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John Tamihere's welfare statements

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Feb 22, 2003, 3:35:27 AM2/22/03
He believes benefits should be paid into a trust account, and managed by
non-Government case managers.

I suppose there are Maori managers capable of not putting their fingers in
the till?

The government loves handing out millions to community health schemes for
Maori helping Maori. Even when gross mis-management occurs, they act with a
naive trust.


Feb 22, 2003, 7:36:39 AM2/22/03

"Redbaiter" <don'> wrote in message
> Exactly. Just a ploy to get his hands on stolen taxpayer money in bulk
> amounts.
> Did you know this guy was mixed up in some date rape business as
> reported in the Herald some time ago?

I don't think thats got anything to do with it. Whats the matter with you?
It's the self-pitying nature of the way the TOW is being interpretted, which
is allowing a culture of silent thieving, condoned by politicians without
the guts to point the finger in case the finger goes right round to
Gosh, I'm getting cynical. Yuk.


Feb 22, 2003, 3:46:53 PM2/22/03
On Sat, 22 Feb 2003 21:35:27 +1300, "Joy" <> wrote:

>He believes benefits should be paid into a trust account, and managed by
>non-Government case managers.
>I suppose there are Maori managers capable of not putting their fingers in
>the till?

There may even be some pakeha ones. Sticking your fingers in the till
is not a racial characteristic.



Feb 22, 2003, 4:06:34 PM2/22/03

"TomV" <> wrote in message

Maybe just a habit?


Feb 22, 2003, 10:32:24 PM2/22/03
On Sat, 22 Feb 2003 21:35:27 +1300, "Joy" <> wrote:

>He believes benefits should be paid into a trust account, and managed by
>non-Government case managers.

Yeah, lets strip beneficiaries of any semblance of humanity,
and subject them to the arbitrary prejudices and regulations of
whichever petty-fascist is behind the desk today. That'll teach 'em!

If you can't say "fuck", you can't say "Fuck the government".


Feb 22, 2003, 10:39:20 PM2/22/03
On Sun, 23 Feb 2003 09:46:53 +1300, TomV <>

>>He believes benefits should be paid into a trust account, and managed by
>>non-Government case managers.
>>I suppose there are Maori managers capable of not putting their fingers in
>>the till?
>There may even be some pakeha ones. Sticking your fingers in the till
>is not a racial characteristic.

Why be so blatant? There's no need to _steal_, when you can
get kickbacks from companies for putting their products on the
"approved" list, or only allowing your clients to shop in their

I'm also intrigued that his answer to social welfare
bureacracy is... a _completely_different_ bureaucracy. Yeah, that's a
novel approach.

Mental As Anything

Feb 24, 2003, 1:29:22 AM2/24/03
In nz.politics on Sun, 23 Feb 2003 10:21:05 +1300 in article
<>, Verus (

> On Sun, 23 Feb 2003 09:46:53 +1300, TomV <>
> wrote:
> >There may even be some pakeha ones. Sticking your fingers in the till
> >is not a racial characteristic.
> But it is statistically proven that some races do it more than others.

Statistically proven by what?

I suppose Fay Richwhite and Co could be proof of that.

Mental As Anything

Feb 24, 2003, 1:29:54 AM2/24/03
In nz.politics on Sun, 23 Feb 2003 11:13:50 +1300 in article
<>, Redbaiter (don'

> Verus <> wrote:
> >On Sun, 23 Feb 2003 09:46:53 +1300, TomV <>
> >wrote:
> >
> >>There may even be some pakeha ones. Sticking your fingers in the till
> >>is not a racial characteristic.
> >
> >But it is statistically proven that some races do it more than others.
> >And don't give me that "racist" crap; it's a doggone fact.
> >
> >
> Work agency breaks silence
> Wife bashing, gangs and marae protocol 'intrinsically linked'
> Taxpayers foot $10.7m Treaty bill
> Taxpayer cash went into Bali trips says MP
> Tax Loophole For Maori Charities
> Tax Laws On Maori Authorities To Be Modernised
> Taniwha rears head in Ngawha prison hearing
> Steam rights in Treaty deal
> Questions over Maori TV head
> Prime city properties used as Treaty threat
> Politically-driven, racially-based fund
> Police called in over Thott
> Payment to tribe seen as bribe
> MPs to compare TV cash agencies
> More cash for Maori TV
> Maori TV's $5 million studios questioned
> Maori TV backs Cannes trip
> Far North landowners offered rates holiday
> Maori health trust now to face police
> MP calls for inquiry into Northland agency
> Horomia questioned on Maori development spending
> Fresh targets for Otara thieves
> Gangs recruiting 11-year-olds
> Fraud forces rethink of funding allocation
> Fox role at Maori TV in question
> Ex-Winz manager jailed for creating bogus client
> Endangered frogs to be given powhiri
> Duped poet to refund taxpayers' money
> DIA investigates Hinewhare Harawira
> Conflict claims place Maori grants under spotlight
> Cash for Maori to ease jail approval
> Big payouts to Maori 'to avoid objections'
> Battle looms as fishing ban ends
> Audit shows Morgan failing to make reports
> Allegations of drug use at Maori development ministry
> Accusations of whanau hijacking
> $307,000 for fleeing victims
> 'Huge discrepancies' in Maori trust's decisions,

Fay Richwhite Winebox allegations
Fay Richwhite rip off Tranz Rail shareholders

Mental As Anything

Feb 24, 2003, 1:31:25 AM2/24/03
In nz.politics on Sun, 23 Feb 2003 11:13:50 +1300 in article
<>, Redbaiter (don'
> Verus <> wrote:
> >On Sun, 23 Feb 2003 09:46:53 +1300, TomV <>
> >wrote:
> >
> >>There may even be some pakeha ones. Sticking your fingers in the till
> >>is not a racial characteristic.
> >

Gee the Maoris must own WorldCom, and Enron, and HIH and all those other
multinational corporations that have gone down the gurgler. Allan Bond
must be a Maori, and Michael Fay as well

Mental As Anything

Feb 24, 2003, 5:36:07 AM2/24/03
In nz.politics on Mon, 24 Feb 2003 22:40:22 +1300 in article
( says...
> Oh. You found the 2 events did you . Well done

Plenty more eh Colin.

Mental As Anything

Feb 24, 2003, 5:36:48 AM2/24/03
In nz.politics on Mon, 24 Feb 2003 22:42:28 +1300 in article <nOhZPsru4X3>, (
> Worldcom .. American
> Enron .. America
> HIH .. Australian
> Allan Bond .. Australian
> Michael Fay .. NZer
> 1 out of 5 examples . Great research dude

All those companies were not run by Maoris. Claiming that Maoris are more
likely to be involved in corrupt practices is complete bulldust.

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