Heart Department Outline - "Long Live Leslie" - Version 6

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Scott Goodin

Nov 27, 2012, 10:59:47 AM11/27/12
to nyuadv...@googlegroups.com
Apologies for the delay. And thank you for the help that was given in last weeks class. I think the advice that I got helped make this much better.

Scott Goodin


One Hour Drama


“Long Live Leslie”


We open on Bump and Maude's apartment. They have just woken up and are lying in bed. We glean from their conversation that Maude's car broke down the night before. This is cause some concern, as it means that they now only have one car, and will have to go into work together. Maude suggests they do this sooner rather than later, and try and beat everyone else there, so that no one sees them arrive together – particularly Biskin, her father, who as far as she is concerned, does not know anything is going on between herself and Bump.

They pull up to the hospital, and get out, and go inside, still a little angry at one another. Inside it is mostly deserted. They pass by the main meeting room to discover Joe – setting up streamers and other birthday paraphernalia. They learn that today is Liza's birthday. Joe and Maude leave quickly – they don't think Joe suspected anything seeing them together – but he also seems like the kind of guy who can keep a secret.

Biskin passes by, and pops his head in. He makes no mention of the decorations, rather asks Joe point blank if he has seen Leslie? Joe says he has not, and Biskin leaves.

Biskin goes to Leslie's office, where her office assistant tells him to take a seat, that Leslie will be right with him. He sits.

Biskin is ushered into Leslies office. She tells him to sit down. As he knows, he is going to under go a formal review today to look into the matter of the hear that was thrown out (in the previous episode). She says that no legal action has been taken yet, but that a lawyer for the couple has been in contact to see what action can be taken, either against the hospital or against individuals. Leslie says that they are holding this hearing to determine if the hospital has anything to be worried about before this (possibly) goes to court.

Biskin asks what this means for him. Leslie tells him that he will have to testify about the events that lead to the heart being “lost,” and if any negligence is found on that part of him (or any one involved, then that person will be dealt with in an appropriate manner – which might consist of termination and possibly loss of license). Biskin does not know how to take this information.

Leslie advises that Biskin should tell his team, as, at this point, it affects all of them.

ACT 1:

Liza pulls up to the hospital parking lot, and gets out. As she is walking towards the hospital, more cheerful than usual, she is stopped by a lost looking man. He asks her if she has a few minutes to speak with him, and she says that she is late, so he walks along side her. He tells her that his name is Jeff Resnick, that he has a congenital heart defect, and that he needs a transplant soon - “all the doctors say so.” Liza says she is very sorry, that he should apply through the normal channels of the hospital. He says he's done this – that they rejected him because... “look it was 20 years ago, and so what if I shot a little heroine?” Liza tells him that she is sorry, but that all he can do is to keep trying. She continues on into the hospital.

Standing outside the morning meeting room, waiting for Liza to arrive, is Joe. People are beginning to assemble inside, and he checks his watch: Liza is late. His phone rings, and he answers it. It is his mother. She has not seen his brother, who has Downs syndrome, and is still living at home, since last night. They got in a fight, he began talking about emancipation, and stormed out. She tells him the police are there. Joe says to keep him informed. He sees Liza and says that he has to go.

The morning meeting: The doctors finish singing happy birthday to Liza. She is blushing, but sensitively, no one mentions exactly how old she is (though, at Joe's urging, several members of staff are wearing hats). Everyone looks to Biskin to start the morning brief – he is silent. Bump, however, takes over, and starts handing out assignments. Liza is given an eight year old child with progeria in for a routine check up. Everyone around her caution her not to get too attached - “most die before 13.”

The group is also warned about Jeff, who is a nuisance, and while not breaking any laws, is being watched. “He's trying to make trouble. Just don't talk to him. Don't give him that in.”

Biskin speaks up and says that he will be attending to “legal” matters this afternoon, and may therefore be unreachable, and to please, if anyone is in need of a consult, plan accordingly. Bump and Maude look nervous. As the meeting ends, Biskin holds them back, saying they need to talk. Both Bump and Maude look relieved.

Liza goes to her first patient: the eight year old girl afflicted with progeria. Liza forgets to take her party hat off, and enters the exam room with it. The girl asks whose birthday it is. Liza tells her that its hers. The girl sings her happy birthday.

This sort exam is typical, as one of the major problems that people suffering from progeria have is (like with geriatrics) is heart problems – which are the leading cause of death (generally around 13 years of age). This is Leslie's first time examining this particular girl, Phoebe Corrigan.

