Editing kickoff Australia&New Zealand

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Jan 8, 2019, 11:34:14 PM1/8/19
to nzopengis

Hi everyone!

This is Horea and I am part of the mapping team at Telenav.

To make OpenStreetMap more navigable and accurate in guidance, our mapping team is planning to start editing in Australia/New Zealand.

Starting this January until June we will focus on road geometry, road name, oneways, signpost, speed limit, lanes and turn lanes in Auckland, Canberra, Perth and Melbourne.

This is where you come in! Beside the general OSM mapping guidelines (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Australian_Tagging_Guidelines#Road_Tagging), do you have any local mapping guidelines for us? Also, we appreciate any hints regarding available local or government data (besides https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Australian_Data_Catalogue) that we might be able to us.

We'd love any input and advice!

If you have any questions or comments, please let me/us know. Also, more details about our work and plans can be found on Github Repository and Telenav Wiki Page. We will announce specific editing projects on our Github at least two weeks in advance.

Our team members are also on the Maptime Oceania Slack, so we can be reached there too.


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