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Nyi Nyi

Oct 10, 2017, 10:14:30 PM10/10/17
to NyiNyi

4:02 AM (5 hours ago)
to me

Using tools found in your garage, you can build and own an untraceable Glock 9mm tomorrow. No license needed.

Veteran gunsmith Frank Mitchell is giving away a brand new Free DVD showing you exactly how to make an untraceable Glock 9mm.

To get yours, confirm your address and get the Undetectable Arms DVD for free today.

This free DVD gives you all the info you need to build an “invisible” Glock in less than an hour.

  • Shows you the complete parts list.

  • Guides you step-by-step build instructions (no gunsmith required).

  • Tells you where to get the highest quality parts at the best price possible.

And much, much more.

Only 302 copies of the Undetectable Arms DVD are being given away for FREE today.

So you’ll have to hurry… This new DVD is hot right now and they’re going fast.

Click here to get your FREE copy before they run out

Stay ready,
-Lou Prep.

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9:00 AM (7 minutes ago)
to me

You may not know this, but Trump recently scored a major victory, a "touchdown" if you will, and news networks like CNN, MSNBC hate it! 

Here are the details:

Over the past few weeks, as Trump's waged a war of words with King Jong Un, he managed to prove North Korea is one of the biggest threats to humanity. 

But this isn't what you think it is. 

While the liberal media rolled their eyes at Trump, he kept insisting how dangerous North Korea was.  

Soon North Korea started shooting missiles over Japan and sent a captured American citizen back to us blind, deaf and mute.

So people started believing him a little bit more.

All the while one of the most disturbing stories out of North Korea was developing. 

Now it's out. And it proves Trump is spot-on regarding how vile the North Korean government truly is. They truly are. 

The weird thing about this story

It has nothing to do with Kim Jong Un's nuclear arsenal. 

It's much worse. 

And while the Trump White House probably knows more than I do, when you see what the government in the hermit kingdom decided to do, you'll see how seriously it can affect the population of the entire world.  

Look, the possibility of a North Korean nuclear attack  is something to be worried about and prepare for.

But seeing this story showing you what North Korea's government did won't just convince you they're committed to watching people die agonizing deaths. 

It may save your life
Trump's absolutely right about the danger of North Korea... and this proves it!
~ David Adams
Preparing Made Easy
P.S. This secret needs to go Big Time! Once you see it, share it far and wide





4:08 AM (5 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
You have been a free subscriber since 3/22/2017

Liberty Headlines
Breaking News... 

VIDEO: Gay Cafe Owner Curses at Christian Group, Kicks Them Out 

NYTimes Editor Admits Aggressive Anti-Trump Bias 

Shocking: Federal Reserve #2 Resigns Because of...

BANNON: Sen. Corker is a 'Disgrace;' 'Should Resign Immediately' 

NFL Sponsors Silent on Players' Disrespect of Flag, Anthem

Dear Reader, 

What I'm about to show you could have a huge impact on your life. 

America's #2 at the Federal Reserve just suddenly resigned. 

I predicted this five months ago. And it could have massive implications for your wealth over the coming weeks... 

The "fake news" said he resigned for "personal reasons"... 

But the truth is far more important and urgent. 

In short, with this money bureaucrat out of the way… 

Donald Trump now has a clear path to institute a major change to America's money. 

More importantly, Trump's the FIRST president with the opportunity to do it since 1913. 

This could be the biggest dollar earthquake in 100 years. 

And it could all happen as soon as three months from now

Click here now for everything I see coming. 


Joe Schriefer
Publisher, Agora Financial 

The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: You should assume that the sender of this email has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this message and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained in this email to evaluate the product or service being endorsed. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service.
Liberty Headlines
PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
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10:06 PM (11 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Headline Health
You have been a free subscriber since 9/6/2017

Headline Health - Breaking News for a Healthier Life
Dear Reader, 

By simply eating this sweet snack 30-minutes before bed, you can reverse Alzheimer's disease... 

Think that's impossible? 

Then listen to this... 

Recently, one Harvard-recognized doctor revealed how this food helps dissolve deadly brain plaque while you sleep... 

Results were so powerful, medical experts are finally whispering the word "CURE." 

If you ever worry that your memory is getting worse... or if a loved one is suffering with Alzheimer's or dementia... this 1 food could be a life-saver. 

Click here now to discover this Alzheimer's-reversing food... 

Christine O'Brien
Nutrition & Healing 

P.S. This pre-bed "recipe" is perfectly simple to make... but you have to know the right way to prepare it. You'll get everything you need in this short video. Click here now
The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. You should always consult with your personal physician regarding any personal health problem. FDA DISCLOSURE: The statements, articles, and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No information or products appearing on this email are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: HeadlineHealth.com may have an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to any persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this email and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained on this email to evaluate the product or service being offered. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service.
Headline Health
PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
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6:06 PM (15 hours ago)
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(The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)

Dear Reader, 

There are many foods that we should be avoiding in order to stay healthy and look our best. Being healthy and looking good is a big priority for many of us. 

The problem is that there are 3 harmful foods in particular, one of which has been banned in many countries, yet still legal here in the U.S. These foods may cause us to gain weight and may actually be harming you from the inside. These foods could be the cause of why you are not losing weight, no matter what you have tried - diet, exercise, ect. 

These foods are in many Americans' homes and you are most likely consuming them every day. 

If you ever feel like you are tired and fatigued from your workouts, or daily life routines, the culprit might be these foods that you are consuming. These foods may affect your everyday life by literally sucking the energy from you.

Some of these foods have been disguised as “health foods.” These foods could be causing what is called "gut yeast" to be growing inside of your stomach. 

The truth about these foods is that they may be harming you from the inside.

Some doctors are even calling these 3 things “health killers.” These are foods that you should stop eating right now! 

Please click here now to find out more about these potentially dangerous foods and why you should stop eating them.

There is one food addtitive in particular which may be extremely harmful to your health and is banned in almost every first world country except here in the U.S.

The problem is that many food manufacturers market some of these foods as “health foods” and you may be thinking that you are eating healthy, but in reality, you may not be. This may be the furthest from the truth. Please watch this shocking presentation here. 



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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

Oct 9 (2 days ago)
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Breaking News from Headline Health
You have been a free subscriber since 9/6/2017

Headline Health - Breaking News for a Healthier Life
Dear Reader, 

Big Pharma is on the cusp of annihilation. 

The dominance of behemoth pharmaceutical companies is about to come to an abrupt halt. 

You see, while thousands of biotech companies have been shooting for billion-dollar drugs … vaccinations … and medical devices … 

An innovative Midwestern firm has taken a much different route. 

It is reinventing healthcare from the nucleus up … and will soon dominate this $1.7 trillion industry. 

This tiny biotech stock is poised to annihilate big pharma.
The dean of Stanford's School of Medicine says: "The opportunities are enormous" … vice chair at Duke University's Department of Surgery declares this is "changing the game" … and a University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business study calls this breakthrough "a revolutionary approach to tackling disease." 

And early investors will have the opportunity to make an absolute fortune. 

Full details are here...
Jeff Yastine
Editorial Director, Banyan Hill Publishing 
The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. You should always consult with your personal physician regarding any personal health problem. FDA DISCLOSURE: The statements, articles, and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No information or products appearing on this email are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: HeadlineHealth.com may have an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to any persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this email and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained on this email to evaluate the product or service being offered. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service.
Headline Health
PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
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Oct 9 (2 days ago)
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Nyi Nyi

Oct 14, 2017, 2:04:15 AM10/14/17
to NyiNyi

8:03 AM (4 hours ago)
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Buying a thoughtful geek gift for a friend can be tough—these 15 ideas will

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The 25 Best American Beers

The red, white, and brews.

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Could Hypersonic Weapons Make Nuclear War More Likely?

The weapons are designed to give enemies little time to react. That's the

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Make Serious Money by Getting Certified in Amazon Web Services

Your next raise could be only a couple clicks away.

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The Quest for Absolute Zero Turns Up Strange and Surreal Superfluids

Not just a liquid, it's something more than that.

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The Quest for Absolute Zero Turns Up Strange and Surreal Superfluids] [image:
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How the Coast Guard Reopened the Port of Houston

As their comrades rescued people from rooftops, a little-known unit was
getting one of the world's most important shipping lanes back in action.

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8:08 AM (4 hours ago)
to me

*October 13* 2017



Trump Was Right to End Unconstitutional Obamacare Subsidies

David French

It’s a sad sign of our times that the constitutionality of any given
government action is now seen as a wholly secondary consideration,
subordinate to politics and arguments about politics. And so it is with
Donald Trump’s necessary decision to halt federal payments of cost-sharing
subsidies to insurance companies. For...

[image: top stories]
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/10935645.509300/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI2Mzkva2V2aW4taGFzc2V0dC12cy10YXgtcG9saWN5LWNlbnRlci1zdHJvbmctY3JpdGljaXNtcy1mbGF3ZWQtcmVwb3J0/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B5a818a6d> Kevin
Hassett’s Defense of Tax Reform is Right on Point

Karl Smith, Brandon Arnold

Earlier this month, Council of Economic Advisers chairman Kevin Hassett
took the podium at the Tax Policy Center. The center had recently issued a
report suggesting that the “Big Six” tax-reform...
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/10935645.509300/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI2MjMvdHJ1bXAtZmlyc3QtYW1lbmRtZW50LXR3ZWV0LWF0dGFja3MtcHJlc3MtZmlyc3QtYW1lbmRtZW50LWNvbnNlcnZhdGl2ZS12YWx1ZS1oeXBvY3Jpc3k/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bd6806b6d> Conservatives,
Get Real with Yourselves and Denounce Trump’s Attacks on the Press

Katherine Timpf

The president of the United States thinks “it’s frankly disgusting the way
the press is able to write whatever they want to write,” and I think what’s
“frankly disgusting” is how many...


5:29 AM (7 hours ago)
to me

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6:01 AM (6 hours ago)
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5:14 AM (7 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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*Breaking News...*

*Churches Sue FEMA for Hurricane Relief Funds

*MURDOCK: Ditch Mitch! McConnell Must Resign

*Urgent: You Won't Believe What Congress Just Fast-Tracked [shocking]

*Trump Admin to Halt Obamacare Subsidies

*Trump Will Decertify the Iran Deal

*HEALTH: The Scary Truth About Your Shrinking Brain

Dear Reader

In an *unprecedented* move, Washington fast-tracked a radical new
technology bill (called the DIGIT Act) to ensure that a new technological
breakthrough *breaks* *through*…

In short, Congress is *crossing* its fingers in *hopes* that this new
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*To continue reading, click here…*

Kind regards,
JL Yastine
Editorial Director, Banyan Hill Publishing
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5:00 AM (7 hours ago)
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Hey it’s Lou Prep… I wanted to give you a quick heads-up that we’re giving
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5:03 AM (7 hours ago)
to me

*October 13* 2017



Binders Full of Asininity

Jonah Goldberg

Dear Reader (please petition the Federal “News”letter Authority not to
revoke my license),

Even for someone who thinks the only difference between 2016 and 2017 is
that in 2017 the universe decided to take the condom off, this has been a
truly remarkable week. Rather than focus on the totality of it all,
however, I’m gonna try to make one extended point.

Allow me to quote . . . myself

One of my favorite scenes in *Scarface* is when Meryl Streep compliments
Peter MacNicol’s seersucker suit. Oh, wait. That’s *Sophie’s Choice*. I get
them confused sometimes. One of my favorite scenes from *Scarface* is when
Tony Montana shoots the Colombian assassin in the head before he can blow
up some guy’s car. There are just way too many expletives for this
family-oriented “news”letter to transcribe more of the dialogue than
absolutely necessary. But you can find it here
Besides, the line I have in mind is pretty short: ...


[image: top stories]
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/10935958.516051/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI2Mzkva2V2aW4taGFzc2V0dC12cy10YXgtcG9saWN5LWNlbnRlci1zdHJvbmctY3JpdGljaXNtcy1mbGF3ZWQtcmVwb3J0/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bb388f11c> Kevin
Hassett’s Defense of Tax Reform is Right on Point

Karl Smith, Brandon Arnold

Earlier this month, Council of Economic Advisers chairman Kevin Hassett
took the podium at the Tax Policy Center. The center had recently issued a
report suggesting that the “Big Six” tax-reform...
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/10935958.516051/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI2MjMvdHJ1bXBzLXByZXNzLWF0dGFjay1jb25zZXJ2YXRpdmVzLWZpcnN0LWFtZW5kbWVudC1oeXBvY3Jpc3k/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B6e369ad0> Conservatives,
Get Real with Yourselves and Denounce Trump’s Attacks on the Press

Katherine Timpf

Conservatives, Get Real with Yourselves and Denounce Trump’s Attacks on the

4:20 AM (8 hours ago)
to me
By Yuval Rosenberg and Michael Rainey
The High Cost of Trump’s Controversial Obamacare Decision

The Trump administration announced late Thursday that it would stop paying
subsidies to insurers that help cover the cost for about 6 million
low-income customers on the Obamacare exchanges. The Department of Health
and Human Services
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=2ffbc05280&e=f4e1fef671> said
that the cost sharing reduction (CSR) payments "will be discontinued

Although eliminating the payments will save several billion dollars in the
short run – the payments cost roughly $7 billion in 2017
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=b17126e3f1&e=f4e1fef671> and
were set to rise to $10 billion in 2018 – the federal government will end
up spending more on Obamacare subsidies due to the higher cost of health
insurance. A CBO analysis
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=6edd14cca5&e=f4e1fef671> from
August found that terminating the payments “would increase the federal
deficit, on net, by $194 billion from 2017 through 2026.”

Here's what the controversial decision means:

*Trump is clearly looking to destroy Obamacare: *Combined with Trump’s
executive order Thursday undercutting Affordable Care Act markets, this
move represents taking a sledgehammer
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=c22613f20b&e=f4e1fef671> or
a chainsaw
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=ea4b87eaf9&e=f4e1fef671> to
Obama’s signature law. “President Trump left little doubt yesterday that he
intends to do as much damage as he can to the Affordable Care Act's
insurance markets,” Axios’s Sam Baker writes. “And he can do a lot.”

*Many Americans, and insurers, will be hurt: *Insurers have locked in their
rates for 2018, but some may try to secure increases or decide to pull out
of some markets. “This action will make it harder for patients to access
the care they need. Costs will go up and choices will be restricted,” the
Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and the health insurance trade
association said in a joint statement.
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=eb0032bbf3&e=f4e1fef671> If
premiums do jump as expected, low-income enrollees who get federal
subsidies to cover the cost of their plans won’t feel the pinch, but
millions of Americans who earn too much to qualify for the subsidies will
face sharply higher costs.

*It’s hard to find any winners here:* “Trump's new policy will increase
premiums by 20%, cost the government $194 billion, increase the deficit,
destabilize insurance markets, and increase the number of uninsured
Americans,” Vox’s Ezra Klein tweeted
“There is nothing it makes better; it's pure policy nihilism.”

*Though some call it a win for the Constitution*: The administration
justified its move by citing a Justice Department decision that the
payments were illegal without Congressional appropriation, a question at
the heart of a lawsuit by House Republicans. "Today’s decision … preserves
a monumental affirmation of Congress’s authority and the separation of
powers," the House Speaker Paul Ryan said
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=2b5d2f1119&e=f4e1fef671> in
a statement late Thursday.

*Not every Republican is pleased: *“Cutting health care subsidies will mean
more uninsured in my district. @potus promised more access, affordable
coverage. This does opposite.” – Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) tweeted
And Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval said
“It’s going to hurt people. It’s going to hurt kids. It’s going to hurt
families. It’s going to hurt individuals. It’s going to hurt people with
mental health issues. It’s going to hurt veterans. It’s going to hurt

*And Democrats want to make sure Trump owns health care now – and “will pay
the price for it”:* "Sadly, instead of working to lower health costs for
Americans, it seems President Trump will single-handedly hike Americans'
health premiums. It is a spiteful act of vast, pointless sabotage leveled
at working families and the middle class in every corner of America,” House
Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck
Schumer (D-NY) said in a joint statement
“Now, millions of hard-working American families will suffer just because
President Trump wants them to."

*Lawsuits are already in the works: *“A coalition of U.S. states lined up
on Friday to sue” to prevent the subsidy cuts, Reuters
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=df685bf200&e=f4e1fef671> reports.
Democratic attorneys general in New York and California are joining with
other states, including Kentucky, Massachusetts and Connecticut, to file
suit in federal court in California. Insurers, who are required by
Obamacare to reduce out-of-pocket costs for low-income enrollees, could
also sue to get the compensation the law promises in return.

*The pressure will be on Congress to step in: *“President Trump is once
again the bull in the china shop, telling Congress, ‘I broke it, you buy
it,’” ABC News
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=4b4760bbe3&e=f4e1fef671> says.
Congress can have the subsidies resume by appropriating money for them, and
Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Patty Murray (D-WA) are negotiating an
Obamacare fix that would include that, but they reportedly still have a
long way to go to reach an agreement.

*And Trump may still be open to a deal: *“I will say the Democrats should
come to me, I would even go to them,” Trump said Friday. “I’m only
interested in one thing: getting great health care for this country.” But
Mick Mulvaney, director of the White House Office of Management and Budget,
said Friday that Trump would oppose
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=fac4bc746a&e=f4e1fef671> a
compromise along the lines of the one being negotiated. The question then
is what else Trump might want in return.
How Much SALT Will Republicans Add Back to Their Tax Plan?

House Republicans are reportedly working on a deal to keep the federal
deduction for state and local taxes in some form.

The GOP tax reform blueprint released last month called for the break to be
eliminated, helping cover some of the other costs of the plan. But the
proposal met with immediate resistance from lawmakers representing high-tax
states like New York, New Jersey and California. President Trump isn’t
happy with it either – he “grew angry”
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=ad09726cec&e=f4e1fef671> recently
when he learned that the proposal in his plan would squeeze some
middle-class taxpayers, according to Bloomberg.

The GOP’s dilemma: Ending the tax break raises revenue but could cost
enough votes in Congress to torpedo the tax reform plan. About two dozen
House Republicans have reportedly expressed concern about eliminating the
deduction. “This is probably the biggest obstacle they have to overcome to
get to 218,” the vote total needed for a bill to pass in the House, Rep.
Peter King (R-NY) told Bloomberg. “Right now, they can’t get there without
us.” But keeping the tax break costs money, and it’s not clear how to make
up for the lost revenue without adding to the deficit, also potentially
sinking the plan.

One option under consideration is to allow middle-class families to
continue claiming the deduction but prevent high-earning taxpayers from
benefiting. “Other options under consideration include allowing deductions
for property taxes but not for state and local income taxes, or capping the
overall amount of deductions households can take on state and local taxes,”
The Wall Street Journal reports

If the deduction is kept only for middle-class taxpayers, the key question
then becomes: Who qualifies? Regional differences may make it hard to
settle on a dividing line. “For some GOP members of Congress, a middle
income household tops out at $100,000 a year,” according to Bloomberg. “For
others, a family making $400,000 still deserves a break.” People earning
more than $100,000 a year accounted for about two-thirds of the SALT
deductions claimed in 2014, according to the Tax Policy Center.

Negotiations in Congress have apparently narrowed the range to somewhere
between $200,000 and $400,000 a year. Imposing a limit of $400,000 in
adjusted gross income would raise $481 billion in revenue over 10 years,
according to the Tax Foundation
compared to $1.8 trillion generated by a full repeal of the deduction.
Why Democrats Want to Save SALT Too

According to Business Insider’s Josh Barro
“The state and local tax deduction serves two policy purposes. The obvious
one is to ease the federal tax burden on families that pay a lot of state
and local taxes. The other purpose of the deduction is to make it easier
for states and localities to levy taxes. If taxpayers get a partial rebate
on their federal taxes for every additional dollar of tax that a state or
locality collects from them, they're less likely to object to tax increases
or to move away because of them. This second purpose explains why Democrats
are so attached to the tax deduction, even for higher-income taxpayers on
whom you might expect them to support a tax increase.”
Fiscal Flashes

*Paul Ryan: The Lobbyists Are Coming!* The House speaker warned an audience
at the Heritage Foundation
Thursday that an "army of lobbyists will come to protect special interest
provisions and to derail tax reform," so Republicans in Congress are going
to need some help. Where will they turn? Ryan said "we must be able to
count on the foot soldiers of the conservative movement to see this
through." The battle may put strain on everyone's winter holidays
though. "We're gonna keep people here 'til Christmas if we have to. I mean
I don't care. We've got to get this done. I mean it's that important."

*Set Your Phasers for 20 Percent?* House tax writers (at least some of
them) are worried that slashing the corporate tax rate will push the
deficit higher in a hurry. An analysis by the Tax Policy Center found that
cutting the rate to the stated goal of 20 percent would cost $2 trillion
over a decade. One way to soften the fiscal blow would be to phase in the
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=ff4e40e0f4&e=f4e1fef671> over
three to five years. House Republicans say such an approach would reduce
the size of the lost revenue by half.

*Larry Summers Says GOP Tax Claims Are 'Made-Up': *The former Treasury
secretary isn't happy with the Republican tax plan, and it's not just
because he has a different set of ideas as a Democrat. More fundamentally,
he says Republicans are making false claims: “When you have *— *and I hate
to be in a position of using this word about our government *—* when you
have senior economic officials making claims that are made-up ... it’s very
hard to have a dialogue, and compromise, and get to a good place.” Summers
is also worried about the effects of a tax cut for the rich during a time
of considerable social turmoil: “There’s a lot of unhappiness and anger out
there … It’s really hard to see why focusing a corporate tax cut on those
at the very high-end is going to do much to assuage that anger.”
Your Prize for Surviving the Week

Because we all need something to look forward to, go ahead and watch the
trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=d4d9d8d670&e=f4e1fef671> again.
But don't expect too many actual spoilers
What We're Reading

- *Koch Brothers' Internal Memo on Selling Tax Cuts: Ignore the Deficit
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=e4f7b7840d&e=f4e1fef671> –
The Intercept*
- *President Trump's Biggest Enemy on Tax Reform: Himself
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=94b2a44ab2&e=f4e1fef671> –
Time *
- *Trump Is Trying to Gut Obamacare. Here's Why His Plan May Fail
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=33c8296336&e=f4e1fef671> –
Margot Sanger-Katz, New York Times*
- *Anthem Eases Up on Premium Hikes After State Scrutiny
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=b0ebec20eb&e=f4e1fef671> –
Kaiser Health News *
- *Middle-Class Families Are the Real Winners in the GOP Tax Plan
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=8b5e5e3662&e=f4e1fef671> –
Alex Hendrie, The Hill *
- *The Top 10 Reasons Not to Pass the Trump Tax Cut
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=2f925fc107&e=f4e1fef671> –
Jared Bernstein, CNBC *
- *A Tax Hike or Benefit for the ‘Middle Class’?
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=9d1c74093e&e=f4e1fef671> –
FactCheck.org *
- *Donald Trump's 'Largest Tax Cut in US History' Claim Shot Down by
Republican Senator
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=0374ff0390&e=f4e1fef671> –
Independent *
- *Paul Ryan Blasts High-Tax States That Send Billions to Federal
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=2da2aab7d3&e=f4e1fef671> –
Associated Press *
- *Trump Administration: Infrastructure Friend or Foe?
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=edfc1df70f&e=f4e1fef671> –
RealClearPolitics *
- *Mnuchin Says Parts of Tax Plan Would Be Temporary
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=5e0a911e3d&e=f4e1fef671> –
Wall Street Journal *
- *Tax Cuts Live or Die on These Seven Questions
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=143ad14056&e=f4e1fef671> – Jonathan
Bernstein, Bloomberg View *
- *Fix Obamacare, Don't Sabotage It, 7 of 10 Americans Say
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=1d131508d2&e=f4e1fef671> –
- *US Corporate Tax Shake-Up Could Fuel Tension with Allies
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=463fb7863a&e=f4e1fef671> – New
York Times *
- *Replacing Social Security Numbers Won't Be Easy, but It's Worth It
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=a6a8b6f6dd&e=f4e1fef671> –
Wired *


[Message clipped] View entire message
3:59 AM (8 hours ago)
to me
Family Survival Headlines

*Breaking News...*

How Russian Sanctions Could Destroy the Dollar

What Sheriff Clarke Just Said About The Las Vegas Investigation Is Dropping

Self Exiled Chinese Billionaire Warns Beijing Seeking to ‘Decimate’ U S

Gospel Singer Tina Campbell Faces Backlash for Support of Donald Trump

Bill on Guardianship Abuse Goes to Trump—But What Does it Actually Fix?

This New “Unregistered” 9mm Pistol has Liberals Fuming…

Using tools found in your garage, you can build and own an untraceable
Glock 9mm tomorrow. No license needed.

Veteran gunsmith Frank Mitchell is giving away a brand new Free DVD showing
you exactly how to make an untraceable Glock 9mm.


To get yours, confirm your address and get the Undetectable Arms DVD for
free today

This free DVD gives you all the info you need
<http://wjkw.dmsgs-esp-customer.com/t/12792441/521888448/297664796/4006/> to
build an “invisible”Glock in less than an hour.

- Shows you the complete parts list.

- Guides you step-by-step build instructions (no gunsmith required).

- Tells you where to get the highest quality parts at the best price

And much, much more.

433 copies of the Undetectable Arms DVD are being given away for FREE today.

But you have to hurry… This new DVD is hot right now and they’re going fast.

Click here to get your FREE copy before they run out

Stay ready,

Keith Jacobs


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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153
10:30 PM (14 hours ago)
to me
Firearms Life

(The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)

REVEALED: What the Bible Teaches You about How to Lose Weight…

If you want to stay fat...

Then don't listen to the bible! That's because...

God wrote in the bible EXACTLY how you should lose weight
In fact...

You can learn what I'm talking about here...


*=> AVOID this one thing & How Jesus Taught His Disciples To Be Lean

I found this very interesting and I know you will too!

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should assume that all references to products and services on this website
are made because material connections exist between the sender of this
email and the providers of the mentioned products and services. Learn more

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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153
10:16 PM (14 hours ago)
to me
*Just released: 2017 Limited Edition U.S. Silver Proof Sets!*
[image: Visit GovMint.com!]
Free Shipping]
U.S. Coins
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<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGttMrOR8X2zeCOKYfOEjp6eqSXdH6azfL2sbR5d0zghs2lzbdfMgAqbVXtpKX%3DSRRWRAUR&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lGvCIK3KUEUkY-TK0JxvqgTuUtvBz4jJ3t4gLARei7iGRrLlZvPZqGWA9mnl2FHCCmAC0q6KFX7GjomEUmEXWZKw-wGrauTgUH-ZpkkwdzyGYiY1mGt9PeWnqZy_GrivtLjs33L8tLq7Hn7FmBPQQhQoh6xhavaCNm3f7QlZE5L6u92G7-MjqltMmpv.> Call
Today: 1-800-941-7267
[image: Limited Edition U.S. Silver eagle header]
*The return of a classic:*
2017 Limited Edition
U.S. Silver Proof Sets!
[image: Coin Highlights]

When the first-ever Limited Edition U.S. Silver Proof Sets were released in
2012, 50,000 sold out at the mint in less than five months! In following
years, each new release of these eight-coin, all-silver sets were just as
popular - and were gone in a flash.

But in 2015, eager collectors were dismayed to discover that the next issue
in the series was a no-show. Would they ever see this exceptional silver
proof set again?

*Well, the Limited Edition Silver Proof Set made a triumphant return in
2016 - and it’s back once more for 2017, better than ever!*

Struck at the historic San Francisco Mint, these one-year-only sets include
seven 2017 U.S. coins, all in 90% pure silver and all in stunning Proof
condition -- including the five latest America the Beautiful (ATB)
quarters, a Kennedy Half-Dollar and a Roosevelt Dime.

*The cherry on top? This 2017 Limited Edition Set also includes a 99.9%
pure Silver Eagle Proof with a San Francisco mint mark - one of the first
issued since 2012!*

While they last, choose a flawless Proof 70 Ultra Cameo (PF70 UCAM) set
certified by Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC) as one of the few Early
or First Releases.

(Just interested in the 90% silver 2017 ATB quarters? No problem! Get all
five plus a silver Roosevelt Dime in our 6-Coin Gem Proof Set!)

This year marks the 225th Anniversary of the U.S. Mint - just another
reason why demand for this new 2017 Limited Edition U.S. Silver Proof Set
is sure to be high! Order yours NOW - because it's not a question of IF
these sought-after sets will sell out, but WHEN!
2017 Limited Edition U.S. Silver Proof Sets

[image: Buy Now]
To learn more or order by phone,
call 1-800-941-7267 and mention code GE2209

We've selected the following products just for you:
[image: 1]
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[image: 5]
<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGttMrOR8X2zeCOKYfOEjp6eqSXdH6azfL2sbR5d0zghs2lzbdfMgAqbVXtpKX%3DSRRWRAWU&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lGvCIK3KUEUkY-TK0JxvqgTQ7pzD2svlFFrLh3B-UKQj-ZDloivAmRu1BCP29B8p7eJWyv0wOHWJNNO8P2-eV0mGVjORM6znb2M3GgJjLmfkH44J1Y0XfpsIhNBuFthi8zC2eNIrlYzESWAyBBp8AYL68Rhh_EB8p9nsxvmcTPFh1tOf4OIO-KTJXlu.> [image:
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[image: 9]
<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGttMrOR8X2zeCOKYfOEjp6eqSXdH6azfL2sbR5d0zghs2lzbdfMgAqbVXtpKX%3DSRRWRAWB&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lGvCIK3KUEUkY-TK0JxvqgTQ7pzD2svlFFrLh3B-UKQj-ZDloivAmRu1BCP29B8p7eJWyv0wOHWJNNO8P2-eV0mGVjORM6znb2M3GgJjLmfkH44J1Y0XfpsIhNBuFthi8zC2eNIrlYzESWAyBBp8AYL68Rhh_EB8p9nsxvmcTPFh1tOf4OIO-KTJXlu.> [image:
<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGttMrOR8X2zeCOKYfOEjp6eqSXdH6azfL2sbR5d0zghs2lzbdfMgAqbVXtpKX%3DSRRWRAWC&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lGvCIK3KUEUkY-TK0JxvqgTQ7pzD2svlFFrLh3B-UKQj-ZDloivAmRu1BCP29B8p7eJWyv0wOHWJNNO8P2-eV0mGVjORM6znb2M3GgJjLmfkH44J1Y0XfpsIhNBuFthi8zC2eNIrlYzESWAyBBp8AYL68Rhh_EB8p9nsxvmcTPFh1tOf4OIO-KTJXlu.> [image:
<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGttMrOR8X2zeCOKYfOEjp6eqSXdH6azfL2sbR5d0zghs2lzbdfMgAqbVXtpKX%3DSRRWRAWD&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lGvCIK3KUEUkY-TK0JxvqgTQ7pzD2svlFFrLh3B-UKQj-ZDloivAmRu1BCP29B8p7eJWyv0wOHWJNNO8P2-eV0mGVjORM6znb2M3GgJjLmfkH44J1Y0XfpsIhNBuFthi8zC2eNIrlYzESWAyBBp8AYL68Rhh_EB8p9nsxvmcTPFh1tOf4OIO-KTJXlu.> [image:
[image: 2017 Limited Edition San Fransisco U.S. Silver Proof Set]
[image: 2017-S Limited Edition Silver Proof Set Kennedy Half Dollar]
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| 14101 Southcross Drive West, Burnsville, MN 55337
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9:39 PM (15 hours ago)
to me
Breaking News from Headline Health
You have been a free subscriber since 9/6/2017

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[image: Headline Health - Breaking News for a Healthier Life]
*Breaking News...*

*Gaga 'Slowly Coming Back To Life' (we can all breathe again)

*No, the CDC did not just 'admit' that this year's flu vaccine doesn't work

*HEALTH ALERT: Self-Destructing Fat Cells

*Trump Issues Order to Deregulate Health Insurance

*California Wildfires Harming People Far Beyond Flames' Reach

*Trump Bypasses Failed Congress, Begins Dismantling Obamacare*

Donald Trump promised to drain the swamp and to repeal and replace

But getting any action out of Congress proven futile, and Trump has now
taken the step of signing an executive order to begin to dismantle
government healthcare on his own.
Trump's order opens the way for a greater number of health plan options at
lower premiums. The controversial new executive order Trump issued
yesterday aims to open the way for a greater number of relatively cheap
health plans... READ MORE

Dear Reader,

Without a doubt, it may be [one of the biggest weight loss breakthroughs]
in decades…

Derek Evans, the one leading the research recently discovered a "metabolic
glitch" after witnessing fat literally coming out of the fat cells in a
petri dish with just a few tiny drops of this nutrient.

It's no wonder mainstream has jumped on it so readily, with Dr. Oz talking
about it on his show and the whole Harvard community scrambling to be the
first get a patent on it.

Just ask Jenna Leveille from Highlands Ranch, CO., who at 43 years old shed
a whopping 122 lbs in the process and says, "People don't even recognize me
at work conferences. They say, 'where's Jenna?'"

Of course, we got all the details you need.

Go HERE now to discover what they are…

...Including the surprising reason why you can be eating the healthiest
food, counting your calories, cutting out carbs and it simply won't matter.

Because of your fat cells acting like a VAULT, tightly holding on to fat
and never letting go unless you know this one simple fact

Yours Truly,
*Headline Health*
The information presented here is for general educational purposes only.
You should always consult with your personal physician regarding any
personal health problem. FDA DISCLOSURE: The statements, articles, and
products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration. No information or products appearing on this email are
intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. MATERIAL
CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: HeadlineHealth.com may have an affiliate
relationship and/or another material connection to any persons or
businesses mentioned in or linked to from this email and may receive
commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not
rely solely on information contained on this email to evaluate the product
or service being offered. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing
any product or service.
Headline Health
PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
Add us to your address book

8:08 PM (16 hours ago)
to me

The latest from InsideSources.
View this email in your browser
What Washington's Talking About

*NYT vs. Silicon Valley*

Silicon Valley Is Not Your Friend: We are beginning to understand that tech
companies don’t have our best interests at heart. Did they ever? [Noam
Cohen, New York Times

Tech Giants, Once Seen as Saviors, Are Now Viewed as Threats [David
Streitfeld, New York Times

*Faith and Science*

Dan Brown Can’t Cite Me to Disprove God [Jeremy England, Wall Street Journal

Astronomers locate distant region of newly forming stars on the far side of
the Milky Way [Loren Grush, The Verge

News Finance
*How the GOP Tax Framework Might Impact Small Businesses*
By Connor D. Wolf

Republican leadership has released a tax framework that promises to address
the burden small businesses face. But the potential impact has been a
source of debate among experts.


News Technology
*Dem FCC Commissioner Concerned About Sinclair-Tribune Merger*
By Giuseppe Macri

A Democrat on the Federal Communications Commission raised questions
Thursday about actions the agency has taken under its Republican leadership
to facilitate the $3.9 Sinclair-Tribune merger of the nation’s two largest
TV broadcasters.


News Politics
*More Sober Than Millennials, Generation Z Could Dramatically Affect
Alcohol Market*
By Erin Mundahl

A new generation is on the cusp of the drinking market, however, and it
looks as though this “Generation Z” is far less interested in intoxicants
of all varieties–from alcohol to cigarettes and marijuana–than their older
siblings and cousins.


[IS] Opinions Politics
*The Case for the Eight Hundred Thousand Innocents*
By Llewellyn King

Pity the “Eight Hundred Thousand.” Pity those who came here as the children
of parents who moved illegally to the United States. Pity them for every
day they walk in dread: Will they be deported if President Trump loses in
his power play with Congress over their future? Them or the Wall.


[IS] Opinions Politics
*Trump — Crazy Like a Fox, or a Madman With Nuclear Codes?*
By Donald Kirk

Donald Trump at times engages in such flights of rhetorical fancy that a
lot of people think he’s crazy or unpredictable. How can you be sure of a
president who talks about destroying North Korea, who holds out “the
military option” — but professes to want to avoid conflict?


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nyinyi Wear one of these <http://trk.cp20.com/click/k494z-c2rgpx-6svc7ja3/> and
you’ll be ready to rumble in any situation.


This self-defense masterpiece looks like an everyday piece of clothing
<http://trk.cp20.com/click/k494z-c2rgq1-6svc7ja3/>. Something you wear all
the time. Yet, *it can kill. *

Seriously, anybody choosing to mess with you will have no clue that you have* instant
death *right at your fingertips.

That’s what I call “stealth-defense.”

Just put it on when you get dressed
<http://trk.cp20.com/click/k494z-c2rgq1-6svc7ja3/> in the morning and
you’re done.

There’s no bulkiness. No extra weight.

And when trouble strikes, you can retrieve this weapon faster than most
other concealed carry weapons because it’s so accessible.

I know I can have this weapon ready to go in less than two seconds because
I timed myself.

nyinyi Every prepper should wear one of these.

Right now, you can get a free one
<http://trk.cp20.com/click/k494z-c2rgq1-6svc7ja3/>, although it says
there’s only 597 available, so I wouldn’t wait to act on this.

Stay ready,

-Lou Prep.

You are receiving this message because you have visited my site and
requested to be contacted. If you no longer wish to be contacted, please
click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email or use this removal
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Oct 13 (1 day ago)
to me


Want to know who won last week’s contests? I’ll tell you in just a minute.
But first it’s important for you to know that the way we fund these
contests is by sharing new tools and resources with you…

Like these battlefield tested Apache 400 sunglasses you can get for 75% off

So who won our most recent daily contests? I’m excited to announce 4 new


October 1st - *Jack Hillsten* won the Camouflage Poncho

October 2nd - *Rick Boykin* won the Streetlight Lantern/Charger

October 3rd - *Isaac McBane* won the Night Vision Monocular

October 4th - *Joseph Froncek* won the Compound Crossbow

Congratulations, guys! :-)
We’re running contests all the time and the odds of winning are pretty
good, so keep your eye on your inbox and keep entering our contests.

Stay tactical,
Wil Stewart

P.S. Don’t forget to pick up your 75%-off Apache 400 sunglasses
<http://trk.cp20.com/click/k4948-c2rgju-7cpiqiy8/> while they’re available.
(Fair Warning: They’ve already sold 10,000 units this month and stock is
running low.)


Tactical Contests - 2017

1:15 PM (23 hours ago)
to me

*For Immediate Release*

Dear Concerned American:

For the past 32 years, corrupt members of our government have been keeping
you from learning*this disturbing secret about Ronald Reagan’s final wish
for Americans*

But thanks to the findings revealed in a new book, they can't hide it from
you any longer.

For the first time, a former big bank "whistle blower" has revealed *this
dark secret the government elite never wanted you to know*

In short, the insiders have been keeping a *little- known "retirement
income plan"*
<http://track.creatensend.com/tc/BYKbO1jDqR/4375b1899f2a38ba3d4c7d08793325ec/083b236525a0031b37a6e42419b26ae2/wizardofmail> from
you that could allow you to generate up to $2,194 in extra*tax-free* income
each month – starting immediately.

Some people call these payments the "Secret Reagan Pension Plan."

That's because this loophole was actually investigated by the Reagan
administration back in 1986.

In a private speech, Reagan himself said this loophole gives ordinary
Americans the power to receive almost *DOUBLE* the amount of income than
the maximum social security allowance...

All from a non-government source.

And the research shows almost any adult, of almost any age, could be
entitled to collect it.

But the government doesn't want you to know you can get this money. As a
former vice president at Chase banks confessed:

*"No one is telling Americans about these secret 'Reagan Pension Payments.'
<http://track.creatensend.com/tc/BYKbO1jDqR/4375b1899f2a38ba3d4c7d08793325ec/083b236525a0031b37a6e42419b26ae2/wizardofmail> Not
Banks. Not Wall Street. Not the government."*

And as a consequence, today less than 1 in 1,500 ordinary Americans has
ever heard of it...

But that hasn't stopped the 1% from cashing in...

For decades, the insider elite have kept this secret from American families
by restricting the advertising to the public. And all the while they've
been privately profiting from it themselves.

Most recently, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and at least 54 elected
officials have been discovered quietly funneling money into these plans.

*The Wall Street Journal* also reports some of America's biggest banks –
including Wells Fargo, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, and Citibank – have
funneled more than $143 billion into these little-known plans so far, with
no end in sight. They use them to set up high-level executives with an
income stream that will last as long as they live. *Because **this is like
adding rocket fuel to their pension plan*.

The good news is, now you know the secret, you can start collecting these
payments, too. And you can get started for under $200.

*Click here now to get the full story*


Tom Dyson

Founder, Palm Beach Research Group

*P.S.* If you want to skip the story, and see how to set up one of these
plans for yourself, simply *click here*

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6:59 PM (17 hours ago)
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Family Survival Headlines

(The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)

WARNING: Your Family Could be Doomed After a Disaster Without this FREE
3-Day Survival Food Kit!

Dear Patriot,

More than anytime in recent memory we live on the brink of disasters,
calamity and total collapse.

You know it is true. You have that uncomfortable feeling in your gut –
that’s your intuition telling you things are about to go really bad.

Disaster preparedness pioneer Frank Bates understands that feeling more
than anyone. He does so much that he has built an entire business on
getting families prepared for common disasters as well as “end of the world
as we know it” calamities.

His company has shipped out over 18 million “survival” meals over the past
few years. And today, he’s offering an unprecedented offer to you and your

*You can claim a 72-hour emergency survival food kit for FREE (while
supplies last).

This is Frank’s effort to get every American family prepared for
hurricanes, tornados, blackouts, pandemics and so much more.

You'll get 16 servings of delicious food guaranteed to last for 25 years.
That's enough food to last 72 hours in a crisis.

Here’s more on why Mr. Bates is doing this…

Even though he’s already helped hundreds of thousands of American families,
he knows there’s still tons of people out there who have no plan in place,
and the first 72 hours are crucial.

And this 72 Hour kit
<http://wjkw.dmsgs-esp-customer.com/t/12792178/521888448/161879672/3002/> is
rated 4.5 out of 5 stars by customers.

I would hate for you to miss out on this unbelievable and unprecedented

So like the good folks at Costco or Sam’s Club handing out free samples as
you shop, he decided to do the same.

You will love it and want to order more. And if not, at least you’ll get a
nice freebie. Fair deal?

Grab yours right here:


*P.S. This kit sells to the general public every day for $27.00 plus
postage. So this is a killer give-away.*

*It’s 1st come, 1st served so* *click here to get yours now before they’re

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7:11 PM (17 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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"My new 'biogenesis' secret gives you an almost unfair advantage over
aging. Age 70 feels like 40 again!"

Dear Friend,

A startling DNA study published in the *Annals of the New York Academy of
Sciences* reveals the *real* cause of aging.

It's a decline in the power generators in your cells called mitochondria.
In fact, by age 67, you lose 80% of the mitochondria you had at age 25.

*Worse, mitochondrial dysfunction has been implicated in nearly all disease
conditions,* according to *Annual Review of Nutrition*. Problems like
muscle pain, memory problems, heart issues, vision difficulties and
premature aging.

GREAT NEWS! You can now *reverse* this decline in mitochondria and *restore* your
energy and your health to youthful-like levels.

It's possible by what's called *"mitochondrial biogenesis"* — a unique
process that actually multiplies the number of new power generators
(mitochondria) in your cells by 55% — *all to help make your heart, brain
and body young-again*.

