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Nyi Nyi

Sep 3, 2017, 11:55:54 PM9/3/17
to NyiNyi
5:36 AM (5 hours ago)
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Former CIA Officer Exposes “Secrets” Every American Should Know!

Hello there,

The important information in this email is NOT to be missed!

A former CIA Officer has put his neck on the line to reveal “spy secrets” that every single American needs to know about.

This crucial information is especially important if you have a family, own a home or are worried about your general well-being.

The amazing thing is he is giving away this knowledge at NO charge!

But you need to act fast because he’s only got a few hundred copies left.

Go here now to claim your copy before it’s too late.

To Your Safety,

David Reynolds

P.S. I want to make sure you get your copy but the entire lot could be gone within hours.

You can get a free copy right here.




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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

6:31 PM (16 hours ago)
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7:25 PM (15 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
You have been a free subscriber since 3/22/2017

Liberty Headlines
Breaking News... 

Hurricane Harvey May Bankrupt Federal Flood Insurance Program 

18 Congressional Republicans Oppose Trump's Elimination of DACA 

[URGENT] Your Bank Account Could Soon Be Frozen...

Vice Editor: 'Climate Change Denial Should Be a Crime' 

Dems Target One of Their Own for Supporting Tax Reform

Dear Reader, 

Do NOT deposit another dollar in your bank account until you read THIS. 

Strange new warnings are appearing on ATMs across the country... 

Here's a snapshot of one I took: 

And while this looks like a routine, legal-disclaimer… there's a frightening development in the works… 

One that will FREEZE all of your dollar assets in their accounts and not let you access them. 

I'm issuing an urgent new warning today. 

Click here now to read the urgent details. You can't afford to wait. 

Jim Rickards 

The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: You should assume that the sender of this email has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this message and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained in this email to evaluate the product or service being endorsed. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service. FDA DISCLOSURE: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Liberty Headlines
PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
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7:06 PM (15 hours ago)
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Patriot Powered NewsUnsubscribe

(The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)

Sudden Trump Move Could Destroy Cryptocurrencies

Dear Reader,

If you’ve bought any Bitcoin… Ethereum… Litecoin… Z-cash… Monero or any other cryptocurrencies recently…

You need to see my latest research right now.

Donald Trump could soon trigger a massive “reboot” of the U.S. dollarthat could destroy cryptocurrencies.

This Trump “reboot” won’t replace the dollar…

Or compete against it…

Instead, I believe it will make the dollar better. Much better.

In fact, I believe the move could make the dollar the best currency in the world.

Better than any cryptocurrency you could get your hands on.

What am I talking about?

This could be the biggest currency story of 2017.


Joe Schriefer
Publisher, Agora Financial

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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

Aug 30 (5 days ago)
 to me
Patriot Powered NewsUnsubscribe

Breaking News...

Obama and Hillary Will NOT Be Happy With This Trump Story
Dear Reader,
By now I’m sure you’ve heard of Trump’s latest push…
When the House passed the bill to repeal and replace Obamacare.
But there’s a much BIGGER Trump story developing RIGHT NOW.
Because it could make Trump one of the most popular presidents ever.
Listen, I know a lot of people hate Trump…
But once details of this story start to leak out, they might change their minds.
Some people familiar with this developing story are talking about a “pot of gold…”
“A gigantic windfall…”
And “an enormous hoard of stranded cash.”
If you voted for Hillary…
If you’re a registered Democrat…
Or if you’re simply not a big fan of Trump…
You might find what you’re about to read a bit disturbing.
But it’s 100% based on facts.

Joe Schriefer
Publisher, Agora Financial



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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

Aug 30 (5 days ago)
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August 29, 2017

How the National Flood Insurance Program Made Harvey More Costly

The catastrophic flooding in Houston has put a spotlight on the problems with the National Flood Insurance Program and renewed calls for the country to “dramatically rethink” the program.

THE PROBLEM: The program is nearly $25 billion in debt and is set to expire at the end of September. Congress will have to renew or extend it so that millions don’t lose their coverage. Yet the troubled program likely made the fallout from Hurricane Harvey more expensive by encouraging redevelopment of flood-prone areas.

“There’s perhaps no better case study in how stubbornly America refuses to engage with climate change—and the hard choices that come along with it—than federal flood insurance, a massive, wasteful, and unnecessary giveaway of a program,” writes David Dayen at the New Republic. 

Politico’s Michael Grunwald points to a 1998 report by the National Wildlife Federation that showed that 2 percent of the properties insured under the program were getting 40 percent of its damage claims. One Houston home flooded 16 times in 18 years, “netting its owners more than $800,000 even though it was valued at less than $115,000.”

THE HISTORY: The program was created in 1968 to provide mandatory insurance in flood-prone areas. It was supposed to help mitigate risky development, Grunwald notes, by imposing higher flood-proofing standards on new construction in floodplains and requiring certain properties to be elevated or moved. “But most of the program’s 100-year flood maps are woefully obsolete, relocation almost never happens, and Uncle Sam has continued to cut multiple checks for repetitive losses,” Grunwald writes.

Efforts to raise insurance premiums to better reflect flood risk have been met with resistance from the real estate industry and politicians representing the areas affected; a 2012 bill passed by Congress was largely gutted two years later in the face of a backlash from affected communities. In the meantime, the program has had to borrow billions from the Treasury because of claims arising from storms like Katrina and Sandy.

THE KEY QUOTE: “The fundamental responsibility of government is to protect people, but this program keeps encouraging people to build in harm’s way,” Steve Ellis, vice president of Taxpayers for Common Sense, told Politico.

5 Ways a Debt Ceiling Crisis Could Hurt the Economy

Economists at J.P. Morgan say there are no historical examples of countries failing to pay their debts due to internal political conflicts — as opposed to economic crises, in which case there are many examples, typically with dire results. As a result, they wrote in a note to clients Tuesday, it’s hard to know what the economic ramifications of failing to raise the debt ceiling would be. In their analysis, a technical default resulting from a failure to raise the debt ceiling could potentially damage the economy in five ways:
  • Fiscal contraction: Federal revenues in October typically cover only about 65 percent of government spending, so overall spending levels in the economy would contract significantly right away.
  • Increased uncertainty: The federal government is the largest single actor in the U.S. economy, and a lack of clarity about its behavior could damage confidence and planning.
  • U.S. debt ratings: S&P downgraded the U.S. credit rating after a debt ceiling dispute in 2011 — even though the borrowing limit was raised. Any further downgrades might have a significant negative impact in the financial markets.
  • Reduced foreign demand for Treasury debt: International investors are the largest owners of Treasuries, and any kind of default will likely reduce demand, driving interest rates higher. This would also drive up the cost of the budget deficit: J.P. Morgan says that every quarter of a percentage point in additional interest expense adds $260 billion to the budget deficit over 10 years.
  • Tighter financial markets: Treasury collateral secures more than $1 trillion in the repo market, which plays a key role in maintaining liquidity in fixed income markets. Rapid changes in asset prices could have a significant effect: “A sharp repricing of Treasury collateral in response to a technical default would likely increase haircuts, potentially leading to significant margin calls, some forced deleveraging, and a decline in lending capacity in financial markets.”

Chart of the Day  

The U.S. spends more per capita on prescription drugs than any other high-income country. Here’s a graphic comparison from a new Commonwealth Fund report. You can read about why prescription spending is so high here.


Why the US Doesn't Deserve a AAA Credit Rating

The latest debt ceiling drama illustrates why the U.S. Treasury is not a triple-A-rated borrower, Marc Joffe writes:

"For a bond default to occur ... Congress and the administration would have to fail to raise the debt ceiling. Then, Treasury would have to fail to prioritize bond payments. Let’s say that each of these outcomes has a 5 percent chance of occurring. That means the chance of default is 5 percent of 5 percent, or 0.25 percent — a number way above the 0.0001 percent Moody’s has associated with its top Aaa rating."

Read more here.


Number of the Day: 51%

More than half of registered voters polled by Morning Consult and Politico said they support work requirements for Medicaid recipients. Thirty-seven percent oppose such eligibility rules.

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Aug 29 (6 days ago)
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If You Thought You Had Privacy on the Internet, Think Again: This Search Engine Knows Everything

Have you looked up your name yet? Shocking site exposes personal records of millions of Americans, with a simple computer search.

New Site is Collecting Your Data, Enter Name to See What They Post

You could be surprised by what's publicly available on you.Look up your own name to see what others could potentially see about you, or search anyone you know. The process is simple - Step 1) Enter Name and State, Step 2) See Results.

NOTICE: This site contains REAL police records, background reports, photos, court documents, address information, phone numbers, and much more. Please BE CAREFUL when conducting a search, and ensure all the information you enter is accurate.

This might be the most important web search you do Click Here to Enter a Name.

Sent to: wwwnyinyiinternetchitthu@gmail.com


Total Conservative, 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206, Sebastian, FL 32958, United States

Aug 29 (6 days ago)
to me

How Hurricane Harvey Could Transform the Budget Battle in Washington

The costs of Hurricane Harvey could climb as high as $100 billion, according to at least one estimate. While it will still take weeks for the full extent of the damage to become clear, the catastrophic flooding — and a recovery effort that is likely to take years — will almost certainly have an impact on some critical upcoming deadlines for lawmakers in D.C.

White House and congressional GOP officials told The Washington Post on Sunday that they expected to begin discussing emergency funding for disaster relief soon. Those discussions could present challenges for other items on President Trump’s agenda, from tax reform to a border wall with Mexico.

President Trump had threatened to shutdown the government if any funding bill failed to include money for the border wall with Mexico. But the need for disaster relief funding — and the political risk of failing to deliver such funding — could force the president and Congress to act more quickly to fund the government and avoid a partial federal shutdown. “That is because a government shutdown could sideline agencies involved in a rescue and relief effort that officials are predicting will last years,” Mike DeBonis and Damian Paletta of The Washington Post report.

The balance of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s disaster relief fund stood at just $3.8 billion at the end of July — with $1.6 billion of that money set to be spent elsewhere. The funds needed for Harvey recovery alone may well exceed the total disaster relief budget for the current and upcoming fiscal years, The Post noted. Also, Congress must reauthorize the National Flood Insurance Program, which is more than $24 billion in debt, by the end of September and ensure that its legal borrowing limit, now around $30 billion, is sufficient to cover expected claims from Harvey victims.

William Hoagland of the Bipartisan Policy Center, who served as a former GOP staff director for the Senate Budget Committee, said the hurricane could also lead to the debt ceiling being raised faster than it otherwise might have been so as to ensure that the Treasury can provide emergency cash to storm-hit areas.

That’s not to say the disaster relief funding won’t devolve into a congressional fight. Both Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and Superstorm Sandy in 2012 led to budget fights in Congress in which Republicans resisted disaster funding that wasn’t offset by other spending cuts.


Tweet of the Day

#Harvey in perspective. So much rain has fallen, we've had to update the color charts on our graphics in order to effectively map it.

Top Budget Expert Thinks We’re Headed for a Government Shutdown

Noted budget expert Stan Collender – who is sometimes referred to as “Mr. Budget” and who tweets under the name, @TheBudgetGuy – says that odds are better than even that the federal government will shut down this fall. Disputes over raising the debt ceiling are also in the cards, though with slightly less probability of a chaotic ending.

Collender says in Forbes that the problem lies with the current internal dynamics of the Republicans in Congress. In any other year, single-party control would mean less chaos in budget matters, not more. But the GOP is unusually divided right now. Collender argues there are seven contentious factions that are making it hard to get things done. In the House, there’s the conservative Freedom Caucus and the more moderate Tuesday Group. The Senate is similarly divided, but there is no real alignment between the Senate and House versions of each group. Then there’s the leadership of each chamber, which have their own interests and responsibilities that sometimes clash with the others. Last but not least, there’s President Trump, who is becoming something of a party unto himself.

These seven factions could make it very difficult to solve the two pressing fiscal problems – raising the debt ceiling to avoid a potential default on U.S. debt and funding the government to avoid a shutdown – that loom before October 1.

On the debt ceiling, the Trump administration has called for a “clean” debt ceiling hike, unencumbered by any other policy changes. But the Freedom Caucus has sent mixed signals on the subject, and there’s a good chance that the hardline conservatives won’t play along with the moderates to raise the ceiling, forcing House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) to turn to Democrats for help – in which case, the Freedom Caucus could push for Ryan’s ouster, as they did with former speaker John Boehner in 2015.

On funding the government, a short-term spending bill, called a continuing resolution, seems like a relatively easy solution, even if it only puts off the budget fight temporarily. But President Trump, the ultimate wild card, has altered the game by threatening to veto any such funding if it fails to include money for a border wall. It’s all too easy to imagine that showdown ending with a shutdown.


The High Cost of Debt Ceiling Brinksmanship

Every time Congress dithers on raising the debt ceiling, the Treasury Department is forced to take “extraordinary measures” to make sure it has enough cash to pay the country’s bills in full and on time without hitting the ceiling. Kellie Mejdrich atRoll Call reminds us that these measures come with a considerable cost, even without a default on the debt.

The Treasury began employing extraordinary measures last March, when the suspension of the debt limit brokered in a budget deal in November 2016 expired. With the debt ceiling back in force, the Treasury had to look for ways to avoid hitting the limit, currently $19.8 trillion. Treasury has several options — it definesfour of them here — which involve not spending all of the money is it legally authorized to spend. For example, the Treasury may avoid making full investments in pension and savings accounts of government employees, delaying payments until a later date.

These measures tend to make the financial markets nervous, especially over time as the threat of default grows, which can move interest rates higher than they otherwise would be. The Bipartisan Policy Center points out that the current debt ceiling impasse sent short-term Treasury bill rates higher in July, raising the costs of issuing debt for the U.S. government.

Looking back at the debt ceiling brinksmanship of 2011-2012, the Government Accountability Office concluded that delaying the increase in the debt limit cost the Treasury at least $1.3 billion:

“Delays in raising the debt limit can create uncertainty in the Treasury market and lead to higher Treasury borrowing costs. GAO estimated that delays in raising the debt limit in 2011 led to an increase in Treasury’s borrowing costs of about $1.3 billion in fiscal year 2011. However, this does not account for the multiyear effects on increased costs for Treasury securities that will remain outstanding after fiscal year 2011. Further, according to Treasury officials, the increased focus on debt limit-related operations as such delays occurred required more time and Treasury resources and diverted Treasury’s staff away from other important cash and debt management responsibilities.”


Robert Samuelson: Why Trump’s Tax Reform Won’t Work

It’s hard to imagine that tax reform is No. 1 on the Republicans’ to-do list when they still don’t have a 2018 budget. Worse, they still haven’t agreed to raise the debt ceiling, as the federal government continues to draw down what was $350 billion in cash reserves in January to $50.6 billion as of last Thursday, according to The Washington Post.

Maybe that’s why the Post’s economics columnist, Robert J. Samuelson, was inspired to challenge the GOP’s idea that cutting taxes is “tax reform,” which implies an improvement over the old system.

