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Nyi Nyi

Jul 25, 2017, 12:31:22 AM7/25/17
to NyiNyi
5:27 AM (5 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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Breaking News... 

Newspapers Collude to Help Dems Win Voters They Lost to Trump 

Republicans Demand No August Recess Unless Border Wall Funded 

[HEALTH ALERT] Drink This Before Bedtime To Destroy Nail & Skin Fungus Overnight

Trump Calls For DOJ to Reopen Hillary Case 

TX Says Human Smuggling Deaths Show Need for Anti-Sanctuary Law

Free Report: 5 Stocks to Profit from a New Investing Megatrend

Yale scientists have run hundreds of tests... 

Yet they still can't believe this dirt-cheap drink works so amazingly well...

Every single patient who drinks this before bedtime clears his nail and skin fungus for good... 

The infection vanishes almost overnight... 

While the nails and skin are being completely regenerated and rejuvenated... 

Without using any creams or antibiotics in the process. 

Visit the page below to find out all about it: 

This Drink Before Bedtime Destroys Nail & Skin Fungus 

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Liberty Headlines
PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
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6:02 PM (17 hours ago)
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Big Tobacco's Punishment: A Long Time Coming

Everyday people are collecting BIG checks from Big tobacco due to a landmark settlement that was set into motion in 1998. Sean Prince, a retired telephone technician is currently averaging $3,300 a month... Suzanne Lesko, is getting an even bigger piece of the action. She's averaging $5,000 a month... But here's the thing - there's a backdoor way you could collect your own tax-free income even if you've never smoked a day in your life. Find out all the details right here.

Do You Live in One of the 46 "Tobacco Money" States?

It's no secret that tobacco kills. Most of us have been affected in one way or another by it. But thanks to a little known clause in one of the largest legal settlements ever, Big Tobacco is doling out hundreds of billions of dollars to 46 state municipalities to pay off their misdeeds. And YOU could be eligible to collect. So the only question is: do you live in one of the 46 "tobacco money" states? Click here nowand get the full details on claiming your share today.

Coughing Up a Lung: A $206 Billion Payout Opportunity

If you're an American taxpayer, please pay very close attention... Because you could collect tax-free cash thanks to Big Tobacco's misdeeds. For decades, Big Tobacco ran advertising campaigns touting the supposed "health benefits" of smoking. But in a landmark settlement, Big Tobacco is being forced to hand out an estimated $686 million per month in settlements to 46 states. And there's a backdoor way you could collect 100%, tax-free income. Click here to find out all the details.

Sent to: wwwnyinyiinternetchitthu@gmail.com


UnfilteredPatriot, 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206, Sebastian, FL 32958, United States

11:56 PM (11 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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Breaking News... 

Trump Opposes U.N. Plan to 'Replace' U.S. Population w/ Refugees 

FBI Seized Smashed Hard Drives from Fmr. DNC Chair IT Aide's Home 

[URGENT] The Most Important Map of America You Will Ever See

Wisconsin Company to Implant Microchips in Employees 

MSNBC Myth: 'Majority' of Police Killings Hit 'People of Color'

Dear Reader, 

This is the most incredible map you will ever see... 

(Click Play for the Full Story)
It reveals a huge untapped energy reserve that spans the entire United States. 

Experts at the U.S. Department of Energy believe this fuel could provide America with a "30,000-year energy supply." 

Goldman Sachs says this is a "power that's virtually inexhaustible." 

And the Los Angeles Times says this massive ocean of energy "may be the most prolific renewable fuel source that most people have never heard of." 

And there's a relatively unknown Midwestern company with the technology that's key to harnessing this INFINITE energy that's buried beneath ALL 50 states. 

As our in-house tech expert told me, "This could be bigger than ExxonMobil, Chevron and Shell Oil combined … and make investors John D. Rockefeller-type fortunes. Early investors will have the chance to mint millions." 

Details here...
JL Yastine
Editorial Director, Banyan Hill Publishing  

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Liberty Headlines
PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
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6:05 PM (17 hours ago)
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The Billion-Dollar Job of Raising Mosul From the Rubble

A little more than three years ago, the ancient city of Mosul – Iraq’s second-largest -- was a strategically important northern metropolis on the Tigris, home to a diverse population of almost 2 million Arabs, Assyrians, Turkmen, Kurds, Yazidis and others. Then ISIS arrived. In June 2014, a relatively small band of radical...  
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Just How Ugly Is America's Balance Sheet?

The strong reception for former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer’s new project, USAFacts.org, shows our hunger for reliable, unbiased information from which we can reach our own conclusions. The...  
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[Banned for 82 years] Now OPEN to Regular Investors

For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

The US Can Save $20 Billion Closing Military Bases, but Congress Stands in the Way

An effort by the Trump administration to get a new round of military base closures faces an uphill battle after the House rejected it last week. But behind the scenes, there's an effort by...  
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Anyone With $12 and a 3-D Printer Can Make an Untraceable Gun

From now on, you may want to consider anyone with internet access and a 3-D printer armed and dangerous. A new report from the non-profit research organization the Rand Corporation says...  
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Will Health Savings Accounts Be the New 401(k)?

Will health savings accounts be the new 401(k)? Boosters of health savings accounts (HSAs) in the financial services industry and in the U.S. Congress think so. They argue that the tax...  
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Jul 23 (2 days ago)
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Jul 23 (2 days ago)
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Trump Has Just Raised the Stakes With Moscow and Tehran in Three Risky Moves

President Trump made three big moves on Syria and Iran this week. They crisscross and contradict one another, but the administration’s game plan in the Middle East just got a lot clearer. In Syria, it has been evident since Russian-backed government forces retook Aleppo late last year that the end of the six-year war is...  
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Here We Go Again: GOP Infighting Battles Loom Over Budget

By comparison with the Senate, the US House of Representatives has been looking pretty good recently. With the messy battle to pass the American Health Care Act in the past, and their...  
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[Banned for 82 years] Now OPEN to Regular Investors

For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

TSA Agents Ferreting Out Terrorists May Be Flying Blind

For years, a government watchdog has been highly skeptical of the federal Transportation Security Administration’s use of “behavior detection officers” to try to ferret out potential...  
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Can Congress Finally Stop Wasting $100 Billion a Year in Erroneous Payments?

In response to repeated prodding by the General Accounting Office and other government watchdogs, the House Budget Committee is calling for creation of a special commission to crack down on...  
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The US Loses Ground in Providing Retirement Security to Baby Boomers

A new global index of best practices by policy makers, employers and asset managers found that the United States is losing ground in providing economic and financial security and improved...  
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Nyi Nyi

Jul 27, 2017, 12:00:48 AM7/27/17
to NyiNyi

Jul 25 (2 days ago)
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What Do Democrats Stand For? The Party Finally Has the Right Answer

For longer than they would like to admit, national Democrats have had difficulty answering the question “What are you for?” Hillary Clinton had a platform full of ideas but an advertising campaign almost devoid of content, and she hasn’t been alone. The recent Democratic “Have you seen the other guys?” bumper sticker...  
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Here’s What It Would Take to Slash Government Waste: Better IT Departments

A House Republican proposal to reduce improper payments for Medicare, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and other programs and save taxpayers $700 billion in the next five years has...  
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Sponsor Content

[Banned for 82 years] Now OPEN to Regular Investors

For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

China’s New Killer Drone Rivals the US Reaper — at Half the Price

The deadly game of one-upmanship in military drones just got more lethal as China unveiled a rival to America’s powerful MQ-9 Reaper and said it would commercially produce the UAV for sale...  
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Six Ways Trump Is Trying to Make Sure Obamacare Fails

The Obama administration once had a large pot of money to promote the Affordable Care Act and encourage uninsured Americans to enroll. Under President Trump, however, the Department of...  
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There’s More Pain Ahead for Small Retailers in Amazon’s Crosshairs

Amazon's "hulking shadow" just won't go away, and it's only going to grow, according to a new note from Moody's Investors Service. "Almost every sub-segment of retail is feeling the looming...  
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6:06 PM (16 hours ago)
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'Skinny Repeal’ of ACA Likely to Leave Everyone Wanting More

The Senate’s Republican leadership has added yet another option to the complicated menu of Affordable Care Act repeal and replacement measures that may be considered as alternatives to the House-passed American Health Care Act. Faced with the very real possibility that they will be unable to pass any of the current...  
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The Pentagon Skips Out on a $10 Billion Debt

By law, the free-spending Defense Department is required to implement a plan to achieve at least $10 billion in administrative cost savings within the next two years. But the Government...  
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Sponsor Content

[Banned for 82 years] Now OPEN to Regular Investors

For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

Firing Sessions Would Only Re-Stoke the Flames of a Cooling ‘Russiagate’ Probe

President Trump should not fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions, for this reason: the investigation into all things Russian may have reached a tipping point. Jared Kushner’s credible denial...  
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Raise the Debt Ceiling Now, or Face Another Post-Summer Crisis: Meadows

Rep. Mark Meadows, R-NC, one of the most influential conservatives in the House, said Monday he favors quick action this summer to raise the debt ceiling, taking a stand on an issue that is...  
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Women Are Better Investors Than Men. Here Are 3 Reasons Why

Men tend to have more confidence in their investing prowess and are a bit more likely to participate in the stock market. Gallup research shows that 56 percent of men currently own stocks,...  
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7:13 PM (15 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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Liberty Headlines

Breaking News... 

DNC's IT Aide Arrested While Attempting to Flee to Pakistan 

Psychiatrists Violate Ethics Rule to Criticize Trump's Mental Health 

Special: Learn How the Great Bubble Burst of 2017 Can Make You Rich...

Conservatives Seek Congressional Investigation into Comey, Lynch 

Trump Continues Trashing Jeff Sessions; Replacement Rumors Appear

After 87 years, Finally...
The Greatest Wealth-Building Opportunity of Our Lifetime Is About to Begin!
Dear Reader, 

Market highs are masking the economic crisis that's brewing... but if you prepare now, it could be the single greatest wealth-building opportunity you will ever live to see. 

You have two choices… 

You can choose to capitalize on this once-in-a-lifetime event and build epic amounts of wealth that will make all of your retirement dreams come true… 

Or you can bury your head in the sand and insist that we aren't in a bubble and watch in horror as your savings are wiped out... forcing you to work well into your 70's... 

Even worse, you might not be able to retire at all and wind up a burden to your friends and family. 

Which is why I'm urging you to get your copy of The Sale of a Lifetime: How the Great Bubble Burst of 2017 Can Make You Rich today... and read it all the way through. 

And if you've never read one of my books before, here's what to look forward to... 

"Harry Dent is the reigning expert on demographic trends, how they impact the economy and why we are in for continued tough times. But this book shows that he is also an expert on bubbles throughout history and shows why this one is the most global and trumps all others. This is a must read!"
– David Stockman
Former Reagan Administration Director of Management and Budget
Author, The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America 

"This book is important for investors but also for anyone interested in the problems facing our economy. Harry Dent does an excellent job of illustrating how historic bubbles are relevant for contemporary times. The read will challenge you to think, but that's a good thing given the challenges at hand."
– Dr. Lacy Hunt
Ph.D. Economist
VP, Hoisington Investment Management Company 

"Harry Dent's demographic and cycles research helps to create a quantifiable platform and level of confidence from which any investor can plan their financial future years in advance. This latest work ramps that up. A must read!"
– James O. Lunney, CFP®, CEP
Professional Certified and Estate Planner
Author of Surviving the Storm (McGraw Hill) 

"Deciphering demographics and cycles is the key to economic prediction. There is no one on this planet that has a greater knowledge of this subject than Harry S. Dent Jr. His lifetime's dedication to this work combined with his incisive ability to identify these patterns has led to an incredible number of successful predictions. There are more to come! With his unique understanding of economic bubbles together with their consequences, only a fool would ignore what Harry has to say!"
– Andrew Pancholi

"Unlike a lot of economists, Harry Dent has a different view of the world markets because of his demographics and cycles research. He has made some great predictions. In his book, The Great Boom Ahead, he made 19 predictions. He was right about 18 of them. The 19th one happened quicker than he thought it would!"
– Mike Robertson
Host, Straight Talk Money Radio, 02/09/15 

"From the moment I picked up Harry from Sydney airport for his first tour to Australia in 2011, the media was in a frenzy. His incredible insight (but often rebellious views) on the future of the world economy is intoxicating. Harry Dent showed to me that he is a straight shooter – he will not accept any incentive to change his view. His only interest is to tell the truth, based on his in-depth economic and demographic research. He's not your typical economist."
– Greg Owen
CEO of GOKO Management Sydney, Australia
Founder and Promoter of Secure the Future 

"If Harry can see this coming – and this is just mathematics – why is no one talking about this?"
– Grant Williams
Author of Things That Make You Go Hmmm
Real Vision TV 

Claim Your Copy TODAY for Just $4.95. 

Harry Dent
Founder, Dent Research 
The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: You should assume that the sender of this email has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this message and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained in this email to evaluate the product or service being endorsed. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service. FDA DISCLOSURE: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Liberty Headlines
PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
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12:49 AM (10 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
You have been a free subscriber since 3/22/2017

Liberty Headlines
After 87 years, Finally...
The Greatest Wealth-Building Opportunity of Our Lifetime is About to Begin!
Dear Reader, 

Market highs are masking the economic crisis that's brewing... but if you prepare now, it could be the single greatest wealth-building opportunity you will ever live to see. 

You have two choices… 

You can choose to capitalize on this once-in-a-lifetime event and build epic amounts of wealth that will make all of your retirement dreams come true… 

Or you can bury your head in the sand and insist that we aren't in a bubble and watch in horror as your savings are wiped out... forcing you to work well into your 70's... 

Even worse, you might not be able to retire at all and wind up a burden to your friends and family. 

Which is why I'm urging you to get your copy of The Sale of a Lifetime: How the Great Bubble Burst of 2017 Can Make You Rich today... and read it all the way through. 

And if you've never read one of my books before, here's what to look forward to... 

"Harry Dent is the reigning expert on demographic trends, how they impact the economy and why we are in for continued tough times. But this book shows that he is also an expert on bubbles throughout history and shows why this one is the most global and trumps all others. This is a must read!"
– David Stockman
Former Reagan Administration Director of Management and Budget
Author, The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America 

"This book is important for investors but also for anyone interested in the problems facing our economy. Harry Dent does an excellent job of illustrating how historic bubbles are relevant for contemporary times. The read will challenge you to think, but that's a good thing given the challenges at hand."
– Dr. Lacy Hunt
Ph.D. Economist
VP, Hoisington Investment Management Company 

"Harry Dent's demographic and cycles research helps to create a quantifiable platform and level of confidence from which any investor can plan their financial future years in advance. This latest work ramps that up. A must read!"
– James O. Lunney, CFP®, CEP
Professional Certified and Estate Planner
Author of Surviving the Storm (McGraw Hill) 

"Deciphering demographics and cycles is the key to economic prediction. There is no one on this planet that has a greater knowledge of this subject than Harry S. Dent Jr. His lifetime's dedication to this work combined with his incisive ability to identify these patterns has led to an incredible number of successful predictions. There are more to come! With his unique understanding of economic bubbles together with their consequences, only a fool would ignore what Harry has to say!"
– Andrew Pancholi

"Unlike a lot of economists, Harry Dent has a different view of the world markets because of his demographics and cycles research. He has made some great predictions. In his book, The Great Boom Ahead, he made 19 predictions. He was right about 18 of them. The 19th one happened quicker than he thought it would!"
– Mike Robertson
Host, Straight Talk Money Radio, 02/09/15 

"From the moment I picked up Harry from Sydney airport for his first tour to Australia in 2011, the media was in a frenzy. His incredible insight (but often rebellious views) on the future of the world economy is intoxicating. Harry Dent showed to me that he is a straight shooter – he will not accept any incentive to change his view. His only interest is to tell the truth, based on his in-depth economic and demographic research. He's not your typical economist."
– Greg Owen
CEO of GOKO Management Sydney, Australia
Founder and Promoter of Secure the Future 

"If Harry can see this coming – and this is just mathematics – why is no one talking about this?"
– Grant Williams
Author of Things That Make You Go Hmmm
Real Vision TV 

Claim Your Copy TODAY for Just $4.95. 

Harry Dent
Founder, Dent Research 
The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: You should assume that the sender of this email has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this message and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained in this email to evaluate the product or service being endorsed. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service. FDA DISCLOSURE: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Liberty Headlines
PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
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6:02 PM (16 hours ago)
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Breaking News Update: Kelly Monaco Announces Departure From General Hospital

{Continue Reading}



Sent to: wwwnyinyiinternetchitthu@gmail.com


UnfilteredPatriot, 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206, Sebastian, FL 32958, United States

4:59 AM (6 hours ago)
 to me
Family Survival HeadlinesUnsubscribe

Breaking News...

WATCH OUT! Your Email Could be Unsafe…

Pay very special attention to this message! The emails in your inbox are at risk due to the latest developments in the NSA “Big Brother” spying program.

Recent government leaks have revealed that THEY  are listening and watching much more than just your email messages!

They’re monitoring through multiple brand new methods to access your most private conversationsand you’re not safe in any area of your home (or even your vehicle!).

You won’t believe the ways they’re monitoring you inside your private home and car!

If you’re not following these strange procedures, you’re EXPOSED to their spying eyes every single hour of the day!

The good news is ONE retired military vet has a sneaky method for you to remain completely invisible at all times.

His “leaked” report has NSA spies scrambling to minimize the number of people who can get their hands on it (they’re trying to shut him down!).

Only 455 Free copies remain.

Click here to get yours before they’re gone.



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5:37 AM (5 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
You have been a free subscriber since 3/22/2017

Liberty Headlines
Breaking News... 

Trump Decrees No Trannies Will Be Allowed in the Military 

WATCH: Whoopi Likens No-Trannies-in-Military to Segregation 

Urgent Reader Poll: Will Trump Be Thrown Out of Office?

Democrats Continue Obstructionism of Trump Nominees 

Court Rules Washington DC Must Expand Concealed Carry of Firearms

Special: 70 Servings of Emergency Food for Less Than $1 Each!

Do You Fear President Trump Could be Impeached in 2017?
Donald Trump's brief time as President of the United States has had a lot of controversy. Politicians from both sides of the aisle have criticized his use of Twitter to voice his opinion. 

As a matter-a-fact, some Washington insiders believe tweets regarding the FBI Russia investigation could lead to impeachment hearing starting very soon. 

Right Wing Videos is conducting a short national poll to ask voters if you believe Congress will attempt to Impeach President Trump in 2017 for this or any other reason. Please take 30-seconds to complete this brief, ONE-QUESTION poll... 

Click Here to Submit Your Vote Now!
To thank you for your time, the first 1000 participants to this poll will have the opportunity to claim a FREE high beam flashlight or survival knife. 

All you need to do is take 20 seconds of your time to participate right now!

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


Keith Jacobs
RightWingVideos.com (in conjunction with Patriot Powered News and Family Survival Plans

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Liberty Headlines
PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
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Nyi Nyi

Jul 27, 2017, 10:26:24 PM7/27/17
to NyiNyi

5:31 PM (15 hours ago)
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5:10 AM (3 hours ago)
to me

Breaking News:

Trump is Guilty of Impeachable Offense - Read More Click Here

Mark Zuckerberg's Wife Drops Bombshell

Trump Restores Sanity to the Military - Click Here To Read More

Alan Greenspan Warns of this U.S. Scheme to Confiscate Your Savings

In Freedom,
Restore American Glory


1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

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Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service. This email contains Advertisements.

