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Nyi Nyi

Jun 2, 2017, 10:56:02 PM6/2/17
to NyiNyi
JUNE 02, 2017

Good morning! The short week has ended.

The Most Important Measuring Stick of the Trump Era: Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

This morning the unemployment rate stayed the same— 4.3 percent — and the economy added 138,000 jobs in May — not great, but not bad. What’s perhaps most intriguing is that the economy added 6,000 jobs in mining and almost 8,000 jobs in “support activities for mining.”

I wonder how many of these are up in Alaska, where there’s been a flurry of activity:

Canadian company Quaterra Resources Inc., said last week that it will invest in copper exploration 200 miles southwest of Anchorage. Another Canadian firm, Graphite One Resources, is looking at developing a graphite mine near Nome. White Rock Minerals, based in Australia, plans to conduct field work this summer at a mineral deposit just south of Fairbanks. In Willow, just north of Anchorage, residents are preparing for the restart of the Lucky Shot Mine in Hatcher Pass. Alaska Gold Torrent LLC wants to reopen that mine next year.

Pechanga Resort in California is hiring 560 new people. Amazon has begun hiring for 2,500 full-time positions at its new robotics fulfillment center in Houston and another 1,000 in Georgia. Facebook is hiring 3,000 new content monitors (although it’s a tough job, spending your days looking for disturbing or criminal activity).

The Impasse in the Debate About Climate Change

We’re at an impasse.

For years, professor Glenn Reynolds, a.k.a., the Instapundit, has examined high-profile climate-change activists and responded skeptically, “I’ll believe it’s a crisis when they start acting like a crisis” — i.e., they believe the problem can only be solved with punitive measures like higher energy costs, but refuse to make any discernable sacrifices themselves.

There’s no shortage of glaring contradictions. When the Paris Conference certified itself as carbon-neutral, they didn’t count the carbon emissions of the 40,000 attendees traveling to and from the conference. One round-trip flight from New York to the West Coast or Europe has a warming effect equivalent to two or three tons of carbon dioxide per person. Richard Branson, who owns an airline, spoke at a march about climate change recently. Self-described environmentalist Leonardo DiCaprio continues to crisscross countries in his private jet. Al Gore made $500 million selling his television network to Al Jazeera, a network owned and funded by the Qatari royal family, which enjoys the world’s third-largest oil and natural gas reserves. Gore has a giant home in Tennessee, although maybe not as big as Thomas Friedman’s 11,000-square-foot mansion in Maryland; he wrote in one of his books the construction of the giant house “prevented it from being redeveloped into a subdivision of a dozen more houses.” He’s willing to live in luxury to avert the carbon footprint of those other families.

The celebrities are the most glaring examples, but you can find non-famous cases of environmentalist hypocrisy, too. Residents of Park Slope, Brooklyn, filed a lawsuit against a bike lane. Cape Cod, Mass., residents fought the construction of a wind farm off the coast. Berkeley, Calif., residents fought the establishment of bus-only lanes on roads.

Now, in the years and years Americans have been debating climate change and what to do about it, have you ever heard an environmentalist say, “You know, you’re right. We really do look like we’re not practicing what we preach. We really do look like we’re telling other people to make sacrifices we’re not willing to make ourselves. The glaring hypocrisy of these figures really undermines the message we want to communicate”? If so, please point out those statements; I haven’t found many.

Environmentalists and climate-change activists know that a lot of people on the right see them as egregious hypocrites, and they don’t care. To them, this is getting wrapped up in petty details; when the core of your argument is “the fate of the planet and humanity itself is at stake!” you can hand-wave away a lot of the details.

Environmentalists fume at the average voter’s inability to see the big picture and the long-term consequences. They think Americans are insufferably entitled, way too focused on their own individual material and financial circumstances, unwilling to see how their decisions collectively impact everyone else, and stubbornly resistant to data, numbers, and bad news. They insist that the collective shrugging belief that someone else will solve the problem someday is willful blindness. They fume that the status quo is one of worsening circumstances, but moving so slowly and gradually that most people can ignore it. By the time the crisis is really visible, it will be too late; the only way to mitigate the problem at that point will be drastic, unpopular action and widespread sacrifice. They believe that whatever pain they’re proposing now, it’s exponentially milder than the pain that awaits us if we do nothing.

Perhaps we should have a little sympathy. When they talk like this, they sound a lot like us conservatives when we talk about the ticking time bomb of our entitlement programs and the need for reform.

Making Sense of Showtime’s Twin Peaks, Episode 4

As episode four begins, Dale Cooper’s soul is back on earth, but it’s now in the body of shlubby lookalike “Dougie Jones.” He’s barely coherent and wandering in a stupor, but he’s been guided by visions to insane winnings at slot machines at a casino in Las Vegas. Strangely, the casino managers aren’t suspicious of his unimaginable luck and merely send him on his way home in a limo.

Dougie makes it to his home in the Vegas suburbs as an owl flies overhead. (Owls are a bad omen in Native American mythology, and in a previous season, a benevolent spirit warned Cooper, “The owls are not what they seem.”) His wife has been in a panic about him being missing for three days. She’s relieved that he’s home and has won thousands of dollars in cash from the casino, declaring cryptically, “there’s enough here to pay them back.” She’s bizarrely nonchalant about the fact that her impassive husband is acting like he’s had a stroke.

Back on the East Coast, FBI regional director Gordon Cole meets with the Bureau’s new chief of staff, Denise Bryson, the transvestite DEA agent who appeared in a few episodes of the show’s second season, played by David Duchovny in his pre-X-Files days. In one of the most cringe-inducing scenes yet, Bryson contends Agent Tamara Preston is too young and beautiful to be qualified agent. Maybe this is David Lynch mocking himself and his own taste in casting young, beautiful actresses.

Finally, we return to the town the show is named after. Lovable and ditzy sheriff’s office receptionist Lucy Moran screams and faints at the sight of Sheriff Truman — the new Sheriff Frank Truman, played by Robert Forster, instead of the old show’s Sheriff Harry Truman, played by Michael Ontkean. Lucy’s freak-out is sort of a wink to the audience that one of the show’s key characters has been replaced, and that Ontkean’s inability to come back meant that the show had to sort-of recast the role and invent an older brother no one ever mentioned before.

Some fans speculate we’re seeing another aspect of Lucy this season; she’s not merely ditzy, she actually has Alzheimer’s and that’s why she’s confused by cell phones and why the actual police dispatch work is done in a back room. We see that the problems of Twin Peaks, Wash., of today are like a lot of other small towns across the country: domestic disturbances, drunk drivers, and a high-school student overdosed on drugs. “When the bell rang, he never got up from his desk.”

We also learn that Bobby Briggs, once an angry, coke-dealing punk, grew up to be a sheriff’s deputy and now catches drug smugglers. Sheriff Frank Truman seems a lot more skeptical of the Log Lady’s cryptic warnings, and if I had to guess, he’s keeping Deputy Andy and Lucy on staff simply out of loyalty to his brother’s wishes. Deputy Bobby sees Laura Palmer’s picture, and for the first time in four episodes, we hear the show’s classic music. Bobby’s briefly overcome with memories of his high-school girlfriend’s untimely murder, and mentions that Dale Cooper was the last man to see his father, Major Garland Briggs alive. We’re left to surmise that the BOB-possessed Cooper murdered Major Briggs.

Then we head outside the sheriff’s station, where Lucy and Andy’s son, “Wally Brando,” has returned to town. Played by Michael Cera, Wally is apparently obsessed with Marlon Brando and imitates Brando’s accent and quotes his movies. Some fans love this scene, some hate it; it’s definitely one of the silliest we’ve seen so far. He portentously declares, “My shadow is always with me…  sometimes ahead, sometimes behind, sometimes to the left or sometimes to the right…. except on cloudy days or at night.” Sheriff Truman seems to find the whole Brennan family sweet but hapless.

Dougie/Cooper has a vision of the One-Armed Man in the Red Room, who has figured out that BOB has stuck Cooper’s soul into another body. “You were tricked. Now one of you must die.” He finds he has a young son, Sonny Jim, who seems to instinctively know a new soul is in his dad’s body, and takes it all in stride. With a first scalding taste of coffee and a smile, there’s a hint that Cooper’s old soul might finally be reawakening.

In South Dakota, the FBI team of Gordon Cole, Albert Rosenfeld, and Tamara Preston arrive at the prison where the BOB-possessed body of Cooper is being held. (The late Miguel Ferrer’s performance as Albert is muted, and one can’t help but wonder if his health was a factor.) They conduct a distinctly unnerving interview with Cooper behind glass, where a slowed-down, deeper demonic voice tries to imitate the “normal” Cooper but can’t quite get it right, repeating phrases and pausing oddly. “I never really left home, Gordon.” The FBI agents are deeply confused, but concluded something’s terribly wrong with Cooper. This ominous, unnerving scene might be the best one in the new season so far.

Outside the prison, in a heavily blue-tinted scene, Albert confesses that 25 years ago, another long-missing FBI agent named Philip Jeffries — played by David Bowie in the movie — called him up and asked for some information to pass along to Cooper: “Who our man was in Columbia. A week later, that man was killed.” Cole is deeply disturbed by Albert breaching this trust. Cole asks if Albert understands what’s going on. Albert answers, “blue rose” — the FBI’s code phrase for a case that involves the supernatural or otherworldly.

“It doesn’t get any bluer,” Cole agrees. He concludes they need one certain person to take a look at Cooper. “Do you still know where she lives?”

“I know where she drinks,” Albert answers.

Throughout the first two seasons, Cooper dictated notes and instructions into a handheld tape recorder, addressed to “Diane.” While some fan speculated she was imaginary, he would send her requests and his requests arrived in the mail, suggesting she was someone in the FBI. Will we meet Diane next week?

ADDENDA: Kathy Griffin will hold a press conference about “the bullying from the Trump family she has endured.”

Yes, go ahead and play the victim card after depicting the beheading of the president and posing like ISIS.

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JUNE 02, 2017

Dear Covfefe,

I will admit upfront that I have a pretty good gig, writing-wise. No one really tells me what to write, particularly in this “news”letter. I have no lane, as it were. I can go anywhere I want — Alger Hiss was guilty! I like eating cold chicken over the sink! Cows, when cooked properly, are delicious! Hail Orb! Etc!

Still, even as a generalist, there are some topics that aren’t a natural fit for me. I rarely write about sports. I can’t remember the last time I weighed-in on relations between Peru and Singapore or why I might spare One Direction’s lives if I were czar. I don’t review video games, miniature-horse rodeos, or Canadian pornography. But I will confess that, if I wanted to, I could. And, if someone out there wants to pay me to share my musings I will be happy to discuss terms.

I bring this up for the simple reason that I want to head off a specific asinine rejoinder that is so prevalent in this remarkably stupid moment: “If it’s okay for you to do it, why can’t I?”

My short response to this is: “Because this is my job.”

This is a long way around to get to what should have been my lede: Stay in your lanes, people.

The other day, the guy behind one of my favorite Twitter feeds,@Dog_rates, announced that he would donate half of the proceeds from a jokey anti-Trump hat to Planned Parenthood. I was among the first to criticize him. I didn’t dispute his right to do what he had in mind, but I said it was a terrible business decision for the rather obvious reason that Planned Parenthood is polarizing.

There’s a reason why lots of businesses don’t want to be seen as political — i.e., because they want to maximize the number of their customers. If you start hawking “liberal” widgets, you are closing yourself off to conservative widget buyers, and vice versa. Of course, some business models involve finding market niches, but ideally you want to sell to everyone. A dog-themed Twitter account is already something of a niche, but since only monsters don’t like dogs, it’s a pretty broad niche. Picking sides on one of the most divisive issues of our time — abortion — may be a principled thing to do, but purely on business terms it was a bad idea, as anyone who’s watched Seinfeld could have told him.

Now, I’m not going to rehash all of it here (Ian Tuttle has two good posts on the situation here and here). But I will say that I would have made the exact same argument if @Dog_Rates had promised to donate money to pro-life groups, a point my left-wing critics seem to have a very difficult time processing.

Anyway, it looks like I was right that Matt Nelson, the operator of the account, hadn’t thought the whole thing through when he came up with the idea, and he tried to backpedal as best he could, which then in turn pissed off the pro–Planned Parenthood crowd. As best I can tell, he’s even taken down his semi-apologetic statement. That’s what happens when you blunder into a no-win situation.

Now consider this tweet rant from the ACLU:

I have no doubt the ACLU sincerely believes all of this. But you know what? Climate change isn’t in the American Civil LibertiesUnion’s portfolio. The ACLU is supposed to be concerned with — wait for it — civil liberties. I think it has been drifting off that beat for a long time. But this tweet is truly remarkable and remarkably dumb. The ACLU depends a great deal on its reputation as a non-partisan defender of constitutional rights. It puts that reputation at risk when it starts soapboxing about climate change. What does it gain from this as an institution? The people who already agree with these tweets don’t need to be persuaded, and the people who don’t will not be persuaded by them. But they will — or might be — further convinced that the ACLU is just another partisan political outfit. Credibility is a difficult resource to accumulate and an easy one to squander.

Maybe the ACLU is too far gone to be a good example of what I’m talking about. But the problem is everywhere. From news anchors and reporters all but giving up any claims to neutrality on the issues of the day, to judges who must virtue signal their distaste for Trump, to actors who think that they are full-time pundits who play make-believe on the stage and screen as a side hobby.

Almost every morning I see this GE ad.

I’ve seen nary a critical word about it, even though it is nothing more than corporate political propaganda. But since it’s propaganda all the right people support, they don’t even pause to think about how they would respond if it pushed a political message they don’t like. It’s like my old rants about NBC’s “Green Week.” Imagine if ABC came out with a “pro-life” week in which they incorporated positive messages about fighting for the unborn in their news broadcasts and sitcoms. The same people cheering @Dog_Rates would be burning cars in the streets.

Peanut Butter Cup America

It’s a familiar conservative lament to say this is all part of the politicization of everything. And I think that’s true. But you can flip it on its head, too. Everything is becoming lifestylized (I hereby decree that’s a word). It’s like that ancient debate between Plato and Socrates: Did Socrates get his chocolate in Plato’s peanut butter or did Plato get peanut butter in Socrates’ chocolate? (“That sounds dirty” — The Couch.)

Scads have been written, mostly by conservatives and libertarians, about the problem of politics bleeding into the nooks and crannies of traditionally apolitical life. And I agree with much of it. But far less has been written about how lifestyle is creeping into politics. With the decline of traditional religion and other mediating institutions, the primary source of identity for ever larger numbers of people is partisan affiliation. Indeed, partisan affiliation — for the first time ever — is often more predictive of behavior and attitudes than race, ethnicity, religion, and gender. That’s bananas.

But it’s also utterly predictable. When politics becomes a secular religion, a source of meaning, or simply a “lifestyle,” politics will be less about arguments and tradeoffs and more about wearing “ideas” on your sleeve. I agree with Jonathan Last when he writes that the current hysteria over the Paris pullout is virtue signaling about virtue signaling. But what else can you expect when people start wearing their partisan affiliation the way people once wore a crucifix or Star of David?

Disagreements become insults when politics becomes a statement about who you are. And, as I keep saying, that explains why so many now define free speech as assault and assault as free speech.

Rights and Science

What do the passionate cries of “science denier” and calls for prosecuting Kathy Griffin have in common? They conflate amoral processes with moral stances.