Samuelson is clearly disturbed about Trump’s tax plan, which primarily benefits the rich at the expense of the poor and adds an additional $3.5 trillion in deficits over a decade, according to the Tax Policy Center. It’s not clear how that’s an improvement.

Samuelson says, “If tax cuts were initially financed by more deficit spending, the costs of today’s lower taxes would be transferred to future generations.” That now includes the largest generation in America — the Millennials — as Baby Boomers die off.

The key argument against tax cuts, Samuelson says, is that contrary to Republican claims, they don’t stimulate significantly faster growth. “Tax cuts may cushion a recession and improve the business climate, but they don’t automatically raise long-term growth. A 2014 study by the Congressional Research Service put it this way: ‘A review of statistical evidence suggests that both labor supply and savings and investment are relatively insensitive to tax rates.’”

For Samuelson, the facts point in a different direction: “The truth is that we need higher, not lower, taxes. … We are undertaxed. Government spending, led by the cost of retirees, regularly exceeds our tax intake.”

But will Republicans raise taxes? That’s not a likely outcome given the current budget debate, which would need a dose of honesty that is sorely missing.


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Aug 28 (7 days ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
You have been a free subscriber since 3/22/2017

Liberty Headlines
Dear Reader, 

Are you literally FEEDING cancer cells by putting this one food on your dinner plate? 

This is important. You must stop eating this food today or you could be growing cancer cells. (Click here to reveal this common food). 

Now here's where it gets really interesting... 

As soon as you STOP eating it, the opposite happens: Cancer cells STARVE to death -- and die out by the thousands. 

Skeptical? See the proof here. 

--Brian Chambers
Health Revelations 

P.S. You'll be shocked too when you see just how common this food is. In fact, Americans are encouraged to eat more of itClick here to find out for yourself now... 
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Liberty Headlines
PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
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Aug 28 (7 days ago)
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Nyi Nyi

Sep 4, 2017, 12:55:15 AM9/4/17
to NyiNyi

4:59 PM (18 hours ago)
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Firearms LifeUnsubscribe

Breaking News...

Green Beret Reveals: 3 Shooting Hacks To Instantly Improve Your Accuracy

Did you know... You, me, and pretty much everyone else share ONE MAJOR HANDICAP that severely reduces our ability to fire a gun?

man with gun

I didn't.

Not until Brian Morris, a decorated Green Beret, opened my eyes to it.

Fact is, few people know of this.

The good part: once you realize what this handicap is, fixing it comes almost naturally...

And the results - in terms of improved accuracy - can be mind-blowing.

== > Decorated Green Beret reveals 3 simple hacks to instantly improve your shooting accuracy.



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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

6:01 PM (17 hours ago)
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Please see the special message below from our sponsor.


Fox News Just Exposed this HUGE Consumer Scam…

The good folks over at Fox News launched an investigation into consumer credit cards and the news was NOT good.

If you use a credit card with a chip in it (the kind all the banks have been sending customers the past year) then you’re in the crosshairs of criminals.

Credit card companies don’t want you to know about this HUGE threat…

But there is a way to protect yourself.

There is a Free device you can carry along with your credit cards that will STOP criminals in their tracks.

If you don’t have this in your wallet then in it’s not a matter of “if” you’ll be targeted but rather “when” you’ll become a victim!

Go here now to learn more about this free device and where to get yours.

If you use credit or debit cards of any kind you need to carry this tiny device around (in your wallet or purse).

This includes Visa, Mastercard, Amex and other popular credit card issuers.

Don’t wait any longer for criminals to target you.

Go here now to learn how to protect yourself for good.

Thank you.

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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153


7:59 PM (15 hours ago)
 to me

Breaking News...

Fox News Just Exposed this HUGE Consumer Scam…

The good folks over at Fox News launched an investigation into consumer credit cards and the news was NOT good.

If you use a credit card with a chip in it (the kind all the banks have been sending customers the past year) then you’re in the crosshairs of criminals.

Credit card companies don’t want you to know about this HUGE threat…

But there is a way to protect yourself.

There is a Free device you can carry along with your credit cards that will STOP criminals in their tracks.

If you don’t have this in your wallet then in it’s not a matter of “if” you’ll be targeted but rather “when” you’ll become a victim!

Go here now to learn more about this free device and where to get yours.

If you use credit or debit cards of any kind you need to carry this tiny device around (in your wallet or purse).

This includes Visa, Mastercard, Amex and other popular credit card issuers.

Don’t wait any longer for criminals to target you.

Go here now to learn how to protect yourself for good.

Thank you.



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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

8:05 PM (15 hours ago)
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September 03 2017



Trump’s Insubordination Problem

Rich Lowry

Donald Trump told us that he’d hire the best people. He didn’t mention that he’d be unable to fire them. The president is experiencing a bout of insubordination from his top officials the likes of which we haven’t witnessed in the modern era. It’s not unusual to have powerful officials at war among themselves, or in the...


top stories

Arpaio Pardon Shows the Futility of Mueller’s Obstruction Investigation

Andrew C. McCarthy

Where are the calls for obstruction charges? On the matter of President Donald Trump’s pardon of Sheriff Joseph Arpaio, just about any bad thing that could be said has been said. This is the...

The Navy Is Not Ready and It’s Our Fault

Emma Campbell-Mohn

Ten sailors died and five sustained injuries when USS John S. McCain collided with a 600-foot merchant vessel off the coast of Singapore, east of the Straits of Malacca, on August 20. This is...

6:59 AM (4 hours ago)
 to me





[Trending] The Knife You’ve Got to See to Believe!

When it come to protection no one should ever be left vulnerable.

You need an everyday carry that is faster to pull than a gun and just as deadly.

Click Here To Check Out The SSD-90 Knife Belt.

This knife is completely concealed in the belt buckle so attackers and authorities will never know you’re carrying it.

It makes the perfect addition to any EDC and will ensure you are never left unprepared.

You have never seen a design like this. This knife is durable and made to last a lifetime.

Hurry Get Your SSD-90 Knife Belt Now.

Stay vigilant,

Chris Peterson



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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

4:59 AM (6 hours ago)
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Family Survival HeadlinesUnsubscribe

Breaking News...

CLAIM Your Free 3-Day Survival Food Kit in the Next 24-Hours

In a crisis, your #1 need is food.

But not just any food...

Experts say everyone needs to have non-perishable, good for 25 years survival food on hand in case of an emergency.

Well right now – in what is truly an unprecedented move – 72-hour Food4Patriots survival food kits are being given away to loyal subscribers as long as they beat the program deadline and while supplies last.

"Survival food is more important today than ever before," explains Frank Bates, a spokesman for the company. "Natural disasters, terrorist attacks and other threats can make obtaining sufficient food impossible in an emergency."

"None of us wants to ever rely on this or any government to feed us in a crisis," Bates says.

Food4Patriots survival foods are made of the finest ingredients, grown and packaged right here in the USA. They taste great and provide the nutrition you need.

Recent advancements in the processing and packaging have led to this food being guaranteed fresh for an amazing 25 years. Packages are made of military-grade Mylar, the same material used to protect NASA astronauts.

Every 72-hour kit that's being given away contains 16 total servings of such delicious meals as Blue Ribbon Creamy Chicken Rice, the always-loved Granny's Home-style Potato Soup, and stick-to-your-ribs breakfast favorite Maple Grove Oatmeal.

This kit sells to the general public for $27.00 plus postage and has been rated 4.5 out of 5 stars by customers.

But those who act quickly can get them just for the shipping and handling fee.

"We're trying to ensure that no one who wants this free food misses out, but they have to hurry because we have a limited supply of the 72-hour kits we can give away," Bates warned. "Once word got out that folks could actually get free survival food, we had to add extra customer service staff to keep up with incredible demand."

There is still time to take advantage of this offer, but be aware that supplies are limited and the program may end at any time.

>> Get Your Free 72-Hour Survival Food Kit

>> Get Your Free 72-Hour Survival Food Kit



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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

Nyi Nyi

Sep 4, 2017, 1:00:08 AM9/4/17
to NyiNyi

On Monday, September 4, 2017 at 10:55:54 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Sep 5, 2017, 2:53:11 AM9/5/17
to NyiNyi

Former CIA Officer Exposes “Secrets” Every American Should Know!

Hello there,

The important information in this email is NOT to be missed!

A former CIA Officer has put his neck on the line to reveal “spy secrets” that every single American needs to know about.

This crucial information is especially important if you have a family, own a home or are worried about your general well-being.

The amazing thing is he is giving away this knowledge at NO charge!

But you need to act fast because he’s only got a few hundred copies left.

Go here now to claim your copy before it’s too late.

To Your Safety,

David Reynolds

P.S. I want to make sure you get your copy but the entire lot could be gone within hours.

You can get a free copy right here.



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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

6:01 PM (19 hours ago)
to me



Please see the special message below from our sponsor.


Former CIA Officer Exposes “Secrets” Every American Should Know!

Hello there,

The important information in this email is NOT to be missed!

A former CIA Officer has put his neck on the line to reveal “spy secrets” that every single American needs to know about.

This crucial information is especially important if you have a family, own a home or are worried about your general well-being.

The amazing thing is he is giving away this knowledge at NO charge!

But you need to act fast because he’s only got a few hundred copies left.

Go here now to claim your copy before it’s too late.

To Your Safety,

David Reynolds

P.S. I want to make sure you get your copy but the entire lot could be gone within hours.

You can get a free copy right here.

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6:06 PM (19 hours ago)
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Task & Purpose Today

DoD Overstated Number Of Troops Deployed To Texas And Louisiana For Harvey Relief


This Air Force Combat Rescue Pilot ‘Gave Everything For His Country.’ Here’s He’s Remembered At Home


Russia Claims Its Next-Generation MiG-41 Fighter Can Fly In Outer Space


Trump On Whether The US Will Attack North Korea In Response To Nuclear Test: ‘We’ll See’


Soldier Killed In Yemen Black Hawk Crash Was Decorated Member Of Night Stalkers


North Korea Conducts 6th Nuclear Test, South Korean Officials Say


Trump Sets 2018 Military Pay Raise at 2.1%


This Retro Interview Reveals A Young Jim Mattis Before He Was ‘Mad Dog’


The Air Force Is Upgrading Its Nuclear-Weapons Systems. Here’s What You Need To Know


Why Veterans — And Everyone Else — Need Better Protection From Student Loan Fraud


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8:09 PM (17 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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Breaking News... 

Mattis: North Korea May Face 'Total Annihilation' for Threats 

Trump Will Deport Illegal Minors, 'Igniting a Political Firestorm' 

Vote Now: Is Obama the Greatest President Ever?

Court Orders Churches to Fund Abortion via Health Insurance 

Army Officer Battles Order to Use Transgender Pronouns

AR-15's 'Handed Out' on Next Page 

This is a lethal firing machine. 

Today it's FREE. 

The American Patriot is giving away 3 Saint 5.56 AR-15's. 

It fires ammunition at lightning pace, and it's pinpoint accurate. 

You have a chance to win 1 free hereDon't let this SAINT slip away. 

(Their contests change quick, sign in now while it's still live.) 

PS. This is the one gun you can trust your life with – and you have 3 chances to strap this Saint 5.56 to you shoulder here

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9:31 PM (16 hours ago)
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Get last-year 1904 O-Mint Morgan Silver Dollars struck at the historic New Orleans Mint!
Visit GovMint.com!Free Shipping
U.S. CoinsWorld CoinsNew ArrivalsCall Today: 1-800-941-7267
1904 O-Mint Morgan Silver Dollars
Historic last-year 1904 O-Mint 
Morgan Silver Dollars!

Arguably the most coveted and collected vintage U.S. silver coin of all time, Morgan Silver Dollars are always in demand.

The biggest reason? It's been estimated that only 15% of all the Morgan dollars ever minted in the U.S. still survive today!

    Coin Highlights
  • Struck in 26.73 grams of 90% silver from Nevada's Comstock Lode
  • Last year ever issued by the historic New Orleans Mint
  • Available in BU condition or graded MS63 or MS64 by NGC or PCGS (grading service varies)
  • Each 113 years old
  • 38.1 mm diameter

Among the scarcest are Morgans that were struck at the New Orleans Mint -- the only U.S. Mint under the control of three different governments during its existence (the United States, the State of Louisiana and the Confederate States of America).

Starting in 1879, the New Orleans Mint was one of the four mints producing America's legendary "Silver Cartwheels." But in 1904, the mint would strike its last Morgan Silver Dollar for general circulation. All coin production at the mint would end five years later.

"O" is now one of the most coveted Morgan mint marks!

For close to five decades, the last-year 1904-O Morgan was almost never seen, and millions of Morgans -- of EVERY mint mark and date -- were melted down for their precious silver content.

But in 1960, an unexpected cache of vintage Morgans was discovered in the vaults of the U.S. Treasury -- including a surprising number with the distinctive "O" mint mark!

Back then, a 1904 Morgan from the New Orleans Mint was valued at $150 in the U.S. Coin "Red Book." In today's money, that's more than $1,200!

But now you can travel back to the end of an era -- and pocket one of the last Morgan Silver Dollars ever issued by the New Orleans Mint in Gem collector grade for less than $100!

Thanks to our recent discovery of a hoard of these historic coins, you can now own one of the few

1904-O Morgans certified to be in Mint State 64 (MS64) condition by Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC) or Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS).

These iconic coins were the largest silver coins ever made by the U.S. Government for general circulation -- weighing in at nearly an ounce of 90% silver from Nevada's famous Comstock Lode!

As a last-year Morgan from a historic mint, this is definitely a coin that every Morgan collection should include. Just don't wait too long to order -- with fewer than 165 in stock, these won't last long!

Last-year 1904-O Morgan Silver Dollar

Ungraded Brilliant UncirculatedNGC/PCGS Graded 
MS63 or MS64

Ungraded Brilliant Uncirculated 
(BU) condition

NGC/PCGS Graded 
MS63 or MS64

Buy Now

Buy Now

To learn more or order by phone, 
call 1-800-941-7267 and mention code GE2177

We've selected the following products just for you:


Silver Eagles

Celebrate the 225th Anniversary of the U.S. Mint!

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First and best: 
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© 2017 | GovMint.com | 14101 Southcross Drive West, Burnsville, MN 55337
Questions? Email Customer Service - or - Call (800) 941-7267

Prices and availability subject to change without notice. Facts and figures deemed accurate as of the date of this email. NOTE: GovMint.com® is a private distributor of worldwide government coin and currency issues and privately issued and licensed collectibles, and is not affiliated with the United States government. GovMint.com is not an investment company and does not offer financial advice or sell items as an investment. The collectible coin market is speculative, and coin values may rise or fall over time. All rights reserved. © 2017 GovMint.com.

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On Monday, September 4, 2017 at 10:55:54 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:
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Nyi Nyi

Sep 12, 2017, 3:07:31 AM9/12/17
to NyiNyi

5:30 AM (8 hours ago)
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Former CIA Officer Exposes “Secrets” Every American Should Know!

