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Beware the St Lukes parking nazi (unless you're in a car ?!)

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Nov 21, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/21/98
If you want a laugh try visiting the St Lukes Shopping Mall
by bicycle, and experience the Management's new marketing
initiative - employ swaggering young hoons to way-lay
customers in the ground floor parking level, shout ridiculous
commands at them then swear at them and tell them to f__k off !

..cycled (law-abidingly - I know what its like shepherding 3 young
children through that parking jungle down there) in, chained
bike to rack provided, did my shopping, then hopped back on bike
and joined the slow line of traffic proceeding along
the designated margin of the parking area (not weaving, not
overtaking...just doddling along at same speed as cars). Suddenly
this young guy leaning against the rail wearing a vaguely
official-luminesent-orange jerkin starts shouting something
in my direction - not me , the person behind me I thought so just
kept going - then I realise he's ordering me none too politely to
get off my bike and walk.

Say what !? On yer bike mate !

There being no signs or road or mall rules to my knowledge that
would in any way make this a reasonable request (and who IS this guy
anyway !?) , I declined to comply and kept on my lawful way.
The shouted commands got louder and the language got worse...I
must admit I did then weave around a stationary car as I thought
I had better make a strategic withdrawal before the guy really
lost it and rearranged my face. No hero me.

"Have a nice day" St Lukes style ;-)

Hint for St Lukes Management : a non car-driving customer is twice
as valuable as a car driving one, since you get two customers for the
parking-space-price of one - me, and the person parked in the
space I otherwise would have occupied. I must say in many years
of visiting St Lukes by car, with small children to shepherd, I
have found that speeding cars and careless backing out are
constant dangers, but have never once felt threatened by bicycles.

Nevertheless, if you really think bikes are that big a threat ,
how about some signs - perhaps to the effect that "Bikes welcome - but
if you ride dangerously you will be asked to walk".

And maybe some rather more professional traffic wardens !


dedicated non-driver


Nov 21, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/21/98
JP wrote in message <>...

>If you want a laugh try visiting the St Lukes Shopping Mall
>by bicycle, and experience the Management's new marketing
>initiative - employ swaggering young hoons to way-lay
>customers in the ground floor parking level, shout ridiculous
>commands at them then swear at them and tell them to f__k off !

Ring up the management and have a good bitch about it. This is simply


Saint Squirrel

Nov 21, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/21/98
On Sun, 22 Nov 1998 09:18:02 +1300, David Herkt <>

>Yeah, well I hate St Lukes anyway. John&I attempted to do our Xmas
>Shopping there 2 years ago. The thing about malls is that they don't
>ever stock anything anyone would ever want. I hate malls. John&I hate
>malls. How come the Wellington arsonist doesn't target malls. There is
>something claustrophobic about malls. They are even very dumb. Yeah,
>malls are dumb. Its that mindless music, the lack of real sunlight, the
>under-paid and unskilled staff, and the total vacancy of the experience.
>I'm not surprised the parking staff are unpleasant in St Lukes.
>Everything else is.

So now if malls in Wellington start getting torched, we can say David
put someone in nz.soc.queer up to it :)


Saint Squirrel

Nov 21, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/21/98
On Sun, 22 Nov 1998 11:01:42 +1300, David Herkt <>

>Saint Squirrel wrote:
>> So now if malls in Wellington start getting torched, we can say David
>> put someone in nz.soc.queer up to it :)

>It is interesting to note that arson is invariably related to sex in all
>the psych studies of it. Arsonists will frequently masturbate while
>watching the fire.

Great balls of fire :)
>Statistically an arsonist is a male who has had his sexuality repressed
>during adolescence and has a feeling pof powerlessness. I don't think
>that describes anyone round here, Squirr

So you know the arsonistic masturbating lurkers then David ;)


Saint Squirrel

Nov 21, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/21/98
On Sun, 22 Nov 1998 11:08:39 +1300, "Chris&Dean" <>

>David Herkt wrote in message <>...

>>It is interesting to note that arson is invariably related to sex in all
>>the psych studies of it. Arsonists will frequently masturbate while
>>watching the fire.