Maude, Bump and Biskin meet in an empty exam room. Biskin tells them that he doesn't exactly know what happened to produce such a royal fuck up, and that he really doesn't care, but that they better not get in trouble for it, and they better not let it happen again. “Keep your head down and keep off the radar. That's the important thing right now.” Biskin informs them that they will all need to testify. Biskin huffs off, leaving Bump and Maude alone.

Maude tries to talk to Bump, and discuss what is going on, and say sorry for the argument earlier that morning, but Bump mubles something about having a surgery to prep for, and also leaves.

Joe is back on the phone with his parents. Still no sign of his brother. They have now involved the state police in the matter. Joe has to try to comfort his mother, who is crying, over the phone from several states away (his parents live in Missouri).

During the exam, Liza sees what she thinks may be plaque build up on the arteries of Phoebe's legs. She does not tell this to Phoebe, but instead says that she gets to take a great adventure – but that Phoebe has to be brave! She starts to try to explain things to her as she would a child. Phoebe interrupts her, says she knows what a CT scan is.

Outside, Joe is meeting with Phoebe's mother. He learns that this is the way that Phoebe has always been, and that the whole “maturity” thing isn't an act, but is real. He also learns that Phoebe has an older sister, Dana, who is at school right now, but fiercely protective. “I almost can't bring her along when Phoebe goes in for exams. Dana won't let her out of her sight.”

Phoebe is wheeled out, and her mother and Joe stand up. It's time for a CT scan.

Bump arrives at surgery to a steely Biskin, who doesn't say a word to him. Bump continues on in silence – the whole operating theatre takes note of this. Eventually, Bump tries to open his mouth and apologize to Biskin, but Biskin stops him. He yells at Bump, telling him to just leave it alone, stop expressing his feelings, and shut up for once. Biskin, and everyone else becomes silent once more.

Joe walks with Phoebe and others the the CT scan, talking joevily. His phone rings, and he excuses himself. He picks it up, and learns that his brother was struck by a car the night before, after presumably having gone out to a bar and gotten drunk. He is being rushed to the local hospital, and they will tell him more as they know it.

ACT 2:

Joe sits in the main lobby of the hospital (near Leslie's office), and is on the phone, once again with his parents. He is utterly distressed. He learns that his brother is on life support, and may recover, but at the moment is in a coma, and feared to be brain dead. The doctors are doing all they can, but currently there is no brain activity. Joe, knowing how his parents feel on this issue (given their wills) already begins to try and stave off what he views as inevitable: talk of pulling the plug.

As he is on the phone, Leslie walks by, and tells him to get off the phone and come to her office now. Sniffling, Joe says a hurried good bye, and follows Leslie.

Once in the office, they sit, Joe wiping tears back from his eyes. Leslie does not respond to this, but tells Joe that she knows that he considers himself a friend to most of the people in the cardiac department, but that for the time being, he needs to be as objective as possible – as his testimony as to the mental state of each will be important in the upcoming board. “I have every faith that you are capable of doing this, Joseph. If I didn't, I wouldn't be asking you to.” She tells him the board will hear his character assessment at 1pm.

Bump, still on edge from being yelled at, passes through the lobby of the hospital, right outside Leslie's office, where he runs into Jeff. Jeff tries to engage Bump in the same sort of conversation he had with Liza earlier, but Bump just brushes him off and does not respond. Bump goes into a restricted area, leaving Jeff behind.

Bump goes back into the surgery, which is just finishing up. Bump is trying to find Biskin, to apologize for apologizing, but he finds that Biskin has left. On his way out, he runs into Maude. Maude says that they need to talk, and Bump finally says alright, but not in such a public location. Maude asks if they can meet at Lunch, and Bump agrees.

Liza secures Phoebe back in her room, and says that she will come back in about half an hour when the test results are in. Phoebe is fine with this.

Joe is dismissed from Liza's office, and his phone rings again. It is the worst. His parents are planning on pulling the plug on his brother. He wants to keep his brother around (going against all the medical data, which says that his brother is most likely not going to come back), and threatens to involve a lawyer, and get custody taken away from his parents, and put under his control. He learns that his uncle, Willis, whom he and his brother were close to, will be arriving later that day to be with him. Joe is not pleased about this.