This is difficult to explain, so give me a minute. Neil deGrasse Tyson notwithstanding, science is not moral. It is not a source of values. Scientists can do extremely evil things or extremely noble things. Science is a method and a tool. But the freedom to “do science” is a wonderful thing because a society with healthy guardrails can harness science to wonderful ends. Think of fire. Fire has no morality. It can be used to burn down a home and it can be used to cook a meal. Our legal, cultural, and moral guardrails make these distinctions constantly. We don’t let mad scientists use humans for experiments without their permission, even though I could make a perfectly rational argument that if we gave scientists a free hand, we could get more medical breakthroughs more quickly. What are a few eggs if we get a better omelet? Etc.

If you read left-wing Twitter, this is a source of remarkable confusion for many people. Every day, I see a tweet from someone saying that you must “believe in science” when it comes to climate change and another tweet from someone else saying that science is a tool of oppression and racism. How can science be righteously authoritative on environmental policy but cruel and bigoted when it comes to the science of embryology or sexuality?

Something similar holds for our rights. We have all manner of rights to do wrongs. For instance, as Kat Timpf and Charlie Cooke have been insisting, what Griffin did with that beheaded effigy of Donald Trump was stupid and repugnant. But at the same time, she had every right to do it, and that’s a wonderful thing.

Charlie is right. But there is a tension. Just as Griffin has every right to do what she did, she was also wrong to do it. This is a distinction people get profoundly confused about on both the left and the right.

For instance, when it was reported that General Michael Flynn (Ret.) would invoke his Fifth Amendment rights, many of his defenders shrieked that we shouldn’t count that against him in any way. As a legal matter, that’s correct. But there’s nothing wrong with making judgments about it either. It looks bad, even if Flynn is within in his rights.

If you’re going to get on your high horse about how it’s unfair to leap to conclusions when someone pleads the Fifth, then I can only assume you condemned this:

What’s interesting to me is the way that people talk about rights as if they have moral content to them. “How dare you judge me for exercising my rights!”

There is an infinite menu of things I can do with my rights that would be immoral or unethical, just as there is an infinite menu of things scientists can do with science that would be immoral, unethical, and illegal.

Americans have the right to say horrible things on Twitter in response to a terrorist attack on a bunch of young girls. They have the right to associate with Klansmen. They have the right to worship Satan. They have the right to do all manner of gross, tacky, weird, and unspeakable things with their own property and in their own homes. Indeed, they have the right to sit around all day wearing Indy 500 Rompers and eating lettuce jam while watching Donnie Darko. But in these and in so many other things, I have the right to make judgments and to criticize based on those judgments. Whether my judgments are fair and my criticisms are sound has no bearing on whether I have the right to them.

Why should the Fifth Amendment be any different? The Fifth Amendment is the right that ensures a fair process. That’s all. It’s not a source of meaning or moral direction outside that process.

Morality only enters the picture when you look at the system as a whole. The trees can be bad, but the forest is good. As I wrote in this much better “news”letter, the essence of conservatism can be defined as “comfort with contradiction.” People have the right to do wrong and people have the right to condemn, shame, and boycott people who do wrong. Saying you had the right to do x is a universally valid defense in only one venue: a court of law. Outside the dock, there are higher standards — or there should be.

The problem with the lifestylization of politics — most acutely on college campuses — is that people want to clear away the contradictions. They want a unity of goodness where all good things go together and bad things are given no quarter. This has chiefly been a problem on the left, but it has become increasingly bipartisan. Why? Because right-wing populism is a lifestyle too:

Everywhere you look, people are mistaking inconvenient facts for insults. Every single day, people are taking offense at disagreement and confusing rights (and presidential prerogatives) and science for moral authority. It’s a hothouse where the air is thick with hypocrisy because arguments are downstream of feelings — and where facts are so much flair to don or discard depending on what lifestyle you want to adopt and what virtues you want to signal. In short, it’s a very stupid time.

Various & Sundry

As Michael Knight said to Kitt, I want to change gears a little. Kevin Williamson has a very nice plea for your support today. In his own inimitable way, he corroborates the point I made above:

National Review took a principled and — even at the time — unpopular stand against the man who would go on to become the Republican presidential nominee and, incredibly enough, president. I was not the most restrained voice on the issue. I am sure that this resulted in some canceled subscriptions and withheld donations, but I never heard much about any of that. I get a lot of feedback on my work from the editors here — “Do you think this is really fair to the other side’s argument? Are you sure about the numbers here? Do you really need a 121-word lead?” — but it’s never: “Don’t write that because it will annoy x donor or y advertiser.”

If you are wondering what your donations and support go to, that’s it: maintaining a conservative institution that lets a lot of different writers with a lot of different opinions write what they think without worrying about anything other than producing the best work they can. It’s a big part of what allows National Review to operate as an opinion journal in which — this is remarkable, if you think about it — there is no party line. If there’s a live political dispute that Ramesh Ponnuru, Rich Lowry, Andrew C. McCarthy, Reihan Salam, Jay Nordlinger, Mike Potemra, Rick Brookhiser, Kat Timpf, Veronique de Rugy, Ian Tuttle, Alexandra DeSanctis, and I all agree about . . . I can’t think what it is.

Now, if you’re like me, you may be wondering why he left me off that list. Maybe Kevin knows something I don’t know? But putting that aside, he’s making an important point. National Review has writers who exult in Donald Trump and it has writers who don’t. I don’t think we have any writers who take a position of blanket opposition to him. There are no members of the “resistance” here. But there are plenty of people who understand that conservatism is more than a lifestyle, better than pure team partisanship. In short, we believe in making arguments, standing athwart GroupThink. And the fact that so many friends and readers have trouble with this is a testament, at least in some small part, to the extent of the lifestylization of American politics. If you feel that way, you’re probably not reading this anyway.

But if you appreciate it, if you think America needs more institutions that think arguments and facts matter — even when they are insulting to people on the left or the right — then we would be extremely grateful if you could show your appreciation by donating. If you can’t, we understand. Life is complicated, which is sort of the whole point.

Canine Update: Things have been a bit complicated on the dog front this week. Pippa developed a bad limp earlier in the week, but seems to be on the mend. It’s a sign of how traumatized my wife and I were by the Late Great Cosmo The Wonderdog’s medical troubles that we greet every limp as a potential crisis. Cosmo was beautiful, tough, and smart, but he was also built like an East German car. Before he died, Cosmo was about two surgeries shy of being fully bionic. We don’t know how the Spaniel hurt herself, but we fear it might be that Zoë and Pippa might play too rough when the humans are gone. My wife’s new job has necessitated a lot more alone time, and there’s evidence to believe that Zoë takes out her boredom on Pippa much like Ramsay Bolton did on Reek. We hope that’s not the case. But I’m sorely tempted to get a nanny cam to get to the bottom of it. Meanwhile, it means that when we’re home, Zoë is far needier.

In other news, Zoë is fascinated by turtles and covfefe. In feline news, when the Fair Jessica and I were in New York over Memorial Day, our dogwalker/sitter/aunt reported that around11:00 o’clock at night, Zoë went bonkers and started barking out an open window. Kirsten looked outside and saw that Gracie, theGood Cat, was staring down a fox in the middle of the street. Between Zoë’s barking and Gracie’s willful glare, the fox turned tail (literally!) and ran away. It could have ended very badly. But now Zoë and Pippa look upon Gracie as a kind of folk hero.

Head’s Up: I’ll be on ABC’s This Week on Sunday.

ICYMI . . .

Last week’s G-File.

My short (mostly negative) review of Alien: Covenant.

My response to Dennis Prager’s take on Trump’s right-leaning critics.

Why government-provided health care doesn’t necessarily lead to better health.

L’affaire covfefe.

My Special Report appearance from Wednesday night.

Why can’t Hillary accept blame for her 2016 loss?

And now, the weird stuff.

Debby’s Friday links

Two mating camels cause a traffic jam in Dubai

Little girl rescues runaway dog with love

When deja vu is strong enough that you don’t know what’s real

A garden of poison plants

When Nazis tried to bring extinct animals back to life

Behold: a new species of carnivorous sponge

Great White shark launches itself into Australian fisherman’s boat

Science: Your meanest friend just wants the best for you

School in France testing facial recognition tech to keep students paying attention

Love-hormone injections turn gray seals into best friends

What does the edge of the universe look like?

The strange and surprising second life of Harambe

Five hundred years after the Protestant Reformation began . . . a robot priest

The most misspelled words in every state

Mathematical proof that your life is interesting

Newborn walks minutes after being born

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In Freedom,

Total Conservative

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In Freedom,
Restore American Glory



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JUNE 01, 2017

Actually, There Was Extensive Improper NSA Collection Under Obama

President Trump, this morning: “The big story is the ‘unmasking and surveillance’ of people that took place during the Obama Administration.”

Trump has a fair complaint; his administration did come into office and learn of a National Security Agency program that was vacuuming up the personal information of law-abiding American citizens in violation of previous administration’s assurances and agreements.

The problems concerned the N.S.A. program’s “upstream” system, which collects emails and other internet messages entering or leaving the United States from the switches of network operators like AT&T. One thing that system did was collect messages that merely included identifying terms — like email addresses — for foreigners whom the agency is spying on, but are neither to nor from those targets. The agency called that “about” surveillance, because it gathered messages about its target.

For technical reasons, upstream collection is more likely to also capture some purely domestic emails than the program’s “downstream,” or “Prism,” system, which collects the contents of targeted foreigners’ accounts from providers like Gmail. As a result, the court had imposed a rule that analysts could not search for Americans’ information in the upstream repository.

But the study showed that when analysts searched for Americans’ information, they often failed to take steps to prevent the upstream repository from being queried, too — including 85 percent of a particular type of such searches. [The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court’s presiding judge, Rosemary] Collyer called that “a very serious Fourth Amendment issue” and criticized the N.S.A. for institutional “lack of candor” because it had not disclosed the problem earlier.

After the Trump administration ended the “about” collection in March and came back to the court, Judge Collyer authorized the revised program. She also lifted the ban on searching for Americans’ information in upstream messages collected in the future, eliminating the complexity that had led to the analysts’ compliance problem.

As Circa reported, this ties to the recent debate about “unmasking” and how often collected data is connected to an identified American citizen: “Since 2011, NSA’s minimization procedures have prohibited use of U.S.-person identifiers to query the results of upstream Internet collections under Section 702,” the unsealed court ruling declared. “The Oct. 26, 2016 notice informed the court that NSA analysts had been conducting such queries in violation of that prohibition, with much greater frequency than had been previously disclosed to the Court.”

Also in the judge’s ruling was the recognition that for most of the program’s history, “contractors had access to raw FISA information on FBI storage systems,” violating previous agreements on minimizing the spread of this sort of information gathered from American citizens. Contractor access wasn’t restricted until April 2016. “The Court is concerned about the FBI’s apparent disregard of minimization rules and whether the FBI may be engaging in similar disclosures of raw Section 702 information that has not been reported.” Also in 2016, the CIA discovered problems in its “purge practices” designed to prevent the improper retention of metadata, but could not definitively say how long those problems had been going on.

Yes, this revelation of “a very serious Fourth Amendment issue” was indeed covered in detail in theNew York Times… on page A21 on May 12. Is it that government misbehavior that doesn’t tie back to Donald Trump just isn’t a big deal anymore?

Separately, the government admitted that in 2016, an FBI agent searched for and read private e-mail messages involving an American suspect that the National Security Agency had collected via its warrantless surveillance program. No matter how rotten that particular suspect was, some Americans will prefer a system where the FBI has to get a warrant to read your e-mails.

The Trump administration, defenders of Americans’ privacy and the Fourth Amendment! Who saw that coming?

Yeah, Hillary, It’s All the DNC’s Fault. Go with That.

Terrible news yesterday, as Debbie Wasserman Schultz was badly burned by a dangerous blamethrower.

“I'm now the nominee of the Democratic party. I inherit nothing from the Democratic party," Hillary Clinton said yesterday. “It was bankrupt, it was on the verge of insolvency, its data was mediocre to poor, non-existent, wrong. I had to inject money into it — the DNC — to keep it going.”

Look, nobody’s saying Wasserman Schultz is the sharpest knife in the drawer, and no, President Obama didn’t care much about the Democratic National Committee while in office. But you can’t rewrite the history that we just lived through. Democratic strategists were absolutely convinced they had a better ground game than the GOP heading into Election Day. Here’s FiveThirtyEight, back on October 7: “Clinton has more than twice as many field offices as Trump nationwide (489 vs. 207), and her organization dominates Trump’s in every battleground state.”

In the 2016 cycle, Hillary Clinton and Super PACs that supported her spent $1.18 billion.

Donald Trump and the Super PACs that supported him spent $616 million.

When you’ve got about a $400 million advantage in spending and you still lose, you can’t blame it on an underfunded Democratic National Committee.

FWIW, the reaction from the DNC’s data guy is thermonuclear.

Making Sense of Showtime’s Twin Peaks, Episode 3

I’m not going to lie to you; this third season is not easy viewing. I want to love it. But this is light-years away from being “accessible.” Quite a few folks have asked me if they need to have watched the first two seasons from ABC back in the early ’90s to understand what’s happening in the third season. The answer is yes, and you ought to go back and watch the first 16 episodes and the final three or so because they’re a masterpiece. The jury is still out on this season.

As episode three begins, the soul of FBI Agent Dale Cooper has survived 25 years in the purgatory-like Red Room, only to have a malevolent spirit that manifests itself as a Bad Tree try to punish him further by banishing him to “non-existence.” Cooper plummets through space and reality, only to land in a strange mechanical room that floats between a vast sea and a universe of stars. (David Lynch’s work is always dreamlike, and probably never so much as when he’s got a blank canvas and the need to depict “the spiritual realm.”) Time moves choppily in this strange place, and Cooper encounters an unnerving eyeless woman who seems to want to help him but who can’t communicate clearly.

Looking out at the cosmos, he sees the floating image of Major Briggs (a character played by Don Davis, who passed away in 2008). This small piece of Briggs’ soul is still trying to help Cooper, telling him, “Blue Rose.” Cooper may not understand it, but Twin Peaks fans recognize the phrase as the code words that Cooper’s boss, Gordon Cole, uses for cases that involve something supernatural or unexplained. Think of this as a small way to bring back the Briggs character and write around Davis’s death.

Cooper determines that if he’s willing to withstand some physical pain, he can escape through a mechanical device on the wall. He slips through and we think this is it; Cooper’s soul and body will finally be reunited and the demon BOB will be forced back into the hell-like Black Lodge.

Back on earth, Cooper’s body, currently possessed by BOB, gets terribly sick while behind the wheel of a car, and he crashes. In one of the grossest scenes ever shown to television, the possessed Cooper regurgitates. Demons in the world of Twin Peaks are sustained by “garmonbozia,” human pain and suffering in corporeal form that resembles creamed corn. The fan in me can grasp that BOB-Cooper’s vomiting suggests he’s losing some of his accumulated sustenance… but this is really, really gross, and this was where the new series started to test my patience.

In the largely abandoned development of Rancho Rosa Estates, a man who resembles a shlubby version of Cooper named “Dougie” begins to feel strange after sleeping with a prostitute. His arm goes numb, he too becomes violently ill… and he is replaced by the familiar black-suited form of Cooper.

The soul of “Dougie” appears in the Red Room, where an older spirit, the one-armed man, begins to realize what happened, telling his new guest, “someone manufactured you for a purpose.” Dougie appears to be a sort of artificial person created by the demon BOB to escape the consequences of Cooper’s switch. The soul of poor “Dougie” shrinks to a small copper ball.

Cooper’s soul is out of the Red Room and back in the real world, but he’s in the body of “Dougie” and thoroughly confused; people keep wondering if he’s had a stroke. His prostitute gives him a ride to a casino, and along the way through sheer luck, a hitman — presumably hired by BOB to finish off Cooper once and for all  — narrowly misses his target. We spend a lot of time as Cooper/Dougie is guided by some sort of Lodge spirit to winnings at a casino in another sequence that tested my patience.