And it's giving my patients, my readers and me the best results we've ever
seen for quelling the ill effects of aging.

I've put everything you need in this special report
I encourage you to read it now.

Al Sears, MD

*P.S.* Colleen, age 70 feels 40 again. Jerry's endurance has doubled. Dale
is the fittest 67-year-old his co-workers have ever seen. Click here for
their stories

Special Report helps you retain the power of your youth

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6:09 PM (18 hours ago)
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[image: Task & Purpose Today]
Up Close And Personal With The Army’s Lethal New Sniper Rifle

North American Family Held Captive By Taliban Finally Released After 5 Years

Very Good Dog Veterans Receive Medals For Courage In Battle

John Kelly To Media: Actually, Trump Loves Me And Hates Nukes

On An Island Halfway Around The World, Locals Enlist To Fight And Die For
The United States

West Point Chief Pushes Back On Criticism Amid ‘Commie Cadet’ Investigations

The Army Is Engineering Rifle Optics That Will Never Miss

Pot Waivers Go Up, Testing Standards Go Down As Army Eases Recruiting

President Trump Had No Idea What To Do When Evening Colors Started

It’s Confirmed: Marine Corps Will Add 4th Phase To Boot Camp Starting Next

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6:06 PM (18 hours ago)
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Patriot Powered News

(The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)

Fox News Just Exposed this HUGE Consumer Scam…

The good folks over at Fox News launched an investigation into consumer
credit cards and the news was NOT good.

If you use a credit card with a chip in it (the kind all the banks have
been sending customers the past year) then you’re in the crosshairs of


Credit card companies don’t want you to know about this HUGE threat…

But there is a way to protect yourself.

There is a Free device
<http://em.patriotpowerednews.com/ga/click/2-495164215-2356-260614-536071-3703191-7ce1f29125-35cda0d5cd> you
can carry along with your credit cards that will STOP criminals in their

If you don’t have this in your wallet then in it’s not a matter of “if”
you’ll be targeted but rather “when” you’ll become a victim!

*Go here now to learn more about this free device and where to get yours.

If you use credit or debit cards of any kind you need to carry this tiny
device around (in your wallet or purse).

This includes Visa, Mastercard, Amex and other popular credit card issuers.

Don’t wait any longer for criminals to target you.

Go here now
<http://em.patriotpowerednews.com/ga/click/2-495164215-2356-260614-536071-3703191-7ce1f29125-35cda0d5cd> to
learn how to protect yourself for good.

Thank you.


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Oct 13 (1 day ago)
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*October 12* 2017



Trump’s Tweets Are Damaging the Republican Character

David French

The vast majority of commentary about Donald Trump’s tweets centers on
Trump: What do they say about his state of mind? Do they signal a change in
American policy? Will he follow through on his threats? Is he a master
media manipulator or just angry? Is he playing nine-dimensional chess or is
he simply undisciplined and...

[image: top stories]
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/10924074.509588/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI1NjYvc21hcnRwaG9uZS1hZGRpY3Rpb24tZGFtYWdpbmctYW1lcmljYW4tbWVudGFsLWhlYWx0aA/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bd0fdb7fc> Our
Toxic Smartphone Addiction

Heather Wilhelm

When I think about social media, smartphones, and other Internet-based
rabbit holes, I like to remember one of my favorite poems: “Lying in a
Hammock at William Duffy’s Farm in Pine Island,...
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/10924074.509588/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI2MTMvZ2VvcmdlLWNpY2NhcmllbGxvLW1haGVyLWFjYWRlbWljLWZyZWVkb20tcGxlYQ/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B1d1e75df> No,
George Ciccariello-Maher Doesn’t Believe in Academic Freedom

Theodore Kupfer

George Ciccariello-Maher is suddenly worried about academic freedom. Before
now, the concerns of the associate professor of politics at Drexel
University trended mainly to spreading the gospel...
Oct 13 (1 day ago)
to me
Firearms Life

*Breaking News...*

CONFIRMED! Obama “Sleeper Agent” Busted inside White House

Hackers Did Something Terrible To Chief Of Staff John Kelly Through His
Cell Phone

There It Is!! The Truth That The Media Is Terrified You Will Hear!!

NRA Selling Out? Voice Support for Banning ‘Bump Stocks’!

How Anti-Gun Proposals Pushed One Person Away From The Anti-Gun Movement

Liberals are Going to HATE it When You Wear this Free T-Shirt!

If you’re like me, you LOVE your right to own guns and you like to make
sure everyone knows it!

If this sounds like you, then you’ve got to have this FREE Gun Lover shirt
from Gun Carrier...


<http://wjkw.dmsgs-esp-customer.com/t/12792027/521808036/176057156/4006/> shirt
will definitely make heads turn and will absolutely make “gun grabbing”
liberals cringe!

This shirt is only free for a limited time.

*Grab your FREE shirt Right NOW
<http://wjkw.dmsgs-esp-customer.com/t/12792027/521808036/176057156/4007/>* and
wear it like a badge of honor.

Josey Wales would be proud ;-)

Remember, we're all in this together!

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should assume that all references to products and services on this website
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P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153


Oct 13 (1 day ago)
to me
Firearms Life

*Breaking News...*

CONFIRMED! Obama “Sleeper Agent” Busted inside White House

Hackers Did Something Terrible To Chief Of Staff John Kelly Through His
Cell Phone

There It Is!! The Truth That The Media Is Terrified You Will Hear!!

NRA Selling Out? Voice Support for Banning ‘Bump Stocks’!

How Anti-Gun Proposals Pushed One Person Away From The Anti-Gun Movement

Liberals are Going to HATE it When You Wear this Free T-Shirt!

If you’re like me, you LOVE your right to own guns and you like to make
sure everyone knows it!

If this sounds like you, then you’ve got to have this FREE Gun Lover shirt
from Gun Carrier...


<http://wjkw.dmsgs-esp-customer.com/t/12792027/521808036/176057156/4006/> shirt
will definitely make heads turn and will absolutely make “gun grabbing”
liberals cringe!

This shirt is only free for a limited time.

*Grab your FREE shirt Right NOW
<http://wjkw.dmsgs-esp-customer.com/t/12792027/521808036/176057156/4007/>* and
wear it like a badge of honor.

Josey Wales would be proud ;-)

Remember, we're all in this together!

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should assume that all references to products and services on this website
are made because material connections exist between the sender of this
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Oct 13 (1 day ago)
to me

Please see the special message below from our sponsor.
Why I’m giving away this Shooter’s Bundle – for $0 (today only)

While supplies last, I’d like to rush you my “Shooter’s Bundle” that
consists of an AR-15 gun cleaning mat… a Glock gun cleaning mat… and a
training video – for FREE!

Claim your complimentary Shooter’s Bundle right here.

Hi, it’s Jason Hanson…

If you don’t know me, I’m a former CIA Officer, a New York Times
Bestselling Author, and owner of the Spy Escape & Evasion training company.

And today, I’m doing something I’ve never done before.

I’m giving you my Shooter’s Bundle – at no cost.

I’ll tell you how I’m able to do this in a moment, but first, check out all
of the features of this Shooter’s Bundle…

You get one 11 x 17 pistol gun cleaning mat… one 12 x 36 AR-15 gun cleaning
mat… and the Handgun Cleaning Secrets training video.

The pistol mat sells for $13.99, the rifle mat sells for $24.99, and the Handgun
Cleaning Secrets video sells for $47…

That’s a combined total value of $85.98 that you’re getting at no cost with
your Shooter’s Bundle today.

The reason I’m giving away this Shooter’s Bundle is because it’s my
incredibly bold way of introducing myself to you and to my company.

You’ll see that I’m a straight shooter and that the “spy skills” I teach
are truly lifesaving and will give you a huge advantage over others in life.

Just keep in mind, because of the real-world cost and value of this
Shooter’s Bundle, supplies are strictly limited, so be sure to claim yours

Click here to get your Shooter’s Bundle that includes the AR-15 mat, Glock
mat, and training video.

Stay safe,

Jason Hanson


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Patriot Publications
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Oct 13 (1 day ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
You have been a free subscriber since 3/22/2017

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*Breaking News...*

*Threats Surge against EPA and Administrator Pruitt

*Feds Drop Suit against Catholic School over Obamacare Mandate

*Alert: Sudden Trump Move Could Destroy Cryptocurrencies

*Trump Executive Order Begins Dismantling Obamacare

*9 Congressional Republicans Co-Sponsoring More Gun Control

*HEALTH: The Scary Reason You're Suddenly So Forgetful...

Dear Reader,

If you've bought any Bitcoin… Ethereum… Litecoin… Z-cash… Monero or any
other cryptocurrencies recently…

You need to see my latest research right now.

Donald Trump *could soon trigger a massive "reboot" of the U.S. dollar
<http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86064%7c8955441%7c8787218&digest=RfRImmUipKlX6RyNdjzxKA&sysid=1>* that
could destroy cryptocurrencies.

This Trump "reboot" won't replace the dollar…

Or compete against it…

Instead, I believe it will make the dollar *better*. Much better.

In fact, I believe the move could make the dollar *the best* currency in
the world.

[image: Image]
Better than any cryptocurrency you could get your hands on.

What am I talking about?

*Click here right now to find out<<<<<*

This could be the biggest currency story of 2017.


Joe Schriefer
Publisher, Agora Financial

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Liberty Headlines
PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
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Patriot Powered News

*Breaking News...*

My hottest selling laser sight [killer deal]...

Farmer to NFL: We stand for the National Anthem

Instead Of Attacking The President, Dr Phil Flew To Vegas And Did What No
Other Celebrity Would

Are Concealed Carry & Open Carry Laws to Blame for Increased Gun Violence
Across America? 

Foiled NYC terror plot raises concerns about radicalization

WATCH: Former Navy Seal Demonstrates Crazy Home Defense Weapon


Oli here and I can't stay long...

Ever since picking this up...
I spend way more time shootin' at the range
and on my back forty.

Don't matter if it's daytime, nighttime, inside or
outside I can pick off targets with this baby:
[image: 267614 10150249940842421 3737779 n]

Awesome thing is... I'm nearsighted, can't aim for
crap, yet I can still nail my gong hundreds of yards out.

You can see your targets with a red laser and man,
you just can't miss using this thing!

My dad can whip out his "Dirty Harry" revolver and
pop balloons out that far like no one's business...

So here's the deal:

My buddy got his hands on about 50 of these things...
and you can get them for a crazy discount...

Well, while we have 'em.

So go here if you want to start hitting targets:

Laser Sight Blowout!

In Liberty,

Oli Fischer


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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153
Oct 13 (1 day ago)
to me
By Yuval Rosenberg and Michael Rainey
What You Need to Know About Trump’s Executive Order on Health Care

President Trump on Thursday took his biggest step yet toward accomplishing
what Congress could not: dismantling the Affordable Care Act.

Saying he was starting the process of Obamacare repeal, Trump signed an executive
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=c6dd09fbbe&e=f4e1fef671> that
he and his allies say will provide more options and lower costs in the
health care market. “We are going to also pressure Congress very strongly
to finish the repeal and the replace of Obamacare once and for all,” the
president added.

Here’s what you need to know about the executive order (which Trump nearly
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=7091efba61&e=f4e1fef671> to
sign) and its anticipated effects.

*What the Executive Order Does:*

- It instructs federal agencies to study how to make it easier for small
businesses, trade groups and possibly individuals to band together to buy
health insurance plans that would be cheaper — and could provide skimpier
benefits — than required under Obamacare.
- It directs agencies to consider expanding the use of short-term
insurance plans — stopgap policies that don't cover pre-existing conditions
or offer other costly benefits. Coverage under such plans was limited to
three months under Obamacare, but could be extended up to a year.
- It also direct agencies to expand so-called Health Reimbursement
Arrangements, employer-funded accounts that use tax-free money and repay
workers for health care expenses.

*What It Means:*

Analysts warn the executive order could sabotage Obamacare markets by
drawing younger and healthier Americans away from the individual exchanges,
leaving older and sicker enrollees facing costs that spiral higher and
higher. “Likely losers with the executive order: People with pre-existing
conditions,” the Kaiser Family Foundation’s Larry Levitt tweeted
“Winners: Healthy people (and their small employers), lawyers.”

- While President Trump said Thursday that his executive order would
cost nothing, analysts warn it is likely to drive up costs for the federal
government as premiums for subsidized plans rise due to the deteriorating
risk pool.
- The executive order will not take effect immediately, and it’s not
clear yet how or how quickly the departments of Health and Human Services,
Treasury and Labor can implement it. But some experts are predicting severe
consequences will come quickly. "Within a year, this would kill the
market," Karen Pollitz, a senior fellow at the Kaiser Family Foundation who
worked on health care reform at HHS during the Obama administration, told
- “The potential damage to Obamacare rests largely on how far the Trump
administration pushes its authority to unilaterally rewrite the rules,”
Politico’s Adam Cancryn writes. At issue will be who the administration
classifies as an association — the main question is whether self-employed
individuals would qualify — and how radically it seeks to reinterpret
ERISA, the federal law governing many employee benefits. Legal challenges
are likely if the administration pushes the envelope.
- The potential benefits of the order are somewhat limited — the
administration says tens of millions
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=31202def9f&e=f4e1fef671> of
Americans may benefit over time — but the potential damage may be broader.
"This is a case where doing something is worse than doing nothing," Ezekiel
Emanuel, an oncologist who helped craft Obamacare, said on CNN
"It won't do anything for a lot of the people on the exchange who are not
members of franchises or trade associations. So this is more show than
actual reality in terms of making health care affordable for Americans."
- Until federal agencies write new regulations to implement Trump’s
order, the health care market will be subject to continued confusion.

Head-Scratcher No. 1: Stocks and the National Debt

President Trump left more than a few economists scratching their heads last
night when he told Sean Hannity on Fox News that recent gains in the stock
market in some way reduce the national debt

"The country — we took it over and owed over 20 trillion. As you know the
last eight years, they borrowed more than it did in the whole history of
our country. So they borrowed more than $10 trillion, right? And yet, we
picked up 5.2 trillion just in the stock market, possibly picked up the
whole thing in terms of the first nine months, in terms of value. So you
could say, in one sense, we're really increasing values. And maybe in a
sense, we're reducing debt.”

Experts were quick to point out that there is no clear link between the
stock market and the national debt. "The stock market's gains have
virtually nothing to do with the size of the national debt, which continues
to rise because government spending far exceeds government receipts,"
economist Greg Valliere told CNNMoney
Trump’s comments did find some defenders, who said Trump wasn't *completely* off
base. MarketWatch’s Steve Goldstein
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=1069dc3d6c&e=f4e1fef671> argued
that “to a degree, the ability to service the debt has improved because of
the stock market’s rise.”

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget was having none of that,
noting that capital gains taxes accounted for only 4 percent of total
federal revenue last year, and even a record jump next year wouldn't amount
to much. In the end, they say, "there is no 'sense' in which higher stock
market value led to lower national debt. The two numbers are completely
unrelated to each other."
Head-Scratcher No. 2: A $4,000 Pay Raise?

Shortly before his Hannity interview, Trump told an audience in
Pennsylvania that the GOP tax plan would give the typical American
household a “$4,000 pay raise,” though without providing any detail about
the source of that figure. DJ Nordquist, the chief of staff of the
president’s Council of Economic Advisors, told Politico
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=c9fb00368c&e=f4e1fef671> that
its analysis “suggests the flow of wages would be $4,000 per year” as
companies bring profits held overseas back home. Later, CEA told Tax
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=5f66474f18&e=f4e1fef671> that
the pay raise figure refers to the post-tax gains generated by all
components of the corporate tax reform, not just repatriation.

CEA chief Kevin Hassett has also cited the $4,000 figure, but in the
context of eight years, not one. Speaking at the Tax Policy Center
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=de3b2db675&e=f4e1fef671> last
week, Hassett said: “In 2016, U.S. firms kept 71 percent of foreign-earned
profits abroad. What would happen if they didn't do that? A simple
back-of-the envelope calculation suggests U.S. workers in 2016 would have
received a raise of nearly 1 percent. What if these firms didn't do that
for the next 8 years? The median U.S. household would get a $4,000 real
income raise.”

In either case, the administration is claiming that households will get a
boost from the tax plan’s change in how foreign taxes are treated,
amounting to either $500 or $4,000 per year. Aside from the question of
size, though, there’s a more fundamental question of whether repatriated
foreign profits would end up in worker’s pockets in the first place.
Head-Scratcher No. 3: Who Subsidizes Who?

Defending the administration’s plan to eliminate the state and local tax
deduction, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=774592298d&e=f4e1fef671> told
CNBC Thursday morning that “We can't have the federal government continue
to subsidize the states” — a remarkably broad rejection of how the federal
government is funded and operates. When asked by about the subsidies
wealthier states like New York and California have long provided to less
wealthy states — New York gets 56 cents back
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=c68bfc511a&e=f4e1fef671> in
federal spending for every dollar it pays in federal taxes, according to
WalletHub, while South Carolina gets $3.07 for every dollar it pays —
Mnuchin simply said that “a lot of rich people live in New York and
California and they pay higher taxes.”

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Veterans Day is the occasion to honor those who signed a blank check to
America. The action to the words “Thank You for your Service” is rucking
around your city, learning about Veterans, and performing a Service Action
in your community.

To Support the Troops is great, but would you like to share time under a
log with them? Hear tales of service, and sacrifice? Learn leadership from
some of our nation’s best? It may be tough, but that’s why it’s worthwhile.




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How the Secret of Concrete Was Found, Lost, and Found Again

How limestone, rocks, and volcanic ash allowed humanity to build the modern

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Russia Won't Tell NASA What It's Sending to the ISS

Russia is sending up an experiment and NASA doesn't know what it is.

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9 Simple Steps to Make the Most Useful Shelf Ever

Finally, a smarter way to store your stuff.

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Six Steps To Ensure That Your Car Doesn't Smell Like Garbage

Your old car stinks? Like, literally? Here's how to make it smell fresh.

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The Gift Guide for the Sophisticated Geek

Buying a thoughtful geek gift for a friend can be tough—these 15 ideas will

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Iconic Apollo Moon Photos To Be Auctioned Off

Many bear original NASA marks, captions and identifying numbers.
Individually, the images are worth anywhere from $300 to $9,000, according
to the auction house.

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*[BREAKING] Never drink tap water... here's why

*Mom Refuses To Vaccinate Son, Loses Primary Custody

*Can Employers Require the Flu Shot? Many Do

*Lady Gaga Drops F-Bomb; Science Says Her 'Condition' May Be Mental*

Lady Gaga – whose livelihood and stardom revolve around bizarre,
attention-getting theatrics – insists that her apparent medical condition
and profane rant are not just another effort to gain notoriety.

New research suggests that fibromyalgia pain – the condition Gaga blames
for her recent hospitalization – is psychosomatic.
Is it true that her actual condition is a need for constant attention? The
recent Netflix documentary may shed light on that question.

"Like I don't know what I'd f*cking do if I didn't have everybody here to
help me," she moans while writhing in apparent agony in a recent
Dear Reader,

I was just sent this controversial video about a man named Gene, who
stopped drinking tap water over a year ago.

Now, all he drinks is this kind of water
<http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86050%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=oe1hOpBwmQx%2f7luSEovHLw&sysid=1> and
he says he's aging in reverse!

*"I had an almost immediate relief of pain in my legs, from lactic acid
build up. I couldn't believe it.*

*Before, I was suffering with aches and pains without knowing why, but
within 8 hours I was almost pain free.*

*My skin looks better, I'm sleeping more soundly, and my wife is, too.*

*I am telling everyone I know about this

All because of this special water

Click here to see what it is

Jack Taylor Department of Research, Turapür Products

PS: Gene is not the only one. Over 12,034 people have tried this new kind
of water, and what some are saying about it is incredible (and kind of
weird!). Click here to discover more
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Oct 12 (2 days ago)
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What Washington's Talking About

*Was the Weinstein NYT Article a Leak to Mitigate Damage?*

“Harvey definitely is a very sick individual. But he’s also quite savvy in
covering up his misdeeds, so he is likely not wrong here. It would be Bob’s
leaking the file that plausibly explains why two similar stories about
Harvey dropped nearly simultaneously: The first article, the Times story,
would seem to be part of Bob’s campaign to limit the damage that Farrow’s
piece was certain to cause—or even pre-empt it. Read the Times story again.
Viewed through this lens it looks like a sanitized info dump, a PG-rated
version of Farrow’s piece, absent all of the most sickening details
and—most importantly—criminal accusations.” [Lee Smith, Weekly Standard

Weinstein and Our Culture of Enablers [Bret Stephens, New York Times

*Damaged Brands*

The N.F.L. Is Now One of the Most Divisive Brands in the U.S. [Kevin
Quealy, New York Times

Pro sports teams were once reliable patrons of Trump’s hotels. Not anymore.
[Tim Bontemps and David A. Fahrenthold, Washington Post

News Politics
*Labor Unions Urge Lawmakers to End NAFTA*
By Connor D. Wolf

Labor unions took to social media and Capitol Hill Wednesday to demand that
lawmakers end a free trade agreement which critics claim has hurt domestic


News Energy
*Gone With the Wind: Report Finds Minnesota’s Wind Energy Policies Did
Little to Reduce Prices, Emissions*
By Erin Mundahl

A new study from the Center of the American Experiment aims to answer this
question, taking a close look at how aggressive clean energy policies have
cost Minnesotans billions of dollars without delivering on environmental
protection goals.

"Baseball is ninety percent mental. The other half is physical."
*Yogi Berra*

[IS] Opinions Energy
*Electric Auto Mandates and the ‘Fatal Conceit’*
By Bruce Yandle

In an all-out effort to clear urban air of serious and deadly auto
emissions, China announced that by 2025 only electric automobiles will be
produced and sold in the country. Going a step further, the Chinese
government will also require all new electric cars to use Chinese-produced


[IS] Opinions Politics
*America’s Game Needlessly Bogged Down by Taxpayer Subsidies*
By Ross Marchand

As outraged sentiments fling back and forth, talking heads and elected
officials continue to nitpick while ignoring far larger issues. At a time
when NFL minutiae is bound to be endlessly scrutinized and politicized,
taxpayers are footing an enormous bill toward NFL teams.


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[image: Task & Purpose Today]
The Army’s Next Body Armor May Get Stronger The Harder It’s Hit

Army Rolls Out New Field Manual Focused On US Adversaries’ Evolving

It’s A ‘Floating Prison’: USS Shiloh Sailor Surveys Reveal A Totally
Demoralized Crew

Mattis: It’s ‘Absolutely False’ Trump Demanded More Nukes

Fallen Soldier’s Downrange Comrades Reveal His Baby’s Gender In Touching

Oshkosh Unveils Joint Light Tactical Vehicle With Lethal New Missile Upgrade

VA Paid Millions In Settlements To Problem Employees, According To Scathing
USA Today Report

Veterans In Puerto Rico Say Resources Not Reaching Most Vulnerable Towns

World War II Navajo Code Talker David E Patterson Sr Dies At 94

Here’s How Marine Corps Drill Instructors Prevent ‘Frog Voice’

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Accident or Not, Google's Eavesdropping Mistake Is Terrifying

A Google Home Mini "accidentally" listened to a tech reporter 24/7. That it
was a mistake only makes it worse.

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Accident or Not, Google's Eavesdropping Mistake Is Terrifying] [image:
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Aerojet Rocketdyne to Build Zero-to-Mach-6 Engine

The turbine-based combined cycle engine will combine elements of a turbojet
for low speeds and a dual-mode ramjet and scramjet from supersonic and
hypersonic flight.

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Aerojet Rocketdyne to Build Zero-to-Mach-6 Engine] [image: Share on Twitter]
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Aerojet Rocketdyne to Build Zero-to-Mach-6 Engine] [image: Share on


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Here's the USS McCain Being Loaded onto an Enormous Ship That Ships Ships

The damaged destroyer is traveling from Singapore to Japan for repairs.

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Here's the USS McCain Being Loaded onto an Enormous Ship That Ships Ships] [image:
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Here's the USS McCain Being Loaded onto an Enormous Ship That Ships Ships] [image:
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US Army Tanks to Get Active Protection Systems by 2020

The Israeli-made Trophy system is headed to the M1 Abrams.

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US Army Tanks to Get Active Protection Systems by 2020] [image: Share on
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US Army Tanks to Get Active Protection Systems by 2020] [image: Share on


[image: Popular Mechanics]

North Korea Hacked South Korea's War Plan

The reported hacking attack by the North would be a major blow for South
Korea at a time when its relations with rival North Korea are at a low

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North Korea Hacked South Korea's War Plan] [image: Share on Twitter]
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North Korea Hacked South Korea's War Plan] [image: Share on Pinterest]




[image: Popular Mechanics]

There's Enough Wind Over the Ocean To Power All of Civilization

...but we shouldn't try to do that.

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Oct 12 (2 days ago)
to me
Judge denies bail for Air Force vet accused of leaking US secrets

A federal judge says her release would pose a "risk to national security." *By
Eric Milzarski...**Read More*
One of the last Navajo code talkers has died

Congressional Silver Medal recipient and Code Talker David Patterson, Sr
passed away Oct. 8. He was one of the last remaining Navajo Code Talkers. *By
WATM Partners*...*Read More*
This Marine veteran 'borrowed' a truck and drove dozens to hospital during
Las Vegas shooting

Marine veteran Taylor Winston was in the crowd during the Las Vegas
shootings. He knew victims needed to get to a hospital right away. *By WATM
Partners*...*Read More*
*The military superpower veterans have but sometimes fail to use*
6 times war movies totally altered reality

A film can make us revisit forgotten heroes. And sometimes those films are
so good, we want to make them a reality. So we do. . *By Blake Stilwell*...*Read
Watch this guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns get stabbed and carry on

A Tomb Guard Sentinel was stabbed in the foot by a bayonet mishap. Without
any break in bearing and discipline, he carries on with The Old Guard
mission. *By Blake Stilwell*...*Read More*
This is what happens when an Army Ranger goes through Navy SEAL training

Navy SEALs and Army Rangers — which selection program applied the most pain
to its candidates? *By WATM Partners*...*Read More*

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Oct 12 (2 days ago)
to me
By Yuval Rosenberg and Michael Rainey
Why the Trump Tax Cut May Not Create Many New Jobs

Job creation is a big part of the Republican pitch on tax reform. But there
are plenty
of reasons
to be skeptical
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=c9de61461c&e=f4e1fef671> about
whether the GOP tax plan, in its current form, can deliver on its jobs

Last week, Josh Bivens and Hunter Blair of the liberal Economic Policy
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=24d7fa2694&e=f4e1fef671> took
aim at the claim that corporate tax cuts will lead to more jobs, writing
that “Corporate tax cuts are about the worst fiscal tool we have for
boosting job growth.” And on Wednesday, Scott Greenberg of the conservative Tax
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=f82c900310&e=f4e1fef671> questioned
whether the GOP plan to encourage U.S. corporations to repatriate profits
held overseas would boost the economy and thus create more jobs, tweeting,
"everyone should be skeptical of claims that repatriation of foreign-source
income would lead to growth.”

The problem in this case is the structure of the proposed tax cuts, which
are focused on the wealthy
According to most economists, tax cuts for top earners and corporations do
little to promote job growth. An analysis by a University of Chicago
economist published by the National Bureau of Economic Research
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=a3675b6043&e=f4e1fef671> found
that “the positive relationship between tax cuts and employment growth is
largely driven by tax cuts for lower-income groups, and that the effect of
tax cuts for the top 10% on employment growth is small.”

The basic question is simple: What will U.S. corporations do with the money
they save from tax cuts?

Reuters tried to find out by contacting 150 small- and medium-sized
companies. Of the 17 that responded, none were planning on hiring more
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=3e870c4446&e=f4e1fef671> in
the event of a tax windfall. Instead, businesses are focused on acquiring
technology to boost productivity and possibly making acquisitions within
their industries. Other options for the money include share buybacks and
boosting advertising and marketing budgets. Thomas Castellano, the
treasurer of the $5 billion drug delivery firm Catalent Inc. said, “We
wouldn’t be adding to our headcount because that would affect our margins
at a time when we would otherwise see them improving.”

The possibility that a tax cut could boost spending on automation isn’t
going unnoticed on Wall Street. A separate Reuters piece last week said
that fund managers expect the current rally in automation stocks
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=395e62d10b&e=f4e1fef671> to
continue since “companies will use part of their tax savings to invest in
high-cost machines that will allow them to reduce labor costs over time.”
McConnell to Dems: ‘Forget About Trump’ and Join Tax Reform Push

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is making a public plea for
Democrats to join the GOP push for tax reform — and painting their
opposition to the framework released two weeks ago as more about resistance
to President Trump than ideological disagreement over the shape of the tax

“Here in the Senate, the need for tax reform is loudly supported by
Democrats — or at least it was, until the last election,” McConnell writes
in a Wednesday op-ed at NBC News
“Now, Democrats are under pressure from the left to oppose just about
everything President Donald Trump touches — even ideas they themselves used
to promote.”

McConnell argues that tax reform “is not about cutting tax for some fat
cat” and counters criticisms that the existing blueprint would
disproportionately benefit the wealthy by arguing that Democrats are
“predetermining the details of a final tax bill that has not yet been

In August, all but three Senate Democrats signed a letter
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=f3eb1caf89&e=f4e1fef671> to
Trump, McConnell and Sen Orrin Hatch, chair of the Senate Finance
Committee, saying they wanted any tax legislation to go through regular
order, meaning a bipartisan committee process, rather than the fast-track
path Republicans have chosen to be able to pass a bill with a simple
majority. The Democrats also insist that they will not support any plan
that cuts taxes on the top 1 percent of earners or that increases the
Quote of the Day

Via The Washington Post
*Fiscal Flashes*

*Cut Taxes for the Wealthy? Most Americans Say Raise Them:* According to a
new Reuters/Ipsos poll, 53 percent of respondents “strongly agree” that tax
rates should be higher
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=2dc8bb8476&e=f4e1fef671> for
the wealthiest among us, while 23 percent “somewhat agree.” The numbers
point to a potential problem for Republicans as they push a tax plan that
many critics say is tilted toward the wealthy
The poll of 1,504 adults was conducted from September 29 to October 5.

*Lessons from the 1964 Tax Cut?* Lawrence Lindsey, director of the National
Economic Council under President George W. Bush, writes in an op-ed that
the GOP tax plan would accelerate growth to about 3.2 percent for three to
five years and leave longer-term growth at around 2.5 percent, assuming
boosts to capital formation and productivity. Lindsey claims most of the
added growth would benefit workers in the form of higher wages: “When a
supply-side tax bill like this is passed at a time of full employment,
labor’s share of the economic pie expands rapidly. That happened after the
passage of the 1964 bill, and it will happen again if the current tax
reform becomes law.” (Wall Street Journal

*“Deficits Will Explode Without Faster Growth”: *The CBO reported on Friday
that the budget deficit for fiscal 2017 grew to $668 billion, or 3.5
percent of GDP. “But here’s the bigger story: Spending rose only 3% overall
for the year,” The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board writes, but
federal revenues only rose by 1% as the economy grew slowly. This is why
tax reform that spurs growth is so important, the authors write. “If growth
reaches 3% for even a few years the Treasury will get a windfall of new
revenue far exceeding current estimates. Entitlement reform will still be
important to controlling deficits, but without faster growth there is zero
chance.” (Wall Street Journal
What We're Reading

- *Trump Officials Blast IMF for Discounting Impact of Tax Cuts
- *Chance of GOP Failure on Reagan-Like Tax Reform '100 Percent,' Says
Former Obama Advisor
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=d7906dc258&e=f4e1fef671> –
- *Tax Reform Should Begin with This Deduction
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=d540fdc690&e=f4e1fef671> –
Des Moines Register*
- *The State and Local Tax Deduction Should Be on the Table
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=e111860a85&e=f4e1fef671> –
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget*
- *Puerto Rico, Trump and Taxes
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=ba4732ecfc&e=f4e1fef671> –
Paul Krugman, The New York Times*
- *Cruz, Sanders to Debate Trump's Tax Reform Plan Next Week
The Hill*
- *Puerto Rico Relief Bill Cancels $16 Billion in Debt — But Not for
Puerto Rico
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=06d3e140fa&e=f4e1fef671> –
David Dayen, The Intercept*
- *Child Tax Credit in the ‘Big Six’ Framework: A Lot Less Than Meets
the Eye
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=26ed2f102a&e=f4e1fef671> –
Tax Policy Center*
- *Republicans' Tax Reform Obsession Is Costing Us a Functioning
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=3ec40a0def&e=f4e1fef671> –
- *How the 2018 Budget Resolution Process May Impact You and Your
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=16196cafd2&e=f4e1fef671> –
Federal News Radio*
- *Congress Must Wait for, and Heed, Tax Plan Score from CBO and JCT
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=9a7436e7fa&e=f4e1fef671> –
Ryan Alexander, U.S. News*
- *Don’t Follow Our Lead on Tax Cuts, Kansas Republicans Say
The Atlantic*
- *Kansas Tried a Tax Plan Similar to Trump’s. It Failed.
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=6d1ec68d5f&e=f4e1fef671> –
New York Times*
- *Jamie Dimon Says Time to ‘Get It Done’ on Modernizing U.S. Tax Code
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=035ecf6765&e=f4e1fef671> –
- *Story of Louisiana Road, Bridge Problems: Millions in Budget but
Billions in Backlog
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=4cff8699bb&e=f4e1fef671> –
The Advocate*

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Oct 12 (2 days ago)
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BBMC aims to honor a lucky active service, veteran, or military spouse by
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mortgage payment for a year? Buy a new car? Take a vacation? Save for