Liza sneaks up on Joe, just as he is hanging up the phone. She asks if everything is alright. Not wanting to ruin her birthday, Joe says yes. She ribs him about having to testify on the mental well being of the department. He says he doesn't want to. Liza sympathizes. Their conversation is cut short by a page for Liza. Phoebe's test results are in.

Liza goes to the lab to see. Just as she had feared. Many of the arteries around Phoebe's heart are clogged with plaque. Liza is going to recommend a triple bypass.

ACT 3:

Joe rushes out into the parking lot, late for a meeting. He passes by a police cruiser parked out front. A police officer is in the process of shoving Jeff, handcuffed, into the back seat.

Liza is meeting with Phoebes mother and tells her mother that the triple bypass procedure is risky, but that modern techniques, along with a skilled surgical staff, have made it much safer – and if will vastly improve Phoebe's life in years to come. Her mother wonders if it is better, given that Phoebe only has five years left to live, to just forgo the procedure, which would involve a hefty recovery time as well. Liza says that she would not recommend this, as this procedure will possibly add years onto Phoebe's life. After more convincing, Phoebe's mother finally sighs.

Joe meets with an attorney to discuss the legal actions that he can take. The attorney tells him there is not really very much that Joe can do, as legal custody is with his parents – and that it would have taken some sort of action on his brother's part (obviously prior to him becoming a vegetable). Joe demands that something be done – look at Terri Schiavo. The lawyer cautions him that that's not a situation that Joe wants to be in.

Moments later, angered, Joe rushes back to his car, now breathing heavily. He tries to calm himself down, however this is hard to do. He slams his hands against the steering wheel in anger.

Back at the hospital, Biskin is getting ready for the deposition. Maude approaches his office, and after taking a deep breath, enters. She sits down, and, in a hastily spoken paragraph, asks him what he would have her do. She's worried that her medical career is over. Biskin says its simple. Blame it on Bump. He was, after all, her supervisor for that procedure, therefore all responsibility lies upon him. Maude says she doesn't want to appear weak and stupid in front of the hospital board. Biskin counters with the fact that it looks better than over confident and capable of skipping or forgetting something because you are absent minded. “The board hates stupidity much more than ignorance – especially when it comes to an intern. Blame it on Bump, and you won't have anything to worry about.”

Biskin can see that Maude is reluctant to do this, and eyes her funnily, but does not say anything. Maude, sensing he's figured something out, thanks him and leaves, trying to restore their cold relationship from before. Biskin smiles.

Liza barges in, and asks Maude to leave. She says that she needs to speak to Biskin alone. Maude leaves, and Liza begins to shout at Biskin, asking why he pushed back Phoebe's surgery. Biskin says that this is really not the time, that he has to get ready for the deposition. Liza, irate, says that that sort of hospital buearocratic nonesense should not get in the way of a girls life, when it's obvious that Biskin is pushing back the surgery indefinitely so as not to tarnish his surgery record. “Get another doctor to do it. Or something. Either way, please leave. That's not something I'm going to deal with right now. I'm probably about to lose my medical license all because of a...” Biskin cuts himself off, and tells Liza to leave once again. She complies.

Joe, still sitting in the parking lot of the lawyers office, looks down at the radio on his dash, and realizes what time it is. It's 12:45. He is scheduled to be deposed in five minutes.

Leslie and the pannel of doctors enter the board room. She looks out in the hallway and remarks that Joe is not there. That is not good. Leslie is displeased. In the background, we see Joe's car screech into the parking lot. He gets out and runs towards the hospital doors. As he reaches them. His cellphone rings yet again. He picks it up and answers it, standing right in front of the board room. He freezes, expressionless, listening to the voice on the other end. Leslie comes out of the board room and yells his name. “Joe. We're ready for you.” Joe does not respond. He has just found out that, due to an argument his brother had with his mother several days ago, he is the one who has custody – the one who will decide whether or not to pull the plug.

Leslie shouts his name, and Joe nods, still not fully registering, and walks inside the boardroom. Leslie closes the door.

ACT 4:

The board is trying to depose Joe, however he is clearly preoccupied with another matter, and therefore has to ask Leslie to repeat her question several times before getting it right.

Several feet away, in the cafeteria, Bump and Maude are having lunch. It is not the usual friendly affair, and they sit in silence, chewing food. Finally Maude looks like she is going to talk – Bump preempts her and says that he is going to take the blame. Maude asks if they can talk about this some place more private. Bump agrees.

