Carlos's Storylines for REVENGE

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Carlos Valdivia

Nov 8, 2012, 2:33:32 PM11/8/12
to, Zeshawn S Ali,, Caleb C Barrett,,,,, Heather L Martini,,, Clare Shin,, Camille M D'Elia, Emily Cotellessa, Amiria Harper-Rose
Hi All,
Here's my pitch for Season 2, Episode 7 of Revenge:
In this episode, Emily will deal with Mason who has discovered a link between Amanda and Emily and the juvenile penetentiary. Nolan will coerce Padman into helping protect his secrets during the audit. Conrad will go into hiding and Victoria will have to deal with an increasingly deranged Kara.
Having linked Emily and Amanda, Mason will question Amanda about her link to Emily. Amanda will be caught off guard and but as usual, will do an okay job of covering up for Emily by saying that they met in juvie and that Emily killed her abusive stepfather when she was younger. However, Mason will not be sold. Amanda will tell Emily that she took care of Mason.

Meanwhile, Emily and Nolan are plotting to ensure that Nolan's company is not implicated in the Grayson Global scandal. They want to get Padma to sneak in to Grayson Global and take out the files she handed in to the office earlier. Padma says she's willing to do it for Nolan.
With Conrad gone, the board elects Daniel as the new head of Grayson Global. Ashley is estactic. She's closer to being the power player she always wanted to be. However, Daniel has to do some quick damage control. His father's financial maneuverings managed to fool everyone but now, he has to figure out a way to get the company financially fit. To secure her place, Ashley will begin to press Daniel for an engagement.
Victoria begins to plot against Kara. With Kara's lover, AKA the silver dude dead, Kara is becoming more unpredictable and dangerous. Kara sneaks into Victoria's house and begins to go through her belongings when she finds evidence that the Graysons set up her ex-husband. Victoria catches her and asks her to leave. Kara says Victoria should be worried and leaves. Victoria hires a bodyguard.

Mason confronts Emily, saying he knows Amanda is not really Amanda. And he thinks Emily is Amanda. Emily decides that paying him off won't work. Instead, she'll convince him to write a new book, one based on Amanda's life. This way Amanda can keep being Amanda and Emily can keep being Emily. Mason is unconvinced, but Emily threatens to expose him as a fraudulent author. Mason agrees to go through with Emily's plan.

Jack asks Emily to help plan his wedding to Amanda, which makes Amanda jealous.

That's it!

On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 10:40 AM, Peter Parnell <> wrote:
Hi all,

For next week's class, I'd like each of you to take a favorite current TV series of yours (NOT a series which has already finished its run) and come up with the story lines for ONE episode of the  show. So, for example, if you choose "REVENGE", or "GLEE", take the characters from the show, and come up with possible story lines for a future episode.

Write the story lines up in a few sentences, and email them to me and everybody else. ALSO BRING A HARD COPY OF THE STORYLINE PITCHES TO CLASS.

Also -- IT'S IMPORTANT THAT EVERYBODY ATTEND THE NEXT CLASS. I'm going to lecture about basic four act and six act structure, and how to construct an episode.

Finally, I've read all those of you who have sent me your Heart Department outlines, and will individually send you notes on them over the next few days.

If you have any questions, please email me.

See you all on Thursday!



Carlos Valdivia
Film & Television | New York University | 2013 
NYU Reynolds Scholar in Social Entrepreneurship
Resident Assistant | Gramercy Green Residence Hall

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