NZLARPS will be holding its national and Wellington regional AGMs online
on 28 October from 18:30. So this is a good time to check your
memberships and (re)join. You can do that by logging in here:
NZLARPS Wellington has had a significant decline in membership due to
the pandemic. (Re)joining is a way to help us recover (also, people are
scheduling larps again, so you should get some membership discounts as
activity picks up).
The core business of each AGM is to elect a committee to do the
administrivia for the next year. Details of the roles are on Diatribe,
and you can nominate people in the relevant threads. For Wellington:
And for the national committee:
The Wellington and national secretaries will be giving formal
notification to members later in the week. (Re)join now to make sure you
receive it.
"Everybody knows that the boat is leaking;
Everybody knows the captain lied..." -- Leonard Cohen