"Fracking flowback found to be ancient radioactive brine"/"Scientists Determine That Frackwater Isn’t Drinkable"

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Brendan OConnor

Dec 19, 2012, 2:17:09 PM12/19/12
to susquehann...@googlegroups.com, Shale...@yahoogroups.com, shales...@yahoogroups.com, marcellu...@googlegroups.com, environmental_work_gro...@lists.riseup.net, sustaina...@lists.riseup.net, paccwi...@lists.democracyinaction.org, nywellwa...@googlegroups.com, POA...@yahoogroups.com, citizensconcerneda...@googlegroups.com, dryd...@googlegroups.com, NY...@googlegroups.com, north-centr...@googlegroups.com, bradford-county-d...@googlegroups.com, albanyga...@googlegroups.com, lehigh-vall...@googlegroups.com, pittsburg...@googlegroups.com, pittsb...@googlegroups.com, dag---delawar...@googlegroups.com, midhudsonprogr...@googlegroups.com, murrysville-marcel...@googlegroups.com, marcellusp...@googlegroups.com, CP...@googlegroups.com, nygcg---new-york-ga...@googlegroups.com, CitizensEne...@yahoogroups.com, gasfre...@yahoogroups.com, milfor...@yahoogroups.com, cpny-gener...@googlegroups.com, delawa...@googlegroups.com, flprogr...@yahoogroups.com, lock-t...@googlegroups.com, ccag...@yahoogroups.com, sustainable...@list.cornell.edu, wnydrilli...@googlegroups.com, citizens-agai...@googlegroups.com, t-r...@googlegroups.com, ATL-FINGER...@lists.sierraclub.org, ATL-NY...@lists.sierraclub.org
See also:

"Analysis of Marcellus flowback finds high levels of ancient brines" (Penn State University)- http://live.psu.edu/story/63286  , http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/12/121218203537.htm http://www.futurity.org/earth-environment/gas-well-flowback-matches-paleo-brines/ & http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-12/ps-aom121812.php

"Scientist Determine That Frackwater Isn’t Drinkable: "...Unless you are on an ultra high sea salt, high barium, high arsenic and high radium 226 diet. Which may account for all the novel ways the frackers are trying to make billions of gallons of the stuff disappear – as de-icer onto roads, down a shallow disposal well, or into muni treatment plants – or, condensed to a toxic, radioactive sludge, into a landfill near you. So that your kids or grandkids can drink it. . .  and get sick.  As explained in a new study from PSU.." " (Chip Northrup via No Fracking Way/Shaleshock Media)- http://blog.shaleshockmedia.org/2012/12/19/scientist-determine-that-frackwater-isnt-drinkable/

"Fracking flowback found to be ancient radioactive brine" (MINING.com)- http://www.mining.com/fracking-flowback-found-to-consist-of-ancient-radioactive-brine-20762/

"Geochemical evaluation of flowback brine from Marcellus gas wells in Pennsylvania, USA"http://www.scribd.com/doc/117395586/Fracking-Flowback-Brine


Large quantities of highly saline brine flow from gas wells in the Marcellus Formation after hydraulic stimulation (“fracking”). This study assesses the composition of these flowback waters from the Marcellus shale in Pennsylvania, USA. Concentrations of most inorganic components of flowback water (Cl, Br, Na, K, Ca, Mg, Sr, Ba, Ra, Fe, Mn, total dissolved solids, and others) increase with time from a well after hydraulic stimulation. Based on results in several datasets reported here, the greatest concentration of Cl− in flowback water is 151,000 mg/L. For total Ra (combined 226Ra and 228Ra) in flowback, the highest level reported is 6540 pCi/L. Flowback waters from hydraulic fracturing of Marcellus wells resemble brines produced from conventional gas wells that tap into other Paleozoic formations in the region. The Br/Cl ratio and other parameters indicate that both types of brine formed by the evaporation of seawater followed by dolomitization, sulfate reduction and subsurface mixing with seawater and/or freshwater. Trends and relationships in brine composition indicate that (1) increased salt concentration in flowback is not mainly caused by dissolution of salt or other minerals in rock units, (2) the flowback waters represent a mixture of injection waters with highly concentrated in situ brines similar to those in the other formations, and (3) these waters contain concentrations of Ra and Ba that are commonly hundreds of times the US drinking water standards.


► Flowback brine from Marcellus gas wells is many times more saline than seawater. ► The high salinity brine is chemically similar to brine from sandstone reservoirs in the Paleozoic. ► The brines originated as seawater evaporated into the halite precipitation stage. ► The brines contain high concentrations of Ba and Ra.
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