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8:01 PM (13 hours ago)
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Breaking News:

The Democrat Who's Building a TV Career off the Fake Russia Investigation

Grow a Younger Heart and Brain...

Hiding Something? Man Behind Trump Dossier Refuses to Testify

What to Do When There are NO Limits to Russia/Trump Investigation?

Yours in freedom,

Unfiltered Patriot

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

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Jul 25 (3 days ago)
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6:07 PM (15 hours ago)
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How the Republican Drive to Boost Defense Spending Could Backfire Big Time

The House is on the verge of approving a massive, $790 billion spending bill for defense, military construction and veterans’ programs that is $72 billion above the legal caps imposed by the 2011 Budget Control Act. That means House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), House Appropriations Committee chair Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ...  
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Trump’s Transgender Ban Is About Costs -- Just Not the Ones He Claims

President Trump’s announcement on Wednesday morning that he had decided to ban transgender people from serving in the United States military in any capacity was stunning for multiple...  
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[Banned for 82 years] Now OPEN to Regular Investors

For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

Democrats Have One Big Idea in Their ‘Better Deal’ That Should Worry the GOP

Democrats intended to make a stronger connection with average Americans with their new 2018 election slogan. Instead, they may have just made them nostalgic – and hungry. Slogans aside,...  
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How Phony Cops Got $1.2 Million in Weapons From the US Government

An extraordinary Government Accountability Office sting operation revealed that the U.S. Department of Defense continues to play fast and loose with a program to transfer surplus military...  
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Facing Crumbling Roads, States Are Finally Raising Gas Taxes for Repairs

Motorists don’t like to pay more at the pump, and lawmakers worry that if they raise taxes on gasoline, they’ll be voted out of office. But states rely on those taxes to build and maintain...  
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4:59 PM (16 hours ago)
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Firearms LifeUnsubscribe

Breaking News...

THIS is the Gun Wal-Mart Refuses To Sell You

Fact. Walmart sells more guns and ammo than any store in America.

But they won't sell you the FREE DVD showing you how to make a completely "invisible" AR-15.

Crazy too considering it's 100% legal in all 50 states (see how here).

Follow this link and confirm your address to get your FREE "Ghost Gun" DVD Walmart WON'T sell you!


You'll be amazed how easy it is to make an untraceable AR-15.

It actually only requires simple tools you probably own already (or can get at Walmart).
And this FREE DVD does even more than just show you how to make it.

It also shows you:

  • How to build your gun so the government never knows you own it
  • The sneaky way to get this done with ZERO paperwork
  • The simple tools to use.
  • How to get unlimited ammo for life!

And much, much, more!

Warning! Because of the election copies are going quick.

Hurry! Confirm your address right here and get your copy before they're all gone!



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6:01 PM (15 hours ago)
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Trump Won’t be Happy About this New Leaked Report…

A new set of government leaks just exposed what the CIA is really up to…

They’re monitoring us in more ways than we ever imagined.

Through your smartphone… your TV... even in your car.

But a controversial new report called ‘Wire Tapped America’ shows you how to become invisible.

Plus, it reveals dozens of places you should NEVER say anything you don’t want recorded and used against you later…

BEST PART: 2000 copies are being given out FREE to spread the word.

On pg. 30, you’ll learn 7 steps to hide you and your family’s dealings from Big Brother’s prying eyes, permanently.

Don’t say or do anything you wouldn’t want “them” to know about before you get this.

P.S. – the leaker says this is a one-time ‘privacy alert’ giveaway. Once these 2000 copies are gone (and many already are) this info won’t be available free again. Click here to reserve your free hardcopy.

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6:07 PM (15 hours ago)
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Task & Purpose Today

Trump’s Ban On Transgender Troops Is Reckless, Misguided, And, Frankly, Pretty Dumb


‘Terminator’ Will Be Back In Theaters With A New Trilogy, And Maybe Arnold


Mattis And US Military Leaders Are Trying To Get Rid Of The Worst Parts Of Military Service


5 Seemingly Frivolous Medical Expenses The Pentagon Covers


Trump’s Transgender Tweets Leave Military Baffled And GOP Senators Fuming


How Congress Could Overrule Trump’s Ban On Transgender Service Members


Transgender Navy SEAL To Trump: ‘Let’s Meet Face To Face And You Tell Me I’m Not Worthy’


A WWII Vet Was Docked Pay For Escaping His German Captors And Now He Wants His $13 Back


Guy Who Attended West Point For A Few Months In The 90s Insists He’s An Army Veteran


Trump Bans Transgender People From The Military In 3 Tweets


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On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 11:31:22 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Jul 27, 2017, 10:32:11 PM7/27/17
to NyiNyi
6:07 PM (15 hours ago)
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Task & Purpose Today

7:04 PM (14 hours ago)
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Today's Headlines

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President Trump tweeted that transgender people will not be allowed in the military, a decision that sparked outrage and caught many by surprise. I’m Davan Maharaj, editor-in-chief of the Los Angeles Times. Here are some story lines I don’t want you to miss today.


The Twitterer-in-Chief and the #TransBan
Is this what it’s come to? With just three tweets, Trump caught the Pentagon off guard, drew the opposition of several powerful Republicans in Congress, invited a legal fight and outraged some veterans by saying transgender people will be prohibited from serving “in any capacity” in the U.S. military. The reason given? “The tremendous medical costs and disruption.” One study estimated the annual price tag to be $2.4 million to $8.4 million (about 0.1% of Pentagon healthcare spending). The Israeli military, for one, doesn’t even see it as an issue. What the Pentagon does next isn’t clear.

Does the ‘Skinny Repeal’ Have a Fat Chance?
Repeal and replace? Nope. Repeal only? Uh-uh. So what’s left for Senate Republicans to try in their quest to undo Obamacare? It could be a plan called the “skinny repeal,” which would get rid of a medical device tax and the requirements that individuals buy health insurance and that large employers offer it. But dumping just those three Obamacare provisions might cause chaos in the insurance markets. A vote could come today.

More Politics
— Sen. Charles E. Grassley, the Iowa Republican who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, fired off an unmistakable warning to Trump: Don’t even think about trying to get a new attorney general confirmed this year.
— Secretary of State Rex Tillerson held his first public event in five days, as aides tried to quiet speculation over whether he is considering resigning.
— Incoming White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci tweeted, then deleted, an accusation of a “leak” of his financial disclosure information.
— Trump’s voter fraud panel asked again for data from California, and again the answer was no.

USC’s Mea Culpa: ‘We Could Have Done Better’
USC President C.L. Max Nikias has now said that the university “could have done better” in its handling of former medical school dean Dr. Carmen A. Puliafito and a new committee will look at how to better handle questions of employee behavior outside the workplace. A Times investigation found Puliafito took drugs and associated with criminals and drug abusers when he was the dean. Many in the Trojan family are angry with how the university handled the matter.

More Power Is Granted to California’s Parole Board
In Nevada, O.J. Simpson’s parole hearing got international attention. In California, thousands of them take place with little fanfare. Yet the very nature of the hearings here has changed over the years, as the parole board has gained greater legal flexibility and diversity. The focus in California is no longer so much on the severity of the crime, and more on whether offenders understand why what they did was wrong.

Paroles in California, graph

An Olympic Games-Time Decision for L.A.
For years, L.A. leaders have been trying to get the city psyched up to take on the 2024 Summer Olympics, but it’s looking more and more as if Los Angeles’ turn will come in 2028. Would it be easy to reset and refocus? That’s where many don’t see eye to eye. The skeptics say waiting 11 years carries much more risk, economically and politically.


— Here’s what happened when celebrities stopped by the L.A. Times studio at Comic-Con. 

— The cast of “Mystery Science Theatre 3000” talks about some truly terrible movies.



— Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation aimed at improving air quality in disadvantaged communities, but many questions remain about how it will be implemented, especially in Southern California. 

— A leader of California’s marijuana industry is warning that the state has too much pot, and growers won’t be able to export the surplus. 

— Thirty-two inmates have been awarded $2.5 million in an abuse settlement involving a Rancho Cucamonga jail. 

— It’s almost August, and ski season is finally coming to an end at California resorts.


— Al Gore and the husband-and-wife filmmakers behind “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” want to educate moviegoers about the perils of climate change and leave them feeling optimistic

— Nice places to visit but you wouldn’t want to live there: Two new shows, “Room 104” and “Guest Book,” tell the stories of the folks who inhabit a hotel and vacation home

— A jury has awarded producer Quincy Jones $9.4 million in his dispute with Michael Jackson’s estate.


“All in the Family.” “Sanford and Son.” “Maude.” Norman Lear produced all these shows and many more. In a story earlier this year, while working on the remake of his series “One Day at a Time,” he said, “I’ve been busy all my life — why stop now?” He turns 95 today.


— A participant in the 2014 armed standoff between federal agents and supporters of rancher Cliven Bundy in Nevada has been sentenced to 68 years in prison

— The Trump administration and the House of Representatives have intensified demands for Iran to release all of its American prisoners

— A survey finds that American Muslims see Trump as unfriendly to them, but they’re finding support from the non-Muslims in their lives

— Wildfires blazing across the south of France have forced the emergency evacuation of thousands of residents and tourists. 

— Britain’s government says it will ban the sale of new cars and vans using diesel and gasoline starting in 2040 in an effort to tackle air pollution.



— Foxconn, the Taiwanese maker of Apple Inc.’s iPhone, will build its first American factory in Wisconsin. Trump was eager to claim the credit for it. 

— Coke Zero is out. Coca-Cola Zero Sugar is in. So what’s the difference?


— How do you make football games shorter? The Pac-12 will experiment with reduced halftimes and (gasp!) fewer commercials

— Manchester City routed Real Madrid, 4-1, in front of 93,098 people, the largest soccer crowd in Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum history.


— Trump’s transgender tweet wasn’t just the usual morning rant; it’s dangerously bad policy

— The media’s love affair with a John McCain that never was.


— “Let’s meet face to face, and you tell me I’m not worthy”: A retired Navy SEAL Team 6 member who is transgender has a message for the president. (Business Insider) 

— This scientist is hunting for antibiotics in toilet bowls, dog food dishesand on laptop keyboards. (The Atlantic) 

— Want someone to think your artwork is a masterpiece? Hang it up high. (Pacific Standard)


Who builds a water park in the middle of a historic drought? That’s what they did in Dublin in the San Francisco Bay Area. Ground was broken in 2015, just as the drought reached a crisis point. Columnist Robin Abacarian checked out the park, now that the water is flowing, to see if the haterade stopped pouring forth. 

Please send comments and ideas to Davan Maharaj

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8:06 AM (1 hour ago)
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July 27 2017



Is It the Right or the Academy That’s Lost Faith in Free Inquiry?

Frederick M. Hess, Grant Addison

In the past few years, the closing of the academic mind has become hard to ignore. When a Republican presidential candidate’s name chalked on a sidewalk is cause for student protest, “bias response team” investigations, or even calls to the police, universities are clearly not embracing robust dialogue. When faculty are...


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Trump’s Washington and the Degrading of Public Service

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Trump to Upstate New Yorkers: Move

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And lo, there was a light in the darkness. President Trump has embraced the Williamson Doctrine, the Gospel of U-Haul, the Grand Unified Theory of Getting Off Your Ass and Going Where the...



John McCain Is No Hypocrite

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An Incoherent Sequel

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Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids Are an Overdue Solution

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My patient sat in front of me, head down, with a growing expression of defeat. “So, you’re telling me I can’t do anything about my hearing,” he muttered. I explained again that this was not...

6:59 AM (2 hours ago)
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CLAIM Your Free 3-Day Survival Food Kit in the Next 24-Hours

In a crisis, your #1 need is food.

But not just any food...

Experts say everyone needs to have non-perishable, good for 25 years survival food on hand in case of an emergency.

Well right now – in what is truly an unprecedented move – 72-hour Food4Patriots survival food kits are being given away to loyal subscribers as long as they beat the program deadline and while supplies last.

"Survival food is more important today than ever before," explains Frank Bates, a spokesman for the company. "Natural disasters, terrorist attacks and other threats can make obtaining sufficient food impossible in an emergency."

"None of us wants to ever rely on this or any government to feed us in a crisis," Bates says.

Food4Patriots survival foods are made of the finest ingredients, grown and packaged right here in the USA. They taste great and provide the nutrition you need.

Recent advancements in the processing and packaging have led to this food being guaranteed fresh for an amazing 25 years. Packages are made of military-grade Mylar, the same material used to protect NASA astronauts.

Every 72-hour kit that's being given away contains 16 total servings of such delicious meals as Blue Ribbon Creamy Chicken Rice, the always-loved Granny's Home-style Potato Soup, and stick-to-your-ribs breakfast favorite Maple Grove Oatmeal.

This kit sells to the general public for $27.00 plus postage and has been rated 4.5 out of 5 stars by customers.

But those who act quickly can get them just for the shipping and handling fee.

"We're trying to ensure that no one who wants this free food misses out, but they have to hurry because we have a limited supply of the 72-hour kits we can give away," Bates warned. "Once word got out that folks could actually get free survival food, we had to add extra customer service staff to keep up with incredible demand."

There is still time to take advantage of this offer, but be aware that supplies are limited and the program may end at any time.

>> Get Your Free 72-Hour Survival Food Kit

>> Get Your Free 72-Hour Survival Food Kit


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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153


6:02 AM (3 hours ago)
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We now know... the CIA could be storing copies of your web history… plus a whole lot more.

Assume none of your electronic activity is private.

They’re watching you 24/7…

…in your emails, text messages, phone calls, even in your car and through your TV.

But there IS a way to become invisible to Big Brother’s prying eyes.

Ex-Army Commander Frank Mitchell wants to show you exactly how in his new book ‘Wire Tapped America.’

BEST PART: He’s giving away 2000 copies FREE to spread the word.

On pg. 30, you’ll learn 7 steps to permanently blindfold the government from seeing your family’s dealings.

Grab it here while it's still free.

Stay Locked & Loaded (and Private),

-Ryan Merc

P.S. -- Did you know your smartphone can be hacked to monitor you every second of the day? Learn how to stop it on pg. 15.



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Locked and Loaded
7308 South Alton Way, Centennial, 
CO 80112, United States

5:53 AM (3 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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Breaking News... 

Norton Software Backs Off Classifying Christian Org. as 'Hate Group' 

Eco-Terrorists Attack Fossil Fuel Projects w/o Remorse, Punishment 

HEALTH: 5 Nasty Side Effects of Prostate Drugs & How to Avoid Them

Dem Congressman Calls Trump a 'Major Criminal,' Must Be 'Eliminated' 

MICHAEL MOORE: Transgenders 'Should Refuse to Leave' Military

Putin Panic: This Small Army Could Defeat Both Russia & USA

WARNING: New study on commonly prescribed prostate drugs reveals that sexual side effects are permanent! FDA considers new warning labels
300 class action lawsuits already filed
Two recent studies have sent shockwaves through the medical community and resulted in over 300 major class action lawsuits against the two manufacturers of common prostate drugs that are meant to help men with BPH or high PSA. These shocking studies have led the FDA to consider new warning labels on Tamsulosin (Flomax), and Finasteride, (Propecia & Proscar) to inform the patients that taking these prostate drugs can result in permanent sexual side effects, a higher risk of lethal cancer, and an increased risk of diabetes

Flomax has come under a lot of fire in recent studies for not revealing that hyperglycaemia was a potential side effect. A recent study in the journal Bio-Medical Research International showed that "hyperglycaemia can contribute to a more malignant phenotype of cancer cells and leads to drug resistance". More research has also linked hyperglycaemia with increased risk of metastasis for prostate cancer. 

Another common prostate drug Finasteride has been in the news a lot lately due to a new study and over 300 lawsuits filed against the Big Pharma company which manufactures it, Merck & Co Inc. Two recent studies show that the sexual side effects caused by Finasteride, Propecia, and Proscar may be permanent. The longest running study showed that 96% of men who experienced these side effects were still experiencing them even after 14 months of being off the drugs! 

As a result of the latest Flomax & Finasteride's scandal, we reached out to Prostate health expert and metabolic disease specialist Ben Ong for a breakdown of the latest research, and what other options men facing prostate disease have. 

"Finasteride causing permanent ED and sexual side effects is terrible news. As far back as 2008, European countries were demanding updated warning labels on Finasteride but even they didn't know the side effects were permanent. The FDA only caved to pressure and put on those warning labels in 2012. But they didn't say anything about ED, loss of libido or performance issues being permanent. Talk on the inside is that the FDA might be considering recalling Finasteride depending on how the lawsuits play out. 

"As for Flomax, these results are not that shocking. Many of us in the prostate health community were already aware of the dangers of Flomax and its known side effects. These new associated risks are seriously concerning. Flomax was already viewed by many in the medical community as an overprescribed and ineffective drug that doesn't offer any long term positive effects for the prostate. However, given this new evidence and its links to cancer and diabetes, many of us involved in the prostate health industry will no longer be recommending Flomax and other Tamsulosin-based drugs. The truth is they don't really help in the long term and the side effects are too severe to justify the drug." 

To help men who have prostate disease or are concerned about their prostate health, Ben has kindly agreed to allow our readers exclusive limited time access to one of his special video presentations. He normally only allows access to these presentations if you are one of his private clients, an industry insider or a medical professional. We highly recommend that you watch this video while you still can – especially if you have prostate disease, BPH, a high PSA, if you are a man over 50, or anyone who even knows a man over 50. 

Watch Ben's video to discover the shocking truth about Flomax & Finasteride. Including: five deadly Flomax side effects and why your doctor didn't tell you about them; how and why Flomax & Finasteride are doing you more harm than good; and how you can improve your prostate health, side effect free, without using dangerous drugs and toxic treatments

PS: This short video will only be available for the next 72 hours as it is normally restricted to private patients and medical professionals. We really do recommend you watch it while you can. Do not miss out on this vital and potentially life-saving information

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On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 11:31:22 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Jul 28, 2017, 10:45:56 PM7/28/17
to NyiNyi

Yours in freedom,

Unfiltered Patriot

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

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5:30 AM (3 hours ago)
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Breaking News:

Putin Takes Revenge on Obama’s Sanctions - Read More Click Here

Thanks for Nothing, John McCain

Husband and Wife Turn Down Largest Deal Ever On 'Shark Tank' - Click Here To Read More

Here's How Americans are Resisting

In Freedom,
Restore American Glory


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6:01 PM (15 hours ago)
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Fox News Guru Warns: "Start Prepping Now!"

Dear Reader,

Jim Rickards here. If you haven't heard, I've just released a new book called The Big Drop. It wasn't a book I was intending to write. But it warns of a few critical dangers that every American should begin preparing for right now.

Here's the catch -- this book is not available for sale. Not anywhere in the world. Not online through Amazon. And not in any brick-and-mortar bookstore.

Instead, I'm on a nationwide campaign to spread the book far and wide... for FREE. Because every American deserves to know the truth about the imminent dangers facing their wealth.

That's why I've gone ahead and reserved a free copy of my new book in your name. It's on hold, waiting for your response. I just need your permission (and a valid U.S. postal address) to drop it in the mail.

Click here to fill out your address and contact info. If you accept the terms, the book will arrive at your doorstep in just a week or two.

Thanks for your time,

Jim Rickards

P.S. Even if you don't want the book, please take a look here and write back to me to let me know why you're denying this free offer. That way, I'll take your copy off hold and send this note to someone else. But when you see all the bonuses I've included, I know you'll want to claim your package right away.