Our attention shifts to Philadelphia, where two beloved characters return: the well-meaning but batty hard-of-hearing FBI deputy director Gordon Cole and the acerbic forensic pathologist, Albert Rosenfield. A new character, Tammy Preston (a key character in co-creator Mark Frost’s book, The Secret History of Twin Peaks) updates them on the meager facts known from an investigation the bloody bodies found outside the “glass box” in the previous episode. But they’re interrupted with the shocking news that former special agent Dale Cooper, who’s been missing for 25 years, has been found… and he’s been locked up after a car accident in South Dakota. They prepare to head out and find him, and Albert sighs that he’s likely to need “a truckload of valium.”

ADDENDA: From Politico, covering President Trump’s expected decision to withdraw from the Paris climate-change accord: “Steve Bannon and Scott Pruitt have sought to outsmart the administration’s pro-Paris group of advisers, including Trump’s daughter Ivanka, who were hoping the president could be swayed by a global swell of support for the deal from major corporations, U.S. allies, Al Gore and even the pope.”

We have a Republican president whose daughter thinks he might be persuaded by Al Gore. And Dennis Prager can’t figure out why conservatives don’t trust Trump!

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*May 31* 2017




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The Rise of Disposable Drones

As air-launched munitions get smarter, the Air Force is creating a new
class of weapon—a combination of drones and missiles. But can they be
advanced enough to work, yet cheap enough that it's okay to lose a few in

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MAY 31, 2017

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Trump Will Withdraw from the Paris Agreement. Good.

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The Non-Existent Case for the Paris Accord


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Angela Merkel -- Europe Longs to Split from American Leadership | National

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The Portland Victims Are Proof that America Never Stopped Being Great

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Trump’s Victory and the Ability to Ask

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Government-Provided Health Care Doesn’t Ensure Better Health


*Breaking News:*

Kathy Griffin Reminds Us How Insane Liberal Democrats Are - Read More Click

- 65 Year Old Senior Finds Fountain Of Youth

Islam Will Overtake Christianity as THE Major Religion…but How Soon? - Click
Here To Read More

- Uncle Sam Coming for More $$$?

In Freedom,
Restore American Glory

PO Box 780948 Sebastian, FL 32958


>> Who Told Those Middle Schoolers to Shun Paul Ryan?

*>> Uncle Sam Coming for More $$$? 1000s Using This "Strong Arm" Tactic to

>> Donald Trump is Being Denied the Full Power of the Presidency

>> When Will Democrats Admit That Obamacare CANNOT Be Saved?

In Freedom,

Total Conservative

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

May 31 (3 days ago)
to me


*Breaking News:*

- Rep. Maxine Waters: Trump's Already Done Enough to Be Impeached

-* Uncle Sam Coming for More $$$? 1000s Using This "Strong Arm" Tactic to

- Zuckerberg: Government Should Pay Americans Just for Being Alive

- Obama Admin KNOWINGLY Let Deadly MS-13 Gangsters Into U.S.

Yours in freedom,

Unfiltered Patriot

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958


MAY 30, 2017

God Save America from Naive Princelings Convinced They Know Everything

Just a point to add to Andy McCarthy raking Jared Kushner
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9728007.556787/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NDgwNzUvamFyZWQta3VzaG5lci1zZXJnZXkta2lzbHlhay1zZWNyZXQtYmFjay1jaGFubmVscy1ydXNzaWEtYW1hdGV1ci1ob3VyP3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9am9sdA/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B71316088> over
the coals for the “galactically stupid” idea . . .

I get why someone who voted for Donald Trump would defend the president.
Trump descended that escalator and went about the process of winning over
your vote. He did it in the primaries and in the general election.

What I don’t get is any reflexive defense of . . . Jared Kushner. Trump
earned your vote, and presumably, some amount of trust. What did Kushner
ever do for you?

If someone like, say, Carl Higbie
the former Navy SEAL who is often on CNN International with me and who is a
reliable Trump defender, said he was going to meet with the Russian
government in an attempt to establish a back channel of communication, my
attitude would be . . . well, he’s a former Navy SEAL, he’s surely been
trained in handling classified information, he knows the risks, and he’s
put his neck on the line for his country, which probably ought to earn him
a least a little bit of trust or the benefit of the doubt.

But Jared Kushner?

Kushner is a 36-year-old who’s been doing New York City real-estate deals.
What the heck does he know about U.S. foreign policy with Russia? Maybe
he’s a bright guy, maybe he isn’t, but he surely hasn’t been spending most
of his life preparing for handling situations and issues like this.

Now he’s getting his own intelligence briefings?

The inevitable defense is, “the president trusts him.” Yes, but perhaps the
president shouldn’t. We’ve already seen one example
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9728007.556787/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubnl0aW1lcy5jb20vMjAxNy8wNS8yOC91cy9rdXNobmVyLXRydW1wLXJlbGF0aW9uc2hpcC1ydXNzaWEtaW52ZXN0aWdhdGlvbi5odG1sP3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9bmV3c2xldHRlciZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPWVtYWlsJnV0bV9jYW1wYWlnbj1uZXdzbGV0dGVyX2F4aW9zYW0/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B2d4a5f2a> of
president’s interests and the Kushner family’s interests diverging:

The most serious point of contention between the president and his
son-in-law, two people familiar with the interactions said, was a video
clip this month of Mr. Kushner’s sister Nicole Meyer pitching potential
investors in Beijing
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9728007.556787/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubnl0aW1lcy5jb20vMjAxNy8wNS8wNi93b3JsZC9hc2lhL2phcmVkLWt1c2huZXItc2lzdGVyLW5pY29sZS1tZXllci1jaGluYS1pbnZlc3RvcnMuaHRtbD91dG1fc291cmNlPWpvbHQ/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Beb73f0b8> on
a Kushner Companies condominium project in Jersey City. At one point, Ms.
Meyer — who remains close to Mr. Kushner — dangled the availability of EB-5
visas to the United States as an enticement for Chinese financiers willing
to spend $500,000 or more.

For Mr. Trump, Ms. Meyer’s performance violated two major rules:
Politically, it undercut his immigration crackdown, and in a personal
sense, it smacked of profiteering off Mr. Trump — one of the sins that
warrants expulsion from his orbit.

In the following days during routine West Wing meetings, the president made
several snarky, disparaging comments about Mr. Kushner’s family and the
visas that were clearly intended to express his annoyance, two aides said.
Mr. Kushner did not respond, at least not in earshot.

When you suggest “using Russian diplomatic facilities in the United States
for the communications” — basically, a “SCIF” or Secure Compartmentalized
Information Facility, a room that’s considered bug-free and safe for
communicating secret information — you’re basically announcing that you’re
doing something that you want to hide from your own government’s
counterintelligence agencies.

The version of Kushner’s discussion in the*Washington Post*
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9728007.556787/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cud2FzaGluZ3RvbnBvc3QuY29tL3dvcmxkL25hdGlvbmFsLXNlY3VyaXR5L3J1c3NpYW4tYW1iYXNzYWRvci10b2xkLW1vc2Nvdy10aGF0LWt1c2huZXItd2FudGVkLXNlY3JldC1jb21tdW5pY2F0aW9ucy1jaGFubmVsLXdpdGgta3JlbWxpbi8yMDE3LzA1LzI2LzUyMGExNGI0LTQyMmQtMTFlNy05ODY5LWJhYzhiNDQ2ODIwYV9zdG9yeS5odG1sP3V0bV90ZXJtPS5jMjcyNDViMjQ2ZmYmdXRtX3NvdXJjZT1qb2x0/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bb00c57fd> sounds
terrible; Fox News
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9728007.556787/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5mb3huZXdzLmNvbS9wb2xpdGljcy8yMDE3LzA1LzI5L2phcmVkLWt1c2huZXItZGlkbnQtc3VnZ2VzdC1ydXNzaWFuLWNvbW11bmljYXRpb25zLWNoYW5uZWwtaW4tbWVldGluZy1zb3VyY2Utc2F5cy5odG1sP3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9am9sdA/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bf2e7eeb0> offered
a differing account, contending the Russians suggested the idea using their
secure facilities. You’d like to think that even with zero professional
foreign-policy experience, Kushner would recognize, “that is a terrible
idea. That means Russian intelligence will be able to listen to our
discussions, but not U.S. intelligence. I’m basically inviting the FSB to
the discussions, but not the National Security Agency.”

I don’t care how much you hate the alleged “deep state” or the NSA or the
CIA or the FBI counterintelligence guys. All of the employees at those
institutions take
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9728007.556787/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cyLmZiaS5nb3YvcHVibGljYXRpb25zL2xlYi8yMDA5L3NlcHRlbWJlcjIwMDkvb2F0aC5odG0_dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1qb2x0/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bdc06b0f6> of
loyalty to the country and to the Constitution. No one in Russia’s
government takes that oath. Everyone in the Russian government must be
assumed to be acting in Russia’s interest first, which may or may not align
with America’s interests, and certainly does not align with America’s top
national-security interests. If you trust the Russians more than you trust
the Americans . . . and you see your interest more aligned with the Russian
government than with the American government . . . whose side are you
really on?

Everybody’s Convinced Their Own Side Is Losing

We’re in this weird moment where both sides of the political divide are
convinced the other side is winning.

Let’s look at the Republican reasons to grumble. The repeal and replacement
of Obamacare is moving glacially in the Senate. The effort to rewrite the
tax code is either stalled or moving at a snail’s pace, as is the same for
an infrastructure bill. The budgetary request for construction of a border
wall dropped from $21 billion
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9728007.556787/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5ucHIub3JnLzIwMTcvMDUvMjQvNTI5OTA0ODg0L3ByZXNpZGVudC10cnVtcHMtYmlnLXdhbGwtaXMtbm93LWp1c3QtNzQtbWlsZXMtbG9uZy1pbi1oaXMtYnVkZ2V0LXBsYW4_dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1qb2x0/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B7c4e08d4> to
$1.6 billion to complete 74 miles of wall. The first $1.17 trillion omnibus
appropriations bill included few administration priorities — a bit of
defense spending, but no major spending cuts, no major funding for new
construction of a border wall. Only 39 of President Trump’s appointees have
been confirmed by the Senate; more than 440 government positions are still
waiting for nominees.

Now check out the mood of Andrew O’Hehir over in*Salon

*Get over Montana already — and stop trolling yourself with that stupid
special election in Georgia too. They don’t mean anything, and anyway —
that dude* Jon Ossoff
He’s about the lamest excuse for a national progressive hero in the entire
history of Democratic Party milquetoast triangulation. Oh, and since we’re
on the subject: Forget about the “blue wave” of 2018. Forget about the
Democratic majority of 2019. Forget about the impeachment of President
Donald Trump. Have you even been paying attention? Because none of that
stuff is happening and it’s all a massive distraction.*

Electing a Democratic House majority (which is 95 percent unlikely to
happen) and impeaching Trump (which is 100 percent not going to happen)
might feel good in the moment, but wouldn’t actually fix what is broken.
Considered as a whole, the “blue wave” fantasy of November 2018 is a more
elaborate and somewhat more realistic version of the “Hamilton elector”
December 2016: Something will happen soon to make this all go away . . . .

The extreme and ingenious gerrymandering of congressional districts locked
in by Republican state legislators after the 2010 census virtually
guarantees a GOP House majority until the next census and at least the 2022
midterms. Yes, the widely-hated health care law might put a few Republican
seats in play that weren’t before. But the number of genuine “swing”
districts is vanishingly small, and it would require a Democratic wave of
truly historic dimensions to overcome the baked-in GOP advantage.

As for the Senate — well, Democratic campaign strategists will mumble and
look away if you bring that up, because the Senate majority is completely
out of reach. Of the 33 Senate seats up for election next year, 25 are
currently held by Democrats — and 10 of those are in states carried by
Donald Trump last year. It’s far more likely that Republicans will *gain* seats
in the Senate, perhaps by knocking off Joe Manchin in West Virginia or
Heidi Heitkamp in North Dakota, than lose any at all.

O’Hehir is convinced that he’s living through the liberal apocalypse, but
conservatives look around and are asking themselves . . . this is total
victory? This is it?

Is It Worth It to Be Exceptional and Famous for One Big Thing?

The latest round of legal for Tiger Woods spurred this exceptionally wise
column from our Kevin Williamson

Having a life that is focused on the One Big Thing is fine when you are at
the apex of your career, when the money just keeps coming in and the
magical bubble of fame protects you from all manner of consequence.

But when the One Big Thing is gone, there is a double loss — the thing that
defined your life is now in the past, and, at the very moment when your
income and public profile both are likely to be heading south, you face the
real crisis: You have done something extraordinary, but it is finished, and
now you do not know what to do. The lucky ones have great marriages and
happy families, faith, community, and friendship to take the place of being
in the movies or playing basketball. The ones who don’t have that will try
to fill up the great empty hole in the middle of their lives with other
things: alcohol, drugs, sexual promiscuity, recklessness in personal and
public affairs, including financial ones. Do you know why so many people
who ought to be happy but aren’t happy develop problems with cocaine?
Because cocaine works exactly as advertised. It makes you happy, until it

I think it was Tony Robbins who had this observation about celebrities who
achieve fame only to quickly become self-destructive with drugs, booze, or
other reckless behavior: we all want to stand out, to be special, to be
recognized as exceptional and better than anyone else at one particular
activity or skill. Some people achieve that . . . and then suddenly feel
separated from everyone, as all of their old friends from before and no one
they know can relate to the pressures and troubles that come from fame. We
want to be separate and connect at the same time.

Or to paraphrase a line from the HBO show *Big Little Lies*, we want to be
the envy of our peers . . . but not too much.

*ADDENDA:* Happy 15th anniversary to the legendary blogging trio at Power
who take a trip down memory lane, including the infamous “Rathergate”
scandal . . .

The great Kemberlee Kaye
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9728007.556787/aHR0cDovL2xlZ2FsaW5zdXJyZWN0aW9uLmNvbS9hdXRob3Iva2VtYmVybGVlLWtheWUvP3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9am9sdA/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bbc9b1789> also
marks an anniversary and credits me with “discovering” her, which is
probably a wild exaggeration of linking to someone else’s exceptional work,
but I’ll take credit for it anyway.




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pure fantasy.

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NASA's New ISS Experiment Will Study Mysterious Pulsars

These incredibly dense, incredibly small, rapidly spinning stars could be
our "lighthouses" to navigate the galaxy.

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NASA's New ISS Experiment Will Study Mysterious Pulsars] [image: Share on


From the Editors of Road & Track:

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This Is Mercedes's Idea of a Roadgoing Formula One Car

More than 1000 horsepower, five motors, redline at 11,000rpm, faster
response than a naturally-aspirated V8, an 800 volt hybrid system and four
times as many batteries as in Lewis Hamilton's F1 car.

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[image: Popular Mechanics]

Should We Bring the Dead Bodies Down From Mount Everest?

A recent operation hired Sherpas to bring bodies down off the mountain,
sparking controversy amongst climbers who say such recoveries create
unacceptable risks.

