These will be the last workshops focusing on Seniors and Caregivers for the remainder of the year.
Join us on Thursday, December 6th from 6:00-7:30pm at the Tompkins County Public Library
Retiring from Driving: A resource for families and caregivers
Way2Go and The Community Dispute Resolution Center (CDRC) have
developed this interactive and educational workshop that strives to support senior drivers and
their families around the difficult decision to retire from driving. This
workshop will provide family members and caregivers with skills for managing
tough family conversations and will also educate participants about the many
transportation options available in Tompkins County that can aid in driver
retirement. This workshop is offered at
no cost and geared to provide useful and applicable information for all
community members.
Join us on Thursday, December 6th from 1:00-3:00pm at McGraw House in Ithaca
Retiring from Driving: It isn't the end
Way2Go, a program of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County, will be offering one last Retiring from Driving workshop this year at McGraw House on Thursday, December 6th from 1-3pm. Learn about all of the transportation resources available in the county to help give up your keys when you are ready, and still get where you need to go. Learn to get around Tompkins County as safely and comfortably as possible! This workshop is offered at
no cost and geared to provide useful and applicable information for all
community members.