I need your help.

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chris georgaroudakis

Aug 5, 2012, 8:12:30 PM8/5/12
to cgeor...@yahoo.com
How's your day going? I hope things are going well. Please I need you to help me out with something. Can I get a loan from you urgently? I`ll reimburse you under a week, I promise. I need to solve some personal problems at hand which have been giving me worries. I'd also prefer if we discuss this through email as I'm presently in London, England for a friend's funeral. I'm sorry if I didn't inform you about it, but please try and understand. I had to leave in a hurry on hearing that the date of her burial was re-scheduled & unfortunately I can't access my credit card & bank here in London. I`ll let you know how much I need if you are willing to assist me. 
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