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Should We Bring the Dead Bodies Down From Mount Everest?] [image: Share on
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Should We Bring the Dead Bodies Down From Mount Everest?] [image: Share on



MAY 30, 2017

[image: NRO Top Story]
German Misadventures

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On Extremism, Left and White


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Hillary Says Voter Suppression Cost Her the Election

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Planned Parenthood’s Long-Delayed Annual Report Is Here

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Negating History

[image: NRO Top Story]
Academic Journal: Quantum Physics Is ‘Oppressive’ to Marginalized People
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*Breaking News:*

- Yale Rewards SJW Students Who Forced Professor Out of Her Job

*- Trump SLAMS Hillary in 0:07 seconds

- Obama Admin KNOWINGLY Let Deadly MS-13 Gangsters Into U.S.

- After UK Terror, Liberals Blame...Right-Wingers and Sexism?
*WATCH: Trump TEARS DOWN Hillary in 0:07 Seconds*

*BREAKING:* One D.C. insider has just leaked never-before-seen footage of
President Trump

...and what you will NOT believe what he just said about Hillary.

It's controversial... it's *downright embarrassing* [for Hillary of
course]... and it's 100% true.

Here's the proof

*This is something every American MUST see
Click here for full details

[Click here to watch Trump's uncensored video]

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UnfilteredPatriot, 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206, Sebastian, FL 32958, United

MAY 31, 2017

Why Europeans Won’t Take Their Fate into Their Own Hands

German chancellor Angela Merkel
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9736804.556339/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5wb2xpdGljby5ldS9hcnRpY2xlL2FuZ2VsYS1tZXJrZWwtZXVyb3BlLWNkdS1tdXN0LXRha2UtaXRzLWZhdGUtaW50by1pdHMtb3duLWhhbmRzLWVsZWN0aW9ucy0yMDE3Lz91dG1fc291cmNlPWpvbHQ/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B9459142b> last
weekend: “We Europeans truly have to take our fate into our own hands —
naturally in friendship with the United States of America, in friendship
with Great Britain, as good neighbors with whoever, also with Russia and
other countries. But we have to know that we Europeans must fight for our
own future and destiny…. The times in which we could rely fully on others —
they are somewhat over. This is what I experienced in the last few days.”

Percentage of GDP that a NATO member country is supposed to spend on
defense:* 2 percent.*

Percentage of GDP that Germany is spending on defense: *1.2 percent.*

German foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel in March:
is no apodictic 2 percent goal but rather ... we should be moving in that
direction.” (“Apodictic” means beyond dispute. Don’t feel bad, I had to
look it up, too.)

Gabriel’s estimate of how much it would cost Germany to get to 2 percent:
30 billion euros over eight years, or roughly $33 billion.

That’s roughly $4.1 billion per year. That is *not* a lot of money in the
overall German federal budget or economy. Total German federal spending in
2017 isroughly
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9736804.556339/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5kdy5jb20vZW4vZ2VybWFuLWZlZGVyYWwtYnVkZ2V0LWdvZXMtdXAtZm9yLTIwMTcvYS0zNjUyODg0NT91dG1fc291cmNlPWpvbHQ/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B4cbd98f8> $349
billion. The German GDP is about $3.3 trillion.

For further perspective, U.S. defense spending in 2017 is about $611
billion. The Pentagon will spend about $2 billion
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9736804.556339/aHR0cDovL3BpbG90b25saW5lLmNvbS9uZXdzL21pbGl0YXJ5L2xvY2FsL2FzLXVzcy1nZW9yZ2Utd2FzaGluZ3Rvbi1wcmVwYXJlcy1mb3ItbWlkbGlmZS1vdmVyaGF1bC1zYWlsb3JzLWZ1ZWwvYXJ0aWNsZV85MmIyODExOC0yMTRkLTViNGItYTBlMi04NWRiMjJmMDlkMTQuaHRtbD91dG1fc291cmNlPWpvbHQ/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B31da1208> just
upgrading the USS *George Washington*aircraft carrier in the coming year.

A bit more than $4 billion per year is not a lot to ask. That’s about 40
percent of Amazon sales from last year.

If the Germans really want to take their fate into their own hands,
providing for their own defense is going to cost them way more than just
meeting the NATO threshold. The cost of one F-35 fighter jet is $94 million
to $123 million, depending on which variation
The cost of one Eurofighter is roughly $112 million. That’s not covering
fuel, spare parts, training, maintenance and operations, repairs…

So, the Germans are so upset about the expectation that they spend
eight-tenths of one percent of their GDP on the military, that they’re
willing to go their own way on defense? Talk about being penny-wise and
pound-foolish. My suspicion is that Germans will look at the cost of
defending themselves from Russia or other potential hostile forces on their
own and then happily get out the checkbook to cover that eight-tenths of
one percent that NATO wants.

As our new guy, Michael Brendan Dougherty puts it
“How many aircraft carriers, nuclear subs, and fighter jets has Germany
christened in these four months? How much closer has Germany come to
military parity with Russia? What do you think Poland or Latvia thinks of
trusting Germany for political and military protection, absent the United
States? C’mon, everyone. Get a grip.”

#NeverStopComplainingAbout #NeverTrump

I don’t have a lot to add to what Jonah
, David French
and Dan McLaughlin
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9736804.556339/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vY29ybmVyLzQ0ODExOC9wbGVhc2UtdHJ5LWFyZ3VpbmctbmV2ZXItdHJ1bXAtY29uc2VydmF0aXZlcy1nb29kLWZhaXRoP3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9am9sdA/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bbc1154bd> said
about Dennis Prager’s off-key remote-sensing assessment
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9736804.556339/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NDgwODYvbmV2ZXItdHJ1bXAtY29uc2VydmF0aXZlcy1kb25hbGQtdHJ1bXAtc3RpbGwtb3Bwb3NlZD91dG1fc291cmNlPWpvbHQ/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B5e01d5a9> of
the motives of the old “Never Trump” crowd. I’ll just wonder aloud why
Prager’s so focused on #NeverTrump conservatives five months into Trump’s
presidency. What, was his column in reruns this week?

If every #NeverTrump conservative had been an enthusiastic cheerleader for
the Trump administration starting January 20, do you really think the
administration would be in measurably better shape? Trump still would have
claimed Obama wiretapped Trump Tower, he still would have been content to
let the House set the details of the Obamacare repeal, he still would have
signed the giant omnibus spending bill, he still would have fired Comey, he
still would have had the Bannon-Kushner-Priebus-Kohn-Ivanka “Game of
Thrones” infighting, he still would have a glacial pace of naming
appointments, tax reform and the infrastructure bill would still be passing
slower than a kidney stone… This is a White House where the biggest
problems are all self-inflicted.

As for Trump’s best moments like the confirmation of Justice Gorsuch,
repealing regulations through the Congressional Review Act, and striking
the Syrian airfield, most of the #NeverTrump conservatives I read applauded
those moves.

Finally, Prager writes:

[#NeverTrump conservatives] do not believe that America is engaged in a
civil war, with the survival of America as we know it at stake. While they
strongly differ with the Left, they do not regard the left–right battle as
an existential battle for preserving our nation. On the other hand, I, and
other conservative Trump supporters, do.

If you really believe America is fighting a second Civil War… what do you
do with people who disagree with you? Shoot them? Blow them up? Imprison
them? Keep them in prisoner of war camps? Call our current conflict with
the Left what you like – but it’s not war.

(This why, as much as I was an admirer of Andrew Breitbart, the “#WAR”
slogan never quite sat right with me. Our men and women in uniform in
Afghanistan, Iraq, and other far-flung corners of the earth are fighting a
*war*. We’re in an intense political, cultural, and legal debate. It’s not
the same, and insisting that it is the same feels like it’s creeping into
the realm of stolen valor.)

Speaking of a Second Civil War…

You know Kurt Schlichter is my friend, so I’m biased, but his new novel, *Indian
is his best work. It is a prequel to his book *People’s Republic*
which envisioned a not-too-distant future where America’s red and blue
states have split into two separate countries.

The more I thought about the world of *People’s Republic*, the more I
wanted a story like the one in*Indian Country*: a detailed look of daily
life shortly after a national and cultural divorce, building to the moment
of maximum drama, where the lines of two new countries are being drawn,
disputed, and redrawn, and people are realizing that their values don’t
match their new country.

If there was any flaw to the tale and the world painted in *People’s
Republic*, it was that the new progressive “People’s Republic of North
America” was so dystopian and dysfunctional, it was hard to believe or
understand that anyone thought it would be a good idea. (Picture Kafkaesque
bureaucracy, ever-changing laws and social mores, thuggish authorities and
general dysfunction.) *Indian Country* gives us that needed glimpse at the
people who stayed in the more progressive parts of the country and who were
really convinced it was going to work. As one key line of dialogue reveals:

“*Illegally *organizing political groups? I thought this was supposed to
still be a free country after the Split.” said Dale. “Maybe freer.”

This story has vibes of *Red Dawn* (the good one) or the old ABC miniseries
*Amerika*. But where Kurt has really matured as a storyteller is in all the
human touches of what could have otherwise been fine as an entertaining
social satire and techno-thriller. The ordinary people of Jasper, Ind., in
the late 2020s really don’t want to be involved in a political war and have
no appetite for launching an insurgency against their own government. But
sometimes bad laws and bad leaders set an unstoppable sequence of
escalation in motion. Halfway through the book, I realized I’m reading a
prequel, and I’m somehow still wondering what’s going to happen. The sense
of dread and impending bloodshed is palpable.

Kurt, a retired Army infantry colonel, served in the Balkans, and this book
is undoubtedly shaped by his experiences there. I’ve heard him speak about
how Kosovo once was and could have remained a beautiful place, and how the
locals made choices that amounted to throwing it all away, casting away the
rule of law and the humanity of their neighbors in the process.

As much as conservative and liberals may smile at the thought of exiling
the other side forever, a “national divorce” could not go smoothly and
would not leave many people better off. This is at times a really funny
book, but it’s also an epic portrait of a tragedy… the American experiment
shouldn’t be abandoned because we forgot our traditions, our values, and
our willingness to let others live their lives as they see fit.

And for those who think that our political passions are still far from
murderous rage… have you checked out Kathy Griffin lately?

*ADDENDA:* Over on the home page
a look at how the impeachment talk among Democrats is mostly a desired
outcome in search of a justification. If the only concern among Democrats
was accountability for suspected “high crimes and misdemeanors,” you
wouldn’t hear any talk of “but Pence would be worse!” You’ll have to pardon
our skepticism about the fair-minded assessment of Democrats when 80
percent supported impeachment three weeks into Trump’s presidency.




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Buy now from Ignatius Press! →