Hello there,

The important information in this email is NOT to be missed!

A former CIA Officer has put his neck on the line to reveal “spy secrets”that every single American needs to know about.

This crucial information is especially important if you have a family, own a home or are worried about your general well-being.

The amazing thing is he is giving away this knowledge at NO charge!

But you need to act fast because he’s only got a few hundred copies left.

Go here now to claim your copy before it’s too late.

To Your Safety,

David Reynolds

P.S. I want to make sure you get your copy but the entire lot could be gone within hours.

You can get a free copy right here.



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7:35 AM (6 hours ago)
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Farewell to the Greatest Space Mission of Our Time
The Cassini spacecraft spent 13 years orbiting Saturn.
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8:05 AM (5 hours ago)
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September 11 2017



9/11 Ended a Golden Age

Kevin D. Williamson

The golden age lasted about ten years. In November of 1989, the gates of the Berlin Wall were opened. Soon after, the people themselves took to it with sledgehammers, and people who did not know that they could cry from joy learned to. The Wall was a product of that original Antifa, the self-proclaimed anti-fascists of...


top stories

The ‘Idiots’ Were Right, Mr. Bannon

David French

How quickly some of us forget. How arrogant some of us have become. Those of you old enough to remember the shock and horror of September 11, answer me this: If I had told you that the George...

America Welcomes Immigrants

Kathryn Jean Lopez

I’m just off a trans-Atlantic crossing. You don’t realize how moving walking to the top of a ship for a pre-dawn arrival in New York City will be until you have the opportunity to do it. After a...



To Neutralize the North Korean Threat, America Must First Understand the North Korean...

Nicholas Eberstadt

Editor’s Note: On January 31, 2017, Nicholas Eberstadt testified before members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee about the threat posed by North Korea. The following is adapted from his...

Trump’s DACA Repeal Is a Pause in the Trend toward Executive Overreach

Jay Cost

Despite being an (admittedly dyspeptic) opponent of Donald Trump’s 2016 nomination, and a regular critic of his administration, I must acknowledge that the president has often endeavored to...

The GOP Risks Being Outmaneuvered on the DREAM Act

Fred Bauer

A few days into negotiations over a DACA replacement, it seems as though Republicans might be allowing the Left to set the terms for debate over immigration. Echoing Nancy Pelosi, some...

A Tradition that Deserves to Be Nuked

Jonathan S. Tobin

The time when the Senate’s treatment of Judge Merrick Garland was the subject of intense national debate seems a distant memory, but it was only a year ago. President Obama had nominated Garland...


6:59 AM (7 hours ago)
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6:01 AM (8 hours ago)
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Please see the special message below from our sponsor.


Own a Cell Phone? You Need this in Your Emergency Kit!

Get Your FREE Renegade Solar Cell Phone Charger ($19.99 Value!)

If you’re like me, you own a cell phone and use it every single day (probably more than any other technological device you own).

A cell phone is extra important during a crisis or natural disaster but unfortunately that’s when they typically fail owners.

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Thank you.

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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

4:59 AM (9 hours ago)
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Breaking News...

Grab Your Free US Army Issued Handgun

The Sig Sauer P320

To celebrate American Gun News wants to give a few lucky readers this same firearm for free.

Simply click here to enter the contest.

This standard issue firearm is anything but basic.  In fact, the US Army spent 2 years and over $17 million testing 12 different handguns before deciding on the new sidearm.

It’s one bad ass and deadly accurate gun.

This very well could become your favorite piece for concealed carry, range shooting, or home defense.

Grab the handgun that’s trusted and approved by the US Army today.

Enter now.


Jason Rodgers



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4:07 AM (9 hours ago)
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By Yuval Rosenberg and Michael Rainey

Trump Wants Speedy Tax Reform. Here Are 5 Reasons It Won't Happen ...

President Trump said he wants to pick up the pace on “dramatic tax cuts and tax reform” in the wake of the storms that have battered to the U.S. in recent weeks. “I think now with what's happened with the hurricane, I'm going to ask for a speedup. I wanted a speedup anyway, but now we need it even more so," he declared at a cabinet meetingon Saturday.

But there are a few serious hurdles standing in the way of passing tax reform right now, whatever the pace. The biggest obstacle may be time: The House and Senate are scheduled to be in joint session for less than 50 days for the rest of the year. Here are five of the major problems facing Congress in the near term that will make it hard to satisfy Trump’s call for a speedy execution of tax reform this year: 

1. A tax reform plan requires a 2018 budget resolution. Back in July, House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady said, “Clearly, no budget, no tax reform.” Republicans have still not passed a budget for fiscal year 2018, and they need that budget in order to pass tax reform through the reconciliation process. (Reconciliation allows the Senate to pass a tax bill by 50 votes, but only if the bill doesn’t increase deficits after 10 years.) Without a budget baseline, there’s no way to evaluate the fiscal effects of changes in the tax code. 

2. A 2018 budget requires a tax reform plan. Some House Republicans are complaining that they don’t have enough details about the GOP’s tax reform plan to properly shape a budget for 2018. Rep. Dave Brat of Virginia, one of the leaders of the conservative Freedom Caucus, recently said:  “It’s very hard to hard to vote on a budget resolution, which has as its sole objective to move tax reform, when you don’t know what tax reform looks like. … There’s problems across the whole conference, from moderates to fiscal conservatives.” At this point, it’s not even clear where a detailed tax plan will come from — the tax-writing committees in Congress or the “Big Six” negotiators — or when. 

3. Hurricane relief will take time — and money. Congress will almost certainly have to deal with the economic effects of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, and possibly Hurricane Jose. Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida said Monday that the $15 billion in FEMA funding passed last week will last just a few weeks, and that more funds will needed soon. 

4. Congress still has some must-pass items on its plate. Lawmakers must reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration and the Children’s Health Insurance Program by the end of the month. Neither one of these is particularly controversial, but either or both could get bogged down if Congress attaches unrelated items to the reauthorization bills — possibly including Obamacare stabilization measures.  

5. December 8 gets closer every day. Trump struck a deal with Democrats last week to fund the government and raise the debt ceiling, but only for three months. With hurricane relief out of the way and Congress eager to head home for the holidays, fiscal hawks may feel empowered to take a stand against deficit spending, sparking a new round of budget battles with potentially serious economic repercussions. 

Some skeptics don’t expect to see any serious tax reform this year, due to the limits imposed by both the calendar and the turmoil roiling the Republican Party. The headline on Albert Hunt’s opinion piece at Bloomberg Monday expresses those doubts bluntly: “Don’t Expect Trump and Congress to Do Anything.” 

... And One Big Reason It Will

Judd Gregg, the Republican former governor and senator from New Hampshire, points to one big reason Congress may still find a way to overcome the many obstacles complicating tax reform:  

“It is called political survival. The passage of a true, significant tax reform bill is the last, best hope for this Republican Congress and this unusual President to claim they should continue to be entrusted with our nation’s wellbeing. Political survival trumps (no pun intended) all other hurdles, procedural and substantive. A way will be found to get to tax reform. You can bet your re-election on it — if you are a Republican.”

Number of the Day: $20,162,177,000,000

The federal debt officially climbed above $20 trillion for the first time on Friday, according to the Treasury Department. The new numbers show that the debt increased by nearly $318 billion on September 8, the day President Trump signed the bill suspending the debt limit for three months.

Fiscal Flashes

Trump May Ask for More Disaster Funding: Homeland security adviser Tom Bossert told reporters at the White House press briefing Monday that the administration might seek more disaster relief funding in response to Hurricane Irma. Asked about "pressure on the federal government's budget" from the natural disasters, Bossert said: "The president and [Office of Management and Budget] Director Mulvaney and others have started the process of a bipartisan discussion on this point. I think right now we have plenty of resources to get through this. … We'll ask for a third, perhaps fourth supplemental appropriation for the purpose of rebuilding. ... I have every belief that this president will end up with proposals, as he started his administration with, that will lead to a balanced budget." (The Hill

Three Ways to Fix the Debt Ceiling: “Given that the debt ceiling is the only real check on borrowing, tossing it out without any plan for restraint would continue the fiscal free fall we are already in,” Maya MacGuineas of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget writes. MacGuineas suggests a few fixes: 1. Tie the debt limit to budget resolutions or major bills that add to the debt, so Congress can’t vote for spending and then oppose the debt increase it causes; 2. Change the limit from an arbitrary dollar figure to a percentage of GDP; 3. Add an “escape valve” that would eliminate the risk of default while giving lawmakers time to devise a plan for dealing with the debt. (Washington Post

Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand Will Co-Sponsor Medicare-for-All Bill:  The senators are the latest Democrats to line up behind Bernie Sanders' plan to expand the federal health care program to cover all Americans, joining Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris. Max Baucus, who as the Democratic chair of the Senate Finance Committee in 2009 was an architect of Obamacare, told NBC News on Friday that "the time has come" for single-payer. "Support for single-payer is rapidly becoming a litmus test for Democrats who are even thinking about their party's 2020 presidential primary," Axios' Sam Baker writes. (NJTVMicNBC NewsAxios

Tax Talk Happening This Week: On Tuesday, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin will speak at CNBC’s Delivering Alpha conference, where tax reform is bound to come up, and OMB Director Mick Mulvaney speaks at the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget on building a growth plan for the U.S. On Thursday, the Senate Finance Committee holds a hearing on individual tax reform, and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Ranking Member Richard Neal (D-MA) discuss tax reform at a Politico Pro event in Washington. But don’t expect a flood of details on tax reform: “Key lawmakers in the tax debate have kept their cards close to their vests regarding details of tax legislation, and we expect this week's events will be no different,” analysts at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods write.  

The US Tax System Has Never Been Simple: American taxpayers “have been complaining about complicated forms, instructions, and everything else for more than 100 years,” Joseph J. Thorndike writes. Tax reform might make things better, but there’s no reason to think the complexity of the system will be eliminated. “Unfortunately, it’s never been simple – not in the last year, the last decade, or even the last century. And it’s probably going to stay that way.” (Tax Analysts

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On Monday, September 4, 2017 at 10:55:54 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Sep 12, 2017, 3:11:29 AM9/12/17
to NyiNyi

7:31 PM (18 hours ago)
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The latest from InsideSources.

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What Washington's Talking About

How U.S. News college rankings promote economic inequality on campus [Benjamin Wermund, Politico]
Is there a private equity bubble? [Simon Clark and William Louch, Wall Street Journal]
Trump Leads Quiet Rise of a Socially Conservative Agenda [Ben Protess, Danielle Ivory and Steve Eder, New York Times]

Notre Dame’s President Has Some Pointed Words for Senate Democrats
“Our editorial last week on the spectacle of Senate Democrats questioning the Catholic faith of Notre Dame law professor and judicial nominee Amy Barrett struck a nerve. Many readers are stunned that politicians would suggest that having ‘orthodox’ religious views could disqualify someone from the American judiciary. Also concerned is John Jenkins, President of the University of Notre Dame. Fr. Jenkins is no conservative but he can spot an attack on religious belief, and on Saturday he wrote to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee who led the assault on Ms. Barrett.”
From Jenkins’ letter: “It is chilling to hear from a United States Senator that this might now disqualify someone from service as a federal judge.” [Editorial, Wall Street Journal]

News    Technology
Senator Behind Online Sex Trafficking Bill Says Other Tech Companies are Joining Their Cause
By Giuseppe Macri

The U.S. senator behind a bill to curb online sex trafficking, which companies like Google claim could “seriously jeopardize the internet ecosystem,” says more tech companies are rallying behind the legislation.


News    Education
Schools Using Brain Science to Guide Ed Tech Decisions
By Leo Doran

What happens when a school district uses the latest in brain science to inform its education technology purchasing decisions? Students become more engaged and test scores go up, according to school district officials who shared their experiences at a brain science conference at the National Harbor in Maryland.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Anti-Gouging Laws Hurt Those They Try to Help
By Steven Horwitz

Around the time rescue crews rush in after a natural disaster, public outcry begins over so-called price gouging, and support for laws outlawing the practice grows. After all, people are suffering, and price gouging is particularly harmful for the poor. Isn’t it immoral to charge them unusually high prices for goods in short supply?


"Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children."
President George W. Bush, November 10, 2001

News    Energy
Another Study Tied to La Jolla Conference Attempts to Connect Climate Change to Energy Companies
By Erin Mundahl

As Houston works to dry out its streets and Florida braces for Hurricane Irma to land, some environmentalists are already pointing to the storms as examples of the extreme weather caused by global warming.


[IS] Opinions    Finance
Point: Americans Want a Tax Code That Works for Them
By Grover Norquist

The Republicans in Congress and the White House are committed to passing a powerful reform of our tax code that will create jobs, economic growth, simplify the complex tax code and return money to hard-working Americans. This year.


[IS] Opinions    Finance
Counterpoint: Tax Reform Is Not Going to Happen; Big Tax Cuts for the Rich Unfortunately Might
By Hunter Blair

In the coming months, we’ll hear a lot about how Congress has turned its attention to “tax reform.” This is inaccurate. Every Republican plan floated in recent years has simply been a straightforward tax cut for the rich.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Sixteen Years After 9/11, Iran Remains A Threat To America
By David Ibsen

While Osama bin Laden will forever be known as the mastermind of the tragedy, Iran’s role in the devastating attacks, and its collusion with al-Qaida and other terrorist organizations more generally, must not be overlooked.


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Green Beret Reveals: 3 Shooting Hacks To Instantly Improve Your Accuracy

Did you know... You, me, and pretty much everyone else share ONE MAJOR HANDICAP that severely reduces our ability to fire a gun?

man with gun

I didn't.

Not until Brian Morris, a decorated Green Beret,opened my eyes to it.

Fact is, few people know of this.

The good part: once you realize what this handicap is, fixing it comes almost naturally...

And the results - in terms of improved accuracy - can be mind-blowing.

== > Decorated Green Beret reveals 3 simple hacks to instantly improve your shooting accuracy.

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P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

Sep 10 (2 days ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
You have been a free subscriber since 3/22/2017

Liberty Headlines
Breaking News... 

AP Now Calls Illegal Aliens 'Undocumented Citizens' 

Florida Governor: 'Storm Surge Will Rush In and It Can Kill You' 

Red Alert: Ex-Pentagon Insider Warns of "World Money" Coup

Leftists Say Conservatives Deserve Hurricane Irma 

Trump's DOJ Won't Charge Lois Lerner for Targeting Conservatives

FREE REPORT: 10 Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again after Age 45

Switch to "World Money" Could Happen Sooner

Dear Reader, 

If you've got any money at all in a U.S.-based savings account, please pay attention

On September 30 – just last fall – a brand new kind of "world money" was released into the wild. 

It's purpose? Ultimately, it's the currency that could replace the U.S. dollar. 

