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NewstalkZB Personalities No. 1: BRUCE RUSSELL

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Radio Transcripts Ltd

Jun 29, 2011, 5:16:28 PM6/29/11
NewstalkZB Personalities

According to NewstalkZB’s own website Bruce Russell “likes to bring
his sense of humour to his overnight talk show, but the serious issues
are also tackled.” It also claims that Russell “is widely read, and
can talk with people on just about any subject they raise…”

Well, let’s have a look how Russell performed last Tuesday night from
eight till midnight. Let’s check out that vaunted “sense of humour”,
see how he tackles a very serious issue, and how his “wide reading”
elevates the tone of his show….

28.6.11 NewstalkZB, 8:00 to 12 midnight

CALLER GEOFF: That lady who said Maori kids should be taken out of
their homes and put into a Pakeha family was ridiculous.

BRUCE RUSSELL: It was a generalization.

CALLER: It wasn’t a generalization, it was downright backward.

RUSSELL: I don’t know why you’re upset and aggressive! The statistics
show that 54 per cent of bashed kids are Maori!

Later another woman tells Russell that it’s not as simple as he says
and his statistics are bogus. Such namby-pamby liberal claptrap
infuriates this widely read host…

RUSSELL: See, I don’t agree with that disadvantage thing! Hopelessness
is not a reason to bash your kids! Pacific Islanders don’t bash their
kids. Why do I have to be careful with statistics?

MALE CALLER: It’s due to savagery, animal instinct. These people have
just come out of cannibalism. It’s still in their gene pool. Samoans
are a very bad violent race as well.

FEMALE CALLER: They’re violent, and they won’t work! They have loads
of money! They’re lazy!

RUSSELL: Well they are just enjoying life on the dole. No
responsibility. I honestly don’t believe that because your land was
taken off you, that you bash your kids. See Hone Harawira is a good
example. The rhetoric and the racism that comes from that joker is

CALLER: It’s these flaming left liberals, Bruce! And why the hell are
the police showing bloody cultural sensitivity to Maori?

RUSSELL: I’ve got quite a few e-mails here, all about the topic under
discussion tonight. The first one reads: “Culture schmulture.” Thank
you Jackie. “Why do we pay these dropouts to have children?” That was
another Jackie. “It’s the warrior gene”, says Richie. Hello, Diane.

CALLER DIANE: I live next door to a Maori and he is so embarrassed. He
wishes he was a Fijian! What’s the pronunciation these days, Maori or

RUSSELL: I’m afraid I’m still very condemning of the sort of lifestyle
of people like Macsyna King. You come to the conclusion that some
people should not be allowed to have children.

MALE CALLER: They have all this Treaty money, Bruce! But they spend it
all on drink and weed!

RUSSELL: You would think they would be a very wealthy society and
wouldn’t need to lay around on the benefit.

et cetera, ad absurdum, ad nauseam…

Ras Mikaere 'Enoch' Mc Carty

Jun 29, 2011, 5:43:27 PM6/29/11

"Radio Transcipts Ltd." wrote:

- Such namby-pamby liberal claptrap-
- infuriates this widely read host…
It Is Already Proven That "Radio Transcripts Ltd."
Likes To Post His Twisted Anti-Reality Liberal Crap
All Over The Internet.

In Fact, "Radio Transcripts Ltd." Was Caught Just
Recently, Using That Very Rare Term:

" Gravitas "

Rush Limbaugh, The United States Conservative
Talk-Show Host, Was The Wonderful Individual
Who Did The Investigation, Which Proved That
Transmission-Belts To Fellow Liberal Media
Agents (Communists) Were Instructed To Use
The Term: " Gravitas"
In Reference To Pushing And Promoting Al Gore
(Bill Clinton's Vice President \ Ran For President)
Out Of Nowhere, The Term: " Gravitas ",
Was Being Used By All The Democratic Liberal
Communist Media Editors, Writers.

Thereby Proving To Everyone That Senator Joe
Mc Carthy's Assertion That A Whole Network Of
Fellow Travelers To The Comintern Soviet Block
Of Marxist Communist Propagandists In The
U.S. And World, Is Well Established, Through
Literal Transmission Belts !

"Radio Transcripts Ltd." Has Already Shown
Himself To Favour That Rare Term: " Gravitas "

" Radio Transcripts Ltd. " Is NO DOUBT A

" Radio Transcripts Ltd." Is Probably A Member
Of The *Soylent Green* Party, Or Part Of The
Same Marxist-Leninist Conspiracy Of Opinion
Of The Liberal Controlled Medias, Where Faggotry
And Communism Usually Always Go Hand In Hand !

Go Away ---> " Radio Transcripts Ltd. "
Your Comintern Cover Has Been Blown !