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11:07 PM (10 hours ago)
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The Health Care Fight Isn't Over, Despite Democratic Cheering

There was an air of finality to things in the Senate early Friday morning when Arizona Sen. John McCain crossed party lines to join Maine’s Susan Collins and Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski in killing a last-ditch attempt by Republican leadership to pass and Affordable Care Act repeal bill. The headline above New York Times...  
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New US Sanctions Could Drive Russia and China Even Closer Together…

The House passed a new sanctions bill Tuesday, and the Senate’s going to pass it soon. This one toughens existing sanctions against Russia and adds new ones against North Korea and Iran....  
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For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

Wall Street Has Never Been This Calm. Will It Suffer a Rude Awakening?

For investors, things could scarcely be better than they are right now. U.S. large-cap stocks have rallied to fresh record highs, helped by a combination of solid earnings results and more...  
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Big Profits Are Back for Home Sellers

It’s a good time to be a home seller. As a lack of inventory pushes home prices to record highs, sellers who put their homes on the market are making more money than at any point since the...  
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Bezos vs. Gates: The World's Richest People

With Amazon shares surging, Jeff Bezos briefly surpassed Bill Gates as the world’s richest person. But a late-day selloff meant that the Microsoft founder retained his crown, at least for...  
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1:50 AM (7 hours ago)
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Breaking News... 

Paul Ryan Won't Say If He Supports Banning Trannies from Military 

Unhinged Scaramucci Attacks Priebus & Bannon; Wants to 'Kill' Leakers 

Investors: Trump May Send This $0.24 Stock Exploding Higher!

Planned Parenthood Director: 'Dismemberment' Checkbox Skirts Partial-Birth Law 

HEARING: Campus Ideology 'Turns Students into Snowflakes'

Health: Drink This to Destroy Nail & Skin Fungus Overnight

Dear Reader, 

If you're one of those liberals who hate Trump, this message is not for you. 

See, we've identified a handful of penny stocks that are set to explode now that Trump has officially taken office. 

Already, dozens of tiny firms have jumped 100%, 300% and even 721% higher. 

This is your chance to make an absolute fortune… starting with just $100. 

And it's all thanks to Trump. 

But you need to take action BEFORE August 1

That's just days from now. 

Click here to find out how. 


Joe Schriefer
Publisher, Agora Financial 

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6:00 AM (3 hours ago)
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New “Tornado Proof Inferno Tool” Is An Outdoor God-Send...Here’s Why

Everything To Know about Hunting With An Ar-15

What Is ELR Shooting And Why Is It So Popular?

© 2017 GunBuzz | 741 14th St NW, Northern Lights, Washington, DC 20009

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On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 11:31:22 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

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Jul 30, 2017, 1:30:30 AM7/30/17
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6:05 PM (18 hours ago)
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Is Your Tax Info Safe? Watchdog Says IRS Is Still Vulnerable to Cyber Hackers

Despite some improvements, the Internal Revenue Service’s oversight and protection of sensitive tax collection documents and data continues to pose a threat to the government and U.S. taxpayers, according to a new report by the Government Accountability Office. The GAO has long raised concerns about the IRS’s vulnerability...  
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The Economy Is Accelerating, but Wages Are Still Lagging Behind

The U.S. economy accelerated in the second quarter as consumers ramped up spending and businesses invested more on equipment, but persistent sluggish wage gains cast a dark shadow over the...  
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[Banned for 82 years] Now OPEN to Regular Investors

For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

How Much Do Transgender Soldiers Really Cost the US Military?

In his Wednesday morning tweet-storm announcing that transgender people would no longer be allowed to serve in the military, President Trump said the move stemmed from the “tremendous...  
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7 Tips for Getting a Good Deal on an Airbnb Vacation Rental

Millions of vacationers are turning to internet-based rental marketplaces such as Airbnb and VRBO as a way to keep costs down. A 2016 survey by Hipmunk found that travelers could save 40...  
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Air Rage: Disturbing Airline Incidents Are Piling Up This Year

The dust-up between conservative pundit Ann Coulter and Delta last week is only the latest in a series of disputes between harried travelers and the overbooked airlines that are pushing...  
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12:24 AM (12 hours ago)
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CNN Involved In Massive Hillary Cover-up? (BUSTED!)
PROOF: Here's the 1 Video CNN Refuses to Release
Is THIS the final nail in the coffin for this FAKE NEWS GIANT?
Watch the unedited video >>
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On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 11:31:22 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

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Jul 30, 2017, 1:49:26 AM7/30/17
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6:28 AM (6 hours ago)
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Take a look below - and add it to your library if you want the ability to stay loaded - when all the ammo's taken.

They should have a few hundred copies left.

- Ryan Merc


URGENT Warning for Gun Owners:Get this Free Book Before All The Ammo Gets Taken ...

Be careful what you wish for...

Our great country is more divided than it has ever been.

Trump is easily the most hated Republican President in recent memory (by liberals and conservatives alike).

If you think the violence and turmoil in our country over the past year have been bad, just wait for what happens next. We’re likely to see increased chaos, looting and possible anarchy in some American cities…

This will lead to ammunition shortages - and limited access to firearms.

That's why you need to know how to make your own AMMO and set up your long-term firearms survival plan today.

This Firearms Survival Guide - tells you how to make 1,000's of bullets a day. (and it's cheaper and easier than you think.)

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You won’t find this book in any book stores and gun grabbers don’t want you to know it even exists!

Here’s a few of the things you’ll learn in this valuable book…

  • A little-known loophole to Buy & Sell “Unregistered” firearms in all 50 states…This is a loophole gun grabbers desperately want closed!

  • How to Have Complete Ammo Independence No Matter What Kind of Shortages We face in the Future!

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Plus Much, Much More Valuable Firearms Survival Tips, Loopholes and Information!

Remember, this FREE Book is only available at the link in this email and it will NEVER be sold in stores.

I urge you to grab your copy now before their supply runs out!

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Thanks for your time and consideration.

Best of luck,

The Patriot

P.S. Our Book is Flying off the Shelves! Claim Your Copy Now for Just the Modest Cost of Shipping & Handling



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1:50 AM (10 hours ago)
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Breaking News:

Republicans Put Final Nail In Healthcare Repeal - Read More Click Here

Place This Herb Under Your Tongue To Destroy Skin And Nail Fungus

No One is Falling for New, Phony Democrat Message - Click Here To Read More

Here's How Americans are Resisting

In Freedom,
Restore American Glory


1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

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11:12 PM (13 hours ago)
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July 29 2017

You Talk Too Mooch

Dear Friends,

Welcome to your weekend, which began with the uproar over the “colorful language” used by Anthony Scaramucci, the performing-blue White House communications director and leak-hunter. I’m sure someone has already made "Deep Throat" jokes, but we’ll have none of that in our G-rated family-friendly newsletter. What we will have is plenty of suggestions for your conservative reading and listening pleasure, so away we go. . .


This past week, just one editorial graced NRO. It was titled not too subtly: The President Is Treating His Attorney General Shamefully. Here’s a slice:

The story Trump is telling himself is convenient for creating a scapegoat, but it’s also largely untrue. Sessions may not have been legally obligated to recuse himself from the Russia inquiry, but there was a strong political case for his doing so. The more direct cause of the appointment of a special counsel was the unceremonious firing of FBI director James Comey, and the deception surrounding it -- which was a mess largely of Trump’s own making.

McCarthy on Sessions

Many folks (many!) find (rightly!) Andy to be the authoritative voice on the Trump/Sessions contretemps (and a heck of a lot more). He banged out four big, important pieces on the affair starting last Saturday. Here they are (strap on your seat belts):

Trump Has Himself, Not Sessions, to Blame for the Limitless Mueller Investigation

Sessions, Trump, and the ‘Counterintelligence’ Confusion

How About a Truce in the Sessions Fight

Wall Street Journal Editors Miss the Point on Sessions’s Recusal

Other Suggested NRO Reads

My pal Kevin Williamson has taken a lot of incoming over the year by angry right-wingers for his honest take on the state of rural America and jobs. I call it “The Garbutt Thing.” So I can’t blame him if he had a thrill writing this piece: Trump to Upstate New Yorkers: Move. (The closing line: “If the Trumpkins won’t take it from me, then they can take it from Trump.”)

The Spanish Left is so anti-Catholic, multicultural, and self-hating that they are demanding that the cathedral in Cordoba, once an outpost of the Islamic empire and the site of a mosque (but not for eight centuries), drop Jesus for Allah. NR intern Jeff Cimmino is a talented young reporter who has the story.

No one can resist reading a piece called The EPA Still Hasn’t Been Held Accountable for the Gold King Mine Blowout.

NRO Podcastapalooza

In the latest edition of The Liberty Files, David French talks with Paul Coleman about the attack on free speech in the EU.

On this week’s edition of The Editors, Rich, Charlie, and Ian discuss Donald Trump's ongoing fight with Jeff Sessions, Scaramucci unleashed, Obamacare repeal, and Trump’s military transgender ban.

Every day Jim Geraghty breaks out the olives for Three Martini Lunch. The most recent episode (about guns, McCain, and Wasserman Schultz) can be heard here.

John Miller gets in his Bookmonger groove and interviews Jason Riley about his new book, False Black Power? and then interviews Christoph Irmscher on his new bio, Max Eastman: A Life.

Too late for the deadline of this epistle, but I am assured that Charlie and Kevin will have a new episode of Mad Dogs and Englishman ready for your eardrums this weekend.

Appearances Matter

Jonah Goldberg will not be a panelist on this Sunday’s Meet the Press, but he will be appearing on a special segment about the Trump Presidency.

Of course, the great Kat Timpf will be doing her Greg Gutfeld Show thing on Saturday night on Fox News Channel.

The Buckley Prize Dinner

This October 25thNational Review Institute will be sponsoring the Fourth Annual William F. Buckley Jr. Prize Dinner, honoring acclaimed author Tom Wolfe with the Buckley Prize for Leadership in Political Thought, and Bruce and Suzie Kovner with the Buckley Prize for Leadership in Supporting Liberty. The black-tie gala’s host committee is in formation, and we would like you to be a member. Back in New York City for the first time since 2014, the Buckley Prize dinner raises significant funds which do so much to support NRI’s fellows and programs. This will be a great celebration of conservative heroes, as well as of WFB’s legacy, so we encourage you to consider sponsoring a table and being recognized as a member of the host committee. Be assured that this is truly a national event -- as in previous years, NRI expects and counts on sponsors from around the U.S. of A. For more information click here. We’re hoping to receive pledges and commitments by August 9th (but ASAP is even better!).

Friends and Family

Our longtime pal and best-selling historian Craig Shirley has a new book -- Citizen Newt: The Making of a Reagan Conservative -- out at the end of August. While you’re waiting, order your copy now at Amazon (just click that link). I can’t imagine this will be anything less than a terrific read.

Is conservative news fake news? For a lot of politically correct Palo Alto social-media mavens, the answer is yes. There is a great Gatestone Institute piece, Silicon Valley Censorship, by Samuel Westrop, that is a must-read.

Ancient Baseball Stuff

Hall of Famer Rogers Hornsby was one of the greatest ever. His .358 career average is second only to Ty Cobb’s .367. His tinkles-and-vinegar demeanor is well-recorded (maybe also second only to Cobb, although, he loved kids!), but when you look at the Rajah’s stats, you have to believe his misanthropy was titanic and impossible to exaggerate. Dig this: In 1926 he hits .317 for the St. Louis Cardinals as a player-manager and leads them to the World Series title, but two months later is traded to the Giants, where he hits .361, but so quickly wears out his welcome in New York that he is traded to the Boston Braves, where he leads the NL in hitting (.387) but promptly is traded to the Chicago Cubs. Four years, four teams -- that takes some doing. He ended his baseball life as a coach for the 1962 expansion New York Mets (which lost 120 games).

The new issue of National Review is hot off the presses. And that said, I wish you and yours God’s graces and blessings.

See you next week. Elvis has left the building!

Jack Fowler

P.S.: The Mooch’s XXX outburst reminded me of this great swearin’ clip by John Astin (Gomez Adams!) from an oddball 1973 movie, The Brothers O’Toole. Enjoy.

top stories

Trump Family Values

Rich Lowry

Jeff Sessions thought he was on the Trump team, but he was sadly mistaken. For President Donald Trump, the world breaks down into three categories — there’s family, who are part of the...

Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the Pakistani IT Scammers

Andrew C. McCarthy

Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the Pakistani IT Scammers



It’s Time to Retire the ‘Progressive’ Label

Joe Simonson

Over and over again, political pundits and journalists make constant reference to the Democrats’ “progressive base.” Without heavy progressive turnout, we are told, the House won’t flip in 2018...

Who Killed Obamacare Repeal? Blame Trump.

Jonathan S. Tobin

The dismal saga of the Republican party’s effort to repeal Obamacare reached what appeared to be the end of the line this week when the Senate voted down a partial-repeal plan 51–49. There are a...

The Republican Health-Care Fiasco

The Editors

Senator John McCain cast the deciding vote to jettison Republicans’ latest Obamacare reform effort, handing a victory to Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine, moderates whose...

The Latest Planet of the Apes: The Exodus Story without God Is Bleak

Titus Techera

Conservatives may neglect Hollywood, but it retains the power to shock. Example: War for the Planet of the Apes depends on the moral rhetoric used by the Puritans and then Lincoln and Martin...


8:05 PM (16 hours ago)
to me

July 29 2017

top stories

Trump Family Values

Rich Lowry

Jeff Sessions thought he was on the Trump team, but he was sadly mistaken. For President Donald Trump, the world breaks down into three categories — there’s family, who are part of the...

Defunding Planned Parenthood Isn’t Enough

Alexandra DeSanctis

Both Congress and our country are mired in an inexhaustible debate over whether to remove Planned Parenthood’s federal funding as a result of its provision of abortion. The question we ought to...



Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the Pakistani IT Scammers

Andrew C. McCarthy

In Washington, it’s never about what they tell you it’s about. So take this to the bank: The case of Imran Awan, Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s mysterious Pakistani IT guy, is not about bank...

It’s Time to Retire the ‘Progressive’ Label

Joe Simonson

Over and over again, political pundits and journalists make constant reference to the Democrats’ “progressive base.” Without heavy progressive turnout, we are told, the House won’t flip in 2018...

Why Charlie Gard’s Life Was Worth Fighting For

Brad Wenstrup

Five grueling months went by as Chris Gard and Connie Yates battled with the U.K. courts for the right to fight for their son’s life. This week, they withdrew their petition seeking to bring...

Who Killed Obamacare Repeal? Blame Trump.

Jonathan S. Tobin

The dismal saga of the Republican party’s effort to repeal Obamacare reached what appeared to be the end of the line this week when the Senate voted down a partial-repeal plan 51–49. There are a...

On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 11:31:22 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:
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Nyi Nyi

Jul 30, 2017, 2:24:19 AM7/30/17
to NyiNyi

Jul 25 (5 days ago)
to me

Breaking News:

Democrats Have an Opening to Bring Socialized Healthcare - Read More Click Here

The Republicans Blocking Obamacare Repeal

Who Deserves the Blame For Letting ISIS Leader Escape? - Click Here To Read More

Same Republicans as Always Jump on Trump Jr.

In Freedom,
Restore American Glory


1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

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Jul 25 (5 days ago)
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July 25 2017

Donald Trump, Raging at His Own Cabinet

Jim Geraghty

President Trump, discussing repealing Obamacare, February 28: "Nobody knew health care could be so complicated."

A comment attributed to the president on infrastructure, earlier this week: “The president -- echoing his ill-received remarks about repealing the Affordable Care Act -- has told people around him that he did not expect the process to be this difficult, according to one longtime adviser.”

“If [Attorney General Jeff Sessions] was going to recuse himself he should have told me before he took the job and I would have picked somebody else," President Trump said in a New York Times interview last week.

“So why aren't the Committees and investigators, and of course our beleaguered A.G., looking into Crooked Hillarys crimes and Russia relations?” -- President Trump on Twitter yesterday.

Yesterday: “Trump was asked by a reporter if Sessions should resign. As interns laughed ...


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Post-Christian America: Gullible, Intolerant, and Superstitious

David French

In some secular progressive circles, a certain myth persists. If you defeat the forces of traditional Christianity — you know, the rubes and fools who believe the Bible is the Word of God — then...

Smarter Corporate Philanthropy

James Piereson, Naomi Schaefer Riley

Smarter Corporate Philanthropy



Kyle Smith

Upon its release in 1982, no one would have expected Fast Times at Ridgemont High ever to receive the imprimatur of classic. The movie was engineered to make a quick buck at a moment when...

A Busy House

Jim Geraghty

‘Those knuckleheads in Congress never do anything!” is one of the most tired and commonplace complaints from callers on political talk radio. And yes, many Republicans have found 2017...

School Vouchers Are Not a Form of ‘Welfare’

Will Flanders

Psychologist Jonathan Haidt, well-known for his theory of moral foundations, argues that one of the most effective ways to sway an ideological counterpart to your side is to speak their moral...

Gregg Abbott’s Big Gamble

John Daniel Davidson

Last week, Texas lawmakers returned to the state capitol in Austin at the behest of Governor Greg Abbott for a 30-day special legislative session that could make or break the Texas governor’s...

Jul 25 (5 days ago)
to me

The latest from InsideSources.

What Washington's Talking About

Is Either Party Capable of Governing?
“Even allowing for the degree of difficulty, however, the Democratic response, as sketched so far, is less than compelling: Its declared premise, that the economy is ‘rigged’ against middle-class people, has a basis in the reality of Washington special-interest politics but seems better calculated to placate the party’s ascendant left wing than to start a serious policy conversation. American capitalism needs reform, not delegitimization. … The Democratic message includes nothing, yet, on trade, a major omission, given Mr. Trump’s effective exploitation of the issue. … Democrats also had nothing to say about tax reform, possibly because the clearest need is for a more internationally competitive (i.e., lower) corporate rate, which is what President Barack Obama correctly concluded, but populists abhor. Democrats are right that the United States hungers for a more equitable and effective alternative to GOP economics; obviously, though, they’re still working on it.” [Editorial, Washington Post]
“The larger stakes in the ObamaCare fight are whether Republicans can be a governing party. They can win elections but not since the early 2000s have they showed they can pass a major reform through Congress. They blew it the last time they controlled both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue in 2005-2006. They’ve already wasted six months on health care in this Congress with nothing to show but division and discord. … What is becoming clearer every day is that some GOP Senators would rather not vote on health care at all. They’d rather talk in the cloakrooms until time runs out on this Congress. But voters want to see who honors their campaign promises, and especially who doesn’t. Call the roll.” [Editorial, Wall Street Journal]

[IS] Opinions    Politics
A GI Bill for the 21st Century
By Reps. Kevin McCarthy and Phil Roe

App developer, robotics technician, digital animator, and advanced manufacturer—what do all of these careers have in common? They didn’t exist 73 years ago when the GI bill was signed into law. When our fighting forces shipped out to the Pacific and to the battlefields of Europe nearly a quarter Americans were farmers. Today, that number is around .01%.


News    Technology
Pro-Net Neutrality Study Cited by Democrats ‘Made Up’ Data, Economist Says
By Giuseppe Macri

A July study that found net neutrality rules have no harmful impact on broadband investment used “made up” data to draw its conclusions, according to another economist.


News    Politics
Union Leaders Praise Dems for New Economic Agenda
By Connor D. Wolf

Leadership of some of the most influential unions praised Democratic leaders Monday for unveiling a new worker-focused economic agenda.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Soldiers and Sailors Qualify for Food Stamps
By Matt Mayberry

Lance Cpl. Kara Dethlefsen and her husband are both proud Marines. They love their country and their young daughter. They have been deployed overseas and separated from each other in service to our country. They also have something in common with 23,000 other military families; they have to rely on food stamps and church food pantries to feed their young family.