But now there's been a NEW development... and it could dangerously accelerate this move out of the dollar. You need to take at least three protective steps before this happens

Find out what those steps are – and what this threat is – by clicking this link


Joe Schriefer
Publisher, Agora Financial 

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What 9/11 Looked Like To The Only American Service Member Not On Earth


China And US Each Thinks The Other Can Solve North Korea Crisis


Please Do Not Fire Your Guns At Hurricane Irma


Thousands Turn Out For Protest Against Ramstein Air Base Operations


Hurricane Irma May Plow Into A Site Full Of Cold War-Era Nuclear Waste


Russia Says Its Armata T-14 Tank Can Fight On Mars


Air Force Pilot Killed In Crash At Nevada Test And Training Range


Gold Star Families Help Launch Photo Display National Tour Honoring Post-9/11 Fallen


VA Launches New Process To Turn Around Disability Claims In 30 DaysOr Less


Marines Investigating Death Of Student At Camp Pendleton’s School Of Infantry


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On Monday, September 4, 2017 at 10:55:54 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:
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Nyi Nyi

Sep 16, 2017, 11:15:25 PM9/16/17
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Sep 13 (4 days ago)
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Did Russia Just Drop Its ‘Father Of All Bombs’ In Syria? Here’s What We Know

Get Ready To See Marvel’s Baddest Vet Before He Was The Punisher

8 Ways To Overcome The Pitfalls Of Operational Planning Teams

This Medal Of Honor Recipient Snuck Into The Corps At 14 And Defied

Hero Patriot Risks It All To Rescue Fallen American Flag During Irma

Convicting A Colonel: Even At Trial, Accommodations Made For Rank

National Guardsman Jailed After Making ‘Terroristic Threats’ Against VP

Meet The Air Force Pilots Who Flew Straight Into The Heart Of Hurricane Irma

Marine Corps Says Pilot Error To Blame For Osprey Crash Off Okinawa In

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Did the Military Crash a Mystery Plane in the Nevada Desert?

The Air Force isn't revealing any details about a "classified" aircraft
involved in fatal crash.

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iPhone X, iPhone 8, and More:
Everything You Need to Know About Apple's Big Event

Tune in live at 1:00 p.m. ET, and follow along here for just the good stuff.

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9 Ways the U.S. Could Bomb North Korea's Deepest Bunkers

Kim Jong-Un's nuclear stores are hidden deep under hundreds of feet of
solid rock. This makes them hard to reach—but not impossible.

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China Says It Will Stop Selling Internal Combustion Engine Cars

There's no date set, but the message is clear: Electric is the future.

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China Says It Will Stop Selling Internal Combustion Engine Cars] [image:
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Navy Investigating 99-Year-Old Warship Wreck

The sinking of the USS San Diego may have lessons for today.

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Navy Investigating 99-Year-Old Warship Wreck] [image: Share on Pinterest]



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Next Year You'll Get Another Change to Buy an NES Classic

Those who couldn't get their hands on Nintendo's first mini console will
get a second opportunity in 2018.

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Sep 12 (5 days ago)
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Breaking News from Headline Health
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*Breaking News...*

*Top Post-Irma Health Concerns

*How to Cope With Retirement Health Care Costs

*Alert: The Scientific Reason Going Hungry Makes You Gain Weight

*Is your pizza healthy? It should be THIS color...

*UPDATED: If You Have Relatives in Irma's Path...

*Keep color in mind when choosing pizza toppings*

Pizza is healthy... And it isn't healthy. Depending on your choices of
crust, cheese, and toppings, pizza can rank anywhere from nutritionally
decent to a diet disaster. It turns out that the color of your toppings
makes a difference. And, it's entirely possible to enjoy pizza – with bacon
– without going over 300 calories *READ MORE...*

*The Scientific Reason Going Hungry Makes You Gain Weight*

Did you know that dieting can actually "help" you gain weight?

If you've ever tried to lose weight, and faithfully ate skimpy servings of
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The information presented here is for general educational purposes only.
You should always consult with your personal physician regarding any
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Headline Health
PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
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Sep 12 (5 days ago)
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The latest from InsideSources.
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What Washington's Talking About
What It’s Like to Be Smeared by the Southern Poverty Law Center [Carol M.
Swain, Wall Street Journal

Texas Rep. Will Hurd loves bipartisan deals, wants President Trump to call
out racists and urges him to save the Dreamers. This is what it’s like to
be one of the most vulnerable Republicans of 2018. [Edward-Isaac Dovere,

News Education
*Report: Later School Start Times Would Grow Economy*
By Leo Doran

Letting school-going teenagers wake up even twenty to thirty minutes later each
morning would be a multi-billion dollar boon to the economy, according a
new analysis.


News Technology
*Congress Targets Credit Reporting Sector and Cybersecurity After Equifax
By Giuseppe Macri

Lawmakers in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives blasted credit
reporting firms in the wake of the Equifax hack revealed last week,
scheduling hearings and calling for an overhaul of the sector and its
cybersecurity requirements.


News Politics
*EXCLUSIVE: Workforce Scorecard Scrutinizes Members of Congress*
By Connor D. Wolf

A congressional scorecard reviewed every representative and senator Tuesday
based on how they voted when it comes to several recent workplace related


[IS] Opinions Finance
*The Dollar’s Trump Slump*
By Desmond Lachman

The dollar’s pronounced weakness since President Trump took office in
January 2017, together with his seeming abandonment of the strong dollar
policy consistently espoused by his predecessors over the last 25 years,
has to raise questions about how long the United States will continue to
enjoy its exorbitant dollar privilege.


[IS] Opinions Politics
*Point: Standing Up for Justice by Kneeling During Anthem*
By Jeffrey Robinson

Colin Kaepernick has not been involved in “off field” scandals, has
committed no crime, and has donated almost $1 million to community
organizations over the last year, yet the former San Francisco 49ers
quarterback is considered an outcast for kneeling during the national


[IS] Opinions Politics
*Counterpoint: NFL Protests Need to Take a Knee*
By Patrice Lee Onwuka

As the NFL season opens players are expected to take a knee during the
national anthem in protest of policing and our justice system. The protests
were out of place to begin with, and the novelty of these free-speech
expressions has worn off. It’s time for players to stop being a prime-time


[IS] Opinions Energy
*States Have the Power to Keep Nuclear in the Mix*
By Marc Spitzer and John Hanger

July 2017 saw two court rulings both significant and positive for the
future of clean energy. Federal courts in New York and Illinois ruled that
states have the authority to place an economic value on the zero-emission
production of electricity.


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Sep 12 (5 days ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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[image: Liberty Headlines]
*Breaking News...*

*Abortion Clinic Offering Free Abortions to Hurricane Harvey Victims

*Trump's Spending Deal Funds Planned Parenthood

*Amazing: First ever "Photograph of God" going viral

*US Debt Tops $20 Trillion, Jumps by $318 Billion in One Day

*Congressman Demands Russia-Collusion Probe – for HILLARY

Dear believer,

Did an American doctor recently capture photographic proof
<http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c74462%7c8955441%7c8787218&digest=M%2b%2b8tcUXSP5uZ8BKz9zCTA&sysid=1> of
the existence of God?

To see the incredible image
please click below now…

If this photo isn’t undeniable proof of our Creator, I don’t know what is.
Prepare to celebrate and rejoice. Just go here now
<http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c74475%7c8955441%7c8787218&digest=l7QqJsiO%2bPOm5ugWLZRvgA&sysid=1> to
see it.


Emily Harper
Producer, *Natural Health Response*

P.S. If you have any atheist friends or family, I encourage you to show themthis
amazing image
I imagine it will change the way they think. See the full photograph here

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PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
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Sep 12 (5 days ago)
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[URGENT] This Navy Seal has a FREE Gift for American Families…

Trump Vindicated After Top Dem Admits Stunning Truth About The Election
That Has Hillary Crying!!!

Gordon Chang: China understands the effects of US sanctions

Obama Is The Most Expensive Ex-President Ever

Gun Control Crowd Continues To Misinform With False “Statistics”

Fox News Guru Warns: "Start Prepping Now!"


Dear Reader,

Jim Rickards here. If you haven't heard, I've just released a new book
called *The Big Drop
It wasn't a book I was intending to write. But it warns of a few critical
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That's why I've gone ahead and reserved a free copy of my new book in your
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P.S. Even if you don't want the book, *please take a look here
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write back to me to let me know why you're denying this free offer. That
way, I'll take your copy off hold and send this note to someone else. But
when you see all the bonuses I've included, I know you'll want to claim
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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153
Sep 12 (5 days ago)
to me
[image: Task & Purpose Today]
John Kelly Just Dropped The Perfect Response To The Democrat Who Called Him
A ‘Disgrace To The Uniform’

Netflix Dropped A New Punisher Teaser, And It Looks Like Someone Is Hunting
Frank Castle

ISIS Fighters Are Flaunting Their New Favorite US-Made Battle Rifle In
Propaganda Videos

University Of Phoenix Gained Special Access To A Military Base — For A Price

Bagram Air Base Targeted By Suicide Bomber Amid 9/11 Commemoration

The Corps’ Top Gun Guru Is Here To Prove Just How Well The M9 And Glock 19
Can Shoot

Decorated Marine Colonel Convicted In Heinous Child Sexual Abuse Case

Air National Guard Couple Wed In Uniform Amid Hurricane Irma Rescue

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Sep 6 (11 days ago)
to me

The latest from InsideSources.
View this email in your browser
What Washington's Talking About

*Regulating Silicon Valley*

Silicon Valley’s Politics: Liberal, With One Big Exception [Farhad Manjoo,
New York Times

The Anti-Monopoly Case Against Google: A Conversation With Open Markets’
Barry Lynn [Russell Brandom, The Verge

*The DACA Debacle*

“President Trump is taking flak from all sides for ending his predecessor’s
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy, thus putting some
800,000 young immigrants—so-called Dreamers—in legal limbo. Though the
President and Barack Obama share responsibility for instigating the crisis,
Mr. Trump and Congress now have an obligation to fix it and spare these
productive young adults from harm they don’t deserve.” [Editorial, Wall
Street Journal

[IS] Opinions Technology
*FTC’s Lawsuit Against Qualcomm: There’s Something To See Here*
By Peter Roff

In the opinion of many experts who have examined Qualcomm’s practices there
is nothing fair, reasonable or non-discriminatory about Qualcomm’s


News Education
*New York City Slowly Closing Persistent Charter School Funding Inequities*
By Leo Doran

While New York City has taken steps to narrow the funding gaps, researchers
argue that school funding imbalances between the two types of public
schools are commonplace across the country.


News Education
*Obama Era Regulations Still Threaten Private Colleges*
By Connor D. Wolf

President Donald Trump has started to roll back education reforms pursued
during the last administration as critics contest that the rules imposed
unnecessary burdens on private colleges.


News Technology
*Local Papers Oppose Sinclair-Tribune Merger*
By Giuseppe Macri

The Boston Globe joined a growing coalition of local papers this weekend
urging the federal government to deny the pending $3.9 billion
Sinclair-Tribune merger, a transaction combining the two largest broadcast
TV station owners in the country, one with a right-leaning political agenda.


[IS] Opinions Politics
*Republican Immigration Proposal Is All Pain and No Gain*
By Benjamin Powell

President Donald Trump recently endorsed legislation that would cut the
number of legal immigrants admitted to the United States in half. He claims
it would put the needs of American workers first. He’s mistaken. The bill
would not make more jobs available for the native born or improve their
wages, but it would harm our economy.


[IS] Opinions Energy
*A Climate Cabal’s Political Vendetta*
By William O'Keefe

In July, Naomi Oreskes, a Harvard professor, published an article in
Environmental Research Letters — ERL — claiming that ExxonMobil mislead the
public on climate change.


[IS] Opinions Politics
*Marco Rubio, Bill Nelson Are Wrong on NASA Pick*
By Michael McGrady

When a Republican like Sen. Marco Rubio agrees with a Democrat like Sen.
Bill Nelson, it’s never a good sign. Regardless of being the two senators
from Florida, both Rubio and Nelson are tediously trying to wage a war on
the Trump administration’s pick to serve as the next administrator of NASA.


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Sep 6 (11 days ago)
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Navy Shipyard Officials Blew $21 Million On Their Own Secret Police Force,
Report Says

Hazardous Baggage: Facing My PTSD On An Indian Train Car

How Starbucks Served A Military Spouse While Her Husband Served The Country

Taliban Releases Video Of Fighters Imitating US Special Operations Forces

A Convoy Of ISIS Fighters Has Been Stuck In The Desert For More Than A Week
Under Fear Of US Airstrikes

Enroute To His Honeymoon, This Marine Saved A Vietnam Vet’s Life On The
Side Of A Highway

Hey Soldiers, Get Your Paperwork In Or You Could Lose Out On Your BAH

UK Arrests 4 Active-Duty Soldiers For Membership In Banned Neo-Nazi Terror

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Latest research from scientists at a leading University from the United
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*September 05* 2017



The Politics of the DACA Fix

Fred Bauer

President Trump’s decision to cancel DACA, an executive-branch program
giving work permits to illegal immigrants who arrived as minors, is a huge
gamble. If the Republican caucus tries to pass a stand-alone fix along the
lines of the DREAM Act (which would give full legal status to those covered
by DACA), it could be in a...

[image: top stories]
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/10560161.522675/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTEwNzEvZG9uYWxkLXRydW1wLWRhY2EtZGVtb2NyYXRzLW11c3QtY29tcHJvbWlzZQ/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B42ccf627> To
End DACA, Follow the Constitution

Andrew C. McCarthy

The DACA controversy demonstrates the wages of the “progressive” conceit
that our ingenious constitutional system is obsolete, that modern problems
are so unprecedentedly complex they demand...
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/10560161.522675/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTEwODIvaG91c3Rvbi1sYW5kLXVzZS1wb2xpY2llcy1hcmUtbm90LWJsYW1lLWl0cy1mbG9vZGluZw/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B67783385> Piling
on Houston

Charles Marohn

Editor’s note: This piece originally appeared at Strong Towns. It is
republished here, with minor changes approved by the author, under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported...


<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/10560161.522675/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTEwNzMvY29uc2VydmF0aXZlcy1sZWZ0LXdpbmctb3BwcmVzc2lvbi12aWN0aW1pemVz/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B8e24499e> Conservatives:
The New Marranos

Dennis Prager

For those unfamiliar with the term, “Marranos” was the name given to Jews
in medieval Spain, especially in the 15th century during the Spanish
Inquisition, who secretly maintained their Judaism...
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/10560161.522675/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTEwNzAvY2hyaXMtY2hyaXN0aWUtbmV3LWplcnNleS1zZW5hdG9yLXBvc3NpYmx5/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B3afa4977> Christie
for Senate?