Cause I Am Ras Mikaere Enoch ---> Mc Carty !
"senator" Mikaere Mc Carty Is Back !

Communists (Comintern Transmission Belts) Of
The Traitorous Liberal Medias Are Now Getting
Very Worried !

Ras Mikaere Enoch Mc Carty
Ambassador - Tainui Kiingitanga \ Te Aotearoa
N.Z. M.P. Candidate - Te Wepu Party

Ras Mikaere Enoch Mc Carty

Jun 30, 2011, 4:23:17 PM6/30/11

- In Fact, "Radio Transcripts Ltd." Was Caught Just
- Recently, Again, Using That Very Rare Term:
- " Gravitas "
- Rush Limbaugh, The United States Conservative
- Talk-Show Host, Was The Wonderful Individual
- Who Did The Investigation, Which Proved That
- Transmission-Belts To Fellow Liberal Media
- Agents (Communists) Were Instructed To Use
- The Totally Rare Term: " Gravitas ",
- In Reference To Pushing And Promoting Al Gore
- (Bill Clinton's Vice President \ Ran For President)
- Out Of Nowhere, The Term: " Gravitas ",
- Was Being Used By All The Democratic Liberal
- Communist Media Editors, Writers.

"Geopelia" wrote in message news:iugph9$rhf$

* Nothing rare about the term Gravitas. I use it a lot. It's just Latin.
* Think of the traditional demeanour of a Roman Senator.

From The Internet (below), As Proof Of My Assertions, For I Heard
The Same Montage On Rush Limbaugh's Show --->

-------------------(start of quote)-----------------------------------------

Even if you don’t like Limbaugh, give a listen. They’re pretty interesting.
And entertaining.

Here’s an old montage featuring an unusual word: gravitas. A portion
of the transcript copied from his website follows.

Begin transcript.

RUSH: This goes back to the year 2000. It’s one of the all-time great
montages, this happened within a day of President Bush selecting Dick Cheney
to be his vice presidential running mate. You’re going to hear Al Hunt,
Juan Williams, Claire Shipman, Steve Roberts, Vic Fazio, Jeff Greenfield,
Jonathan Alter, former Senator Bob Kerrey, Margaret Carlson, Mike McCurry,
Sam Donaldson, Eleanor Clift, Walter Isaacson, Mark Shields, Judy Woodruff,
and Sam Donaldson — and none of these are repeated.

HUNT: He is a man who meets all George W.’s weaknesses: lack of foreign
policy experience, lack of gravitas. I think now when Gore is trying to
make the case of lack of gravitas against George W….

WILLIAMS: Now we look and we see the son, who is seeking some gravitas, to
say to people that he is an intelligent man…

SHIPMAN: There is a lot talk they are looking at older candidates,
candidates with gravitas.

ROBERTS: He’s had health problems, uh, he’s worked for a Big Oil company,
but he has the gravitas. You can sum it up in one word: stature.

FAZIO: I really believe that George W. Bush needed that perhaps more than
anyone in recent memory because, if there is a rap about him, it may go to
the gravitas issue.

GREENFIELD: If the question about Governor Bush was one of the weight, or
to use the favorite phrase of the moment, “gravitas”…

ALTER: What he gets here is grav-i-tas, a sense of weight, competence, and
administrative ability.

KERREY: I’ve gotta strengthen it in some fashion. I’ve gotta bring gravitas
to the ticket.

KERREY: He does not need anybody to give him gravitas!

CARLSON: It means that Bush, you know, Gore has experience and gravitas.

McCURRY: I think he also needs to demonstrate some gravitas, too.

DONALDSON: …that he was put on the ticket, but by former President Bush, to
give gravitas to the ticket.

CLIFT: Well, Dick Cheney brings congeniality and he brings gravitas.

ISAACSON: He does seem to bring some vigor as well as gravitas and stature
to the ticket.

HUNT: It’s called “gravitas.”

NOVAK: Right.

SHIELDS A little gravitas!

WOODRUFF: You certainly have gravitas tonight.

DONALDSON: Displayed tonight a certain gravitas.

RUSH: Now, I don’t care. I don’t care how it happens. I don’t care whether
they all got together and decided, or one person used it and they all
decided to mimic. They are who they are, and that montage is a good

End transcript.


Jan 1, 2017, 5:24:36 AM1/1/17
I too wonder why the treaty money isn't used to help nd educate the maori people and help the poorer families to cope with life.

Nov 4, 2017, 5:35:45 AM11/4/17

Apr 12, 2020, 8:08:37 PM4/12/20
Hello Bruce.

David Lightfoot Palmy' here long time Listener.

Can You give me the name of the Theme Tune of Your Back in My Day Show Please.

I remember it Years ago when I lived in North Wales. U.K.

Best Regard's,

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