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On Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 9:14:30 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:
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> 4:02 AM (5 hours ago)
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> to me
> Using tools found in your garage, you can build and own an untraceable
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> .....................................
> 9:00 AM (7 minutes ago)
> Reply
> to me
> You may not know this, but Trump recently scored a major victory, a
> "touchdown" if you will, and news networks like CNN, MSNBC hate it!
> Here are the details
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4742282/742230930/_de9b72ebac19533562dfb7c797d03f4d7c7aeeb3/c18ae8c88e68e45aa9c51a834bf09b55c3014e6f>
> :
> Over the past few weeks, as Trump's waged a war of words with King Jong
> Un, he managed to prove North Korea is one of the biggest threats to
> humanity.
> But this isn't what you think it is.
> While the liberal media rolled their eyes at Trump, he kept insisting how
> dangerous North Korea was.
> Soon North Korea started shooting missiles over Japan and sent a captured
> American citizen back to us blind, deaf and mute.
> So people started believing him a little bit more.
> All the while one of the most disturbing stories out of North Korea
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4742282/742230930/_de9b72ebac19533562dfb7c797d03f4d7c7aeeb3/c18ae8c88e68e45aa9c51a834bf09b55c3014e6f> was
> developing.
> *Now it's out*. And it proves Trump is spot-on regarding how vile the
> North Korean government truly is. They truly are.
> The weird thing about this story
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4742282/742230930/_de9b72ebac19533562dfb7c797d03f4d7c7aeeb3/c18ae8c88e68e45aa9c51a834bf09b55c3014e6f>
> ?
> It has nothing to do with Kim Jong Un's nuclear arsenal.
> *It's much worse. *
> And while the Trump White House probably knows more than I do, when you
> see what the government in the hermit kingdom
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4742282/742230930/_de9b72ebac19533562dfb7c797d03f4d7c7aeeb3/c18ae8c88e68e45aa9c51a834bf09b55c3014e6f> decided
> to do, you'll see how seriously it can affect the population of the entire
> world.
> Look, the possibility of a North Korean nuclear attack is something to be
> worried about and prepare for.
> But seeing this story showing you what North Korea's government did won't
> just convince you they're committed to watching people die agonizing
> deaths.
> *It may save your life*.
> Trump's absolutely right about the danger of North Korea... and this
> proves it
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4742282/742230930/_de9b72ebac19533562dfb7c797d03f4d7c7aeeb3/c18ae8c88e68e45aa9c51a834bf09b55c3014e6f>
> !
> ~ David Adams
> Preparing Made Easy
> P.S. This secret needs to go Big Time! Once you see it, share it far and
> wide
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4742282/742230930/_de9b72ebac19533562dfb7c797d03f4d7c7aeeb3/c18ae8c88e68e45aa9c51a834bf09b55c3014e6f>
> .
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> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86840%7c8955441%7c8787218&digest=liq3XXw%2fmkAv41sYovwDHg&sysid=1>*
> *NFL Sponsors Silent on Players' Disrespect of Flag, Anthem
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> ------------------------------
> Dear Reader,
> *What I'm about to show you could have a huge impact on your life
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86842%7c8955441%7c8787218&digest=S8JKbCCk6uQdSp9phztkwg&sysid=1>.*
> America's #2 at the Federal Reserve just suddenly resigned.
> I predicted this five months ago. And it could have massive implications
> for your wealth over the coming weeks...
> The "fake news" said he resigned for "personal reasons"...
> But the truth is far more important and urgent.
> In short, with this money bureaucrat out of the way…
> *Donald Trump now has a clear path to institute a major change to
> America's money
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86843%7c8955441%7c8787218&digest=ZnNKuZ3GGOK9YC4UGhI1gA&sysid=1>.*
> More importantly, Trump's the FIRST president with the opportunity to do
> it since 1913.
> This could be the biggest dollar earthquake in 100 years.
> And it could all happen as soon as three months from now.
> *Click here now for everything I see coming
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86844%7c8955441%7c8787218&digest=nmQDNVTqdc%2b8hL1ozuwZ7w&sysid=1>.*
> Regards,
> Joe Schriefer
> Publisher, Agora Financial
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> Dear Reader,
> By simply eating *this sweet snack*
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86838%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=1h%2bkFpm23B0VayeIUo8LsQ&sysid=1> 30-minutes
> before bed, you can reverse Alzheimer's disease...
> *Think that's impossible?*
> Then listen to this...
> Recently, one Harvard-recognized doctor revealed how this food
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86839%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=Jkq3NmswWKMvEqErFPOXCw&sysid=1> helps
> dissolve deadly brain plaque while you sleep...
> Results were so powerful, medical experts are finally whispering the word "
> *CURE*."
> If you ever worry that your memory is getting worse... or if a loved one
> is suffering with Alzheimer's or dementia... this 1 food
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86830%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=ztPJHxumS8dB2O%2f7ahXM2w&sysid=1> could
> be a life-saver.
> Click here now to discover this Alzheimer's-reversing food...
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86831%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=29KX1FB6gzgNIg3PsRb97w&sysid=1>
> Christine O'Brien
> *Nutrition & Healing*
> P.S. This pre-bed "recipe"
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86832%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=H4In%2finasB3wIikHe7mDYQ&sysid=1> is
> perfectly simple to make... but you have to know the right way to prepare
> it. You'll get everything you need in this short video. Click here now
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86833%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=aTS%2brMoMpGtNCW%2bVBzZ63g&sysid=1>
> .
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> You should always consult with your personal physician regarding any
> personal health problem. FDA DISCLOSURE: The statements, articles, and
> products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
> Administration. No information or products appearing on this email are
> intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. MATERIAL
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> relationship and/or another material connection to any persons or
> businesses mentioned in or linked to from this email and may receive
> commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not
> rely solely on information contained on this email to evaluate the product
> or service being offered. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing
> any product or service.
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> (The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)
> Dear Reader,
> There are many foods that we should be avoiding in order to stay healthy
> and look our best. Being healthy and looking good is a big priority for
> many of us.
> The problem is that there are *3 harmful foods in particular*, one of
> which has been banned in many countries, yet still legal here in the U.S.
> These foods may cause us to gain weight and may actually be harming you
> from the inside. These foods could be the cause of why you are not losing
> weight, no matter what you have tried - diet, exercise, ect.
> These foods are in many Americans' homes and you are most likely consuming
> them every day.
> If you ever feel like you are tired and fatigued from your workouts, or
> daily life routines, the culprit might be these foods that you are
> consuming. These foods may affect your everyday life by literally sucking
> the energy from you.
> Some of these foods have been disguised as “health foods.” These foods
> could be causing what is called "gut yeast" to be growing inside of your
> stomach.
> The truth about these foods is that they may be harming you from the
> inside.
> Some doctors are even calling these 3 things “health killers.” These are
> foods that you should stop eating right now!
> Please click here now
> <http://em.patriotpowerednews.com/ga/click/2-495164215-2356-259944-535233-3697970-2db3afd036-785bc32b63> to
> find out more about these potentially dangerous foods and why you should
> stop eating them.
> There is one food addtitive in particular which may be extremely harmful
> to your health and is banned in almost every first world country except
> here in the U.S.
> The problem is that many food manufacturers market some of these foods as
> “health foods” and you may be thinking that you are eating healthy, but in
> reality, you may not be. This may be the furthest from the truth. Please
> watch this shocking presentation here.
> <http://em.patriotpowerednews.com/ga/click/2-495164215-2356-259944-535233-3697970-2db3afd036-785bc32b63>
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> Dear Reader,
> Big Pharma is on the cusp of annihilation.
> The dominance of behemoth pharmaceutical companies is about to come to an
> abrupt halt.
> You see, while thousands of biotech companies have been shooting for
> billion-dollar drugs … vaccinations … and medical devices …
> An innovative Midwestern firm has taken a much different route.
> It is reinventing healthcare from the nucleus up … and will soon dominate
> this $1.7 trillion industry.
> [image: Image]
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86898%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=xIvxc2nmJ4%2bHIB9PmR4dNg&sysid=1>
> This tiny biotech stock is poised to annihilate big pharma.
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86899%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=%2fDRmt6oDudIJYNavVysR9g&sysid=1>
> The dean of Stanford's School of Medicine says: *"The opportunities are
> enormous"* … vice chair at Duke University's Department of Surgery
> declares this is *"changing the game"* … and a University of Pennsylvania
> Wharton School of Business study calls this breakthrough *"a
> revolutionary approach to tackling disease."*
> And early investors will have the opportunity to make an absolute fortune.
> *Full details are here...*
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86890%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=OLblEWfmSWcEqz6e2SmM3w&sysid=1>
> Jeff Yastine
> Editorial Director, Banyan Hill Publishing
> The information presented here is for general educational purposes only.
> You should always consult with your personal physician regarding any
> personal health problem. FDA DISCLOSURE: The statements, articles, and
> products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
> Administration. No information or products appearing on this email are
> intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. MATERIAL
> CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: HeadlineHealth.com may have an affiliate
> relationship and/or another material connection to any persons or
> businesses mentioned in or linked to from this email and may receive
> commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not
> rely solely on information contained on this email to evaluate the product
> or service being offered. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing
> any product or service.
> Headline Health
> PO Box 49043
> Charlotte, NC 28277
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> Oct 9 (2 days ago)
> Reply
> to me
> I wanted to thank you for viewing our presentation, *“The Death of the
> iPhone.”* and for considering your risk-free trial to our investment
> research letter, *Technology and Opportunity*.
> In this presentation, I revealed a company so remarkable that its stock
> could make a new generation of millionaires.
> *Our records indicate you disconnected before making your way through.*
> For your review, I'm including a link to the video presentation
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/17fc582b288dce52678a4554179-6cfcebc43916b4e058e3f3b24fc> as
> well as to the written transcript.
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/17fc582b288dce52678a4554179-23661457a9fb4314da751ca1c3b> If
> you have not had the chance to review these in full, I highly recommend you
> do so now.
> *In case you were still on the fence about our offer, I wanted to take
> this opportunity and reaffirm just how critical this stock opportunity
> we're presenting is....*
> In the presentation, I disclosed details about a groundbreaking technology
> with the potential to make investors millions….
> In fact, this technology is so powerful, it could destroy the iPhone and
> topple Apple’s $750 billion technology empire.
> I believe investors could see gains of 6,400%
> *It’s because of this technology's dynamic potential that I have dubbed
> the $7 firm producing it “The iPhone Killer.”*
> Today smartphones are everywhere, but they won’t be for long.
> Tech visionaries predict that the age of smart phones is coming to an end.
> Even Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg is on the bandwagon.
> *Zuckerberg has gone so far as to praise the technology behind the “iPhone
> Killer” as the “the obvious next step” in the smartphone industry.*
> *As I write this, multiple tech giants are using the unique components
> produced by the “iPhone Killer” to build their own products.*
> Those companies include Google, Microsoft, and Facebook.
> Without its components, these tech giants would struggle to get their
> technology off the ground. *This makes the “iPhone Killer” company I've
> been telling you about essential to one of the greatest technology shifts
> in human history.*
> For investors, it presents a unique opportunity.
> In the world of technology investing, history proves one thing: The best
> way to make money is to invest in the small companies producing technology
> for big players.
> Just take a look at the early computer industry.
> In the 1990’s, investors who bought stock in companies fueling the
> personal computer industry made millions.
> *Early investors of Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) saw 67,272% gains. And early
> investors of QUALCOMM (NASDAQ: QCOM) saw 13,930% gains.*
> *Now the "iPhone Killer" is offering modern day investors the same
> groundbreaking opportunity.*
> But the window to invest is closing.
> Because of this investment's time-sensitive nature, I want to get you
> started right away.
> That is why I put together a free report, *“The Next Intel: Banking up to
> 6,400% from the Death of the iPhone.”*
> You can claim your report here.
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/17fc582b288dce52678a4554179-7a136d0c8f40e7b9b2a8f993c95>
> As soon as you receive your report, you will get the ticker symbol and
> name of the “iPhone Killer” company.
> This will allow you to start capitalizing on this groundbreaking
> investment right away.
> But the clock is ticking, so I urge you to get started immediately.
> To your wealth,
> [image: Stutman sig]
> Jason Stutman
> Investment Director, *Technology and Opportunity*
> ------------------------------
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> Market Place #720, Baltimore, MD 21202. For Customer Service, please call
> (877) 303-4529. All rights reserved. No statement or expression of opinion,
> or any other matter herein, directly or indirectly, is an offer or the
> solicitation of an offer to buy or sell the securities or financial
> instruments mentioned. While we believe the sources of information to be
> reliable, we in no way represent or guarantee the accuracy of the
> statements made herein. Angel Publishing and Technology and Opportunity
> does not provide individual investment counseling, act as an investment
> advisor, or individually advocate the purchase or sale of any security or
> investment. The publisher, editors and consultants of Angel Publishing may
> actively trade in the investments discussed in this newsletter. They may
> have substantial positions in the securities recommended and may increase
> or decrease such positions without notice. Neither the publisher nor the
> editors are registered investment advisors. Subscribers should not view
> this publication as offering personalized legal or investment counseling.
> Investments recommended in this publication should be made only after
> consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the
> prospectus or financial statements of the company in question. Unauthorized
> reproduction of this newsletter or its contents by Xerography, facsimile,
> or any other means is illegal and punishable by law.
> ...........................................................................................-=
> Oct 9 (2 days ago)
> Reply
> to me
> Good day to you,
> I want to thank you for your interest in my investment presentation about
> "Internet Royalties."
> Quite simply, this is among the most powerful — and most reliable — ways
> to generate steady cash income that I've ever seen. I know of people who
> are making as much as $4,898 a month from "Internet Royalties."
> My records show that you disconnected before you finished learning about
> "Internet Roylaties."
> If you're not interested in setting up a reliable, growing income stream,
> that's fine. But I want you to know that the time to start collecting
> "Internet Royalties" is now. Because the payouts will only get bigger...
> Now, I've included a written version of the presentation for you HERE
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/b6f8df42cebbba9550be7feb76d-6cb4243d3d77cbaf3ad1875c825> —
> in case you'd like to review it.
> However, I think I can sum it up pretty quickly for you, if you'd like.
> You see, as you probably know already, more and more business gets done on
> the internet every day. Amazon alone did $142 billion in sales over the
> last year. Total U.S. internet sales were up 15% to $394 billion. Over the
> next couple of years, U.S. internet sales will hit $523 billion.
> Those numbers are simply astounding. And with "Internet Royalties," you
> can get a piece of all that revenue.
> How is it possible to to get a steady and reliable income stream from
> companies that do business on the internet, you ask? It's simple...
> Just like you and me, the vast majority of companies that want to do
> business over the internet have to pay for access. It's kind of like an
> access fee. And because of tax law loopholes, a large portion of these
> access fees must be paid out as "Internet Royalties."
> It's not like the internet is just going to disappear. So, you can count
> on "Internet Royalties" for years to come.
> In fact, the internet is just going to get bigger and bigger. And that's
> why "Internet Royalty" payments will continue to grow, year after year.
> But of course, you can't get paid if you don't get started.
> So, what's keeping you from getting started right away? If it's the video
> presentation
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/b6f8df42cebbba9550be7feb76d-88cffd1c0da4c9e2530c3759f7b>,
> then check out the written version above.
> If you'd rather get right to it, HERE's
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/b6f8df42cebbba9550be7feb76d-03a26e7d27d879d6a0ab3b04117> an
> order page (and don't worry, you'll be pleasantly surprised by the price
> and the money-back guarantee).
> It's my job to make sure that every investor knows about life-changing
> income opportunities like "Internet Royalties." I've done that — the rest
> is up to you. Come on board today.
> To your wealth,
> [image: brits-sig-small]
> Briton L. Ryle
> Investment Director,
> * The Wealth Advisory*
> ------------------------------
> Do you no longer want to receive messages like these? You may opt-out here
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/b6f8df42cebbba9550be7feb76d-017847632b1005434af906161c8>
> .
> The Wealth Advisory, Copyright © 2017, Angel Publishing, LLC., 111 Market
> Place #720, Baltimore, MD 21202. For Customer Service, please call (877)
> 303-4529. All rights reserved. No statement or expression of opinion, or
> any other matter herein, directly or indirectly, is an offer or the
> solicitation of an offer to buy or sell the securities or financial
> instruments mentioned. While we believe the sources of information to be
> reliable, we in no way represent or guarantee the accuracy of the
> statements made herein. Angel Publishing and The Wealth Advisory does not
> provide individual investment counseling, act as an investment advisor, or
> individually advocate the purchase or sale of any security or investment.
> The publisher, editors and consultants of Angel Publishing may actively
> trade in the investments discussed in this newsletter. They may have
> substantial positions in the securities recommended and may increase or
> decrease such positions without notice. Neither the publisher nor the
> editors are registered investment advisors. Subscribers should not view
> this publication as offering personalized legal or investment counseling.
> Investments recommended in this publication should be made only after
> consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the
> prospectus or financial statements of the company in question. Unauthorized
> reproduction of this newsletter or its contents by Xerography, facsimile,
> or any other means is illegal and punishable by law.
> ..............................................................
> Oct 9 (2 days ago)
> Reply
> to me
> Thank you for taking the time to watch my *"Bitcoin Printing Press"*
> presentation.
> For your review, I'm including a link to the video presentation
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/0d3414462c2048664aed004522f-b293906e4084670bcd967c40aea> and
> also one to the written transcript.
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/0d3414462c2048664aed004522f-085fe759edc9eca6b3e12ac61bb> If
> you haven't had the chance to review these in full, I highly recommend that
> you do so now.
> As I've explained, even if Bitcoin is a fad...
> Even if it's destined to crash...
> Even if you never hear about Bitcoin again...
> The technology behind these digital currencies has explosive growth
> potential.
> Here's something that I really couldn't put into my presentation. It
> simply wouldn't fit...
> I mentioned that the world's largest financial institutions and central
> banks, including the U.S. Federal Reserve, are rapidly integrating digital
> currency technologies into their own systems.
> It's not about Bitcoin.
> It's about the technology behind Bitcoin.
> And this technology is going to need those very special ASIC chips that we
> talked about. There's no way around it.
> And the stock that I want to tell you about is the main manufacturer of
> these special ASIC chips!
> That's why I'm urging you to reconsider.
> Ultimately, you have nothing to lose.
> If you receive my report and aren't happy, simply call for a full refund.
> You'll be able to keep the report as my gift. We're not going to come take
> it away from you.
> I'm taking all the risks here.
> But I'm sure you'll find that once you start making money with *Secret
> Stock Files*, you won't look back.
> Simply click on this link to get started.
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/0d3414462c2048664aed004522f-043e6f33b01752c12241f1c9819>
> To your wealth,
> [image: Luke Burgess Signature]
> Luke Burgess
> Investment Director, *Secret Stock Files*
> *.............................................................*
> Oct 8 (3 days ago)
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> (The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)
> We Have Your Free Book on Hold…
> Dear Reader,
> Jim Rickards here.
> If you haven’t heard, I’ve just released a new book called*The Big Drop.
> <http://wjkw.dmsgs-esp-customer.com/t/12789702/521808036/322904931/2004/> *It
> wasn’t a book I was intending to write. But it warns of a few critical
> dangers that every American should begin preparing for right now.
> Here’s the catch -- this book is not available for sale. Not anywhere in
> the world. Not online through Amazon. And not in any brick-and-mortar
> bookstore.
> Instead, I’m on a nationwide campaign to spread the book far and wide...
> for FREE. Because every American deserves to know the truth about the
> imminent dangers facing their wealth.
> That’s why I’ve gone ahead and reserved a free copy of my new book in your
> name. It’s on hold, waiting for your response. I just need your permission
> (and a valid U.S. postal address) to drop it in the mail.
> *Click here to fill out your address and contact info.*
> <http://wjkw.dmsgs-esp-customer.com/t/12789702/521808036/322904931/3002/> If
> you accept the terms, the book will arrive at your doorstep in just a week
> or two.
> Thanks for your time,
> Jim Rickards
> P.S. Even if you don’t want the book, *please take a look here*
> <http://wjkw.dmsgs-esp-customer.com/t/12789702/521808036/322904931/4001/> and
> write back to me to let me know why you’re denying this free offer. That
> way, I’ll take your copy off hold and send this note to someone else. But
> when you see all the bonuses I’ve included, I know you’ll want to claim
> your package right away.
> <http://wjkw.dmsgs-esp-customer.com/t/12789702/521808036/322904931/4002/>
> <http://wjkw.dmsgs-esp-customer.com/t/12789702/521808036/322904931/4003/>
> ------------------------------
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> should assume that all references to products and services on this website
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> Patriot Publications
> P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153
> ..........................................................................................
> Oct 8 (3 days ago)
> Reply
> to me
> Oct 8 (3 days ago)
> Reply
> to me
> Dear reader,
> Thank you for reviewing my *"Bigger Than Bitcoin"* briefing.
> For your convenience, I’ve included a link to the full text-only
> transcript here and below.
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/3a023eb38bfa60a183a4bf51d85-46e9df60b58f07d33303d627087>
> Trust me when I tell you that, as I was doing this research, my first
> response to my own conclusions was shock and skepticism.
> But then I sat down and read through the details about how big the
> opportunities are in cryptocurrencies, how much money investors made, and
> also how major corporations and the worlds richest men are embracing it.
> And it’s truly one of the most effective and memorable pieces of analysis
> I’ve ever seen.
> Cryptocurrencies are changing finance as we know it. It’s a true paradigm
> shift.
> Banks, businesses, online marketplaces are all starting to accept them as
> payment.
> But for as much money as people have made from investing in them, this is
> only the beginning.
> Now that the second wave of cryptocurrencies is upon us, new opportunities
> for minting millions have arisen:
> - *Ethereum — 4,000%*
> - *Dash — 2,500%*
> - *Ripple — 1,691%*
> - *Litecoin — 1,200%*
> - *Nexus — 7,500%*
> And now there are two young cryptocurrencies that have pinged on our radar.
> These brand-new revolutionary currencies could hand you gains rivaling
> that of Bitcoin!
> But don’t wait too long — they could spike overnight!
> Just click here to get your free report.
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/3a023eb38bfa60a183a4bf51d85-b6e14df442d6873567e9e1951b1>
> And if you have any specific questions about this opportunity, please
> don’t hesitate to call our customer service line (toll-free) at
> 1-877-303-4529, Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
> Just be sure to get started today!
> To your wealth,
> [image: Alex Koyfman Signature]
> Alex Koyfman
> Investment Director,
> *Penny Stock Millionaire*
> Out of the 100s of tools we carry, only 1 has a mandatory safety on it. You
> can see it here
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4705979/742230930/_e9c52a921db2651546160bd3954c5e3903f302c6/4c857c3fdd18689dcad04efebe8223825baeff98>
> .
> The reason we put the safety on there?
> *It's dangerously powerful*.
> But just because it's dangerously powerful *doesn't mean you shouldn't
> own it*.
> Guns are dangerously powerful and I'm sure most of you agree they're worth
> owning, right?
> Fact is many of our customers own this tool and trust their lives to it.
> One of them wrote, "*There is no doubt this is a very effective weapon.
> it is silent, it would be hard to miss the aimed for target, there is no
> possible collateral damage that might be possible with a gun. One shot to
> the eyes and it's all over. I'm very pleased*!
> Sadly, we won't sell this tool much longer
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4705979/742230930/_e9c52a921db2651546160bd3954c5e3903f302c6/4c857c3fdd18689dcad04efebe8223825baeff98>
> .
> Because they're "*so dangerous*" we've decided not to deal with the added
> headache of selling this weapon.
> So we're liquidating them all!
> A few months ago we had 20,000 units in stock.
> But after slashing prices on them a few months ago they've been selling
> like crazy and now we only have a few boxes left.
> Get yours before you never have a chance to buy one again
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4705979/742230930/_e9c52a921db2651546160bd3954c5e3903f302c6/4c857c3fdd18689dcad04efebe8223825baeff98>
> !
> ~ David Adams
> Preparing Made Easy
> P.S. Since these are legal and require no permit they make a great gift. Follow
> this link to get yours now before they're gone for good
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4705979/742230930/_e9c52a921db2651546160bd3954c5e3903f302c6/4c857c3fdd18689dcad04efebe8223825baeff98>
> .
> Customer Support: 1-800-773-7737
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4705979/742230930/_14584b2705a6dcab8126db86c41205bd3f4dcc6a/4c857c3fdd18689dcad04efebe8223825baeff98>
> Disclaimer
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4705979/742230930/_f510127d26d4b40b5db355319b9a71c574010aee/4c857c3fdd18689dcad04efebe8223825baeff98>
> ...............................................................

Nyi Nyi

Oct 14, 2017, 2:11:42 AM10/14/17
to NyiNyi

Oct 11 (3 days ago)
 to me

(The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)

Dear Reader,
On April 12th, some disturbing findings – in a 220-page book – were mailed to the White House by a research firm in Florida.
This book holds vast implications for this country, our economy, and Trump’s hopes of being re-elected in 2020.
The book comes from a 68 year old Maryland native, and counselor to governments, politicians, and businesses all over the world.
He has worked on presidential campaigns and met with everyone from Margaret Thatcher to Ron Paul (a close friend), to most recently the former head of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan.
The CEOs of two multi-million dollar financial research companies once credited their success almost entirely to knowing this man (and getting access to his wisdom).
He once went to Eastern Europe to serve as an economic advisor after the fall of the Soviet Union.
In Central America, he helped the Nicaraguan government bring medical care to the poor. They were so thankful that they made him their honorary consul to Europe.
Back here in the US, he once used his wealth to buy up and renovated an entire section of his hometown. The mayor honored him with a city ambassadorship.
The man at his mountain ranch
Yet, if you asked him he would downplay his own success and connections.
As Worth Magazine once described him in a profile:
"Meet Bill Bonner... a quiet and gentle man – idolized by staffers, liked and admired even by competitors... The sense of real begins with Bonner’s earnestness... uncomfortable with the notion of success"
On April 12th this same man sent a book to the White House.
And it details an important change coming to your way of life...
One brought on by a type of financial event not seen in this country since before the Civil War.
This book is unlike anything you’ve seen before. Not only does it reveal some very uncomfortable truths about our economy like...
  • The true cause of things like racism, drug use, and violence in our inner cities (you’ve never heard it spoken like this anywhere)

  • How the Federal Reserve will begin to "nationalize" billions of financial and real assets like stocks and bonds (central banks in Japan are already doing this)

  • And many more...

It also contains unique ideas regular Americans can use to protect themselves from what’s coming. Things like...
  • 11 gold and cash alternatives (and what to do if gold is confiscated like in 1933)

  • How to store money (no paper trail) in an anonymous dollar account (without using bitcoin or logging onto some website you can’t trust.) These actually are available at some pharmacies.

  • The only legal way we know of to never pay taxes again to the federal government (it all depends on where you live)

You will find the facts within this report truly incredible. They are all true.
Or simply CLICK HERE for the full story now.
Fair warning: you may not be ready for what you’re about to learn concerning the US economy... Washington... and a financial meltdown six times bigger than 2008...
Will Bonner
Publisher, Bonner and Partners



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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

Oct 11 (3 days ago)
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The latest from InsideSources.

What Washington's Talking About

Is Washington bungling the Census? [Danny Vinik, Politico]
For Republicans, ‘Failure Is Not an Option’ on Tax Cuts [Carl Hulse, New York Times]
Tax Reform and Deficits: As fiscal 2017 shows, deficits will explode without faster growth. [Editorial, Wall Street Journal]
The Tamagotchi is back, but does it need to be? [Megan Farokhmanesh, The Verge]
“The only fitting reaction to the news that Steve Bannon intends to support primary challengers against Republican incumbents from sea to shining sea is a terrible, almost Teutonic sort of world-weariness. Bannon’s grand ambitions should inspire the same soul-deadening déjà vu, the existential exhaustion, with which Bill Murray’s weatherman greeted every morning in Punxsutawney, Penn. They should bring to mind both Friedrich Nietzsche’s idea of eternal recurrence and his warning that if you stare deep into the abyss, it stares into you. They should inspire a vision of the Republican Party as a wheel turning endlessly in darkness, with the illusion of movement but the light forever out of reach.” [Ross Douthat, New York Times]

News    Finance
What Could Happen If State and Local Tax Exemptions Are Taken Away?
By Connor D. Wolf

Democratic Sen. Martin Heinrich warnedTuesday that rates could increase for millions of households if state and local tax deductions are eliminated as part of a new tax reform plan.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Cutting Health Care Costs — the Calendar Test
By Robert F. Graboyes

It’s always interesting when physicians ask, “How can we reduce health care costs?” I usually begin, “Well, you do realize you’re the costs, right?”


[IS] Opinions    Energy
Politics Sully Cost-Benefit Analysis of Regulations
By Camille Harmer and Josh T. Smith

Regulations are supposed to undergo thorough, scientific analyses. Ideally, those analyses are non-partisan. But when the costs and benefits of regulation are contingent on who is in the Oval Office, there’s an obvious problem. Regulations must be insulated (as much as possible) from these political pressures.


News    Energy
What Will It Cost for California to Replace Gas Stations With Charging Stations?
By Erin Mundahl

The gas station is an at-times underappreciated part of America’s transportation infrastructure. Thankfully, most of these stops take less than five minutes. That sort of turn around time will be difficult to match with any recharging capacity currently existing today.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Simultaneously Dead and Alive
By Bill Kahn

According to news reports, the government is killing more than 600 people a month. Is the government a serial killer? Who is doing all this killing and how can this be? I became one of their victims when I received notification from the government of my death and the cancellation of all benefits. I could not believe I was dead.


News    Finance
Putting the Trade Deficit in Context
By Connor D. Wolf

President Donald Trump has promised to fix the country’s growing trade deficit since the election last year. But what’s often lost in the conversation is how complex the issue actually is.


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Oct 11 (3 days ago)
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Task & Purpose Today

The Army Hints At Bringing Back World War II Uniforms, And The Internet Freaks


Mattis To Military: ‘Be Ready’ For What Trump Decides To Do About North Korea


Veteran Who Commandeered Truck To Rescue Vegas Shooting Victims Gifted New Truck


The Army’s Badass New Stryker Fighting Vehicles Are Ready For Their Close Up


As The War In Iraq Winds Down, The US Military Shifts Its Attention To Afghanistan (Again)


Did North Korean Hackers Steal US-ROK Plans To Kill Kim Jong Un?


Marine Vets Want To Name A Navy Ship After The Iwo Jima Photographer


Please send your tips, suggestions and feedback to to...@taskandpurpose.com.

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Oct 11 (3 days ago)
 to me
Firearms LifeUnsubscribe

Breaking News...

WOW! Get this $19.99 ” Pocket Clip” Mini LED Flash Light FREE!

Hey there,

The pocket clip tactical flashlight from the Concealed Network was temporarily out of stock.

But this morning, they have a brand new pallet, and can unload about 552 today - FREE (just pay a standard shipping fee)

These little lights PACK A PUNCH.

They put up to 1,000 lumens in the palm of your hand, and it's strobe aggression feature can BLIND anyone.

Most people are going here, and grabbing it FREE, and then 

adding 3- 10 more because of the amazing "Insider DEALS," 

we only show customers.

Needless to say, these suckers are moving FAST! (always do)

Grab your pocket clip tactical flash light right now -

before they are gone again.


PS.  These are amazing gifts for the holidays, they retail for $19.99 retail, and kids and adults - LOVE THEM. Just look how bright they shine here.



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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

Oct 11 (3 days ago)
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Please see the special message below from our sponsor.


$1,000 Silver Coin Giveaway for Legal U.S. Residents Only

(New winner to be drawn soon.)


Please be advised that only lawful U.S. residents may enter this drawing for $1,000 in U.S. legal tender American Silver Eagle coinage (50 1-oz coins!). Absolutely no illegal aliens or non-residents may enter this giveaway for uncirculated pure silver coins issued by the U.S. Mint; no exceptions, strictly enforced.

If you are a lawful U.S. resident, participate in the drawing by simply entering email here; winners will be notified by email. Click here to see names of recent winners and enter for your own chance to win.

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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

Oct 11 (3 days ago)
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Breaking News from Headline Health
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Headline Health - Breaking News for a Healthier Life
Breaking News... 

'My Hairdresser Saved My Life' 

20 Foods That Nourish Your Brain: Eating To Beat Dementia 

Alert: Smart Drug Proven to Increase Your IQ

Flu Symptoms And Prevention: What You Need To Know 

The Worst City in the U.S. for STD's Is …

Two salon customers may owe their lives to a tip their hairstylist...
Award-winning celebrity hairstylist Edward James is working to raise awareness about a lesser known health symptom that calls for a prompt medical examination. 

"I realized that as hairdressers and beauticians we can help our clients to spot signs and symptoms early," he explained. Their symptoms turned out to be … READ MORE.

GMA Breaking News
"Welcome to the Future" 

Harvard Study: "This Pill Will Change Humanity" The Viagra for the Brain 

Smart Drug Proven To Increase Your IQ
and prevent Brain Decline is
the Biggest Discovery in History
More Details Here

All Natural Pill Allows 100% Access to the Brain 

Increase Short Term Memory Drastically Increase Long term Memory Improve Your energy Levels Increase Your Concentration

Click Here
And See The Solution

Todays Health Tips
The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. You should always consult with your personal physician regarding any personal health problem. FDA DISCLOSURE: The statements, articles, and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No information or products appearing on this email are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: HeadlineHealth.com may have an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to any persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this email and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained on this email to evaluate the product or service being offered. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service.
Headline Health
PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
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On Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 9:14:30 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:



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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

Oct 11 (3 days ago)
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Until now, the technology in these sunglasses was illegal for civilians to own.

Why? Because the chrome-coated lens technology makes a shooter so accurate that law enforcement becomes highly uncomfortable with you owning a pair. 

But the private company you’ll see on this next page now has the patent and legal rights to release these to the general public.

Today, as a company promotion to get these glasses into the mainstream, they’re giving them away here at 75% off. Take a look below nyinyi... 

Always Locked & Loaded,

Ryan Merc 

P.S. it’s a little strange how focused your vision becomes while wearing these. It gives you a clear picture of why law enforcementdoesn’t want these in the wrong hands.



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Locked and Loaded

Nyi Nyi

Oct 18, 2017, 1:40:16 AM10/18/17
to NyiNyi

Oct 17 (1 day ago)
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5:41 PM (18 hours ago)
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Oct 15 (3 days ago)
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BBC: Plague Threatens 20 Mil. Residents of Island Nation 

How do you know if you have the flu or a cold (and why it matters) 

Alert: 1 trick that lets you eat sweets without spiking blood-sugar

252,710 new breast cancer cases in 2017 

Avoid Stroke, Heart Attack With These Two Fruits

Cold and flu season is here; how to tell which one you have 

October is the start of cold and flu season, but how can you tell if you have one or the other? 

There's a simple way that the Cleveland Clinic urges every American to learn. And once you learn it, you'll never forget… READ MORE. 

Doctors are urging every American with type II diabetes to read this trending news story: 

Why doctors in the know no longer prescribe Metformin 

To your health, 

Jim Gray, Editor
Vibrant Health News 

The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. You should always consult with your personal physician regarding any personal health problem. FDA DISCLOSURE: The statements, articles, and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No information or products appearing on this email are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: HeadlineHealth.com may have an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to any persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this email and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained on this email to evaluate the product or service being offered. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service.
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On Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 9:14:30 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:
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Nyi Nyi

Oct 18, 2017, 2:18:22 AM10/18/17
to NyiNyi

1:46 AM (11 hours ago)
to me
Own one, or all of Mexico's magnificent seven 2017 Silver Libertad Proofs!
[image: Visit GovMint.com!]
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Today: 1-800-941-7267
[image: Libertads]
Own one -- or all -- of Mexico's magnificent seven 2017
Silver Libertad Proofs!

Mexico's exceptional silver and gold coins have circulated around the world
for more than four centuries, earning international prestige for the Casa
de Moneda de Mexico, the oldest operating mint in the Western hemisphere.
Coin Highlights

- Each struck in 99.9% pure silver
- NGC-graded First Releases
- Features the Mexico City Mint's distinctive "oM" mintmark on the
- Includes a mint certificate of authenticity
- Legal tender of Mexico

One of its most celebrated creations? The Silver Libertad -- Mexico's
signature silver coin, featuring an image of El Angel, the Winged Victory
statue that soars high on a pedestal in the center of Mexico City.

In past years, we've always secured some of the annual five-coin Silver
Libertad Proof Sets for our customers.

But this is the FIRST time GovMint.com has ever offered ALL SEVEN Silver
Libertad sizes individually -- each graded perfect Proof 70 (PF70) or
near-perfect Proof 69 (PF69) Ultra Cameo First Releases by Numismatic
Guaranty Corporation (NGC).

Whether you choose just one or all seven of these magnificent 2017 Silver
Libertad Proofs, don't wait! These limited-issue coins are always in demand
-- and our supply is sure to go fast. Order yours now!

2017 Silver Libertad NGC PF70 & PF69
Ultra Cameo First Releases

Choose from Five-Ounce, Two-Ounce, One-Ounce, Half-Ounce,
Quarter-Ounce, Tenth-Ounce and Twentieth-Ounce coins

[image: Libertads]

[image: Buy Now]
To learn more or order by phone,
call 1-800-941-7267 and mention code GE2219

We've selected the following products just for you:
[image: 1]
<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGl5YOLdwdzeUY3uwTAKCvskqf5wgh7RyNM1GTBTMm2EjMpXws2vhVXtpKX%3DSRRWRBRD&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lFBlCw4U5sW5Fi7wdnGDHVEaSQ4Fy0XxxjF_cnCPof2_PuiPDxKVkTOFku1N2SbkZNC8va7ROPl6yQlsaQG2KCQPKU_zAQ4BlT9177aAPvyKaysnVoAShu86H9MCfz9WJUz0Ko_dh4b93CNvr7TTJ7TVk05TW4GnrKbF2xwMQFuENpA--ZzuIhG.> [image:
<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGl5YOLdwdzeUY3uwTAKCvskqf5wgh7RyNM1GTBTMm2EjMpXws2vhVXtpKX%3DSRRWRBSR&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lFBlCw4U5sW5Fi7wdnGDHVEaSQ4Fy0XxxjF_cnCPof2_PuiPDxKVkTOFku1N2SbkZNC8va7ROPl6yQlsaQG2KCQPKU_zAQ4BlT9177aAPvyKaysnVoAShu86H9MCfz9WJUz0Ko_dh4b93CNvr7TTJ7TVk05TW4GnrKbF2xwMQFuENpA--ZzuIhG.> [image:
<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGl5YOLdwdzeUY3uwTAKCvskqf5wgh7RyNM1GTBTMm2EjMpXws2vhVXtpKX%3DSRRWRBSS&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lFBlCw4U5sW5Fi7wdnGDHVEaSQ4Fy0XxxjF_cnCPof2_PuiPDxKVkTOFku1N2SbkZNC8va7ROPl6yQlsaQG2KCQPKU_zAQ4BlT9177aAPvyKaysnVoAShu86H9MCfz9WJUz0Ko_dh4b93CNvr7TTJ7TVk05TW4GnrKbF2xwMQFuENpA--ZzuIhG.> [image:
[image: 5]
<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGl5YOLdwdzeUY3uwTAKCvskqf5wgh7RyNM1GTBTMm2EjMpXws2vhVXtpKX%3DSRRWRBSU&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lFBlCw4U5sW5Fi7wdnGDHVEaSQ4Fy0XxxjF_cnCPof2_PuiPDxKVkTOFku1N2SbkZNC8va7ROPl6yQlsaQG2KCQPKU_zAQ4BlT9177aAPvyKaysnVoAShu86H9MCfz9WJUz0Ko_dh4b93CNvr7TTJ7TVk05TW4GnrKbF2xwMQFuENpA--ZzuIhG.> [image:
<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGl5YOLdwdzeUY3uwTAKCvskqf5wgh7RyNM1GTBTMm2EjMpXws2vhVXtpKX%3DSRRWRBSW&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lFBlCw4U5sW5Fi7wdnGDHVEaSQ4Fy0XxxjF_cnCPof2_PuiPDxKVkTOFku1N2SbkZNC8va7ROPl6yQlsaQG2KCQPKU_zAQ4BlT9177aAPvyKaysnVoAShu86H9MCfz9WJUz0Ko_dh4b93CNvr7TTJ7TVk05TW4GnrKbF2xwMQFuENpA--ZzuIhG.> [image:
<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGl5YOLdwdzeUY3uwTAKCvskqf5wgh7RyNM1GTBTMm2EjMpXws2vhVXtpKX%3DSRRWRBSY&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lFBlCw4U5sW5Fi7wdnGDHVEaSQ4Fy0XxxjF_cnCPof2_PuiPDxKVkTOFku1N2SbkZNC8va7ROPl6yQlsaQG2KCQPKU_zAQ4BlT9177aAPvyKaysnVoAShu86H9MCfz9WJUz0Ko_dh4b93CNvr7TTJ7TVk05TW4GnrKbF2xwMQFuENpA--ZzuIhG.> [image:
[image: 9]
<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGl5YOLdwdzeUY3uwTAKCvskqf5wgh7RyNM1GTBTMm2EjMpXws2vhVXtpKX%3DSRRWRBSB&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lFBlCw4U5sW5Fi7wdnGDHVEaSQ4Fy0XxxjF_cnCPof2_PuiPDxKVkTOFku1N2SbkZNC8va7ROPl6yQlsaQG2KCQPKU_zAQ4BlT9177aAPvyKaysnVoAShu86H9MCfz9WJUz0Ko_dh4b93CNvr7TTJ7TVk05TW4GnrKbF2xwMQFuENpA--ZzuIhG.> [image:
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[image: 2017 Silver Libertad Proof Sets]
[image: Silver Krugerrands]
© 2017 | GovMint.com
| 14101 Southcross Drive West, Burnsville, MN 55337
Questions? Email Customer Service <Custome...@GovMint.com> - or - Call
(800) 941-7267

Prices and availability subject to change without notice. Facts and figures
deemed accurate as of the date of this email. NOTE: GovMint.com® is a
private distributor of worldwide government coin and currency issues and
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8:09 PM (16 hours ago)
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The latest from InsideSources.
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What Washington's Talking About

How Valuable Is a Unicorn? Maybe Not as Much as It Claims to Be [Andrew
Ross Sorkin, New York Times

The government’s shameful role in the opioid crisis [Editorial, Washington

How the Kochs are using Mike Pence to shape Trump's White House [Ella
Nilsen, Vox

“We’re a long way from Johnny Carson, whose Tonight Show was a national
institution that enjoyed a broad audience — and was conducted like one.
Carson steered clear of politics and kept his views to himself because it
would ‘hurt me as an entertainer, which is what I am.’ Kimmel may be an
entertainer, but has no such inhibitions.” [Rich Lowry, National Review

News Education
*Trump’s Labor Secretary On How to Close the Skills Gap*
By Connor D. Wolf

Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta discussed why education and job training
needs to be reformed during a conference Monday on fixing the skills gap.


News Politics
*More Mouths to Feed: What Is the Future of Sustainable Agriculture?*
By Erin Mundahl

The last century took Americans from the dawn of the automobile to the
moon. It also took American agriculture from the horse and plow to
increasingly specialized technology that allows a smaller population of
farmers to feed an ever growing world.

"America has fought five wars since 1945 and has gained its objectives in
only one of them, the Gulf War."
*Henry Kissinger*

[IS] Opinions Finance
*The ‘Big Six’ Tax Plan Would Raise Taxes on Many Seniors and Blind
By Alex Rowell and Harry Stein

President Trump and congressional Republican leaders, a group known as the
“Big Six,” recently released their latest tax plan. The president claims
that his plan “will cut taxes for the everyday, hardworking Americans,” but
many taxpayers will actually pay more.


[IS] Opinions Politics
*On Korea, These Two Dotards Are Out of Their League*
By Donald Kirk

It was the North Koreans who had everyone reaching for the dictionary after
a commentary from Pyongyang described Trump as a “dotard” for threatening
in the United Nations to “totally destroy” North Korea.


[IS] Opinions Politics
*Why Do Hospitals Have to Beg for Permission to Save Lives?*
By Matthew Glans

North Carolina has long been one of the nation’s leaders in providing
medical care, and the Duke University Health System is seeking to expand
the state’s reputation by building an $88 million cancer-treatment therapy
center that would offer an innovative new treatment to the people of North
Carolina and beyond.


*Follow InsideSources*

6:06 PM (18 hours ago)
to me
[image: Task & Purpose Today]
The Resurgent Conflict Between The Iraqi Government And The Kurds, Explained

Marine Vet Who Lost Both Legs In Afghanistan Is Running 31 Marathons In 31

Is The Nuclear Sub The US Sent To South Korea Packing Navy SEALs?

As US-Trained Forces Turn On Each Other, Army Expands Foreign Training

Trump’s Claim That Most Presidents Don’t Call The Families Of Fallen Troops
Is Untrue

Why ‘Sand Castle’ Isn’t The Iraq War Film We Hoped It Would Be

Family Of Marine Recruit Who Died At Parris Island Sues Corps For $100

Remains Of Navy Pilot, Missing Since 1966, Recovered In Vietnam

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Oct 16 (2 days ago)
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*Don't miss your last chance for a limited edition 2017 San Francisco
Silver Eagle Proof!*
[image: Visit GovMint.com!]
Free Shipping]
U.S. Coins
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Today: 1-800-642-9160
[image: Silver-eagle-header]

*Don't miss your chancefor a 2017 San FranciscoSilver Eagle Proof!*
[image: Coin Highlights]

Earlier this year, the U.S. Mint added San Francisco Silver Eagle Dollar
Proofs to its 2017 roster for the first time since 2012 - each hidden away
in the annual Congratulations Set!

As the Proof Silver Eagle with the second-lowest mintage ever, this
talked-about S-Mint release instantly made headlines - and history - when
the coins sold out at the mint in under two minutes!

*If you missed out the first time, now you've got a SECOND chance to add a
2017 S-Mint Silver Eagle Ultra Cameo Proof to your collection - struck for
the U.S. Mint's just-released 2017 Limited Edition Silver Proof Set!*

Take your pick of Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC) perfect and
near-perfect graded Eagles, as well as exclusive label designs that include
the 2017 Limited Edition Silver Proof Set designation.

Just order now - before they're gone for good!
2017-S Limited Edition Silver Proof Set
Silver Eagle Dollar Proof

[image: Buy Now]
To learn more or order by phone,
call 1-800-941-7267 and mention code GE2204

We've selected the following products just for you:
[image: 1]
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<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGuzd1zbNwbUzeIzgCs0q0mqzeeMRb1JESwturEprhzgrTfDF0Blozb1fInVXtpKX%3DSRRWRACA&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lED3WSqeO1kZfc_cGI5EO-jq575DRYPCzT3ik7B7cFdJ0EF020zO0-tXnbR7ONFtwy7LX78q_xMtSH-NJFNK-1XOQ0BUbStQV1PWG9on7BDbMK15sYyysPKNjST5RkEnLJHlFFPpLm0u0Lb4J6NO1B0IiC1O7mzXjgDOQpNKWuZ1IGoblyHt_3eEMuxHx4.> [image:
[image: 5]
<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGuzd1zbNwbUzeIzgCs0q0mqzeeMRb1JESwturEprhzgrTfDF0Blozb1fInVXtpKX%3DSRRWRACC&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lED3WSqeO1kZfc_cGI5EO-jq575DRYPCzT3ik7B7cFdJ0EF020zO0-tXnbR7ONFtwy7LX78q_xMtSH-NJFNK-1XOQ0BUbStQV1PWG9on7BDbMK15sYyysPKNjST5RkEnLJHlFFPpLm0u0Lb4J6NO1B0IiC1O7mzXjgDOQpNKWuZ1IGoblyHt_3eEMuxHx4.> [image:
<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGuzd1zbNwbUzeIzgCs0q0mqzeeMRb1JESwturEprhzgrTfDF0Blozb1fInVXtpKX%3DSRRWRACD&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lED3WSqeO1kZfc_cGI5EO-jq575DRYPCzT3ik7B7cFdJ0EF020zO0-tXnbR7ONFtwy7LX78q_xMtSH-NJFNK-1XOQ0BUbStQV1PWG9on7BDbMK15sYyysPKNjST5RkEnLJHlFFPpLm0u0Lb4J6NO1B0IiC1O7mzXjgDOQpNKWuZ1IGoblyHt_3eEMuxHx4.> [image:
<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGuzd1zbNwbUzeIzgCs0q0mqzeeMRb1JESwturEprhzgrTfDF0Blozb1fInVXtpKX%3DSRRWRADR&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lED3WSqeO1kZfc_cGI5EO-jq575DRYPCzT3ik7B7cFdJ0EF020zO0-tXnbR7ONFtwy7LX78q_xMtSH-NJFNK-1XOQ0BUbStQV1PWG9on7BDbMK15sYyysPKNjST5RkEnLJHlFFPpLm0u0Lb4J6NO1B0IiC1O7mzXjgDOQpNKWuZ1IGoblyHt_3eEMuxHx4.> [image:
[image: 9]
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<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGuzd1zbNwbUzeIzgCs0q0mqzeeMRb1JESwturEprhzgrTfDF0Blozb1fInVXtpKX%3DSRRWRADU&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lED3WSqeO1kZfc_cGI5EO-jq575DRYPCzT3ik7B7cFdJ0EF020zO0-tXnbR7ONFtwy7LX78q_xMtSH-NJFNK-1XOQ0BUbStQV1PWG9on7BDbMK15sYyysPKNjST5RkEnLJHlFFPpLm0u0Lb4J6NO1B0IiC1O7mzXjgDOQpNKWuZ1IGoblyHt_3eEMuxHx4.> [image:
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[image: 2017 S Limited Edition Silver Proof Set]
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| 14101 Southcross Drive West, Burnsville, MN 55337
Questions? Email Customer Service <Custome...@GovMint.com> - or - Call
(800) 941-7267
[image: Better Business Bureau A+ Rated]
Prices and availability subject to change without notice. Facts and figures
deemed accurate as of the date of this email. NOTE:GovMint.com
is a private distributor of worldwide government coin and currency issues
and privately issued and licensed collectibles, and is not affiliated with
the United States government. GovMint.com
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Oct 16 (2 days ago)
to me

The latest from InsideSources.
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What Washington's Talking About

Russia didn’t win Trump the White House any more than China re-elected Bill
Clinton in 1996. [Mark Penn, Wall Street Journal

Why Ben Bernanke is worried [Robert J. Samuelson, Washington Post

The World Once Laughed at North Korean Cyberpower. No More. [David E.
Sanger, David D. Kirkpatrick and Nicole Perlroth, New York Times

"Saturday Night Live” featured a sketch of Kellyanne Conway as Pennywise
the Clown. The real butt of the joke, though, is cable news. [Aaron Blake,
Washington Post

Florida's Senate race shaping up as a clash of titans [Marc Caputo and
Edward-Isaac Dovere, Politico

News Technology
*GAO to Investigate FCC Cyberattack*
By Giuseppe Macri

A federal watchdog agency will investigate a cyberattack that took down the
Federal Communications Commission’s system for filing public comments on
its plan to repeal net neutrality rules.


News Politics
*Is This Autoworker Union Willfully Driving a Plant Toward Mass Layoffs?*
By Connor D. Wolf

A Michigan union leader was denounced by a former labor department official
Thursday for his willingness to let hundreds of workers lose their jobs.


[IS] Opinions Politics
*Natural Disasters Stretch Charitable Relief Resources*
By Rod Brooks

Thousands of volunteer and non-governmental relief organizations find their
resources significantly stretched as they seek to meet the demand for
humanitarian aid during the initial response, and long after, to
large-scale disasters.


News Energy
*BNP, France’s Largest Bank, Pulls Out of Oil Investments–Ho, Hum*
By Erin Mundahl

BNP Paribas, France’s largest bank, announced that it was pulling out of
all investments in oil and coal. Although dramatic, the announcement may
have little impact.


[IS] Opinions Politics
*Point: Strict Gun Control Will Never Work in America*
By Justin Haskins

Following the tragic shooting in Las Vegas, anti-gun activists have once
again started to call for much stricter gun-control measures, which they
say will keep Americans safer. Some have even suggested the Second
Amendment should be altered or abolished.


[IS] Opinions Politics
*Counterpoint: For Gun Reform, Thoughts and Prayers Don’t Work — Laws Do*
By Daniel Hernandez

The Las Vegas mass shooting that left 59 dead and more than 500 injured
shook our nation and moved the conversation about gun reform to the
forefront once again.


[IS] Opinions Politics
*Did Hillary Clinton Get Off Easy? Americans Deserve to Know*
By Ted Harvey

What many Americans can’t understand, however, is how Clinton faces no
legal repercussions for her email fiasco. Our most powerful law enforcement
institutions should be committed to enforcing the law, not protecting
well-connected political figures.


*Follow InsideSources*

Oct 16 (2 days ago)
to me
[image: Task & Purpose Today]
‘I’ve Never Loved Anything So Selflessly’: A Parris Island Marine Remembers
A Bulldog

A Guilty Plea By Bergdahl On Monday Could Set Up A Unique Military
Pre-Sentencing Trial

It’s 2017. The Military Still Requires Officers To Have College Degrees.