On Saturday, June 3, 2017 at 9:56:02 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:
> JUNE 02, 2017
> Good morning! The short week has ended.
> The Most Important Measuring Stick of the Trump Era: Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
> This morning the unemployment rate stayed the same
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9754649.554227/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmxzLmdvdi9uZXdzLnJlbGVhc2UvZW1wc2l0Lm5yMC5odG0_dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1qb2x0/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B6ae44974>—
> 4.3 percent — and the economy added 138,000 jobs in May — not great, but
> not bad. What’s perhaps most intriguing is that the economy added 6,000
> jobs in mining and almost 8,000 jobs in “support activities for mining.”
> I wonder how many of these are up in Alaska, where there’s been a flurry
> of activity:
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9754649.554227/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYWRuLmNvbS9idXNpbmVzcy1lY29ub215LzIwMTcvMDUvMDcvYWZ0ZXIteWVhcnMtb2YtZGVjbGluZS1hbGFza2EtbWluaW5nLWFwcGVhcnMtdG8tYmUtb24tdGhlLXVwc3dpbmcvP3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9am9sdA/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B53b8ee71>
> Canadian company Quaterra Resources Inc., said last week that it will
> invest in copper exploration 200 miles southwest of Anchorage. Another
> Canadian firm, Graphite One Resources, is looking at developing a graphite
> mine near Nome. White Rock Minerals, based in Australia, plans to conduct
> field work this summer at a mineral deposit just south of Fairbanks. In
> Willow, just north of Anchorage, residents are preparing for the restart of
> the Lucky Shot Mine in Hatcher Pass. Alaska Gold Torrent LLC wants to
> reopen that mine next year.
> Pechanga Resort in California is hiring 560 new people
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9754649.554227/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5kYWlseW5ld3MuY29tL2J1c2luZXNzLzIwMTcwNjAxL3BlY2hhbmdhLWlzLWhpcmluZy01NjAtbmV3LXdvcmtlcnMtaGVyZXMtaG93LXRvLWFwcGx5P3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9am9sdA/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B833d74e5>.
> Amazon has begun hiring for 2,500 full-time positions
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9754649.554227/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5jbGljazJob3VzdG9uLmNvbS9jb25zdW1lci9hbWF6b24tYmVnaW5zLWhpcmluZy1mb3ItMjUwMC1uZXctam9icy1hdC11cGNvbWluZy1ob3VzdG9uLXJvYm90aWNzLWZ1bGZpbGxtZW50LWNlbnRlcj91dG1fc291cmNlPWpvbHQ/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B3f532ec1> at
> its new robotics fulfillment center in Houston and another 1,000 in
> Georgia
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9754649.554227/aHR0cDovL3d3dy4xMWFsaXZlLmNvbS9uZXdzL2FtYXpvbi1jcmVhdGluZy0xMDAwLWZ1bGwtdGltZS1qb2JzLWluLWdlb3JnaWEvNDQ0ODAxMjM1P3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9am9sdA/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B84408307>.
> Facebook is hiring 3,000 new content monitors
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9754649.554227/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5wb3BzY2kuY29tL0ZhY2Vib29rLWhpcmluZy0zMDAwLWNvbnRlbnQtbW9uaXRvcnM_dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1qb2x0/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Be2957d3b> (although
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9754649.554227/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5ueXRpbWVzLmNvbS8yMDExLzAzLzEzL3dlZWtpbnJldmlldy8xM25pbWJ5Lmh0bWw_dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1qb2x0/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B7b193118> Residents
> Making Sense of Showtime’s *Twin Peaks,* Episode 4
> As episode four begins, Dale Cooper’s soul is back on earth, but it’s now
> in the body of shlubby lookalike “Dougie Jones.” He’s barely coherent and
> wandering in a stupor, but he’s been guided by visions to insane winnings
> at slot machines at a casino in Las Vegas. Strangely, the casino managers
> aren’t suspicious of his unimaginable luck and merely send him on his way
> home in a limo.
> Dougie makes it to his home in the Vegas suburbs as an owl flies overhead.
> (Owls are a bad omen in Native American mythology, and in a previous
> season, a benevolent spirit warned Cooper, “The owls are not what they
> seem.”) His wife has been in a panic about him being missing for three
> days. She’s relieved that he’s home and has won thousands of dollars in
> cash from the casino, declaring cryptically, “there’s enough here to pay
> them back.” She’s bizarrely nonchalant about the fact that her impassive
> husband is acting like he’s had a stroke.
> Back on the East Coast, FBI regional director Gordon Cole meets with the
> Bureau’s new chief of staff, Denise Bryson, the transvestite DEA agent who
> appeared in a few episodes of the show’s second season, played by David
> Duchovny in his pre-*X-Files* days. In one of the most cringe-inducing
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9754649.554227/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g_dj1hTXN6Q2lZZHR0cyZ1dG1fc291cmNlPWpvbHQ/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B957071db> —
> called him up and asked for some information to pass along to Cooper: “Who
> our man was in Columbia. A week later, that man was killed.” Cole is deeply
> disturbed by Albert breaching this trust. Cole asks if Albert understands
> what’s going on. Albert answers, “blue rose” — the FBI’s code phrase for a
> case that involves the supernatural or otherworldly.
> “It doesn’t get any bluer,” Cole agrees. He concludes they need one
> certain person to take a look at Cooper. “Do you still know where she
> lives?”
> “I know where she drinks,” Albert answers.
> Throughout the first two seasons, Cooper dictated notes and instructions
> into a handheld tape recorder, addressed to “Diane.” While some fan
> speculated she was imaginary, he would send her requests and his requests
> arrived in the mail, suggesting she was someone in the FBI. Will we meet
> Diane next week?
> *ADDENDA:* Kathy Griffin will hold a press conference
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9754649.554227/aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9MaXNhQmxvb20vc3RhdHVzLzg3MDQzMzU4MDY2NDcyNTUwND91dG1fc291cmNlPWpvbHQ/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bba5952b1> about
> “the bullying from the Trump family she has endured.”
> Yes, go ahead and play the victim card after depicting the beheading of
> the president and posing like ISIS.
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9754649.554227/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmF0aW9uYWxyZXZpZXcuY29tL2RvbmF0ZT91dG1fc291cmNlPWpvbHQ/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bdad82d5e>
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9754649.554227/aHR0cDovL2xpLm5hdGlvbmFscmV2aWV3LmNvbS9jbGljaz9zPTEyNzQ5OSZzej0zMDB4MjUwJmxpPSZlPXd3d255aW55aWludGVybmV0Y2hpdHRodSU0MGdtYWlsLmNvbSZwPTk3NTQ2NDkmdXRtX3NvdXJjZT1qb2x0/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Eadda3b5c>
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9754649.554227/aHR0cDovL2xpLm5hdGlvbmFscmV2aWV3LmNvbS9jbGljaz9zPTEyNzQ5NCZzej0xMTZ4MTUmbGk9JmU9d3d3bnlpbnlpaW50ZXJuZXRjaGl0dGh1JTQwZ21haWwuY29tJnA9OTc1NDY0OSZ1dG1fc291cmNlPWpvbHQ/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119F24f74280>
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9754649.554227/aHR0cDovL2xpLm5hdGlvbmFscmV2aWV3LmNvbS9jbGljaz9zPTEyNzQ5NSZzej02OXgxNSZsaT0mZT13d3dueWlueWlpbnRlcm5ldGNoaXR0aHUlNDBnbWFpbC5jb20mcD05NzU0NjQ5JnV0bV9zb3VyY2U9am9sdA/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119G417296d0>
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> Paris Agreement Withdrawal: Trump Made a Good Decision | National Review
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9754649.554227/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NDgyMDgvcGFyaXMtYWdyZWVtZW50LXdpdGhkcmF3YWwtdHJ1bXA_dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1qb2x0/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119C965b43ed>
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> Notes on the Oslo Freedom Forum 2017, Part V | National Review
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9754649.554227/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NDgxNzEvbm90ZXMtb3Nsby1mcmVlZG9tLWZvcnVtLTIwMTctcGFydC12P3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9am9sdA/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Cef18503c>
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> Trump Refuses to Affirm NATO's Article 5 | National Review
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9754649.554227/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NDgxOTQvdHJ1bXAtcmVmdXNlcy1hZmZpcm0tbmF0by1hcnRpY2xlLTU_dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1qb2x0/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119C576cb3f3>
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> Social-Science Research: Marriage Improves Mental & Physical Health |
> National Review
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> Family Breakdown & American Adolescents: Mental-Health Problems Rising at
> Alarming Rate | National Review
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> ............................................
> JUNE 02, 2017
> Dear Covfefe,
> I will admit upfront that I have a pretty good gig, writing-wise. No one
> really tells me what to write, particularly in this “news”letter. I have no
> lane, as it were. I can go anywhere I want — *Alger Hiss was guilty! I
> like eating cold chicken over the sink! Cows, when cooked properly, are
> delicious! Hail Orb! Etc!*
> Still, even as a generalist, there are some topics that aren’t a natural
> fit for me. I rarely write about sports. I can’t remember the last time I
> weighed-in on relations between Peru and Singapore or why I might spare One
> Direction’s lives if I were czar. I don’t review video games,
> miniature-horse rodeos, or Canadian pornography. But I will confess that,
> if I wanted to, I could. And, if someone out there wants to pay me to share
> my musings I will be happy to discuss terms.
> I bring this up for the simple reason that I want to head off a specific
> asinine rejoinder that is so prevalent in this remarkably stupid moment:
> “If it’s okay for you to do it, why can’t I?”
> My short response to this is: “Because this is my job.”
> This is a long way around to get to what should have been my lede: Stay in
> your lanes, people.
> The other day, the guy behind one of my favorite Twitter feeds,@Dog_rates
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9kb2dfcmF0ZXM_cmVmX3NyYz10d3NyYyU1RWdvb2dsZSU3Q3R3Y2FtcCU1RXNlcnAlN0N0d2dyJTVFYXV0aG9y/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bb6577536>,
> announced that he would donate half of the proceeds from a jokey anti-Trump
> hat to Planned Parenthood. I was among the first to criticize him. I didn’t
> dispute his right to do what he had in mind, but I said it was a terrible
> business decision for the rather obvious reason that Planned Parenthood is
> polarizing.
> There’s a reason why lots of businesses don’t want to be seen as political
> — i.e., because they want to maximize the number of their customers. If you
> start hawking “liberal” widgets, you are closing yourself off to
> conservative widget buyers, and vice versa. Of course, some business models
> involve finding market niches, but ideally you want to sell to everyone. A
> dog-themed Twitter account is already something of a niche, but since only
> monsters don’t like dogs, it’s a pretty broad niche. Picking sides on one
> of the most divisive issues of our time — abortion — may be a principled
> thing to do, but purely on business terms it was a bad idea, as anyone
> who’s watched *Seinfeld* could have told him.
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g_dj1fS21zSzNlcnRrTQ/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B293a6b5b>
> Now, I’m not going to rehash all of it here (Ian Tuttle has two good posts
> on the situation here
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NDgyMTQvcG9saXRpY3MtZmVuY2VzLWxpYmVyYWwtbGltaXRz/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bae0f9b06>
> and here
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vY29ybmVyLzQ0ODE0MC93ZXJhdGVkb2dzLXBsYW5uZWQtcGFyZW50aG9vZC1wb2xpdGljaXphdGlvbi1ldmVyeXRoaW5n/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B2e069a02>).
> But I will say that I would have made the exact same argument if @Dog_Rates
> had promised to donate money to pro-life groups, a point my left-wing
> critics seem to have a very difficult time processing.
> Anyway, it looks like I was right that Matt Nelson, the operator of the
> account, hadn’t thought the whole thing through when he came up with the
> idea, and he tried to backpedal as best he could, which then in turn pissed
> off the pro–Planned Parenthood crowd. As best I can tell, he’s even taken
> down his semi-apologetic statement. That’s what happens when you blunder
> into a no-win situation.
> Now consider this tweet rant from the ACLU:
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9BQ0xVL3N0YXR1cy84NzAzNTcwNjkwODk2ODk2MDA/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bee81e9e1>
> I have no doubt the ACLU sincerely believes all of this. But you know
> what? Climate change isn’t in the American *Civil Liberties*Union’s
> portfolio. The ACLU is supposed to be concerned with — wait for it — civil
> liberties. I think it has been drifting off that beat for a long time. But
> this tweet is truly remarkable and remarkably dumb. The ACLU depends a
> great deal on its reputation as a non-partisan defender of constitutional
> rights. It puts that reputation at risk when it starts soapboxing about
> climate change. What does it gain from this as an institution? The people
> who already agree with these tweets don’t need to be persuaded, and the
> people who don’t will not be persuaded by them. But they will — or might be
> — further convinced that the ACLU is just another partisan political
> outfit. Credibility is a difficult resource to accumulate and an easy one
> to squander.
> Maybe the ACLU is too far gone to be a good example of what I’m talking
> about. But the problem is everywhere. From news anchors and reporters all
> but giving up any claims to neutrality on the issues of the day, to judges
> who must virtue signal their distaste for Trump, to actors who think that
> they are full-time pundits who play make-believe on the stage and screen as
> a side hobby.
> Almost every morning I see this GE ad.
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g_dj1zUTZfZk9YN0lUUQ/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119C34ac11a9>
> I’ve seen nary a critical word about it, even though it is nothing more
> than corporate political propaganda. But since it’s propaganda all the
> right people support, they don’t even pause to think about how they would
> respond if it pushed a political message they don’t like. It’s like my old
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS8zNjk3MDIvdGluc2VsdG93bnMtcHJvcGFnYW5kYS1wcm9ibGVtLWpvbmFoLWdvbGRiZXJn/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B137d62b6>
> rants
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5yZWFsY2xlYXJwb2xpdGljcy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZXMvMjAwNy8xMS9uYmNzX2dyZWVuX2ZyYXVkLmh0bWw/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bf93782e3> about
> NBC’s “Green Week.” Imagine if ABC came out with a “pro-life” week in which
> they incorporated positive messages about fighting for the unborn in their
> news broadcasts and sitcoms. The same people cheering @Dog_Rates would be
> burning cars in the streets.
> Peanut Butter Cup America
> It’s a familiar conservative lament to say this is all part of the
> politicization of everything. And I think that’s true. But you can flip it
> on its head, too. Everything is becoming lifestylized (I hereby decree
> that’s a word). It’s like that ancient debate between Plato and Socrates:
> Did Socrates get his chocolate in Plato’s peanut butter or did Plato get
> peanut butter in Socrates’ chocolate? (“That sounds dirty” — The Couch.)
> Scads have been written, mostly by conservatives and libertarians, about
> the problem of politics bleeding into the nooks and crannies of
> traditionally apolitical life. And I agree with much of it. But far less
> has been written about how lifestyle is creeping into politics. With the
> decline of traditional religion and other mediating institutions, the
> primary source of identity for ever larger numbers of people is partisan
> affiliation. Indeed, partisan affiliation — for the first time ever — is
> often more predictive of behavior and attitudes than race, ethnicity,
> religion, and gender. That’s bananas.
> But it’s also utterly predictable. When politics becomes a secular
> religion, a source of meaning, or simply a “lifestyle,” politics will be
> less about arguments and tradeoffs and more about wearing “ideas” on your
> sleeve. I agree with Jonathan Last
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cHM6Ly90LmNvL3V0TFkyZG9FcUk/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Baaa0e3c1> when
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NDgxNTgva2F0aHktZ3JpZmZpbi10cnVtcC1kZWNhcGl0YXRpb24tbm8tcHJvc2VjdXRpb24_dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1zb2NpYWwmdXRtX21lZGl1bT10d2l0dGVyJnV0bV9jYW1wYWlnbj10aW1wZiZ1dG1fY29udGVudD1rYXRoeS1ncmlmZmlu/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bc187c86e> and
> Charlie Cooke have been insisting, what Griffin did with that beheaded
> effigy of Donald Trump was stupid and repugnant. But at the same time, she
> had every right to do it, and that’s a wonderful thing.
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9jaGFybGVzY3djb29rZS9zdGF0dXMvODY5ODkzNDExMjU1NTc4NjI0/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B0de93fc1>
> Charlie is right. But there is a tension. Just as Griffin has every right
> to do what she did, she was also wrong to do it. This is a distinction
> people get profoundly confused about on both the left and the right.
> For instance, when it was reported that General Michael Flynn (Ret.) would
> invoke his Fifth Amendment rights, many of his defenders shrieked that we
> shouldn’t count that against him in any way. As a legal matter, that’s
> correct. But there’s nothing wrong with making judgments about it either.
> It looks bad, even if Flynn is within in his rights.
> If you’re going to get on your high horse about how it’s unfair to leap to
> conclusions when someone pleads the Fifth, then I can only assume you
> condemned this:
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g_dj1oTXloN2tvOUwyZw/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119D90bfd5a4>
> What’s interesting to me is the way that people talk about rights as if
> they have moral content to them. “How dare you judge me for exercising my
> rights!”
> There is an infinite menu of things I can do with my rights that would be
> immoral or unethical, just as there is an infinite menu of things
> scientists can do with science that would be immoral, unethical, and
> illegal.
> Americans have the right to say horrible things on Twitter
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL3R3aXRjaHkuY29tL3NhbWotMzkzMC8yMDE3LzA1LzIyL2Zja2luLXNjdW1iYWctdmVyaWZpZWQtdHdpdHRlci1hY2NvdW50LXR3ZWV0cy12aWxlLWpva2VzLWFib3V0LWluY2lkZW50LWF0LWFyaWFuYS1ncmFuZGUtY29uY2VydC8/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B6346bf17> in
> response to a terrorist attack on a bunch of young girls. They have the
> right to associate with Klansmen. They have the right to worship Satan.
> They have the right to do all manner of gross, tacky, weird, and
> unspeakable things with their own property and in their own homes. Indeed,
> they have the right to sit around all day wearing Indy 500 Rompers
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL3d3dy50aGVpbmR5Y2hhbm5lbC5jb20vbmV3cy9sb2NhbC1uZXdzL2luZGlhbmEtZGVzaWduZXItY3JlYXRlcy1pbmR5LTUwMC10aGVtZWQtcm9tcGVycy1mb3ItbWVu/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bcd8863b8> and
> eating lettuce jam
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL3NraWxsZXQubGlmZWhhY2tlci5jb20vbGV0dHVjZS1qYW0taXMtdGhlLXBlcmZlY3QtdXNlLWZvci10aGF0LWxhc3Qtc2FkLWJpdC0xNzk1MzQyMDUx/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B84a12272> while
> watching *Donnie Darko*. But in these and in so many other things, I have
> the right to make judgments and to criticize based on those judgments.
> Whether my judgments are fair and my criticisms are sound has no bearing on
> whether I have the right to them.
> Why should the Fifth Amendment be any different? The Fifth Amendment is
> the right that ensures a fair process. That’s all. It’s not a source of
> meaning or moral direction outside that process.
> Morality only enters the picture when you look at the system as a whole.
> The trees can be bad, but the forest is good. As I wrote in this much