>>Statistically an arsonist is a male who has had his sexuality repressed
>>during adolescence and has a feeling pof powerlessness. I don't think
>>that describes anyone round here, Squirr

>Hey, there was a great episode of Millennium that shows that!
>Well, it was a bomber rather than just a plain arsonist.
>But anyway, there was a truly sickening scene where Frank is examing the car
>park building across the road from the bomb site for evidence and he finds a
>used, crumpled tissue on the ground...need we say more...
Do men always do it so cleanly?? ;)


David Herkt

Nov 22, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/22/98

David Herkt

Nov 22, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/22/98
Saint Squirrel wrote:

> So now if malls in Wellington start getting torched, we can say David
> put someone in nz.soc.queer up to it :)

It is interesting to note that arson is invariably related to sex in all


Nov 22, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/22/98
David Herkt wrote in message <>...
>It is interesting to note that arson is invariably related to sex in all
>the psych studies of it. Arsonists will frequently masturbate while
>watching the fire.
>Statistically an arsonist is a male who has had his sexuality repressed
>during adolescence and has a feeling pof powerlessness. I don't think
>that describes anyone round here, Squirr

Hey, there was a great episode of Millennium that shows that!

M Johnson

Nov 22, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/22/98
Anne wrote:

> I find St Lukes a nightmare to get parking in.

And for that very reason, I wouldn't even go near the place. There are
far more people-friendly places to shop at in Auckland than the ghastly
St Lukes.

Andy Bearsley

Nov 22, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/22/98

Saint Squirrel wrote in message <>...

>Do men always do it so cleanly?? ;)

Would you prefer I wiped my dick clean on the curtains?

Andy B.

David Herkt

Nov 22, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/22/98
Saint Squirrel wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Nov 1998 11:08:39 +1300, "Chris&Dean" <>
> wrote:
> >
> >But anyway, there was a truly sickening scene where Frank is examing the car
> >park building across the road from the bomb site for evidence and he finds a
> >used, crumpled tissue on the ground...need we say more...
> >
> >C
> >
> >
> Do men always do it so cleanly?? ;)

Well, Squirr, asked and now she is going to get an answer or two. What
do men do with the sploof after they have indulged in a bit of
self-administered pleasure?

Well the short-answer is probably that they clean up that teaspoonfull
(incidentally it is about 1 calories worth for the diet-conscious) with
whatever is convenient. I'd like to think it was always with white
disposable tissues but I know I'm wrong. From a drunken discussion with
some married heterosexual men a few years ago, I can claim most simply
used a dirty T-shirt from the laundry bag (If they were unmarried I
suspect the T-shirt would be on the floor) and the one exception was the
cleanliness freak amongst that number who only ever J/O'd in the shower.
Personally I have never liked J/Oing when I'm been standing. It takes
too much concentration to manage to balance as well as coming. Having a
shower as well would really confuse things for me.

I guess it to some degree depends on where you do it and with what
amount of foresight. I mean some guys do it sitting down on the toilet
and this means it is only a quick mop up with toilet paper and a neat
flush. As an adolescent I was the hankerchief type of cleanerupper and
because I was an adolescent and knew I was going to be doing it lots, I
always had a hankerchief. I have had my towel and T-shirt stage but
getting a towel means you have to consider things a little more than I
am apt to consider things. So yeah, I guess come out on the dirty
T-shirt side now.

I definitely feel that paper tissues would be the rarity but I'm not
really sure.

Peter Kerr

Nov 22, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/22/98
>> I find St Lukes a nightmare to get parking in.

well everyone knows, don't go thursday nite, or midday sat :-(

>And for that very reason, I wouldn't even go near the place. There are
>far more people-friendly places to shop at in Auckland than the ghastly
>St Lukes.

What, like 277? The parking's even worse there...

Peter Kerr bodger
School of Music chandler
University of Auckland New Zealand neo-Luddite

M Johnson

Nov 22, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/22/98
Peter Kerr wrote:

> >And for that very reason, I wouldn't even go near the place. There are
> >far more people-friendly places to shop at in Auckland than the ghastly
> >St Lukes.
> What, like 277? The parking's even worse there...

Parking? Parking? I like Newmarket because I can WALK there.

Nov 22, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/22/98
On Sun, 22 Nov 1998 13:48:44 +1200, M Johnson <>

>Anne wrote:
>> I find St Lukes a nightmare to get parking in.

>And for that very reason, I wouldn't even go near the place. There are
>far more people-friendly places to shop at in Auckland than the ghastly
>St Lukes.

Try it on a wet Thursday afternoon, during the last week of any school holidays.
Hell on earth.

And to think I used to live within spitting distance, of the monstrosity.
It used to be a good place to hang out, and the Wimpys wasn't that bad (Although
Baggins? Bilbos? a little further on in Dom Rd was superior. So was the wine
shop opposite.)

Simon Lyall

Nov 22, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/22/98
In nz.reg.auckland.general Peter Kerr <> wrote:
>>And for that very reason, I wouldn't even go near the place. There are
>>far more people-friendly places to shop at in Auckland than the ghastly
>>St Lukes.
>What, like 277? The parking's even worse there...

What I want to know is why there is NO place to park my bike in
Newmarket apart from just outside the swimming pool. It pisses me off when
I want to just pop into 277 for a paper or something that I either have to
walk to the other end of the place or attach my bike to something that is
not really designed to hold it.

