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RE: Commuter Tax Benefit

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Karen Sullivan

Mar 5, 2012, 11:55:56 AM3/5/12
Here are two brochures describing the program, but may be outdated in
regards to funding sources available.

Karen Sullivan, Sr. Planner
Otsego County Planning & Solid Waste Department
197 Main Street
Cooperstown, NY 13326
(607)547-4225 (T)
(607)547-4285 (F)

P Please, don't print if you don't have to.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: Commuter Tax Benefit

The most common use of this program is for commuters in the DC area. Wendy
Klancher or Beth Neuman at the Washington Council of Governments are good
James j McLary
Region 2 Coordination Ambassador

> I believe it is an employer option under the Flexible Spending Accounts,
> in which pre-tax dollars are used in an account for the employee to be
> reimbursed for riding the bus. The most common and popular Flexible
> Spending account of course in medical, but there is also a Daycare and
> commuter/public transit account. Try the IRS website under Flexible
> Spending Accounts.
> Denise Bentley
> Transportation Broker
> Livingston County DSS
> 585.243.7494
> From: Ray Weaver <>
> To:
> Date: 02/27/2012 09:16 AM
> Subject: Commuter Tax Benefit
> Sent by:
> Does anyone have any experience with the Commuter Tax Benefit (either good
> or bad). I know that the amount was just decreased for 2012, but I was
> more curious about how to instruct businesses to implement this benefit. I
> have been unable to find a website with clear instructions.
> --
> --
> Ray Weaver
> Way2Go Program Educator
> Cornell Cooperative Extension, Tompkins County
> 615 Willow Ave., Ithaca, NY 14850
> 607-272-2292 ext. 150
> -
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James j McLary
Owner, E2Taxi
500 S. Morton Street Suite 025
Bloomington, IN 47403

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Tax Breaks.pdf

Ella Kondrat

Mar 6, 2012, 12:00:08 PM3/6/12
to NYMobilityManagers
Thanks for sharing Karen!


On Mar 5, 11:55 am, "Karen Sullivan" <>
> Here are two brochures describing the program, but may be outdated in
> regards to funding sources available.
> Karen Sullivan, Sr. Planner
> Otsego County Planning & Solid Waste Department
> 197 Main Street
> Cooperstown, NY 13326
> (607)547-4225 (T)
> (607)547-4285 (F)
> P Please, don't print if you don't have to.
> -----Original Message-----
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> [] On Behalf Of
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> ** Otsego County's Email System scanned this e-mail for viruses, vandals and malicious content **
>  Paystoride.pdf
> 479KViewDownload
>  Tax Breaks.pdf
> 131KViewDownload
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