> better “news”letter
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vZy1maWxlLzQyMDA1NS93aGVuLXdlLXNheS1jb25zZXJ2YXRpdmUtd2UtbWVhbi1qb25haC1nb2xkYmVyZw/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B030be7e4>,
> the essence of conservatism can be defined as “comfort with contradiction.”
> People have the right to do wrong and people have the right to condemn,
> shame, and boycott people who do wrong. Saying you had the right to do x is
> a universally valid defense in only one venue: a court of law. Outside the
> dock, there are higher standards — or there should be.
> The problem with the lifestylization of politics — most acutely on college
> campuses — is that people want to clear away the contradictions. They want
> a unity of goodness where all good things go together and bad things are
> given no quarter. This has chiefly been a problem on the left, but it has
> become increasingly bipartisan. Why? Because right-wing populism is a
> lifestyle too:
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS90b2Rkc3Rhcm5lcy9zdGF0dXMvODY1NzY1ODcxMDIwNTg0OTYx/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B5c1078d6>
> Everywhere you look, people are mistaking inconvenient facts for insults.
> Every single day, people are taking offense at disagreement and confusing
> rights (and presidential prerogatives) and science for moral authority.
> It’s a hothouse where the air is thick with hypocrisy because arguments are
> downstream of feelings — and where facts are so much flair to don or
> discard depending on what lifestyle you want to adopt and what virtues you
> want to signal. In short, it’s a very stupid time.
> Various & Sundry
> As Michael Knight said to Kitt, I want to change gears a little. Kevin
> Williamson has a very nice plea
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NDgxNDMvZG9uYXRlLW5hdGlvbmFsLXJldmlldy10aGVyZS1uby1zdWJzdGl0dXRl/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B6f2278c4> for
> your support today. In his own inimitable way, he corroborates the point I
> made above:
> *National Review* took a principled and — even at the time — unpopular
> stand against the man who would go on to become the Republican presidential
> nominee and, incredibly enough, president. I was not the most restrained
> voice on the issue. I am sure that this resulted in some canceled
> subscriptions and withheld donations, but I never heard much about any of
> that. I get a lot of feedback on my work from the editors here — “Do you
> think this is really fair to the other side’s argument? Are you sure about
> the numbers here? Do you really need a 121-word lead?” — but it’s never:
> “Don’t write that because it will annoy x donor or y advertiser.”
> If you are wondering what your donations and support
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cHM6Ly9uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5mdW5kcmFpc2UuY29tL25hdGlvbmFsLXJldmlldw/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B3676993e> go
> to, that’s it: maintaining a conservative institution that lets a lot of
> different writers with a lot of different opinions write what they think
> without worrying about anything other than producing the best work they
> can. It’s a big part of what allows *National Review* to operate as an
> opinion journal in which — this is remarkable, if you think about it —
> there is no party line. If there’s a live political dispute that Ramesh
> Ponnuru, Rich Lowry, Andrew C. McCarthy, Reihan Salam, Jay Nordlinger, Mike
> Potemra, Rick Brookhiser, Kat Timpf, Veronique de Rugy, Ian Tuttle,
> Alexandra DeSanctis, and I all agree about . . . I can’t think what it is.
> Now, if you’re like me, you may be wondering why he left me off that list.
> Maybe Kevin knows something I don’t know? But putting that aside, he’s
> making an important point. *National Review* has writers who exult in
> Donald Trump and it has writers who don’t. I don’t think we have any
> writers who take a position of blanket opposition to him. There are no
> members of the “resistance” here. But there are plenty of people who
> understand that conservatism is more than a lifestyle, better than pure
> team partisanship. In short, we believe in making arguments, standing
> athwart GroupThink. And the fact that so many friends and readers have
> trouble with this is a testament, at least in some small part, to the
> extent of the lifestylization of American politics. If you feel that way,
> you’re probably not reading this anyway.
> But if you appreciate it, if you think America needs more institutions
> that think arguments and facts matter — even when they are insulting to
> people on the left or the right — then we would be extremely grateful if
> you could show your appreciation by donating
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cHM6Ly9uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5mdW5kcmFpc2UuY29tL25hdGlvbmFsLXJldmlldw/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119C3676993e>.
> If you can’t, we understand. Life is complicated, which is sort of the
> whole point.
> *Canine Update: *Things have been a bit complicated on the dog front this
> week. Pippa developed a bad limp earlier in the week, but seems to be on
> the mend. It’s a sign of how traumatized my wife and I were by the Late
> Great Cosmo The Wonderdog’s medical troubles that we greet every limp as a
> potential crisis. Cosmo was beautiful, tough, and smart, but he was also
> built like an East German car. Before he died, Cosmo was about two
> surgeries shy of being fully bionic. We don’t know how the Spaniel hurt
> herself, but we fear it might be that Zoë and Pippa might play too rough
> when the humans are gone. My wife’s new job has necessitated a lot more
> alone time, and there’s evidence to believe that Zoë takes out her boredom
> on Pippa much like Ramsay Bolton did on Reek. We hope that’s not the case.
> But I’m sorely tempted to get a nanny cam to get to the bottom of it.
> Meanwhile, it means that when we’re home, Zoë is far needier
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9Kb25haE5STy9zdGF0dXMvODY5ODkwNjc2ODEyNjMyMDY1/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B606fca22>
> .
> In other news, Zoë is fascinated by turtles
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9Kb25haE5STy9zdGF0dXMvODcwMzM3NTA4NTc1NDY1NDc1/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B3d71b2b0>
> and covfefe
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9Kb25haE5STy9zdGF0dXMvODcwMDAzNzU5NTg5NDQ5NzI4/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bd436bdbe>.
> In feline news, when the Fair Jessica and I were in New York over Memorial
> Day, our dogwalker/sitter/aunt reported that around11:00 o’clock at
> night, Zoë went bonkers and started barking out an open window. Kirsten
> looked outside and saw that Gracie, theGood Cat
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9Kb25haE5STy9zdGF0dXMvODY5NzMyMjg1MDIwNjEwNTYw/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Be9edcacb>,
> was staring down a fox in the middle of the street. Between Zoë’s barking
> and Gracie’s willful glare, the fox turned tail (literally!) and ran away.
> It could have ended very badly. But now Zoë and Pippa look upon Gracie as a
> kind of folk hero.
> *Head’s Up:* I’ll be on ABC’s *This Week* on Sunday.
> *ICYMI . . .*
> Last week’s G-File.
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vZy1maWxlLzQ0ODA1MS9icm8tYWdlLWRvbmFsZC10cnVtcC11bmRlcmFjaGlldmVyLWhhYml0cw/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B4b807c8f>
> My short (mostly negative) review of *Alien: Covenant*
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vY29ybmVyLzQ0ODA5Mi9hbGllbi1jb3ZlbmFudC1yZXZpZXctYW5kcm9pZHM/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B7f108bdc>
> .
> My response to Dennis Prager’s take on Trump’s right-leaning critics
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vY29ybmVyLzQ0ODEwMS9kZW5uaXMtcHJhZ2VyLW5ldmVyLXRydW1wLWNvbnNlcnZhdGl2ZXMtZmFsbHMtc2hvcnQ/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B411c882d>
> .
> Why government-provided health care doesn’t necessarily lead to better
> health
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NDgwOTkvYW1lcmljYW4tbGlmZS1leHBlY3RhbmN5LXVucmVsYXRlZC10by1nb3Zlcm5tZW50LXByb3ZpZGVkLWhlYWx0aC1jYXJl/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B29b9fc84>
> .
> L’affaire covfefe
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vY29ybmVyLzQ0ODE0OC9jb3ZmZWZlLWRvbmFsZC10cnVtcHMtdHdpdHRlci1oYWJpdHMtd2hpdGUtaG91c2U/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B15a8f3a5>
> .
> My *Special Report* appearance from Wednesday night
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL3ZpZGVvLmZveG5ld3MuY29tL3YvNTQ1NTIwNzE4MzAwMQ/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Be27b1fbc>
> .
> Why can’t Hillary accept blame for her 2016 loss?
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NDgxOTkvaGlsbGFyeS1jbGludG9uLTIwMTYtY2FtcGFpZ24tcHJlc2lkZW50LWxvc3MtYmxhbWVzLWRlbW9jcmF0cy1wdWJsaWMtYmVydG9sdC1icmVjaHQ_dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1zb2NpYWwmdXRtX21lZGl1bT10d2l0dGVyJnV0bV9jYW1wYWlnbj1nb2xkYmVyZyZ1dG1fY29udGVudD1ibGFtZS1hbWVyaWNh/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B7bbae857>
> And now, the *weird stuff*.
> Debby’s Friday links
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vY29ybmVyLzQ0ODIxNy9mcmlkYXktbGlua3M/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B38bbaa0f>
> Two mating camels cause a traffic jam in Dubai
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5kYWlseW1haWwuY28udWsvbmV3cy9hcnRpY2xlLTQ1NTQ0MzQvVHdvLWNhbWVscy1tYXRpbmctbWlkZGxlLW1vdG9yd2F5LUR1YmFpLmh0bWw_aXRvPXNvY2lhbC10d2l0dGVyX21haWxvbmxpbmU/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B64eb22e0>
> Little girl rescues runaway dog with love
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cudGhlYW5pbWFscmVzY3Vlc2l0ZS5jb20vZGFpc3ktcmVzY3VlLz91dG1fc291cmNlPWtiJnV0bV9tZWRpdW09cGFpZC1hZmZpbGlhdGUmdXRtX2NvbnRlbnQ9bGlua181Q09yYVUmdXRtX2NhbXBhaWdu/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bc8acc47a>
> When deja vu is strong enough that you don’t know what’s real
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL2RpZ2cuY29tLzIwMTcvZGVqYS12dS1zY2llbmNl/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Be085be02>
> A garden of poison plants
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL2RpZ2cuY29tL3ZpZGVvL2dhcmRlbi1wb2lzb24tcGxhbnRz/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B3f3b3ddb>
> When Nazis tried to bring extinct animals back to life
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cHM6Ly91bmRhcmsub3JnL2FydGljbGUvbmF6aXMtYXVyb2Nocy1kZWV4dGluY3Rpb24tbWFtbW90aC8/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bd1e47b1a>
> Behold: a new species of carnivorous sponge
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5hdGxhc29ic2N1cmEuY29tL2FydGljbGVzL25ldy1zcGVjaWVzLWNhcm5pdm9yb3VzLXNwb25nZS1jYW5hZGE/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B484e424d>
> Great White shark launches itself into Australian fisherman’s boat
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudXNhdG9kYXkuY29tL3N0b3J5L25ld3MvbmF0aW9uLW5vdy8yMDE3LzA1LzI5L2F1c3RyYWxpYW4tZmlzaGVybWFuLXN0dW5uZWQtYWZ0ZXItZ3JlYXQtd2hpdGUtc2hhcmstbGF1bmNoZXMtaXRzZWxmLWludG8tYm9hdC8zNTI5MDIwMDEv/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Be2fb3cb8>
> Science: Your meanest friend just wants the best for you
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL255cG9zdC5jb20vMjAxNy8wNS8yNi95b3VyLW1lYW5lc3QtZnJpZW5kLWp1c3Qtd2FudHMtdGhlLWJlc3QtZm9yLXlvdS1zY2llbnRpc3RzLXNheS8/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B9161bf1f>
> School in France testing facial recognition tech to keep students paying
> attention
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGhldmVyZ2UuY29tLzIwMTcvNS8yNi8xNTY3OTgwNi9haS1lZHVjYXRpb24tZmFjaWFsLXJlY29nbml0aW9uLW5lc3Rvci1mcmFuY2U/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B5cf0d5c4>
> Love-hormone injections turn gray seals into best friends
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uZXdzd2Vlay5jb20vbG92ZS1ob3Jtb25lLW94eXRvY2luLXNlYWxzLTYxNTMzNQ/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B65d70a63>
> What does the edge of the universe look like?
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZm9yYmVzLmNvbS9zaXRlcy9zdGFydHN3aXRoYWJhbmcvMjAxNy8wNS8yNy9hc2stZXRoYW4td2hhdC1kb2VzLXRoZS1lZGdlLW9mLXRoZS11bml2ZXJzZS1sb29rLWxpa2UvIzI4M2EyMDJmNGExNg/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B91eb79da>
> The strange and surprising second life of Harambe
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudXNhdG9kYXkuY29tL3N0b3J5L25ld3MvbmF0aW9uLW5vdy8yMDE3LzA1LzI4L2hhcmFtYmVzLXN0cmFuZ2Utc3VycHJpc2luZy1zZWNvbmQtbGlmZS8zNTE4OTcwMDEv/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B439f881f>
> Five hundred years after the Protestant Reformation began . . . a robot
> priest
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGhlZ3VhcmRpYW4uY29tL2dsb2JhbC92aWRlby8yMDE3L21heS8zMC9nZXJtYW4tcm9ib3QtcHJpZXN0LWhlbHBzLW1hcmstcmVmb3JtYXRpb24tYW5uaXZlcnNhcnktdmlkZW8tYmxlc3N1LTI/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Baaf6041e>
> The most misspelled words in every state
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9Hb29nbGVUcmVuZHMvc3RhdHVzLzg2OTYxODkwMjk0MjEwMTUwNA/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B9930722b>
> Mathematical proof that your life is interesting
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL2RpZ2cuY29tLzIwMTcvbmV2ZXItYmUtYm9yZWQtYWdhaW4/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B89fac34e>
> Newborn walks minutes after being born
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uZXdzLmNvbS5hdS9saWZlc3R5bGUvcGFyZW50aW5nL2JhYmllcy90aGUtaW5jcmVkaWJsZS1tb21lbnQtbmV3Ym9ybi1zdHVucy1taWR3aXZlcy1hcy1zaGUtc3RhcnRzLXdhbGtpbmctbWludXRlcy1hZnRlci1iZWluZy1ib3JuL25ld3Mtc3RvcnkvNjAwNzkyNmZiZDJiMWUyMjVkMThmMjBjYWUwNGRlZTc/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Ba37503bc>
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmF0aW9uYWxyZXZpZXcuY29tL2RvbmF0ZQ/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B88ce15de>
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL2xpLm5hdGlvbmFscmV2aWV3LmNvbS9jbGljaz9zPTE0MDc3OSZzej0zMDB4MjUwJmxpPSZlPXd3d255aW55aWludGVybmV0Y2hpdHRodUBnbWFpbC5jb20mcD05NzU5NDI4/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119E143e5ec6>
> <http://link.nationalreview.com/click/9759428.561715/aHR0cDovL2xpLm5hdGlvbmFscmV2aWV3LmNvbS9jbGljaz9zPTEyNzQ5NCZzej0xMTZ4MTUmbGk9JmU9d3d3bnlpbnlpaW50ZXJuZXRjaGl0dGh1QGdtYWlsLmNvbSZwPTk3NTk0Mjg/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Ff15694ea>
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> Armored bulldozers act as mobile fortresses against mines and suicide
> bombers.
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> The F-35 Could Get a Better Engine
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> Proposed upgrade would consume less fuel, produces more thrust.
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> The F-35 Could Get a Better Engine] [image: Share on Twitter]
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> The F-35 Could Get a Better Engine] [image: Share on Pinterest]
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> [image: Popular Mechanics]
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> Watch SpaceX Launch a Reused Dragon Spacecraft For the First Time
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> After successfully reusing its Falcon 9 rocket, SpaceX is going to try to
> do the same with its Dragon supply capsule.
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> Watch SpaceX Launch a Reused Dragon Spacecraft For the First Time] [image:
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> Watch SpaceX Launch a Reused Dragon Spacecraft For the First Time] [image:
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> This Genetically-Modified Cyborg Dragonfly Is the Tiniest Drone
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> Scientists have altered a living dragonfly so they can control its
> movements.
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> This Genetically-Modified Cyborg Dragonfly Is the Tiniest Drone] [image:
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> This Genetically-Modified Cyborg Dragonfly Is the Tiniest Drone] [image:
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> The core idea of this season on the HBO comedy isn't so ridiculous after
> all.
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> Maybe You Really Can Create the New Internet of 'Silicon Valley'] [image:
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> Maybe You Really Can Create the New Internet of 'Silicon Valley'] [image:
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> 4:28 AM (5 hours ago)
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> *Breaking News:*
> - Michigan Muslim Sues Little Caesars for this ABSURD Reason
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> - Media Wrong Again: The RUSSIANS - Not Kushner - Wanted Back Channel
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> - Rep. Maxine Waters: Trump's Already Done Enough to Be Impeached
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> - Yale Rewards SJW Students Who Forced Professor Out of Her Job
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> Yours in freedom,
> Unfiltered Patriot
> 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958
> ......................................................................................................
> 8:02 PM (13 hours ago)
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> >> North Korea's Dictator Promises Deadly "Gift" for United States
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> *>> The #1 trick to REVERSE hearing loss
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> >> Who Told Those Middle Schoolers to Shun Paul Ryan?
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> >> Is Disney Going to Ban Trump From the Hall of Presidents?
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> In Freedom,
> Total Conservative
> 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958
> ................................................................................
> 12:02 AM (9 hours ago)
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> - Simple Trick to Get to Age 120
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> Hillary’s Whopper: Our Campaign Didn’t “Engage in False Content” - Click
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> - The #1 trick to REVERSE hearing loss
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> In Freedom,
> Restore American Glory
> PO Box 780948 Sebastian, FL 32958
> ...............................................................
> 7:33 PM (14 hours ago)
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> *Breaking News:*
> - Michigan Muslim Sues Little Caesars for this ABSURD Reason
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> - Media Wrong Again: The RUSSIANS - Not Kushner - Wanted Back Channel
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> Yours in freedom,
> Unfiltered Patriot
> 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958
> ......................................................................................................
> Jun 2 (1 day ago)
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> Paul Allen's Enormous Stratolaunch Carrier Aircraft Rolls Out of Hangar
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> On a football field, the wingtips would extend beyond the goalposts by
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> The Air Force Is Reactivating the Giant C-5 Galaxy
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> The planes, retired in a cost-cutting move, are roaring back.
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> The Air Force Is Reactivating the Giant C-5 Galaxy] [image: Share on
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> The Air Force Is Reactivating the Giant C-5 Galaxy] [image: Share on
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> From the Editors of Road & Track:
> [image: Popular Mechanics]
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> This $13 Million Rolls-Royce Took Four Years to Build
> <http://link.popularmechanics.com/click/9745946.1147463/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5yb2FkYW5kdHJhY2suY29tL25ldy1jYXJzL2E5OTU0NzgzL3RoaXMtZG9sbGFyMTMtbWlsbGlvbi1yb2xscy1yb3ljZS10b29rLWZvdXIteWVhcnMtdG8tYnVpbGQvP3NyYz1ubCZtYWc9cG9wJmxpc3Q9bmxfcG5sX25ld3MmZGF0ZT0wNjAxMTc/585f26dfd9cb94ba2c8b4580C0a20e253>
> If you happen to own a McLaren F1 GTR, a Ferrari F12tdf and numerous other
> cars, planes and yachts, you might as well commission Rolls-Royce to go
> more bespoke than ever before.
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> What Would a 21st Century Battleship Look Like?
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> The fictional USS Montana would pack a modern battlewagon's wallop.
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> What Would a 21st Century Battleship Look Like?]
> ...

