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NZLARPS Wellington survey 2023

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NZLARPS Wellington Marketing

Aug 28, 2023, 2:50:19 AM8/28/23
to NZLARPS : Wellington

Welcome to the return of the great annual NZLARPS Wellington survey! Due to the plague that shall not be named the survey last ran in 2019, and a bit has changed in that time.

The survey asks players and GMs for info on topics like what kind of larps they would like to see, larp support, barriers, safety, and communication. If you have larped in Wellington, or plan to do so, please take 5 mins to fill out the survey. It is anonymous (unless you choose to give an email) and the more data the better to help us support larp in Wellington. The survey closes Sunday 17 September.

It is also a good opportunity to check your NZLARPS membership status before the AGM, whereupon you can vote on committee members, the power!

This survey will also be shared via Diatribe, Discord, and the Wellington LARP Facebook group.



NZLARPS Wellington Marketing Officer

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