French lesson

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Tyler Gillies

Sep 19, 2010, 12:20:10 AM9/19/10
to nymphormation
You should post a weekly simple french lesson.

I had a friend from brazil who gave me little sheets with phrases to
learn. it was pretty cool.

Might be hard to pronounce the words. But you could always attach
a .wav file or something.

Just ideas :)

Benoit Chesneau

Sep 19, 2010, 4:02:18 AM9/19/10
to nymphormation
I'm not sure I can give any french lessons. Just because, I think that
giving a language lesson in a different languages imply a better
knowledge than I have of the other. I keep thinking that I should go
back in an english country to improve my english and more over my
accent. Then maybe, I could give some french lessons :)

- benoît.

Tyler Gillies

Sep 19, 2010, 4:48:07 AM9/19/10

On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 1:02 AM, Benoit Chesneau <> wrote:

I'm not sure I can give any french lessons. Just because, I think that
giving a language lesson in a different languages imply a better
knowledge than I have of the other. I keep thinking that I should go
back in an english country to improve my english and more over my
accent. Then maybe, I could give some french lessons :)

- benoît.

Im talking just simple stuff like "the cat is white"

"I hate spinach"

"computers are fun"

One cool phrase in Portuguese is "i gotta take a piss" but they say it "i have to take the water out of  my knee"

Metin Akat

Sep 19, 2010, 4:53:25 AM9/19/10
*good :)

On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 11:52 AM, Metin Akat <> wrote:
> Man, I'd in fact prefer if Benoit gives such "simple" lessons using
> examples for his libraries. Little trickery :)
> Let the man do what he's god in :)

Metin Akat

Sep 19, 2010, 4:52:23 AM9/19/10
Man, I'd in fact prefer if Benoit gives such "simple" lessons using
examples for his libraries. Little trickery :)
Let the man do what he's god in :)

On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Tyler Gillies <> wrote:

Tyler Gillies

Sep 19, 2010, 5:05:09 AM9/19/10
On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 1:52 AM, Metin Akat <> wrote:
Man, I'd in fact prefer if Benoit gives such "simple" lessons using
examples for his libraries. Little trickery :)
Let the man do what he's god in :)

Freudian slip eh? ;) 

Benoit Chesneau

Sep 19, 2010, 5:29:53 AM9/19/10
On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 10:53 AM, Metin Akat <> wrote:
> *good :)
> On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 11:52 AM, Metin Akat <> wrote:
>> Man, I'd in fact prefer if Benoit gives such "simple" lessons using
>> examples for his libraries. Little trickery :)
>> Let the man do what he's god in :)


I have a "secret" plan about that. I dunno if I will have time to
release it before jsconf though. But everything about that and more
should be solved at the end of the month: more doc, more
communication, etc.. .

- benoît

Benoit Chesneau

Sep 19, 2010, 5:32:34 AM9/19/10

Maybe I should just try to have my posts in 2 languages? Anyway I like
the idea, that should probably be a full site apart. Some short
sentences translated by people in any countries , with comment/changes
from people :)

- benoit

Noah Slater

Sep 19, 2010, 10:44:00 AM9/19/10

On 19 Sep 2010, at 09:52, Metin Akat wrote:

> Man, I'd in fact prefer if Benoit gives such "simple" lessons using
> examples for his libraries. Little trickery :)
> Let the man do what he's god in :)

Well, one thing I'm hoping to see come out of this recent surge in mailing list activity is that people feel free to write about whatever it is that interests them. Be that CouchDB, the weird problems you run into when translating things (cf. Le Ton beau de Marot), crazy rants, dream logs, or stories about taking a shit in the woods. [1] Whenever I have had a blog, I've always felt a need to constrain the posts within some overarching theme. I don't get that with a mailing list. I just run my mouth off about anything I please. I think that's a good thing.


Tyler Gillies

Sep 19, 2010, 11:21:41 AM9/19/10

On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 7:44 AM, Noah Slater <> wrote:

Well, one thing I'm hoping to see come out of this recent surge in mailing list activity is that people feel free to write about whatever it is that interests them. Be that CouchDB, the weird problems you run into when translating things (cf. Le Ton beau de Marot), crazy rants, dream logs, or stories about taking a shit in the woods. [1] Whenever I have had a blog, I've always felt a need to constrain the posts within some overarching theme. I don't get that with a mailing list. I just run my mouth off about anything I please. I think that's a good thing.


Holy Shit! </pun> or is that {{#pun}}Holy Shit{{/pun}} or {pun:true,punchLine:"Holy Shit"}

anyway... That's awesome that you *actually* wrote a story about taking a shit in the woods

Benoit Chesneau

Sep 22, 2010, 4:35:27 AM9/22/10
to nymphormation
Indeed , also mailing-list make the creation of new topic easier. You
just have to create a new one without thinking how to deploy it on the
server, choose a template and such. I'm playing with the idea to
maintain multiple ml on different topics. Will see how it will goo.

