The Great Urban Hack, This weekend at Eyebeam...

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noel hidalgo

Oct 31, 2010, 9:50:00 PM10/31/10
If you are in NYC this weekend, try to attend. if not, please plug-in remotely. This is going to be amazing. - Noel

The Great Urban Hack, This weekend at Eyebeam

Join Hacks/Hackers NYC and Eyebeam Art + Technology Center on Nov. 6 & 7 for The Great Urban Hack, a two-day, open-source hackathon that celebrates New York City < >.

Design, report on, code and create projects to help New Yorkers get the information they need while strengthening a sense of community. It's all welcome: news, government information, arts, culture, education, politics or any journalism or technology project that helps residents connect to their communities.

To help you, we have lined up data sets, APIs, and speakers who will give you ideas and help you with your projects. For example:
* is introducing its brand new API, which gives access to aggregated data like number listings and average prices.
* is NYC's Data repository and represenatives from the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications "DoITT" < > will talk about the data sets.
* NYC Big Apps 2.0 will talk about their app competion < > which will award $20,000 in prize money.
* is your one-stop-shop for YOUR State Senate's developers forum, XML feeds, APIs, and Open Source software created by or used in your state house.

Plus folks from and Chartbeat will be on hand to talk about their tools.
We will also have entertainment, local comedians AND MORE!

You can come even if you don't have an idea, are not a coder. Come find a team to work with. Scholarships are available for talented people or folks with ideas that must happen.

Register now for The Great Urban Hack, a "marathon for geeks," and get ready to build your best open-source ideas for journalism, civic engagement and technology in the city. If yourproject is cool, rest assured that the organisers --  who are plugged into the major media outlets in this city -- will help it get exposure.


WHY: To make more news and information awesomeness in New York City.

WHEN: November 6, 9 a.m. - November 7, 6 p.m. (The space is open overnight, 24 hours.)

WHERE: Eyebeam Art & Technology Center | 540 W 21st Street | New York, NY 10011

COST: $25 per person (We feed you)

HOSTS: Hacks/Hackers NYC + Eyebeam Art & Technology Center,


SPONSORS: Google, Patch, WNYC, Knight News Challenge

1. Projects should not be under development prior to the start of the event. Pre-existing code libraries, APIs, sketches, and similar raw materials are allowed, but the spirit of the event encourages participants to build what they can in 36 hours.

2. All production, design and code will be open source. You must release the code, but the intellectual property rights are yours. Choose your own open-source license.

3. Projects aren't limited to code or an app. Creating websites, design systems, information graphics, maps, etc. are OK!

4. We encourage participants to work with at least one person at the event who they don't already know.

5. We encourage coders and non-coders to work together, with both types actively participating throughout the project's development.
Teams that have elements 4 & 5 get extra points from the judges. (Yes, there will be judges.)  

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