Task & Purpose Is Hiring A Full-Time Military Reporter

Here Are All The High-Tech Upgrades The Army Is Eyeing For Its Arsenal

The US Is Waging The Wrong War In Yemen

How The US Navy Spends Its Birthday, In 18 Photos

The Vast Majority Of Americans In Their 20s Are Unfit For Military Service

The Army’s New Modernization Program Could Be The Branch’s Biggest Shakeup
Since The Vietnam War

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Oct 12 (6 days ago)
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Oct 11 (7 days ago)
to me
*Get your unopened and unsearched GovMint.com Vault Reserve 2017 Silver
Eagle 20-coin Rolls*
[image: Visit GovMint.com!]
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GovMint.com Vault Reserve 2017 Silver Eagle
20-Coin Rolls Direct From The U.S. Mint To You!
[image: Coin Highlights]

You may not have the ready cash to buy an entire U.S. Mint Monster Box of
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doesn't mean you can't own at least 20 of these 99.9% pure silver American
classics in mint-fresh, untouched condition!

Thanks to our new, specially-developed Vault Reserve seals, you have our
guarantee that each mint-stamped 20-coin roll of 2017 Silver Eagle Dollars
has never been opened - from the time it left its original Monster Box 'til
the time you take delivery!

At that point, it's up to you. Crack it open to see if you're holding high
grade coins - or leave your roll as is for safe keeping. Just remember -
should you ever want to take a peek inside, the tamper-resistant seal will
leave an obvious "VOID" on both the removed label and the roll. And once
the seal has been broken, Vault Reserve items may not be returned or

Whether you decide to go for it or play it safe, don't wait to order at
least one of these original 20-coin rolls of American Silver Eagles with
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20-Coin GovMint.com Vault Reserve Roll
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<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGpDqvk2CzfBvqSqK6BmUUbzezdrzdzdPRyncfncgiNA2NkBB0zeoF8zfyJVXtpKX%3DSRRWRYUS&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lF4l7HuRoM2p_3v2KhpTHfY-yrI0_CFVbNuirH2QNr79MrsGk-A9kfrlgr6C_JYVHt93PeW3feumTUBarAHrc7ipFD62qCbGDX_ap_AdYCWXgUtN5DMCJWKxEzFmQVw4xgNKQGl77Vu0cYk4Gfg9Rp9U0Z8pz52BIfjxrBCOm208iBeFyl8t619VKQg_LtL34LfA0.> [image:
[image: 5]
<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGpDqvk2CzfBvqSqK6BmUUbzezdrzdzdPRyncfncgiNA2NkBB0zeoF8zfyJVXtpKX%3DSRRWRYUU&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lF4l7HuRoM2p_3v2KhpTHfY-yrI0_CFVbNuirH2QNr79MrsGk-A9kfrlgr6C_JYVHt93PeW3feumTUBarAHrc7ipFD62qCbGDX_ap_AdYCWXgUtN5DMCJWKxEzFmQVw4xgNKQGl77Vu0cYk4Gfg9Rp9U0Z8pz52BIfjxrBCOm208iBeFyl8t619VKQg_LtL34LfA0.> [image:
<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGpDqvk2CzfBvqSqK6BmUUbzezdrzdzdPRyncfncgiNA2NkBB0zeoF8zfyJVXtpKX%3DSRRWRYUW&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lF4l7HuRoM2p_3v2KhpTHfY-yrI0_CFVbNuirH2QNr79MrsGk-A9kfrlgr6C_JYVHt93PeW3feumTUBarAHrc7ipFD62qCbGDX_ap_AdYCWXgUtN5DMCJWKxEzFmQVw4xgNKQGl77Vu0cYk4Gfg9Rp9U0Z8pz52BIfjxrBCOm208iBeFyl8t619VKQg_LtL34LfA0.> [image:
<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGpDqvk2CzfBvqSqK6BmUUbzezdrzdzdPRyncfncgiNA2NkBB0zeoF8zfyJVXtpKX%3DSRRWRYUY&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lF4l7HuRoM2p_3v2KhpTHfY-yrI0_CFVbNuirH2QNr79MrsGk-A9kfrlgr6C_JYVHt93PeW3feumTUBarAHrc7ipFD62qCbGDX_ap_AdYCWXgUtN5DMCJWKxEzFmQVw4xgNKQGl77Vu0cYk4Gfg9Rp9U0Z8pz52BIfjxrBCOm208iBeFyl8t619VKQg_LtL34LfA0.> [image:
[image: 9]
<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGpDqvk2CzfBvqSqK6BmUUbzezdrzdzdPRyncfncgiNA2NkBB0zeoF8zfyJVXtpKX%3DSRRWRYUB&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lF4l7HuRoM2p_3v2KhpTHfY-yrI0_CFVbNuirH2QNr79MrsGk-A9kfrlgr6C_JYVHt93PeW3feumTUBarAHrc7ipFD62qCbGDX_ap_AdYCWXgUtN5DMCJWKxEzFmQVw4xgNKQGl77Vu0cYk4Gfg9Rp9U0Z8pz52BIfjxrBCOm208iBeFyl8t619VKQg_LtL34LfA0.> [image:
<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGpDqvk2CzfBvqSqK6BmUUbzezdrzdzdPRyncfncgiNA2NkBB0zeoF8zfyJVXtpKX%3DSRRWRYUC&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lF4l7HuRoM2p_3v2KhpTHfY-yrI0_CFVbNuirH2QNr79MrsGk-A9kfrlgr6C_JYVHt93PeW3feumTUBarAHrc7ipFD62qCbGDX_ap_AdYCWXgUtN5DMCJWKxEzFmQVw4xgNKQGl77Vu0cYk4Gfg9Rp9U0Z8pz52BIfjxrBCOm208iBeFyl8t619VKQg_LtL34LfA0.> [image:
<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGpDqvk2CzfBvqSqK6BmUUbzezdrzdzdPRyncfncgiNA2NkBB0zeoF8zfyJVXtpKX%3DSRRWRYUD&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lF4l7HuRoM2p_3v2KhpTHfY-yrI0_CFVbNuirH2QNr79MrsGk-A9kfrlgr6C_JYVHt93PeW3feumTUBarAHrc7ipFD62qCbGDX_ap_AdYCWXgUtN5DMCJWKxEzFmQVw4xgNKQGl77Vu0cYk4Gfg9Rp9U0Z8pz52BIfjxrBCOm208iBeFyl8t619VKQg_LtL34LfA0.> [image:
[image: Discover More Vault Reserve Coins]
[image: US Mint 225th Anniversary]
© 2017 | GovMint.com
| 14101 Southcross Drive West, Burnsville, MN 55337
Questions? Email Customer Service <Custome...@GovMint.com> - or - Call
(800) 941-7267
[image: Better Business Bureau A+ Rated]
Prices and availability subject to change without notice. Facts and figures
deemed accurate as of the date of this email. NOTE:GovMint.com
is a private distributor of worldwide government coin and currency issues
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Oct 10 (8 days ago)
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[image: Task & Purpose Today]
The Air Force Is Facing A ‘Quiet Crisis’ Of Manpower, But Recruitment Isn’t
The Problem

2 Soldiers Remain In Critical, Fair Condition Following Deadly Fort Jackson

Army Chief Of Staff: It’s ‘Forever Train And Advise,’ Not ‘Forever War’

Mattis Personally Intervened To Fill The DoD Budget With Munitions. Now
He’s Getting Even More

Marine Todd: I AM The American Flag, And You’re Disrespecting Me, AMerica

This Badass Winkler Belt Knife Was Custom-Made For The War On Terror

The Army’s Latest Big Upgrade To The Abrams Tank Started Rolling Off The
Assembly Line

EXCLUSIVE: In New Video For Nat Geo’s War Miniseries, Homefronts Are
Battlegrounds, Too

5 Amazing Companies That Are Hiring Veterans All Over The Country

Trump On Chief Of Staff John Kelly: He’ll Be Here For The Next 7 Years

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Oct 9 (9 days ago)
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2017 Saint Gaudens' Winged Liberty proofs designed by the former U.S. Mint
Chief Engraver John Mercanti!
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U.S. Coins
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Today: 1-800-941-7267
[image: Saint-Gaudens' original Double Eagle design]
Discover the Double Eagle's
hidden history -- in top-graded
99.9% pure silver coins!

In the early years of the 20th century, sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens was
approached by President Theodore Roosevelt with an important mission:
transform America's coinage into masterpieces of beauty, artistry and
patriotic symbolism.

Saint-Gaudens succeeded, and his resulting coins are considered some of the
most beautiful ever struck -- even the ones that were incomplete.

One example: Saint-Gaudens' original Lady Liberty design for the $20
"Double Eagle" coin. Discovered in the Saint-Gaudens estate archives, a
fully-sculpted plaster shows Liberty proudly spreading a pair of
magnificent angel wings -- a feature never seen on the version struck in
1907. And that's not the only difference.

What other changes were made before this historic coin was released to the
public? And why were those changes made ... and at whose insistence?

Now you can uncover the mysteries behind Saint-Gaudens' Double Eagle –
with a 99.9% pure silver re-creation of Saint-Gauden's original vision of
Lady Liberty. Thanks to the National Park Foundation, this iconic design is
now available on coins graded Gem Uncirculated, near-perfect Mint State 69
(MS69) and perfect Mint State 70 (MS70) by Numismatic Guaranty Corporation

Best of all, each includes a label hand-signed by the restorer of
Saint-Gaudens' original design, former U.S. Mint Chief Engraver John

Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity -- click here for the
incredible true story of this beautiful design and order today!
Coin Highlights

- Struck in one-ounce of 99.9% pure silver
- Brilliant Uncirculated (BU) condition
- Original Saint-Gaudens design
- Officially authorized by the National Park Foundation
- NGC labels personally signed by John Mercanti
- Includes National Park Foundation branded packaging with a numbered
certificate of authenticity
- 38.61 mm diameter

2017 Saint-Gaudens
One-Ounce Silver Winged Liberty
with John Mercanti Signature
[image: Gem]
<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGpflDzc8zb0zeLuIze2gzfSrRkzeBRfl1MyrypECzcb07k3d6wcv4ze9iIfVXtpKX%3DSRRWRWAD&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lHEassmmXtKv3EtZFdejwi4HtZxViavxEy38PhXU-xG_gmk9g9CgeYDOVRMjG-oCWB1SKm9eZqLoSwE9iMmiqagdjg1nnh72T0URQptgZcM8r44sRewukAjsvx78XYqChKMLhYSKNQLQtFOGu0y6UB-ccj8Pv6KNANf4CPkXBQT5Y6I7UONcDjdcymXSaslBFz4tJva.> [image:
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NGC Gem Uncirculated Near-Perfect
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To learn more or order by phone,
call 1-800-941-7267 and mention code GE2214

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[image: 5]
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Oct 9 (9 days ago)
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The latest from InsideSources.
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What Washington's Talking About

*Some Economics Lessons*

“University of Chicago professor Richard Thaler has won the 2017 Nobel
Prize in economics for his work on behavioral economics, which tries to
understand how humans make decisions, especially bad ones.” [Heather Long,
Washington Post

“The ‘spoils society’ is a phrase I coined some years ago to illustrate a
basic problem of wealthy societies, including, of course, the United
States. After all, our annual gross domestic product is approaching $20
trillion. The problem is that, as societies become richer, so does the
temptation for people to advance their economic interests by grabbing
someone else’s wealth, as opposed to creating wealth. … The great danger of
the spoils society arises if these distributional struggles increasingly
displace economic growth as the way people and firms get ahead.” [Robert J.
Samuelson, Washington Post

News Energy
*Former Vermont AG Bill Sorrell Dodges Document Hearing in ExxonKnew Probe*
By Erin Mundahl

On Wednesday, Bill Sorrell, Vermont’s longest-serving Attorney General, was
due at the courthouse in Burlington, Vermont. He failed to appear for a
deposition ordered by Energy & Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal), a
non-profit group engaged in litigation and public education on energy and
environmental issues.


[IS] Opinions Politics
*Rep. Carol Shea-Porter Announces She Will Not Seek Reelection*
By Jack O'Brien

“Thank you so much for electing me to Congress for four terms. You gave me
the great honor of representing our state and being the first woman ever to
be elected to federal office from New Hampshire, and the first Democrat to
represent New Hampshire’s First District in 22 years.”

“The purely economic man is indeed close to being a social moron. Economic
theory has been much preoccupied with this rational fool.”
*Richard Thaler*

[IS] Opinions Energy
*Point: Arctic Access Essential for Energy Security*
By Erik Milito

The U.S. Energy Information Administration just released its annual
International Energy Outlook, and it confirms we’ll need more natural gas
and oil in the coming decades. A lot more. EIA projects that natural gas,
oil and coal will supply about 76 percent of the world’s energy in 2050,
and that world energy consumption will increase 28 percent by 2040.


[IS] Opinions Energy
*Counterpoint: A Special Place Faces a Deadly Threat*
By Dan Ritzman

When it comes to natural wonders, the Arctic is in a league of its own.
It’s the nation’s largest and northernmost wildlife refuge. It supports the
greatest variety of plant and animal life of any conservation area in the
circumpolar north.


[IS] Opinions Politics
*Our Debt to Columbus*
By David Tucker

A couple of weeks before Labor Day, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio
triggered a firestorm by suggesting he might order the removal of
Christopher Columbus’ statue from Manhattan’s Columbus Circle.


[IS] Opinions Politics
*S. Korean Leader Ridiculed at Home for Closeness to U.S.*
By Donald Kirk

To the consternation of organizers of the candlelight crusade that brought
down the regime of the conservative Park Geun-hye, ousted and jailed on a
wide range of offenses, their one-time hero, Moon Jae-in, elected president
as Park’s successor, is defending the U.S. alliance, U.N. sanctions, and a
defense establishment primed to take on North Korea.


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Oct 9 (9 days ago)
to me
[image: Task & Purpose Today]
The Next MOH Recipient Plans To Accept Medal On Behalf Of Everyone Who
Served In Laos During Vietnam

Army IDs Soldiers Killed And Injured In Fort Jackson Incident

The Marine Corps Is On The Hunt For A More Compact Pistol

Airman Arrested At Sheppard Air Force Base On Child Porn Charges

Report: West Point Professor Found Communist Officer’s Social Media Posts
‘Extremely Disturbing’

2 Soldiers Killed, 6 Injured In Fort Jackson Incident

Missing US Green Beret Found Dead In Niger Desert 2 Days After Deadly Ambush

Man Accused Of Impersonating Military For Monetary Donations Arrested Again

New Trailer For Nat Geo’s ‘The Long Road Home’ Is A Haunting ‘Rendezvous
With Death’

An Anonymous Hacker May Have Compromised John Kelly’s Cell Phone. It’s Only
A Sign Of Things To Come

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Task & Purpose, 394 Broadway, New York, NY 10013
Oct 7 (11 days ago)
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2018 Silver Kookaburras, grab one of Australia's latest 99.99% pure silver
birds while you can!
[image: Visit GovMint.com!]
Free Shipping]
U.S. Coins
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Today: 1-800-941-7267
[image: 2018 Silver Kookaburras]
2018 Silver Kookaburras:
Grab one of Australia's latest 99.99% pure
silver birds while you can!

Since they were first released in 1990, Australia's popular One-Ounce
Silver Kookaburras have flown out of the Perth Mint in record time every
year! So order now -- or miss your first chance to capture the new 2018
one-year-only design in Brilliant Uncirculated (BU) condition!

- Only 500,000 minted
- $1 official Australian legal tender
- 40.6 mm diameter

2018 One-Ounce Silver Kookaburra BU

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To learn more or order by phone,
call 1-800-941-7267 and mention code GE2212

We've selected the following products just for you:
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[image: Australia's 2017 Tenth-Ounce Gold Wedge-Tailed Eagle!]
[image: A mob of Australia's 207 Kangaroos - all in 99.99% pure silver!]
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Oct 7 (11 days ago)
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Bell's Blackhawk Replacement Turns Its Rotors for the First Time

It's the first military tiltrotor since the V-22 Osprey.

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Bell's Blackhawk Replacement Turns Its Rotors for the First Time] [image:
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Bell's Blackhawk Replacement Turns Its Rotors for the First Time] [image:
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We Ride the Rungu, the Ridiculous Electric Trike That Conquers Anything

This is a beach-combing trike like you've never seen before.

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We Ride the Rungu, the Ridiculous Electric Trike That Conquers Anything] [image:
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We Ride the Rungu, the Ridiculous Electric Trike That Conquers Anything] [image:
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The Moon Had a Thick Atmosphere Billions of Years Ago, NASA Study Finds

Three and a half billion years ago, the moon was a volcanic world of
eruptions spewing gas into the lunar skies.

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The Moon Had a Thick Atmosphere Billions of Years Ago, NASA Study Finds] [image:
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The Moon Had a Thick Atmosphere Billions of Years Ago, NASA Study Finds] [image:
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Russia Is Trying to Hack the Phones of U.S. Soldiers

Spies are attempting to geolocate U.S. soldiers, gather personal
information, and sometimes freak them out.

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Russia Is Trying to Hack the Phones of U.S. Soldiers] [image: Share on
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Russia Is Trying to Hack the Phones of U.S. Soldiers] [image: Share on


[image: Popular Mechanics]

What the First Meeting of Mike Pence's Space Council Tells Us About
America's Future in Space

The first meeting of the newly resurrected Space Council brought industry
leaders from Blue Origin and SpaceX together with Trump cabinet members and
NASA officials.

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Keep Your Eyes Open for the Harvest Moon Tonight

It occurs at a slightly unusual time in 2017.

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Oct 6 (12 days ago)
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The first of their kind, First Day of Issue 2017 Palladium American Eagles
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[image: 2017 Palladium American Eagles]
The first of their kind:
2017 First Day of Issue MS70 Palladium American Eagles!

The U.S. Mint has just released its first-ever Palladium Eagle -- a
historic event in American numismatics that marks not just one, but THREE
momentous "firsts":

- The FIRST TIME that the mint has made a major change to the American
Eagle program in 20 years
- The FIRST TIME that the mint has ever struck a Palladium coin
- The FIRST TIME the mint has ever struck a non-gold coin in High Relief!

Coin Highlights

- Struck in one Troy ounce of 99.95% pure Palladium (31.103 grams) at
the Philadelphia Mint
- Only 15,000 minted
- High relief obverse and reverse images
- $25 U.S. legal tender
- 32.7 mm diameter

Act now and you can be one of the select few to own a spectacular First Day
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choice of colored core holders!

Sold on the very day they're released by the mint, savvy collectors will
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fresh, new finish -- as well as their incredibly limited population!

Each features outstanding High Relief designs created by renowned sculptor
Adolph Weinman: the popular "Mercury" Dime Winged Liberty on the obverse,
and his 1907 American Institute of Architects(AIA) Gold Medal Eagle on the

Just don't wait! Only 15,000 of these new 2017 American Palladium coins
have been minted -- and as the first of their kind, collectors around the
world will be lining up to own one. Order yours now!
What is Palladium? A member of the Platinum family, Palladium is one of the
rarest metals in the world -- a forever "white" metal with the exceptional
trait of withstanding corrosion and oxidation.

2017 NGC MS70 First Day Of Issue
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Oct 6 (12 days ago)
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The economy saw a slight slowdown in job growth, likely due to the recent
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*Are You Ready for Some Football (Protests)?*
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Today, taking a stand on social and political issues is an expectation for
consumers and employees. It’s no longer an option to sit back and wait for
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"The only thing that's in my control is to win ballgames, and God is always
taking care of me."
*Dusty Baker*

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*Las Vegas Shooting Fosters Growing Bipartisan Support for Bump Stock Ban*
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The mass shooting which killed 58 and injured over 500 in Las Vegas on
Sunday has placed public scrutiny on the use of ‘bump stocks,’ an accessory
which allows semi-automatic rifles to fire at rapid rates.


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Innovation is the hot word in the business press and in academia. Business
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By Erin Mundahl

Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton admits to being something of a
breath of youth in a legislative body not generally known for being spry.


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Oct 6 (12 days ago)
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The B-1B Lancer Will Rule The Skies For Another 20 Years — At Least

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Niger: The Quiet War On Terror Americans Rarely Hear About

‘The Punisher’ Pulled From New York Comic Con Because Of Vegas Shooting

Bump Stocks Are Disappearing From Online Stores After The Las Vegas Shooting

A Marine Vet Stole A Truck To Rescue Las Vegas Shooting Victims. The
Owner’s Response Was Perfect

This Badass Military-Inspired Truck Is A Literal Tank

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The Quick Ascent and Slow Decline of the "Combi" Plane

Sometimes the overhead bin just isn't enough. Learn more about combi
planes, nonstandard types of aircraft that mix passenger seating with cargo

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Report: China Has Secret Plans to Invade Taiwan by 2020

Does Beijing really mean to invade? Could it invade?

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The Best Part of Google's New Camera Is What It Doesn't Do

On-device machine learning is great for your privacy.

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Spike in Airborne Radioactivity Detected in Europe

The source isn't known, but calculations indicate it came from Eastern

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Spike in Airborne Radioactivity Detected in Europe] [image: Share on


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Watch Google Announce Its New Pixel 2 Right Here, Live

Google is holding its annual unleashing of gadgets. Here's everything
that's new and what we're excited about.

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Here's How "Hot V" Turbocharged Engines Work

Cars like the Mercedes-AMG GT use a V8 with turbochargers inside the V of
the engine. Here's why it's better.

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Oct 5 (13 days ago)
to me

Are these historic New Orleans Morgan Silver Dollars from America's
ultimate hoard?
[image: Visit GovMint.com!]
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U.S. Coins
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Today: 1-800-941-7267
[image: New Orleans Morgans]
Are these historic
New Orleans Morgans from America's ultimate hoard?

In the early 1960s, virtually anyone willing to travel to Washington, D.C.
and hand over $1,000 in cash could walk away with a 1,000-coin bag of
vintage U.S. Silver Dollars -- including many struck decades earlier at the
long-shuttered New Orleans Mint!

Of course, you also had to be willing to stand in line. And millions did --
jamming the U.S. Treasury Building's corridors and camping out around it
for blocks, hoping to find coins with scarce dates and mint marks hidden
within their newly purchased bags.

The Treasury's liquidation of its mountainous supply of Silver Dollars --
at face value -- was considered by many experts to be the greatest single
treasure hunt in the history of American Silver Dollars.

But if you were just a kid when the U.S. Treasury threw open its vaults,
the "Treasury Hoard" probably passed you by. And getting your hands on
coins from this fabled hoard has become more difficult every year!

But now you can own three historic Morgan Silver Dollars that just might
have been among the coins released from the famous Treasury Hoard!

Each spectacular three-coin Treasury Hoard Tribute Collection contains an
1883, 1884 and 1885 Brilliant Uncirculated (BU) Morgan Silver Dollar, all
minted in 90% pure silver mined from Nevada's legendary Comstock Lode --
and all dates that were discovered in those 1960's Treasury bags!

Struck at the storied New Orleans Mint more than 130 years ago, each
carries the "O" mint mark from the only U.S. Mint under the control of
three different governments during its existence: the United States, the
State of Louisiana and the Confederate States of America! Owning any one of
these coins individually is an accomplishment.

Owning this three-year collection is an honor only a few will share. That's
because of ALL the millions of Morgan Silver Dollars minted between 1878
and 1904, it's estimated that less than 15% survive today -- and even fewer
exist in uncirculated condition!

So don't delay! Get in line NOW to secure this historic set of three
milestone New Orleans Morgans -- before they're only a memory!
Collection Highlights

- Each coin struck in 90% silver mined from Nevada's Comstock Lode
- All three coins in BU condition
- All feature historic New Orleans Mint "O" mint mark
- Each coin more than 130 years old
- Housed in a deluxe presentation case
- Includes storycards on the Morgan Silver Dollar and the great Treasury
Hoard release, plus a certificate of authenticity
- Each coin 38.1 mm diameter

1883-1885-O Treasury Hoard Tribute
3-Piece Silver Dollar Collection

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Oct 5 (13 days ago)
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Buying a home. Saving for college. Retirement planning. We all have
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Learn More

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Task & Purpose, 394 Broadway, New York, NY 10013
Oct 5 (13 days ago)
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The latest from InsideSources.
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What Washington's Talking About


“Sixty years ago this week, the Soviet Union launched the world’s first
satellite into orbit, changing the course of history. The race for space
was on, and the Soviets had taken an early lead. But the sight of Sputnik
blinking across the October sky spurred Americans to action. Twelve years
later, with ‘one giant leap for mankind,’ the U.S. claimed its rightful
place as the undisputed leader in the exploration of the heavens. That
pre-eminence in outer space is now under threat—and once again, America
must act.” [Mike Pence, Wall Street Journal

Meanwhile, Pence’s chief of staff, Nick Ayers, dreams of a “purge” of
Republicans who are not on board with Trump’s agenda. Others think there
may be a purge needed in the party, but not the one Ayers envisions. [Kevin
D. Williamson, National Review

*Unexpected Results*

“Large U.S. companies have for years sought to tie executive pay to
financial and stock-market results, but a new study suggests their efforts
aren’t working over the long term. The study, from investment research firm
MSCI Inc. compared 10 years of stock-market returns at 423 U.S. companies
to the compensation their CEOs received over that period. It found highly
paid CEOs among the worst performers and vice versa, even counting market
gains on their equity compensation.” [Theo Francis, Wall Street Journal

Does Uber lead to less drunk driving? It’s complicated. [Andrew J. Hawkins,
The Verge

News Technology
*IBM Joins Oracle, HP, Fox, Disney Support for Online Sex-Trafficking Bill*
By Giuseppe Macri

IBM this week joined a growing list of large media and technology
corporations throwing support behind a U.S. Senate online sex-trafficking
bill that would penalize companies for enabling the practice, but opponents
warn the bill will undermine the internet ecosystem.


[IS] Opinions Finance
*Will Tax Reforms Fix the Damaging Taxation of Business Investment?*
By Adam N. Michel and Jason J. Fichtner

Washington has now turned its full attention to tax reform with the recent
release of the “Big Six” framework for updating the tax code. A structural
reform called “full expensing” is a crucial part of updating the tax code.


News Politics
*Could Infrastructure Help Strengthen U.S.-China Trade Ties?*
By Erin Mundahl

On Monday, the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) and the China
Society hosted a panel of speakers to discuss developments in the trading
relationship between the two countries and the opportunities and challenges
the new administration poses.

“I think Secretary Tillerson, Mattis, and Kelly are those people that help
separate our country from chaos.”
*Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn.*

[IS] Opinions Politics
*Urging Congress to Act for Dreamers as DACA Renewals End*
By Jesus Perez

On Thursday (October 5), the Department of Homeland Security will stop
accepting renewal applications for the Deferred Action for Childhood
Arrivals program. Across the country, many young people like me are
scrambling to come up with attorney fees and the $495 we need to re-apply
and then to get paperwork filed on time.


[IS] Opinions Politics
*Refugees Are a Key Test for the United States*
By Gregory Adams

People begin arriving at the Moria Camp health clinic in Lesvos, Greece,
before 8 a.m. to sign their names on the waiting list. Clinic staff hand
out numbers and give people approximate times to return to see the doctor.
Patients and family members press forward, crowding around to hear the
instructions repeated in Arabic, French and — on a good day — Farsi.


News Politics
*Countering Violent Extremism Programs Raise Effectiveness, Civil Rights
By Erin Mundahl

The Countering Violent Extremism programs have been the center of high
levels of controversy, with opponents claiming that they violate civil
rights, marginalize immigrant communities, and are ineffective at
preventing future radicalization.


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Oct 5 (13 days ago)
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[image: Task & Purpose Today]
REPORT: 3 Green Berets Killed In Niger Ambush

What Mattis’ New Rules Of Engagement Mean For The War In Afghanistan

Marco Rubio’s War On This Communist West Point Grad May Blow Up In His Face

Urban Outfitters Rolls Out Central Issue Facility Fall Catalog

Photos Show Las Vegas Shooter’s Arsenal Was Bigger Than An Infantry Squad’s

A Las Vegas Hospital Called In Air Force Surgeons To Deal With Severe
Wounds After Shooting

EXCLUSIVE: Marine Corps Plans To Add Fourth Phase To Boot Camp

Texas Man Buys Sherman Tank And Parks It In Front Of His House, Upsetting

Let’s Be Honest, ‘American Sniper’ Had The Fakest Baby In Movie History

6 Ways You Will Go Broke When You Get Home From Deployment, And How To
Avoid Them

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The Cult of Amiga Is Bringing an Obsolete Computer Into the 21st Century

The rise and fall and potential resurrection of a computing legend.

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How a Russian Scientist's Sci-Fi Genius Made Sputnik Possible

Sputnik, the first satellite to reach space, launched 60 years ago today.

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From the Editors of Road & Track:

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This $178,000, 500-HP, Wrangler-Based Truck Is What You'll Need When
Doomsday Strikes

Wherever your Rezvani Beast Alpha can't go, the 500 horsepower Tank can.

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Can Someone Design a Drone to Fly All the Way Across the Pacific?

It's the subject of a new challenge. No fuel stops, no pilots.

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The Best HDTV Antennas for Cord Cutters

Sometimes old tech is the best tech.

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Upgrade Your Office With Audio and Ergonomics

Amazon daily deals will turn your home office into a much more habitable

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Oct 5 (13 days ago)
to me
This is how some veterans reacted during the Las Vegas shooting

When a gunman opened fire on a country music festival in Las Vegas, many
veterans rose to the call to render aid to the victims. *By Eric
Milzarski...**Read More*
This is how 2 Delta Force snipers earned the Medal of Honor in Somalia

These two Delta operators were fully aware that sacrificing their own lives
would have been a necessity in their attempt to save their fallen comrades. *By
Ian D'Costa*...*Read More*
Watch as a massive ammunition depot blows up in Ukraine

Ukraine's military prosecutor's office said investigators were treating the
explosions and fire as an act of sabotage. *By WATM Partners*...*Read More*
*The military superpower veterans have but sometimes fail to use*
Navy returns to compasses and pencils to help avoid collisions at sea

Commanders are requiring sailors to use old-fashioned compasses, pencils,
and paper to help track potential hazards, as part of new safety
regulations. *By WATM Parners*...*Read More*
Marines avoided killing officers because of this symbol

Back in the 1800s, it was a common practice for Marines and sailors to
patrol up to an enemy vessel and forcefully board the ship while heavy
under fire. *By Tim Kirkpatrick*...*Read More*
This Royal Marine threw himself on a grenade – and walked away with a

Matthew Croucher threw himself on the explosive so fast, he had time to
think through what was about to happen to him. Then the grenade exploded. *By
Blake Stilwell*...*Read More*

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Oct 4
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What Washington's Talking About

*Will Vegas Change the Gun Control Debate?*

Democrats have taken a tamer approach to gun control in response to Vegas
and in the lead-up to the 2018 midterms. [Heather Caygle and Elana Schor,

Why Gun Control Loses, and Why Las Vegas Might Change That [Ross Douthat,
New York Times

“If only Stephen Paddock had been a Muslim … If only he had shouted ‘Allahu
akbar’ before he opened fire on all those concertgoers in Las Vegas … But
what happens when the country of origin is us? What happens when the killer
was only a disturbed American armed to the teeth with military-style
weapons that he bought legally or acquired easily because of us and our
crazy lax gun laws? Then we know what happens: The president and the
Republican Party go into overdrive to ensure that nothing happens. Then
they insist — unlike with every ISIS-related terror attack — that the event
must not be ‘politicized’ by asking anyone, particularly themselves, to
look in the mirror and rethink their opposition to common-sense gun laws.” [Thomas
L. Friedman, New York Times

[IS] Opinions Politics
*Confederate Statues in U.S. Capitol Must Go*
By Daniel Schuman and Eli Lehrer

At the top of the U.S. Capitol stands the statue of Freedom Triumphant, the
work of sculptor Thomas Crawford. The statue, originally approved by
then-U.S. Secretary of War Jefferson Davis, was installed in 1863 during a
Civil War that, as president of the Confederacy, Davis himself led to
defend slavery.


News Technology
*Privacy Experts Urge House to Reform NSA Spying ‘Loophole’*
By Giuseppe Macri

Privacy experts and digital rights advocates want the House of
Representatives to reform a loophole to National Security Agency
surveillance authority set to expire in December that allows the
intelligence community to collect and search data on U.S. citizens without
a warrant.

“We will have to decide in every case whether the Democrats win or the
Republicans win. So it’s going to be a problem here across the board. And
if you’re the intelligent man on the street and the Court issues a
decision, and let’s say the Democrats win, and that person will say: Well,
why did the Democrats win? And the answer is going to be because EG [the
efficiency gap] was greater than 7%, where EG is the sigma of party X
wasted votes minus the sigma of party Y wasted votes over the sigma of
party X votes plus party Y votes. And the intelligent man on the street is
going to say that’s a bunch of baloney. It must be because the Supreme
Court preferred the Democrats over the Republicans. And that’s going to
come out one case after another as these cases are brought in every state.
And that is going to cause very serious harm to the status and integrity of
the decisions of this Court in the eyes of the country.”

*Chief Justice John Roberts*

[IS] Opinions Politics
*Justices Court Controversy in New Term*
By Elizabeth Wydra

Immigrant rights. Voting rights. Gay rights. Privacy rights. These are
among the high-stakes issues the Supreme Court will tackle when it begins
its new term.


News Energy
*Increased Methane Levels?: Cows Are to Blame, Says New Study*
By Erin Mundahl

“Our results suggest that livestock methane emissions, while not the
dominant overall source of global methane emissions, may be a major
contributor to the observed annual emissions increases over the 2000s to
2010s,” conclude researchers in a new study published by Carbon Balance and
Management, an academic journal.


News Politics
*How the Las Vegas Attack Will Lead Music Venues to Rethink Security*
By Jack O'Brien

The recent attack on a country music festival in Las Vegas that left 59
people dead and over 500 injured has prompted a reevaluation of how to
maintain public safety at concert venues in the Granite State.


[IS] Opinions Politics
*A Proliferation of ‘Declarations of War’*
By Donald Kirk

North Korea has been crying wolf so often, it’s hard to get too excited by
the “declaration of war” declared in New York this week by North Korean
Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho.


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Oct 4
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[image: Task & Purpose Today]
The Army’s Badass Laser Weapon Just Took A Major Step Forward

MOH Recipient Dakota Meyer Blasts Dan Bilzerian For Filming Snapchat Video
During Las Vegas Shooting

Watch Safehaven Marine’s Stealthy New High-Speed Interceptor In Action

The Army’s Powerful New Service Rifle Isn’t Dead Just Yet

New Report Details How The Ill-Fated January SEAL Raid In Yemen Went Wrong

Military Veterans Mourned As Las Vegas Victims, Praised As Heroes

‘No Way To Really Protect Yourself’: Veterans Describe The Horror Of The
Las Vegas Shooting

Las Vegas Gunman Used Legal Device To Fire 400 Rounds A Minute

This Marine Vet Stole A Truck And Turned It Into An Ambulance To Rescue
Victims During Las Vegas Shooting

Mattis’ Warning About Arming The Taliban Wasn’t Meant For Russia And Iran

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Vegas Shooter Had 'Bump Stocks' to Convert Rifles to Full-Auto

The replaceable stocks greatly increase a semi-automatic's rate of fire
with no permanent modification.

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How the SWAT Team Found the Las Vegas Gunman

Fire alarms in the hotel room led SWAT teams to the shooter.

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How the SWAT Team Found the Las Vegas Gunman] [image: Share on Twitter]
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How the SWAT Team Found the Las Vegas Gunman] [image: Share on Pinterest]



Created by Popular Mechanics for The Home Depot

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9 Simple Steps to Make the Most Useful Shelf Ever

Finally, a smarter way to store your stuff.

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The Angry Sea Is No Match for This Plucky Amphibious Tractor

The Talus MB-4H can go completely underwater if it has to.

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The Angry Sea Is No Match for This Plucky Amphibious Tractor] [image: Share
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The Angry Sea Is No Match for This Plucky Amphibious Tractor] [image: Share
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Texas Man Parks Sherman Tank In Front of His House

Unsurprisingly, his HOA isn't happy about it.

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Texas Man Parks Sherman Tank In Front of His House] [image: Share on
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Texas Man Parks Sherman Tank In Front of His House] [image: Share on



[image: Popular Mechanics]

New Study Suggests Life Was Brought to Early Earth on Meteorites

A new model puts the spark of life at just a few hundred million years
after the Earth cooled to allow surface water, bringing us closer to
answering one of the greatest questions in science.

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New Study Suggests Life Was Brought to Early Earth on Meteorites] [image:
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Oct 3
to me
First-ever U.S. Palladium Eagles!
[image: Visit GovMint.com!]
Free Shipping]
U.S. Coins
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Today: 1-800-941-7267
[image: 2017 Palladium American Eagles]
The first of their kind:
2017 Palladium American Eagles!

The U.S. Mint has released its first-ever Palladium Eagle -- a historic
event in American numismatics that marks not just one, but THREE momentous

- The FIRST TIME that the mint has made a major change to the American
Eagle program in 20 years
- The FIRST TIME that the mint has ever struck a Palladium coin
- The FIRST TIME the mint has ever struck a non-gold coin in High Relief!

Coin Highlights

- Struck in one Troy ounce of 99.95% pure Palladium (31.103 grams) at
the Philadelphia Mint
- Only 15,000 minted
- High relief obverse and reverse images
- $25 U.S. legal tender
- 32.7 mm diameter

Act now and you can be one of the select few to own one of these
spectacular just-released Palladium Eagles -- including top-graded coins
with distinctive labels and a choice of colored core holders!

Each features outstanding High Relief designs created by renowned sculptor
Adolph Weinman: the popular "Mercury" Dime Winged Liberty on the obverse,
and his 1907 American Institute of Architects(AIA) Gold Medal Eagle on the

Just don't wait! With just 15,000 coins available, these new 2017 American
Palladium coins are the first of their kind -- and collectors around the
world will be lining up to own one. Order yours now!
What is Palladium? A member of the Platinum family, Palladium is one of the
rarest metals in the world -- a forever "white" metal with the exceptional
trait of withstanding corrosion and oxidation.
<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGm00zfaAl9GyzcXLzcKWtERI13PgbvzbyWTNzbIzcu2czc7W3Y9gzbHwKW6VXtpKX%3DSRRWRUUY&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lFyrxP_P8JP_qbxI2Lc_FRX6H9PE7bx_3ESJAZNHOuvWN2iWZIPuq1S1R1QXqiHIBh5Riq7VyCA_Dl-c5ljHDark4pHCSqhzc4mHcW_8MQnNfdtOk7vLpX8G8iUFl1Kuyx2cJ1YGh7F0pVREc0PrCJzMfzi2VXhSbvnvkVwM7sb25zHk91IE8HWmIPDINvejkKSx0.> UNGRADED

Presented in their original government packaging, these 2017 Palladium
Eagles are among the most affordable coins in this historic new flock --
and look as good as they did the day they left the Philadelphia Mint!

[image: Pre-order Now]
<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGm00zfaAl9GyzcXLzcKWtERI13PgbvzbyWTNzbIzcu2czc7W3Y9gzbHwKW6VXtpKX%3DSRRWRUUA&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lFyrxP_P8JP_qbxI2Lc_FRX6H9PE7bx_3ESJAZNHOuvWN2iWZIPuq1S1R1QXqiHIBh5Riq7VyCA_Dl-c5ljHDark4pHCSqhzc4mHcW_8MQnNfdtOk7vLpX8G8iUFl1Kuyx2cJ1YGh7F0pVREc0PrCJzMfzi2VXhSbvnvkVwM7sb25zHk91IE8HWmIPDINvejkKSx0.> NGC

Created from newer dies and believed to have a much crisper appearance than
coins produced later, both Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC) First
Releases and Early Releases are among the first Mint State (MS) 2017
Palladium Eagles struck at the Philadelphia Mint and certified within the
first 30 days of issue.

[image: Pre-order Now]
To learn more or order by phone,
call 1-800-941-7267 and mention code GE2193

We've selected the following products just for you:
[image: 1]
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<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGm00zfaAl9GyzcXLzcKWtERI13PgbvzbyWTNzbIzcu2czc7W3Y9gzbHwKW6VXtpKX%3DSRRWRUUD&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lFyrxP_P8JP_qbxI2Lc_FRX6H9PE7bx_3ESJAZNHOuvWN2iWZIPuq1S1R1QXqiHIBh5Riq7VyCA_Dl-c5ljHDarzBdZkDcYyruwXxD58t4YNwxFsPUNZcfuMiGv81qA0-PCCirY394VHsI_4U4EBvwOIwDlcCrYPXAR5mltnlNWu8Na2jH15IvrABlyIQlyltW2mw.> [image:
<https://links.amsi-corp.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DYQpglLjHJlYQGm00zfaAl9GyzcXLzcKWtERI13PgbvzbyWTNzbIzcu2czc7W3Y9gzbHwKW6VXtpKX%3DSRRWRUWR&_ei_=Ek-N5QnG5l05iMx8E_WD5lFyrxP_P8JP_qbxI2Lc_FRX6H9PE7bx_3ESJAZNHOuvWN2iWZIPuq1S1R1QXqiHIBh5Riq7VyCA_Dl-c5ljHDarzBdZkDcYyruwXxD58t4YNwxFsPUNZcfuMiGv81qA0-PCCirY394VHsI_4U4EBvwOIwDlcCrYPXAR5mltnlNWu8Na2jH15IvrABlyIQlyltW2mw.> [image:
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Oct 2
to me

The latest from InsideSources.
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What Washington's Talking About

*At least 50 were killed *and* over 200 people injured were killed at a
country music festival in Las Vegas on Sunday night, *in what is considered
the* deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history. Police identified the gunman
as 64-year-old Stephen Paddock, *who opened fire on the crowd from the *32nd
floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel. President Donald Trump* and *Vice
President Mike Pence* tweeted their sympathies on Monday morning as police
continue to search for a motive.

News Politics
*Teamsters Leader On Helping the Hurricane Relief Effort*
By Connor D. Wolf

The country has been battered with a string of hurricanes that have left
southern states and territories in ruin. But from the destruction arose
individuals and groups determined to help those in need. Labor unions were
one such group that rallied together to do what they could to help the
massive effort.


News Politics
*California Moves Up Presidential Primary, Political Implications Abound*
By Jack O'Brien

California announced this week it will hold its 2020 presidential primary
on March 3, moving up three months in a decision with the potential for an
intriguing political impact.


News Technology
*RedState: More Conservatives Oppose Sinclair-Tribune Merger*
By Giuseppe Macri

More conservatives in media and on Capitol Hill are quietly voicing
opposition to the $3.9 billion Sinclair-Tribune merger, according to
right-leaning political blog RedState.


[IS] Opinions Technology
*Ajit Pai Has the Right Vision for the FCC*
By Brian Paul

When President Obama nominated Ajit Pai to the Federal Communications
Commission in 2011, the White House detailed Pai’s impressive resume.
Harvard. The University of Chicago. Prestigious work as a
telecommunications lawyer in both the private and the public sectors.