John Fund

Governor Chris Christie refused to rule out the possibility that he could
replace New Jersey’s U.S. senator Bob Menendez if the Democratic lawmaker
is convicted on fraud and bribery charges in a...
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/10560161.522675/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTEwODUvbm9ydGgta29yZWEtbnVjbGVhci1jcmlzaXMtc291dGgta29yZWEtdXMtdHJhZGUtYWdyZWVtZW50LWNyaXRpY2FsLW5vdw/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B07801a0c> Now
Is Not the Time to Abandon Our Trade Agreement with South Korea

Saagar Enjeti

President Donald Trump seems inclined to withdraw from or renegotiate the
Korea–U.S. trade partnership (KORUS) in the wake of North Korea’s latest
nuclear aggressions. But doing so would only...
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/10560161.522675/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTEwNDgvc29maWEtdmVyZ2FyYS1lbWJyeW9zLXByZS1lbWJyeW9zLWZyYXVkdWxlbnQtc2NpZW5jZS1sYXdzdWl0LW5pY2stbG9lYg/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B470d8498> Sofia
Vergara and the Fraudulent Science of ‘Pre-embryos’

Brooke Stanton

The case of Emma and Isabella versus Sofia Vergara was about two human
embryos on an unusual journey to try and reach the next stage of human
development. Many media outlets are repeating the...


Sep 5 (12 days ago)
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The latest from InsideSources.
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What Washington's Talking About

*A Nation of Ideas?*

America’s Political Scientists Come in for a Reckoning [Scott Lucas,

Is America Still a ‘Nation of Ideas’? Warring tribes or united by
principle: Donald Trump’s presidency forces a question we haven’t had to
answer in generations. [Jedediah Purdy, Politico

*The Menendez Trial*

“As Sen. Robert Menendez prepares to face corruption charges, Republicans
are confident and Democrats fearful that the taint of a weekslong trial
will snare other prominent Democrats in New Jersey and Washington.” [Seth
McLaughlin, Washington Times

*The Diary of a Superfluous Website*

There’s a website just for people who think Clinton should have won [T.C.
Sottek, The Verge


News Politics
*Another Conservative News Outlet Joins Latest Round of Comments Against
By Giuseppe Macri

Another well-established conservative news outlet is asking the Federal
Communications Commission to deny the pending $3.9 billion Sinclair-Tribune
merger, a potential right-leaning broadcasting behemoth that would reach
the largest television audience in America.


News Politics
*Education Minnesota Puts Teachers on Membership Auto-Enrollment, Fearing
SCOTUS Decision*
By Erin Mundahl

Should back to school demand back to union membership? As the Supreme Court
prepares for another term, court watchers have been paying attention to
Janus v. American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees,
Council 31, an appeal case from the 7th Circuit.


News Politics
*Chronic Absence Rates Increasingly In Focus for Educators*
By Leo Doran

Changing education policy and new research are leading to a major push in
emphasis on the reduction of rates of chronic absence in American public


News Politics
*The Secret History of Underground Unions*
By Connor D. Wolf

Labor Day is a time to reflect on the important role workers and unions
have played in our history and culture. A history full of secret rituals
and underground worker movements.


[IS] Opinions Politics
*Point: Organized Labor Is Not Going Away*
By Chris Shelton

Organized labor in 2017 is more united, more prepared and more determined
than ever. Working people, through their unions, are determined to counter
the corporations and Wall Street players who have rigged our economy and
the political process against working families.


[IS] Opinions Politics
*Counterpoint: Unions Are Irrelevant*
By Aparna Mathur and Mark J. Perry

Labor Day is celebrated to recognize the important contributions that U.S.
workers make to the economic prosperity of America. But at the same time,
it provides an opportunity to reflect on the declining relevance of
organized labor to the success of our workers.


[IS] Opinions Politics
*This Labor Day, Workers Should Mind Trump’s Actions and Not His Words*
By William Rice

Labor Day was enacted more than 120 years ago to benefit American workers.
But President Trump and the GOP want to enact tax and spending proposals
that will hurt working families. The struggle over these disastrous plans
will start in earnest right after the holiday — workers (in fact, anyone
not in the Top 1 percent) should use Labor Day to rest up for the fight


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Sep 5 (12 days ago)
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Fort Bragg Families Welcome Hundreds Of Paratroopers Home From Fight
Against ISIS

US-Led Coalition Takes Raqqa’s Great Mosque Away From ISIS

Mattis Warns Of ‘Overwhelming’ Military Response To North Korea

7 Perfect Photos Of Marine NCOs Getting Their Sh*t Rocked

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B-1 Bombers, F-35 Fighters Fly to Korea in Show of Force

The bombers flew simulated strikes against North Korea's "core facilities,"
which probably means Kim Jong-un himself.

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20 Great Tool Gifts
for DIYers

Because tools always make a great gift.

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Here Are the Best Labor Day Weekend Deals to Shop

Great luggage, speakers, and grills. Lots of grills.

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Here Are the Best Labor Day Weekend Deals to Shop] [image: Share on



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Inside Porsche's Mind-Boggling Hidden Warehouse

This unmarked building hides perhaps the world's most fascinating car

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Inside Porsche's Mind-Boggling Hidden Warehouse] [image: Share on Twitter]
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Inside Porsche's Mind-Boggling Hidden Warehouse] [image: Share on Pinterest]


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This Tiny V10 Engine Runs And It Is an Absolute Work of Art

This home-built V10 is gorgeous and needs to be in a go-kart.

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This Dog Was Almost Euthanized—And Now He's Rescuing Hurricane Harvey

Rocket is on the job to make sure nobody is left behind after Hurricane

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On Monday, September 4, 2017 at 10:55:54 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:
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> Strange new warnings are appearing on ATMs across the country...
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> And while this looks like a routine, legal-disclaimer… there's a
> frightening development in the works…
> One that will FREEZE all of your dollar assets in their accounts and not
> let you access them.
> I'm issuing an urgent new warning today.
> *Click here now to read the urgent details
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> Regards,
> Jim Rickards
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> You need to see my latest research right now.
> Donald Trump *could soon trigger a massive “reboot” of the U.S. dollar
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> could destroy cryptocurrencies.
> This Trump “reboot” won’t replace the dollar…
> Or compete against it…
> Instead, I believe it will make the dollar* better*. Much better.
> In fact, I believe the move could make the dollar *the best* currency in
> the world.
> Better than any cryptocurrency you could get your hands on.
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> Obama and Hillary Will NOT Be Happy With This Trump Story
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> Protection Orders’
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> ------------------------------
> *Obama and Hillary Will NOT Be Happy With This Trump Story*
> Dear Reader,
> By now I’m sure you’ve heard of Trump’s latest push…
> When the House passed the bill to repeal and replace Obamacare.
> But there’s a much BIGGER Trump story developing RIGHT NOW.
> *Obama, Hillary and the liberal media hope you never see this story...*
> <http://wjkw.dmsgs-esp-customer.com/t/12759078/531734764/308056796/4004/>
> Because it could make Trump one of the most popular presidents ever.
> Listen, I know a lot of people hate Trump…
> But once details of this story start to leak out, they might change their
> minds.
> Some people familiar with this developing story are talking about a “pot
> of gold…”
> “A gigantic windfall…”
> And “an enormous hoard of stranded cash.”
> *Click here and see the details for yourself.*
> <http://wjkw.dmsgs-esp-customer.com/t/12759078/531734764/308056796/4005/>
> Warning…
> If you voted for Hillary…
> If you’re a registered Democrat…
> Or if you’re simply not a big fan of Trump…
> You might find what you’re about to read a bit disturbing.
> But it’s 100% based on facts.
> *Look and click here for the truth.
> <http://wjkw.dmsgs-esp-customer.com/t/12759078/531734764/308056796/4006/>*
> Regards,
> Joe Schriefer
> Publisher, Agora Financial
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> Aug 30 (5 days ago)
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> August 29, 2017
> *How the National Flood Insurance Program Made Harvey More Costly*The
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> the National Flood Insurance Program and renewed calls for the country to “dramatically
> rethink”
> <http://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=2eca56e50b&e=f4e1fef671> the
> program.
> *THE PROBLEM: *The program is nearly $25 billion in debt and is set to
> expire at the end of September. Congress will have to renew or extend it so
> that millions don’t lose their coverage. Yet the troubled program likely
> made the fallout from Hurricane Harvey more expensive by encouraging
> redevelopment of flood-prone areas.
> “There’s perhaps no better case study in how stubbornly America refuses to
> engage with climate change—and the hard choices that come along with
> it—than federal flood insurance, a massive, wasteful, and unnecessary
> giveaway of a program,” writes David Dayen
> <http://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=90a1fdc966&e=f4e1fef671> at
> the New Republic.
> Politico’s Michael Grunwald
> <http://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=097107c1b4&e=f4e1fef671> points
> to a 1998 report by the National Wildlife Federation that showed that 2
> percent of the properties insured under the program were getting 40 percent
> of its damage claims. One Houston home flooded 16 times in 18 years,
> “netting its owners more than $800,000 even though it was valued at less
> than $115,000.”
> *THE HISTORY:* The program was created in 1968 to provide mandatory
> insurance in flood-prone areas. It was supposed to help mitigate risky
> development, Grunwald notes, by imposing higher flood-proofing standards on
> new construction in floodplains and requiring certain properties to be
> elevated or moved. “But most of the program’s 100-year flood maps are
> woefully obsolete, relocation almost never happens, and Uncle Sam has
> continued to cut multiple checks for repetitive losses,” Grunwald writes.
> Efforts to raise insurance premiums to better reflect flood risk have been
> met with resistance from the real estate industry and politicians
> representing the areas affected; a 2012 bill passed by Congress was largely
> gutted two years later in the face of a backlash from affected
> communities. In the meantime, the program has had to borrow billions from
> the Treasury because of claims arising from storms like Katrina and Sandy.
> *THE KEY QUOTE: *“The fundamental responsibility of government is to
> protect people, but this program keeps encouraging people to build in
> harm’s way,” Steve Ellis, vice president of Taxpayers for Common Sense,
> told Politico.
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> *5 Ways a Debt Ceiling Crisis Could Hurt the Economy*Economists at J.P.
> Morgan say there are no historical examples of countries failing to pay
> their debts due to internal political conflicts — as opposed to economic
> crises, in which case there are many examples, typically with dire results.
> As a result, they wrote in a note to clients Tuesday, it’s hard to know
> what the economic ramifications of failing to raise the debt ceiling would
> be. In their analysis, a technical default resulting from a failure to
> raise the debt ceiling could potentially damage the economy in five ways:
> - *Fiscal contraction: *Federal revenues in October typically cover
> only about 65 percent of government spending, so overall spending levels in
> the economy would contract significantly right away.
> - *Increased uncertainty:* The federal government is the largest
> single actor in the U.S. economy, and a lack of clarity about its behavior
> could damage confidence and planning.
> - *U.S. debt ratings:* S&P downgraded the U.S. credit rating after a
> debt ceiling dispute in 2011 — even though the borrowing limit was raised.
> Any further downgrades might have a significant negative impact in the
> financial markets.
> - *Reduced foreign demand for Treasury debt: *International investors
> are the largest owners of Treasuries, and any kind of default will likely
> reduce demand, driving interest rates higher. This would also drive up the
> cost of the budget deficit: J.P. Morgan says that every quarter of a
> percentage point in additional interest expense adds $260 billion to the
> budget deficit over 10 years.
> - *Tighter financial markets: *Treasury collateral secures more than
> $1 trillion in the repo market, which plays a key role in maintaining
> liquidity in fixed income markets. Rapid changes in asset prices could have
> a significant effect: “A sharp repricing of Treasury collateral in response
> to a technical default would likely increase haircuts, potentially leading
> to significant margin calls, some forced deleveraging, and a decline in
> lending capacity in financial markets.”
> <http://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=60912b7a4e&e=f4e1fef671>
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> Chart of the Day
> The U.S. spends more per capita on prescription drugs than any other
> high-income country. Here’s a graphic comparison from a new Commonwealth
> Fund report. You can read about why prescription spending is so high here
> <http://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=e3cc68ba41&e=f4e1fef671>
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> Why the US Doesn't Deserve a AAA Credit Rating
> The latest debt ceiling drama illustrates why the U.S. Treasury is not a
> triple-A-rated borrower, Marc Joffe writes:
> "For a bond default to occur *...* Congress and the administration would
> have to fail to raise the debt ceiling. Then, Treasury would have to fail
> to prioritize bond payments. Let’s say that each of these outcomes has a 5
> percent chance of occurring. That means the chance of default is 5 percent
> of 5 percent, or 0.25 percent — a number way above the 0.0001 percent
> Moody’s has associated with its top Aaa rating."
> Read more here
> <http://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=a7a4df8a50&e=f4e1fef671>
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> Number of the Day: 51%More than half of registered voters polled
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> Morning Consult and Politico said they support work requirements for
> Medicaid recipients. Thirty-seven percent oppose such eligibility rules.
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> Aug 29 (6 days ago)
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> *How Hurricane Harvey Could Transform the Budget Battle in Washington*
> The costs of Hurricane Harvey could climb as high as $100 billion,
> according to at least one estimate
> <http://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=206dc9f560&e=f4e1fef671>.
> While it will still take weeks for the full extent of the damage to become
> clear, the catastrophic flooding — and a recovery effort that is likely to
> take years — will almost certainly have an impact on some critical upcoming
> deadlines for lawmakers in D.C.
> White House and congressional GOP officials told The Washington Post on
> Sunday that they expected to begin discussing emergency funding for
> disaster relief soon. Those discussions could present challenges for other
> items on President Trump’s agenda, from tax reform to a border wall with
> Mexico.
> President Trump had threatened to shutdown the government if any funding
> bill failed to include money for the border wall with Mexico. But the need
> for disaster relief funding — and the political risk of failing to deliver
> such funding — could force the president and Congress to act more quickly
> to fund the government and avoid a partial federal shutdown. “That is
> because a government shutdown could sideline agencies involved in a rescue
> and relief effort that officials are predicting will last years,” Mike
> DeBonis and Damian Paletta of The Washington Post report
> <http://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=d74d44e95c&e=f4e1fef671>
> .
> The balance of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s disaster relief
> fund stood at just $3.8 billion at the end of July — with $1.6 billion of
> that money set to be spent elsewhere. The funds needed for Harvey recovery
> alone may well exceed the total disaster relief budget for the current and
> upcoming fiscal years, The Post noted. Also, Congress must reauthorize the
> National Flood Insurance Program, which is more than $24 billion in debt,
> by the end of September and ensure that its legal borrowing limit, now
> around $30 billion, is sufficient to cover expected claims from Harvey
> victims.
> William Hoagland of the Bipartisan Policy Center, who served as a former
> GOP staff director for the Senate Budget Committee, said the hurricane
> could also lead to the debt ceiling being raised faster than it otherwise
> might have been so as to ensure that the Treasury can provide emergency
> cash to storm-hit areas.
> That’s not to say the disaster relief funding won’t devolve into a
> congressional fight. Both Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and Superstorm Sandy in
> 2012 led to budget fights in Congress in which Republicans resisted
> disaster funding that wasn’t offset by other spending cuts.
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> Tweet of the Day[image: #Harvey in perspective. So much rain has fallen,
> we've had to update the color charts on our graphics in order to
> effectively map it.]
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> *Top Budget Expert Thinks We’re Headed for a Government Shutdown*
> Noted budget expert Stan Collender – who is sometimes referred to as “Mr.
> Budget
> <http://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=2fff7aa090&e=f4e1fef671>”
> and who tweets under the name, @TheBudgetGuy
> <http://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=388bdf2bf7&e=f4e1fef671> –
> says that odds are better than even that the federal government will shut
> down this fall. Disputes over raising the debt ceiling are also in the
> cards, though with slightly less probability of a chaotic ending.
> Collender says in Forbes
> <http://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=c2fdcc699c&e=f4e1fef671> that
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> *The High Cost of Debt Ceiling Brinksmanship*
> Every time Congress dithers on raising the debt ceiling, the Treasury
> Department is forced to take “extraordinary measures” to make sure it has
> enough cash to pay the country’s bills in full and on time without hitting
> the ceiling. Kellie Mejdrich atRoll Call
> <http://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=edd3f81300&e=f4e1fef671> reminds
> us that these measures come with a considerable cost, even without a
> default on the debt.
> The Treasury began employing extraordinary measures last March, when the
> suspension of the debt limit brokered in a budget deal in November 2016
> expired. With the debt ceiling back in force, the Treasury had to look for
> ways to avoid hitting the limit, currently $19.8 trillion. Treasury has
> several options — it definesfour of them here
> <http://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=57ef87e57e&e=f4e1fef671> —
> which involve not spending all of the money is it legally authorized to
> spend. For example, the Treasury may avoid making full investments in
> pension and savings accounts of government employees, delaying payments
> until a later date.
> These measures tend to make the financial markets nervous, especially over
> time as the threat of default grows, which can move interest rates higher
> than they otherwise would be. The Bipartisan Policy Center points out
> <http://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=29da5b5419&e=f4e1fef671> that
> the current debt ceiling impasse sent short-term Treasury bill rates higher
> in July, raising the costs of issuing debt for the U.S. government.
> Looking back at the debt ceiling brinksmanship of 2011-2012, the Government
> Accountability Office concluded
> <http://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=dec80c37eb&e=f4e1fef671> that
> delaying the increase in the debt limit cost the Treasury at least $1.3
> billion:
> “Delays in raising the debt limit can create uncertainty in the Treasury
> market and lead to higher Treasury borrowing costs. GAO estimated that
> delays in raising the debt limit in 2011 led to an increase in Treasury’s
> borrowing costs of about $1.3 billion in fiscal year 2011. However, this
> does not account for the multiyear effects on increased costs for Treasury
> securities that will remain outstanding after fiscal year 2011. Further,
> according to Treasury officials, the increased focus on debt limit-related
> operations as such delays occurred required more time and Treasury
> resources and diverted Treasury’s staff away from other important cash and
> debt management responsibilities.”
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> *Robert Samuelson: Why Trump’s Tax Reform Won’t Work*
> It’s hard to imagine that tax reform is No. 1 on the Republicans’ to-do
> list when they still don’t have a 2018 budget. Worse, they still haven’t
> agreed to raise the debt ceiling, as the federal government continues to
> draw down what was $350 billion in cash reserves in January to $50.6
> billion as of last Thursday, according to The Washington Post
> <http://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=0e4adeba70&e=f4e1fef671>
> .
> Maybe that’s why the Post’s economics columnist, Robert J. Samuelson
> <http://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=d26fc2f5df&e=f4e1fef671>,
> was inspired to challenge the GOP’s idea that cutting taxes is “tax
> reform,” which implies an improvement over the old system.
> Samuelson is clearly disturbed about Trump’s tax plan, which primarily
> benefits the rich at the expense of the poor and adds an additional $3.5
> trillion in deficits over a decade, according to the Tax Policy Center.
> <http://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=fc630290d7&e=f4e1fef671> It’s
> not clear how that’s an improvement.
> Samuelson says, “If tax cuts were initially financed by more deficit
> spending, the costs of today’s lower taxes would be transferred to future
> generations.” That now includes the largest generation in America — the
> Millennials — as Baby Boomers die off.
> The key argument against tax cuts, Samuelson says, is that contrary to
> Republican claims, they don’t stimulate significantly faster growth. “Tax
> cuts may cushion a recession and improve the business climate, but they
> don’t automatically raise long-term growth. A 2014 study by the Congressional
> Research Service
> <http://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=2c410abccd&e=f4e1fef671>put
> it this way: ‘A review of statistical evidence suggests that both labor
> supply and savings and investment are relatively insensitive to tax rates.’”
> For Samuelson, the facts point in a different direction: “The truth is
> that we need higher, not lower, taxes. … We are undertaxed. Government
> spending, led by the cost of retirees, regularly exceeds our tax intake.”
> But will Republicans raise taxes? That’s not a likely outcome given the
> current budget debate, which would need a dose of honesty that is sorely
> missing.
> ...
> [Message clipped] View entire message
> <https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=5f3f245550&view=lg&msg=15e2aa77f800bf47>
> .....................................-=
> Aug 28 (7 days ago)
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> [image: Liberty Headlines]
> Dear Reader,
> Are you literally FEEDING cancer cells by putting this one food
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c74621%7c8955441%7c8787218&digest=eIRrLdFmqYAASxNz0g37Sg&sysid=1> on
> your dinner plate?
> *This is important.* You must stop eating this food
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c74622%7c8955441%7c8787218&digest=srQYN2wbxOLlUnQDCdYWHQ&sysid=1> today
> or you could be growing cancer cells. (Click here to reveal this common
> food
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c74623%7c8955441%7c8787218&digest=x%2fx0BPG6t7uhv85rx1BRJg&sysid=1>
> ).
> Now here's where it gets *really* interesting...
> As soon as you STOP eating it, the opposite happens: Cancer cells STARVE
> to death -- and die out by the thousands.
> *Skeptical? See the proof here
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c74624%7c8955441%7c8787218&digest=%2bdWmbKrMDWL2aNUfZXklsg&sysid=1>.*
> --Brian Chambers
> *Health Revelations*
> P.S. You'll be shocked too when you see just how common this food
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c74635%7c8955441%7c8787218&digest=htEaUaxVVd7u9HSGzhL1og&sysid=1> is.
> In fact, *Americans are encouraged to eat more of it*! Click here
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c74636%7c8955441%7c8787218&digest=8xEKCoRsB%2bl8BwD1grweGA&sysid=1> to
> find out for yourself now...
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> statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
> This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
> disease.
> Liberty Headlines
> PO Box 49043
> Charlotte, NC 28277
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> Aug 28 (7 days ago)
> Reply
> to me
> Dear reader,
> You were one step away from cashing in on America's $7 billion legal
> marijuana market with the* "The Marijuana Millionaire's Guide."*
> It shows you how to legally turn $500 into $9 million in under 90 days.
> Our records indicate that you reached the order page but that no
> information from you came through.
> If you're still on the fence, I wanted to take this opportunity and
> reaffirm just how critical this opportunity actually is.
> The fast approaching end of marijuana's prohibition has ignited the
> biggest gold rush of our lifetime.
> For instance:
> - *THC Biomed* — Investors in this medical marijuana company watched
> share prices jump 710% in less than 12 months, potentially turning a modest
> $10,000 into $81,000.
> - *Aphria Inc.* — This stock skyrocketed 540% in less than 52 weeks as
> its stock went from $1.21 to $7.79 a share.
> - *Cara Therapeutics, Inc.* — Those who invested in this company had
> the opportunity to enjoy a 347% return in less than a year.
> With legalization happening on a greater scale than ever before, the time
> to get in is NOW.
> It’s blossoming into a full-fledged industry.
> An industry that’s already proven to be incredibly successful and
> incredibly lucrative...
> And the next wave of marijuana wealth is taking place right now.
> This is your chance to get in on the action.
> And by using the *"The Marijuana Millionaire's Guide,"* you could become
> very wealthy in around 90 days' time.
> If you ran into any problems while signing up — or would rather speak to
> an actual person about it — please call our toll-free customer service line
> at
> 1-877-303-4529, Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
> They can answer any questions you may have about me, the *Penny Stock
> Millionaire* investment service, or the* "The Marijuana Millionaire's
> Guide"* plays I'm recommending that all my readers own immediately.
> Again, that number is 1-877-303-4529.
> Or if you'd rather, here is the online ordering information one more time.
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/3ba3246192cf8963458fc5d3ca8-fec875f3b5a5db7d45c9796eb85>
> To your wealth,
> [image: Alex Koyfman Signature]
> Alex Koyfman
> Investment Director,
> *Penny Stock Millionaire*
> ------------------------------

