (The relevant OSM wiki page is here (3). It does not mention "double bridge")

I run a verifier on the road network and try to correct faults it finds from time to time. One of the things it looks for is roads that cross without a common waypoint - for example (3). However, if one of the roads is a bridge or a tunnel, and the other is not, then the verifier is smart enough to work out that roads aren't supposed to have a common waypoint and doesn't complain. Not getting swamped in spurious error messages makes the job a lot more manageable.

This is really easy to work out when bridge road segments themselves are marked as bridges, but if the bridge is a separate polygon, then working out which road segments incident on the bridge polygon are most likely to be *on* the bridge polygon and then guessing those segments are bridges is, shall we say, a bridge too far.


(2) Sorry, I double-bridged a few of these before I found the comment in the history - it isn't present on all un-bridged ways, but I'll undo my changes if there's a good reason.

Rob Alley

Sep 17, 2017, 8:16:01 PM9/17/17
to nzopengis
I've also noticed this tagging style and comments.  OSMose is also identifying such ways as errors.  If you look at  it looks like their was a minor revert war over the use of "bridge=yes".  I've sent myfanwy a message to see what their rationale for this is.


Andrew Davidson

Oct 6, 2017, 5:07:18 PM10/6/17
to nzopengis
No idea what myfanwy is on about. You've always been required to tag the highway ways with bridge=<value>, it's in the original proposal for man_made=bridge:

Rob Alley

Oct 6, 2017, 9:55:10 PM10/6/17
to nzopengis

On Saturday, October 7, 2017 at 10:07:18 AM UTC+13, Andrew Davidson wrote:
No idea what myfanwy is on about. You've always been required to tag the highway ways with bridge=<value>, it's in the original proposal for man_made=bridge:

Agreed, and I never got a reply from myfanwy so I've been correcting these as I come across them. 
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