All I am after is something that is in a reasonably public area that I can
just chain my bike too.

Simon J. Lyall | Very Busy | Mail:
"Inside me Im Screaming, Nobody pays any attention." | MT.

Why is that those who trust politicians least, want them to run everything?


Nov 22, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/22/98
On Sun, 22 Nov 1998 14:08:02 +1300, David Herkt <>

>Saint Squirrel wrote:
>> On Sun, 22 Nov 1998 11:08:39 +1300, "Chris&Dean" <>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >But anyway, there was a truly sickening scene where Frank is examing the car
>> >park building across the road from the bomb site for evidence and he finds a
>> >used, crumpled tissue on the ground...need we say more...
>> >
>> >C
>> >
>> >
>> Do men always do it so cleanly?? ;)
>Well, Squirr, asked and now she is going to get an answer or two. What
>do men do with the sploof after they have indulged in a bit of
>self-administered pleasure?

Well that is interesting. I had occasion once to obeserve a chappy
jerk off, seems I did not have the knack, thank christ, but he grabbed
a tea towel, and it was such a small amount (he claimed he had already
jerked off a few times that day)

I was amazed, cos all I kept saying at the begininng was "dont get
that stuff on me!!!!!!!!"

But then again, I have seen shots of it flying all over the place like
gravity deficient yoghurt, so if for some strange obscure resaon I
should be close to a loaded weapon again, I am still gonna warn them
to keep me clean!!


Peter Kerr

Nov 22, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/22/98
Simon Lyall <> wrote:
>What I want to know is why there is NO place to park my bike in

park a bike in Newmarket?
We'll sool the culture cops onto you for even thinking about riding it there ;-)

Moz (Chris Moseley)

Nov 22, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/22/98

Simon Lyall wrote in message <73853o$>...

>All I am after is something that is in a reasonably public area that I can
>just chain my bike too.

Don't they have parking meters up there?

I bought a motorbike size DLock specifically so I can get it round larger

(and let the sex-obsessed make of that what they will :)

Lin Nah

Nov 22, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/22/98
Just wondering...
Are you refering to the times they do it on an impulse or is this just
one of those they regularly do?

Reason why I ask is you seem to suggest they do it everywhere but in
bed. Is there a reason for that?

Not that I know much about these things


Dwayne Carnachan

Nov 22, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/22/98
to (Saint Squirrel) wrote:

>Do men always do it so cleanly?? ;)


i certainly do squir! but then who would of guessed that :-)

theres nothing worse than dried up cum stuck to your body...
Dwayne Carnachan
*open editor - insert sig*

Dwayne Carnachan

Nov 22, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/22/98
David Herkt <> wrote:

>Dwayne Carnachan wrote:
>> (Saint Squirrel) wrote:
>> >Do men always do it so cleanly?? ;)
>> >
>> >Squirrel
>> i certainly do squir! but then who would of guessed that :-)

>But just HOW do you do it, Dwayne. My guess it with lots of sterile
>tissues and a can of Glen20 antiseptic spray and rubber gloves (blue).

lol! you just couldnt resist could you David :-) actually depending on
the situation its either tissues or old towel...

>> theres nothing worse than dried up cum stuck to your body...

>There is. Dried up cum sticking your underwear or T-shirt to your body.

yes that is gross especially when you *peel* it off you body - and
getting right down to it - its a pain when you go and have a piss and
there is a small amount of dried up cum and of course this leads to
what i believe is the "men can't aim properly" myth...

(i can't believe i just said all of that!) :-)

Dwayne Carnachan

Nov 22, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/22/98
"Andy Bearsley" <> wrote:

>Dwayne Carnachan wrote in message <>...

>> (Saint Squirrel) wrote:
>>>Do men always do it so cleanly?? ;)
>>i certainly do squir! but then who would of guessed that :-)

>>theres nothing worse than dried up cum stuck to your body...

>Yours or someone else's?
>Andy B.

either or Andy - i'm a cleanliness freak :-)


Nov 22, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/22/98
On Mon, 23 Nov 1998 11:06:41 +1300, Scott Higham
<> wrote:

>David Herkt wrote:
>> > Not that I know much about these things.
>> Naturally. No-one does. I don't either. And judging by the shortness of
>> this thread, no-one else does...
>> I mean even Scott Higham hasn't contributed to this one.
>> David
>Well, I have now...
>Clearly David is quite correct to suggest that 'anywhere, anytime' is quite
>common. In fact I would go so far as to suggest that one's productivity can
>lag seriously if a certain need is not fulfilled, and so the 'quick trip to
>the bathroom' David suggests is probably a sound recommendation.