They find an empty exam room (there seem to be a lot of them on this particular day) and Bump elaborates. “I was your superior, and it is the right thing to do. I shouldn't have let it happen.” Maude, on the other hand, believes that it is her fault. They begin to yell at each other, which attracts the attention of people outside.

Liza pops her head in, and, while she knows what is going on, does not acknowledge anything. Instead, she to the point, asks Maude if she can speak to Bump in private. Maude makes an offhand remark about no one wanting to talk about anything important in front of her, and then leaves. Bump says he doesn't need her telling him what to do now also. Liza says she's not here to give advice, but ask it: Biskin won't do the surgery, does Bump know of anyone else in town that might be up to it?

Bump does not, but sympathizes with Biskin for being in a situation that involves his reputation. Yes, you want to save the life of a dying child, but you also don't want, should she die on the table, to be bitten in the ass by that fact years down the line. As Leslie is leaving, for a whim, Bump blurts out that seemingly the way to get this to happen would be to appeal straight to Leslie. “She has the entire hospital under her thumb. She'd get Biskin to do it. She'd probably be able to get me to murder my sister if she wanted to.”

Joe is dismissed from the meeting. Outside, Biskin is waiting to be called in. Liza is also waiting, and when Leslie calls for Biskin to come in, Liza instead barges in, and asks for a moment to speak with Leslie. Leslie is not pleased, but allows it. Liza tells Leslie that Biskin is refusing to do the surgery on the grounds that it will ruin his surgical statistics. Leslie thanks Liza for bringing this to her attention, and then asks Liza to leave. She calls in Biskin again. However, Biskin seems to have disappeared.

He is actually a few feet away, around the corner, where Maude is telling him hurriedly (knowing that Leslie is looking for him) that he she can't implicate Bump. Biskin says that's fine – that he will. Maude blurts out that she is in love with Bump. Biskin does not respond, but stares at her. Leslie rounds the corner. “There you are! We're ready for you.” Biskin follows her inside. Maude sits down on the bench outside the board room, fidgeting.

Outside the board room, Joe is still waiting around. Liza, not having time for Joe (and fully aware of what the sad, puppy dog look on Joe's face means) tries to walk as fast as possible. Joe tries to relay his issue with his brother, and Liza only partially listens – she is much more concerned with finding an alternative for Phoebe, seeing as Leslie is not going to do anything about it. Joe realizes that getting advice from Liza is a lost cause at this point.

Bump, ready to testify, arrives outside the boardroom, and sits on the opposite side of the bench from Maude. Both are trying to listen in on what is going on inside, however not having much luck. Maude tells Bump what she told Biskin earlier. Bump is furious. “Of course he's going to take me down. He's going to get me thrown in jail!”

Joe and Liza are in the staff meeting room (think morning meeting), not discussing what to do about Joe's brother, but rather Phoebe's case, and how to find another surgeon to do the surgery. Liza doesn't feel comfortable just recommending another hospital. There is a knock at the door, and the both look up to see Willis, Joe's uncle, standing at the door, visitor's pass in hand. Liza says high, and goes off to make some phone calls.

Willis comforts Joe, then tries to convince him that he should let his brother go. Once Joe figures this out, he pulls away, and asks Willis to leave. He's not going to let anyone influence his decision. Willis says that he understands, and that if Joe does want someone to talk to, he's here. The hospital his brother is at needs Joe's decision either way by the end of the day, because measures must be taken soon if a long term vegetative state is chosen.

ACT 5:

Biskin's testimony ends. It seems to have gone alright. As Biskin is leaving, Liza tells him that he has work to do, indicating that she is going to force him to do the surgery on Phoebe. Biskin could protest this, but understands that today is not the day to do that. He nodes and leaves.

On his way out of the room, he passes by where Maude and Bump are sitting. He says nothing to Maude, but grabs Bump, who looks frightened, certain that Biskin is thirsty for blood. “Come on. We've got work to do.”

With word that Phoebe's surgery is a go, nurses, Liza and Phoebe's mother and sister stand around her, prepping her. Phoebe's looks confident. She's done this before. Everything is ready, except the surgery is still waiting on the approval of:

Joe is still in the meeting room, staring out the window, deep in thought. He has been crying again. Liza walks in, and tells him to hurry up and approve Phoebe. Joe tells her what has happened to his brother, and that it is his decision whether or not to pull the plug. Liza says coldly that she understands it must be difficult, that Phoebe's life can be saved (or at least, prolonged), that Joe should think about what he can do for those who still have a chance. Joe retorts that his brother still has a chance - “People wake up from comas all the time!” Liza says this may be so. In any case, he needs to do his job. If he can't, then he should not have come in to work today. Simple as that. Liza leaves.

