Scott's Series Pitch

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Scott Goodin

Dec 11, 2012, 1:14:32 AM12/11/12
Sorry this is late. I just realized I never sent it out.

Scott Goodin

One Hour Drama


Untitled Pilot

Set in off season Ocean City, Maryland, billionaire tyrant George Bell has his eyes on the United States presidency. His problem: given his favor for the wealthy and big business, he has no “grass roots support” - deemed necessary by conventional political wisdom. He therefore buys out the entire town of Ocean City for 5 months and creates a “re-education camp” - paying each person that “participates” $70,000. In the current recession, people jump at the chance (not knowing the full sinister plot – but probably not caring – 70,000 is 70,000), and he has to hold auditions for the 87 spots he has to fill.

People are eventually chosen. We zero in to follow two people: Isaac and Molly, who have no relation to one another, but become friends (possible will they, won't they sexual tension). We enter into the proceedings which start off fairly normal – various lectures on “conservative principles” and the like. However, the message is positive: “a better tomorrow that we can all work together to create.”

However, things begin to get kind of strange. A “gas leak” requires all the participants to stand out on the beach with no jackets or anything to protect them – risking frost bite – for an entire night. Other things of the nature take place – where residents, for some strange reason, are forced to go with little sleep for long periods of time.

We eventually learn that this all has a purpose. George Bell, evil, evil mam that he is has inspiration for what he is doing – namely, Jim Jones and his hold over the members of the People's Temple. Therefore, he is trying to use much the same tactics to draw people in (Jones never gave his follower money though...) with the same goal (utter domination of every facet of these peoples lives in the pursuit of power).

George Bell hungers for power – and this is his attempt to get it.

Other things would happen too. News reporters would show up, and try and get statements from participants (which would be hard, as they would be told not to interact with anyone). Family members of those participating would come, and try and get them to come back home, or at least find out what they were doing and if they were safe or not.

Ultimately, we would witness the change in people over the season. Both Isaac and Molly would eventually begin to believe in Bell's ideology and (forgive the adage) eventually “drink the Koolaid.”

The season would end with the turn over of the resort town to tourist season again – with everyone indoctrinated. A political force with unknown power and unforeseeable consequences.

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