Nyi Nyi

Jun 2, 2017, 11:40:41 PM6/2/17
to NyiNyi

>> Why are 47,191 seniors adding THIS to their water every morning?

>> Colbert's Vulgar Trump Rant Just Fine for Network TV, Says FCC

In Freedom,

Total Conservative

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958


Breaking News:

Trump is Being Denied the Full Power of the Presidency - Read More Click Here

Trump SLAMS Hillary in 0:07 seconds

Why Trump MUST NOT Cave to Paris Climate Agreement Pressure - Click Here To Read More

Why are 47,191 seniors adding THIS to their water every morning?

In Freedom,
Restore American Glory



PO Box 780948 Sebastian, FL 32958


NRO Top Story
Czesław Miłosz, Cold-Warrior Poet
NRO Top Story
The Alleged Kushner–Kislyak Meeting: Amateur Hour May Be Worse Than ‘Collusion’


MAY 29, 2017

Dear Friends,

More and more I consider Memorial Day the most meaningful federal holiday. Maybe that’s inspired by my love for old films: Every year, and once again this year, Turner Classic Movies presents a 72-Hour Memorial Day Marathon that pays fitting tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice, as well as a nod to the lighter side of men in arms. Scheduled for tonight are a string of WWII submariner movies, including Cary Grant in Destination Tokyo. Have a watch. And say a prayer of thanks for America’s honored dead.

National Review is closed today, which means this Holiday Jolt was scheduled in advance (last Friday, in fact, by Paul Crookston, a great colleague who leaves his fellowship here at NR, to be sorely missed). But do visit the website to see wise commentary that takes no day off. Meanwhile, we’ll take this opportunity to remind and recommend a few things.

Remind: We’ve finished our second week of the NRO Spring Webathon, which I explain (brilliantly!) right here. If you’re ready to donate and don’t want to hear my pitch, then go straight to the NRO donation page.

Also: Our friends at National Review Institute are in the midst of their effort to raise funds to promote and enhance the vital Bill Buckley Legacy, and much more. If you’d like to make a tax-deductible contribution to support NRI’s broad and worthwhile mission, and I encourage that, then do so here.

Recommend: I bumped into pollster and past NRcruise speaker Scott Rasmussen — now the senior fellow for the study of self-governance at The King’s College in New York City, and editor-at-large atBallotpedia (which publishes his very cool Number of the Day e-mail newsletter) — a couple of weeks back at an NRI dinner. We had a great visit and I’d like to encourage you to check out his wise, recent book,Politics Has Failed: America Will Not.

More recommending: John Miller’s latestBookmonger podcast is an interview with Senator Ben Sasse about his important new book, The Vanishing American Adult: Our Coming of Age Crisis, and How to Rebuild a Culture of Self-Reliance.

Speaking of Podcasts: In a good-news edition of The Liberty Files, David French talks with the Alliance Defending Freedom’s Jim Campbell about how a t-shirt company in Kentucky is fighting — and winning — against efforts to force it to print pro-LGBT messages.

Speaking of David French: Here’s a different kind of “trans” thing — he will be on the National Review 2017 Trans-Atlantic Crossing. You should be too. There are a handful of cabins left. Get one.

One more book to recommend: Alvin Felzenberg’s acclaimed new bio, A Man and His President: The Political Odyssey of William F. Buckley Jr., is simply terrific. Please purchase a copy. And listen to the aforementioned John Miller do his Bookmonger thingwith Al. It’s a great conversation.

Jim returns tomorrow. And we end this Holiday Jolt by asking God to bless and comfort all those who made the ultimate sacrifice for America and its freedoms.


Jack Fowler

National Review

ADDENDA: I suggest a song for the day: Eternal Father, Strong to Save, also known as The Navy Hymn. You will find a beautiful brief rendition here.

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Czesław Miłosz, Cold-Warrior Poet

May 29 (5 days ago)
to me

Yours in freedom,

Unfiltered Patriot

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

May 30 (4 days ago)
to me

Breaking News:

Sickening Video Exposes Truth About Planned Parenthood - Read More Click Here

THIS Military Secret Wasn't Supposed To Get Out...But It Did

Trump Pushes Back on Kushner Scandal - Click Here To Read More

Restores Youthful Energy, Stamina And Pain-Free Movement

In Freedom,
Restore American Glory



PO Box 780948 Sebastian, FL 32958


May 28 (6 days ago)
to me

Yours in freedom,

Unfiltered Patriot

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

Yours in freedom,

Unfiltered Patriot

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

Marie Forleo Unsubscribe

May 28 (6 days ago)
to me

Hey there nyinyi,


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In Freedom,

Total Conservative

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

Yours in freedom,

Unfiltered Patriot

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

May 27 (7 days ago)
to me

Breaking News:

Sickening UK Attack Shows Why We Need Trump - Read More Click Here

Which mineral deficiency causes cancer more than any other?

Trump Tells NATO Countries: Time to Pay Up - Click Here To Read More

Hidden Constipation Syndrome -- Do you have it?

In Freedom,
Restore American Glory



PO Box 780948 Sebastian, FL 32958

In Freedom,

Total Conservative

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

Yours in freedom,

Unfiltered Patriot

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958
In Freedom,

Total Conservative

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

MAY 25, 2017

‘Send a Fighter to Congress!’ Wait, Wait, We Didn’t Mean Like That!

If today’s special House election in Montana goes badly for the Republicans, the party has a ready excuse.

“You should see how well we would have done if our candidate hadn’t suddenly been possessed by the spirit of Rowdy Roddy Piper!”

Yes, reporters can be annoying. No, you can’t physically assault them because you don’t like their questions. Most people pick this lesson up by kindergarten.

Of course, 238,320 Montanans have already voted by mail, which will probably be about two-thirds of the total vote. Anybody want to rethink their views on early voting? This time it was that the guy you voted already voted for is charged with misdemeanor assault; next time it could be that the guy’s charged with being an axe murderer.

The Billings Gazette editorial board rescinded their endorsement.

If what was heard on tape and described by eye-witnesses is accurate, the incident in Bozeman is nothing short of assault. We wouldn’t condone it if it happened on the street. We wouldn’t condone it if it happened in a home or even a late-night bar fight. And we couldn’t accept it from a man who is running to become Montana’s lone Congressional representative.

And the editorial board of the Missoulan: “There is no doubt that Gianforte committed an act of terrible judgment that, if it doesn’t land him in jail, also shouldn’t land him in the U.S. House of Representatives.”

And the editorial board of the Helena Independent Record: “We take our endorsements seriously and retracting an endorsement even more seriously, but we cannot in good faith continue to support this candidate.”

Some will inevitably shrug, “Well, what do you expect from the liberal media?!” Of course, that argument ignores that all of these newspapers endorsed Gianforte in the first place.

The CBO, Always the Skunk at the Garden Party

House Speaker Paul Ryan issued the following statement in response to the Congressional Budget Office’s scoring of the American Health Care Act:

Under Obamacare, premiums have more than doubled, and choices have dwindled to the point that many families have no options at all. We are on a rescue mission to bring down the cost of coverage and make sure families have access to affordable care. This CBO report again confirms that the American Health Care Act achieves our mission: lowering premiums and lowering the deficit. It is another positive step toward keeping our promise to repeal and replace Obamacare.

That’s the good news. The bad news is that premiums for single policyholders would increase before 2020, a projected 20 percent in 2018 (!) and 5 percent in 2019. After that, the premiums would go down. For about half the population, it would be about 4 percent lower than under current law; for about a third of the country, 20 percent. The CBO concluded that for the final sixth, there were simply too many variables to make a good projection. Once again, the cost savings for consumers are down the road and in many cases, not an overwhelming level of cash back in patients’ pockets. And this is with significantly more Americans choosing to not purchase insurance.

Why is the Republican Party in its current predicament in health-care policy? A lot of reasons, but a big one is that they now have to explain the tradeoffs of a specific plan when their standard-bearer refused to do so in 2016. On the trail, Donald Trump made sweeping promises about how much better health care would be, with no specifics or ideas about how he was going to get there:

“I am going to take care of everybody,” he told 60 Minutes. “I don’t care if it costs me votes or not.Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now…The government’s gonna pay for it. But we’re going to save so much money on the other side. But for the most it’s going to be a private plan and people are going to be able to go out and negotiate great plans with lots of different competition with lots of competitors with great companies and they can have their doctors, they can have plans, they can have everything.”

“We’re going to have insurance for everybody. There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.” People covered under the law “can expect to have great health care. It will be in a much simplified form.Much less expensive and much better.”

“Obamacare is going to be repealed and replaced. …You’re going to end up with great health care for a fraction of the price and that’s gonna take place immediately after we go in. Okay? Immediately. Fast. Quick.”

“I was the first & only potential GOP candidate to statethere will be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid.”

You can’t keep all of those promises. Some of them are more or less contradictory. You can’t keep Medicaid intact AND repeal Obamacare, because Obamacare expanded Medicaid. If insurance companies cannot charge more for those who have preexisting conditions, it is very difficult to reduce premiums.

Jim’s Best Guess of What’s Happening in Twin Peaks, Part One

A lot of NRO readers wrote in, saying they expected some sort of giant confrontation in the Corner afterDavid French wrote that the University of Missouri football team’s offense “was the single most painful sight on television until the absurd Twin Peaksreboot.”

Eh, if David or you tried the new season of Twin Peaksand didn’t like it, I can’t begrudge either of you that reaction at all. Diehard fans are deeply divided. I’m walking away from the early episodes intrigued but only intermittently enjoying it. It’s different from the previous seasons, for good and for ill — a much broader scope, embracing the unlimited palette and no commercial breaks that come from premium cable, but missing the warmth and inviting quirkiness that made the first season so appealing. They have to write around the absence of major characters from the original series because of actor deaths and retirements in the intervening years. A lot of the fun is missing.

But for those of you who watched the first two hours and are asking, “Just what the heck is going on?”…

During seasons one and two, we learned the FBI and U.S. Air Force knew about the existence of the Black and White Lodges — two other dimensions or realms that are roughly akin to hell and heaven, populated by spirits that seek to harm and help humanity, respectively.

The opening scene is in black and white (shades of The Wizard of Oz) and the noble spirit Giant — or at least the same actor who played the Giant — warns the soul of Agent Cooper, “It is in our house now.” This may very well be the White Lodge — the realm of the helpful spirits, and some sort of unspeakable threat has passed a key threshold.

Back in our earthly realm, we shouldn’t be surprised that other groups or entities are studying the lodges as well. Somewhere in New York City, on the side of a skyscraper, there’s something of a gutter drainpipe for the Black Lodge. Once in a great while, something is ejected from the Black Lodge and it is briefly visible at this location. Some “mysterious billionaire” has determined this and set up an elaborate and secret monitoring station in the building.

Unfortunately, the Black Lodge also periodically sends out a demon so no one “goes through their trash,” so to speak. The hapless college student employee David and the hot latte-fetching Tracy are in the wrong place at the wrong time — and for the first time, we see what one of the Lodge spirits can do when not possessing a human being — acts of vicious murder too horrifyingly bloody for network television.

When we last saw Dale Cooper, either his soul was trapped in the Black Lodge and he was either possessed by the demon BOB, or his body was released back into the real world with only his darker side and impulses in control, depending upon your interpretation. Early on, we learn that Bad Cooper has been every bit as malevolent as we feared over the past 25 years, as he’s now the biggest, baddest, most ruthless thug in some unspecified Pacific Northwest backwoods, with various lowlifes and trollops scurrying for his favor.

Finally, back in Twin Peaks, the lovable Sheriff’s Department receptionist/secretary Lucy Brennan tries to explain to a thoroughly confused insurance salesman that there are two Sheriff Trumans: “One is fishing, and one is sick.” This is their way of dealing with the fact that actor Michael Ontkean didn’t want to come out of retirement, and retcons the revelation from The Secret History of Twin Peaks that the original series’ Sheriff Harry Truman had a brother and father who had served as town sheriff as well. Robert Forrester is believed to be playing Frank Truman.

Margaret Lanterman — a.k.a., the Log Lady — calls Deputy Chief Hawk and tells him her log has a message: Something is missing, only Hawk can find it, and something in his heritage will help him. (This is a particularly heartbreaking scene, as actress Catherine Coulson passed away from cancer in September, and… well, it shows.)

Coming tomorrow: the significance of the murder in Buckhorn, South Dakota, the “evolution of the Arm” and the threat of “nonexistence.”

ADDENDA: Over on NRO’s homepage, an essay on loving our country, warts and all.

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May 26 (8 days ago)
to me

May 25 2017



Dear Friend,

You have to believe me. I insist. This is not a fake “Last Chance.” This is a bona fide LAST CHANCE . . . to sign up for the National Review 2017 Trans-Atlantic Crossing.

Scheduled for August 31 to September 7, sailing aboard the majestic and remasteredQueen Mary 2 from Southampton, UK to Brooklyn, NY in the US of A, you can find complete information this spectacular, once-in-a-lifetime, on-my-bucket-list sailing at our dedicated site, www.nrcruise.com.

Here are four simple things to know about this truly bon voyage:

1 You’ll be sailing with a terrific array of conservative speakers, writers, thinkers, and doers, including Judge Michael Mukasey, former U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, Heritage Foundation founder Ed Feulner, acclaimed novelist Mark Helprin, British author Douglas Murray, NR editor in chief Rich Lowry, media critic Brent Bozell, NRO editorCharles Cooke, ace conservative counsel Cleta Mitchell, domestic policy guru Sally Pipes, defense expert John HillenClaremont Review of Books editor Charles Kesler, NRO editors-at-large John O'Sullivanand Kathryn Lopez, NR senior editors Jonah GoldbergJay NordlingerRamesh Ponnuru, and David Pryce-Jones, NR essayistsDavid FrenchKevin WilliamsonReihan Salam, and Ian Tuttle, NR ace reporter Jim Geraghty, and NR columnist James Lileks.