Nyi Nyi

Sep 18, 2017, 2:29:25 AM9/18/17
to NyiNyi

5:06 PM (20 hours ago)
to me


(The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)

Is coconut oil really healthy, even with all that saturated fat? Does the research actually SHOW that it can help you burn fat, or even improve your health? You may be surprised to find out the answer in our brand new free report that you can download for free for the rest of the day today...

==> What Coconut Oil REALLY does to your body

To your success,


​Joel Marion
​Founder, ​Transformation Insider



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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

7:48 PM (17 hours ago)
to me
Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
You have been a free subscriber since 3/22/2017

Liberty Headlines
Congress Did What?
Dear Reader 

In an unprecedented move, Washington fast-tracked a radical new technology bill (called the DIGIT Act) to ensure that a new technological breakthrough breaks through… 

In short, Congress is crossing its fingers in hopes that this new technology may be the ONE THING that can RESCUE the American economy. 

(Click here for full details on this remarkable technology.) 

It's the closest thing I've ever seen to government-approved 8,000% growth! 

And you have the rare opportunity to get in on the ground floor. 

To continue reading, click here… 

Kind regards,
JL Yastine
Editorial Director, Banyan Hill Publishing 
The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: You should assume that the sender of this email has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this message and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained in this email to evaluate the product or service being endorsed. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service. FDA DISCLOSURE: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Liberty Headlines
PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
Add us to your address book

8:01 PM (17 hours ago)
to me




BANNED Video Resurfaces (Power Companies are Outraged!)  (sponsor)

She’s Cooked: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Will Be Spending Time In Jail After What Prosecutors Just Did

Sore Loser: Clinton Blames These Four People For Her Loss In The 2016 Election

BREAKING: Illegal Voting Cost Trump New Hampshire

Did The Associated Press Look For REAL Causes Of Gun Crime?

(sponsored content below)

This New “Unregistered” 9mm Pistol has Liberals Fuming…

Using tools found in your garage, you can build and own an untraceable Glock 9mm tomorrow. No license needed.

Veteran gunsmith Frank Mitchell is giving away a brand new Free DVD showing you exactly how to make an untraceable Glock 9mm.

To get yours, confirm your address and get the Undetectable Arms DVD for free today.

This free DVD gives you all the info you need to build an “invisible”Glock in less than an hour.

  • Shows you the complete parts list.
  • Guides you step-by-step build instructions (no gunsmith required).
  • Tells you where to get the highest quality parts at the best price possible.

And much, much more.

433 copies of the Undetectable Arms DVD are being given away for FREE today.

But you have to hurry… This new DVD is hot right now and they’re going fast.

Click here to get your FREE copy before they run out

Stay ready,

Keith Jacobs

Material Connection Disclosure: Unless otherwise expressly stated, you should assume that all references to products and services on this website are made because material connections exist between the sender of this email and the providers of the mentioned products and services. Learn more here.

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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153


11:06 PM (14 hours ago)
to me
Breaking News from Headline Health
You have been a free subscriber since 9/6/2017

Headline Health - Breaking News for a Healthier Life
Breaking News... 

Update on Lady Gaga's condition: "I'm in severe pain." 

Hillary Tells Anderson Cooper How She Coped with Stress of Losing 

Alert: 1 trick that lets you eat sweets without spiking blood-sugar

Food safety a growing concern as Irma power outages persist 

Health Flags That Your LTR is SOL

(KIM WEEKS, CHICAGO TRIBUNE) Hillary Clinton revealed that she turned to an esoteric breathing technique popular among yogis to heal from a stunning election loss. 

Meditation, yoga, and this odd breathing technique help Hillary keep it together. 

She has spoken in the past about using meditation and yoga for calm and balance. During an interview Wednesday with CNN's Anderson Cooper to promote her new campaign memoir, she explained and demonstrated alternate nostril breathing … READ MORE. 

Doctors are urging every American with type II diabetes to read this trending news story: 

Why doctors in the know no longer prescribe Metformin 

To your health, 

Jim Gray, Editor
Vibrant Health News 

The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. You should always consult with your personal physician regarding any personal health problem. FDA DISCLOSURE: The statements, articles, and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No information or products appearing on this email are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: HeadlineHealth.com may have an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to any persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this email and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained on this email to evaluate the product or service being offered. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service.
Headline Health

PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277

11:58 PM (13 hours ago)
to me

Top News This Week:

America Deserves to Know the Truth - Read More Click Here

7 Free Sample Packs - Get Yours Here

Trump Urges State Department to Release Hillary’s Emails - Click Here To Read More

Trump Helpfully Tells Hillary Clinton “What Happened”

Sanctions or No Sanctions, North Korea Keeps Pushing Their Limits - Read More Click Here

Trump BLASTS Republicans Graham and Flake in Fiery New Tweets

The Wall Will Come Later, Says President Trump - Read More Click Here

In Freedom, 
Restore American Glory 

You are receiving this email because of your relationship with expert promotions llc. Please reconfirm your interest in receiving emails from us. If you do not wish to receive any more emails, you can unsubscribe here.
This message was sent to wwwnyinyiinternetchitthu@gmail.com by da...@restoreamericanglory.com 
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3:06 AM (10 hours ago)
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Breaking News...

Perfect: Sean Spicer Just Got A Brand New Job That Will Make Trump Proud

What Trump’s repeal of DACA means for immigrants

McCain now says he’ll back last-ditch effort to repeal Obamacare

California Law Appears Determined To Drive Gun Stores Out Of Business

Is apple cider vinegar really healthy, even with all that acid? Does the research actually SHOW that it can help you burn fat? You may be surprised to find out the answer in our brand new free report that you can download for free for the rest of the day today...

==> What Apple Cider Vinegar REALLY does to your body

To your success,


​Joel Marion
​Founder, ​Transformation Insider



Material Connection Disclosure: Unless otherwise expressly stated, you should assume that all references to products and services on this website are made because material connections exist between the sender of this email and the providers of the mentioned products and services. Learn more here

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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

6:02 PM (19 hours ago)
to me

Breaking News:

Dating Site Teams Up With Planned Parenthood to Filter Users

We'll have to cancel your order (read this now!)

Voter ID Now One of the Thousand Excuses for Hillary's Loss

Pope: If You're Pro-Life, You Have to be Pro-Illegal Immigration

The Secret "Super Greens" Drink
Once Reserved for Military Elite That
Restores Youthful Energy, Stamina
And Pain-Free Movement... And
How To Get It For FREE!

Hurry! for a limited time you can claim your
7 Free Sample Packs of the powerful green
drink that U.S military members swear by...

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but...