On the way out of the meeting room, Liza runs into Biskin, trailed by a pale Bump, who are headed to surgery. She says, smugly, that it looks like Biskin is going to do it after all. Biskin yells at her for, once again, letting her emotions get in the way of the facts of being a doctor. “People die all the time. No matter how painful, how underserving – it's a fact of life. And if you're going to start letting your emotions – your conscience get involved – then you're not fit for this profession!”

Back in the committee room, Leslie informs the committee that they will have to adjourn for a few hours, as Bump is currently in surgery. Another member says it seems like they've heard enough – why not just vote now? Leslie does not want to do this. But the votes are against her, and the committee votes to come to a vote.

Joe meets with Phoebe. He is impressed by her ability to think rationally, and not be afraid even in the face of death. She is a sage girl, and shares with Joe something along the lines of life is only as long as you make it – if you fill it full of meaningful things, then it can be infinite, no matter how few years you live. Joe is dumbfounded, and clears her for surgery.

Phoebe is prepped for surgery.

Joe sits outside the operating theatre with Phoebe's older sister. Her sister complains about putting Phoebe through all the tests she been through, and that it seems like she's spent her entire life in a hospital. “At some point you just have to say enough is enough, you know? She has three years left, max. At some point she just has to live!”

Phoebe's surgery (which is extremely risky) begins.

ACT 6:

The surgery, (normally lasting about four hours, is scheduled to take six because of Phoebe's small size) is happening. Biskin is at the helm, with Bump assisting. Bump, however, still has his mind elsewhere, and keeps messing up. Finally, Biskin tells Bump to leave, and deal with whatever he needs to deal with. He is certainly no help in the surgery.

Bump immediately heads to the board room, ready to be deposed, and probably fired. The doors are closed so he waits outside. Maude is not there anymore.

The doors to the board room burst open, and the doctors come out. Bump stands up. Last to leave is Leslie. Bump asks her what is going on – are they taking a recess? Leslie tells him that they've adjourned, having found no fault with anyone, and no reason to continue. Bump seems surprised. Leslie notes that Biskin surprised them all. She implies that she is still going to try to find a reason to get rid of him though.

Phoebe's surgery ends. Liza comes out to tell her mother and her sister that she is going to recover nicely. Joe shares in this moment of joy, then takes his leave, saying he has to go attend to other patients.

Once around the corner, Joe calls his mother back in Missouri. He has decided. A feeding tube is certainly no way to live. He has decided to disconnect the plug. They say that they can wait, and let Joe say goodbye to his brother. Joe is, however, worried that seeing his brother might make him change his mind – and says to do it without him. To call him when it's done.

Biskin is clearing down instruments in the operating theatre (evidently not eager to leave, and find out what has been the result of the hearing). A nurse comes in and tells him that Leslie wants to seem him in her office ASAP.

Biskin arrives in Leslie's office. She sits him down, and tells him that while the committee found no evidence of wrong doing in this case (although she does need to look into how much actual work interns are being given – they're honestly just here to observe) she has her eye on him, and will not tolerate this kind of negligence in future. Biskin understands, relieved that neither he nor Bump or Maude are losing their jobs.

END MONTAGE: Happy Phoebe.

Its' the end of the day. All the staff is celebrating Liza's birthday with a cake (a la Mark's birthday celebration at the end of the pilot). Everyone is there – except for Joe. Joe gets on plane. Joe goes to his brother's funeral. Bump and Maude do not talk to each other. The air at the party is tense.

Several days pass. The hospital seems to have returned to normal. Joe returns home, and comes back to work.

In the hallway, Joe runs into Liza. She tells him that Phoebe's surgery came out fine. He is angry and hurt that she didn't offer support when dealing with his brother. (“I thought we were friends.”) She tries to respond, but is unable. This is an anger that is not resolved

Jeff returns, with a lawyer this time, to meet with Leslie and try and see how he can go about getting reviewed by a board to see if he can get a heart. They sit down in Leslie' office. She is not pleased.

Bump returns home after a long day to find that Maude has moved all of her things out of the apartment. He lays down on his bed, alone. His cellphone rings. It's Joe. “Wanna grab a bite to eat?”

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