2 All-inclusive affordable prices start at only $2,599 a person.

3 We’ve got a spectacular program our terrific program: There will be daily seminar sessions in which our all-star speakers will discuss the day’s most pressing issues, plus several cocktail receptions, a smoker, and intimate dining on at least two evenings, and likely three, with our conservative celebrities.

4 There are but a dwindling number of staterooms remaining in NR’s possession. So you’ll need to get one before we have to turn them back. Which means, you have to act . . . now.

Do you want to talk to someone knowledgeable and helpful about the voyage? Fair enough: Call the expert and friendly team (Joanne, Mila, Karen, or Cathy) at The Cruise and Vacation Authority at 888-283-8965 (Monday through Friday, 9AM to 5 PM Eastern time). They can and will answer questions (none is too small), help you with booking, even assist you with air travel and pre-voyage tours in England (QM2will be sailing from Southampton, UK to Brooklyn, USA).

I look forward to seeing you on the Queen Mary 2 in August.


Jack Fowler
National Review


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On Saturday, June 3, 2017 at 9:56:02 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Jun 2, 2017, 11:46:17 PM6/2/17
to NyiNyi

May 26 (8 days ago)
to me

Breaking News:

Documents Prove Obama was Illegally Spying on Americans - Read More Click Here

Do you like paying too much on your mortgage?

The Seth Rich Story Has Terrified Democrats and the Media - Click Here To Read More

Americans Trusting Their Lives to This Weird Orange Bag?

In Freedom,
Restore American Glory



PO Box 780948 Sebastian, FL 32958


Planned Parenthood: Kids Have Abortion Rights, Too, Dammit!

Yours in freedom,

Unfiltered Patriot

Sent to: wwwnyinyiinternetchitthu@gmail.com


UnfilteredPatriot, 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206, Sebastian, FL 32958, United States

May 25 (9 days ago)
to me
Task & Purpose Today

Trump Told Philippines’ Duterte The Navy Has 2 ‘Nuclear Submarines’ Near North Korea


10 Things We Learned About Mattis From That ‘New Yorker’ Profile


Mattis Personally Intervened To Jam As Many Bombs As Possible Into The DoD Budget


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Army Requests $8 Billion Budget Increase In 2018 For Anti-ISIS Operations


Trump’s Budget Calls For Cuts To VA Benefits As Tradeoff For Extending Choice Program


Please send your tips, suggestions and feedback to to...@taskandpurpose.com.


MAY 24, 2017

The Facts of the Seth Rich Murder That Don’t Support Conspiracy Theories

Our David French with what needs to be known and said about the murder of Seth Rich:

The conspiracy is based on a true event — the terrible and unsolved murder of Seth Rich, a young Democratic National Committee staffer. Early the morning on July 10, an unidentified assailant shot Rich in the back. The police haven’t solved the crime, and their current best theory is that the attack occurred as part of a botched or interrupted robbery. Rich’s valuables, however, were still on his body, and the police (so far as we know) have no leads…

For the theory to be true, its believers have to demonstrate that Rich leaked to WikiLeaks, that someone in the DNC (or the Clinton camp) in turn had Rich murdered, that the D.C. police are intentionally slow-walking the investigation, that the major intelligence agencies (namely the CIA, FBI, and NSA) are together either deliberately concocting a story about Russian interference or too stupid to recognize an inside job, and finally, that the remainder of official Washington is either oblivious to or colluding with conspirators who’ve damaged relations with Russia in hopes of bringing down a president. Oh, and did I mention that the family of the slain young man is also either in on the conspiracy or unaware of its existence?

Rich’s parents write in the Washington Post today:

The circumstances of what happened next are still unclear. We know that Seth was abruptly confronted on the street, that he had been on the phone and quickly ended the call. We also know that there were signs of a struggle, including a watchband torn when the assailants attempted to rip it off his wrist. Law-enforcement officials told us that Seth’s murder looked like a botched robbery attempt in which the assailants — after shooting our son — panicked, immediately ran and abandoned Seth’s personal belongings. We have seen no evidence, by any person at any time, that Seth’s murder had any connection to his job at the Democratic National Committee or his life in politics. Anyone who claims to have such evidence is either concealing it from us or lying.

… We know that Seth’s personal email and his personal computer were both inspected by detectives early in the investigation and that the inspection revealed no evidence of any communications with anyone at WikiLeaks or anyone associated with WikiLeaks. Nor did that inspection reveal any evidence that Seth had leaked DNC emails to WikiLeaks or to anyone else. Indeed, those who have suggested that Seth’s role as a data analyst at the DNC gave him access to a wide trove of emails are simply incorrect — Seth’s job was to develop analytical models to encourage voters to turn out to vote. He didn’t have access to DNC emails, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee emails, John Podesta’s emails or Hillary Clinton’s emails. That simply wasn’t his job.

The fact that Rich’s valuables weren’t taken was indeed odd, but it’s hardly unthinkable that his assailant panicked and ran after the shooting. The Washington, D.C., police failing to generate leads is not the least bit surprising. In 2015, the D.C. police solved only 62 percent of the city’s homicides. The closure rate has been as high as 96 percent in 2011 and as low as 60.5 percent in 2003.

Then again, what makes someone believe in a conspiracy theory is not facts, but a need to believe.

No, ‘Unity, Love, and Coexistence’ Will Not Resolve the Threat of Terrorism

There’s not too much point in fuming about Katy Perry’s saccharine-to-the-point-of-insulting commentsabout the Manchester bombing, her declaration that, “I think the greatest thing we can do is just unite, and love on each other… no barriers, no borders, we all need to just coexist.”

I just wish there was someone around Perry who could pull her aside after a statement like that and say, “Katy, dear, a lack of unity, love, and coexistence is really not the problem here.”

If there were 20,000 people around the bomb as it detonated this week, 19,999 of them had no real significant conflict with each other. Whatever gripes, grievances, and problems they had, they had no murderous rage directed at another person. They just were there to either enjoy a concert or do their jobs at the venue.

There was only one guy in that whole crowd who couldn’t unite, who didn’t have love for anyone, and who couldn’t coexist with everyone else around him. And all it took was his bloodthirsty act to end young, innocent lives and create a lifetime of pain for so many people there that night.

Unity, love, and coexistence? We saw how quickly and eagerly people were to open their homes and offer assistance with the #openformanchester campaign. Generous souls have already donated more than one million pounds to help the families. So many people donated blood that the blood banks in the Manchester area said they’re full and can’t take any more contributions.

The vast majority of people walking down the street in Manchester on any given day are good people — or at least, they bring out their best in a crisis. This is not a collective or a societal problem, and it doesn’t do us much good to pretend that it is, that if somehow we just walked around with more “unity, love, and coexistence,” the problem of the next suicide bomber would be resolved.

I’m sure this hits home for Katy Perry; as she said in that interview, “Ari’s fans are my fans and my fans are Ari’s fans.” Yes, that’s precisely the point, in the eyes of the Islamists, you must be wiped out. Through no real fault of your own, you have filled them with murderous rage simply by existing and contradicting their twisted dark vision of how the world should be. This is what unites Katy Perry, Ariana Grande, Donald Trump, Elizabeth Warren, you, me — they hate all of us. None of us did anything to them, insulted them, provoked them, mistreated them, or “triggered” them. We have to dispel this idea that there’s some proper combination of words and actions that will stop them from wanting to attack us.

The only way they will not feel murderous rage towards us is if we completely submit to their worldview. That’s their idea of coexistence.

A couple folks online are focusing on the “no borders” aspect of Perry’s comments, and arguing that the Manchester attack demonstrates the danger of refugees or immigrants. The problem with this argument is that the bomber* was born in Manchester. His parents were Libyan refugees who fled the rule of Qaddafi.

Of course, there’s this troubling comment from his imam:

At the mosque, Mohammed Saeed El-Saeiti, the imam at the Didsbury mosque yesterday branded Abedi a dangerous extremist. “Salman showed me the face of hate after my speech on Isis,” said the imam. “He used to show me the face of hate and I could tell this person does not like me. It’s not a surprise to me.”

It’s great that the imam is preaching against ISIS. Of course, if it’s “not a surprise” that someone chose to become a suicide bomber…was there something else this imam could have done that could have prevented this?

Then again, maybe everybody was reporting this guy…

Abedi had traveled to Libya within the last 12 months, one of multiple countries he had visited, the official said. And while he had “clear ties to al Qaeda,” the official said, Abedi could have also had connections to other groups.

Members of his own family had even informed on him in the past, telling British authorities that he was dangerous, according to the intelligence official.

The U.S. official said Abedi’s bomb was “big and sophisticated,” using materials hard to obtain in Britain — meaning “it’s almost impossible to see he didn’t have help.”

* Because some suicide bombers, mass shooters, etc. want their names to be remembered after they die for their vicious acts, I generally refer to them as “the bomber” or “the shooter” in print — a small effort to ensure they are denied their ultimate goal. I leave the name in when it is mentioned in another report.

A Quick Point about the Economics of Journalism

On Twitter a few days ago, Sean Hannity was fighting with Kevin Williamson and went on some sort of tirade about how the National Review cruises were some sort of … luxury payout for our entitled tushes or evidence that we’re the true media elites or something. (I guess the idea is that we’re overpaid. For the record, Hannity made $29 million last year.)

Y’all know the cruises are part of how we keepNational Review going, right? Our wonderful readers pay to go on the cruise, the cruise line gets a portion, the Cruise Authority which organizes the whole thing gets a portion, and NR gets a portion.

We’ve always been upfront about what keeps NR going; the generosity of readers like you. Ad sales are part of our revenue, subscriptions are part of the revenue, and so are the cruises… and then as we ask for help from readers. I know, it stinks. You hate when we ask, and we hate asking. But that is the reality of the opinion-journalism business.

That’s not the way it works for, say, a cable channel like Fox News Channel. Fox News makes money through advertising, yes, but it also collects, as of 2014,about a dollar per cable subscriber per month, regardless of whether that subscriber watches. You may love Sean Hannity, or you may hate Sean Hannity, but if you subscribe to cable, you pay the cable company, the cable company pays Fox News to carry its shows, and Fox News pays Hannity.

We don’t have that. That’s not how it works for a web site. Your Internet provider doesn’t give NR a cut of your monthly payment. We put out what I think is quality journalism, reporting, commentary, analysis, humor, debate, updated at all hours, weekdays and weekends… and it’s all pretty much free. Even a lot ofthe print-magazine pieces end up posted online for free eventually. If you felt like NR gave you a quarter’s worth of value every day, you would still pay $91.25 per year. (A full year’s subscription to the print magazine is $29.50 – that comes out to $1.23 per issue!)

So if you can help, we appreciate it. And thank you for reading.

ADDENDA: J.D. Mullane, columnist for theBurlington County Times, sounds like he’s read Heavy Lifting, and laments the endangered species “Maximus breadwinneris.”

Great news for naval aviators: Tom Cruise says that yes, a sequel to Top Gun is in the works.

Speaking of long-awaited returns, I started writing up “my best guess at what the heck is happening in the first two episodes of Showtime’s Twin Peaks and it’s running long, so part one will probably appear in tomorrow’s Jolt…

Unveiling the odd couple of protagonists for HBO’sTrue Detective, Season Three…

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On Saturday, June 3, 2017 at 9:56:02 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Jun 2, 2017, 11:54:40 PM6/2/17
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Ben Sasse on Bringing Adulthood Back

May 25 (9 days ago)
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In Freedom,
Restore American Glory

PO Box 780948 Sebastian, FL 32958


May 24 (10 days ago)
to me

When is White House Press Staff Going to START FIGHTING?

Yours in freedom,

Unfiltered Patriot

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

May 24 (10 days ago)
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On Saturday, June 3, 2017 at 9:56:02 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Jun 2, 2017, 11:58:23 PM6/2/17
to NyiNyi

MAY 23, 2017
NRO Top Story
Trump in the Holy Land
NRO Top Story
NRO Top Story
Why Impeaching Trump Is a Bad Idea
NRO Top Story
Not On Our Soil
NRO Top Story
NRO Top Story
Sound Priorities, Unsound Budget

Yours in freedom,

Unfiltered Patriot

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958
In Freedom,

Total Conservative

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958


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On Saturday, June 3, 2017 at 9:56:02 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

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Jun 3, 2017, 12:12:50 AM6/3/17
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In Freedom,

Total Conservative

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

Yours in freedom,

Unfiltered Patriot

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

May 19
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In Freedom,

Total Conservative

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958


May 20
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Breaking News:

Mike Pence Preparing to Take Over as President? - Read More Click Here

Feed your hair back to life

Why Wasn’t Barack Obama Impeached for Obstructing Justice? - Click Here To Read More

Who Else Shared Classified Info With Russia?

In Freedom,
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PO Box 780948 Sebastian, FL 32958


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May 19
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Breaking News:

North Korea’s Weapons are Even Deadlier Than We Thought - Read More Click Here

Hillary LOSES it on camera

If Anyone Colluded With the Russians, it Was Hillary Clinton - Click Here To Read More

Your Dreams Giveaway Last Chance To Enter

In Freedom,
Restore American Glory



PO Box 780948 Sebastian, FL 32958


May 18
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Breaking News:

Three Possible Reasons This Story is Breaking Now - Read More Click Here

Alan Greenspan Warns of this U.S. Scheme to Confiscate Your Savings

Why ISIS is Missing President Obama Right About Now - Click Here To Read More

Feed your hair back to life

In Freedom,
Restore American Glory



PO Box 780948 Sebastian, FL 32958

In Freedom,

Total Conservative

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958


May 17
to me

Breaking News:

Barack Obama’s Cowardice Paved Way for North Korea - Read More Click Here

Eat THIS for Breakfast to KILL Deadly Cholesterol?

Obama: It Took “Courage” to Let Assad Gas His Own People - Click Here To Read More

Need a new knee or hip? Maybe not! The game has changed!

In Freedom,
Restore American Glory



PO Box 780948 Sebastian, FL 32958


COMPUTEX mail-n...@google.com

May 15
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May 8
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Breaking News:

Iran Using U.S. Money - Read More Click Here

This Nearly Endless Energy Source Could Save Your Life

GOP Senators Must Finish What the House Started - Click Here To Read More

This Is What Ear Ringing Does To Your Brain

In Freedom,
Restore American Glory



PO Box 780948 Sebastian, FL 32958


Apr 29
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RICKARDS: Coming “Cash Freeze” Could Cost Investors $101 Trillion

If you have a dime in a savings or checking account… If you own an IRA, 401(k) or brokerage account… The time to prepare has arrived.

According to longtime CIA financial guru Jim Rickards, a whole new kind of financial crisis is about to strike.

When it does, it will vaporize an estimated $101 trillion… in 48 hours. That’s over 12 times the damage we saw from the 2008 crisis.

For details, including how to prepare, please click here now.


Apr 29
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May 28 (6 days ago)
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This is a lethal firing machine.

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Best Wishes,

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Does NATO Really Owe the US Money?

President Trump’s first appearance at a meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization this week was an opportunity to set the record straight. Trump could have used his speech to the group’s assembled leaders on Thursday to indicate that since the presidential campaign last fall, when he demonstrated a profound...  
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Stocks Are Rallying Again. Why That May Not Last

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How Trump's Saudi Arms Deal Could Backfire on the US

President Donald Trump's sharp pivot toward Saudi Arabia has teed up a windfall for American industrial companies and investment firms, but his tacit approval of the kingdom's military...  
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May 28 (6 days ago)
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