They'll all be watching you like hawks in the office now!

Hugh Young

Nov 22, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/22/98

David Herkt <> wrote in article

> However, the whole process only
> taking a couple of minutes, men do tend to do it anywhere. A boring
> afternoon at work, for instance, can be enlivened by a short visit to
> the bathroom.

Whaaaaaaat? Two minutes? I trust you take a little longer with a partner?
Why not treat yourself at least as well as you treat him/them? (Scented
candles, soft music, after-wank mints....)

Hugh Young, Pukerua Bay, Nuclear-free Aotearoa / New Zealand

David Herkt

Nov 23, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/23/98
Lin Nah wrote:
> Just wondering...
> Are you refering to the times they do it on an impulse or is this just
> one of those they regularly do?

I was generalising Lin. If you do it on impulse, you do have to make-do
qwith what is around (warning: some plant leaves can cause allergic
reactions) but if you vaguely plan it you tend to have a preferred item
with which to clean up.

> Reason why I ask is you seem to suggest they do it everywhere but in
> bed. Is there a reason for that?

I did not intend to suggest that. In fact I would suggest that beds and
couches are probably favoured places. However, the whole process only

taking a couple of minutes, men do tend to do it anywhere. A boring
afternoon at work, for instance, can be enlivened by a short visit to
the bathroom.

David Herkt

Nov 23, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/23/98
Dwayne Carnachan wrote:
> (Saint Squirrel) wrote:
> >Do men always do it so cleanly?? ;)
> >
> >Squirrel
> i certainly do squir! but then who would of guessed that :-)

But just HOW do you do it, Dwayne. My guess it with lots of sterile
tissues and a can of Glen20 antiseptic spray and rubber gloves (blue).

> theres nothing worse than dried up cum stuck to your body...

There is. Dried up cum sticking your underwear or T-shirt to your body.

Andy Bearsley

Nov 23, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/23/98

Dwayne Carnachan wrote in message <>...
> (Saint Squirrel) wrote:
>>Do men always do it so cleanly?? ;)
>i certainly do squir! but then who would of guessed that :-)
>theres nothing worse than dried up cum stuck to your body...


Nov 23, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/23/98
Chris&Dean wrote:
> Ring up the management and have a good bitch about it. This is simply
> ridiculous.

Yeah, you might get something out of it. I was verbally assaulted by
staff in a shopping mall, and complained. I got a $20 voucher for the
mall. :)

Tigger =^..^=

Scott Higham

Nov 23, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/23/98

David Herkt wrote:

> > Not that I know much about these things.
> Naturally. No-one does. I don't either. And judging by the shortness of
> this thread, no-one else does...
> I mean even Scott Higham hasn't contributed to this one.
> David

Well, I have now...

Clearly David is quite correct to suggest that 'anywhere, anytime' is quite
common. In fact I would go so far as to suggest that one's productivity can
lag seriously if a certain need is not fulfilled, and so the 'quick trip to
the bathroom' David suggests is probably a sound recommendation.

Concentration and ability to focus on particular matters of importance to
the nation can be seriously impaired if one's mind is wandering.

Not that I would know much, of course. :-)

Scott Higham.

David Herkt

Nov 23, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/23/98
Dwayne Carnachan wrote:

> David Herkt <> wrote:
> >But just HOW do you do it, Dwayne. My guess it with lots of sterile
> >tissues and a can of Glen20 antiseptic spray and rubber gloves (blue).
> lol! you just couldnt resist could you David :-) actually depending on
> the situation its either tissues or old towel...
> >> theres nothing worse than dried up cum stuck to your body...
> >
> >There is. Dried up cum sticking your underwear or T-shirt to your body.
> yes that is gross especially when you *peel* it off you body - and
> getting right down to it - its a pain when you go and have a piss and
> there is a small amount of dried up cum and of course this leads to
> what i believe is the "men can't aim properly" myth...
> (i can't believe i just said all of that!) :-)

Well I'm pleased you did. I especially liked the old towel you keep
around. Do you wash it after one ejaculation or do you keep it to gather
a few. If you keep it do you keep it under the bed with all those old
copies of Freshman and Euroboy? Or is is discretely kept within reach
but merged safely with some of the other contents of the laundry bag?

Dwayne Carnachan

Nov 23, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/23/98
David Herkt <> wrote:

>Well I'm pleased you did. I especially liked the old towel you keep
>around. Do you wash it after one ejaculation or do you keep it to gather
>a few. If you keep it do you keep it under the bed with all those old
>copies of Freshman and Euroboy? Or is is discretely kept within reach
>but merged safely with some of the other contents of the laundry bag?

its washed after one use :-)

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