[IS] Opinions Politics
*Politics, With a Dash of Humor*
By Daniella Gibbs Leger

Every year when the new season of “Saturday Night Live” premieres, an
age-old debate pops up: which season of “SNL” is the best? Everyone has
their favorite sketches and cast of characters. And there are, of course,
those who say every year that “SNL” isn’t what it used to be — while they
continue to watch the show every week.


[IS] Opinions Politics
*Politics Is Ruining Recreation — Don’t Let It Ruin ‘Saturday Night Live’*
By Hadley Heath Manning

“Saturday Night Live,” now in its 43rd season, is an American pastime. The
show has produced incredible talent like Eddie Murphy, Tina Fey and Will
Ferrell, as well as classic sketches like those mocking “Celebrity
Jeopardy” and the Coneheads.


[IS] Opinions Politics
*Venezuela and the Failure of Socialism*
By Antony Davies and James R. Harrigan

It was just a few years ago that Venezuela enjoyed near-universal acclaim
from the western left. The usual Hollywood set, from Sean Penn to Michael
Moore, heaped on the praise, and a number of people who should have known a
lot better, like Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz and Bernie
Sanders, followed right along.


[IS] Opinions Politics
*Time Is Running Out to Reform National Disaster Policy*
By Steve Ellis and Joshua Saks

Harvey tore through Houston, Irma hit Florida and now Maria has devastated
Puerto Rico. The havoc wreaked by any one of these storms is enough to
expose our country’s antiquated disaster policies. But together, they are a
clarion call for Congress to act.


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Oct 2
to me
[image: Task & Purpose Today]
The Air Force May Soon Start Combat-Testing New Aircraft That Could Fight
Alongside The A-10

Watch Marines Place A Temporary Bridge Across The Colorado River

First Female Marine Officer To Graduate From Assault Amphibian School

A New Marine Artillery Detachment Is About To Bring The Pain To ISIS

Troops Step Up To The Plate, Recreate Army-Navy Baseball Rivalry ‘Field Of
Dreams’ Style

Why The B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber Might Be America’s Most Dangerous Weapon

Stationed At Camp Pendleton? Enjoy These Dead Animals In Your Drinking Water

Guess What Branch Just Dropped $1 Billion On New Beach-Landing Boats?

Marine MV-22B Osprey Crashes In Syria, Injuring 2 US Personnel

‘You Have To Be A Computer Genius’: Trump Rails Against The Navy’s New
Electromagnetic Catapult — Again

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The 50 Best New Board Games

Order a pizza, invite over one to three friends, and try out the best new
board games.

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Here's How Far a Human Could Possibly Hit a Baseball

With the MLB playoffs approaching, let's get into some long ball physics.

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Here's How Far a Human Could Possibly Hit a Baseball] [image: Share on


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What Is an EMP, and Could North Korea Really Use One Against the U.S.?

Good news for preserving human life, but bad news in almost every other way.

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What Is an EMP, and Could North Korea Really Use One Against the U.S.?] [image:
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Now a New Mini Commodore 64 Is Coming

The best selling computer of all time is going to sell a little more.

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Now a New Mini Commodore 64 Is Coming] [image: Share on Pinterest]


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China's J-20 Stealth Fighter Is Operational

The Chengdu J-20 is the third "fifth generation" fighter in service

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China's J-20 Stealth Fighter Is Operational] [image: Share on Twitter]
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China's J-20 Stealth Fighter Is Operational] [image: Share on Pinterest]



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When You Need to Cross a River with No Bridge, Build One Yourself

The Colorado River's not going to cross itself.

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When You Need to Cross a River with No Bridge, Build One Yourself] [image:
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When You Need to Cross a River with No Bridge, Build One Yourself] [image:
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Hypersonic SR-72 Demonstrator Reportedly Spotted at Skunk Works

A subscale demonstrator was reportedly spied at Lockheed's facilities in
California as the aerospace giant touts the imminent coming of hypersonic

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Hypersonic SR-72 Demonstrator Reportedly Spotted at Skunk Works] [image:
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Hypersonic SR-72 Demonstrator Reportedly Spotted at Skunk Works] [image:
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Blade Is Back:
'Blade Runner 2049' Is a Must-Watch

Good news, Replicants: The sequel stands up.

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Blade Is Back:<br>'Blade Runner 2049' Is a Must-Watch] [image: Share on
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Blade Is Back:<br>'Blade Runner 2049' Is a Must-Watch] [image: Share on


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The Best Space Heater for the Cold Winter Ahead

Here's the best way to stay toasty for those cold winter months.

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The Best Space Heater for the Cold Winter Ahead] [image: Share on Twitter]
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The Best Space Heater for the Cold Winter Ahead] [image: Share on Pinterest]



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Russian Bomber Bungles Takeoff, Loses Wing

The Tu-22M3 bomber overshot the runway and plowed into a field.

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Russian Bomber Bungles Takeoff, Loses Wing] [image: Share on Twitter]
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Russian Bomber Bungles Takeoff, Loses Wing] [image: Share on Pinterest]


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Colin Furze's New Show Is Great DIY Fun

Now available now on YouTube Red.

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Colin Furze's New Show Is Great DIY Fun] [image: Share on Twitter]
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Colin Furze's New Show Is Great DIY Fun] [image: Share on Pinterest]




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NASA's James Webb Space Telescope Launch Delayed to 2019

Originally slated for an October 2018 launch, the new flagship space
telescope will have to wait another six months or so to fly to orbit.

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On Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 9:14:30 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:
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> 4:02 AM (5 hours ago)
> Reply
> to me
> Using tools found in your garage, you can build and own an untraceable
> Glock 9mm tomorrow. No license needed.
> Veteran gunsmith Frank Mitchell is giving away a brand new Free DVD
> showing you exactly how to make an untraceable Glock 9mm.
> To get yours, confirm your address and get the *Undetectable Arms DVD for
> free today* <http://trk.cp20.com/click/k1q4s-c1mp4p-6svc7ja4/>.
> <http://trk.cp20.com/click/k1q4s-c1mp4q-6svc7ja5/>
> *This free DVD gives you all the info you need*
> <http://trk.cp20.com/click/k1q4s-c1mp4r-6svc7ja6/>* to build an
> “invisible” Glock in less than an hour.*
> -
> Shows you the complete parts list.
> -
> Guides you step-by-step build instructions (no gunsmith required).
> -
> Tells you where to get the highest quality parts at the best price
> possible.
> *And much, much more.*
> Only 302 copies of the Undetectable Arms DVD are being given away for FREE
> today.
> So you’ll have to hurry… This new DVD is hot right now and they’re going
> fast.
> *Click here to get your FREE copy before they run out*
> <http://trk.cp20.com/click/k1q4s-c1mp4s-6svc7ja7/>Stay ready,
> -Lou Prep.
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> 9:00 AM (7 minutes ago)
> Reply
> to me
> You may not know this, but Trump recently scored a major victory, a
> "touchdown" if you will, and news networks like CNN, MSNBC hate it!
> Here are the details
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4742282/742230930/_de9b72ebac19533562dfb7c797d03f4d7c7aeeb3/c18ae8c88e68e45aa9c51a834bf09b55c3014e6f>
> :
> Over the past few weeks, as Trump's waged a war of words with King Jong
> Un, he managed to prove North Korea is one of the biggest threats to
> humanity.
> But this isn't what you think it is.
> While the liberal media rolled their eyes at Trump, he kept insisting how
> dangerous North Korea was.
> Soon North Korea started shooting missiles over Japan and sent a captured
> American citizen back to us blind, deaf and mute.
> So people started believing him a little bit more.
> All the while one of the most disturbing stories out of North Korea
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4742282/742230930/_de9b72ebac19533562dfb7c797d03f4d7c7aeeb3/c18ae8c88e68e45aa9c51a834bf09b55c3014e6f> was
> developing.
> *Now it's out*. And it proves Trump is spot-on regarding how vile the
> North Korean government truly is. They truly are.
> The weird thing about this story
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4742282/742230930/_de9b72ebac19533562dfb7c797d03f4d7c7aeeb3/c18ae8c88e68e45aa9c51a834bf09b55c3014e6f>
> ?
> It has nothing to do with Kim Jong Un's nuclear arsenal.
> *It's much worse. *
> And while the Trump White House probably knows more than I do, when you
> see what the government in the hermit kingdom
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4742282/742230930/_de9b72ebac19533562dfb7c797d03f4d7c7aeeb3/c18ae8c88e68e45aa9c51a834bf09b55c3014e6f> decided
> to do, you'll see how seriously it can affect the population of the entire
> world.
> Look, the possibility of a North Korean nuclear attack is something to be
> worried about and prepare for.
> But seeing this story showing you what North Korea's government did won't
> just convince you they're committed to watching people die agonizing
> deaths.
> *It may save your life*.
> Trump's absolutely right about the danger of North Korea... and this
> proves it
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4742282/742230930/_de9b72ebac19533562dfb7c797d03f4d7c7aeeb3/c18ae8c88e68e45aa9c51a834bf09b55c3014e6f>
> !
> ~ David Adams
> Preparing Made Easy
> P.S. This secret needs to go Big Time! Once you see it, share it far and
> ...................................
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> *Breaking News...*
> *VIDEO: Gay Cafe Owner Curses at Christian Group, Kicks Them Out
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> *NYTimes Editor Admits Aggressive Anti-Trump Bias
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86848%7c8955441%7c8787218&digest=9DNU0fWzr3rkSp0NvMNoWQ&sysid=1>*
> *Shocking: Federal Reserve #2 Resigns Because of...
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> *BANNON: Sen. Corker is a 'Disgrace;' 'Should Resign Immediately'
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> ------------------------------
> Dear Reader,
> *What I'm about to show you could have a huge impact on your life
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> America's #2 at the Federal Reserve just suddenly resigned.
> I predicted this five months ago. And it could have massive implications
> for your wealth over the coming weeks...
> The "fake news" said he resigned for "personal reasons"...
> But the truth is far more important and urgent.
> In short, with this money bureaucrat out of the way…
> *Donald Trump now has a clear path to institute a major change to
> America's money
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86843%7c8955441%7c8787218&digest=ZnNKuZ3GGOK9YC4UGhI1gA&sysid=1>.*
> More importantly, Trump's the FIRST president with the opportunity to do
> it since 1913.
> This could be the biggest dollar earthquake in 100 years.
> And it could all happen as soon as three months from now.
> *Click here now for everything I see coming
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86844%7c8955441%7c8787218&digest=nmQDNVTqdc%2b8hL1ozuwZ7w&sysid=1>.*
> Regards,
> Joe Schriefer
> Publisher, Agora Financial
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> Dear Reader,
> By simply eating *this sweet snack*
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86838%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=1h%2bkFpm23B0VayeIUo8LsQ&sysid=1> 30-minutes
> before bed, you can reverse Alzheimer's disease...
> *Think that's impossible?*
> Then listen to this...
> Recently, one Harvard-recognized doctor revealed how this food
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86839%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=Jkq3NmswWKMvEqErFPOXCw&sysid=1> helps
> dissolve deadly brain plaque while you sleep...
> Results were so powerful, medical experts are finally whispering the word "
> *CURE*."
> If you ever worry that your memory is getting worse... or if a loved one
> is suffering with Alzheimer's or dementia... this 1 food
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86830%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=ztPJHxumS8dB2O%2f7ahXM2w&sysid=1> could
> be a life-saver.
> Click here now to discover this Alzheimer's-reversing food...
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86831%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=29KX1FB6gzgNIg3PsRb97w&sysid=1>
> Christine O'Brien
> *Nutrition & Healing*
> P.S. This pre-bed "recipe"
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86832%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=H4In%2finasB3wIikHe7mDYQ&sysid=1> is
> perfectly simple to make... but you have to know the right way to prepare
> it. You'll get everything you need in this short video. Click here now
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86833%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=aTS%2brMoMpGtNCW%2bVBzZ63g&sysid=1>
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> 6:06 PM (15 hours ago)
> (The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)
> Dear Reader,
> There are many foods that we should be avoiding in order to stay healthy
> and look our best. Being healthy and looking good is a big priority for
> many of us.
> The problem is that there are *3 harmful foods in particular*, one of
> which has been banned in many countries, yet still legal here in the U.S.
> These foods may cause us to gain weight and may actually be harming you
> from the inside. These foods could be the cause of why you are not losing
> weight, no matter what you have tried - diet, exercise, ect.
> These foods are in many Americans' homes and you are most likely consuming
> them every day.
> If you ever feel like you are tired and fatigued from your workouts, or
> daily life routines, the culprit might be these foods that you are
> consuming. These foods may affect your everyday life by literally sucking
> the energy from you.
> Some of these foods have been disguised as “health foods.” These foods
> could be causing what is called "gut yeast" to be growing inside of your
> stomach.
> The truth about these foods is that they may be harming you from the
> inside.
> Some doctors are even calling these 3 things “health killers.” These are
> foods that you should stop eating right now!
> Please click here now
> <http://em.patriotpowerednews.com/ga/click/2-495164215-2356-259944-535233-3697970-2db3afd036-785bc32b63> to
> find out more about these potentially dangerous foods and why you should
> stop eating them.
> There is one food addtitive in particular which may be extremely harmful
> to your health and is banned in almost every first world country except
> here in the U.S.
> The problem is that many food manufacturers market some of these foods as
> “health foods” and you may be thinking that you are eating healthy, but in
> reality, you may not be. This may be the furthest from the truth. Please
> watch this shocking presentation here.
> Material Connection Disclosure: Unless otherwise expressly stated, you
> should assume that all references to products and services on this website
> are made because material connections exist between the sender of this
> email and the providers of the mentioned products and services. Learn
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> Dear Reader,
> Big Pharma is on the cusp of annihilation.
> The dominance of behemoth pharmaceutical companies is about to come to an
> abrupt halt.
> You see, while thousands of biotech companies have been shooting for
> billion-dollar drugs … vaccinations … and medical devices …
> An innovative Midwestern firm has taken a much different route.
> It is reinventing healthcare from the nucleus up … and will soon dominate
> this $1.7 trillion industry.
> [image: Image]
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86898%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=xIvxc2nmJ4%2bHIB9PmR4dNg&sysid=1>
> This tiny biotech stock is poised to annihilate big pharma.
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86899%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=%2fDRmt6oDudIJYNavVysR9g&sysid=1>
> The dean of Stanford's School of Medicine says: *"The opportunities are
> enormous"* … vice chair at Duke University's Department of Surgery
> declares this is *"changing the game"* … and a University of Pennsylvania
> Wharton School of Business study calls this breakthrough *"a
> revolutionary approach to tackling disease."*
> And early investors will have the opportunity to make an absolute fortune.
> Jeff Yastine
> Editorial Director, Banyan Hill Publishing
> The information presented here is for general educational purposes only.
> You should always consult with your personal physician regarding any
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> I wanted to thank you for viewing our presentation, *“The Death of the
> iPhone.”* and for considering your risk-free trial to our investment
> research letter, *Technology and Opportunity*.
> In this presentation, I revealed a company so remarkable that its stock
> could make a new generation of millionaires.
> *Our records indicate you disconnected before making your way through.*
> For your review, I'm including a link to the video presentation
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/17fc582b288dce52678a4554179-6cfcebc43916b4e058e3f3b24fc> as
> well as to the written transcript.
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/17fc582b288dce52678a4554179-23661457a9fb4314da751ca1c3b> If
> you have not had the chance to review these in full, I highly recommend you
> do so now.
> *In case you were still on the fence about our offer, I wanted to take
> this opportunity and reaffirm just how critical this stock opportunity
> we're presenting is....*
> In the presentation, I disclosed details about a groundbreaking technology
> with the potential to make investors millions….
> In fact, this technology is so powerful, it could destroy the iPhone and
> topple Apple’s $750 billion technology empire.
> I believe investors could see gains of 6,400%
> *It’s because of this technology's dynamic potential that I have dubbed
> the $7 firm producing it “The iPhone Killer.”*
> Today smartphones are everywhere, but they won’t be for long.
> Tech visionaries predict that the age of smart phones is coming to an end.
> Even Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg is on the bandwagon.
> *Zuckerberg has gone so far as to praise the technology behind the “iPhone
> Killer” as the “the obvious next step” in the smartphone industry.*
> *As I write this, multiple tech giants are using the unique components
> produced by the “iPhone Killer” to build their own products.*
> Those companies include Google, Microsoft, and Facebook.
> Without its components, these tech giants would struggle to get their
> technology off the ground. *This makes the “iPhone Killer” company I've
> been telling you about essential to one of the greatest technology shifts
> in human history.*
> For investors, it presents a unique opportunity.
> In the world of technology investing, history proves one thing: The best
> way to make money is to invest in the small companies producing technology
> for big players.
> Just take a look at the early computer industry.
> In the 1990’s, investors who bought stock in companies fueling the
> personal computer industry made millions.
> *Early investors of Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) saw 67,272% gains. And early
> investors of QUALCOMM (NASDAQ: QCOM) saw 13,930% gains.*
> *Now the "iPhone Killer" is offering modern day investors the same
> groundbreaking opportunity.*
> But the window to invest is closing.
> Because of this investment's time-sensitive nature, I want to get you
> started right away.
> That is why I put together a free report, *“The Next Intel: Banking up to
> 6,400% from the Death of the iPhone.”*
> You can claim your report here.
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/17fc582b288dce52678a4554179-7a136d0c8f40e7b9b2a8f993c95>
> As soon as you receive your report, you will get the ticker symbol and
> name of the “iPhone Killer” company.
> This will allow you to start capitalizing on this groundbreaking
> investment right away.
> But the clock is ticking, so I urge you to get started immediately.
> To your wealth,
> [image: Stutman sig]
> Jason Stutman
> Investment Director, *Technology and Opportunity*
> ------------------------------
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> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/17fc582b288dce52678a4554179-e72951ddb5cb1964c41e36ba214>
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> Market Place #720, Baltimore, MD 21202. For Customer Service, please call
> (877) 303-4529. All rights reserved. No statement or expression of opinion,
> or any other matter herein, directly or indirectly, is an offer or the
> solicitation of an offer to buy or sell the securities or financial
> instruments mentioned. While we believe the sources of information to be
> reliable, we in no way represent or guarantee the accuracy of the
> statements made herein. Angel Publishing and Technology and Opportunity
> does not provide individual investment counseling, act as an investment
> advisor, or individually advocate the purchase or sale of any security or
> investment. The publisher, editors and consultants of Angel Publishing may
> actively trade in the investments discussed in this newsletter. They may
> have substantial positions in the securities recommended and may increase
> or decrease such positions without notice. Neither the publisher nor the
> editors are registered investment advisors. Subscribers should not view
> this publication as offering personalized legal or investment counseling.
> Investments recommended in this publication should be made only after
> consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the
> prospectus or financial statements of the company in question. Unauthorized
> reproduction of this newsletter or its contents by Xerography, facsimile,
> or any other means is illegal and punishable by law.
> ...........................................................................................-=
> Oct 9 (2 days ago)
> Reply
> to me
> Good day to you,
> I want to thank you for your interest in my investment presentation about
> "Internet Royalties."
> Quite simply, this is among the most powerful — and most reliable — ways
> to generate steady cash income that I've ever seen. I know of people who
> are making as much as $4,898 a month from "Internet Royalties."
> My records show that you disconnected before you finished learning about
> "Internet Roylaties."
> If you're not interested in setting up a reliable, growing income stream,
> that's fine. But I want you to know that the time to start collecting
> "Internet Royalties" is now. Because the payouts will only get bigger...
> Now, I've included a written version of the presentation for you HERE
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/b6f8df42cebbba9550be7feb76d-6cb4243d3d77cbaf3ad1875c825> —
> in case you'd like to review it.
> However, I think I can sum it up pretty quickly for you, if you'd like.
> You see, as you probably know already, more and more business gets done on
> the internet every day. Amazon alone did $142 billion in sales over the
> last year. Total U.S. internet sales were up 15% to $394 billion. Over the
> next couple of years, U.S. internet sales will hit $523 billion.
> Those numbers are simply astounding. And with "Internet Royalties," you
> can get a piece of all that revenue.
> How is it possible to to get a steady and reliable income stream from
> companies that do business on the internet, you ask? It's simple...
> Just like you and me, the vast majority of companies that want to do
> business over the internet have to pay for access. It's kind of like an
> access fee. And because of tax law loopholes, a large portion of these
> access fees must be paid out as "Internet Royalties."
> It's not like the internet is just going to disappear. So, you can count
> on "Internet Royalties" for years to come.
> In fact, the internet is just going to get bigger and bigger. And that's
> why "Internet Royalty" payments will continue to grow, year after year.
> But of course, you can't get paid if you don't get started.
> So, what's keeping you from getting started right away? If it's the video
> presentation
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/b6f8df42cebbba9550be7feb76d-88cffd1c0da4c9e2530c3759f7b>,
> then check out the written version above.
> If you'd rather get right to it, HERE's
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/b6f8df42cebbba9550be7feb76d-03a26e7d27d879d6a0ab3b04117> an
> order page (and don't worry, you'll be pleasantly surprised by the price
> and the money-back guarantee).
> It's my job to make sure that every investor knows about life-changing
> income opportunities like "Internet Royalties." I've done that — the rest
> is up to you. Come on board today.
> To your wealth,
> [image: brits-sig-small]
> Briton L. Ryle
> Investment Director,
> * The Wealth Advisory*
> ------------------------------
> Do you no longer want to receive messages like these? You may opt-out here
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/b6f8df42cebbba9550be7feb76d-017847632b1005434af906161c8>
> .
> The Wealth Advisory, Copyright © 2017, Angel Publishing, LLC., 111 Market
> Place #720, Baltimore, MD 21202. For Customer Service, please call (877)
> 303-4529. All rights reserved. No statement or expression of opinion, or
> any other matter herein, directly or indirectly, is an offer or the
> solicitation of an offer to buy or sell the securities or financial
> instruments mentioned. While we believe the sources of information to be
> reliable, we in no way represent or guarantee the accuracy of the
> statements made herein. Angel Publishing and The Wealth Advisory does not
> provide individual investment counseling, act as an investment advisor, or
> individually advocate the purchase or sale of any security or investment.
> The publisher, editors and consultants of Angel Publishing may actively
> trade in the investments discussed in this newsletter. They may have
> substantial positions in the securities recommended and may increase or
> decrease such positions without notice. Neither the publisher nor the
> editors are registered investment advisors. Subscribers should not view
> this publication as offering personalized legal or investment counseling.
> Investments recommended in this publication should be made only after
> consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the
> prospectus or financial statements of the company in question. Unauthorized
> reproduction of this newsletter or its contents by Xerography, facsimile,
> or any other means is illegal and punishable by law.
> ..............................................................
> Oct 9 (2 days ago)
> Reply
> to me
> Thank you for taking the time to watch my *"Bitcoin Printing Press"*
> presentation.
> For your review, I'm including a link to the video presentation
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/0d3414462c2048664aed004522f-b293906e4084670bcd967c40aea> and
> also one to the written transcript.
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/0d3414462c2048664aed004522f-085fe759edc9eca6b3e12ac61bb> If
> you haven't had the chance to review these in full, I highly recommend that
> you do so now.
> As I've explained, even if Bitcoin is a fad...
> Even if it's destined to crash...
> Even if you never hear about Bitcoin again...
> The technology behind these digital currencies has explosive growth
> potential.
> Here's something that I really couldn't put into my presentation. It
> simply wouldn't fit...
> I mentioned that the world's largest financial institutions and central
> banks, including the U.S. Federal Reserve, are rapidly integrating digital
> currency technologies into their own systems.
> It's not about Bitcoin.
> It's about the technology behind Bitcoin.
> And this technology is going to need those very special ASIC chips that we
> talked about. There's no way around it.
> And the stock that I want to tell you about is the main manufacturer of
> these special ASIC chips!
> That's why I'm urging you to reconsider.
> Ultimately, you have nothing to lose.
> If you receive my report and aren't happy, simply call for a full refund.
> You'll be able to keep the report as my gift. We're not going to come take
> it away from you.
> I'm taking all the risks here.
> But I'm sure you'll find that once you start making money with *Secret
> Stock Files*, you won't look back.
> Simply click on this link to get started.
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/0d3414462c2048664aed004522f-043e6f33b01752c12241f1c9819>
> To your wealth,
> [image: Luke Burgess Signature]
> Luke Burgess
> Investment Director, *Secret Stock Files*
> *.............................................................*
> Oct 8 (3 days ago)
> (The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)
> We Have Your Free Book on Hold…
> Dear Reader,
> Jim Rickards here.
> If you haven’t heard, I’ve just released a new book called*The Big Drop.
> <http://wjkw.dmsgs-esp-customer.com/t/12789702/521808036/322904931/2004/> *It
> wasn’t a book I was intending to write. But it warns of a few critical
> dangers that every American should begin preparing for right now.
> Here’s the catch -- this book is not available for sale. Not anywhere in
> the world. Not online through Amazon. And not in any brick-and-mortar
> bookstore.
> Instead, I’m on a nationwide campaign to spread the book far and wide...
> for FREE. Because every American deserves to know the truth about the
> imminent dangers facing their wealth.
> That’s why I’ve gone ahead and reserved a free copy of my new book in your
> name. It’s on hold, waiting for your response. I just need your permission
> (and a valid U.S. postal address) to drop it in the mail.
> *Click here to fill out your address and contact info.*
> <http://wjkw.dmsgs-esp-customer.com/t/12789702/521808036/322904931/3002/> If
> you accept the terms, the book will arrive at your doorstep in just a week
> or two.
> Thanks for your time,
> Jim Rickards
> P.S. Even if you don’t want the book, *please take a look here*
> <http://wjkw.dmsgs-esp-customer.com/t/12789702/521808036/322904931/4001/> and
> write back to me to let me know why you’re denying this free offer. That
> way, I’ll take your copy off hold and send this note to someone else. But
> when you see all the bonuses I’ve included, I know you’ll want to claim
> your package right away.
> <http://wjkw.dmsgs-esp-customer.com/t/12789702/521808036/322904931/4002/>
> <http://wjkw.dmsgs-esp-customer.com/t/12789702/521808036/322904931/4003/>
> ------------------------------
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> should assume that all references to products and services on this website
> are made because material connections exist between the sender of this
> email and the providers of the mentioned products and services. Learn
> Patriot Publications
> P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153
> ..........................................................................................
> Oct 8 (3 days ago)
> Reply
> to me
> Oct 8 (3 days ago)
> Reply
> to me
> Dear reader,
> Thank you for reviewing my *"Bigger Than Bitcoin"* briefing.
> For your convenience, I’ve included a link to the full text-only
> transcript here and below.
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/3a023eb38bfa60a183a4bf51d85-46e9df60b58f07d33303d627087>
> Trust me when I tell you that, as I was doing this research, my first
> response to my own conclusions was shock and skepticism.
> But then I sat down and read through the details about how big the
> opportunities are in cryptocurrencies, how much money investors made, and
> also how major corporations and the worlds richest men are embracing it.
> And it’s truly one of the most effective and memorable pieces of analysis
> I’ve ever seen.
> Cryptocurrencies are changing finance as we know it. It’s a true paradigm
> shift.
> Banks, businesses, online marketplaces are all starting to accept them as
> payment.
> But for as much money as people have made from investing in them, this is
> only the beginning.
> Now that the second wave of cryptocurrencies is upon us, new opportunities
> for minting millions have arisen:
> - *Ethereum — 4,000%*
> - *Dash — 2,500%*
> - *Ripple — 1,691%*
> - *Litecoin — 1,200%*
> - *Nexus — 7,500%*
> And now there are two young cryptocurrencies that have pinged on our radar.
> These brand-new revolutionary currencies could hand you gains rivaling
> that of Bitcoin!
> But don’t wait too long — they could spike overnight!
> Just click here to get your free report.
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/3a023eb38bfa60a183a4bf51d85-b6e14df442d6873567e9e1951b1>
> And if you have any specific questions about this opportunity, please
> don’t hesitate to call our customer service line (toll-free) at
> 1-877-303-4529, Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
> Just be sure to get started today!
> To your wealth,
> [image: Alex Koyfman Signature]
> Alex Koyfman
> Investment Director,
> *Penny Stock Millionaire*
> Out of the 100s of tools we carry, only 1 has a mandatory safety on it. You
> can see it here
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4705979/742230930/_e9c52a921db2651546160bd3954c5e3903f302c6/4c857c3fdd18689dcad04efebe8223825baeff98>
> .
> The reason we put the safety on there?
> *It's dangerously powerful*.
> But just because it's dangerously powerful *doesn't mean you shouldn't
> own it*.
> Guns are dangerously powerful and I'm sure most of you agree they're worth
> owning, right?
> Fact is many of our customers own this tool and trust their lives to it.
> One of them wrote, "*There is no doubt this is a very effective weapon.
> it is silent, it would be hard to miss the aimed for target, there is no
> possible collateral damage that might be possible with a gun. One shot to
> the eyes and it's all over. I'm very pleased*!
> Sadly, we won't sell this tool much longer
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4705979/742230930/_e9c52a921db2651546160bd3954c5e3903f302c6/4c857c3fdd18689dcad04efebe8223825baeff98>
> .
> Because they're "*so dangerous*" we've decided not to deal with the added
> headache of selling this weapon.
> So we're liquidating them all!
> A few months ago we had 20,000 units in stock.
> But after slashing prices on them a few months ago they've been selling
> like crazy and now we only have a few boxes left.
> Get yours before you never have a chance to buy one again
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4705979/742230930/_e9c52a921db2651546160bd3954c5e3903f302c6/4c857c3fdd18689dcad04efebe8223825baeff98>
> !
> ~ David Adams
> Preparing Made Easy
> P.S. Since these are legal and require no permit they make a great gift. Follow

Nyi Nyi

Oct 19, 2017, 5:43:35 AM10/19/17
to NyiNyi

6:07 PM (22 hours ago)
to me
Task & Purpose Today

How One Gutsy Harrier Pilot Walked Away From A ‘Catastrophic’ Engine Failure


Trump Doubles Down On Criticism Of Obama Over Gold Star Families


Marine Corps Tweets Commandant Asking For A Pass, Commandant Tweets His Answer


A Simple Guide To Naming Your Military Operation, According To Winston Churchill


Army Trainees: We Were Told To Attend ‘Spiritual Fitness’ BBQ For Christ


North Korea Says Nuclear War ‘May Break Out Any Moment.’ That’s The Last Thing It Wants


The VA Just Dropped More Details About The New Veteran ID Cards


The Army Is Eying A New, More Lethal Caliber For Its Future Battle Rifle


The Siege of Raqqa Is Almost Over — And ISIS Lost


Why Vets At Prudential Consider The Company More Than A Job — They Call It A ‘Family’


Please send your tips, suggestions and feedback to to...@taskandpurpose.com.


7:07 PM (21 hours ago)
to me

Today's Headlines

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A bipartisan plan in the Senate would extend federal funding for some key Obamacare payments and ease up on some of the law’s requirements. That could stabilize health insurance markets, but it’s far from a done deal.


‘Repeal and Replace’? It May Be ‘Re-Up and Relax’ Now
Reports of Obamacare’s demise may be premature, as the Senate moved closer to a bipartisan fix for parts of the Affordable Care Act — and President Trump blessed the deal. The compromise worked out by Senate Health Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) would re-up $7 billion a year in federal payments to insurers that Trump cut off last week. In exchange, it would relax the law by allowing states to offer cheaper, less generous health plans. Does it have a chance? Not necessarily, especially as conservatives want nothing less than total repeal. 

More Politics 
— Trump invoked the fallen son of White House Chief of Staff John Kelly as he faced blowback over a delay in calling the families of four soldiers. Then, after the president made the calls, a Democratic congresswoman quoted Trump as telling one widow that her husband “knew what he signed up for … but when it happens it hurts anyway.” 
— Trump’s selection for the nation’s next drug czar withdrew from consideration after reports brought up his role in weakening the government’s power to combat the opioid epidemic. 
— A federal judge in Hawaii issued an order blocking major parts of Trump’s newest travel ban, suggesting it violated immigration law. 

Wildfires Give a Wake-Up Call
The deadly wildfires that ravaged Northern California have tested not only the resources of firefighting agencies but also the healthcare system — and officials say what happened should serve as a wake-up call for future disasters like earthquakes and floods. Among the cascade of problems: Hospitals were evacuated; pharmacies struggled to fill prescriptions; nursing home patients waited on cots in shelters; and communicating the medical needs of some patients was difficult. Trying to find all the people reported missing has been a drawn-out, emotionally draining experience too. 

The Caliphate’s Capital Falls. What’s Next?
In its onetime Syrian stronghold of Raqqah, Islamic State used medieval methods to punish seemingly minor infractions like smoking and forced residents to watch beheadings and crucifixions. Now, after four months of intense street fighting, U.S.-backed Syrian forces saythey have taken control of what was Islamic State’s de facto capital since 2014. Despite the collapse of its self-styled caliphate, American officials warn that combating ISIS’ ideology is the far more difficult fight ahead. 

North Korean Nukes: It Is Rocket Science
Can North Korea’s missiles deliver an atomic weapon to the U.S. mainland? “The bottom line is we don’t know,” says one expert. “I believe it’s unlikely they can deliver an atomic bomb to the United States at this time, but we can’t rule it out.” So what do we know? This graphic breaks down Pyongyang’s capabilities and where it got help making rocket engines.

North Korea's nuclear capabilities

Don’t Jinx It, But …
The Dodgers are one victory away from their first World Series since 1988 after defeating the Chicago Cubs by a score of 6 to 1. This time, there was no dramatic walk-off homer, of course, but it did feature an improbable at-bat by pitcher Yu Darvish. The Boys in Blue now hold a 3-0 lead in their best-of-seven series, which resumes tonight. As columnist Bill Plaschke puts it: “The Dodgers are so close to the World Series, you can hear it coming.”


— Northern California firefighters are battling a fire that sprang up in the mountains around Santa Cruz

— The wildfires that have devastated communities in Northern California are more typically seen in the Southland. 

— A Studio City estate, once used to portray the exterior of the Kardashian-Jenner family home among other TV credits, is back on the market for $7.895 million.


7:51 PM (20 hours ago)
to me

The latest from InsideSources.

What Washington's Talking About

Senate GOP prepares for a war with Bannon [Alexander Bolton, The Hill]
2 Senators Strike Deal on Health Subsidies That Trump Cut Off [Thomas Kaplan and Robert Pear, New York Times]
Will Pumpkin Spice Destroy Us All? [Frank Bruni, New York Times]
Alligators are out there eating sharks, no big deal [Amy B. Wang, Washington Post]

News    Education
The Education of Melody Schopp
By Ethan Stoetzer

Schopp’s passion for education now encompasses over 40 years of working in classrooms, boardrooms, government, and for the last six years, holding the office of South Dakota’s Secretary of Education, a position she announced that she would retire from this December.


News    Energy
North Dakota Supreme Court Protects Out of State Counsel for DAPL Protesters
By Erin Mundahl

More than a year after the protests at Standing Rock were making national headlines, both pipeline protests and Native American activism continue to burden the state of North Dakota.


News    Politics
Will Public-Sector Unions Really See a Mass Exodus of Members?
By Connor D. Wolf

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case which has sparked concerns that public-sector unions may soon face a significant decline in membership.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
In Nixing Soda Taxes, Local Governments Should Follow Cook County’s Lead
By David Williams

In a rare victory for consumers and taxpayers, Cook County, Illinois, lawmakers repealed a 2-month-old tax on sweet drinks this month. The cent-per-ounce tax, a lightning rod of controversy during its brief existence, has already found an army of supporters urging reimplementation.


[IS] Opinions    Finance
Tear Down Taxes on Small Businesses
By Jimmy Greene

In a recent speech before the National Association of Manufacturers, Trump promised “huge” tax relief for small businesses, calling his proposed 25 percent cap on tax rates “the lowest top marginal income tax rate for small- and medium-size businesses in more than 80 years.” It is, as he put it, veritable “rocket fuel for our economy.”


Follow InsideSources

8:01 PM (20 hours ago)
to me




Experts Say THIS “Crisis” Will Cause World War III (sponsor)

(sponsored content below)

16,000 woodworking plans inside...(limited reopening)

I recently discovered this and suggest you see this immediately...

==> Go Here To See It Now!

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Go here now as this offer comes down in the next few days (time sensitive).

Don't miss it!


Keith Jacobs
Patriot Powered News

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9:45 PM (18 hours ago)
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October 18 2017



American Troops Liberate Raqqa from ISIS Control

Jim Geraghty

Making the click-through worthwhile today: The forces allied against ISIS inflict a stinging defeat to the terror group; the Federal Communications Commission assures Americans that they aren’t going to yank broadcasting licenses because of presidential disapproval of news reports; a stunning allegation against the Clintons that feels like it’s coming to light a year late; and why Virginia voters are right to be concerned about MS-13.

ISIS Is Now Caught Between Raqqa and a Hard Place

Outstanding news as the week progresses:

American-backed forces said on Tuesday that they had seized the northern Syrian city of Raqqa from the Islamic State, a major blow to the militant group, which had long used the city as the de facto capital of its self-declared caliphate.

Celebrations erupted in Raqqa, where residents had lived under the repressive rule of militants who beheaded people for offenses as minor as smoking. Fighters could be seen cheering and firing celebratory gunfire in the streets, according to ...


top stories

Can We Finally Agree that Betsy DeVos Isn’t a Rape Apologist?

David French

Concern over Title IX abuse is now officially, unequivocally bipartisan. Yesterday, California governor Jerry Brown — arguably the nation’s most powerful leader of the #Resistance — vetoed a...

The Perilous Path to Tax Reform

Michael Tanner

The Perilous Path to Tax Reform



Kaepernick’s Collusion Claim Is a Likely Loser

Andrew C. McCarthy

If you’re going to do Muhammad Ali–type activism, you’d better have Muhammad Ali–type talent. That is the ultimate lesson of the Colin Kaepernick saga. The former San Francisco 49ers...

The Deadly Cost of Mutual Misunderstanding

Victor Davis Hanson

Editor’s Note: The following is the third in a series of excerpts adapted from Victor Davis Hanson’s new book The Second World Wars. It appears here with permission. Over 2,400 years ago, the...

A Scalpel, Not a Chainsaw, for NAFTA

The Editors

President Donald Trump has ordered his trade representative to renegotiate certain aspects of the North American Free Trade Agreement, which is a good idea. He also has threatened to pull out of...

We Need Your Help: The NRO 2017 Fall Webathon Is upon Us

NR Staff

Greetings forthcoming donors! We commence the 2017 Fall Webathon of your favorite website, and, in order to gain your attention and have you scratch your head with one hand as the other reaches...


10:01 PM (18 hours ago)
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Can "U" see the difference?
Flawless MS70 2007-2008 Silver Eagle Set
2007 2008 Silver Eagles

When the new Silver Eagles were released in 2008, sharp-eyed collectors noticed a small, but significant difference from its 2007 predecessor:

A tiny change to the "U" in the reverse legend "United States of America".

According to the U.S. Mint, it was an "artistic design change" made as the mint moved from hand to digital engraving. And all American Silver Eagles since have featured the 2008 lettering style on their reverse.

Now you can see the subtle difference up close -- with this unUsual pair of flawless MS70 2007 and 2008 Silver Eagles!

Compared to the 37.70 million Silver Eagles struck in 2016 alone, the total two-year mintage of 2007 and 2008 Silver Eagles was just 29.61 million -- with 2007 claiming the lowest number of bullion Silver Eagles struck in the last 10 years.

And according to Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC), only 6.7% of the total submissions for both 2007 and 2008 Silver Eagles COMBINED have been deemed worthy of a perfect Mint State 70 (MS70) grade!

    Set Highlights
  • Both coins struck in one ounce of 99.9% pure silver
  • Each graded flawless MS70 by NGC
  • 40.6 mm diameter

But each Silver Eagle in our 2007-2008 sets is exactly that -- the highest possible grade a coin can achieve and one that may command a premium over and above ordinary uncirculated issues in the future!

So if this perfect pair is one "U" can't wait to add to your Silver Eagle collection, you'll want to order now! With less than 234 of these exceptional MS70 sets available, they're sure to fly out of inventory fast!

2007-2008 MS70 Silver Eagle Set

Buy Now

To learn more or order by phone, 
call 1-800-941-7267 and mention code GE2228

We've selected the following products just for you:


The World's First 
Silver Krugerrand

Prices and availability subject to change without notice. Facts and figures deemed accurate as of the date of this email. NOTE: GovMint.com® is a private distributor of worldwide government coin and currency issues and privately issued and licensed collectibles, and is not affiliated with the United States government. GovMint.com is not an investment company and does not offer financial advice or sell items as an investment. The collectible coin market is speculative, and coin values may rise or fall over time. All rights reserved. © 2017 GovMint.com.

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10:30 PM (18 hours ago)
 to me

(The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)

Liberals are Going to HATE it When You Wear this Free T-Shirt!

If you’re like me, you LOVE your right to own guns and you like to make sure everyone knows it!

If this sounds like you, then you’ve got to have this FREE Gun Lover shirt from Gun Carrier...

This shirt will definitely make heads turn and will absolutely make “gun grabbing” liberals cringe!

This shirt is only free for a limited time.

Grab your FREE  shirt Right NOW and wear it like a badge of honor.

Josey Wales would be proud ;-)

Remember, we're all in this together!



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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

11:35 PM (17 hours ago)
to me
Breaking News from Headline Health
You have been a free subscriber since 9/6/2017

Headline Health - Breaking News for a Healthier Life
Breaking News... 

Weinstein's Lame 'Sex Addiction' Excuse 

Could Affordable Health Insurance FINALLY Be on the Way? 

[Revealed] Hidden Cure for MANY Ailments?

Senators Float Bipartisan Deal To 'Stabilize' Obamacare 

'Extremely Compelling Research:' This Fruit May Prevent Bone Loss

Whining Harvey Seeks 'Therapy';
How Being a Creep Became a Medical Disorder
(Maggie Fox, NBC News) It's happened again: A powerful, famous man is accused of improper, even criminal, sexual behavior and says he's seeking therapy to deal with it. 

Whatever you want to call him – handsy, creepy, repulsive – Harvey Weinstein is no sex addict, experts say, because there is no such thing.

Dear Reader, 

Big Pharma has lobbied [to prevent this information from getting out.] 

The big lie is that a cure for the most debilitating and fatal diseases today can only be treated with medical drugs and surgery… 

…and that any natural cure doesn't exist. 

Simply because they have been cashing in big. 

There is actually a natural therapy that can help with treating various debilitating illnesses. 

Joan's blood went from looking like the image on the left below, to the image on the right in just 15 minutes. 

She was able to reverse ALL the ailments she was suffering from. 

[All thanks to this easily available natural nutrient.] 


Headline Health
The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. You should always consult with your personal physician regarding any personal health problem. FDA DISCLOSURE: The statements, articles, and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No information or products appearing on this email are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: HeadlineHealth.com may have an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to any persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this email and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained on this email to evaluate the product or service being offered. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service.
Headline Health
PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
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12:08 AM (16 hours ago)
to me

October 18 2017



We've got projects. We need your help.

Dear Friend,

As the old poem sorta goes, 30 Days Hath Bucktember – and this is the first day of a special month of appealing to you to help NRO bring off some important projects.

Be assured: We will make these appeals over the next few weeks worth your while. Every email soliciting your generosity will come equipped with a link to a wonderful old National Review piece written by Bill Buckley himself.

Today’s essay, from 1960, is titled The Ordeal of Kenneth Tynan. Enjoy it.