[IS] Opinions    Finance
Beware of Greeks Bearing Bonds
By Desmond Lachman

If ever one were to doubt that today’s global bond markets are excessively frothy, one need look no further than Greece to allay those doubts. Not only have yields on Greek 10-year government bonds dropped to as low as five percent, the Greek government is now planning to tap the global bond market next week with a five-year bond placement.


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Jul 25 (5 days ago)
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Illegal Alien Charged with Raping 12-year-old Girl 

Georgetown Univ Prof: 'ALL White People Are Racist' 

Health Alert: Insane Method Destroys High-Blood Pressure (proof)

Rich Homosexual to 'Punish' Christians Opposing Gay 'Marriage' 

Medicaid Enrollees to Increase by 40,000,000 under Obamacare

This is insane, but it works! Doctors can't believe the numbers but they can no longer doubt this... 

By eating this 1-weird thing, can you really REVERSE your High-Blood Pressure? 

This really works: Thousands of people can't be wrong. 

Not only that, but this helps rid your body of inflammation, which can be deadly & guard your heart against heart disease... 

Fact is, research shows that a simple 7-second trick added to your morning routine can literally REVERSE & KILL your High-Blood PressureF-A-S-T... you'll discover exactly how at the link below: 

Click here --> Insane 7-second trick REVERSES 20 years of High-Blood Pressure, Guards Your Heart & KILLS Deadly Inflammation <=== 

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Jul 25 (5 days ago)
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Today's Headlines

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The Senate is headed for a healthcare vote that’s been shrouded in mystery; Jared Kushner says he didn’t collude with Russia; and Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions is in the hot seat. I’m Davan Maharaj, editor-in-chief of the Los Angeles Times. Here are some story lines I don’t want you to miss today.


Let’s Make a Healthcare Deal! But What’s Behind Door No. 2?
Once again, President Trump is putting the pressure on Senate Republicans to advance a bid to overhaul healthcare today — if only they knew exactly what version of the GOP plan it is. Naturally, many senators have been reluctant to begin formal debate on legislation without knowing where the process will end. That hasn’t stopped Trump from calling it Republicans’ “last chance” to undo the Affordable Care Act and from warning that, if they don’t, “the repercussions will be far greater than any of them understand!” In a sign of the vote’s importance, Sen. John McCain, who disclosed last week that he has a brain tumor, says he’s returning to be there

Kushner: We Met but We Didn’t Collude
Behind closed doors, Jared Kushner answered questions from Senate Intelligence Committee investigators. In front of the cameras, the White House advisor who happens to be the president’s son-in-law had a message: “I did not collude with Russia, nor do I know of anyone else in the campaign who did so.” Yet some of the details in his 11-page statement, which outlined four meetings with Russian representatives, were potentially damaging, such as suggesting that a secure communications channel using Russian equipment be set up. Read the statement in full here, along with annotations from Times editors. Kushner speaks with House officials today.

Jared Kushner

Kushner speaks to reporters outside the White House on Monday. (Olivier Douliery / TNS)

A Bewitched, Bothered and ‘Beleaguered’ Attorney General
Last week, Jeff Sessions said he loved his job after Trump’s sharp criticism of him for recusing himself from the investigation into Russia’s interference. This week, he’s still facing barbs from the president — and a new call from Sen. Dianne Feinstein to testify about his conversations with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. last year. Some Republicans wish Trump and Sessions would just hash things out in private. Meanwhile, Rudolph W. Giuliani has dismissed a report that he is being considered for the A.G. spot. 

More Politics 
— A federal court in Washington cleared the way for Trump’s voter fraud commission to ask states to turn over personal voter information
— Trump took jabs at Republican senators, “dishonest” reporters, President Obama and Hillary Clinton in a speech before about 30,000 Boy Scouts and their troop leaders
— Rep. Adam Schiff of Burbank now has an official nickname from Trump: “Sleazy.” 

The Faces of Tragedy in San Antonio
One man left Mexico because he was unable to find well-paying work after leaving school. One was a so-called Dreamer trying to reunite with family in Maryland after he was deported to Guatemala City for committing crimes, a Guatemalan official said. They were among those loaded onto a hot tractor-trailer that came to a stop in San Antonio, Texas. As their stories emerge, the driver could face capital punishment for his role in the deaths of 10 migrants

Comic-Con, Without the Crowds
They came. They saw. They Comic-Conned. After nearly five days of panels, previews and performances, our entertainment staff picked out the best moments of Comic-Con 2017 in San Diego, such as Jason Momoa making his entrance with an Aquaman trident and Gal Gadot comforting a young Wonder Woman fan. Video or it didn’t happen? You got it.


— Machines speed the plowing of California farms, just as workers get scarce. 

— Swan, flamingo and Pegasus pool floats. How one L.A. business blew up after a nod from Taylor Swift. 

— Comic-Con attendees tell us why they cosplay.



— Experts are warning of severe, chronic flooding that will devastate the coast as sea levels rise. 

— After a court ruled that a list of 300 problematic L.A. County Sheriff’s deputies was secret, an advocacy group has started its own database. 

— The family of an 18-year-old woman says she was arrested in Central California after streaming live video of a crash that left her sister dead

— Actress Hilary Duff has become the latest target in a series of celebrity burglaries in L.A.


— “Dunkirk” director Christopher Nolan explains why, in this era of peak TV, he’s still all in on movies

— “Shark Week” fans were less than satisfied with a “race” between Michael Phelps and a great white shark. 

— Money talks: “Captain Marvel” will receive more than $20 million in tax credits to film in California. 

— Shock rocker Alice Cooper found a forgotten Andy Warhol masterpiece rolled up in storage locker.


Estelle Getty was a veteran New York City stage actress when she came to L.A. for the West Coast run of the play “Torch Song Trilogy” in 1985; her managers urged her to try making it in Hollywood. Six weeks later, she got the part of Sophia, the wisecracking mother of Bea Arthur’s character on “The Golden Girls.” Getty was born on this date in 1923.


— Duck and cover 2.0: How North Korea is prompting new efforts to prepare for a nuclear attack

— “For Charlie, it’s too late”: The parents of the terminally ill baby Charlie Gard told a judge in London they had decided to let their “sweet, gorgeous and innocent” boy go

— Journalism under assault: Prosecutors began laying out an indictment against 17 people from Turkey’s leading secular newspaper

— How an L.A. native learned to stop worrying and love … OK, tolerate… India’s monsoon

— They say money can’t buy happiness, but a survey found you can make yourself happier by paying other people to do your time-consuming chores.



— A jury ordered Olympus Corp. to pay a Seattle hospital $6.6 million in damages tied to a deadly superbug outbreak but rejected claims that the company’s flagship medical scope was unsafe as designed. 

— Fact check: Is Snopes facing an ugly legal fight? True.


— Columnist Bill Plaschke says that with Dodgers pitching ace Clayton Kershaw injured, it’s time for management to make a bold move

— The 10 big questions in the NFL as teams head into training camp at the end of this week.


— What military recruiters aren’t telling women: You’ll face disproportionate health risks. 

— The president of California Physicians Alliance says a single-payer system in California can’t happen overnight.


— A veteran ICE agent has some things to say about working under the Trump administration. (The New Yorker) 

— Exploring the origins of the modern idea of “being cool.” (Times Literary Supplement) 

— There’s only one Joe West, baseball umpire extraordinaire and country music singer on the side. (Sports Illustrated)


What’s more L.A. — a two-day convention devoted to all things brunch, a gyoza-eating contest in Little Tokyo or a vegetarian food festival with a seminar on “raising healthy and happy vegan children”? You don’t have to choose, because all three are taking place in Los Angeles in the next couple of months. But only one has an open mimosa bar, an open Bloody Mary bar and an open vodka soda bar. (Hint: It’s not the vegan kids seminar.) 

Please send comments and ideas to Davan Maharaj

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Jul 25 (5 days ago)
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Task & Purpose Today

Is A New Military Oath Really The Best We Can Do To Fight Veteran Suicide?


This Guy Hit The Gym 6 Days A Week And Shed 200 Pounds So He Could Join The Army


Meet 19 Of America’s Newest Marines — And Naturalized US Citizens


This Marine Is Running 3,300 Miles To Close Out Her Military Career


Vet Filmmaker: You Can’t Honor The Troops If You’re Dumping On Millennials


The Navy’s Newest, Most Sophisticated Aircraft Carrier Doesn’t Have Urinals


On The Dark Web, 3D-Printed Gun Designs Sell For As Little As $12


NASA Just Dropped A Ton Of Rare Footage Of Blackbirds Doing What They Do Best


The Navy’s Going Easy On Officers In ‘Fat Leonard’ Scandal, Report Suggests


TRICARE Just Added Important New Mental Health And Drug Benefits


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Jul 24 (6 days ago)
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Task & Purpose Today

Trump Just Approved A Plan For The US Navy To Check Beijing In The South China Sea


Mattis On ISIS leader Baghdadi: ‘Until I See His Body, I Am Going To Assume He Is Alive’


These Are The 10 Worst Military Installations For Heat-Related Illnesses


Coast Guard Says Few People Know Pot Laws On Land Differ From Laws On Water


Fort Benning Soldier Dies After Shooting In Georgia


Dunkirk: Everything You Need To Know Before You See The Movie


The US Navy’s Most Advanced Warship Joins The Fleet Today


Buzz Aldrin Will Lead NYC Veterans Day Parade As Grand Marshal


The Punisher, Marvel’s Baddest Veteran, Is Back With Some Brand New Gear


Trump Apparently Sometimes ‘Tunes Out’ National Security Advisor HR McMaster


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On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 11:31:22 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Jul 30, 2017, 11:41:46 PM7/30/17
to NyiNyi

>> Top Democrat Flips Script on Hillary: "Blame Yourself!"

In Freedom,

Total Conservative

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

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6:05 PM (16 hours ago)
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Where Does Obamacare Go From Here? 3 Scenarios for Health Care Reform

The corpse of the Republican Senate’s Affordable Care Act repeal effort wasn’t even cold before the reanimation effort began on Friday morning. Just hours after what looked like a last ditch bid by the GOP to get something done went down to defeat in a 51-49 vote that featured three Republican defections, members of the...  
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The House passed a new sanctions bill Tuesday, and the Senate’s going to pass it soon. This one toughens existing sanctions against Russia and adds new ones against North Korea and Iran....  

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[Banned for 82 years] Now OPEN to Regular Investors

For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

Will Burying the Border Tax Give New Life to GOP Tax Reform Efforts?

The Republicans leading the tax-writing committees of the House and Senate made a joint announcement today with top administration officials that after months of discussion and negotiation...  
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Amid the Chaos, Trump Is Moving Swiftly to Reshape the Federal Judiciary

There's widespread belief that Donald Trump is lagging past presidents in submitting nominations for key posts in his administration. For the most part, that is true — except in one area...  
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Men tend to have more confidence in their investing prowess and are a bit more likely to participate in the stock market. Gallup research shows that 56 percent of men currently own stocks,...  

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1:04 AM (9 hours ago)
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Can You Find The 1911 Loaded .45ACP, Sig Sauer p229 and Spare Magazines Hidden In This Picture?

How good is your tactical eye? 

I challenge you right now - to click on the pictureabove – and find my loaded weapons which are hidden in plain sight. (Yes, they’re really in there!)

Discover how you can safely conceal you firearms “in plain sight” from children… houseguests... and intruders... anywhere in your home. 

Don’t get caught with your pants down. Be ready at all times and access your chambered firearm within 10-seconds or less

Find Out How...

Thank me later,
J.D. Holtz

Senior Defense Editor Home Defense News

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3:51 AM (6 hours ago)
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Can You Find The 1911 Loaded .45ACP, Sig Sauer p229 and Spare Magazines Hidden In This Picture?

How good is your tactical eye? 

I challenge you right now - to click on the pictureabove – and find my loaded weapons which are hidden in plain sight. (Yes, they’re really in there!)

Discover how you can safely conceal you firearms “in plain sight” from children… houseguests... and intruders... anywhere in your home. 

Don’t get caught with your pants down. Be ready at all times and access your chambered firearm within 10-seconds or less

Find Out How...

Thank me later,
J.D. Holtz

Senior Defense Editor Home Defense News

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3:00 PM (19 hours ago)
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Dear Subscriber,

Read the most read reports from the past week below. Login now to access these features.

Top 5 Most Read of The Week
Clean Teq jumps on Goro autoclaves

Key kit stored at Vale’s US$6 billion Goro laterite nickel project has been bought by Robert Friedland-backed ASX junior Clean TeQ (ASX: CLQ) for A$6.5 million (US$5.1 million).

Acacia receives dreaded tax bill

Has anyone got US$190 billion spare? Acacia Mining (LN:ACA) certainly hasn't, and neither has major shareholder Barrick Gold (US:ABX), which makes the astronomical bill the Tanzania government has just served on its biggest gold miner all the more absurd.

We are reviving the … mining sector in Cuba

Both the communist government of Cuba and its profit-motivated partners at Trafigura have bet on the success of a new lead and zinc mine at Castellanos.

Coal, copper find investor favour

It was those global leaders tied to coal and copper that moved up the rankings in the past week as the diversified miners headed the other way.

Vedanta has the most energy and emissions intensive operations

Vedanta (LN:VED), First Quantum Minerals (CN:FM) and Freeport-McMoRan (US:FCX) are the worst of the 12 biggest diversified miners at reducing emissions and planning for climate change, according to a new report.

ResourceStocks Company Profile
Silver Mines peers past Bowdens

Months away from presenting the definitive feasibility study that confirms the credentials of Bowdens in New South Wales as one of the world’s best new silver projects, Silver Mines (ASX: SVL) could also be on the verge of redefining the multi-mineral potential of a property that sits on the renowned Lachlan Fold gold and copper belt.

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On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 11:31:22 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Jul 30, 2017, 11:52:21 PM7/30/17
to NyiNyi
6:59 AM (3 hours ago)
 to me





WARNING: Don’t trust the police - Trust this instead

Do you know how to protect your home from invasion?

What about rouge cops and looters?

Don't rely on an alarm system, it won't help.

Don't rely on the police, they take an average of 20-40 minutes to respond to a call.

I'll show you how to fortify your home so well that a SWAT team wouldn't be able to get in.

And I'll give it all to you for right here.

Go ahead and get this free information now and never worry about the safety of your home or family again

Always Safe, Always Prepared,

Frank Mitchell
Father, Veteran, Patriot

P.S. I urge you to discover what's on this page immediately...


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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153


6:01 AM (4 hours ago)
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5 Best Concealed Carry Revolvers

I love revolvers as they are a tried and true design, simple to use and easy to maintain, with just enough capacity and caliber to get the job done. As a firearms instructor I am asked all the time by my students, “What are the best concealed carry revolvers?”

Free DVD: How to Build an Untraceable "Ghost Glock"

Using tools found in your garage, you can build and own an untraceable “Ghost Glock” tomorrow. No license needed. And nobody will know you have it. This brand new Free DVD shows you how.

Lawmaker wants gun owners to carry in gun-free zones

A Michigan lawmaker has proposed legislation that would allow lawful gun owners to carry concealed firearms into gun-free zones. The law would let all gun owners with concealed carry permits carry their firearms into current gun-free zones, such as churches, bars, and hospitals.

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TCN - FDN, 7308 South Alton Way, Centennial, CO 80112, United States

4:59 AM (5 hours ago)
 to me

Breaking News...

This NASA-Breakthrough “Space Blanket” Could SAVE Your Family One Day!

Get it FREE for a Limited Time

We've had a little accident in our ordering. We've got an overload of these best selling NASA survival blankets and we're giving them away to clear space in the building.

We think this is a must-have survival item for every family's disaster preparedness kit!

NASA Survival Blanket - Get Your Free Blanket Today

As of writing this message, we've got an overstock of about 500 blankets. We need them cleared from our warehouse...pronto!

This blanket is life-saving...

  • Helps you maintain 90% of body heat
  • Stay dry and protects from all elements
  • Signal for help with the cool reflective material
  • And other cool survival blanket ideas you can see here
  • Great for in the car, while hiking, outdoor sporting events, vacations, etc.

You'll want one in the car and at the house.

You can grab a free one here. And we'd really appreciate you helping us out!

Always Safe, Always Prepared,
Frank Mitchell

P.S. Once these 500 extra blankets are gone, they're gone... so don't procrastinate. Our mix-up is your gain.

Grab your free NASA Survival blanket today.



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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

5:03 AM (5 hours ago)
to me

July 30 2017


Dear Friend,

When it comes to the First Amendment, conservatives know that liberals want to apply to them one particular speech right – the right to remain silent.

Miranda applies when your hands are on the hood of a car, not when you are in a classroom or the public square giving voice to your beliefs. But today’s hard-core Leftists — those faithful Alinsky disciples who run amok on our campuses and throughout our culture — despise the notion that free speech can and, when necessary, should be full-bodied, full-throated, argumentative, disagreeable, and even harsh. Leftists will concede that speech can indeed be about convictions – but only their convictions. They want us to shut up, and more: Espousing the traditional thoughts and values of conservatives and religious folk is now increasingly derided as hate speech, and demands for legislation to make such criminal are afoot by liberal lawmakers and the well-funded special-interest groups they so slavishly serve.

When Bill Buckley founded National Review and National Review Institute, he did so because he knew America needed a clear voice and firm bulwark against Leftism and its inherent intolerance. NRI is moved to take this Buckley mandate to stand up vigorously for the fundamental aspects of our Republic and society — free speech, free worship, free association, due process, gun ownership!) — and to empower it, to make it more consequential, through the creation of the Center for Unalienable Rights.

We believe this to be a vital and necessary undertaking, and we ask for your generous financial support. And we are happy to announce: Your contribution will be matched, dollar for dollar.

The Center for Unalienable Rights will be headed by NRI fellow David French, who is an American leader in defending our fundamental freedoms in the face of hostile multiculturalists. Under the Center’s auspices, David will conduct impactful investigative journalism, producing long-form pieces devoted to defending our First Amendment rights. Buttressed by the resources of the Institute, these pieces will be supported by targeted media campaigns to raise awareness of threats to our liberties. And working with NRI’s On Campus program, David will bring will his clear and impactful defense of our unalienable rights to America’s colleges and universities.

Once upon a time, extremist oppression of speech was the precinct of communists, national socialists, and fascists. On our shores, it was more so a joke, found in the hoary harangues and fevered thoughts of disperse misfits and crypto-Marxist fools. But it’s no joke any longer.

No, the Left’s campaign of intolerance against is big and bad and very real indeed, and we conservatives, and all good people who cherish our Bill of Rights, and those freedoms with which are Creator has endowed us, need to fight back.

The campaign to raise $100,000 to help launch the Center for Unalienable Rights will end this Monday, July 31st. Please see your way to making a generous tax-deductible contribution by then, done securely right here. And know that one amazing supporter — a profound friend of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness — has committed to matching, dollar for dollar, every contribution made by tomorrow, up to $100,000. Currently, we are only $35,000 away from meeting this match. Help us meet this goal!

Our rights may be (are!) unalienable, but as the Left has shown, they are not unassailable. Fight back. Please support National Review Institute’s Center for Unalienable Rights.

God bless,

Jack Fowler
Trustee, National Review Institute
Vice President, National Review


National Review Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation and the parent corporation of National Review Inc.

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4:20 AM (6 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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Liberty Headlines
Breaking News... 