We have a Full 7-DAY Sample Pack of Patriot Power Greens reserved for people receiving this mail...

The problem is, people keep telling friends and family to go and get a FREE sample of their own, and we're running out FAST!

What is Patriot Power Greens? It's the fastest growing "super-food drink" on the planet.

Designed originally to give a huge boost to our fighting men and women in the military, now it's YOUR turn to see the power for yourself.

If you want to claim your 7 FULL Days of Patriot Power Greens, please go right here, right now. (Before we run completely out!)

If you don't claim your package, we'll have to cancel your order and give it to the next person on the list.

Don't miss out on the best tasting, complete super-foods drink on the planet!

Get yours here!

To your health!

Jeff Reagan, 
Founder, Patriot Health Alliance

P.S. One more thing... this is no ordinary "greens drink" that has all the flavor of old grass clippings, not by a long shot... just take a look at what other people are saying:

"This tastes FANTASTIC! I am always skeptical about green drinks because they can be awful and I can't drink it. But this is so good I look forward to my morning glass." - Cathy A.

"I just received the 7-day trial of Patriot Power Greens and tried it this morning. It is literally the best tasting greens drink I've tried (and I've tried several). It's impossible to get all the wonderful ingredients in Patriot Power Greens in a homemade greens drink and the other powdered mixes That I've tried taste earthy and grassy or have an unpleasant aftertaste. Not yours! The fact that you will donate this product to our precious military with an order makes this product an absolute no-brainer!" - Linda H.

Don't wait! Get your order confirmed today and get your FREE 7-Day sample pack of Patriot Power Greens on its way to your doorstep!

6:02 PM (19 hours ago)
to me

>> The Wall Will Come Later, Says President Trump

>> We'll have to cancel your order (read this now!)

>> ESPN Thinks it's Pretty Much OK to Call the President a White Supremacist

>> ABC Begs Miss America Contestants to Bash Trump for the Crown

The Secret "Super Greens" Drink
Once Reserved for Military Elite That
Restores Youthful Energy, Stamina
And Pain-Free Movement... And
How To Get It For FREE!

Hurry! for a limited time you can claim your
7 Free Sample Packs of the powerful green
drink that U.S military members swear by...

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but...

We have a Full 7-DAY Sample Pack of Patriot Power Greens reserved for people receiving this mail...

The problem is, people keep telling friends and family to go and get a FREE sample of their own, and we're running out FAST!

What is Patriot Power Greens? It's the fastest growing "super-food drink" on the planet.

Designed originally to give a huge boost to our fighting men and women in the military, now it's YOUR turn to see the power for yourself.

If you want to claim your 7 FULL Days of Patriot Power Greens, please go right here, right now. (Before we run completely out!)

If you don't claim your package, we'll have to cancel your order and give it to the next person on the list.

Don't miss out on the best tasting, complete super-foods drink on the planet!

Get yours here!

To your health!

Jeff Reagan, 
Founder, Patriot Health Alliance

P.S. One more thing... this is no ordinary "greens drink" that has all the flavor of old grass clippings, not by a long shot... just take a look at what other people are saying:

"This tastes FANTASTIC! I am always skeptical about green drinks because they can be awful and I can't drink it. But this is so good I look forward to my morning glass." - Cathy A.

"I just received the 7-day trial of Patriot Power Greens and tried it this morning. It is literally the best tasting greens drink I've tried (and I've tried several). It's impossible to get all the wonderful ingredients in Patriot Power Greens in a homemade greens drink and the other powdered mixes That I've tried taste earthy and grassy or have an unpleasant aftertaste. Not yours! The fact that you will donate this product to our precious military with an order makes this product an absolute no-brainer!" - Linda H.

Don't wait! Get your order confirmed today and get your FREE 7-Day sample pack of Patriot Power Greens on its way to your doorstep!

3:45 AM (9 hours ago)
to me
Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
You have been a free subscriber since 3/22/2017

Liberty Headlines

Breaking News... 

Protesters in St. Louis Injure 9 Police Officers, Burn American Flags 

CA Goes Full Sanctuary State with Sweeping Immigration Bill 

WARNING: Don't File Social Security Benefits until You See This

DACA Amnesty Will Cost $115 Billion Due to Obamacare 

Hillary Clinton: Electoral College 'Needs to Be Eliminated'

CLICK HERE to Access Your Own "Auto Rebate Checks"

Congress Did What?
Dear Reader 

In an unprecedented move, Washington fast-tracked a radical new technology bill (called the DIGIT Act) to ensure that a new technological breakthrough breaks through… 

In short, Congress is crossing its fingers in hopes that this new technology may be the ONE THING that can RESCUE the American economy. 

(Click here for full details on this remarkable technology.) 

It's the closest thing I've ever seen to government-approved 8,000% growth! 

And you have the rare opportunity to get in on the ground floor. 

To continue reading, click here… 

Kind regards,
JL Yastine
Editorial Director, Banyan Hill Publishing 
The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: You should assume that the sender of this email has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this message and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained in this email to evaluate the product or service being endorsed. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service. FDA DISCLOSURE: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Liberty Headlines
PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
Add us to your address book

6:01 AM (7 hours ago)
to me



Please see the special message below from our sponsor.


Green Beret Reveals: 3 Shooting Hacks To Instantly Improve Your Accuracy

Did you know... You, me, and pretty much everyone else share ONE MAJOR HANDICAP that severely reduces our ability to fire a gun?

man with gun

I didn't.

Not until Brian Morris, a decorated Green Beret,opened my eyes to it.

Fact is, few people know of this.

The good part: once you realize what this handicap is, fixing it comes almost naturally...

And the results - in terms of improved accuracy - can be mind-blowing.

== > Decorated Green Beret reveals 3 simple hacks to instantly improve your shooting accuracy.

Material Connection Disclosure: Unless otherwise expressly stated, you should assume that all references to products and services on this website are made because material connections exist between the sender of this email and the providers of the mentioned products and services. Learn more here.

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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

6:01 AM (7 hours ago)
to me


Once I heard about this unassuming weapon, that this Navy Seal carries as religiously as his gun, I knew people would want it.

Once I saw it was free, I knew inventory could run short, and this deal would end quick.   

And it did, for a few days.

Inventory is currently back in, but this may be the final email you'll get before his inventory is gone. 

Grab your unassuming weapon here - FREE (while you can)

URGENT: I believe Commander Cade may shut this down soon due to inventory shortages in the past and because of how many people took him up on this deal, from my subscribers alone.

So if you have 3 minutes nyinyi, listen to him speak about it here, and grab up to two weaponized units reserved for you here  - FREE. 

Stay Locked & Loaded,

Ryan Merc



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MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: You should assume that the sender of this email has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the persons or businesses mentioned in this message and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained in this email to evaluate the product or service being endorsed. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service.


Locked and Loaded
7308 South Alton Way, Centennial, 
CO 80112, United States


On Monday, September 4, 2017 at 10:55:54 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

7:30 AM (6 hours ago)
 to me
Firearms LifeUnsubscribe

Breaking News...

This NASA-Breakthrough “Space Blanket” Could SAVE Your Family One Day!

Get it FREE for a Limited Time

We've had a little accident in our ordering. We've got an overload of these best selling NASA survival blankets and we're giving them away to clear space in the building.

We think this is a must-have survival item for every family's disaster preparedness kit!

NASA Survival Blanket - Get Your Free Blanket Today

As of writing this message, we've got an overstock of about 500 blankets. We need them cleared from our warehouse...pronto!

This blanket is life-saving...

  • Helps you maintain 90% of body heat
  • Stay dry and protects from all elements
  • Signal for help with the cool reflective material
  • And other cool survival blanket ideas you can see here
  • Great for in the car, while hiking, outdoor sporting events, vacations, etc.

You'll want one in the car and at the house.

You can grab a free one here. And we'd really appreciate you helping us out!

Always Safe, Always Prepared,
Frank Mitchell

P.S. Once these 500 extra blankets are gone, they're gone... so don't procrastinate. Our mix-up is your gain.

Grab your free NASA Survival blanket today.



Material Connection Disclosure: Unless otherwise expressly stated, you should assume that all references to products and services on this website are made because material connections exist between the sender of this email and the providers of the mentioned products and services. Learn more here.

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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

3:59 AM (9 hours ago)
 to me

Breaking News...

24-Hour Special Email Invitation-Only Special…

Our country's at a crossroads. Divided, threatened and vulnerable.

Major threats to our stability, from rioting in the streets, hair-trigger enemies like North Korea or devastating natural disasters like Hurricane Harvey or Irma...

The threats to our way of life are real. And when the next "big one" hits, finding food could be near impossible.

The Red Cross and FEMA both recommend that every American have at least 72 hours of NON-PERISHABLE food on hand in case of an emergency.

That's exactly what you get when you claim your FREE Food4Patriots 72-Hour survival food kit today.

It's guaranteed for 25 full years on the shelf, packaged in military quality, re-sealable Mylar packages.

So, when you tear one open next week – or a decade from now – it will still taste just as delicious as the day it was packaged.

"Survival food is more important today than ever before," explains Frank Bates, a spokesman for the company. "Natural disasters, terrorist attacks and other threats can make obtaining sufficient food impossible in an emergency."

"None of us wants to ever rely on this or any government to feed us in a crisis," Bates says.

Food4Patriots survival foods are made of the finest ingredients, grown and packaged right here in the USA. They taste great and provide the nutrition you need.

Every 72-hour kit that's being given away contains 16 total servings of such delicious meals as Blue Ribbon Creamy Chicken Rice, the always-loved Granny's Home-style Potato Soup, and stick-to-your-ribs breakfast favorite Maple Grove Oatmeal.

This kit sells to the general public for $27.00 plus postage and has been rated 4.5 out of 5 starsby customers.

But readers of this email who act quickly can get them just for the shipping and handling fee.

"We're trying to ensure that no one who wants this free food misses out, but they have to hurry because we have a limited supply of the 72-hour kits we can give away," Bates warned. "Once word got out that folks could actually get free survival food, we had to add extra customer service staff to keep up with incredible demand."

There is still time to take advantage of this offer, but be aware that supplies are limited and the program may end at any time.

>> Get Your Free 72-Hour Survival Food Kit



Material Connection Disclosure: Unless otherwise expressly stated, you should assume that all references to products and services on this website are made because material connections exist between the sender of this email and the providers of the mentioned products and services. Learn more here.

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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

6:59 PM (18 hours ago)
 to me

(The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)

Free Gift From a Former Navy SEAL Sniper

SEAL Team One Platoon Commander and sniper Cade Courtley wants to give you a free gift that can keep you and your family safe in a crisis.

All you need to do is pay a small fee for shipping and handling.

Click here to see the demonstration video and claim one today before supplies run out.



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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

7:06 PM (15 hours ago)
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Nyi Nyi

Oct 30, 2017, 3:11:06 AM10/30/17
to NyiNyi

Oct 27 (3 days ago)
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VA Marijuana Policy

A Well-Kept Secret: How Vets And Their Doctors Are Getting Around The VA’s Medical Marijuana Policy

As a patient at a VA inpatient clinic, Jonathan Fruchter, a 37-year-old homeless Navy veteran suffering from PTSD uncovered a loophole in the VA’s medical marijuana policy.

Depending on the day, Fruchter would pee into a cup for his urinalysis screening and when the results came back, he’d test positive for cannabis. But Fruchter was never reprimanded or kicked out of the program for violating its drug policy.

Through a combination of persistence, vague regulations, and an open-minded medical team, Fruchter found a way to circumvent federal regulations on medical marijuana — and it’s putting individual VA clinicsat odds with the department’s publicly stated policy.

Read the full story here

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Oct 27 (3 days ago)
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Celebrate the U.S. Mint's 225th anniversary with all four 2017 American Silver Liberty FIRSTS!

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Prices and availability subject to change without notice. Facts and figures deemed accurate as of the date of this email. NOTE: GovMint.com® is a private distributor of worldwide government coin and currency issues and privately issued and licensed collectibles, and is not affiliated with the United States government. GovMint.com is not an investment company and does not offer financial advice or sell items as an investment. The collectible coin market is speculative, and coin values may rise or fall over time. All rights reserved. © 2017 GovMint.com.

Oct 26 (4 days ago)
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Top News This Week:

Ridiculous Reason California’s Governor Wants to Sue Trump - Read More Click Here

This "forbidden" food super-charges your brain

Your FREE Book is Waiting- Click Here To Read More

Homeland Security: Terrorist Groups Want A New 9/11

43 year-old drops 122 lbs in 5 weeks - Read More Click Here

Sanctuary Cities: The Worst Anti-Trump Court Ruling Yet

The Wall Will Come Later, Says President Trump - Read More Click Here

In Freedom, 
Restore American Glory 

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Oct 26 (4 days ago)
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October 26 2017



Hillary Clinton's Latest Deception

Jim Geraghty

Making the click-through worthwhile: Kicking off with some gratitude; why I don’t believe Hillary Clinton (and you probably won’t, either); the Grand Cleansing coming to America’s abusive powerful men; and somebody needs to fix a broken record at theNew York Times.

First, Some Gratitude

The National Review Institute held its fourth annual William F. Buckley Prize Dinner in New York last night, celebrating great achievements, saluting the history of the magazine and the legacy of our founder, and thanking our generous donors.

The world is a better, freer place thanks to the generosity and dedication of Bruce and Suzie Kovner. The legendary author Tom Wolfe is getting up there in years, but he can still leave an audience roaring in laughter. I was reminded that he had added at least four distinctive phrases to the English lexicon: “radical chic,” “the Me Decade,” “the right stuff” -- from his 1979 book about the early space program that inspired the film of the same name -- and “good ol’ boy.” I might throw in a fifth: When I was a kid, “Masters of the Universe” meant He-Man battling Skeletor, but the grownups ...


top stories

Professor: ‘Mathematics Itself Operates as Whiteness’

Katherine Timpf

A math-education professor at the University of Illinois wrote about some of the more racist aspects of math in a new anthology for teachers, arguing that “mathematics itself operates as...

The Identity-Politics Death Grip

Joshua Mitchell

The Identity-Politics Death Grip



The Islamic State and the Limitations of Cruelty

Victor Davis Hanson

The Islamic State just lost its capital at Raqqa, and with it the last of the terrorist group’s fantasies of establishing a Middle East caliphate. In recent years, ISIS has horrified global...

Stop Lying to Smokers about Safer Alternatives

Brian Fojtik

Last July, President Trump’s new FDA commissioner, Scott Gottlieb, announced new approaches to fighting smoking-related death and disease. While not perfect, these tactics represented a sharp...

Navigating Trumpian Politics in the Virginia Gubernatorial Race

George Will

Arlington, Va. — The breakfasters at Bob and Edith’s Diner are too preoccupied with their tasty bacon and eggs to notice the Democratic gubernatorial candidate. Or perhaps, like all Americans...

The Russia Dossier Story: A Perfect Storm of Clinton Deception, Media Irresponsibility, and...