And each entreaty will also include a swell picture of our founder, like the one here of Bill laughing with the great Morrie Ryskind, the famous writer for the Marx Brothers (he crafted the screenplay for A Night at the Opera and many other movies) and a frequent contributor to National Review (indeed, he logged two pieces in NR’s premier 1955 issue!).

Now, as for the business at hand: The 2017 Fall webathon seeks to raise $200,000 (more if we can, if you can) to support four basic efforts. They are:

•   Hiring a tech guru for NRO’s burgeoning podcast operation,

•   Obtaining related video software (an expenditure we are confident will result in significant new income),

•   Hiring a revenue officer (another major expenditure, but with an anticipated result of mulitples in revenue), and

•   Expanding our summer intern project.

For a more detailed explanation, see this piece on the NRO home page. Know that these efforts, and other things we hope to undertake, are being done with the calculated intentions of

•   Bringing NR’s forceful and consequential brand of conservatism to many more people, and

•   Putting NR in much better financial shape so that in the future there…

Might never be the need to hold webathons!

Bill Buckley first felt compelled to ask – scratch that: he had to ask – NR’s subscribers and friends to keep the magazine afloat back in 1959. With less money coming in than what was going out (such is the fate of opinion journalism), his rationale was simple: It was worth keeping afloat. It was. And it remains so.

That's a fact. And so is this: NR is a cause, one that involves us, naturally, but one that also involves you. It’s the cause of articulating and propagating conservatism, and the cause of battling the multicultural blankety-blanks.

We believe we can accomplish that far better with the efforts we wish to undertake. With your generous help. So please donate to the Fall 2017 webathon on the first of the 30 days of Bucktember. You can do that here. If you prefer to contribute via PayPal, do that here. If you are Old School and want to donate via check, make it payable to “National Review” and mail it to our new address: 19 West 44th Street, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10036.

God bless and many thanks,

The National Review Team

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On Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 9:14:30 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Oct 21, 2017, 3:04:33 AM10/21/17
to NyiNyi

6:06 AM (7 hours ago)
to me

A new set of government leaks just exposed what the CIA isreally up to...

They’re monitoring us in more ways than we ever imagined. 

Through your smartphone… your TV... even in your car.

But Frank Mitchell’s new book ‘Wire Tapped America’ shows you how to become invisible. 

Plus, it reveals dozens of places you should NEVER say anything you don’t want recorded and used against you later...

BEST PART: He’s giving away 2000 copies FREE to spread the word. 

On pg. 30, you’ll learn 7 steps to hide you and your family’s dealings from Big Brother’s prying eyes, permanently.

Don’t say or do anything you wouldn’t want “them” to know aboutbefore you get this

~ Kyle Smith

P.S. -- Frank says this is a one-time ‘privacy alert’ giveaway. Once these 2000 copies are gone (and many already are) this info won’t be available free again. Click here to reserve your free copy.

© 2017 GunBuzz

5:33 AM (8 hours ago)
to me

Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
You have been a free subscriber since 3/22/2017

Liberty Headlines
Breaking News... 

Court Rules WWI Memorial Cross Must Be Torn Down 

Transgender Convicted of Sexually Assaulting Girl in Bathroom 

[BREAKING] "If not, I will eat my own *!?# on national television"

NC Governor Lies, Reneges on Tranny-Bathroom Deal 

NY Times Publishes Four Fabrications about Firearms

Health: What pineapples do to your body (shocking)...

Dear Reader, 

The founder of a $4.2 billion software company just made one of the boldest proclamations ever seen. 

He says a particular tech investment will rise 14,185% in three years

And "if not, I will eat my own *!?# on national television," he says. 

This may sound like the ravings of a crazy person. 

But perhaps even more shocking is that he's not alone... 

Billionaire Snapchat investor Jeremy Liew says it will go up at least14,000%. 

Business Insider CEO Henry Blodget recently stated that there is "infinite upside." 

And one of Paypal's board members just stated that there is a "higher than 50% chance" the tech investment would rise 28,371%! 

"The biggest mistake is not to own any," he says. 

So what has all these tech superstars making such gigantic predictions? 

It's one of the most unique… and potentially profitable investments ever created. 

Even $10 could end up making you rich. Watch the premiere trader of this investment explain what's going on in this free video

Andrew Gordon
Founder, Early Investing 

P.S. The top trader of this investment has collected wins ranging from 2,000% to 3,500%. And he says the gains are going to get much bigger starting next month. See what he says will cause that here.
The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: You should assume that the sender of this email has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this message and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained in this email to evaluate the product or service being endorsed. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service. FDA DISCLOSURE: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Liberty Headlines
PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
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5:06 AM (8 hours ago)
to me



Breaking News...

Quiet revolt against drug companies underway at America’s #1 cancer hospital (sponsor)

Kellyanne Conway Just Revealed What She Secretly Does Every Day At The White House

Want a Free Gun Safe? Go Here for Details!

John Podesta And Hillary Clinton Caught Red Handed Dealing With Russia

NBC fires editor ‘who leaked anchor’s F-bomb meltdown’

Controversial New Search Engine Exposes Public Data: Test it for Yourself Here...    (sponsor)

McConnell fires back at Bannon in GOP war

You see, a handful of doctors — with the support of the hospital’s director — have decided to buck chemo, radiation, and surgery.

Instead, they’re now prescribing a tiny pill – one that’s much safer, cheaper, and far more effective.

According to a leading biochemist there, “over 1,000 of my patients are taking this.”

The hospital is even conducting clinical trials on its cancer-killing power... with astounding results.

The same thing is happening at institutions like Baylor... John Hopkins... and UCLA.

But although establishment physicians now know it works better than chemo and all other drugs...

They won’t advertise it – because Big Pharma would attack them and have them discredited, just like so many others.

That’s why I doubt 1 in 10,000 Americans have heard about this $1 pill or the nutrient behind it.

But here’s the thing...

I’ve been on the cutting of this new breakthrough for years now and recommend it to all of my patients.

I answer to my Hippocratic Oath - not the drug companies. And I don’t care what they say about me.

That’s why I’ve blown the lid on this disease-ending breakthrough in a new dossier.

Click here for the full story.



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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
You have been a free subscriber since 3/22/2017

Liberty Headlines
Dear Reader, 

Bitcoin's made big headlines this year. 

But the excitement surrounding digital currencies is set to explode even higher. 

In November, a change to bitcoin could ignite the price to record heights.

Experts like Jeremy Liew, billionaire investor in Snapchat, say bitcoin will go to at least $500,000. 

PayPal Board Member Wences Casares confirms there is "a higher than 50% chance that a bitcoin is worth more than $1 million." 

"The biggest mistake is not to own any bitcoin," he says. 

Even Bill Gates himself recently declared bitcoin "better than currency." 

Top bitcoin expert Adam Sharp of Early Investing just put together a full presentation explaining what's going on

He's the type of digital currency trader you should listen to. 

He's been a champion of bitcoin for years... and he's also made some very impressive trades on other digital currencies. 

For example, he got in on Ethereum at less than $10... before it rose to more than $350. 

He bought Antshares at $1.50... before it rose to $10.71. 

And he obtained another digital currency at $0.185... before it rose to nearly $4. 

In short, he's making a fortune in digital currencies. 

And in his new presentation, he'll explain how the big November event could kick off the biggest profit bonanza yet. 

See what's happening in November here



P.S. The gains we're seeing in digital currencies are out of this world. 

Just this year we've seen...
  • 8,294% in Quark
  • 13,595% in FastCoin
  • 5,683% in Asch
  • 8,313% in MediterraneanCoin
  • 5,248% in NoLimitCoin
  • 6,045% in MaxCoin
  • 7,477% in Golem coins
  • 11,328% in Decred coins
  • 6,792% in WorldCoin
  • 75,063% in Cryptonite
  • 59,577% in Influxcoin
  • And 823,750% in DubaiCoin!
If you had risked just $10 in each of those 12 coins, you'd have $103,116 today. 

Find out details on the next three set to spark enormous profits here
The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: You should assume that the sender of this email has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this message and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained in this email to evaluate the product or service being endorsed. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service. FDA DISCLOSURE: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Liberty Headlines
PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
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8:11 PM (17 hours ago)
to me

Hey, it’s Lou Prep here with a quick message about Bitcoin. Yes, I’m interested in cryptocurrencies. Yes, I’ve bought some. Yes, I’ve profited from them. Read the message below to see how you could profit, too…

The $20 Bitcoin Investment Jackpot Could Generate Massive Fortunes by September 30th

Dear Reader,

The cryptocurrency market is RED HOT…

Bitcoin has surged over 125% in the past few months… and Ethereum has seen gains over 3,467% this year alone.

But that’s NOTHING compared to the lightning-fast returns seen from dozens and dozens of little-known “penny cryptocurrencies.”

Like the new currency called AllSafe, which skyrocketed by 15,808% in a single day!

Or how about AMIS, a brand-new cryptocurrency that hit the markets on April 21st, 2017… which surged by 29,693%... OVERNIGHT!

But as exciting as that is, it’s nothing compared to a new alternative currency for folks living in the “Big Apple”… called NewYorkCoin.

Prices of NewYorkCoin have jumped a staggering 56,606% over just a week’s time… turning every $20 into over $11,321.

Of course, gains this high are incredibly rare…

But if you had decided to plunk down $2,000 a few weeks back… you could be sitting on over $1.1 million today.

Sound impossible?

It’s not… (Click this link to see how.)

The truth is… hundreds of these “penny cryptocurrencies” are DOUBLING in value every week.

As Bloomberg reports, “While the record-breaking rally in Bitcoin has captivated markets, demand for other digital coins is surging as companies raise millions in minutes, or even seconds…”

This gives us a rare chance to generate a fortune from these emerging currencies.

Here at Agora Financial, we’ve prepared a special video that will show you EVERYTHING you need to know to profit from this incredible opportunity…

  1. How to purchase cryptocurrencies

  2. Which penny cryptocurrencies to buy

  3. When to buy them

This might be the best opportunity for the little guy to grow rich!

Again, click here to discover everything you need to get started.


Joe Schriefer
Publisher, Agora Financial

P.S. If you want to make the most money in the penny-cryptocurrency market… you need to get started before September 30th.

That’s when 260,000 new retailers are expected to begin accepting certain cryptocurrencies as official forms of payment… which could drive the markets to unbelievable heights.

Again, click here to get started.

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Oct 20 (1 day ago)
to me




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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

Oct 19 (2 days ago)
to me
On Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 9:14:30 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Oct 21, 2017, 3:35:18 AM10/21/17
to NyiNyi

3:37 AM (10 hours ago)
to me

*October 20* 2017



Bush and Kelly: Truth Tellers

Jonah Goldberg

Dear Reader,

Yesterday, two important men said some important things.

Former president George W. Bush
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/11005055.513107/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5wb2xpdGljby5jb20vc3RvcnkvMjAxNy8xMC8xOS9mdWxsLXRleHQtZ2VvcmdlLXctYnVzaC1zcGVlY2gtdHJ1bXAtMjQzOTQ3/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Cca414e62> gave
an impassioned, eloquent speech on the current moral, civil, and political
climate in the United States and across the West.

John Kelly
the White House chief of staff, gave less formal, but arguably more
powerful, remarks in the briefing room yesterday. Kelly scolded a
Democratic congresswoman, Frederica Wilson, and, really, the entire
country, much like a disappointed father or grandfather might.

But it seems like almost everybody is only hearing what they want to hear.
Liberals, the media, and -- importantly -- President Trump’s Amen Corner
all heard the same thing in Bush’s remarks: “Blah, blah, blah, blah, Trump
Bad.” That’s why Bush is suddenly benefitting from a strange new respect
from liberals and a ...


[image: top stories]
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/11005055.513107/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI5NDEvcnVzc2lhbi1jbGludG9uLXVyYW5pdW0tc2NhbmRhbC1tZWRpYS1zaWxlbmNlLWRhbW5pbmc/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bc361c0a9> Did
Atomic Graft Help the Kremlin Capture 20 Percent of U.S. Uranium?

Deroy Murdock

The charges are explosive — let’s hope not literally. ‘The FBI had gathered
substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged
in bribery, kickbacks, extortion, and...
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/11005055.513107/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI5MTcvZGFjYS1oZWFsdGgtY2FyZS1hY3Rpb25zLXVwaG9sZC1jb25zdGl0dXRpb24tZnJ1c3RyYXRlLWRlbW9jcmF0cw/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bd38e1281> Democrats
Yelp as Trump Upholds Constitution

Michael Barone

Democrats Yelp as Trump Upholds Constitution


<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/11005055.513107/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI5MTkvZG9uYWxkLXRydW1wLWFsZXhhbmRlci1tdXJyYXktaGVhbHRoLWNhcmUtYmlsbA/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bcbb9f850> The
Cognitive Dissonance Presidency

Rich Lowry

To paraphrase Groucho Marx, President Donald Trump has a position on the
Lamar Alexander/Patty Murray health-care deal, and if you don’t like it, he
has another one. Within hours, Trump...
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/11005055.513107/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI5MjQvZG9uYWxkLXRydW1wLWNvbnN0aXR1dGlvbi1saW1pdGluZy1leGVjdXRpdmUtcG93ZXI/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bdbea3038> Trump’s
Executive Moves Have Strengthened Checks and Balances

David Harsanyi

Say what you will about Donald Trump — and there’s plenty to say — but he
might be the first president in memory to actively limit his own branch’s
power. Whatever his intentions on immigration,...
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/11005055.513107/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI5MTUvcmVwdWJsaWNhbi11bml0eS1vdmVycmF0ZWQ/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Be26ae424> Unity
Is Overrated

Kevin D. Williamson

The Republican party of Macomb County, Mich., is hosting a “unity dinner,”
and its guest of honor is Steve Bannon, whose current ambition is to
destroy the Republican party. He’s well on his...
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/11005055.513107/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI5MjYvd2FyLWhhbGxvd2Vlbi1jYW1wdXMtYWN0aXZpc3RzLWl0cy1jdWx0dXJlLW5vdC1jb3N0dW1l/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bc26ce80c> The
War on Halloween Comes to Campus

Amelia Hamilton

Editor’s Note: The following piece was originally published by
Acculturated. It is adapted here with permission, and has been amended
since its initial publication. It’s that spooky time of...


8:09 AM (6 hours ago)
to me

*October 20* 2017



No, Niger Isn’t ‘Trump’s Benghazi’

David French

Earlier this month something happened in Niger that’s happened countless
times before in our 16-year war against jihadists: An allied patrol was
lured into an ambush, and American soldiers died. Based on the early
reports (the Washington Post has perhaps the most thorough summary), it was
a particularly vicious firefight,...

[image: top stories]
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/11005928.506548/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI5NDEvcnVzc2lhbi1jbGludG9uLXVyYW5pdW0tc2NhbmRhbC1tZWRpYS1zaWxlbmNlLWRhbW5pbmc/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B4c08b56b> Did
Atomic Graft Help the Kremlin Capture 20 Percent of U.S. Uranium?

Deroy Murdock

The charges are explosive — let’s hope not literally. ‘The FBI had gathered
substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged
in bribery, kickbacks, extortion, and...
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/11005928.506548/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI5MTcvZGFjYS1oZWFsdGgtY2FyZS1hY3Rpb25zLXVwaG9sZC1jb25zdGl0dXRpb24tZnJ1c3RyYXRlLWRlbW9jcmF0cw/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B4148c740> Democrats
Yelp as Trump Upholds Constitution

Michael Barone

Donald Trump is criticized, often justly, for misstatements of facts and
failure to understand the details of public policy. But in two of his most
recent controversial actions, he has taken...


<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/11005928.506548/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI5MTkvZG9uYWxkLXRydW1wLWFsZXhhbmRlci1tdXJyYXktaGVhbHRoLWNhcmUtYmlsbA/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B78229f36> The
Cognitive Dissonance Presidency

Rich Lowry

To paraphrase Groucho Marx, President Donald Trump has a position on the
Lamar Alexander/Patty Murray health-care deal, and if you don’t like it, he
has another one. Within hours, Trump...
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/11005928.506548/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI5MjQvZG9uYWxkLXRydW1wLWNvbnN0aXR1dGlvbi1saW1pdGluZy1leGVjdXRpdmUtcG93ZXI/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bf98b9c72> Trump’s
Executive Moves Have Strengthened Checks and Balances

David Harsanyi

Say what you will about Donald Trump — and there’s plenty to say — but he
might be the first president in memory to actively limit his own branch’s
power. Whatever his intentions on immigration,...
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/11005928.506548/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI5MTUvcmVwdWJsaWNhbi11bml0eS1vdmVycmF0ZWQ/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B2dbec83e> Unity
Is Overrated

Kevin D. Williamson

The Republican party of Macomb County, Mich., is hosting a “unity dinner,”
and its guest of honor is Steve Bannon, whose current ambition is to
destroy the Republican party. He’s well on his...
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/11005928.506548/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI5NjAvbWV0b28tbWVldGluZy10cmlhbC1tb2It/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bc339353a> #MeToo
and Trial by Mob

Annika Hernroth-Rothstein

I have been thinking a lot about the #MeToo phenomenon, in which women
share their experiences with sexual harassment and assault on social media,
and I find myself feeling uneasy about it for...


7:30 AM (6 hours ago)
to me
Firearms Life

*Breaking News...*

Trump to End the Dollar as We Know It by 2018?

Breaking: Earthquake Strikes North Korea Triggering Horror That Kim Just
Did The Unthinkable

UNLV Professor Just Caught on Video BRAINWASHING Students to Think Trump
Caused Vegas Massacre

Democrats are Calling for Huge Wave of Gun Control Efforts

Sandy Hook Dad Suggests Second Amendment And Gun Control Can Coexist

Your Cell Phone is *WORTHLESS*Without This…

Cell phones have saved countless lives over the past decade.

Unfortunately, they’re often worthless when you need them most.

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I can guarantee you one thing…

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Thank you.

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3:59 AM (10 hours ago)
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Family Survival Headlines

*Breaking News...*

[FREE Book] How to Build Your Own “Untraceable” AR-15 (Completely Legal)

OMG: Don Lemon Lost It On Live Tv Last Night Cussing Out His Conservative
Guest For One Sick Reason

CNN Calls Alex Jones A Liar And Covers Up The Crimes of George Soros

Jerry Brown, aka Governor Moonbeam may be facing his own Katrina

Trump Admin “We Checked Out The Budget and the Constitiution on Obamacare
Subsidies” Guess

*Trump Video Too Shocking for CNN, NBC and ABC? (Watch It Here

Dear Reader,

According to the liberal mainstream media…

Donald Trump’s presidency so far has been a complete disaster.

*Maybe that’s why CNN, NBC and ABC refuse to show this video.

It totally goes against their narrative…

Because it proves Trump is about to unleash a wave of wealth not seen since
Ronald Reagan…


*>> An estimated $11.1 trillion in total.

And if you act before the market closes on December 31st.

You could grab a piece of it — ensuring you and your family’s *financial *security
no matter *what* happens in the weeks and months ahead.

*Click here now to watch the video the mainstream media refuses to show.


Joe Schriefer
Publisher, Agora Financial

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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153
4:02 AM (10 hours ago)
to me
By Yuval Rosenberg and Michael Rainey
The Race to Cut Taxes Is On: Here’s What Happens Next

The Senate passed its 2018 budget Thursday night, setting the stage for an
all-out rush to pass a tax overhaul, which Republicans hope to get done by
Christmas. Here’s what the budget vote means and what happens next:

*There’s Still a Bit of Budget Work to Be Done:* The Senate budget, passed
by a 51-49 vote with Sen. Rand Paul the only Republican “no,” is very
different than the budget that was approved by the House. Most notably, the
Senate budget allows for tax cuts that increase deficits by $1.5 trillion
over 10 years. The House version calls for a tax overhaul that doesn’t
increase deficits, and it includes $203 billion in spending cuts to social
welfare programs. The two chambers must reach agreement on a final budget,
and lawmakers reportedly have a deal
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=252188d744&e=f4e1fef671> to
do that quickly.

*About That House-Senate Deal:* To expedite the budget process, “House
conservatives would have to swallow the Senate’s plan to grow the deficit,” Politico
The deal also eliminates the House budget’s $203 billion in spending cuts
and calls for increasing the Pentagon’s budget to $640 billion without
offsets if lawmakers agree to lift current spending caps — “a way to win
over House defense hawks,” according to Politico.

*So What About the Deficit? *Mitch McConnell called the Senate blueprint “a
fiscally responsible budget that will help put the federal government on a
path to balance.” Deficit hawks and budget groups say nuh-uh. “No lawmaker
can acknowledge our massive debt problem, argue against tax increases, and
then pass a budget that only calls for $1 billion in savings out of a
possible $47 trillion in spending and claim to be fiscally responsible –
there is no universe in which this would be considered responsible,” Maya
MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget,
said in a statement.

In short, Republicans have set themselves up again for criticism
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=9c6a1f76ea&e=f4e1fef671> that,
contrary to their long-standing claims about the urgent need for debt
reduction, all they truly care about is tax cuts. The Senate budget
“authorizes lawmakers to blow a gaping hole in the deficit, roughly twice
the size of the 2009 stimulus package that 38 then-Senate Republicans
opposed, despite earlier pledges to offset its cost,” The Washington Post’s
Tory Newmyer notes

*Congress Still Needs to Write the Tax Bills: *Republicans in the House and
Senate have been working behind closed doors to flesh out the reform
framework released last month, and there are many details that need to be
decided — meaning that there are many possible points of contention left to

*An Aggressive Timeframe:* Republicans want to move quickly and hope to
have the House pass a bill in November, with the Senate following suit by
December or perhaps early next year. Ideally, Republicans are aiming to get
Trump a tax bill by Christmas. “The speed is striking — and strategic — for
tax legislation that lobbyists believe could span 1,000 pages,” The New
York Times reports. “Republicans hope the breakneck pace will help hold
their narrow Senate majority together against what will almost certainly be
a deluge of lobbying and Democratic criticism.”

*Disagreements Could Still Derail the Whole Thing:* Republicans can’t lose
the support of more than 22 members in the House or two members in the
Senate, assuming they get no Democratic votes. Expect to see lots of trial
balloons as lawmakers try out ideas designed to win support for the overall

*Trial Balloons Are Already Rising: *On Friday, Sen. Lindsey Graham floated
the idea of linking the tax bill to an increase in the minimum wage to $10.10
an hour
to ensure that everyone benefits from the changes — and to possibly win
bipartisan support. House Speaker Paul Ryan also indicated on Friday that
he would add a fourth, higher tax bracket
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=d142a218dc&e=f4e1fef671> to
the Republican plan, in order to reduce or eliminate benefits flowing to
upper-income households and to ensure “that all that revenue goes to the
middle-class tax cut.” Expect to see many more details and proposals in the
coming weeks.
Why the GOP Tax Bill Could Hurt Your Retirement Plan

Republicans looking for revenues to help offset the cost of their tax cut
plan may be eyeing your 401(k). More specifically, there’s at least some
chatter around in Washington about placing new limits on pretax retirement
savings. Currently, workers can significantly reduce their tax bills by
contributing tax-free money to their 401(k) or IRA plans. The limits are
pretty high — $18,000 a year for 401(k)s (or $24,000 if you’re 50 or older)
and $5,500 for IRAs ($6,500 for 50 and older).

While no definitive numbers for the potential new rules have been
announced, The Wall Street Journal
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=7f73ef8987&e=f4e1fef671> says
that a $2,400 annual limit on tax-deferred contributions has been mentioned
— which would represent a huge shift for most retirement savers. Another
option being discussed is switching to a Roth-style system, in which taxes
are paid on retirement savings up front, before they are set aside;
withdrawals in retirement are then tax-free.

The goal is to boost tax receipts by reducing a tax break that costs the
government billions in lost revenue — $115 billion this year alone.
Recapturing some of that cash would go a long way toward paying for the tax
cuts of $1.5 trillion over 10 years that Republican are contemplating.

Needless to say, the retirement and financial services industries are not
pleased with the idea, and neither are some Republicans. “I’m deeply
concerned about it. I don’t think you want to disincentivize retirement
savings in any way right now,” said Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH).
Chart of the Day

The U.S. uninsured rate reached an all-time low of 10.9 percent in the
second half of 2016. But it’s been rising since then, hitting 12.3 percent
in the third quarter of 2017, according to a new Gallup report
Nearly 3.5 million people have joined the ranks of the uninsured since the
beginning of the year. The polling firm isn’t sure why the rate is creeping
higher, but cites higher costs, reduced participation by insurers and
growing uncertainty about the status of Obamacare as potential
reasons. Whatever the cause, Gallup warns that the uninsured rate could
continue to move higher: “Without Congress and President Donald Trump
taking steps to stabilize the insurance markets, the number of uninsured
Americans likely will continue to rise.”
Fiscal Flashes

*Senate Obamacare Deal Has 60 Votes, but That May Not Be Enough: *The bill
to stabilize the Obamacare exchanges, written by Sens. Lamar Alexander
(R-TN) and Patty Murray (D-WA), now has 60 votes — including 12 Republican
co-sponsors — but it still has a long way to go to become law. For one
thing, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), who leads the crucial Finance Committee, is
not a supporter. Hatch has called for more radical changes, such as
eliminating the individual mandate and some insurance-related taxes,
telling Talking Points Memo
“I’m concerned we’re just perpetuating a bad process. They want to do it
for another two years. I’d rather face the problem now.” The other big
challenge is President Trump
who has sent conflicting signals about his position. The White House has
said the president would support the bill if it includes conservative
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=9ade98ef15&e=f4e1fef671> along
the lines Hatch wants. But those demands may be non-starters for Democrats.

*IRS Changes Its Mind About Obamacare: *The president signed an executive
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=45588f55b3&e=f4e1fef671> in
January that essentially told federal agencies to reduce Obamacare
requirements as much as possible. One notable result was that the IRS said
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=294d285728&e=f4e1fef671> in
February that it would allow tax filers to disregard the statutory
requirement to report their health insurance status on their returns — a
key part of the individual mandate that requires citizens to have insurance
or pay a fine. The IRS has now reversed course
announcing this week that it would block or suspend returns that do not
comply with the Obamacare rules. The move could boost the Obamacare
markets, since some filers may choose to sign up for insurance rather than
pay the fine. It could also set up a battle between Trump and a government
agency headed by an Obama appointee, John Koskinen. According to CNBC
“This hurts Trump's efforts to gut Obamacare, but still gives the White
House the perfect opponent in the unpopular IRS.”
*Send Us Your Tips, Feedback or Weekend Movie Suggestions:* Email Yuval
Rosenberg at yrose...@thefiscaltimes.com and follow me on Twitter
Follow The Fiscal Times @TheFiscalTimes
Your Prize for Making It Through the Week

The NBA season has started and ESPN has updated the league’s official list
of 50 Greatest Players from 1996 to reflect the last 20 years. Off the
list: 14 legends like Clyde Drexler and Pete Maravich. On: LeBron, Kobe,
Tim Duncan and Stephen Curry as well as more questionable calls like Steve
Nash and Ray Allen. Go ahead, take a look
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=f0639f71df&e=f4e1fef671> and
debate away! And if hoops aren’t your thing, go back and watch
or read
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=51cf55d75b&e=f4e1fef671> Paul
Ryan’s best zingers about President Trump and others at the annual Al Smith
dinner last night.
What We're Reading

- *US Posts Its Largest Budget Deficit Since 2013
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=052b0fe93d&e=f4e1fef671> –
- *Senate Republicans Just Voted for Fiscal Irresponsibility. But
There’s Still Time
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=5b403748f1&e=f4e1fef671> –
Washington Post*
- *Trump Tax Cuts: A 'Win' for the GOP, a Disaster for the Rest of Us
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=1d7ef948d5&e=f4e1fef671> –
Baltimore Sun*
- *To Pass Tax Reform, the GOP Will Need to Divide and Conquer
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=c118a8a85d&e=f4e1fef671> –
Robert L. Borosage, NBC News*
- *Why Tax Cuts Will Not Make America Great Again
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=286c28b579&e=f4e1fef671> –
William Gale, RealClearMarkets*
- *We Don’t Need Tax Cuts for the Middle Class
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=d52ee60dda&e=f4e1fef671> –
Kirk J. Stark and Eric M. Zolt, Washington Post*
- *Pro-Growth Tax Reform Means Helping the Rich Too
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=d29bd8d302&e=f4e1fef671> –
Rachel Greszler, RealClear Policy*
- *Failure on Tax Cuts Really Could Tank the Markets
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=2ebefec496&e=f4e1fef671>** –
Charles Gasparino, New York Post*
- *A Fairer Tax Code Is a More Efficient Tax Code
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=4e60c4a7c4&e=f4e1fef671> –
David L. Bahnsen, National Review*
- *Obamacare Battle Turns into Trump vs. the IRS
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=d56db6de93&e=f4e1fef671> –
Jake Novak, CNBC*
- *


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2:05 AM (12 hours ago)
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*Comic Dead At 45; Used Obesity As a Punchline | IMAGES

*Chicken Soup vs. Tamiflu: Which Is Best to Help You Fight Flu?

*READ YOUR BIBLE: Genesis 19 reveals cure for aging

*BIBLICAL DISCOVERY: Anti-aging discovery found in the Bible

*Man Takes To The Streets To Find Kidney Donor For Wife

*New Cancer Drug to Cost $373,000

*Comic Dead At 45; Used Obesity As A Punchline*
Another celebrity who used his girth to garner laughs has passed away.

Comic Ralphie May left the stage at 45, joining the ranks of John Candy
(43), Chris Farley, and John Belushi (both 33) as an overweight funny man
who got laughs, in part, by being fat, then died young.

May pulled no punches when it came to his morbid obesity. His current act
in Las Vegas was billed "No Excuses." He used the punchline "I'm too damn
fat" in his stand-up comedy routine.
May's weight topped out at a reported... READ MORE | IMAGES
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The information presented here is for general educational purposes only.
You should always consult with your personal physician regarding any
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products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
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10:30 PM (15 hours ago)
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Firearms Life

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10:31 PM (15 hours ago)
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9:35 PM (16 hours ago)
to me

*October 20* 2017



God Bless the Kellys and Every Family of Those Who Serve

Jim Geraghty

White House chief of staff John Kelly, addressing reporters yesterday, describing
the process
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/11000765.505875/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubnl0aW1lcy5jb20vMjAxNy8xMC8xOS91cy9wb2xpdGljcy9zdGF0ZW1lbnQta2VsbHktZ29sZC1zdGFyLmh0bWw/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Cd7bc00c8> of
notifying the families of those slain while in uniform:

A casualty officer typically goes to the home very early in the morning and
waits for the first lights to come on. And then he knocks on the door;
typically a mom and dad will answer, a wife. And if there is a wife, this
is happening in two different places; if the parents are divorced, three
different places. And the casualty officer proceeds to break the heart of a
family member and stays with that family until -- well, for a long, long
time, even after the internment. So that’s what happens.

Who are these young men and women? They are the best 1 percent this country
produces. Most of you, as Americans, don’t know them. Many of you don’t
know anyone who knows any one of them. But they are the very best this
country produces, and they volunteer to protect our country when there’s
nothing in our country anymore that seems to suggest that selfless service
to the nation is not ...


[image: top stories]
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/11000765.505875/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI5MTkvZG9uYWxkLXRydW1wLWFsZXhhbmRlci1tdXJyYXktaGVhbHRoLWNhcmUtYmlsbA/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Ba41b1b73> The
Cognitive Dissonance Presidency

Rich Lowry

To paraphrase Groucho Marx, President Donald Trump has a position on the
Lamar Alexander/Patty Murray health-care deal, and if you don’t like it, he
has another one. Within hours, Trump...
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/11000765.505875/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI5MjQvZG9uYWxkLXRydW1wLWNvbnN0aXR1dGlvbi1saW1pdGluZy1leGVjdXRpdmUtcG93ZXI/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B642942bb> Trump’s
Executive Moves Have Strengthened Checks and Balances

David Harsanyi

Trump’s Executive Moves Have Strengthened Checks and Balances


<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/11000765.505875/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI5MDIvbWF5aW0tYmlhbGlrLW55dC1waWVjZS1yaWdodA/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B5ad8cbe5> Mayim
Bialik Is Right, Modesty Is Prudent

David French

Last month my wife and I visited our oldest daughter in college. Late that
Saturday night, she said she wanted to walk from her dorm to the hotel to
hang out with us a bit longer. How should a...
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/11000765.505875/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI5MTUvdHJ1bXBpc20tY29uc2VydmF0aXNtLXJlcHVibGljYW5zLXVuaXR5LW92ZXJyYXRlZA/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B716b1db7> Unity
Is Overrated

Kevin D. Williamson

The Republican party of Macomb County, Mich., is hosting a “unity dinner,”
and its guest of honor is Steve Bannon, whose current ambition is to
destroy the Republican party. He’s well on his...
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/11000765.505875/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI5MjYvY3VsdHVyYWwtYXBwcm9wcmlhdGlvbi1oYWxsb3dlZW4taG9saWRheS1jYW1wdXM/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B529293f4> The
War on Halloween Comes to Campus

Amelia Hamilton

Editor’s Note: The following piece was originally published by
Acculturated. It is adapted here with permission. It’s that spooky time of
year when ghouls and goblins are getting ready to...
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/11000765.505875/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI5MDQvaGFydmV5LXdlaW5zdGVpbi1zY2FuZGFsLWZpdmUtcGFpbmZ1bC1sZXNzb25z/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bd426628a> Five
Painful Lessons from the Weinstein Scandal

Jim Geraghty

We’re in week two of the Weinstein scandal, meaning that the story is no
longer on the front pages and is now becoming a convenient cudgel for a lot
of oddly distant causes: “Zionism.”...


8:09 PM (18 hours ago)
to me

The latest from InsideSources.
View this email in your browser
What Washington's Talking About
The Bush Twins Want to Set the Record Straight [Frank Bruni, New York Times

The Essential John McCain [David Brooks, New York Times

How High Could Rates Go if John Taylor Becomes Fed Chairman? [Michael S.
Derby, Wall Street Journal

Dogs make more faces when you're paying attention [Alessandra Potenza, The

News Technology
*Trump Is Not the First President to Want Media Licenses Revoked Due to
Unfavorable Coverage*
By Nihal Krishan

President Donald Trump has come under intense scrutiny in the past week for
his recent flurry of tweets suggesting that the federal government
challenge broadcast licenses of networks that report what he calls “Fake


[IS] Opinions Education
*Rethinking How We Evaluate Colleges*
By Karl McDonnell and Tim Taylor

Many parents and high school students rely on U.S. News & World Report’s
Best College Rankings when evaluating college options. For years, the
publication has ranked colleges and universities based on SAT scores,
acceptance rates, alumni giving and counselor surveys.


News Technology
*Are FCC Regulations in the ‘Public Interest’ Costing Consumers?*
By Nihal Krishan

When evaluating mergers and other activities of telecommunications
companies, the FCC is granted the authority to act broadly in the “public
interest.” But what exactly does this mean and is the commission enforcing
regulations in a fair and efficient manner?


[IS] Opinions Energy
*Rubio, Cassidy Bill Could Open Up New Markets for U.S. Natural Gas Exports*
By Erin Mundahl

The shale revolution has lowered utility bills and the price of heat for
American families and reinvigorated manufacturing in parts of what had been
the Rust Belt. It also has the potential to shape U.S. foreign policy, both
in the Caribbean and in Central America.


News Politics
*12 Things You Should Know About Janus v. AFSCME*
By Connor D. Wolf

The U.S. Supreme Court could soon outlaw public-sector unions from
requiring nonmembers to pay dues or fees as part of a lawsuit which aims to
dramatically change national labor law.


[IS] Opinions Politics
*Now Is the Time to Enact Reagan’s Vision of Missile Defense*
By Megan Reiss and Arthur Rizer

One hopes these military signals will cause Kim Jong-un to stand down, but
the United States should take action now to prepare in case disaster does
eventually strike. U.S. strategists need to internalize the idea that
missile defense should be a key element of protecting American territory.


[IS] Opinions Finance
*Bill Ackman’s White Whale*
By Eric Peters

Five years ago, Bill Ackman of Pershing Square Management, the powerhouse
hedge fund, made that bet — shorting a reported 20.2 million shares of
stock in the supplement company Herbalife as part of a deliberate effort to
implode the company and make a buck off the deal.


*Follow InsideSources*

8:01 PM (18 hours ago)
to me



REPORT: Trump Can’t Fix this “Gun Problem” (What you should do)

Cover Up: Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Just Got The Worst News Ever In House It

Trump sabotaging ObamaCare?

Texas Democrats Apologize For Blatantly Wrong Tweet

Mark Kelly Thinks Pro-Gun Members Of Congress Should Quit

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6:59 PM (19 hours ago)
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Family Survival Headlines

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REVEALED: What the Bible Teaches You about How to Lose Weight…

If you want to stay fat...

Then don't listen to the bible! That's because...

God wrote in the bible EXACTLY how you should lose weight
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I found this very interesting and I know you will too!

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*Breaking News...*

*Comey's Disbarment Sought after 'False Testimony to Congress'

*New Scheme to Single Out Churches Opposing Gay Marriage

*Big Tobacco Gets Smoked in Court: How to Cash In..

*Clinton Foundation Disclosures May Be Criminally Fraudulent

*Karl Rove Ridicules Bannon's Efforts to Primary Senate RINOs

*Health: What Apple Cider Vinegar REALLY Does to Your Body...

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6:07 PM (20 hours ago)
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[image: Task & Purpose Today]
Kelly Defends Trump’s Controversial Call To A Gold Star Family

Pentagon Probing Troubling Questions After Deadly Niger Ambush

Contrary To Rhetoric, Military Mishaps Have Been Declining

Trouble Registering For VA’s Vet ID Card? There’s A Much Better, Hidden Way

ISIS Just Suffered A Major Defeat In The Philippines

John Kelly Was Surprised Trump Shared His Son’s Combat Death Story

An Emboldened Taliban Nearly ‘Wiped Out’ An Entire Afghan Army Unit Using
Lethal New Tactics

How The Army Decimated Joseph Kony’s Messianic Death Cult Without Firing A

Why Is There An Office Depot Ad On The VA’s New Vet ID Cards?

The Navy Wanted To Merge A Battleship And An Aircraft Carrier To Fight

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6:06 PM (20 hours ago)
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Patriot Powered News

(The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)


As an MD, I could get into serious trouble just for writing this… But I
won’t stop because this message has the power to save millions of lives.

You see, the FDA has a standing gag order forbidding doctors from telling
patients about a new, revolutionary treatment discovered by Harvard

This study should have made front page news around the world. It’s the kind
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ever heard it.*

The Harvard researchers behind this study discovered a way to "flip a
switch" inside your cells that *makes it virtually impossible for any
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This hushed-up, breakthrough technology
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a possible remedy for everything from cancer and heart disease, to diabetes
and Alzheimer’s.

And it’s available *RIGHT NOW*. *But it never sees the light of day*.

Today, I’m blowing the whistle on the FDA because you and your family have
a right to know.

Please click HERE and read my special report.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS


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Oct 20 (1 day ago)
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*October 19* 2017



On Amazon and the Tech Monopolies

Kevin D. Williamson

Everybody hates Amazon. It’s kind of weird. Donald Trump, as a candidate,
threatened to bring antitrust actions against Amazon and accused the
Internet retailer of dodging taxes, and as president Trump has taken a
special interest in the company’s CEO, Jeff Bezos, who also owns the
Washington Post, which offends Trump by...

[image: top stories]
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/10994298.507220/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI4NjgvdHJ1bXBzLWlzaXMtdmljdG9yeQ/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bfbbe969f> Did
Trump Beat ISIS?

Jonathan S. Tobin

When President Donald Trump boasts, the nation rolls its collective eyes.
From his first moments in office, Americans on both sides of the political
aisle understood that his claims of triumph...
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/10994298.507220/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI4NjYvbm9ydGgta29yZWEtbWlsaXRhcnktY2FwYWJpbGl0eS1rbm93bi1hbmQtdW5rbm93bg/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B100e3d93> North
Korea Knowns and Unknowns

Victor Davis Hanson

No one really knows all that much about North Korea’s nuclear or
conventional military capability or its strategic agenda. Are its nuclear
missiles reliably lethal, are they as long-ranged and...


<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/10994298.507220/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI5MDIvbWF5aW0tYmlhbGlrLW55dC1waWVjZS1yaWdodA/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B8f053ba2> Mayim
Bialik Is Right, Modesty Is Prudent

David French

Last month my wife and I visited our oldest daughter in college. Late that
Saturday night, she said she wanted to walk from her dorm to the hotel to
hang out with us a bit longer. How should a...
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/10994298.507220/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI2MDYvd3dpaS1hdm9pZGFibGUtZ3JlYXQtd2Fy/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Ba124fe90> An
Avoidable Great War

Victor Davis Hanson

Editor’s Note: The following is the fourth and final installment in a
series of excerpts adapted from Victor Davis Hanson’s new book The Second
World Wars. It appears here with...
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/10994298.507220/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI5MDQvaGFydmV5LXdlaW5zdGVpbi1zY2FuZGFsLWZpdmUtcGFpbmZ1bC1sZXNzb25z/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119Bb872b57d> Five
Painful Lessons from the Weinstein Scandal

Jim Geraghty

We’re in week two of the Weinstein scandal, meaning that the story is no
longer on the front pages and is now becoming a convenient cudgel for a lot
of oddly distant causes: “Zionism.”...
<http://link.nationalreview.com/click/10994298.507220/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uYXRpb25hbHJldmlldy5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS80NTI4NjAvdHJ1bXAtdHJhdmVsLWJhbi1mZWRlcmFsLWRpc3RyaWN0LWNvdXJ0LWp1ZGdlcy1kZWZ5JTIwY29uc3RpdHV0aW9uLXRoZW9kb3JlLWNodWFuZy1kZXJyaWNrLXdhdHNvbg/5823d563b84a99e87c8b5119B7d2a7c02> Once
Again, Judges Defy the Law to Defy Trump

David French

In the last week, two federal district-court judges in two different
federal circuits have issued new injunctions against the Trump
administration’s latest “travel ban.” Both injunctions are...



Oct 20 (1 day ago)
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Nearly 200 of America's F-35s May Remain Indefinitely Unfit for Combat

As the services buy new planes, older ones may remain permanently unfit for

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Giant Robot Battles Are Here and They Are Hilariously Bad

This is what $2.4 million gets you, apparently.

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Enter to Win an Adventure of a Lifetime Through Iconic Yellowstone National

Hike through scenic forests, witness powerful geysers, and view diverse
wildlife all around you.

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Riddle of the Week #38: Getting the Goat

Difficulty level: Moderate

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Riddle of the Week #38: Getting the Goat] [image: Share on Pinterest]


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Solar Panels Might Get More Efficient Thanks to a Butterfly

By imitating the microscopic structure of a butterfly wing, a group of
researchers designed a more efficient solar cell.

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You Can Buy a Bugatti Chiron Engine and Gearbox For $9300*

*In 1:4 scale.