Olbermann: Media Shouldn't Report Anything Trump or Supporters Say 

Kathy Griffin Free of Federal Probe into Trump Decapitation Stunt 

Crypto Alert: The 3 Things You Need to Turn $20 into a Fortune...

DUH: Trump's Wall Unpopular w/ People He's Trying to Keep Out 

Trump Threatens Congress's O'care Exemption after Repeal Debacle

Investors: Amazing Map Reveals HUGE Untapped U.S. Energy ReserveEarly investors will have the chance to mint millions. Here's why...

The $20 Bitcoin Investment Jackpot Could Generate Massive Fortunes by September 30th
Dear Reader, 

The cryptocurrency market is RED HOT… 

Bitcoin has surged over 125% in the past few months… and Ethereum has seen gains over 3,467% this year alone. 

But that's NOTHING compared to the lightning-fast returns seen from dozens and dozens of little-known "penny cryptocurrencies." 

Like the new currency called AllSafe, which skyrocketed by 15,808% in a single day! 

Or how about AMIS, a brand-new cryptocurrency that hit the markets on April 21st, 2017… which surged by 29,693%... OVERNIGHT! 

But as exciting as that is, it's nothing compared to a new alternative currency for folks living in the "Big Apple"… called NewYorkCoin. 

Prices of NewYorkCoin have jumped a staggering 56,606% over just a week's time… turning every $20 into over $11,321. 

Of course, gains this high are incredibly rare… 

But if you had decided to plunk down $2,000 a few weeks back… you could be sitting on over $1.1 million today. 

Sound impossible? 

It's not… (Click this link to see how.) 

The truth is… hundreds of these "penny cryptocurrencies" are DOUBLING in value every week. 

As Bloomberg reports, "While the record-breaking rally in Bitcoin has captivated markets, demand for other digital coins is surging as companies raise millions in minutes, or even seconds

This gives us a rare chance to generate a fortune from these emerging currencies. 

Here at Agora Financial, we've prepared a special video that will show you EVERYTHING you need to know to profit from this incredible opportunity… 

  1. How to purchase cryptocurrencies
  2. Which penny cryptocurrencies to buy
  3. When to buy them
This might be the best opportunity for the little guy to grow rich! 

Again, click here to discover everything you need to get started. 


Joe Schriefer Publisher, Agora Financial 

P.S. If you want to make the most money in the penny-cryptocurrency market… you need to get started before July 28th. 

That's when 260,000 new retailers are expected to begin accepting certain cryptocurrencies as official forms of payment… which could drive the markets to unbelievable heights. 

Again, click here to get started. 

The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: You should assume that the sender of this email has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this message and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained in this email to evaluate the product or service being endorsed. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service. FDA DISCLOSURE: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Liberty Headlines
PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
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3:02 AM (7 hours ago)
to me

Dear Patriot,

Do you know why Obama almost always wears a red tie?

No, it's not to make friends with the GOP.

The real reason is much, much more sinister...

Click here now for the shocking truth

- Kelly

PS - In fact, this photo might finally PROVE - once and for all - that Obama hates America. How? Click here now to find out...

Sent to: wwwnyinyiinternetchitthu@gmail.com


UnfilteredPatriot, 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206, Sebastian, FL 32958, United States

On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 11:31:22 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Jul 31, 2017, 12:05:48 AM7/31/17
to NyiNyi

3:02 AM (7 hours ago)
to me

Dear Patriot,

Do you know why Obama almost always wears a red tie?

No, it's not to make friends with the GOP.

The real reason is much, much more sinister...

Click here now for the shocking truth

- Kelly

PS - In fact, this photo might finally PROVE - once and for all - that Obama hates America. How? Click here now to find out...

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UnfilteredPatriot, 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206, Sebastian, FL 32958, United States

8:12 PM (14 hours ago)
 to me
Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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Liberty Headlines
Dear Reader, 

This is the most incredible map you will ever see... 

(Click Play for the Full Story)
It reveals a huge untapped energy reserve that spans the entire United States. 

Experts at the U.S. Department of Energy believe this fuel could provide America with a "30,000-year energy supply." 

Goldman Sachs says this is a "power that's virtually inexhaustible." 

And the Los Angeles Times says this massive ocean of energy "may be the most prolific renewable fuel source that most people have never heard of." 

And there's a relatively unknown Midwestern company with the technology that's key to harnessing this INFINITE energy that's buried beneath ALL 50 states. 

As our in-house tech expert told me, "This could be bigger than ExxonMobil, Chevron and Shell Oil combined … and make investors John D. Rockefeller-type fortunes. Early investors will have the chance to mint millions." 

JL Yastine
Editorial Director, Banyan Hill Publishing 
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8:06 PM (14 hours ago)
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July 30 2017

Bonfire of the Insanities

Matthew Continetti

top stories

The Consequences of the Sessions Affair

Charles Krauthammer

Transparency, thy name is Trump, Donald Trump. No filter, no governor, no editor lies between his impulses and his public actions. He tweets, therefore he is. Ronald Reagan was so...

Trump’s Washington and the Degrading of Public Service

Noah Daponte-Smith

There was a time in American history when devoting one’s career to the public interest was the pinnacle of civic honor and the nation’s most illustrious businessmen answered the call of service....



In the past few years, the closing of the academic mind has become hard to ignore. When a Republican presidential candidate’s name chalked on a sidewalk is cause for student protest, “bias...

A National State of Non-Emergency

Kevin D. Williamson

Blame Joe Biden. Once upon a time, many years ago, Joe Biden labored under the charming delusion that he might someday be elected president of these United States. His ambitions came to...

Defunding Planned Parenthood Isn’t Enough

Alexandra DeSanctis

Both Congress and our country are mired in an inexhaustible debate over whether to remove Planned Parenthood’s federal funding as a result of its provision of abortion. The question we ought to...

Kevin D. Williamson

A few years ago in New York, Al Pacino starred in a revival of David Mamet’s Glengarry Glen Ross, and the casting was poignant: In 1992, a much younger and more vigorous Pacino had played the...

6:02 PM (16 hours ago)
to me

CNN Involved In Massive Hillary Cover-up? (BUSTED!)

PROOF: Here's the 1 Video CNN Refuses to Release

Is THIS the final nail in the coffin for this FAKE NEWS GIANT?
                                                                               Watch the unedited video >>

Sent to: wwwnyinyiinternetchitthu@gmail.com


UnfilteredPatriot, 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206, Sebastian, FL 32958, United States

6:01 PM (16 hours ago)
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Did Jesus Christ Develop a Cancer Cure 2,000+ Years Ago?
Dear Reader,
According to a growing number of scientists and religious scholars… Jesus Christ used a special kind of “Holy Oil” that actually kills cancer cells.
Even better, folks in the religious community believe they’ve uncovered the ancient formula he left behind.

And after 2,000+ years, this medicine is once-again performing medical miracles all across the country.
Hundreds… perhaps even thousands of “miraculous healing” stories have begun surfacing across America.
According to one such story, a famous Hollywood stuntman claims the “Jesus Oil” helped rid his body of stave IV colon cancer.
After ingesting the ancient medicine he explained:
“I saw God… I saw the white light… I woke up and felt the cancer was gone from my body.”
At his next checkup, doctors confirmed via a CAT scan that his cancer had indeed “vanished.”
There was nothing left but scar tissue!
If you – or a loved one – has cancer, you need to watch this video that explains everything…
Susan White
Executive Director, Alliance for Advanced Health
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1:47 PM (21 hours ago)
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On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 11:31:22 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

Nyinyi put cha phyu

Jul 31, 2017, 1:00:52 AM7/31/17
to NyiNyi

Jul 29 (2 days ago)
to me

Despite some improvements, the Internal Revenue Service’s oversight and protection of sensitive tax collection documents and data continues to pose a threat to the government and U.S. taxpayers, according to a new report by the Government Accountability Office. The GAO has long raised concerns about the IRS’s vulnerability...  

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The U.S. economy accelerated in the second quarter as consumers ramped up spending and businesses invested more on equipment, but persistent sluggish wage gains cast a dark shadow over the...  

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Sponsor Content

[Banned for 82 years] Now OPEN to Regular Investors

For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

In his Wednesday morning tweet-storm announcing that transgender people would no longer be allowed to serve in the military, President Trump said the move stemmed from the “tremendous...  

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Millions of vacationers are turning to internet-based rental marketplaces such as Airbnb and VRBO as a way to keep costs down. A 2016 survey by Hipmunk found that travelers could save 40...  

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The dust-up between conservative pundit Ann Coulter and Delta last week is only the latest in a series of disputes between harried travelers and the overbooked airlines that are pushing...  

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Jul 28 (3 days ago)
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Breaking News:

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

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Jul 28 (3 days ago)
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There was an air of finality to things in the Senate early Friday morning when Arizona Sen. John McCain crossed party lines to join Maine’s Susan Collins and Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski in killing a last-ditch attempt by Republican leadership to pass and Affordable Care Act repeal bill. The headline above New York Times...  

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The House passed a new sanctions bill Tuesday, and the Senate’s going to pass it soon. This one toughens existing sanctions against Russia and adds new ones against North Korea and Iran....  

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Sponsor Content

[Banned for 82 years] Now OPEN to Regular Investors

For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

For investors, things could scarcely be better than they are right now. U.S. large-cap stocks have rallied to fresh record highs, helped by a combination of solid earnings results and more...  

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It’s a good time to be a home seller. As a lack of inventory pushes home prices to record highs, sellers who put their homes on the market are making more money than at any point since the...  
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With Amazon shares surging, Jeff Bezos briefly surpassed Bill Gates as the world’s richest person. But a late-day selloff meant that the Microsoft founder retained his crown, at least for...  

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Jul 28 (3 days ago)
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Trump Won’t be Happy About this New Leaked Report…

A new set of government leaks just exposed what the CIA is really up to…

They’re monitoring us in more ways than we ever imagined.

Through your smartphone… your TV... even in your car.

But a controversial new report called ‘Wire Tapped America’ shows you how to become invisible.

Plus, it reveals dozens of places you should NEVER say anything you don’t want recorded and used against you later…

BEST PART: 2000 copies are being given out FREE to spread the word.

On pg. 30, you’ll learn 7 steps to hide you and your family’s dealings from Big Brother’s prying eyes, permanently.

Don’t say or do anything you wouldn’t want “them” to know about before you get this.

P.S. – the leaker says this is a one-time ‘privacy alert’ giveaway. Once these 2000 copies are gone (and many already are) this info won’t be available free again. Click here to reserve your free hardcopy.




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Jul 28 (3 days ago)
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Choose the right compute option on GCP.
Answer these five questions for the best fit.
Java 8
Java 8 standard on App Engine.
Kubernetes 1.7
Kubernetes 1.7 on GKE.
It may be time to say goodbye to VPNs.
Virtual Private Cloud offers a privately administered space within GCP, providing the flexibility to scale and control how workloads connect regionally and globally.
Simplify data movement to GCP with Transfer Appliance.
With the ability to quickly move up to 480 TB of data to GCP, Google Transfer Appliance lets you run massive machine learning and data analytics workloads.
Nutanix and Google Cloud ease hybrid cloud adoption.
Enterprise customers can now use a single control plane to extend on-premises data center workloads into the cloud to manage hybrid operations.
London calling: GCP’s latest region open for business.
The London (europe-west2) region is now live. GCP customers throughout the British Isles and Western Europe can expect 40%–82% reductions in round-trip latency when serving customers from London.
Yes, the Not Hotdog app from Silicon Valley uses TensorFlow.
The app’s creator, Tim Anglade, shows you how to build your own and how MobileNets defined its architecture.
Build a connected vehicle app with Cloud IoT Core.
Connected cars can create up to 560 GB of data per vehicle—per day. A perfect use case for Cloud IoT Core.
“GCP & Partnering on Open Source” web series showcases innovators.
See how innovators like Pivotal and Ansible use open-source solutions to supercharge their services on GCP.
Map Amazon Web Services (AWS) to GCP.
Transfer what you know about AWS to GCP offerings. And you can do the same for Azure.
Manage access to third-party apps with new G Suite security controls.
Improve data access control and prevent phishing with new OAuth apps whitelisting.
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August 14–18
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This is awesome news @googlecloud. So I can have a mix of microservices. Python 2.7+Java 8 on App Engine standard.
used @kubernetesio with @googlecloud today after being @awscloud user. convinced that @googlecloud will win cloud wars long run + k8s is <3
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Jul 27 (4 days ago)
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The House is on the verge of approving a massive, $790 billion spending bill for defense, military construction and veterans’ programs that is $72 billion above the legal caps imposed by the 2011 Budget Control Act. That means House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), House Appropriations Committee chair Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ...  

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President Trump’s announcement on Wednesday morning that he had decided to ban transgender people from serving in the United States military in any capacity was stunning for multiple...  

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Sponsor Content

[Banned for 82 years] Now OPEN to Regular Investors

For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

Democrats intended to make a stronger connection with average Americans with their new 2018 election slogan. Instead, they may have just made them nostalgic – and hungry. Slogans aside,...  

Read more...  Like Democrats Have One Big Idea in Their ‘Better Deal’ That Should Worry the GOP on Facebook  share on Twitter  Google Plus One Button

An extraordinary Government Accountability Office sting operation revealed that the U.S. Department of Defense continues to play fast and loose with a program to transfer surplus military...  

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Motorists don’t like to pay more at the pump, and lawmakers worry that if they raise taxes on gasoline, they’ll be voted out of office. But states rely on those taxes to build and maintain...  

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On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 11:31:22 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Aug 2, 2017, 12:36:53 AM8/2/17
to NyiNyi
6:04 PM (17 hours ago)
to me

The Entire Republican Agenda Now Hinges on This One Decision

Republicans have a huge choice to make, an unusually binding decision on the next steps for their legislative agenda. It will determine the campaign promises they will be able to keep, and more importantly, the lived experience of millions of Americans. And it all comes down to one simple bill. That bill is the...  
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Did Congress Just Break Up the Trump-Putin Bromance?

Despite all the accusations and evidence that Russia hacked the 2016 election (and possibly others), the United States hasn’t retaliated. Until now. The White House said it would sign a...  
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Sponsor Content

[Banned for 82 years] Now OPEN to Regular Investors

For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

Pentagon Again Evades Scrutiny Over Number of Contract Workers

The Defense Department makes generous use of contract employees to supplement its hundreds of thousands of full-time civilian employees. Indeed, roughly 60 percent of the $1.5 billion that...  
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The Big Risk Trump Is Taking by Threatening Congress’ Health Insurance

By threatening the subsidized health insurance of members of Congress if they fail to pass legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act, President Trump may be playing a shrewd political...  
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The Real Reason Teens Don’t Have Summer Jobs Anymore

Toiling all summer as a camp counselor or lifeguard used to be a rite of passage for American teenagers, but they’ve been dropping out of the labor force for years. Just over a third of...  
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Copyright © 2017 The Fiscal Times, All rights reserved.
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5:36 PM (17 hours ago)
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Yours in freedom,

Unfiltered Patriot

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

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4:59 AM (6 hours ago)
 to me

Breaking News...

Frank Mitchell just got back in his S.O.S. pocket survival kits.

They contain 6 survival tools - that tackle over 30 common survival situations. 6 survival tools that you'll have in your pocket when any disaster strikes...

And the tools in your pocket are all you have in a disaster.

He has a few 100 kits and as a family survival promotion they're free today, just take care of the shipping cost.

Grab your S.O.S. pocket survival kit here.

Do it quickly - they usually move fast.

You can flip open the lid below to see the 6 critical tools inside

PS. They are the size of an Altoid container, slip easily into a pocket, and could be the difference between life and death in some situations.

Grab one and make sure you carry it or keep in your cars glove box.



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P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153


4:42 AM (6 hours ago)
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Breaking News:

Putin Retaliates: Are Trump’s Hopes of Better Relations Going Up in Smoke? - Read More Click Here

The secret to a younger, newer brain

Trump’s Lighthearted Joke To Police Makes Liberals Go Bananas - Click Here To Read More

Should Obama be Added to Mount Rushmore?

In Freedom,
Restore American Glory


1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

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On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 11:31:22 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Aug 2, 2017, 1:35:31 AM8/2/17
to NyiNyi

7:33 AM (4 hours ago)
to me
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The Air Force Uses Teslas to Chase the U-2 Spy Plane
Fast cars accompany the U-2 on the ground to ensure it gets off the ground safely.
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Get an Up Close and Personal Look at Jeff Bezos' Relaunched Rocket
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Someone Stole Neil Armstrong's Gold Space Statue From a Museum
Built by Cartier, only three exist in the world.
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8:05 AM (4 hours ago)
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August 01 2017

The War on Work — and How to End It

Edward L. Glaeser

Editor’s Note: The following piece originally appeared in City Journal. It is reprinted here with permission. In 1967, 95 percent of “prime-age” men between the ages of 25 and 54 worked. During the Great Recession, though, the share of jobless prime-age males rose above 20 percent. Even today, long after the recession...


top stories

Silicon Valley’s Foolish Amnesty Push

Jeremy Carl

In 2013, a group of tech heavyweights, led by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and including fellow oligarchs Eric Schmidt (Google) and Bill Gates (Microsoft), founded FWD.us, a lobbying and advocacy...

Process Matters

Max Bloom

Process isn’t particularly cool. Impenetrable from a distance and disappointing up close, fastidiously impartial but implacably conservative in the old and out-of-fashion notion of the word, it...



Protesters Demand That a White Artist Be Banned Because She Painted Emmett Till Once 

Katherine Timpf

Protesters are demanding that the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston remove an exhibit by a white female artist because she once painted a picture of Emmett Till — even though the exhibit...

Another Left-Wing Attempt at Ostracism

Dennis Prager

Most Americans are at least somewhat aware of what is happening at American (and European) universities with regard to conservative speakers. Universities either never invite, disinvite, or...

The New Kid in Town

Deroy Murdock

An unspoken mystery lingered beneath the parting clouds as Eagles took the stage on Saturday evening at Citi Field in  Queens: How would the legendary band address the absence of its co-founder...

Don’t Let the Left Define Conservative Opposition to Trump

David French

It’s predictable as night following day. Whenever a conservative criticizes Donald Trump — or even attacks the GOP for enabling his rise — some on the left will respond, “Well, if you really...

4:52 AM (7 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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Liberty Headlines
Breaking News... 

Trump: I'm Not Ever Going to Stop Tweeting! 

Did McCain Abandon the Team or Take One for the Team? 

Big Book of Income: Where Do We Send Your Free Copy?

DHS Bypasses Enviro Regs to Start Border Wall Construction 

SLEEPER AGENT: Obama's Jihad Policy Chief Pushed Out of DHS

Your FREE Book Is on Hold (#291879) 

Dear Reader, 

Your FREE book from best-selling author Zach Scheidt is on hold. 

And since you haven't claimed yours, we have NOT shipped it to your address yet. 

But hurry, copies are limited. 

Inside, you'll learn how to: 

 Squeeze as much as an extra $6,840 per year out of your Social Security benefits (Page 150) 

 "UPGRADE" your savings account and earn 12 times more interest — I can't believe more seniors aren't using this simple trick! (Page 145) 

 Make $35 an hour walking on the beach… Earn up to $1,720 in "Backdoor Rental Income"... Go shopping and NET CASH the next time you go to the grocery store… And more! 

That's why I'm urgently trying to reach you. You NEED to claim this free book now… before it's too late. 

Click here now for the details. I don't know how much longer we can hold your copy in reserve. Our supplies are limited. 