David French

Remember that infamous Russian “dossier,” the unverified document that BuzzFeed unceremoniously dumped into the public square earlier this year? You might recall it as making a series of...


The latest from InsideSources.

What Washington's Talking About

How Facebook, Google and Twitter 'embeds' helped Trump in 2016 [Nancy Scola, Politico]
Investors everywhere think a 5-star rating from Morningstar means a mutual fund will be a top performer—it doesn’t [Kirsten Grind, Tom McGinty and Sarah Krouse, Wall Street Journal]
Why Jeff Flake’s Exit Should Scare Democrats [Chris Coons, New York Times]
What is ‘edge-sorting’ and why did it cost a poker star $10 million in winnings? [Derek Hawkins, Washington Post]

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InsideSources is determined to provide workers and employers a glimpse inside the Beltway. We've just launched a daily Workday Roundup newsletter. SUBSCRIBE HERE.

News    Finance
Trump Adviser Looks Toward Better Economic Growth
By Connor D. Wolf

Kevin Hassett is an economist who currently serves as the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA). The executive office agency advises the president on economic policy. The Congressional Joint Economic Committee (JEC) convened a hearing to ask him where the economy is headed and how can it be improved.


News    Energy
E&E Legal Attorney Disappointed by Lack of Cooperation From Former Vermont AG
By Erin Mundahl

This week, Energy & Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal), the non-profit group engaged in litigation and public education on energy and environmental issues continued its slow pursuit of records relating to former Vermont Attorney General Bill Sorrell’s involvement in the ExxonKnew campaign.


News    Finance
15 Things You Should Know About the Republican Tax Framework
By Connor D. Wolf

Republicans began laying the groundwork for the current tax reform push nearly two years ago. They have made simplification and rate reductions a central focus since the start.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
From Fame to Shame to Blame in the Workplace
By Gregory Clay

Perhaps Emma Thompson expressed the horrors of Hollywood the best: “I spent my 20s trying to get old men’s tongues out of my mouth,” the acclaimed British actress recently told the BBC “Newsnight” show.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Japan Divided Over Any Revision to Its ‘Peace Constitution’
By Donald Kirk

The overwhelming success of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in the latest elections for members of the Japanese “Diet” — the peculiar word for Japan’s parliament or national assembly — portends hardening of tensions and priorities in Northeast Asia.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Can a Financial Predator Be Invisible?
By Bill Kahn

You can be a victim of an “Invisible Lovers Con,” which can result in a predator draining your finances and damaging your health. A study by the National Institute for Justice found that 12 percent of people over the age of 60, mostly men, have been exploited to more than $2.9 billion annually.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Stability in Guatemala Depends on Foreign Investment
By Jose Nino

When Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales attempted to expel a U.N. anti-corruption group last month, he set off a political crisis that has garnered significant media attention in the United States.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Europe Demonstrates Benefits of a Strong Biosimilars Marketplace
By Stacie Phan

As health care expenses continue to rise in the United States and patients struggle to keep up with costs, countries across Europe are driving lower prices and increasing access to treatments for chronic and painful conditions through the advancement of biosimilar drugs.


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Oct 23 (7 days ago)
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Task & Purpose Today

Veteran Killed In Vegas Shooting Left Funeral Instructions: ‘Remember Me For Who I Was’


How The Media Is Making The Situation In Niger Worse


Air Force Can Recall Up To 1000 Retired Pilots Under New Executive Order


Afghan Troops Are Going AWOL From US Training More Than Ever


Show Me Your Warface: The 3 Greatest ‘Full Metal Jacket’ Remixes Ever Made


Report: Military Base Water Supplies Still Contain Rocket Fuel, Firefighting Foam


NATO Is Building A ‘Silver Bullet’ To Destroy Russia’s New Tanks


The Green Berets’ Legendary Horse Soldiers Are Getting Their Own Movie


This Military Faker May Be The Worst Kind Of All The Valor Thieves


You Can Now Own Your Very Own Almost-New Soviet MiG Fighter Jet


Oct 23 (7 days ago)
 to me

(The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)

Trump Video Too Shocking for CNN, NBC and ABC? (Watch It Here)

Dear Reader,

According to the liberal mainstream media…

Donald Trump’s presidency so far has been a complete disaster.

Maybe that’s why CNN, NBC and ABC refuse to show this video.

It totally goes against their narrative…

Because it proves Trump is about to unleash a wave of wealth not seen since Ronald Reagan…

>> An estimated $11.1 trillion in total.

And if you act before the market closes on December 31st

You could grab a piece of it — ensuring you and your family’s financialsecurity no matter what happens in the weeks and months ahead.

Click here now to watch the video the mainstream media refuses to show.


Joe Schriefer
Publisher, Agora Financial

To be removed, please click here or write to 808 Saint Paul Street Baltimore, MD 21202.



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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

Oct 23 (7 days ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
You have been a free subscriber since 3/22/2017

Liberty Headlines
Breaking News... 

U.S. to Put Nuclear Bombers on 24 Hour Alert 

Jimmy Carter: Media 'Harder on Trump than Any Other President' 

Poll: Is Donald Trump Qualified to be President?

Trump Unleashes CIA Kill Teams in Afghanistan 

TV Ad Campaign Calls for Trump's Impeachment

Americans Asked if they'd Allow an Obama 3rd Term (Here's What They Said) 

Dear Fellow American, 

Last year's election was one of the most polarizing in our lifetime. 

Donald Trump won, but what if there had been another choice? 

Recently a large-scale polling group asked Americans a very interesting question. 

Would you allow an Obama 3rd term? 

Check out the results... I think you'll be surprised

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Oct 23 (7 days ago)
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189 Elite Handlers About to “Take Down” Donald Trump (sponsor)

Destroyed: Secretary Mattis Just Revealed The Secret That NBC Never Wanted Getting Out

FBI investigating claims of Puerto Rican officials hoarding emergency aid

The ‘Bump Stock’ Drama Proves the Media Doesn’t Understand Guns

New Hampshire Democrat: Republicans ‘Pistol-Whipped’ On Gun Control

(sponsored content below)

Are Battery Companies Trying To Cover Up This $83 Billion Conspiracy?

Dear Patriot,

Battery companies are fighting tooth and nail to get my video removed from the Internet.

Before I tell you the reason, let me ask you this:

Have you ever heard about “planned obsolescence”?

It basically means that manufacturers plan their products so that they last only a specified amount of time…

…Forcing you to buy a replacement within months or even weeks (even if theoretically it could last for years)

It’s the same with the $83 billion battery manufacturing industry.

I found out about this by accident when a man offered to BUY all of my dead batteries.

He was hesitant at first, but once I told him how I had to choose over feeding my kids or not driving my car for a month – he told me exactly what he was doing.

He showed me how to recondition almost any dead battery to FULL life… within 20 minutes.

Best of all?

You already have the necessary tools in your garage to do it for FREE.

So to get back at the greedy corporations, I decided to make this video public for everyone to see.

You can restore perfectly good “dead” batteries to full life with one simple trick.

Watch the video and never buy batteries again.

To your preparedness,

Frank “The Battery Man” Thompson

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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

Oct 23 (7 days ago)
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The latest from InsideSources.

What Washington's Talking About

‘Wolf of Wall Street’ warns of impending cryptocurrencies ‘scam’ [Ben McLannahan, Financial Times]
How Facebook’s Master Algorithm Powers the Social Network [Christopher Mims, Wall Street Journal]
Democrats’ early money haul stuns GOP [Elena Schneider, Politico]
Steve Bannon Vows ‘War’ on His Own Party. It Didn’t Work So Well for F.D.R. [Peter Baker, New York Times]
Confused about the budget? Here’s a quick rundown. [Robert J. Samuelson, Washington Post]

News    Politics
Should Trump Get the Credit for Low Black Unemployment?
By Connor D. Wolf

President Donald Trump has seen black unemployment drop significantly since entering office earlier this year, but the question of who should get credit is still up for debate.


News    Energy
Global Pollution Is the World’s Biggest Killer But the U.S. Is Better Off Than Most, Study Finds
By Nihal Krishan

Like most countries in the developed world, pollution is much less of a concern in the United States compared to lower and middle income countries around the world, according to a landmark study on air, water, soils and workplaces.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Point: Puerto Rican Statehood Is No Silver Bullet
By Desmond Lachman

Puerto Rico’s hurricane-battered economy is in the most desperate of straits and the island would seem to be on the cusp of a humanitarian crisis.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Counterpoint: Puerto Rico’s Dual Crises Show Its Territorial Status Is the Worst of Both Worlds
By Dan Beeton

Almost a month since Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico, most of the island is without power, many lack safe drinking water, and about half the population does not have cell phone service, making it difficult to relay urgent needs.


[IS] Opinions    Energy
What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen in Proposals to Ban Internal-Combustion Engines in California
By William F. Shughart II and Grant Patty

Recently, Mary Nichols, the chair of California’s Air Resources Board, speculated that the state could ban sales of vehicles powered by internal combustion engines as early as a decade from now.


[IS] Opinions    Energy
The Electric Revolution Is About To Upend Transportation
By Llewellyn King

Connie Francis sang about “Where the Boys Are” in 1961. Well, the bright boys and girls are flooding into transportation. It is the place of cutting-edge invention: not cell phones, they were so last year; not computers, they were, er, so last century. The smartest students leaving university may well find the adventure of creating in transportation.


News    Politics
Federal Judge Asks for Additional Review on Indonesian Deportation Case
By Jack O'Brien

A federal judge in Boston determined she had jurisdiction over an Indonesian immigrant seeking release from detention but did not decide on the broader jurisdiction regarding another 46 immigrants facing deportation.


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Oct 23 (7 days ago)
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October 23 2017



When Someone Proposes Taxing People’s Savings, Just Say No!

Jim Geraghty

A genuine, non-sarcastic, authentic “hurrah” to this Tweeted statement from President Trump: “There will be NO change to your 401(k). This has always been a great and popular middle class tax break that works, and it stays!”

There are three main ways that Americans can save money for retirement. The first is an individual retirement account (IRA), where the money is not taxed when you deposit it or as it grows in value, but you pay income taxes when you withdraw it after retiring. The second is a Roth IRA, where you pay income tax on the money when you put it in, but don’t pay taxes on withdrawals when you retire. The third is the 401(k), which operates like a traditional IRA but your employer offers a matching contribution up to a certain percentage of your salary. Many financial planners will advise you to contribute as much as you can afford to your 401(k), or at least to the matching limit, because if you don’t, you’re effectively turning down free money for retirement from your employer.

The 401(k) account is an incentive for Americans to save for the ...


top stories

Birth, the Great Equalizer

Michael R. Strain

You probably don’t recall that last Thursday marked the one-year anniversary of the third presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. It was a depressing affair, and while...

Reducing Gun Violence: Suggestions That Do Not Involve Gun Control

Robert VerBruggen

Reducing Gun Violence: Suggestions That Do Not Involve Gun Control


Oct 23 (7 days ago)
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The latest from InsideSources.

Washington is constantly weighing new rules and regulations designed to govern how people work. But those very workers often feel left out of the process. The political establishment has been upended as American workers have declared they want a say in how lawmakers regulate their workplaces.

InsideSources is determined to provide workers and employers a glimpse inside the Beltway--the congressional hearings, laws, regulations, stories, and trends important to workers. Welcome to the first Workday Roundup, here's what's happening in the world of work.

To continue receiving this newsletter in your inbox each morning, SUBSCRIBE HERE.

Should Trump Get the Credit for Low Black Unemployment?
The Bureau of Labor Statistics has shown that black unemployment has seen a notable drop since Trump entered office. The most recent monthly jobs report found that black unemployment went from 8.3 percent to 7.0 percent over the past year. It is now at a 17 year low. Black unemployment is down from a modern high of 16.8 percent in March 2010. “In just 10 months you are seeing large numbers of black Americans, particularly men, finding themselves with new job opportunities,” Project 21 co-chairman Horace Cooper told InsideSources.


Top Headlines

Labor Unions Address the Trump Divide President Donald Trump was able to garner considerable support from the working class during the election. The AFL-CIO, the largest federation of unions in the country, is expected to address that during their annual convention this week. Union leaders will reportedly discuss possible ways to bridge the political divide among its members. Read More At The Wall Street Journal.

Amazon Looks For Second Headquarters The online retail giant Amazon is considering where to open its new headquarters. Its call for suggestions has been met with proposals from cities across the country. But there has been concern over the lack of detail being released about the actual project.Read More At CNN.

Republicans Advance Budget Senate Republicans took a major step towards implementing their agenda last week by approving a budget resolution for 2018. The budget resolution sets up a process that makes it easier to pass tax reform. Republicans promise their tax reform plan will help create jobs, but critics argue it's just a tax cut for the wealthy. Read More At The Senate Finance Committee.

AFL-CIO President Reelected AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka was reelected to another four years during the annual union convention in St. Louis. Trumka has served as president since 2009. The AFL-CIO is the largest federation of unions in the country at 12.5 million members. Read More At Bloomberg.

Hollywood Unions Condemn Sexual Harassment The Hollywood Teamsters and the Intl. Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees released a joint statement Oct. 20 condemning  sexual harassment in the workplace in response to allegations against film producer Harvey Weinstein. The scandal has sent shock waves through the movie industry. Other alleged victims have since come forward against others in the industry. Read More At Variety.

Boeing Hires Retirees as Temps The Boeing Company is reportedly hiring retirees as temporary workers after laying off 20,000 workers in the Puget Sound region of Washington state. The aerospace giant is looking to hire between 500 and 800 retirees on a temporary basis. Boeing is a multinational corporation that manufactures airplanes, rotorcraft, rockets, and satellites. Read More At The Seattle Times.

Union Faces Sexual Harrasment Accusations The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is being accused of pervasive sexual harassment. A former Fight for $15 organizer says sexual harassment was common at the union. The accusation came after SEIU Executive Vice President Scott Courtney was suspended for alleged misconduct towards women and nepotism. Read More At The Washington Free Beacon.

Union Pension Plans Sink Budget Multiemployer pensions are retirement plans negotiated by a union with a group of employers. The American Action Forum (AAF) released a report Oct. 20 which found those plans face significant long-term funding challenges. A small subset even faces near-term insolvency. Read More At AAF.

A Tax And Minimum Wage Compromise Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham has reportedly floated the idea of linking tax reform to an increase in the federal minimum wage to draw support from the left. Employment Policies Institute managing director Michael Saltsman argues the economic consequences would be too big. Read More At Forbes.

Upcoming Events

The House Education and the Workforce Committee will hold a hearing to discuss ways to educate a more cyber workforce  October 24.

The Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee will hold a hearing to discuss reforms that will help entrepreneurial women on October 26.

The 2017 AFL-CIO Convention is being held in St. Louis for four days between October 22 and 25.

The Water Cooler

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that unemployment rates were lower in 11 states, higher in 4 states, and stable in 35 in September. Employment growth went negative nationally last month after a series of hurricanes. The BLS found in a separate report import prices went up 2.7 percent over the past year.

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