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Oct 20 (1 day ago)
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Firearms Life

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Gun Grabbers are FUMING Over this “Leaked” Report…

Owner of SNL was Just Caught on Camera Saying the REAL Reason He is
Defending Harvey Weinstein

Obama deliberately ‘torpedoed’ the middle class: Harlan Hill

NRA Opposes Bipartisan Bump-Fire Stock Ban

San Jose City Council Proposing More Gun Control Ordinances, Activist Alert

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Oct 20 (1 day ago)
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*Breaking News...*

*NFL Owner: Trump's Attack on League is 'Very Calculated'

*Obama's 'No Work' Transportation Sec. Settles in Bankruptcy Suit

*Health Alert: Eat THIS Before Bed to Reverse Alzheimer's

*Stock Market under Trump Keeps Closing at Record Highs

*George W. Bush Comes Out Swinging at Trump in NYC Speech

*Eat THIS Before Bed to Reverse Alzheimer's*
By simply eating *this sweet snack* 30-minutes before bed, you can reverse
Alzheimer's disease...

Recently, one Harvard-recognized doctor revealed how this food
<http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86351%7c8955441%7c8787218&digest=XQaEIeG6RLKyRhG8GM4gVw&sysid=1> helps
dissolve deadly brain plaque while you sleep...

Results were so powerful, medical experts are finally whispering the word "

If you ever worry that your memory is getting worse... or if a loved one is
suffering with Alzheimer's or dementia... this 1 food
<http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86352%7c8955441%7c8787218&digest=i8vmTmEzMiBO6QJfh3gXAw&sysid=1> could
be a life-saver.

Click here now to discover this Alzheimer's-reversing food...

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Oct 20 (1 day ago)
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Want to know who won last week’s contests? I’ll tell you in just a minute.
But first it’s important for you to know that the way we fund these
contests is by sharing new tools and resources with you…

Like this free Survival Saw that fits in your pocket.

So who won our most recent daily contests? I’m excited to announce 4 new


October 8th - *Donald Chaney* won the Remington R51 Smoke/Silver Pistol

October 9th - *Freddie McLaurin* won the Smith & Wesson M&P 22 Pistol

October 10th - *Harold Williams* won the 420HC Stainless Steel Survival

October 11th - *Rick Calvert* won the Campstove & USB Charger

Congratulations, guys! :-)
We’re running contests all the time and the odds of winning are pretty
good, so keep your eye on your inbox and keep entering our contests.

Stay tactical,
Wil Stewart

P.S. Don’t forget to pick up your FREE Survival Saw
<http://trk.cp20.com/click/kbemo-c4g75v-7cpiqiy1/> while they’re available.
(Fair Warning: These were unavailable the last 2 months, but they just got
a new shipment in. They won’t last long.)


Tactical Contests - 2017

Oct 20 (1 day ago)
to me
By Yuval Rosenberg and Michael Rainey
Will There Be Any Drama in the Senate Budget Vote-a-rama?

The Senate formally kicked off what’s known as a vote-a-rama
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=e662c48116&e=f4e1fef671> on
Thursday — hours of theatrics intended to lead up to approval of the 2018
budget resolution needed to enact the GOP tax plan without fear of a
Democratic filibuster.

“The only thing about this that matters is preparation for the tax reform,”
Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) said
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=9fe969628b&e=f4e1fef671> about
the budget, adding that he’d dismantle the Senate Budget Committee if he
headed it. "Unless we create a real budget process, which this is not, our
country’s fiscal situation will continue to go down the tube, and we have
no mechanism to control real spending, 70 percent of which is mandatory,
that’s not even covered by this.”

But the vote-a-rama that Corker called a “hoax” carries at least some
political significance. “Prepare for a smorgasbord of symbolic tax
amendments crafted for messaging and trolling purposes,” Bloomberg’s Sahil
Kapur tweeted

One example: The Senate rejected a Democratic amendment aimed at keeping
the deduction for state and local taxes, but it adopted a Republican
measure that would allow that deduction to be reduced. Democrats sought to
narrow their proposed amendments to four issues, all tax-related, Senate
Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said
“One, tax breaks aimed at the very wealthy; two, no tax increases for the
middle class; three, no cuts to Medicare and Medicaid; and four, deficit

*The Bottom Line:* By late Thursday or early Friday, Senate Republicans are
likely to have their budget passed.

*Next Up:* The House and Senate will turn next week to reconciling their very
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=7c9018fd74&e=f4e1fef671> budgets
and settle on something that both chambers can accept as a start to tax
Quote of the Day
Medicaid Enrollment Leveling Off After Obamacare Surge, but Spending Is
Headed Higher

Medicaid enrollment growth nationwide slowed to 2.7 percent in fiscal 2017,
down from 3.9 percent in 2016 and 13.2 percent in 2015, after the
implementation of Medicaid expansion under Obamacare, according to a new
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=c226e7bad7&e=f4e1fef671> from
the Kaiser Family Foundation. Enrollment growth is expected to slow
further, to 1.5 percent, in 2018.

At the same time, total Medicaid spending grew by 3.9 percent in fiscal
2017, a slight acceleration from 3.5 percent growth the prior year, though
slower than the 10.5 percent growth in 2015.

The annual survey of Medicaid directors around the country also finds that
states project *total Medicaid spending will grow 5.2 percent in 2018*.
“Major drivers of spending growth include rising costs of prescription
drugs and long-term care services and supports, and increases in payment
rates for most provider groups,” the report says.

And states will have to cover more of those costs themselves. Their share
of Medicaid spending grew 3.5 percent in 2017 but is expected to grow 6
percent next year, in part because the 31 states (plus D.C.) that expanded
Medicaid under Obamacare are now footing part of the bill after years in
which the federal government covered all the expansion costs. “In
addition,” a Kaiser press release
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=0c79bc1249&e=f4e1fef671> says,
“some states are experiencing a decrease in the formula-driven federal
match rate for the traditional Medicaid population that can result in
faster state spending growth.”

States also signaled some concerns about potential budget crunches ahead,
given that phasing out of federal contributions for expanded Medicaid
programs as well as Congress’ failure thus far to reauthorize the
Children’s Health Insurance Program and the uncertainty about Medicaid
funding levels created by the GOP push to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Medicaid provides coverage to about one in five Americans, or roughly 74
million people, and accounts for a sixth of all health care spending in the
Fiscal Flashes

*Where Trump Will Compromise on Tax Reform: *White House officials tell USA
Today’s Heidi Przybyla
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=762e21e687&e=f4e1fef671> that
President Trump will include a number of compromises to limit his tax
plan’s benefits for the wealthy when he promotes the blueprint next month.

“The compromises will include ending a 23.8% preferential tax rate for
hedge-fund managers, or the so-called carried interest rate, White House
legislative affairs director Marc Short told USA TODAY. … Retaining parts
of a state and local tax deduction that benefits many middle-class families
in blue states is also an area where Trump is expecting compromise.”

Trump campaigned on raising the carried interest rate, saying its
beneficiaries are “getting away with murder.” But changes to the carried
interest rate may run into opposition from House Republicans, and the
tweaks appear unlikely to win any Democratic support.

*Can Trump Bring Democrats Along on Taxes?* Speaking of compromise … while
Republicans are prepared to go it alone on tax reform, President Trump
suggested creating a bipartisan working group on the topic during a
Wednesdaymeeting with senators from both parties. Some senators were open
to the idea, but it doesn’t look like Republicans have much interest in
slowing down the process with in-depth negotiations.

“I don’t really personally see the benefit of creating additional
structure. I think we’ve got all the tools we need,” said Sen. John Cornyn
(R-TX), who attended the meeting, according to Politico
Democrats appear skeptical, too. Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) said he told Trump
that the distance between what Republicans were saying about their plan and
what it actually does is a serious problem.

*IRS Releases 2018 Tax Brackets: *The Internal Revenue Service announced
the inflation adjustments to the tax tables for the calendar year beginning January
1, 2018. These are the numbers you’ll use to do your 2018 taxes in 2019.
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=799f89e140&e=f4e1fef671> has
a complete rundown.

*Head-Spinner of the Week: *In a report released on Monday, the White
House’s Council of Economic Advisers said that cutting the corporate tax
rate from 35 percent to 20 percent would increase average household incomes
by $4,000 a year on average, and potentially by as much as $9,000. But
Mihir Desai, a Harvard economist whose work was cited in the CEA paper,
pushed back on the report, saying it misapplied his research and that the
boost to incomes would be around $800, Jim Tankersley of The New York Times
“Mr. Trump’s economic team disagreed — saying Mr. Desai had erred in
interpreting his own paper,” Tankersley adds.

*Send Us Your Tips, Feedback and World Series Predictions:* Email Yuval
Rosenberg at yrose...@thefiscaltimes.com and follow me on Twitter
Follow The Fiscal Times on Twitter @TheFiscalTimes
Tax Foundation Ranks the Best and Worst States on Taxes

The Tax Foundation released its annual analysis of state tax systems
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=8daa19c4fa&e=f4e1fef671> this
week. The conservative think tank ranks the states in an index that weighs
five taxes (individual, sales, corporate, property and unemployment
insurance). The lower the taxes and the simpler the rules, the higher the
ranking of a given state.

The ranking is designed to shed light on the “business tax climate” around
the country, which the Tax Foundation says plays a critical role in the
economic health of each state, especially as the states compete with each
other for capital and labor. The top states have something in common,
according to the report: “The absence of a major tax” — meaning corporate,
individual or sales taxes — “is a common factor among many of the top 10

The top 10 states in the 2018 ranking
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=5f2349bca0&e=f4e1fef671> are
Wyoming, South Dakota, Alaska, Florida, Nevada, Montana, New Hampshire,
Utah, Indiana and Oregon. The lowest-ranked states are Rhode Island,
Louisiana, Maryland, Connecticut, Ohio, Minnesota, Vermont, California, New
York and New Jersey, which has ranked last since 2015.

But the analysis is not without its critics. Carl Davis, research director
at the liberal Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, says the ranking
is a “problematic wishlist” that does little to predict economic
performance and simply reflects “the Tax Foundation’s policy
recommendations.” Peter Fisher, an economist at the University of Iowa and
a long-standing critic of the report, says
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=58f59e42ee&e=f4e1fef671> “the
Tax Foundation provides no evidence that its index actually predicts growth
and research has generally found that it does not.”
What We're Reading

- *George W. Bush Just Laid a Major Smackdown on Trumpism
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=ad5a78f753&e=f4e1fef671> –
Chris Cillizza, CNN*
- *GOP to Trump: Stop Flip-Flopping on Obamacare Deal
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=cd5d4e7905&e=f4e1fef671> –
- *Bipartisan Health Proposal Is Too Late for 2018, but a Salve for 2019
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=b7455f528b&e=f4e1fef671> –
New York Times*
- *GOP Tax Framework Looks Much Like Kansas’ Failed Tax Cut Package
Chye-Ching Huang, CBPP*
- *Trump’s False Claim That Insurance Companies ‘Have Made a Fortune’
From Obamacare
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=77a3b5e7bd&e=f4e1fef671> –
Glenn Kessler, Washington Post*
- *Republican’s Decision to Retire Seen as Sign of Growing Frustration
in Washington
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=87a6a6201c&e=f4e1fef671> –
The Hill*
- *America Needs Higher Wages, Not Lower Taxes
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=0bd5cd330d&e=f4e1fef671> –
Jonathan Tasini, CNN*
- *Most Voters in Poll Back Trump’s Health Care Order but Are Divided
Over Impact
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=56235ec64c&e=f4e1fef671> –
Morning Consult*
- *Hardly Any Federal Employees Are Fired for Poor Performance. A Good
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=bbdfe2f544&e=f4e1fef671> –
Washington Post*
- *How Money Became the Measure of Everything
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=a7e1f91f3a&e=f4e1fef671> –
The Atlantic*
- *This Nobel-Winning Economist Says a Black Monday Crash Can Happen
<https://thefiscaltimes.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40d2c5373681f5cd830b6d823&id=8e89dee32b&e=f4e1fef671> –

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Oct 20 (1 day ago)
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Breaking News from Headline Health
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*Breaking News...*

*Lady Gaga's Mom Confirms Singer's Lifelong Mental Health Problems

*'Overly Amorous Couples' Suffer Record Number Of Odd Injuries

*Alert: Why aren't more Doctors prescribing oxygen?

*This Is Your Brain On Government Healthcare

*Harvard: Midlife Heart Health Reveals Dementia Risk

*Gaga's Mom: Singer's Mental Health Problems Began At Home*

(HEADLINE HEALTH) In a recent interview, Cynthia Germanotta offers key
insights into the mental history of her famous daughter, Lady Gaga.

Do Gaga's bizarre antics and need for constant attention have their roots
in mental illness? Was she, in fact, "born this way" as asserted in one of
her hit songs? Her mom's comments suggest this is the case... READ MORE
Dear Reader,

Yes, you read that correctly…

Why aren't more doctors prescribing oxygen?

Let me explain:

Back in 1931, a man named Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for work
proving cancer is caused by a lack of oxygen in your cells.

In fact, he stated in his book, "The Prime Cause and prevention of cancer"

"The cause of cancer is no longer a mystery, we know it occurs whenever any
cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements"

And guess what?

There is documentation and proof - showing that oxygen therapy works -
going all the way back to the late 1800's.

So now you're probably wondering, if the antidote for cancer is so easy,
how come we haven't heard about it.

The answer is simple:

You can't make money out of oxygen therapy.

Yes, the harsh reality, is that the medical pharmaceutical industry doesn't
make money out of cures, it makes money out of treatments.

And the best way for them to line their pockets…

…is for YOU to stay sick as long as possible.

Otherwise they would be bankrupt overnight!

But this is changing everything today with this...

And they are deadly serious about this, there are countless stories of
people being hammered into the ground and sued into oblivion, for having
the audacity to talk about oxygen therapy.

So it's no wonder you've never heard of this treatment before.

But there's also another reason why very few people are using oxygen
therapy. And that's because this is not something you can purchase from the
supermarket shelves.

Truth is, up until now, getting proper oxygen therapy was almost

Unless you went for this...

I mean your only real option would be to lie overnight in a Hyperbaric
Oxygen Chamber, but the problem is these are extremely expensive…plus they
aren't available in many places.

Also, if you want to totally reverse your illness, you'd have to spend
hours in one of these chambers, every other day.

The other option is "Oxygenated Water", but the issue with these products
is that they don't actually contain any oxygen.

How they work is that they contain a special chemical, which, when it comes
into contact with your stomach acid, breaks apart and releases oxygen
molecules…which then enter your bloodstream.

The problem is, this process depends on the amount of acid in your stomach.

So it's kind of hit and miss for most people, but there is a way around

In the last few years there have been tremendous leaps in technology to
make the world less toxic.

And one of these new technologies is something called "Stabilized active

What this technology does, is allow oxygen to exist in a natural safe,
non-chemical liquid so no matter where you put that liquid (For example, in
your tea, coffee or juice) the oxygen is there to do it's magic.

And the good news is that you can now purchase a supplement, which uses
this technology to deliver oxygen directly into your bloodstream.

If you'd like to learn more about this miracle supplement, plus how oxygen
therapy works and what it can do for you…

…go here next

It's truly fascinating reading and might just save your life.

To your good health,

*Headline Health*

The information presented here is for general educational purposes only.
You should always consult with your personal physician regarding any
personal health problem. FDA DISCLOSURE: The statements, articles, and
products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration. No information or products appearing on this email are
intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. MATERIAL
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relationship and/or another material connection to any persons or
businesses mentioned in or linked to from this email and may receive
commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not
rely solely on information contained on this email to evaluate the product
or service being offered. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing
any product or service.
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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*Breaking News...*

*School Named for Jefferson Davis Will Be Renamed After Obama

*Call to Soldier's Mom is Latest 'Knee-Jerk' by Media Toward Trump

*Youth Secrets: 60 Is the New 40 Thanks to Telomere Science

*Miss. Schools' Removal of 'To Kill a Mockingbird' Gets Backlash

*JUDGE: Trump Admin Must Let Illegal Immigrant Get Abortion

*New Executive Order 6102B: AKA the "Fedcoin" Act*
Dear Reader,

Is President Trump on the verge of issuing the most controversial executive
order since Roosevelt's ban on gold?

That's what Doug Casey, the currency expert and multimillionaire who
predicted Trump's surprise victory 6 months before the election, believes.

You see, according to Casey, Washington could soon implement the most
transformative currency law ever

This new law would not only give the government an unprecedented ability to
track and control our money... but it could also destroy the U.S. dollar in
the process.

Why would the government do this?

That's what's so shocking. Casey recently revealed what's going on in a
full, tell-all interview. If you currently earn, spend, or save money in
U.S. dollars, you need to check this out because you will be affected.

Click on the image below to watch the short interview:


Justin Splittler
Editor, *Casey Daily Dispatch*

The information presented here is for general educational purposes only.
MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: You should assume that the sender of this
email has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to
the persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this message and
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statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
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Liberty Headlines
PO Box 49043
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On Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 9:14:30 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-ejzMg3qcHMY/Wd18HF-Vh6I/AAAAAAAAChQ/XQhgfGNJT9ItFTKb7aL1J0v8gPXFhUQPACLcBGAs/s1600/19396792_141285649756227_3451777499263553036_nyinyi.381%2BNI%2B62417.jpg>
> 4:02 AM (5 hours ago)
> Reply
> to me
> Using tools found in your garage, you can build and own an untraceable
> Glock 9mm tomorrow. No license needed.
> Veteran gunsmith Frank Mitchell is giving away a brand new Free DVD
> showing you exactly how to make an untraceable Glock 9mm.
> To get yours, confirm your address and get the *Undetectable Arms DVD for
> free today* <http://trk.cp20.com/click/k1q4s-c1mp4p-6svc7ja4/>.
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> -
> Shows you the complete parts list.
> -
> Guides you step-by-step build instructions (no gunsmith required).
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> Tells you where to get the highest quality parts at the best price
> possible.
> *And much, much more.*
> Only 302 copies of the Undetectable Arms DVD are being given away for FREE
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> So you’ll have to hurry… This new DVD is hot right now and they’re going
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> *Click here to get your FREE copy before they run out*
> <http://trk.cp20.com/click/k1q4s-c1mp4s-6svc7ja7/>Stay ready,
> -Lou Prep.
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> .....................................
> 9:00 AM (7 minutes ago)
> Reply
> to me
> You may not know this, but Trump recently scored a major victory, a
> "touchdown" if you will, and news networks like CNN, MSNBC hate it!
> Here are the details
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4742282/742230930/_de9b72ebac19533562dfb7c797d03f4d7c7aeeb3/c18ae8c88e68e45aa9c51a834bf09b55c3014e6f>
> :
> Over the past few weeks, as Trump's waged a war of words with King Jong
> Un, he managed to prove North Korea is one of the biggest threats to
> humanity.
> But this isn't what you think it is.
> While the liberal media rolled their eyes at Trump, he kept insisting how
> dangerous North Korea was.
> Soon North Korea started shooting missiles over Japan and sent a captured
> American citizen back to us blind, deaf and mute.
> So people started believing him a little bit more.
> All the while one of the most disturbing stories out of North Korea
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4742282/742230930/_de9b72ebac19533562dfb7c797d03f4d7c7aeeb3/c18ae8c88e68e45aa9c51a834bf09b55c3014e6f> was
> developing.
> *Now it's out*. And it proves Trump is spot-on regarding how vile the
> North Korean government truly is. They truly are.
> The weird thing about this story
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4742282/742230930/_de9b72ebac19533562dfb7c797d03f4d7c7aeeb3/c18ae8c88e68e45aa9c51a834bf09b55c3014e6f>
> ?
> It has nothing to do with Kim Jong Un's nuclear arsenal.
> *It's much worse. *
> And while the Trump White House probably knows more than I do, when you
> see what the government in the hermit kingdom
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4742282/742230930/_de9b72ebac19533562dfb7c797d03f4d7c7aeeb3/c18ae8c88e68e45aa9c51a834bf09b55c3014e6f> decided
> to do, you'll see how seriously it can affect the population of the entire
> world.
> Look, the possibility of a North Korean nuclear attack is something to be
> worried about and prepare for.
> But seeing this story showing you what North Korea's government did won't
> just convince you they're committed to watching people die agonizing
> deaths.
> *It may save your life*.
> Trump's absolutely right about the danger of North Korea... and this
> proves it
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4742282/742230930/_de9b72ebac19533562dfb7c797d03f4d7c7aeeb3/c18ae8c88e68e45aa9c51a834bf09b55c3014e6f>
> !
> ~ David Adams
> Preparing Made Easy
> P.S. This secret needs to go Big Time! Once you see it, share it far and
> ...................................
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> *Breaking News...*
> *VIDEO: Gay Cafe Owner Curses at Christian Group, Kicks Them Out
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> *NYTimes Editor Admits Aggressive Anti-Trump Bias
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86848%7c8955441%7c8787218&digest=9DNU0fWzr3rkSp0NvMNoWQ&sysid=1>*
> *Shocking: Federal Reserve #2 Resigns Because of...
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86849%7c8955441%7c8787218&digest=geDjkYdGuIPVIP2af2%2bHxg&sysid=1>*
> *BANNON: Sen. Corker is a 'Disgrace;' 'Should Resign Immediately'
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> *NFL Sponsors Silent on Players' Disrespect of Flag, Anthem
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86841%7c8955441%7c8787218&digest=IuTz9fIpk7ljo3HgpRCMlA&sysid=1>*
> ------------------------------
> Dear Reader,
> *What I'm about to show you could have a huge impact on your life
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86842%7c8955441%7c8787218&digest=S8JKbCCk6uQdSp9phztkwg&sysid=1>.*
> America's #2 at the Federal Reserve just suddenly resigned.
> I predicted this five months ago. And it could have massive implications
> for your wealth over the coming weeks...
> The "fake news" said he resigned for "personal reasons"...
> But the truth is far more important and urgent.
> In short, with this money bureaucrat out of the way…
> *Donald Trump now has a clear path to institute a major change to
> America's money
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86843%7c8955441%7c8787218&digest=ZnNKuZ3GGOK9YC4UGhI1gA&sysid=1>.*
> More importantly, Trump's the FIRST president with the opportunity to do
> it since 1913.
> This could be the biggest dollar earthquake in 100 years.
> And it could all happen as soon as three months from now.
> *Click here now for everything I see coming
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86844%7c8955441%7c8787218&digest=nmQDNVTqdc%2b8hL1ozuwZ7w&sysid=1>.*
> Regards,
> Joe Schriefer
> Publisher, Agora Financial
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> 10:06 PM (11 hours ago)
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> Breaking News from Headline Health
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> Dear Reader,
> By simply eating *this sweet snack*
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86838%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=1h%2bkFpm23B0VayeIUo8LsQ&sysid=1> 30-minutes
> before bed, you can reverse Alzheimer's disease...
> *Think that's impossible?*
> Then listen to this...
> Recently, one Harvard-recognized doctor revealed how this food
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86839%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=Jkq3NmswWKMvEqErFPOXCw&sysid=1> helps
> dissolve deadly brain plaque while you sleep...
> Results were so powerful, medical experts are finally whispering the word "
> *CURE*."
> If you ever worry that your memory is getting worse... or if a loved one
> is suffering with Alzheimer's or dementia... this 1 food
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86830%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=ztPJHxumS8dB2O%2f7ahXM2w&sysid=1> could
> be a life-saver.
> Click here now to discover this Alzheimer's-reversing food...
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86831%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=29KX1FB6gzgNIg3PsRb97w&sysid=1>
> Christine O'Brien
> *Nutrition & Healing*
> P.S. This pre-bed "recipe"
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86832%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=H4In%2finasB3wIikHe7mDYQ&sysid=1> is
> perfectly simple to make... but you have to know the right way to prepare
> it. You'll get everything you need in this short video. Click here now
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86833%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=aTS%2brMoMpGtNCW%2bVBzZ63g&sysid=1>
> .
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> You should always consult with your personal physician regarding any
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> Administration. No information or products appearing on this email are
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> or service being offered. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing
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> 6:06 PM (15 hours ago)
> (The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)
> Dear Reader,
> There are many foods that we should be avoiding in order to stay healthy
> and look our best. Being healthy and looking good is a big priority for
> many of us.
> The problem is that there are *3 harmful foods in particular*, one of
> which has been banned in many countries, yet still legal here in the U.S.
> These foods may cause us to gain weight and may actually be harming you
> from the inside. These foods could be the cause of why you are not losing
> weight, no matter what you have tried - diet, exercise, ect.
> These foods are in many Americans' homes and you are most likely consuming
> them every day.
> If you ever feel like you are tired and fatigued from your workouts, or
> daily life routines, the culprit might be these foods that you are
> consuming. These foods may affect your everyday life by literally sucking
> the energy from you.
> Some of these foods have been disguised as “health foods.” These foods
> could be causing what is called "gut yeast" to be growing inside of your
> stomach.
> The truth about these foods is that they may be harming you from the
> inside.
> Some doctors are even calling these 3 things “health killers.” These are
> foods that you should stop eating right now!
> Please click here now
> <http://em.patriotpowerednews.com/ga/click/2-495164215-2356-259944-535233-3697970-2db3afd036-785bc32b63> to
> find out more about these potentially dangerous foods and why you should
> stop eating them.
> There is one food addtitive in particular which may be extremely harmful
> to your health and is banned in almost every first world country except
> here in the U.S.
> The problem is that many food manufacturers market some of these foods as
> “health foods” and you may be thinking that you are eating healthy, but in
> reality, you may not be. This may be the furthest from the truth. Please
> watch this shocking presentation here.
> Material Connection Disclosure: Unless otherwise expressly stated, you
> should assume that all references to products and services on this website
> are made because material connections exist between the sender of this
> email and the providers of the mentioned products and services. Learn
> Patriot Publications
> P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153
> ................................
> Oct 9 (2 days ago)
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> Breaking News from Headline Health
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> Dear Reader,
> Big Pharma is on the cusp of annihilation.
> The dominance of behemoth pharmaceutical companies is about to come to an
> abrupt halt.
> You see, while thousands of biotech companies have been shooting for
> billion-dollar drugs … vaccinations … and medical devices …
> An innovative Midwestern firm has taken a much different route.
> It is reinventing healthcare from the nucleus up … and will soon dominate
> this $1.7 trillion industry.
> [image: Image]
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86898%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=xIvxc2nmJ4%2bHIB9PmR4dNg&sysid=1>
> This tiny biotech stock is poised to annihilate big pharma.
> <http://click.e.libertyheadlines.com/ClickThru.aspx?pubids=2781%7c86899%7c8955441%7c81458&digest=%2fDRmt6oDudIJYNavVysR9g&sysid=1>
> The dean of Stanford's School of Medicine says: *"The opportunities are
> enormous"* … vice chair at Duke University's Department of Surgery
> declares this is *"changing the game"* … and a University of Pennsylvania
> Wharton School of Business study calls this breakthrough *"a
> revolutionary approach to tackling disease."*
> And early investors will have the opportunity to make an absolute fortune.
> Jeff Yastine
> Editorial Director, Banyan Hill Publishing
> The information presented here is for general educational purposes only.
> You should always consult with your personal physician regarding any
> personal health problem. FDA DISCLOSURE: The statements, articles, and
> products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
> Administration. No information or products appearing on this email are
> intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. MATERIAL
> CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: HeadlineHealth.com may have an affiliate
> relationship and/or another material connection to any persons or
> businesses mentioned in or linked to from this email and may receive
> commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not
> rely solely on information contained on this email to evaluate the product
> or service being offered. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing
> any product or service.
> Headline Health
> PO Box 49043
> Charlotte, NC 28277
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> Oct 9 (2 days ago)
> Reply
> to me
> I wanted to thank you for viewing our presentation, *“The Death of the
> iPhone.”* and for considering your risk-free trial to our investment
> research letter, *Technology and Opportunity*.
> In this presentation, I revealed a company so remarkable that its stock
> could make a new generation of millionaires.
> *Our records indicate you disconnected before making your way through.*
> For your review, I'm including a link to the video presentation
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/17fc582b288dce52678a4554179-6cfcebc43916b4e058e3f3b24fc> as
> well as to the written transcript.
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/17fc582b288dce52678a4554179-23661457a9fb4314da751ca1c3b> If
> you have not had the chance to review these in full, I highly recommend you
> do so now.
> *In case you were still on the fence about our offer, I wanted to take
> this opportunity and reaffirm just how critical this stock opportunity
> we're presenting is....*
> In the presentation, I disclosed details about a groundbreaking technology
> with the potential to make investors millions….
> In fact, this technology is so powerful, it could destroy the iPhone and
> topple Apple’s $750 billion technology empire.
> I believe investors could see gains of 6,400%
> *It’s because of this technology's dynamic potential that I have dubbed
> the $7 firm producing it “The iPhone Killer.”*
> Today smartphones are everywhere, but they won’t be for long.
> Tech visionaries predict that the age of smart phones is coming to an end.
> Even Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg is on the bandwagon.
> *Zuckerberg has gone so far as to praise the technology behind the “iPhone
> Killer” as the “the obvious next step” in the smartphone industry.*
> *As I write this, multiple tech giants are using the unique components
> produced by the “iPhone Killer” to build their own products.*
> Those companies include Google, Microsoft, and Facebook.
> Without its components, these tech giants would struggle to get their
> technology off the ground. *This makes the “iPhone Killer” company I've
> been telling you about essential to one of the greatest technology shifts
> in human history.*
> For investors, it presents a unique opportunity.
> In the world of technology investing, history proves one thing: The best
> way to make money is to invest in the small companies producing technology
> for big players.
> Just take a look at the early computer industry.
> In the 1990’s, investors who bought stock in companies fueling the
> personal computer industry made millions.
> *Early investors of Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) saw 67,272% gains. And early
> investors of QUALCOMM (NASDAQ: QCOM) saw 13,930% gains.*
> *Now the "iPhone Killer" is offering modern day investors the same
> groundbreaking opportunity.*
> But the window to invest is closing.
> Because of this investment's time-sensitive nature, I want to get you
> started right away.
> That is why I put together a free report, *“The Next Intel: Banking up to
> 6,400% from the Death of the iPhone.”*
> You can claim your report here.
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/17fc582b288dce52678a4554179-7a136d0c8f40e7b9b2a8f993c95>
> As soon as you receive your report, you will get the ticker symbol and
> name of the “iPhone Killer” company.
> This will allow you to start capitalizing on this groundbreaking
> investment right away.
> But the clock is ticking, so I urge you to get started immediately.
> To your wealth,
> [image: Stutman sig]
> Jason Stutman
> Investment Director, *Technology and Opportunity*
> ------------------------------
> Do you no longer want to receive messages like these? You may opt-out here
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/17fc582b288dce52678a4554179-e72951ddb5cb1964c41e36ba214>
> .
> Technology and Opportunity, Copyright © 2017, Angel Publishing, LLC., 111
> Market Place #720, Baltimore, MD 21202. For Customer Service, please call
> (877) 303-4529. All rights reserved. No statement or expression of opinion,
> or any other matter herein, directly or indirectly, is an offer or the
> solicitation of an offer to buy or sell the securities or financial
> instruments mentioned. While we believe the sources of information to be
> reliable, we in no way represent or guarantee the accuracy of the
> statements made herein. Angel Publishing and Technology and Opportunity
> does not provide individual investment counseling, act as an investment
> advisor, or individually advocate the purchase or sale of any security or
> investment. The publisher, editors and consultants of Angel Publishing may
> actively trade in the investments discussed in this newsletter. They may
> have substantial positions in the securities recommended and may increase
> or decrease such positions without notice. Neither the publisher nor the
> editors are registered investment advisors. Subscribers should not view
> this publication as offering personalized legal or investment counseling.
> Investments recommended in this publication should be made only after
> consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the
> prospectus or financial statements of the company in question. Unauthorized
> reproduction of this newsletter or its contents by Xerography, facsimile,
> or any other means is illegal and punishable by law.
> ...........................................................................................-=
> Oct 9 (2 days ago)
> Reply
> to me
> Good day to you,
> I want to thank you for your interest in my investment presentation about
> "Internet Royalties."
> Quite simply, this is among the most powerful — and most reliable — ways
> to generate steady cash income that I've ever seen. I know of people who
> are making as much as $4,898 a month from "Internet Royalties."
> My records show that you disconnected before you finished learning about
> "Internet Roylaties."
> If you're not interested in setting up a reliable, growing income stream,
> that's fine. But I want you to know that the time to start collecting
> "Internet Royalties" is now. Because the payouts will only get bigger...
> Now, I've included a written version of the presentation for you HERE
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/b6f8df42cebbba9550be7feb76d-6cb4243d3d77cbaf3ad1875c825> —
> in case you'd like to review it.
> However, I think I can sum it up pretty quickly for you, if you'd like.
> You see, as you probably know already, more and more business gets done on
> the internet every day. Amazon alone did $142 billion in sales over the
> last year. Total U.S. internet sales were up 15% to $394 billion. Over the
> next couple of years, U.S. internet sales will hit $523 billion.
> Those numbers are simply astounding. And with "Internet Royalties," you
> can get a piece of all that revenue.
> How is it possible to to get a steady and reliable income stream from
> companies that do business on the internet, you ask? It's simple...
> Just like you and me, the vast majority of companies that want to do
> business over the internet have to pay for access. It's kind of like an
> access fee. And because of tax law loopholes, a large portion of these
> access fees must be paid out as "Internet Royalties."
> It's not like the internet is just going to disappear. So, you can count
> on "Internet Royalties" for years to come.
> In fact, the internet is just going to get bigger and bigger. And that's
> why "Internet Royalty" payments will continue to grow, year after year.
> But of course, you can't get paid if you don't get started.
> So, what's keeping you from getting started right away? If it's the video
> presentation
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/b6f8df42cebbba9550be7feb76d-88cffd1c0da4c9e2530c3759f7b>,
> then check out the written version above.
> If you'd rather get right to it, HERE's
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/b6f8df42cebbba9550be7feb76d-03a26e7d27d879d6a0ab3b04117> an
> order page (and don't worry, you'll be pleasantly surprised by the price
> and the money-back guarantee).
> It's my job to make sure that every investor knows about life-changing
> income opportunities like "Internet Royalties." I've done that — the rest
> is up to you. Come on board today.
> To your wealth,
> [image: brits-sig-small]
> Briton L. Ryle
> Investment Director,
> * The Wealth Advisory*
> ------------------------------
> Do you no longer want to receive messages like these? You may opt-out here
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/b6f8df42cebbba9550be7feb76d-017847632b1005434af906161c8>
> .
> The Wealth Advisory, Copyright © 2017, Angel Publishing, LLC., 111 Market
> Place #720, Baltimore, MD 21202. For Customer Service, please call (877)
> 303-4529. All rights reserved. No statement or expression of opinion, or
> any other matter herein, directly or indirectly, is an offer or the
> solicitation of an offer to buy or sell the securities or financial
> instruments mentioned. While we believe the sources of information to be
> reliable, we in no way represent or guarantee the accuracy of the
> statements made herein. Angel Publishing and The Wealth Advisory does not
> provide individual investment counseling, act as an investment advisor, or
> individually advocate the purchase or sale of any security or investment.
> The publisher, editors and consultants of Angel Publishing may actively
> trade in the investments discussed in this newsletter. They may have
> substantial positions in the securities recommended and may increase or
> decrease such positions without notice. Neither the publisher nor the
> editors are registered investment advisors. Subscribers should not view
> this publication as offering personalized legal or investment counseling.
> Investments recommended in this publication should be made only after
> consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the
> prospectus or financial statements of the company in question. Unauthorized
> reproduction of this newsletter or its contents by Xerography, facsimile,
> or any other means is illegal and punishable by law.
> ..............................................................
> Oct 9 (2 days ago)
> Reply
> to me
> Thank you for taking the time to watch my *"Bitcoin Printing Press"*
> presentation.
> For your review, I'm including a link to the video presentation
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/0d3414462c2048664aed004522f-b293906e4084670bcd967c40aea> and
> also one to the written transcript.
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/0d3414462c2048664aed004522f-085fe759edc9eca6b3e12ac61bb> If
> you haven't had the chance to review these in full, I highly recommend that
> you do so now.
> As I've explained, even if Bitcoin is a fad...
> Even if it's destined to crash...
> Even if you never hear about Bitcoin again...
> The technology behind these digital currencies has explosive growth
> potential.
> Here's something that I really couldn't put into my presentation. It
> simply wouldn't fit...
> I mentioned that the world's largest financial institutions and central
> banks, including the U.S. Federal Reserve, are rapidly integrating digital
> currency technologies into their own systems.
> It's not about Bitcoin.
> It's about the technology behind Bitcoin.
> And this technology is going to need those very special ASIC chips that we
> talked about. There's no way around it.
> And the stock that I want to tell you about is the main manufacturer of
> these special ASIC chips!
> That's why I'm urging you to reconsider.
> Ultimately, you have nothing to lose.
> If you receive my report and aren't happy, simply call for a full refund.
> You'll be able to keep the report as my gift. We're not going to come take
> it away from you.
> I'm taking all the risks here.
> But I'm sure you'll find that once you start making money with *Secret
> Stock Files*, you won't look back.
> Simply click on this link to get started.
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/0d3414462c2048664aed004522f-043e6f33b01752c12241f1c9819>
> To your wealth,
> [image: Luke Burgess Signature]
> Luke Burgess
> Investment Director, *Secret Stock Files*
> *.............................................................*
> Oct 8 (3 days ago)
> (The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)
> We Have Your Free Book on Hold…
> Dear Reader,
> Jim Rickards here.
> If you haven’t heard, I’ve just released a new book called*The Big Drop.
> <http://wjkw.dmsgs-esp-customer.com/t/12789702/521808036/322904931/2004/> *It
> wasn’t a book I was intending to write. But it warns of a few critical
> dangers that every American should begin preparing for right now.
> Here’s the catch -- this book is not available for sale. Not anywhere in
> the world. Not online through Amazon. And not in any brick-and-mortar
> bookstore.
> Instead, I’m on a nationwide campaign to spread the book far and wide...
> for FREE. Because every American deserves to know the truth about the
> imminent dangers facing their wealth.
> That’s why I’ve gone ahead and reserved a free copy of my new book in your
> name. It’s on hold, waiting for your response. I just need your permission
> (and a valid U.S. postal address) to drop it in the mail.
> *Click here to fill out your address and contact info.*
> <http://wjkw.dmsgs-esp-customer.com/t/12789702/521808036/322904931/3002/> If
> you accept the terms, the book will arrive at your doorstep in just a week
> or two.
> Thanks for your time,
> Jim Rickards
> P.S. Even if you don’t want the book, *please take a look here*
> <http://wjkw.dmsgs-esp-customer.com/t/12789702/521808036/322904931/4001/> and
> write back to me to let me know why you’re denying this free offer. That
> way, I’ll take your copy off hold and send this note to someone else. But
> when you see all the bonuses I’ve included, I know you’ll want to claim
> your package right away.
> <http://wjkw.dmsgs-esp-customer.com/t/12789702/521808036/322904931/4002/>
> <http://wjkw.dmsgs-esp-customer.com/t/12789702/521808036/322904931/4003/>
> ------------------------------
> Material Connection Disclosure: Unless otherwise expressly stated, you
> should assume that all references to products and services on this website
> are made because material connections exist between the sender of this
> email and the providers of the mentioned products and services. Learn
> Patriot Publications
> P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153
> ..........................................................................................
> Oct 8 (3 days ago)
> Reply
> to me
> Oct 8 (3 days ago)
> Reply
> to me
> Dear reader,
> Thank you for reviewing my *"Bigger Than Bitcoin"* briefing.
> For your convenience, I’ve included a link to the full text-only
> transcript here and below.
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/3a023eb38bfa60a183a4bf51d85-46e9df60b58f07d33303d627087>
> Trust me when I tell you that, as I was doing this research, my first
> response to my own conclusions was shock and skepticism.
> But then I sat down and read through the details about how big the
> opportunities are in cryptocurrencies, how much money investors made, and
> also how major corporations and the worlds richest men are embracing it.
> And it’s truly one of the most effective and memorable pieces of analysis
> I’ve ever seen.
> Cryptocurrencies are changing finance as we know it. It’s a true paradigm
> shift.
> Banks, businesses, online marketplaces are all starting to accept them as
> payment.
> But for as much money as people have made from investing in them, this is
> only the beginning.
> Now that the second wave of cryptocurrencies is upon us, new opportunities
> for minting millions have arisen:
> - *Ethereum — 4,000%*
> - *Dash — 2,500%*
> - *Ripple — 1,691%*
> - *Litecoin — 1,200%*
> - *Nexus — 7,500%*
> And now there are two young cryptocurrencies that have pinged on our radar.
> These brand-new revolutionary currencies could hand you gains rivaling
> that of Bitcoin!
> But don’t wait too long — they could spike overnight!
> Just click here to get your free report.
> <https://mail.angelnexus.com/t/c/3a023eb38bfa60a183a4bf51d85-b6e14df442d6873567e9e1951b1>
> And if you have any specific questions about this opportunity, please
> don’t hesitate to call our customer service line (toll-free) at
> 1-877-303-4529, Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
> Just be sure to get started today!
> To your wealth,
> [image: Alex Koyfman Signature]
> Alex Koyfman
> Investment Director,
> *Penny Stock Millionaire*
> Out of the 100s of tools we carry, only 1 has a mandatory safety on it. You
> can see it here
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4705979/742230930/_e9c52a921db2651546160bd3954c5e3903f302c6/4c857c3fdd18689dcad04efebe8223825baeff98>
> .
> The reason we put the safety on there?
> *It's dangerously powerful*.
> But just because it's dangerously powerful *doesn't mean you shouldn't
> own it*.
> Guns are dangerously powerful and I'm sure most of you agree they're worth
> owning, right?
> Fact is many of our customers own this tool and trust their lives to it.
> One of them wrote, "*There is no doubt this is a very effective weapon.
> it is silent, it would be hard to miss the aimed for target, there is no
> possible collateral damage that might be possible with a gun. One shot to
> the eyes and it's all over. I'm very pleased*!
> Sadly, we won't sell this tool much longer
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4705979/742230930/_e9c52a921db2651546160bd3954c5e3903f302c6/4c857c3fdd18689dcad04efebe8223825baeff98>
> .
> Because they're "*so dangerous*" we've decided not to deal with the added
> headache of selling this weapon.
> So we're liquidating them all!
> A few months ago we had 20,000 units in stock.
> But after slashing prices on them a few months ago they've been selling
> like crazy and now we only have a few boxes left.
> Get yours before you never have a chance to buy one again
> <https://links.survivalfrog.com/a/264/click/4705979/742230930/_e9c52a921db2651546160bd3954c5e3903f302c6/4c857c3fdd18689dcad04efebe8223825baeff98>
> !
> ~ David Adams
> Preparing Made Easy
> P.S. Since these are legal and require no permit they make a great gift. Follow

Nyi Nyi

Oct 21, 2017, 3:49:19 AM10/21/17
to NyiNyi

Oct 19 (2 days ago)
to me
Breaking News from Headline Health
You have been a free subscriber since 9/6/2017

Headline Health - Breaking News for a Healthier Life
Dear Reader, 

Do you suffer from tiredness and heaviness in your legs and feet? 

Do you sometimes find it difficult to climb up and down a few stairs, or even walk to the bathroom? 

You're not alone. This is a common concern for many people over 65. 

The sad part is, many of these people think this is a normal part of aging and nothing can be done about it... 

That's simply not true! 

The reason your legs and feet feel heavy and tired could be because the veins in your legs are not functioning as they should, causing blood to flow in the wrong direction. 

Think of it as traffic moving in both directions on a one-way street. 

Just as there will be slowing down of traffic on the street, there will be slowing down and pooling of blood in the veins – resulting in heaviness and tiredness of your legs and feet. 