Joe Schriefer
Publisher, Agora Financial 

The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: You should assume that the sender of this email has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this message and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained in this email to evaluate the product or service being endorsed. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service. FDA DISCLOSURE: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Liberty Headlines
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3:50 AM (8 hours ago)
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Exclusive to GovMint.com, a first-ever 2017 First Day of Issue Silver Krugerrand in flawless SP70 condition!
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The name "Gold Krugerrand" has been synonymous with wealth, prosperity, and riches for fifty years.

First issued in 1967, the South African Gold Krugerrand was the world's first modern gold bullion coin. And it's still the most widely traded gold coin on the planet!

    Coin Highlights
  • Struck in one full ounce of 99.9% pure silver
  • First Silver Krugerrand ever issued
  • Graded, certified and labeled First Day of Issue by NGC
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  • Milestone 50th anniversary date
  • Official South African 1 Rand legal tender
  • 38.7 mm diameter

To mark the 50th anniversary of the Gold Krugerrand, South Africa authorized a limited edition of FIRST EVER one-ounce Silver Krugerrands -- certified as among those released on their very first day of issue!

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The Krugerrand has never been struck in silver before. But as the exclusive North American distributor for this first-ever 2017 Silver Krugerrand, we still have about 800 of these flawless SP70 coins bearing the First Day of Issue pedigree in stock.

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9:40 PM (14 hours ago)
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August 01 2017

Flake's Criticism of Trump Isn't Good Enough for The New York Times

Jim Geraghty

Welcome to August. This time of year is known for vacations, preseason football, and, every once in a while, some terrible foreign policy crisis: the start of World War I, the Berlin Wall Crisis, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, the coup against Gorbachev, and the Ghouta chemical weapons attack. Here’s hoping the month is quiet.

The New York Times, Gleefully Trashing Trump’s Critics on the Right

The New York Times reviews a new book from Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona that rips Trump, and offers an incoherent criticism along the way:

But Flake has also cast most of his votes in favor of Trump’s policies. Just last week, he voted for the bill to repeal Obamacare without replacing it, and then he voted for the hastily assembled “skinny repeal.”

On that point, he seems to be at odds with his book, in which he specifically cautions Republicans ...


top stories

Artificial Wombs Reveal an Ugly Truth about the Abortion-Rights Movement

Margot Cleveland

On Friday, Gizmodo published a piece by Kristen Brown entitled “How New Technology Could Threaten a Woman’s Right to Abortion.” From the title, one might suppose that some technological...

Silicon Valley’s Foolish Amnesty Push

Jeremy Carl

Silicon Valley’s Foolish Amnesty Push

On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 11:31:22 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:
7:59 PM (16 hours ago)
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The latest from InsideSources.

What Washington's Talking About

Bringing Discipline to the White House
“As a former White House chief of staff, the best advice I could have given Gen. John F. Kelly has been overtaken by events: Don’t take the job. Kelly, who has rendered extraordinary service and sacrifice to the nation, just signed up for what may truly be an impossible mission: bringing discipline, order and strategic focus to the chaos that is the Trump White House.” [John Podesta, Washington Post]
Scaramucci's short, wild ride through Trump's White House [Josh Dawsey, Annie Karni and Tara Palmeri, Politico]


The Eclipse That Revealed the Universe: In 1919, British astronomers photographed a solar eclipse and proved that light bends around our sun — affirming Einstein’s theory of general relativity. [Dennis Overbye, New York Times]
What a nerdy debate about p-values shows about science — and how to fix it [Brian Resnick, Vox]

News    Technology
Samsung Claims Another Win in Apple Patent Fight
By Giuseppe Macri

Samsung furthered its chances to get out of paying Apple almost $400 million according to a federal judge’s latest ruling in the ongoing Apple v. Samsung case accusing Samsung of copying iPhone patents.


News    Politics
What Today Means for Black Women and Pay Equality
By Connor D. Wolf

A black woman would have to work seven additional months on average to get the same pay as a white man last year, according to research that was highlighted Monday.


News    Energy
Could Advanced Nuclear Energy Power America’s Future? Report Suggests Yes.
By Erin Mundahl

A study by the Energy Innovation Reform project found that advanced nuclear technology could produce electricity at a cost 40 percent lower than the cost of conventional nuclear power. Not only are advanced nuclear plants cheaper, the research suggests that they may be safer than conventional plants as well.


News    Education
New York Has Nation’s Highest Per Pupil Expenditure; But Is it Enough?
By Leo Doran

During the 2014-2015 school year, New York spent $59 billion on 2.6 million students, according to Census Bureau statistics, for an average of $21,206 per public school student per year. The national average is $11,392.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Point: More Private Investment Can Help Us Tackle Our Nation’s Growing Infrastructure Deficit
By Ed Mortimer

America’s infrastructure is aging and in dire need of modernization. The American Society of Civil Engineers, in its latest Infrastructure Report Card, graded the condition of our nation’s infrastructure as a D-plus overall.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Counterpoint: How We Invest in Our Infrastructure Matters
By Larry I. Willis

Strong infrastructure and a well-functioning transportation system are vital to the health of our economy, but for too long we’ve treated our infrastructure as though it doesn’t matter. And for too long, working people have paid the price.


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7:44 PM (16 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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Breaking News... 

Trump Shut CIA's Covert Syria Program after Child Decapitation 

College Professor Begs Someone to 'Just Shoot' Trump 

Alert: Unusual Generator For Off-Grid Electricity Never Needs Fuel

Veteran Sues Air Force over Ceremonial Use of Word 'God' 

Democrats' Pakistani IT Tech May Have Sold Info to Muslim B'hood

Our country's aging energy grid could collapse any day... and is vulnerable to natural disasters, terrorist attacks or EMP events. 

Yet Big Energy Monopolies fight tooth and nails to deny patriots off-grid energy sources... 

But a man from Ohio went through an odd incident and discovered... 

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His weird but effective generator...
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Click Here To Get Your Own Electric Power Plant To Run Quietly In Your Home 

Run pumps, air conditioning, radios, computers and even refrigerators to keep food from spoiling. 

Whether it's hurricanes, ice storms, brownouts or blackouts... when you own a cheap and reliable generator you'll never have to suffer through painful power outages again. 

That's why I encourage like-minded Americans to... 

Click Here To Get Off-The-Grid And Produce Your Own Electrical Power 

P.S. I really recommend you stop what you're doing right now and watch this short presentation. I don't know how much longer they can leave it up.
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7:05 PM (17 hours ago)
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Today's Headlines

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Will new Chief of Staff John Kelly bring order to the White House, or is more chaos in the offing? I’m Davan Maharaj, editor-in-chief of the Los Angeles Times. Here are some story lines I don’t want you to miss today.


The White House: A Model of Chaos Theory or Simple Chaos?
After 10 days that shook the White House, has the dust settled yet? “No WH drama!” President Trump tweeted, then saw communications director Anthony Scaramucci escorted out the door. It was just 10 days and a tirade or two after Scaramucci had been named, and he hadn’t even started the job. (Too bad he deleted all those tweets.) John Kelly, the retired Marine general, is now on a mission to bring order to the West Wing. Will the commander-in-chief let him? After Day 1, Trump proclaimed it “A great day at the White House!” As for the Mooch? We’d like to say we hardly knew ye, but not having an accomplished cusser in the White House will make it safer for readers of this family newspaper. 

More Politics 
— Senior Republican lawmakers have pushed back against the White House to say they’re done with healthcare for now. 
— After North Korea’s latest missile test, the U.S. Air Force is planning to test-launch an unarmed intercontinental ballistic missile Wednesdayfrom Vandenberg Air Force Base. 
— Can’t tell the players without a scorecard? This graphic breaks down the most notable firings and resignations in the Trump administration.

Trump administration revolving door

Russia, If You’re Listening: Don’t Do It!
Not that long ago, American elections seemed impenetrable. Too many systems to hack, the experts said. But recent revelations about the attempts of Russian hackers to infiltrate election systems in 21 states during last year’s presidential race have changed the experts’ tune. Federal officials say they’re confident the 2016 vote count wasn’t disrupted, but they’re worried about the future. Look no further than Georgia. 

Let the Games Not Begin for 11 Years
It won’t be official until September, but L.A. and the International Olympic Committee have a deal for the city to host the 2028 Summer Games. (So much for the idea of having the Olympics return for a 40th anniversary show.) In return, L.A. officials hope the extra wait will result in hundreds of millions in savings and additional revenues. But some wonder if they could have bargained for even more. 

A Pioneer From the True West
As a playwright, Sam Shepard made theater seem cool and won the Pulitzer Prize. Times theater critic Charles McNulty calls him America’s best dramatist since Tennessee Williams. As an Oscar-nominated actor with the right stuff in “The Right Stuff,” he was a man of few words — yet “so reliably expressive,” film critic Justin Chang writes. And as a cowboy, Shepard roamed across the land and battled some demons. Why did Shepard, who died at age 73, like to mix it up? If he didn’t, he told The Times in 2011, “it would be like riding the same horse all the time.” 

The Dodgers Get Their Man
The Dodgers were already the hottest team in baseball when they slid in at the last minute to get Texas Rangers pitching ace Yu Darvish on Monday, without having to give up any of their three top prospects. That has put Times sports columnist Bill Plaschke and others over the moon.Could it really end the Dodgers’ nearly three-decade World Series drought, or are they using up all their juju now?


— Louise Steinman, founder of the L.A. library’s Aloud program, invites writers and thinkers to ponder the city and the world. 

— Actress Kathryn Hahn recalls the gig that taught her “no is very powerful.” 

— The Rams ride in style during training camp at UC Irvine.



— “Ask me about my pronouns!” A genderqueer hairstylist provides a safe space for LGBTQ youth in a mobile salon.

— Southern California Gas Co. says it’s resumed injections at the Aliso Canyon gas storage facility, less than two days after an appeals court lifted a temporary ban on operations.

— An L.A. father who was detained by ICE after dropping off his daughter at school may be deported as early as next week.

— Scorching heat, muggy conditions and the possibility of thunderstorms will return to Southern California, making this week uncomfortable and sticky.


— A new USC study says women remain strikingly underrepresented in film, both on- and off-screen. And when they show up, they are still portrayed in stereotypical ways. 

— To prepare for his role as Ted Kaczynski in the miniseries “Manhunt: Unabomber,” Paul Bettany spent some time alone in a remote forest home: “It was a lovely, chic little cabin.” 

— Spoiler alert: What you saw and what you may have missed on “Game of Thrones.” 

— Goodbye, MTV Moonman trophy. Hello, “Moon Person.”


Novelist Nadine Gordimer said actress Jeanne Moreau was “an unlikely combination, both imperious and lovable.” What struck Times film critic Kenneth Turan the most was “her enormous curiosity, her formidable intelligence and her passion for knowledge.” Here’s an up-close look at Moreau, who died at age 89.


— The White House commission on opioid addiction has recommended that President Trump declare a national emergency over an epidemic that kills dozens of Americans a day.

— Some of the nation’s most powerful oil and gas companies have joined the chorus of businesses opposing Republican lawmakers’ “bathroom bill” targeting transgender people.

— Joe Arpaio, the Arizona lawman who once proclaimed himself to be “America’s Toughest Sheriff,” was found guilty of criminal contempt.

— Another journalist has been gunned down in Mexico, the eighth killed this year

— Two of Venezuela’s leading opposition figures were taken from their homes by state security agents Tuesday.



— It’s not just for elections: HBO and “Game of Thrones” are the latest Hollywood victims of hackers

— A Colorado partnership that is vying to be one of nation’s biggest ski operators has acquired Mammoth Mountain, Bear Mountain and Squaw Valley, among several other resorts.


— The company that has provided officials for the Adidas Uprising Summer Championships in Las Vegas is ending its relationship with Adidas because of an incident in which LaVar Ball successfully removed a female referee from a game

— Steve Bartman, the Chicago Cubs fan who etched his name into notoriety by trying to catch a foul ball in 2003, will get a championship ring from the team.


— Trump is still giving Putin the benefit of the doubt, and it’s weakening U.S. policy on Russia. 

— When Trump axed the arms-for-rebels program in Syria, he wasn’t in thrall to Putin, he was just doing the right thing.


— Remember Donald Trump Jr.’s statement that his meeting with a Russian lawyer was about adoptions? Sources say the president dictated it. (Washington Post) 

— A Sam Shepard short story about a family vacation that takes a turn. (The New Yorker) 

— The evolution of the word “populism.” (Aeon)


For some, the Rand Corp. will always be associated with the military-industrial complex. So why does it have architectural drawings of the houses in “The Addams Family” and “Bewitched” hanging on the wall? They’re part of the Santa Monica think tank’s impressive art collection, loaned by software entrepreneur Peter Norton. 

Please send comments and ideas to Davan Maharaj

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Nyi Nyi

Aug 2, 2017, 1:40:50 AM8/2/17
to NyiNyi
6:08 PM (18 hours ago)
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Task & Purpose Today

This Unusual Glove Lets You Simulate Full Auto On Any Semi-Automatic Firearm


How Tom Cruise In ‘TAPS’ Is Every Teen Who Joined The Military To Rebel


Watch The Navy’s Newest Carrier Launch Its First Aircraft With That High-Tech Catapult System


15 Events In August With Free Tickets For Troops, Veterans, And Families


I’m Pretty Sure The Army’s New Night-Vision Technology Is Black Magic


Trump Considers A New Strategy In Afghanistan: Withdrawing


California Marine Corps Recruiter Arrested For Alleged Sexual Assault


Post-9/11 Vets Are Making A Lot More Money Than Non-Vets, New Study Shows


Watch This Triple-Amputee Iraq Vet Win His First Competitive Jiu-Jitsu Match


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This NASA-Breakthrough “Space Blanket” Could SAVE Your Family One Day!

Get it FREE for a Limited Time 

We've had a little accident in our ordering. We've got an overload of these best selling NASA survival blankets and we're giving them away to clear space in the building.

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P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

This NASA-Breakthrough “Space Blanket” Could SAVE Your Family One Day!

Get it FREE for a Limited Time

We've had a little accident in our ordering. We've got an overload of these best selling NASA survival blankets and we're giving them away to clear space in the building.

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As of writing this message, we've got an overstock of about 500 blankets. We need them cleared from our warehouse...pronto!

This blanket is life-saving...

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You'll want one in the car and at the house.

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Grab your free NASA Survival blanket today.



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Aug 1 (1 day ago)
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On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 11:31:22 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

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Aug 23, 2017, 12:36:38 AM8/23/17
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Aug 18 (5 days ago)
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Aug 15 (8 days ago)
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The latest from InsideSources.

What Washington's Talking About

Halting China’s Intellectual Property Theft
“President Trump’s action on Monday is a major step in the right direction. If the investigation proves extensive Chinese government support for intellectual-property theft, it could trigger retaliatory action by the American government, based on the Economic Espionage Act, Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act and the National Defense Authorization Act. The government should lead in this effort, but it can’t go it alone. A broad, sustained campaign bringing together the government, the private sector and our allies is the only way to halt this hemorrhaging of America’s economic life blood.” [Dennis C. Blair and Keith Alexander, New York Times]
“Donald Trump’s trade policy has been more measured than his campaign rhetoric, but on Monday he ramped up the pressure on China by ordering an investigation into its rampant theft of intellectual property from U.S. firms. The danger is that the stick the President is brandishing, Section 302(b) of the Trade Act of 1974, could harm efforts to open markets to American goods.” [Editorial, Wall Street Journal]

College Republicans and the Alt-Right
“Campus conservative groups face three undying challenges: They are always broke, their leaders are always about to graduate, and nobody on campus ever cares about what they have to say. Consequently, conservatives from Louisiana State University, Boulder, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Washington, and dozens of other campuses turned to Yiannopoulos. He charges no speaking fees and, with minimal effort and planning from the students, guarantees them attention and controversy. He gives conservative student groups everything they could want. But it comes at a cost: Every invitation extended to Yiannopoulos validates the idea that his alternately childish and hateful views are in some way ‘conservative.’” [Elliot Kaufman, National Review]

News    Politics
White House Demonstrators Denounce White Supremacist Violence [PICTURES]
By Connor D. Wolf

Demonstrators outside the White House Monday condemned the recent white supremacist rally and deadly violence which attracted national attention over the weekend.


News    Technology
FCC Extends Time to Comment on Net Neutrality Repeal as Fake Comments Pour In
By Giuseppe Macri

The federal agency charged with enforcing Obama administration net neutrality rules extended the deadline to comment on a Republican plan to repeal them over the weekend, as millions of fake comments pour into the agency.


News    Education
Public Claims It Dislikes Common Core While Approving of What It Actually Does
By Leo Doran

The public’s response to nearly identical survey questions about education policy varied widely based on whether the term “Common Core” was included, according to results from a newly released poll.


News    Energy
After Four Days of Testimony in Nebraska, Lots of Decisions Remain on Keystone XL Pipeline
By Erin Mundahl

Although the project has gained the federal approval that had been so elusive under the Obama State Department, the future of the project remains highly uncertain.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Will Trump Be a One-Termer?
By Kevin R. Kosar

Not long ago, an outsider came to Washington to be president of the United States. He ran as an anti-politician, a man who was not going to play politicians’ tawdry games. Washington was broken and he had solutions to fix it.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Extremist Violence Is Responsible for Killing Free Speech
By Michael McGrady

In other words, free speech suffered a major trial at an alt-right rally this past weekend. And, this trial serves as a litmus test for the American people, indicating how free speech — and civil discourse like protesting — is not what it used to be.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
North Korea Dashes South’s Hopes for Better Ties
By Donald Kirk

South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in must be a severe disappointment to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Far from fulfilling the dreams of some of the extremists who supported him in the snap election in March that ended nearly a decade of conservative rule, he prefers to show serious resolve in the face of the North’s refusal to back down from escalating threats.


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Aug 15 (8 days ago)
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Task & Purpose Today

That Time The Army Had To Save All The Anti-War Hippies At Woodstock From Starvation


Leader Of Charlottesville White Nationalist Group Was A Marine Corps Recruiter


The 82nd Airborne Just Reminded White Nationalists In Charlottesville What Real Valor Looks Like


Reminder: You Can’t Be Both A Service Member And An Extremist


Navy War Hero, Accused Of Killing Wife, Claims Branch Abandoned Him To Foreign Authorities


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A Handful Of Lucky Soldiers Are Now Testing The Army’s New Ballistics Helmet


Watch A WWII Codetalker Sing The Marine Corps Hymn In Navajo


Are China And India On The Brink Of War In The Himalayas?

On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 11:31:22 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Aug 25, 2017, 11:30:25 PM8/25/17
to NyiNyi

Aug 23 (3 days ago)
 to me

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Dear Fellow Investor,

Truly great financial decisions... the ones that really impact our lives... seldom come around when you want or expect them to. And they certainly aren't those easy choices we make every day…

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Andy Cross
Chief Investment Officer
The Motley Fool

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Aug 23 (3 days ago)
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Florida Research Firm That Predicted Trump

Win Issues Shocking New Prediction


Dear Reader,


"Unless he’s actively defrauded... he will be the Republican candidate and... he’s going to win." – April 21, 2016


A year ago, a financial research firm near Miami, Florida made an unlikely prediction: underdog candidate Donald Trump would win the 2016 election.


At the time, The Huffington Post was giving Hillary a 98% chance of winning. The Washington Post declared, "Hillary has already won the presidency."


On November 9th, 2016, as Newsweek prepared to roll out its "Madame President" issue, voters proved this firm right.


But now this firm is issuing an even more shocking prediction about Trump’s presidency...


Their prediction concerns a rare economic event 30 years in the making... a sudden and disturbing shock that will ripple out through every layer of American life... and the biggest challenge of Trump’s presidency...