About that i'm still not sure that using googlegroups that's way is
the best. Maybe having a private ml server, then archiving in
googlegroups could extend the principle. People would be at home in
your mailing-lists, but other who just use googlegrousp could also
interact. One thing with mail, is that this is something really
replicable. Which give another value, and more possibility of

- benoit

Noah Slater

Sep 22, 2010, 7:46:07 AM9/22/10

On 22 Sep 2010, at 09:35, Benoit Chesneau wrote:

> Indeed , also mailing-list make the creation of new topic easier. You
> just have to create a new one without thinking how to deploy it on the
> server, choose a template and such. I'm playing with the idea to
> maintain multiple ml on different topics. Will see how it will goo.

One problem with this approach is that your have to categorise your future writing. Almost by definition, you have no idea what you will want to write about in the future. I have found that any attempt pre-empt myself in such a manner falls flat on its face. My solution, then, is to have one such place, and just shove all of my writing there. I'm not saying this is the only approach that would work, just that until I see a real need to separate a certain type of post from the rest, I will stick with a single list.

> About that i'm still not sure that using googlegroups that's way is
> the best. Maybe having a private ml server, then archiving in
> googlegroups could extend the principle. People would be at home in
> your mailing-lists, but other who just use googlegrousp could also
> interact. One thing with mail, is that this is something really
> replicable. Which give another value, and more possibility of
> appropriating.

I have thought about this too. However, it goes against one of my reasons behind using a mailing list in the first place. I love being able to send email to Google Groups, because I know that's all I will ever have to do. That's all I ever could do. I will never have to maintain the software, or perform an upgrade, or do any system administration. I can't even configure it, beyond some really trivial details. That freedom to just write stuff, without thinking about the technology behind it or what it's going to look like, is what I've found most valuable. I would need very compelling reasons to sacrifice that in exchange for maintaining my own software.

I think, as technologists, we feel a natural pull towards rolling our own software, or at least tweaking with it some way. Setting up our own mail server, configuring the way it operates, and how it looks. I think that's natural of course, but I've come to realise that it's just a distraction from what you really set out to do, which is writing. Instead, any impulse I have to programme or tweak, I sink into a real project like CouchDB. It takes some real will power to keep things separated like that, but I think it's worth it.

Tyler Gillies

Sep 22, 2010, 12:38:15 PM9/22/10

On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 4:46 AM, Noah Slater <> wrote:

I think, as technologists, we feel a natural pull towards rolling our own software, or at least tweaking with it some way. Setting up our own mail server, configuring the way it operates, and how it looks. I think that's natural of course, but I've come to realise that it's just a distraction from what you really set out to do, which is writing. Instead, any impulse I have to programme or tweak, I sink into a real project like CouchDB. It takes some real will power to keep things separated like that, but I think it's worth it.
Totally agree! Thats what I appreciate the most about a ML, is that I *can't* tweak it regardless how how much I might want to

Noah Slater

Sep 22, 2010, 1:34:03 PM9/22/10

On 22 Sep 2010, at 17:38, Tyler Gillies wrote:

> Totally agree! Thats what I appreciate the most about a ML, is that I *can't* tweak it regardless how how much I might want to

A good general test is to ask: "What do I want people to remember this as?"

If you're writing a bit of software, then presumably you want people to remember it as something that works, is easy to use and understand, and hardly ever causes you problems. You want other developers to remember it as something with a really elegant architecture, and code that would make djb proud. I doubt many of us will achieve that last goal, but it's good to have a north star to set your direction by, I guess. Heh.

If you're writing a blog, or posting to a mailing list, then presumably you want people to remember it as being interesting, fascinating, curious, entertaining, or whatever. You almost certainly don't care or want people to remember it as being a really solid installation of GNU Mailman, or being designed really well.

You could apply the same thought experiment to your life, in a way. When you're thinking about reading some more blogs, or surfing YouTube for a bit, or watching a bit more TV, you could ask your self if, when you're on your deathbed, you will be looking back thinking "if only I had read MORE blogs..." It know sounds silly, but it's something I keep coming back to. If you can figure out what you will wish you had done more of, there's no reason why you shouldn't start doing more of it now, while you still can.

I know I've deviated quite a bit from the actual topic here, but it is one of the reasons I eventually decided to stop work on my publishing software. I can say, with a good degree of certainty, that when I die I will not be consoling myself over the fact that I didn't spend more of my life configuring blogging software. There's a good chance I will regret the time I didn't spend writing, though.

Benoit Chesneau

Oct 5, 2010, 11:40:06 AM10/5/10
to nymphormation
I understand the point. The only thing that really annoy m e with
using googlegroups is to rely on google (or any third party services)
to keep this mailing list online. I need an easy way to backup it and
reuse this backup in the time. Having them in my mailbox isn't really
a good solution if i cant to recreate all the threads easily. My idea
is more how can i put all data somewhere i can reuse it and if I need
switch services. couchdb could be a good dropbox for that. but ENOTIME
these days to code this project... So will see what will happen.

- benoît

Noah Slater

Oct 6, 2010, 5:37:25 AM10/6/10
to, nymphormation
You should have a copy of all the emails sent to the group, so recreating it using dome other software should be snap — if that was something you ever wanted to do!
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