In fact, on April 12th, they sent the White House a document with their findings...


Until now, they have kept this document under wraps. But recently a copy was posted online. You can learn how to access it here (very easy).


Given its contents, you probably don’t want to wait until it’s on CNN...


Legacy Research Group is one of the best connected financial research firms in America.


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6:23 AM (4 hours ago)
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August 25 2017



The Revenge of El Jabato

Jonah Goldberg

Dear Reader (including exalted knights of the sword of covfefe),

Greetings from Southern California. Some of you may remember that I’m out here doing a little father-daughter adventuring. I’ll save those details for the end. Now that the suits have robbed this “news”letter of even the pretense of newsletteriness, I feel like cluttering this up with personal details at the top is no longer justifiable. So, we’ll just have to see if there’s time to get to my take on the eclipse, the canine update, the fact that today is my 16th wedding anniversary, or that guy I stabbed outside the Peking Restaurant in Westminster, Calif., (they have fantastic dumplings, btw). Thanks a lot, suits.

I don’t want to sound disgruntled about how calling this a “news”letter is even less of a nomer than it was before. I would like it to go beknownst to the reader that I am in fact quite gruntled this morning. In fact, I am so overflowing with feck and gruntle, it is my intention to have my prose seem as choate and ...


top stories

Being a Good ‘Ally’ Will Destroy the ACLU

Elliot Kaufman

At 1:49 p.m. on Wednesday, the ACLU put out one of those feel-good messages that doesn’t really mean anything: This is the future that ACLU members want. pic.twitter.com/bAIwuheEco — ACLU...

The Democrats Suddenly Need Menendez

Jonathan S. Tobin

The Democrats Suddenly Need Menendez



The Old Western Disease

Jonah Goldberg

The virus seems to be approaching its breakout phase. We could be looking at a full-scale epidemic here. Zika? Ebola? Flu? Nope. We don’t have a great word for this sickness yet....

Professor’s Facebook Rant: ‘All Republicans’ are ‘Racist’ and ‘Scum’

Katherine Timpf

A Clemson University professor who claims to specialize in online decision-making went on a rant on his Facebook page, calling “all Republicans” “racist” and “scum.” In a series of posts...

Trump’s Evil Empire

Rich Lowry

For many Republicans, what matters most about Donald Trump is that he’s demonstrated resolve against the enemy —  not the Islamic State or the Taliban, but the media. The media has become for...

Democrats Pressure the Federal Government to Support Racial Discrimination

Elizabeth Slattery, Hans A. von Spakovsky

Top Democrats in Congress are pressuring the Justice and Education Departments to stop the administration’s plans to investigate and potentially sue universities that intentionally discriminate...


photo essays

How the West Won: The Neglected Story of the Triumph of Modernity

Rodney Stark


'Exposes gaping holes in the prevailing narrative...Demolishes several widespread mythologies about the West’s development...Stark is happy to engage in the deeply politically incorrect exercise of comparing developments in the West to that of other civilizations.' - Samuel GreggCrisis Magazine

4:03 AM (6 hours ago)
to me

Cohn Says Tax Reform Can Get Done in 2017

Gary Cohn, President Trump’s top economic adviser, told the Financial Times Friday that the White House will begin a sustained push on tax reform starting next week. The president will hit the road to sell the American public on the need for a tax overhaul, beginning with a speech in Missouri on Thursday. This would be a significant change for President Trump, who has been notably missing from the effort so far.

In an interview with the FT, Cohn highlighted some of the changes the White House is looking for:

Personal Taxes

  • Protect three popular deductions — charitable, mortgage and retirement saving.
  • Raise the standard deduction while eliminating other personal deductions.
  • Eliminate “death taxes” and estate taxes.

Business Taxes
  • Switch to a territorial system, with taxes that encourage the repatriation of corporate profits currently held overseas.
  • Eliminate many deductions companies use to lower taxable income. The goal is to get more companies paying taxes, though at a lower rate. Cohn described this as a “base-broadening exercise.”

Cohn recognized that cutting taxes will mean less revenue for the government, even in the “medium term.” But he stuck with the supply-side faith, saying that once the economy starts growing in the wake of the tax cuts, government revenue will “explode.”

While the White House says it knows what it wants from tax reform, the administration wants Congress to fill in the details of the legislation. An administration official told Axios, "We need the Ways and Means Committee to own it.”

Cohn seemed confident that tax reform could happen this year, despite doubts that such a complicated undertaking can be accomplished in such a short timeframe, especially given the many other issues coming to a boil, including the need to raise the debt ceiling and fund the government. But Cohen said it would take only a matter of weeks to fill in the tax reform outline already agreed upon by the major players, who have been holding hearings on taxes “for years.”

Even so, Politico points out that the ambitious end-of-the-year deadline for tax reform amounts to moving the goalposts once again: “Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said tax reform would be done and signed into law by the August recess. Then Marc Short, Trump’s top Hill liaison, said Trump would like a bill by Thanksgiving. This is another punt.”

Trump Wants to Eliminate the Estate Tax. Here’s Who Would Benefit

Since the elimination of the estate tax was on Cohn's list, let's look at who pays the estate tax. 

The short answer, from the Tax Policy Center: “The top 10 percent of income earners pays nearly 90 percent of the tax, with over one-fourth paid by the richest 0.1 percent. Few farms or family businesses pay the tax.”

The tax group estimates that roughly 11,000 people who die this year will leave estates large enough — with a gross value of $5.49 million or more — to require a federal estate tax return. About 5,500 estates will actually owe tax, with more than two-thirds of them being in the top 10 percent of income earners.
In all, the Tax Policy Center estimates that estate tax liability for the year will total nearly $20 billion, and the top 10 percent of income earners will pay 88 percent of that total. The top 0.1 percent will pay 27 percent of it.

Some on the left are already pushing back on the idea of eliminating the estate tax. Gene Sperling, economic adviser to Presidents Clinton and Obama, tweeted out this:

Next time you hear GOP on 'middle class' remember: their estate tax repeal is $269B - ALL goes to top .2 of top 1%
Sperling’s tweet linked back to his piece for The Atlantic from earlier this year making a political and economic argument for the estate tax to be raised, including:

“After years of looking, estate-tax repealers have not been able to come forward with even a handful of farms that, due to the estate tax, were forcibly sold off. And the notion that the estate tax somehow inhibits middle-class Americans from passing down savings to their heirs now, more than ever, falls somewhere between a hoax and a joke: The estate tax today kicks in at about $5.5 million for an individual, or $11 million for a couple. That means that there is a zero percent estate tax for every family estate under $11 million. A married couple that managed to save and leave $10.9 million to their children would not pay a single penny.”

Nevertheless, repealing the estate tax is near and dear to hearts of many Republicans. Much of their opposition seems to be based on a sense that taxing the dead is just plain wrong – “un-American,” as House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady called it recently. "You work your whole life to build up a nest egg or a family-owned business or family farm. Then you pass away. ... Uncle Sam can swoop in and take over 40% of everything you've earned over a certain amount. It's just wrong." What Brady didn't say is that very few Americans will ever actually pay that tax.

Fiscal Fact Check: Most Big US Companies Pay Less Than 35%

Republican leaders in Congress have been visiting major corporations around the country this week as part of a big PR push on tax reform.

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) gave pep talks at UPS in Kentucky and AT&T in Texas, while House Speaker Paul Ryan visited Intel in Oregon and Boeing in Washington, working with corporate executives to build some excitement for tax reform among their employees, customers and political representatives – and ultimately, they hope, the American public.

Both politicians frequently cite the top corporate tax rate of 35 percent as a serious problem for U.S. businesses. Speaking at Boeing, Ryan said: "We have the worst, the least competitive tax system in the industrialized world. What does that mean? Well clearly and very specifically for Boeing, it means that we are taxing this business, these planes, your jobs in this country at a much higher tax rate than our foreign competitors tax theirs."

Critics have been lighting up the internet pointing out that Boeing isn’t the ideal poster child for corporate tax reform since it and many other major corporations don’t pay anything like a 35 percent tax rate. Matthew Gardner of the left-leaning Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy points out that according to ITEP’s analysis, Boeing has paid an effective tax rate of 5.4 percent over the last eight years, while AT&T has paid 8.1 percent.

Ben Spielberg of the Center of Budget and Policy Priorities made the same point, slicing the data a different way. He tweeted: “Paul Ryan just complained that Boeing faces a 35% tax rate. In reality, they paid 23% in 2016 & an average of only 3% for the past 15 years.”

Critics at ITEP and elsewhere worry that Republicans in Congress will use the claim that U.S. corporations pay heavy taxes to roll back the top tax rate — to as low as 20 or even 15 percent — while failing to eliminate the multitude of tax breaks and loopholes that allow giants like Boeing and AT&T to pay very low taxes under the current rules.

Why a Government Shutdown Is More Likely in December Than October

President Trump may be willing to shut down the government to get Congress to pay for his border wall with Mexico, but that fiscal fight could be delayed until December.

When Congress returns after Labor Day, it will have much to do — lift the debt ceiling, pass a spending bill to keep the lights on at federal agencies, fund children’s health insurance, reauthorize a federal flood insurance program — and little time to do it all. Pushing off any battle over border wall funding could make it easier to focus on increasing the government’s borrowing authority and averting a debt default.

House Speaker Paul Ryan said this week that a short-term spending bill, called a continuing resolution, would likely be necessary to fund the government after September 30 and allow Congress time it needs to work through the appropriations process.

“Therefore,” analysts Brian Gardner and Michael Michaud of Keefe, Bruyette & Woods wrote in a note to clients Friday, “we think the likely strategy will be to increase the debt ceiling and then pass a temporary spending bill that will buy Congress more time to finish spending bills for the remainder of the fiscal year (through September 30, 2018) “

One wildcard in that scenario: President Trump could nix any short-term bill if he insists on getting funding for the wall right away or decides to force Congress to override his veto.

Still, the analysts put the odds of a government shutdown at the beginning of October at less than 50 percent — but December is another story. “We think a short-term spending bill (aka continuing resolution or CR) to keep the government open will pass but any CR will kick the can down the road until near the end of the calendar year and that is when, in our view, the prospects for a government shutdown become more likely.”

Rep. Jim Jordan, a leader of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, told Bloomberg Friday that he’d be fine putting off the budget fight until later in the year — but sounded eager for a shutdown showdown. “I’m willing to do it whenever it makes sense,” he said.


On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 11:31:22 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Aug 26, 2017, 12:27:10 AM8/26/17
to NyiNyi

Trump Won’t be Happy About this New Leaked Report…

A new set of government leaks just exposed what the CIA is really up to…

They’re monitoring us in more ways than we ever imagined.

Through your smartphone… your TV... even in your car.

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BEST PART: 2000 copies are being given out FREE to spread the word.

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P.S. – the leaker says this is a one-time ‘privacy alert’ giveaway. Once these 2000 copies are gone (and many already are) this info won’t be available free again. Click here to reserve your free hardcopy.



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Aug 23 (3 days ago)
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Aug 23 (3 days ago)
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Task & Purpose Today

Navy To Remove 7th Fleet Commander Following Fitzgerald, McCain Collisions


A Lawmaker Calls For A Congressional Probe Following McCain Collision


Netflix Reveals The Punisher’s New Look For Upcoming Series


Mattis Hasn’t Decided On Number Of US Troops For Afghanistan


Supermodel Kate Upton Tries To Keep Up During Marine Corps Workout


Here’s How Many US Troops And Private Contractors Have Been Sent To Afghanistan


Here’s How Navy Crews Watch For (And Respond To) Collisions At Sea


Kurdistan Reportedly Just Banned ‘Wild Tiger’


US Spent $78 Million On Afghan Anti-Corruption Scheme That Failed Epically


Army Identifies Missing Black Hawk Crew After Suspending Search


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Trump Weighing Amnesty for 800,000 Illegal Aliens 

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Aug 25 (1 day ago)
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What Happens If the Debt Ceiling Isn't Raised

What happens if Congress fails to raise the debt limit? A new report from the Bipartisan Policy Center examines that question in detail, and the results aren’t pretty. Here are some highlights — or lowlights — from the BPC analysis (the full report is here):

  • The “X Date” would come quickly. In a matter of days, the Treasury would be unable to pay all of its bills on time, and would begin a process of prioritizing or delaying payments. The exact date on which the government would start running out of money — the “X Date,” which may be as ominous as it sounds — is not known. But BPC estimates that payment problems would occur in early to mid-October.
  • A 23 percent shortfall. Once the Treasury runs out of cash, it would be unable to pay about 23 percent of all obligations in the following weeks.
  • October 2 looms large. The government owes about $80 billion to the Military Retirement Trust Fund on that date. Other payments scheduled for October 2 – including Social Security, veterans, civil servant retirement and interest -- total roughly $68 billion.
  • The cash deficit would fluctuate. On some days revenues coming into the Treasury would exceed required payments. As a result, the cash deficit would go up and down. But it would tend to rise over time. By October 31, the cash shortfall would stand at about $73 billion.
  • The Treasury may prioritize payments. Debt and interest payments may get top priority, to limit the damage in the financial markets. After those payments have been made, the Treasury would choose from the millions of payments that go out each month, selecting some for payment and others for non-payment. Most analysts think this arrangement is technically feasible, but it has never been tested before and involves a host of legal questions.
  • Alternatively, the Treasury may start delaying payments. In this second scenario, the Treasury continues to make its scheduled payments, but does so after they due, once enough cash flows in. The delays would grow over time, from days to weeks to months. According to BPC, the Treasury was leaning toward this scenario during the last brush with a debt ceiling crisis, under President Obama.
  • Debt downgrades are a distinct possibility. S&P downgraded the U.S. credit rating after a debt showdown in 2011, and Fitch Ratings warned about the status of U.S. debt on Wednesday. Lower debt ratings could mean higher costs to run the government in the future.
While many analysts still think Republicans will find a way to avoid this mess — possibly through a combination of debt limit suspension and a continuing resolution to keep the government running —  keep in mind that the markets are showing signs of worry. In late July, the interest rate on 3-month Treasury bills rose above the 6-month rate, a rare inversion that signals serious concern about government finances in the near future. Shai Akabas, economic policy director at BPC, said: “This is a clear signal that investors are worried policymakers will not raise the debt limit in time.”

Tweet of the Day

JUST IN: Ohio Dept of Insurance says CareSource will sell ACA health plans in Ohio's Paulding County. No more empty ACA counties. — Bob Herman (@bobjherman) August 24, 2017

Where’s Trump on Tax Reform?

The push to promote tax reform to the public is on in force: House Speaker Paul Ryan talked about it at a visit to Intel yesterday and again today at Boeing in Everett, Washington. House Republicans have been hammering at the tax code by comparing it (sometimes misguidedly) to ‘80s movies and videogames. Lobbying groups have launched ad campaigns. Companies are adding their money and muscle to the effort. And Wall Street is cheering on the cause.

What’s missing? President Trump.

As Politico’s Colin Wilhelm reported Thursday, "with less than two weeks to go before Congress returns and Republican leaders hoping to launch a major push to get tax legislation to the president's desk by the end of the year, Trump has barely mentioned the subject."

White House officials said last month that the president would be active in promoting tax reform in August and September. Instead, he’s been courting controversy with his comments about the racist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, his criticism of GOP congressional leaders and now his threat to force a government shutdown over funding for a border wall with Mexico.

But as Wilhelm reports, it’s not too late for the president to make a difference on tax reform and that Trump’s vocal support will be more important once the battle over a specific bill begins. Still, the question remains: When the time comes, will Trump be able to steer clear of distractions or will he undermine the legislative efforts and months of messaging with some off-the-cuff comment?

Wild About Tax Cuts, Wall Street Forgets Its Deficit Worries

Max Abelson at Bloomberg Businessweek details how the titans of Wall Street and others in finance — think Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, JPMorgan Chase’s Jamie Dimon, Bank of America’s Brian Moynihan and others — have turned their backs on debt and deficit concerns they once supported in their rush to champion tax reform.

Former Sen. Judd Gregg, a New Hampshire Republican who had been chair of the Senate Budget Committee and went on to lead the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, a Wall Street lobbying group, “says it wouldn’t be so terrible if slashing taxes added $1 trillion or $2 trillion to the $20 trillion the U.S. already owes,” Abelson reports. “The way he sees it, there should still be attention paid to the fiscal health of the U.S., ‘but concern in my opinion should be focused on entitlement reform.’” Gregg is co-chair of the Fix the Debt campaign, but that group says it opposes tax cuts if they increase the deficit, Businessweek notes.

One notable exception to the Wall Street swing: “BlackRock Inc. CEO Larry Fink warned in April that the U.S. would have a ‘severe issue’ if Trump’s tax plan makes deficits worse.”

Still, Wall Streeters’ eagerness for tax cuts has some on the left crying hypocrisy while leaving other wonks simply frustrated. “They’re incapable of holding two thoughts,” Douglas Holtz-Eakin, the former CBO director who now heads the conservative American Action Forum complains to Abelson.

Read the full piece for more quotes like this, from one martini-toting investor: “Nobody put me on this Earth to pay for everybody’s health plan. I know that sounds like Scrooge or somebody. But this is the real world.”

Center for American Progress Offers New Guide to Tax Reform

The Center for American Progress just launched its own guide to tax reform, joining other left-leaning groups as they gear up for a tax reform battle this fall. The ongoing series of articles that make up the guide has the goal of cutting through the “fuzzy math, confusing jargon, or outright falsehoods” that CAP says tilt the tax reform debate toward the interests of corporations and the very wealthy.

Like CAP itself, the guide has an explicitly liberal perspective. Here’s a sample of the headlines already on offer:CAP was founded by John Podesta in 2003 and is currently run by former Sen. Tom Daschle. The “The Facts on Tax Reform” series is available here.


Aug 24 (2 days ago)
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UnfilteredPatriot, 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206, Sebastian, FL 32958, United States

Aug 24 (2 days ago)
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Fox News Guru Warns: "Start Prepping Now!"

Dear Reader,

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Aug 24 (2 days ago)
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Top Stories for August 23, 2017

Is a Government Shutdown Now ‘Inevitable’ Because of Trump?

Goldman Sachs last week put the chances of a brief government shutdown next month at 50 percent, “as the president seeks to solidify support among his base by embracing more controversial positions, despite needing Democratic support to pass spending legislation.”

Those odds may have ticked up Tuesday night, as President Trump threatened a shutdown if Congress doesn’t approve funding for his promised border wall with Mexico. “If we have to close down our government, we’re building that wall,” the president said during a fiery speech at a campaign-style rally in Phoenix. “One way or the other, we’re going to get that wall.”

Congress must pass a spending bill, and the president must sign it, by September 30 to keep federal agencies running.

Republicans aren’t eager for a shutdown fight. "I don't think anyone is interested in having a shutdown. I don't think it is in our interests to do so," House Speaker Paul Ryan said Wednesday. And Democrats insist they won’t agree to Trump’s demand for $1.6 billion in funding for a border wall — hey, wasn’t Mexico supposed to be paying for it? — and they may well welcome such a showdown over a continuing resolution (CR) under the assumption that voters will blame Trump and Republicans.

“Democrats will stand fast against the immoral, ineffective border wall and the rest of Republicans’ unacceptable poison pill riders,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said in a statement on Wednesday. Pelosi also warned Republicans about the potential effects of not funding the government, noting that the 2013 shutdown cost the economy $24 billion and 120,000 jobs (other estimates from that year put the cost at $12 billion).

Even so, Trump’s threat may be more than just bluster, despite the very real risk of creating yet another rift with congressional leaders from his own party. “Trump has told his advisers he will not accept a deal on other issues without money for the wall ‘and it has to be real money,’” an unnamed senior White House official told Politico.

"A shutdown over the wall plays so well to the president’s base that I find it hard to believe that he will just simply cave and sign a true CR," Steve Bell, a former Senate Budget Committee staff director now with the Bipartisan Policy Center, told Bloomberg. "I believe that a government shutdown seems inevitable."

Trump’s threat likely also complicates the task of raising the debt limit by September 29. GOP leaders might have looked to pair an increase in the nation’s $20 trillion borrowing authority with the must-pass spending legislation. But if Trump were to veto such a bill, the consequences of a debt default would be significantly higher than just a government shutdown, potentially shaking the global economy and markets.

With the stakes so high, the greatest hope may be a scenario laid out by Gina Chon at Reuters Breakingviews: “The discord sown by Trump could bring moderates on both sides of the aisle together to strike a deal capable of surviving a presidential veto.”

Fitch Sends a Warning on US Credit Rating

One of the three major credit ratings agencies warned Wednesday that a failure to raise the debt ceiling could result in a lower credit rating for the U.S.

Fitch Ratings currently assigns a AAA rating to U.S. debt, the highest level possible. However, a failure to raise the debt ceiling "may not be compatible with 'AAA' status," according to the agency.

This is not the first time Congress has faced this problem. During an earlier debt ceiling showdown in 2011, Standard & Poor's reduced its rating on U.S. debt from its highest level to AA+. However, Fitch and Moody’s stuck with their top ratings.

Food Stamp Use Is Falling, and So Is the Cost

Fewer Americans are using food stamps as the economy continues to chug along.

The number of people enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, known as SNAP and commonly referred to as food stamps, has been falling for years.

At its peak in December 2012, in the wake of the Great Recession, 47.6 million people were enrolled in SNAP. About 6.1 million people have since left the program, leaving 41.5 participants, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Costs are also falling, driven by both reduced participation and lower food prices. Families that remain in the program will receive slightly smaller maximum benefits next year, due to falling food prices. The maximum benefit in the lower 48 states will drop from $649 a month in 2017 to $640 in fiscal 2018.

The reduction in caseloads and costs is also driven in part by state-level rules that limit the duration of participation in the program for unemployed childless adults.

Corporate America Is Putting Its Muscle Behind Tax Reform Push

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) is visiting Intel Corp. in Oregon today, and it’s not just to discuss the latest computer chips. Ryan’s trip is part of a larger effort by Republicans — and large U.S. corporations — to promote comprehensive tax reform, including a cut in the statutory corporate tax rate.

According to The Wall Street Journal (paywall), major U.S. companies are going above and beyond the efforts of paid lobbyists and the Business Roundtable to push for the tax reform they’ve been seeking for years. They’re inviting politicians to their offices to speak to their employees, while encouraging both their customers and their workers to contact their representatives in Congress.

After Ryan visits Intel, he’s headed to Boeing Thursday. Kevin Brady (R-Texas), chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, visited UPS in Louisville, Kentucky, last week, speaking to employees and customers in an airplane hangar, and is headed to Dallas today to visit AT&T for an employee town hall event.

The tax reform pitch has been pretty straight-forward: Lower taxes help everyone, including workers though higher pay and customers through lower costs and thus more business.

Not everyone agrees, of course. Some worker groups have cast a skeptical eye on the claim that lower taxes mean higher wages. And not all companies will see the same upside from tax reform, especially those that have taken advantage of overseas cash flows.

But many large companies are ignoring the inevitable political roadblocks for now, and are pushing full-speed ahead on what they see as the best opportunity to reform corporate taxes in years.


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Aug 14 (12 days ago)
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The FDA is the No. 1 killer of Americans... more than cancer and heart disease combined.

Every year, a little-known agency ban kills 2 million Americans, depriving them of the treatments they need to survive and live long and healthy lives.

But that's all about to change.

Due to a shocking move made by Trump, just weeks after his inauguration, this ban is about to be overturned...

A move that will unleash hidden cures for cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's and more.

And it's already happening...

Three specific solutions — once repressed by the FDA — are now saving lives... including patients at my clinic.

You see, I answer to my Hippocratic Oath — not the government.

So I've ignored this FDA ban for years, using the life-saving treatments that WORK for my patients.

I've compiled all the details, and how to begin using them today.

Click here to get started.

To Your Good Health, 
Al Sears, MD
Al Sears, MD


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Total Conservative, 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206, Sebastian, FL 32958, United States

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UnfilteredPatriot, 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206, Sebastian, FL 32958, United States

Aug 15 (11 days ago)
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Conservative Zone

Hello Nyinyi,

It’s not surprising that Al Gore has yet to discover that he is essentially the human embodiment of a yawn, but American moviegoers are apparently perfectly aware.

Gore’s latest attempt to sell his global warming narrative isn’t selling tickets, probably because none of his doomsday predictions in the early 2000s came true.

Click here to learn why more and more Americans are waking up to Al Gore’s lies, and how he’s hurting financially because of it.

~ Conservative Zone

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Experts are calling it the most valuable book in America. And I have a FREE copy reserved in your name...

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On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 11:31:22 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Aug 26, 2017, 12:31:12 AM8/26/17
to NyiNyi

Aug 23 (3 days ago)
 to me

Dear Investor,

Did you miss Apple stock's 1,034% run-up since it introduced the iPhone 10 short years ago? That kind of performance turned $10,000 invested before its launch into $113,355 today!

I missed it, and it's killing me. If you're anything like me, you want another chance at fortune-making gains like that.

The good news is that Apple appears ready to shock the world, again, but with an entirely different kind of technology than the iPhone. It's a game-changing product that its management has kept hidden from the prying eyes of the media.

And recent government filings confirm the rampant speculation that Apple's working on a new mega-project that has investors drooling with anticipation.

Wall Street titan Morgan Stanley estimates the market Apple's diving headfirst into could be worth more than $2.6 trillion in the next 13 years...

That's 19X more than Apple collected in iPhone sales last year!

The University of Michigan, Carnegie Mellon, and Stanford have dedicated millions to researching the technology. Tech firms are committing billions to it.

This exciting new technology should make any investor's ears perk up.

But here's the one thing you need to be aware of:

Our analysts believe Apple's project could be a game changer - but one stock poised to benefit from this project IS NOT APPLE.

That's because Apple's stake in this coming tech tidal wave is anticipated to be relatively small no matter how successful they are.

Instead... why not invest in a company that could have a drastically larger role in this new tech, and yet is currently only 1/12th the size of Apple? Think about how much more room it has to grow!

That's because this modest company is sitting on a gold mine of patents and intellectual property that's absolutely critical in this new field. Nearly every other company in this new industry will have to pay it to use its technology.

You can almost hear the cash register ring each time a sale is made... no matter who makes it!

So while Apple is exciting to us as consumers, we think it's this other tech-savvy company that should be exciting to us as investors looking for our next big success.

That's why I hope you take a few minutes to unlock the full research a team of highly trained stock analysts from The Motley Fool put together on this developing story and discover why we could be near a turning point.

Click here to get all of the details of how you might invest in this huge emerging trend.

Get Started Now!

Rex Moore
Investment Analyst
The Motley Fool


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Aug 24 (2 days ago)
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This company is bringing back a weapon long favored by Navy SEALs

An updated version of the iconic Stoner 63 beloved by Vietnam-era SEALs is making a comeback. By Christian Lowe...Read More

China and India just got into a rock-throwing battle on the border

Indian security officials say their troops engaged in a stone-throwing clash with Chinese forces in a disputed area of the Himalayas August 15. By WATM Partners...Read More

These stunning photos show supermodel Kate Upton doing some PT with Marines

"It was a very hard workout," Upton said. "I knew it was going to be hard. The Marines are very tough." By WATM Partners...Read More
This is how drunken shenanigans influence pilot callsigns

This is why sailors have 13 buttons on their trousers

Typically, Navy recruits are taught this information during basic training, but its real origin will surprise you.  By Tim Kirkpatrick...Read More

The USMC War Memorial is about to get a $5 million facelift

The revered USMC War Memorial will get new gilding, a cleaning and wax of its five 32-foot bronze figures, a 60-foot flagpole, and granite base. By WATM Partners...Read More

This is proof that Mattis knows exactly how to talk to the troops

During a short speech on Aug. 9 followed by a question-and-answer period, Mattis thanked the sailors of the USS Kentucky for being in the Navy. By WATM Partners...Read More


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On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 11:31:22 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Sep 3, 2017, 2:51:39 AM9/3/17
to NyiNyi

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Total Conservative, 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206, Sebastian, FL 32958, United States

7:15 PM (18 hours ago)
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EpiPen Maker Only Pays $465M After Ripping Off Taxpayers for More 

FBI, DHS Classify Antifa Activities As 'Domestic Terrorist Violence' 

Breaking: Donald Trump's Biggest Question Is Finally Answered

Jesse Jackson: Trump 'Would Not Qualify to Get Into Jesus' Kingdom' 

Top Democrat IT Aide Arraigned on 4 Fraud Charges

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A few days ago our brothers and sisters at Christian Patriot Daily started a fun little contest. The winner of which will receive $1,000 cash and an additional $1,000 gift will be given to their church.

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Pastor John

Christian Patriot Daily



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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

Aug 30 (4 days ago)
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Obama and Hillary Will NOT Be Happy With This Trump Story
Dear Patriot,
By now I’m sure you’ve heard of Trump’s latest push…
When the House passed the bill to repeal and replace Obamacare.
But there’s a much BIGGER Trump story developing RIGHT NOW.
Because it could make Trump one of the most popular presidents ever.
Listen, I know a lot of people hate Trump…
But once details of this story start to leak out, they might change their minds.
Some people familiar with this developing story are talking about a “pot of gold…”
“A gigantic windfall…”
And “an enormous hoard of stranded cash.”
If you voted for Hillary…
If you’re a registered Democrat…
Or if you’re simply not a big fan of Trump…
You might find what you’re about to read a bit disturbing.
But it’s 100% based on facts.
Joe Schriefer
Publisher, Agora Financial

Sent to: wwwnyinyiinternetchitthu@gmail.com


UnfilteredPatriot, 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206, Sebastian, FL 32958, United States

The Fiscal Times via mail85.atl71.mcdlv.net 

Aug 31 (3 days ago)
to me
August 30, 2017

The Trouble With Trump’s Populist Tax Reform Pitch

The Republican push to sell the public on tax reform kicked into a higher gear Wednesday, as President Trump gave a speech at a manufacturing company in Springfield, Missouri, promoting the forthcoming GOP tax plan as a step to un-rig the economy and close loopholes that have benefitted the wealthy.

Trump’s speech was light on specifics and heavy on populist patriotism, but it did lay out four broad themes for tax reform that the president said would restore American competitiveness, create new jobs and raise wages for workers.

The reality, though, is that, while Trump and Congressional GOP leaders still don't have a comprehensive, detailed plan for tax reform, the proposals they’ve put forth thus far have been found by independent analysts to disproportionately benefithigher-income taxpayers. And critics are also quick to point out that the promised benefits to Main Street of Trump-style tax cuts — faster job growth, higher wages and a boost to the middle class — are very much in question.

Here’s an instant analysis of Trump’s four general principles:

1. “We need a tax code that is simple, fair and easy to understand.” Trump riffed that closing loopholes and reducing the complexity from the tax system might cost him personally, but said that the complex current tax code “disadvantages ordinary Americans who don’t have an army of accountants while benefitting deep-pocketed special interests.”

This idea is bound to be popular, especially given the statistic Trump cited that more than 90 percent of Americans need professional help to file their taxes, but Trump made no mention of which loopholes he would close — and every one is in the code because someone put it there. Putting specific tax breaks on the chopping block could prompt a nasty fight.

2. Slashing the corporate tax rate. “It’s time to give American workers the pay raise that they’ve been looking for many, many years,” Trump said in explaining his desire to slash the corporate tax rate to 15 percent, down from the current statutory rate of 35 percent. But a rate cut that steep appears to be dead. Instead, reports suggest that a business rate of 20 to 25 percent is more likely.

A bigger problem for Trump and the GOP: Whatever reduced rate ends up in proposed legislation, critics are bound to point out that there’s little evidence to support the idea that corporate tax cuts create jobs or raises wages.

3. Tax relief for middle-class families. “We will lower taxes for middle-income Americans so they can keep more of their hard-earned paychecks, and they can do lots of things with their paychecks,” Trump said. “This includes helping parents afford childcare and the costs of raising a family.”

Again, the idea of lower taxes is sure to be popular. But multiple analyses of the proposals Trump has put out thus far have found that they would result in much larger tax cuts for the wealthiest households than for the middle class.

4. Repatriating foreign profits of U.S. companies. Trump said the wealth parked overseas totals $3 trillion to $5 trillion, higher than the $2.6 trillion figure usually cited for corporate profits sitting “offshore.”

“By making it less punitive for companies to bring back this money and making the process far less bureaucratic and difficult, we can return trillions and trillions of dollars to the economy and spur billions of dollars in new investments in our struggling communities and throughout our nation,” Trump said. But as you’ll see below, the truth is not quite as simple.

Tweet of the Day

From a senior analyst at the Tax Foundation:

Some general thoughts on this speech: Trump outlined four principles. They're not bad principles, but they're meaningless without details.

Will Trump’s Corporate Tax Reform Really Boost the Economy?

Virtually everyone in Washington agrees that the U.S. tax code, which hasn’t been rewritten in over 30 years, needs a significant overhaul. The question, as always, is what that changes look like and what kind of reform is feasible politically.

Patricia Cohen of The New York Times reminds us why tax reform will not be easy, and highlights some of the many pitfalls that line the path. Repatriation of foreign profits — roughly $2.6 trillion in corporate profits is being held offshore — is an especially thorny issue.

Some key points you’ll likely see again and again as the debate heats up:
  • Repatriation would help shareholders more than workers: Less than a quarter of companies would reinvest funds brought back to the U.S., according to survey data. Most would simply further enrich shareholders through dividends and buybacks. When President George W. Bush temporarily lowered taxes on foreign profits in 2004, more than $300 billion came back the U.S., but most of it ended up in investors’ pockets.
  • The money isn’t really offshore: Much of what we think of as earnings “trapped” offshore is really just an accounting gimmick. And the earnings that are assigned to offshore entities can be enormously beneficial to companies, since firms can borrow against them and deduct the interest payments.
  • A territorial tax system is still open to abuse: Although there may be benefits to changing the way foreign profits are taxed, there is no guarantee that tax dodging will be reduced. “It’s an endless cat-and-mouse game” that leaves countries racing to lower their business tax rates to zero, Matthew Gardner of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy tells Cohen. That’s simply unsustainable, economists argue.
More generally, there are plenty of questions about the value of cutting corporate taxes, especially given current economic conditions:
  • There’s little evidence that cutting corporate taxes boosts investment:This is an endless point of contention, but the Republican faith in the power of tax cuts to boost the economy has many doubters. As William G. Gale of the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center said in an earlier Cohen piece, “The assumed effects on growth are just huge and unwarranted.”
  • Corporate profits are already high: As a share of GDP, corporate profits are at multi-decade highs. And the Treasury Department says profits for some large international firms are above their historical averages. It’s not at all clear why further boosting those profits would benefit the broader economy.
The bottom line is that while the U.S. tax system may be in dire need of renovation, encouraging companies to repatriate foreign profits won’t necessarily bring the promised benefits to a broader swath of the American public.

Quick Takes

Goldman Talks Down a Shutdown: Goldman Sachs economist Alec Phillips lowered his estimate of the likelihood of a government shutdown from 50 percent to 35 percent, primarily because of Hurricane Harvey. "Allowing a partial government shutdown when federal relief efforts are underway would pose greater political risks than under normal circumstances, raising the probability that lawmakers will find a way to resolve disagreements," he wrote. (CNBC)
From the Dept. of … Really?: 51 percent of GOP voters says they support a government shutdown if Congress doesn’t approve funding for the border wall with Mexico. Overall, more than six in 10 registered voters oppose shutting down the government over wall funding. (Morning Consult)
Trump Takes Credit: U.S. GDP growth for the second quarter was revised upward to 3 percent from an initial estimate of 2.6 percent, the government said Wednesday. It’s the fastest growth in more than two years. The Atlanta Fed’s forecast for third-quarter growth is now 3.4 percent. “So we’re really on our way,” Trump said in Missouri, after taking a swipe at GDP growth under President Obama . “And I happen to be one who thinks we can go much higher than 3 percent. There’s no reason why we shouldn’t.” (Reuters)
Erik Prince Pitches Privatizing the Afghanistan War: In a controversial op-ed that prompted a sharp backlash, the founder of the company formerly known as Blackwater says his plan “saves American lives, costs less than 20 percent of current spending and saves American taxpayers more than $40 billion a year.” (New York Times)

5 Big Ideas to Stabilize ACA Marketplaces

Obamacare has made it possible for millions of people to get health care coverage, but there are plenty of problems with the system it created, including rising costs and the loss of insurers in some local markets. As Congress prepares to once again address health care reform this fall, Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News highlights five “out-of-the-box” ideas that could help improve how the individual market operates:

1. Allow people into Medicare starting at age 55. A controversial move that some see as a step toward a single-payer system, moving millions of Americans over age 55 into Medicare would lower the average age in the remaining individual market risk pool, producing lower costs and lower premiums.

2. Allow people to “buy in” to Medicaid. As an alternative to expanding Medicare, offering a buy-in option for Medicaid could have a similar effect of lowering costs in the individual market by improving the risk pool, since Medicaid typically offers better coverage for people with disabilities than private insurance.

3. Get younger adults off their parents’ insurance. The Obamacare provision allowing young adults up to age 26 to stay on their parents’ health insurance plans has been quite popular, but it means that millions of healthy, low-cost patients are not part of the risk pool. Eliminating the rule would force them into the individual markets, reducing costs for everyone.

4. Require insurers who participate in other government programs to offer marketplace coverage. The federal government can use its enormous economic influence to push more insurers into the ACA marketplaces.

5. Let people use HSA contributions to pay health insurance premiums. This would allow policy-holders to use pre-tax dollars to pay their premiums, making coverage more affordable for a wider pool of participants.

As Kaiser Health News notes, all of these ideas are controversial, and none of them are guaranteed to work. But there’s a real need to make changes, and we may have a window of opportunity to make substantial improvements in the coming months.

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Aug 31 (3 days ago)
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Aug 31 (3 days ago)
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P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153


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BEST PART: Big Brother will have no idea they even exist... no forms, no background checks, and no paper trail.

These guns fire just as good (probably better) than anything you’d buy retail. And they cost a fraction of the price. 

If you want to build an “off the books” arsenal the gov can never find or steal, I’d pick this up today.

~ Colt Ward 

P.S. -- Right now they’re giving you a special bonus (also free) that shows how to manufacture endless ammo. Head over there now to make sure you get a copy before they run out.  

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Aug 31 (3 days ago)
 to me

Dear Fellow American,

Donald Trump is clearly the most polarizing President we’ve ever seen.  Whether you love him or hate him, he’s gathering massive amounts of media attention.

Though does he have what it takes to be a truly great President?

American Polling is conducting an urgent national poll to examine the viability of a Trump presidency.

The results of this poll will be shared with many of the major media outlets, including CNN, FOX, MSNBC, and ABC News.  So they can show ACTUAL results on the opinions of the voting public.
Please take just 20 seconds of your time today to let your voice be heard.

Vote Now!

Warm Regards,

Mark Patricks



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