If you want real relief, it's important to make the blood in the veins flow in one direction. 

The good news is, there is a proven citrus fruit extract that helps the veins do just that. 

Clinical research shows that this extract can help:
  • Reduce the swelling in your feet and legs
  • Relieve the aching and feeling of discomfort
  • Release the tightness in your feet and legs
  • Make your feet feel light and easy to move.
While the results from these studies are very encouraging, what really excites me about this secret extract is the fact that it works in real life situations. 

For more than 30 years, thousands of Europeans have been using this extract to help get relief from tired and heavy legs and enjoying the benefits of healthier, smoother, and better-looking legs. 

Now it's your turn. 

To see how this secret extract can help improve your vein function, and give you real relief from tired and aching legs, Click Here

Yours in Good Health,
Richard M. Foxx, M.D. 

P.S. Remember, unhealthy veins and poor vein function can put a lot of added pressure on your heart and increase your risk of cardiovascular issues. To help avoid this, Click Here Now.

If the links above are not working, just copy & paste the following website address onto your Internet browser:

The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. You should always consult with your personal physician regarding any personal health problem. FDA DISCLOSURE: The statements, articles, and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No information or products appearing on this email are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: HeadlineHealth.com may have an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to any persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this email and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained on this email to evaluate the product or service being offered. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service.
Headline Health
PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
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Oct 19 (2 days ago)
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October 19 2017

The Post-Election Twist on #NeverTrump

Jim Geraghty

Making the click-through worthwhile: wondering just what counts as “Never Trump” anymore; Roy Moore urges everyone else to always obey the law; New Hampshire lays out the flaws of Boston; and we have a special request.

What Counts as #NeverTrump These Days?

Conrad Black: “The Never Trumpers seem to have retreated, more or less in unison, to the last trench before they throw down their arms and run backwards for their lives: They are now invoking the 25th Amendment. This indicates that they realize the impeachment movement has failed.”

Actually, impeachment efforts are not all that related to the thinking and actions of those who describe themselves as “Never-Trump.” Impeachment is extremely unlikely as long as Republicans control the House, but extremely likely if Democrats win the House in 2018. Whether the Senate would vote to remove Trump from office will also likely depend upon the partisan makeup of the chamber; it is worth remembering that removal from office requires a two-thirds ...


top stories

Did Trump Beat ISIS?

Jonathan S. Tobin

When President Donald Trump boasts, the nation rolls its collective eyes. From his first moments in office, Americans on both sides of the political aisle understood that his claims of triumph...

Victor Davis Hanson

North Korea Knowns and Unknowns


Oct 19 (2 days ago)
to me

The latest from InsideSources.

What Washington's Talking About

McCain the Hedgehog vs. Bannon the Honey Badger [Bret Stephens, New York Times]
This Is What Really Happens When Amazon Comes to Your Town [Paul Roberts, Politico]
“The technology that has amplified the private citizen also amplifies the corporate executive, the tech-savvy oppressor, and the billionaire dilettante with political aspirations.” [Kevin D. Williamson, National Review]
Democrats are the real abortion extremists [George F. Will, Washington Post]

News    Politics
Union Allegedly Used Pressure Tactics to Garner Support
By Connor D. Wolf

A Washington state union allegedly used pressure tactics and misleading questions to trick people into remaining members, according to court documents obtained by InsideSources.


[IS] Opinions    Technology
Creating Smart Policies Now Can Maximize Future Benefits of Drone Delivery
By Joe Rinzel

These advancements also raise questions about how policymakers will address pressing safety, infrastructure and social concerns and allow these technologies to benefit all Americans and the entire economy.


News    Politics
After Bombshell Story, Senators Discuss Solutions to Opioid Crisis
By Erin Mundahl

Is America’s opioid crisis officially a national emergency or merely a nationwide public health problem? For months, the Trump administration has spoken about the severity of the problem, without officially announcing the emergency. The issue is more than a matter of semantics.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Charting a Responsible Course Forward on the Iran Deal
By Jon Gensler

Last week, in a purely political move, President Trump announced his decision to “decertify” the deal, claiming it is no longer in the national security interests of the United States.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Tehran Controls Baghdad Now
By Michael McGrady

Confusion is a powerful tool. Per media reports that revealed that the Iraqi federal government began operations to take control over the region of Iraqi Kurdistan, a lot of confusion looms.


[IS] Opinions    Energy
Protecting the Energy Grid From Today’s Cyber Threats
By Scott Aaronson

While data breaches represent one type of cyber threat, a cyber attack on critical infrastructure, such as the energy grid, represents an entirely different and more serious matter.


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Oct 19 (2 days ago)
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(The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)

If you or someone you know wears glasses then STOP everything you're doing...

And watch this...

=> The TRUTH About Glasses (90% of people wearing glasses are making this mistake)



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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

Oct 19 (2 days ago)
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Today's Headlines

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President Trump’s account of his call to the family of a fallen soldier differs with that of a congresswoman and the soldier’s mother. What happened?


How a Condolence Call Turned Into ‘He Said, She Said’
Consoling the grieving family of a fallen soldier is normally one of the most private and somber functions of a commander in chief. So how did President Trump’s response to the deaths of four American soldiers in Niger become such a public fight — and how might it have been prevented? Here’s what we know about the ambush that killed the soldiers two weeks ago and the White House response that has caused such a furor. 

More Politics 
— In kicking issues such as immigration, healthcare and the Iran nuclear deal to Congress, Trump is setting the stage for weeks of messy horse-trading that may culminate in a year-end standoff to avoid another government shutdown. 
— Speaking before a Senate committee, Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions once again heatedly denied any improper dealings with Russian officials and refused to answer questions about his talks with Trump before the firing of FBI Director James B. Comey. 
— Trump administration lawyers asked a court for an emergency orderallowing officials to block a pregnant 17-year-old immigrant in federal custody from having an abortion. 

The Dean, the Drugs and a New Investigation
A state investigation of Dr. Carmen Puliafito portrays the former USC medical school dean as a drug addict and an enabler of addiction. Among the findings: For more than a year as dean, he abused drugs on days he worked as an eye doctor in university facilities, consuming heroin, methamphetamine and other substances. The investigation for the Medical Board of California also alleges Puliafito supplied drugs to other people, including a teenager and a patient in an addiction treatment facility. One medical ethics expert describes Puliafito’s alleged misconduct as a “grim litany.” 

Rebuilding After the Fires and Amid a Housing Shortage
Before the wildfires, housing in the area north of the San Francisco Bay Area was already in short supply. Now, after thousands of residents have lost their homes, the region faces some tough questions about where the displaced will live and how to rebuild. Santa Rosa novelist Stefan Kiesbye, who escaped the fire with his wife and two dogs, is one of those who lost most of his possessions and is contemplating the memories of a bygone life

Video Diary: Our Road Trip to Raqqah
Behind the headlines of U.S.-backed Syrian forces driving Islamic State from Raqqah this week lies the sad reality of life in a war zone. What is it like on the ground? To find out, The Times’ Middle East bureau chief Molly Hennessy-Fiske set out over the summer on her own, accompanied by a Kurdish interpreter and a driver, on a trip filled with danger, devastation and moments of classic Middle Eastern hospitality. On the stereo of their 2006 Hyundai Santa Fe SUV: Kurdish rock and Shakira.

Suspected Islamic State fighter or spy

Kurdish police in Mansoura catch a man disguised as a woman in a busy market. They suspected that he was an Islamic State spy or fighter. (Molly Hennessy-Fiske / Los Angeles Times)

Bob and Harvey, Brother Against Brother
For decades, Bob and Harvey Weinstein were a brash, sharp-elbowed duo who started as rock ’n’ roll promoters and went on to create a film production company (named after their parents) that would come to redefine independent cinema. Then, they turned on each other, and the aftermath of the scandal enveloping Harvey could take down everything they built together.


— House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi talks to the L.A. Times about her views on national news, working with the Trump White House and the future of the Democratic Party. 

— Our California politics panel at the Berggruen Institute. 

— The Dodgers lost Game 4 of their playoff series to the Chicago Cubs. Sportswriters Andy McCullough and Dylan Hernandez look at what happened and at Game 5 tonight.



— Divorce was long taboo for Vietnamese immigrants. But after years in the U.S., they’re accepting it more, as seen in Orange County’s Little Saigon. 

— Some Republicans facing tough reelection bids are backing away from hard-line immigration stances

— The LA Weekly is being sold to Semanal Media, but no one is willing to say who’s behind that company. 

— A woman has been sentenced to five years in state prison in what prosecutors called a “diabolical scheme” to frame her husband’s ex-fiancee in a Craigslist rape fantasy plot.


— Lisa Bloom has long defended women against powerful men, so people were baffled when she turned up as Harvey Weinstein's advisor. Now she's apologizing for her “colossal mistake.” 

— A Molly Ringwald essay has prompted Jeffrey Katzenberg to apologize for a lewd comment he denies making. 

— Get a first look inside artist Yayoi Kusama's new Infinity Mirror Rooms at the Broad. 

— Nielsen will at last tell clients who’s watching on Netflix and other streaming video services.


“Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” went out into American theaters on this date in 1939, a watershed year for Hollywood movies. At the Oscars, the film competed for best picture against “Wuthering Heights,” “The Wizard of Oz,” “Stagecoach,” “Of Mice and Men,” “Ninotchka,” “Love Affair,” “Goodbye, Mr. Chips,” “Dark Victory” and the eventual winner, “Gone With the Wind.” But not before the L.A. Times printed a historic spoiler in the paper.


— Republicans lawmakers see a new chance for oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. 

— Spain and Catalonia are hurtling toward a potential showdown over secession

— President Xi Jinping has laid out his vision for a stronger China, with the Communist Party at the center. 

— A Egyptian crackdown has many gay and transgender people there asking: Is it time to leave?



— Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin said that failure to pass the Republican tax overhaul would trigger a “significant” drop in the stock market, which has rallied to record highs in recent months. 

— Today’s the deadline for cities to submit bids for Amazon’s new headquarters site.


— Columnist Bill Plaschke says it’s not time to hit the panic button. The Dodgers are in a good spot with Clayton Kershaw on the mound tonight. 

— NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has reiterated what he has said all along: Players should stand for the anthem, but the league is not changing its rules to make that a requirement.


— Despite what you might have heard, Asian American CEOs are the exception, not the norm.

— Want to be a male ally to harassed women? Stop ranting about Harvey Weinstein and put your friends in check.


— The father of a U.S. soldier killed in Afghanistan in June says Trump called him at home and offered him $25,000 out of his personal account. After this story was published, the White House said that the check has been sent. (Washington Post) 

— How China is quietly establishing a new world order. (The Atlantic) 

— Covering protests has become a risky proposition for journalists in America. (Columbia Journalism Review)


In the annals of humankind versus unwanted animal visitors, people have employed giant-eyed balloons to frighten pigeons, fake snakes to spook squirrels and, of course, all kinds of scarecrows. In Newport Harbor, an army of plastic coyotes has taken up positions on boats and docks to keep the sea lions at bay. Naturally, one of the decoys is named Wile E. 

If you like this newsletter, please share it with friends. Comments or ideas? Email us at head...@latimes.com.


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Los Angeles Times | 202 West First Street, Los Angeles, CA, 90012. | 1-800-LA-TIMES

Oct 19 (2 days ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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Liberty Headlines
Can pineapples help you burn fat, or do they cause weight gain? You may be shocked to find out the answer in our brand new free report that you can download for free for the rest of the day today: 
To your success, 

Joel Marion
Founder, Transformation Insider
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Liberty Headlines
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Oct 19 (2 days ago)
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Task & Purpose Today

Oct 19 (2 days ago)
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(The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)


If you’re over 40 and frustrated with aging, wrinkly skin, get this… 

My good friends and trusted colleagues Dr. John Layke and Dr. Payman Danielpour put together a presentation revealing a 2-minute home method to restore youthful skin…

And as of me writing this, it’s touched the lives of over 4 million people…

Click below to discover this youth-restoring breakthrough for yourself:

==> Watch their shocking presentation here 

You’ll never see wrinkly skin the same way...

I know I don’t…



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Oct 19 (2 days ago)
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Family Survival HeadlinesUnsubscribe

Breaking News...

What’s a Cell Phone Owner’s Worst Nightmare?

Get Your FREE Renegade Solar Cell Phone Charger ($19.99 Value!)

Cell phones have saved countless lives over the past 10-20 years. Each day, thousands of calls are made to 911, police and fire departments across America to report crimes, accidents, heart attacks, strokes and other emergencies.

But do you know the biggest nightmare of every cell phone owner? It’s a DEAD Battery when they need their phone the most!

A cell phone is at its peak importance during a crime, during an emergency or in a natural disaster but unfortunately that’s when they often fail their owners.

Why? Because during a crisis or disaster the power often goes out and you can’t charge the darn things!

That’s why you’ve gotta get your hands on the Renegade Solar Charger. This device gives you peace of mind because you can make sure you can always charge a cell phone (or other devices like tablets, etc.).

I’m really excited because the good folks at Self Rely are giving away a few hundred of their Renegade Solar Cell Phone Chargers right now (valued at $19.99!).

Claim Your Complimentary Renegade Solar Charger Now!

Don’t take chances with your family’s safety.

Make sure your cell phone is always functional during a crisis or disaster.

Go here now for more details.

Thank you.



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Oct 19 (2 days ago)
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Oct 19 (2 days ago)
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OCTOBER 18, 2017
Every week we search more than 1,000 companies worldwide for their very best deals and compile this Top 20 list*.

 The Top 20® 
$249 & up -- Royal Caribbean's Biggest Sale of the Year 
Source: Royal Caribbean via CruisesOnly
$589 -- China 7-Night Tour w/Upscale Hotels & Flights 
Source: InterTrips
$119 -- Disneyland-Area 4-Star Hotel incl. Weekends 
Source: Hyatt Regency Orange County
$949 -- Ireland in Spring: Luxe Castle-Hopping Trip w/Air 
Source: Great Value Vacations
$85 -- Vegas: Palms Place Spa Day w/Turkish Bath 
Source: Drift Spa at Palms Place
$479 -- Riviera Maya: Upscale 4-Night Trip w/Flights 
Source: Apple Vacations
$249 & up -- Iceland & Europe Fare Sale (Roundtrip) 
Source: Icelandair
$999 -- Ecuador & Amazon Adventure w/Flights 
Source: Gate 1 Travel
$109 -- NYC 4-Star Hotel w/Room Upgrade 
Source: Renaissance New York Hotel 57
$599 -- Dominican Republic Winter Beach Escape w/Air 
Source: CheapCaribbean​.com
$1699 -- Balcony: Mediterranean Cruise plus $3000 in Perks 
Source: Celebrity Cruises via Online Vacation Center
$1499 -- Vietnam: Upscale Tour w/Flights in Best Time to Go 
Source: Friendly Planet
$139 -- Chic Savannah Riverfront Hotel, 40% Off 
Source: The Cotton Sail Hotel
$699 -- Rome & Venice 4-Star Trip w/Flights & Train 
Source: Fleetway
$1899 -- Norway Fjords 7-Night Spring Cruise incl. Flights 
Source: Holland America Line via Prestige Cruises
$3999 -- Luxe South Africa Vacation incl. Safari & Flights 
Source: Lion World Travel
$139 -- 'Grandest in the Desert': Palm Springs Fall Stays 
Source: Hyatt Regency Indian Wells Resort
$1699 -- Explore Ancient Greece & Santorini, incl. Flights 
Source: Travel Discounters
$1399 -- Alaska 10-Night Land & Sea Vacation w/$615 in Perks 
Source: Holland America via AlaskaCruises​.com
$1899 -- Grand Tour through Spain in Summer, incl. Flights 
Source: Gate 1 Travel

 Destination of the Week 
Cartagena, Colombia 
7 Ways to Make Sparks Fly in Cartagena

 Local & Entertainment Deals 
$45 -- 'Magic Mike Live' in Vegas w/Seat Upgrade 
Source: Magic Mike Live

On Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 9:14:30 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:
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Nyi Nyi

Oct 25, 2017, 3:45:05 AM10/25/17
to NyiNyi

Oct 23 (2 days ago)
to me


Patriot Powered NewsUnsubscribe

Breaking News...

How to Survive an Active Shooter Event...   (sponsor)

Breaking: FBI Just Confirmed Comey Is Guilty After Damning Admission He Made About Hillary

‘Hillary Clinton and Her Husband Sold Out America to the Russians’, More URANIUM ONE evidence

POLL: Could Trump Get Impeached or Resign by Christmas?

Trump rejects bipartisan deal on ObamaCare subsidies

Who was the first to politicize calls to military families?

Trump Fears this Crisis will Catapult the U.S.A into WWIII (No... it's not North Korea or Iran!)       (sponsor)


Mass shootings have become an all too common event...

It's impossible to know when or where one of these situations is going to arise. It might seem impossible to survive an active shooter event, but realize that even with the horror of these events there are always more survivors than victims.

If you act right now, you can get a Free copy of Frank Mitchell's book "Active Shooter"

In this book, you will learn military secrets that can be used to protect you and your family during one of these horrific moments. You will also learn the do's and dont's during an active shooter event that can be the difference between life and death.

Do yourself a favor and go HERE now to get one for free.

Keep Safe,
Greg Schmidt
Concealed Rights


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P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

Oct 24 (1 day ago)
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This Sig Sauer P238 Micro-Compact handgun could be your next concealed carry when you enter this giveaway contest right here…

All-metal and under a pound, the P238 micro-compact is built for the most exacting 1911 enthusiast. This is a big gun that fits in your pocket. Go ahead and give yourself a chance to own it right here… 

Go Here to Win This $692 Sig Sauer P238

Good luck! 

Wil Stewart


Tactical Contests - 2017


7:08 PM (19 hours ago)
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Shocking: Hitler’s Final Confession
Did Adolf Hitler make THIS shocking final confession in the seconds before his death?
A team of researchers and historians are now pointing to a bizarre new video for clues… and you won’t believe the skeleton they’ve uncovered.
Paul Amos
Publisher, Natural Health Response
P.S. Buried for over 71 years, Hitler hoped his biggest secret would never get out. Now, here’s the 1 thing NO ONE ever expected him to say. Watch the video now.


Tactical Contests - 2017


1:10 AM (13 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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Liberty Headlines
Breaking News... 

Jesse Jackson: Going From Slavery to the NFL Is a 'Lateral Move' 

Oscar Winner Points to Hollywood Pedophilia Cover-Up 

Breaking: 5 Small-Cap Tech Stocks Set to Soar

Judge Orders State Dept to Explain Delay in Processing Clinton Emails 

Franklin Graham Blasts NC Gov. over Tranny-Bathroom Order

5 Small-Cap Tech Stocks Set to Soar
There's a lot of talk about Big Tech as popular stocks like Apple (AAPL) and Facebook (FB) have surged in 2017. 

But why settle for 20% to 30% in big tech stocks when you could grab 200% to 300% gains instead? 

After all, it was actually Apple and FB stock that proved those kinds of profits are possible — Apple soared 270% from 2009 to the end of 2010, and Facebook soared 220% from 2013 to the end of 2014. 

The trick to bigger profits involves getting there first. And I have five powerful stocks that are the perfect targets for early investors — and for a limited time, you can get ALL their names 100% FREE in my new Special Report

These fast-growing disruptors are set to break out in a big way — and those investors who get in NOW will see the lion's share of the profits. 

Here are a few of my top picks:
  • When most investors think e-commerce, they think Amazon or Alibaba. But this unknown small cap has partnered with megastore Wal-Mart in a fast-growing emerging market — and is set to see its earnings explode over 670% in two years as a result!

  • Forget bloated aerospace companies if you want to play the drone megatrend. My #1 play on this emerging technology makes about 90% of its revenue from drone sales, and has big growth potential in both the military and civilian markets!

  • This fast growing "big data" IT firm now services nearly half of Fortune 100 companies. Shares are about to break out as the company finally starts posting consistent profits, and you'll want to be there on the ground floor!
Though they may be small right now, these are not high-risk companies. As my report will show, these stocks have impressive fundamentals to back up their innovative technology. 

The only question is whether or not you'll be there first, or get there late like everyone else. 

Don't miss out! Get my complete analysis on these dynamic startups with my new report, "5 Small-Cap Tech Stocks Set to Soar" — it's yours FREE, and available online here for a limited time only!
Matt McCall, MoneyWire 

The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: You should assume that the sender of this email has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this message and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained in this email to evaluate the product or service being endorsed. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service. FDA DISCLOSURE: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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6:35 AM (8 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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California Gov Moonbeam to Sue Trump over Global Warming 

Anti-Trump Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake Won't Seek Re-Election 

FREE REPORT: 5 Small-Cap Tech Stocks Set to Soar

Trump, GOP Make Good on Energy Drilling Promises 

POLL: 56% of Republicans Want Mitch McConnell to Resign

2 Causes of Heartburn and
Acid Reflux Most Doctors Ignore
PLUS: What to do now to soothe your symptoms
and fix the underlying problem
If you suffer from heartburn or acid reflux, here's important news:

New research shows that your problems may be caused by two hidden triggers that the "solutions" most doctors recommend fail to address.

You see, most heartburn remedies only treat your symptoms. They donothing to address the underlying cause of acid reflux.

It's like getting a shot of Novocain for a tooth cavity. It can blunt the pain for a while, but if the cavity isn't treated, the pain comes right back as soon as the Novocain wears off.

It's the same with acid reflux. If you don't fix what's causing the problems,your symptoms will keep coming back.

And while you would never consider getting a daily shot of Novocain to ease your dental discomfort, Americans will fill over 170 million prescriptions for acid blockers this year[1]—taking them day after day.

But what you may not know is that the most popular of these acid-blocking medications, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), carry an FDA warning that they should not be used for more than 14 consecutive days or more than 42 total days over the course of a year.[2]

Yet doctors and patients frequently ignore this warning, risking severe consequences to ease the discomfort.

I'm Joshua Corn, Editor-in-Chief of Live in the Now, one of the fastest-growing natural health publications in the nation. My passion for natural health has always driven me to educate people on alternative solutions that are both safe and effective.

Please keep reading because today I'm going to show you how to quickly and safely relieve your heartburn and reflux issues by combatting the true causes that, unfortunately, too many doctors overlook. 

About Joshua Corn. Joshua Corn is
 Editor-in-Chief of Live in the Now which has nearly 300,000 subscribers and is
 rapidly growing! Josh has been a natural health advocate for nearly 20 years, and
 is the author of three acclaimed natural health books. In addition to his work in
 the natural health field, Josh is an avid outdoorsman, fitness enthusiast,
 gardener and animal lover who enjoys living in the now with his wife and two
The Shocking Dangers of Acid-Blocking PPIs
The primary purpose of most heartburn remedies is to block stomach acid in the digestive tract, often by inhibiting proton pump cells from producing this acid. And they usually do this quite effectively.

But stomach acid is essential for the proper absorption of vital nutrients to maintain overall health. Low levels of stomach acid and the use of PPIs have been linked to:
  • Immune system impairment due to an altered gut environment[3]
  • Low levels of the essential nutrients vitamin B12, calcium, iron and magnesium[4,5,6]
  • Increased risk of serious cardiovascular issues[7]
  • Increased risk of serious kidney and renal issues[8]
  • Negative effects on cognitive function and brain health[9,10]
Hidden Heartburn Trigger #1:
Your Acid Level Isn't Too High, It's Too LOW!
For years we've been told that high levels of stomach acid are what causes heartburn. It makes sense, since acid refluxing from the upper stomach into the esophagus is what causes our symptoms, right?

Well, there's just one problem with this commonly held theory: It's not true!

And, as I just mentioned, blocking stomach acid can trigger all sorts of damaging health issues.

FACT: Stomach acid is absolutely VITAL for our digestion and our health. Stomach acid helps us break down and absorb the foods we eat. Without adequate acid levels, foods aren't digested properly, which creates the gas and bloating that can cause acid to reflux up into the esophagus.

FACT: As we get older, acid levels fall, BUT heartburn increases. When we're younger, we produce almost 200 milligrams of stomach acid every hour. But as we get older, we produce less and less. In his book, Why Stomach Acid Is Good for You, Jonathan V. Wright, M.D., reveals what he's found in 24 years of treating patients with acid reflux and other symptoms...
"When we carefully test people over age 40 who're having heartburn, indigestion and gas, over 90 percent of the time we find inadequate acid production by the stomach."
–Dr. Jonathan V. Wright
FACT: Low stomach acid creates the perfect environment for bugs and bacteria. Your digestive system and your esophagus are home to many forms of bacteria. But your stomach is sterile. Reason: Bugs and bacteria ingested from foods are quickly seized upon and destroyed by stomach acid. But when acid levels fall, bugs and bacteria can invade the stomach, causing digestive problems and other health issues.

FACT: If high acid levels were the cause, then acid reflux would be a young person's affliction. We produce more acid in our 20s than in our 40s. If high acid were the cause, it would be confined to people in their teens and 20s. But it's not. Today, more than 20 million Americans over the age of 40 spend more than $14 billion every year on acid-blocking medications.[11]

I'll never understand why traditional medicine's popular "solutions" ignore every single one of these facts. And in a minute, I'll show you how to safely and effectively get healthy, balanced acid levels. But right now, let me tell you about the second hidden cause behind reflux and heartburn... 

Hidden Heartburn Trigger #2:
Inflammatory Fires in Your Digestive Tract
As a health conscious person, you are probably familiar with inflammation. At its best, inflammation is simply your body's healthy and natural response to injury or infection. But the problem with inflammation arises when it stays elevated for prolonged periods of time. When that happens, it can wreak havoc on your health—especially in your digestive system.

Throughout your stomach and esophagus—and indeed your entire digestive tract—lives a protective layer of mucus. This mucus acts like a shield between your stomach lining and stomach acid. But in many people with acid reflux, this protective mucus has been drastically compromised.

As this protective mucus lining becomes eroded through prolonged inflammation, gas, tiny food particles and acid are pushed farther up in the stomach into the diaphragm and ultimately reflux up into the esophagus. Once there, you get burning acid in your throat, heartburn, indigestion and misery.

The fact is, PPIs simply don't address the low stomach acid levels and inflammation that are so often at the root of acid reflux. But here's the good news you've been waiting for... 

Combatting Heartburn and Acid Reflux
with 3 Proven Natural Solutions
You don't have to rely on the frequently recommended "solutions" to get relief from the discomfort that makes you miserable and keeps you up at night.

Research has shown that three natural ingredients have remarkable effectiveness in relieving heartburn and acid reflux, while helping soothe inflammation in the mucosal lining of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract. The results are fast, the benefits long lasting, and most important, you'll experience no side effects whatsoever! 

Acid Relief Solution #1
DGL: The Licorice Soother
You might be familiar with licorice as a sweet flavoring agent, but licorice also has a long history of use as a soother of digestive discomfort associated with heartburn and acid reflux. And there's a special preparation of licorice called deglycyrrhizinated licorice, or DGL for short, that is extremely effective at this.

Multiple scientific studies have shown that DGL has the ability to restore the integrity of the esophageal, stomach and intestinal lining by increasing the secretion of protective mucus that lines the gastrointestinal tract. This lining is a key component of the stomach's defense against the erosive properties of acid.

One double-blind study compared the benefits of DGL to the conventional approach and found that it was equally effective at reducing the uncomfortable symptoms when evaluated at both 6 and 12 weeks of use.[12]

More importantly, other clinical trials have demonstrated the benefits of DGL for supporting the integrity of the stomach lining.[13]

In addition, research on a specific form of DGL, called GutGuard®, has shown it can also help with functional dyspepsia, or discomfort in the upper belly or abdomen occurring during or right after eating.[14]

The bottom line: DGL can help boost the mucosal lining of the stomach, thereby reducing damage, preventing inflammation and curbing symptoms. That's why I recommend DGL to anyone with reflux, heartburn or other symptoms of indigestion. 

Acid Relief Solution #2:
Soothing Aloe Vera
Aloe vera was dubbed the "plant of immortality" by the ancient Egyptians. This soothing gel contains powerful anti-inflammatory compounds that have been used for decades to relieve the stinging from sunburn and other burns. And when it comes to reflux and heartburn, aloe vera offers many terrific benefits.
  • It helps combat the inflammatory fires in your stomach that can lead to pain, bloating, burning and reflux.
  • It helps stimulate better digestion, and the better you're able to digest the foods you eat, the less gas, bloating, reflux and heartburn you get.
In one study, researchers found that aloe improved intestinal motility, thereby speeding up bowel emptying. At the end of the study, participants reported less bloating after meals and reduced flatulence.[15]

In another double-blind, placebo-controlled study, researchers tested aloe for its inflammatory response in the intestines. The result: Clinical researchers found that patients who took aloe for 4 weeks had measurable improvements in inflammatory factors with no side effects.[16]

Please note: The aloe plant can have some unwanted laxative effects, so it is extremely important to find an aloe product that has the latex portion removed to avoid this issue. ACTIValoe® is one such brand that I recommend. 

Acid Relief Solution #3
The Healing Power of Slippery Elm
Slippery elm is an herb famous for its soothing properties. As the name implies, extracts of the bark of the slippery elm tree are often "slippery" producing copious amounts of compounds called polysaccharides.

These compounds are very similar in nature to the makeup of the mucus in your stomach and can augment your body's own mucus production, helping to protect the lining of the esophagus, stomach and intestines.[17]

The polysaccharides found in slippery elm can help promote a healthy inflammatory response in the stomach and intestines, making it a valuable ally for promoting healthy overall digestion in addition to helping with acid problems.[18] 

My Personal Solution for
Heartburn and Acid Indigestion
I encourage you to try one or more of the natural solutions I've described above. Many of my readers have reported best results when taking all three of these natural remedies. But in my research, I couldn't find them together anywhere.

That's when I set out to make an effective all-in-one solution that is convenient and affordable so everyone could get the relief they deserve.

In addition to my work with Live in the Now, I run Stop Aging Now, a company that has been proudly making premium-grade supplements for over 20 years. 

Working with my Scientific Advisory Board, I developed AcidRelief360™ to provide a safe, effective, fast-acting, affordable and 100% natural solution for relieving heartburn and acid reflux. 

AcidRelief360 is a breakthrough formula that is the first to combine DGL, aloe vera and slippery elm with two additional herbal digestive soothers, lemon balm and German chamomile, to provide powerful relief. 

Simply take one small, easy-to-swallow pill after your morning and evening meals. And since it's priced as low as $12.45 per bottle, virtually anyone can take advantage of its amazing benefits.

I invite you to shop around and do your own research, but I'm convinced you'll find no better acid relief product out there at such an affordable price. Here's what makes AcidRelief360 superior: 

• 75 mg of GutGuard® DGL: Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) helps to restore the integrity of the esophageal, stomach and intestinal lining by increasing the secretion of protective mucus. Research suggests GutGuard® DGL can also help with functional dyspepsia (discomfort in the upper belly or abdomen occurring during or right after eating).

• 50 mg of ACTIValoe® Aloe Vera: Aloe vera has been considered one of the top natural digestive products for years. ACTIValoe® is made using a patented process that removes the laxative properties of aloe and provides the polysaccharides you need to help soothe your digestive tract.

• 200 mg of Slippery Elm Bark: Slippery elm is an herb famous for its soothing properties. As the name implies, extracts of slippery elm are often slippery due to the high content of plant polysaccharides. These polysaccharides can help to soothe irritated internal tissue along the gastrointestinal tract.

• 50 mg of Lemon Balm: Traditionally used as far back as the Middle Ages, lemon balm is considered a calming herb that eases tension, as well as the discomfort of indigestion, including gas, nausea and bloating. In addition, lemon balm has the ability to relax smooth muscle, which means that it can help to relieve spasms of the digestive tract.[19]

• 150 mg of German Chamomile: Chamomile has been used as a natural digestive soother and mild herbal sedative for thousands of years, dating back to the ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks. The flowers of the chamomile plant contain compounds called mucilages, which have a soothing effect on the lining of the esophagus and other mucus membranes.[20]

• Non-Habit Forming and Side Effect-Free: Unlike acid-blockers, the ingredients in AcidRelief360 do not cause rebound symptoms or any other side effects. And it doesn't interfere with any other medication.

• Quality You Can Trust: AcidRelief360 is guaranteed to be safe and effective. It's made in Stop Aging Now's own FDA-inspected facility located in Florida to meet or exceed the stringent USP standards for quality, purity, potency and disintegration.

• Try It Risk Free: AcidRelief360 comes with an "any reason" 365-day guarantee. That's right, you have a year to try it out, and return it for a full refund if it doesn't work for you.

• Convenient and Affordable: Hate to take pills? No worries—AcidRelief360 requires only one small capsule twice per day. And through this special offer it's now available for as low as $12.45 per bottle. Plus it ships to you for free!

If You Are Struggling with Heartburn or Acid Reflux,
This Could Be You!
I get letters every day about the amazing benefits of AcidRelief360. Here are just a few of my favorites: 

"I'm happy to report that AcidRelief360 really works!"
"My wife was urging me to try something new for my digestive woes. She was concerned about my daily usage of over-the-counter products and other stronger remedies. I'm very happy to report that AcidRelief360 really works!"*
— Don Geist from Florissant, CO
"It soothes my esophagus and relieves the acid in my stomach."
"AcidRelief 360 is an excellent product. It soothes my esophagus and relieves the acid in my stomach. It's the right blend for my needs."*
Brenda Arenz from Bel Air, MD
"I've used this for months and it keeps getting more effective."
"I am happy to share my experience with using AcidRelief360. My symptoms of acid indigestion and heartburn have markedly diminished. I have used this product for several months and it keeps getting more and more effective."*
Leonard Popkin from Arcueil, France
"My doctor is sharing my success with other patients."
"After 10 years of suffering with acid reflux and solutions that caused more problems than they solved, I gave AcidRelief360 a try. It has worked so well for me that it is now the only thing I take. And even my doctor is now sharing my success with other patients!"*
Maureen Leith from Tucson, AZ
"I noticed immediate results with AcidRelief360."
"I have been suffering with occasional acid indigestion for the past 8 years. I started taking AcidReflief360 about 1 month ago and noticed immediate results."*
Tim O'Neal from West Monroe, LA
I Want to Do More Than Just Sell You a Bottle
I truly believe that AcidRelief360 will help you put an end to acid problems, improving your health in more ways than you ever dreamed possible. I've had great success using it, and I'm confident that it will work for you, too. Even so, I want you to be able to try it out risk free.

That's why AcidRelief360 comes with an amazing 365-day "any reason" guarantee. That's right, you have an entire year to try it and, if it doesn't work for you, it's FREE. I stand by this product 100%. If you decide that you're not satisfied for any reason, simply contact us within one year of purchase for a full "no questions asked" refund. That way, you have nothing to lose. 

Order Now and Feel Better Fast!
I'm confident that your problems with heartburn and acid indigestion will quickly and dramatically improve using AcidRelief360. Here's what you can expect: 

✓ Rapid relief from painful burning in your chest and throat
✓ Reduced bloating, belching and abdominal discomfort
✓ A soothing effect on your stomach and better overall digestion
✓ Better sleep—no more propping your head up in bed!
✓ A stronger, more robust immune system
✓ More energy and an overall increased sense of vitality
If you're ready to take control of your heartburn and acid reflux, I hope you'll give AcidRelief360 a try! 

Get AcidRelief360 for As Low As $12.45
Per Bottle, PLUS Free Shipping.
Order Now!
Scientific References:
  1. https://chriskresser.com/the-dangers-of-proton-pump-inhibitors/
  2. http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/ucm213206.htm
  3. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0134116
  4. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11894-010-0141-0
  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25083257
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10636207
  7. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0124653
  8. http://jasn.asnjournals.org/content/early/2016/04/13/ASN.2015121377
  9. http://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaneurology/article-abstract/2487379
  10. http://alzres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13195-015-0164-8
  11. https://www.drugwatch.com/proton-pump-inhibitors/
  12. Gut. 1982?23:545551.
  13. Gut. 1969?10:299302.
  14. Unpublished paper: http://www.humanclinicals.org/#/gtguard-1/
  15. Preventive Medicine. 1985?14(2):1524.
  16. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2004?19:739747.
  17. Wren RC, et al. Potter's New Cyclopedia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations. Essex, UK: CW Daniel Company, 1988, 252.
  18. University of Maryland Medical Center. Slippery Elm. Accessed 2015:
  19. http://naturimedica.com/know-and-love-your-herbs-lemon-balm/
  20. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2995283/
*Testimonial results not typical. Customers may have received a gift certificate after submitting their testimonial. The information contained above is for general consumer understanding and education, and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This product is not an alternative to any prescription drug. If you are currently taking a prescription drug, consult your doctor before making any changes. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All contents Copyright 2001-2017 Stop Aging Now, LLC. All rights reserved. Republishing of Stop Aging Now content without written authorization is strictly prohibited.
The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: You should assume that the sender of this email has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this message and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained in this email to evaluate the product or service being endorsed. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service. FDA DISCLOSURE: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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Fellow Investor,

My brand-new research report, 5 Small-Cap Tech Stocks Set to Soar, is ready for you. Click here to download your free copy now!

The five fast-growing stocks named in this timely report are set to break out in a big way — and investors who get in NOW will see the lion’s share of the profits.

I strongly encourage you to add as many of these stocks to your investment portfolio as soon as possible.

SPECIAL BONUS: I’m also thrilled to provide you with access to my MoneyWire investment e-letter where you’ll discover more about the NextGen Revolution, megatrends you might not be aware of, how New Wall Street will change your financial future and so much more! You can access this valuable market analysis and actual stock recommendations by visitingwww.mccallmoneywire.com. The information provided is yours absolutely FREE!


Signed: Matt McCall, Editor, MoneyWire
Matt McCall 
Editor, MoneyWire

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Dear Reader,

Jim Rickards here.

If you haven’t heard, I’ve just released a new book called The Big Drop.It wasn’t a book I was intending to write. But it warns of a few critical dangers that every American should begin preparing for right now.

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OOPS, WE GOOFED! Why We're NOT Giving Out Halloween Candy After All 

Is Trump really 'suffering from early Alzheimer's'? 

Alert: The World's #1 Brain Pill is Now Available to the PUBLIC!

Eric Bolling, Jr. Dead of Opioid Overdose 

Vaginal Bacteria Heightens Chlamydia Risk

Is Trump Alzheimer's speculation based on science? Or politics? 

Some Republicans have recently begun to more openly cast doubt on President Donald Trump's mental health. 

On Wednesday, following Trump's lunch meeting with Senate Republicans to discuss tax reform and other issues the day prior, former Republican Sen. Tom Coburn, MD of Oklahoma said: "We have a leader who has a personality disorder. But he's done what he actually told the people he was going to do… READ MORE. 

The World's #1 Brain Pill Is Now Available to the PUBLIC!!!
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Take only if you feel you can handle INTENSE FOCUS
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3:59 AM (11 hours ago)
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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

6:03 PM (21 hours ago)
to me

If They Just Had This One Device, This Family Might Still Be Here

A tragedy has occurred in Michigan. A family of six became the latest victims to an epidemic sweeping across America.

No, it's not a viral outbreak, murderous crime spree, or even a natural disaster...

This poor family thought they were just restoring the electricity in their home after a minor power outage. They went to church, came home, and went to sleep...

And never woke up.

Like many Americans wishing to maintain power when the lights go out, this family purchased a gas generator and placed it in their basement.

Little did they realize that when they flipped the switch of their generator to the "on" position, they were also snuffing out their own lives.

Gasoline powered generators can provide some electricity, but they also give off deadly carbon monoxide gas, which is odorless, tasteless and can kill any living thing in its path in just minutes.

This tragic family was just one horrible statistic: 430 deaths a year are caused by carbon monoxide poisoning, according to the CDC.

And yet, it doesn't have to be this way. We can prevent any more families from suffering the same fate.

What will you do when the power goes out?

How will you stay safe... warm... and protected?

Now, there's a revolutionary new device that can power your home without any gas, fumes, or noise and without risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

And that's why many Americans are taking matters into their own hands and are securing their own solar powered generator.

Solar generators are a smart choice because they produce an endless supply of life-saving electricity when you need it most - and...

... without gas
... without fumes
... without noise

Our top recommendation in portable solar generators is the Patriot Power Generator 1500.

It's a breakthrough NEW device that generates up to 1,500 continuous watts of clean, quiet, and FREE renewable power.

That's enough to power lights for safety and comfort, your computer, TV, or cell phone. Even small appliances like a small freezer or critical medical device that will sustain your family during a power outage.

You can see a live action demo of it here in this video

Imagine how much peace of mind you'll have right away when you get your own. Because if a crisis hits and your family asks, "When will the power come back on?" you'll calmly reassure them that they're safe and they will have plenty of electricity to power the critical items.

You'll be able to power lights... preserve food... recharge cell phones and computers... or keep critical medical devices going.

Your home will be a little island of light and warmth in a storm - be it natural or man-made.

Listen, nobody can predict the future. None of us know exactly when or how an attack on our electrical grid will hit.

But from everything we see, it could be soon and it could be devastating.

Watch this video and find out for yourself...

To your survival,

Frank Bates
Patriot Headquarters

The Patriot Power Generator 1500 is a breakthrough portable device that generates up to 1,500 continuous watts of clean, quiet, and free renewable power. Click here to see it in action

Robert H.

I am retired U.S. Army Officer, Ranger, Airborne, combat experienced Vietnam veteran and recently retired from my second career in nuclear security. I purchased the Patriot Power Generator 1500 package about ten months ago and in preparation for Irma's arrival, got it out today and set it, and the solar panels up, for the first time. I found that the generator, as advertised, has remained fully charged while sitting in my garage and it works perfectly. It has brought me an unbelievable degree of confidence and peace of mind that my wife and our family will do just fine if we experience an expected power outage that Irma may produce. I have purchased several additional items since the initial generator buy and have always found the men and ladies who answer the phone to be not only extremely pleasant, but very knowledgeable, professional, and helpful. Thank you for your great support!

Like · Comment · Share · 21 minutes ago

Ron M.

I have had several power outages lately, giving me a chance to try it out. It has run my refrigerator for 8 hours on two different outages. It ran my desktop computer and accessories for about the same time.

Like · Comment · Share · 23 minutes ago

Phillip R.

I was thinking about a solar generator because the noise and fumes from my gas generator was getting on my nerves, then I got the email from 4Patriots. What sold me was the fact that I could charge and discharge this generator once a day every day for more than five years. The warranty- who in the world gives a warranty like that? No one else. The compactness, weight and all those features, outstanding! And finally, the portability factor even including the solar panels. Now I have used the system to run most of my hand tools, a small refrigerator, a desktop computer, a laptop and cell phones and had no problems with over or under power / load. The best part is that most of the tests I did at night and inside. Very quiet. Hooking up the solar panels was a breeze and the unit began charging with no problems. This unit is well worth the money, a great piece of gear to have and an awesome warranty to go with it. I very highly recommend the Patriot Generator 1500.

Like · Comment · Share · 32 minutes ago

Kathy D.

I have been looking at generators. I bought this one because gas might not be available. This one is safe because of the solar power. It is renewable power. It is easy to set up.

Like · Comment · Share · 41 minutes ago

Ann D.

I am very happy with my purchase of the Power Generator. I use it as an independent system in my small second cabin on my property and I can power my sewing machine, lights, and computer. This is a safer alternative than running a 100' extension cord which tripped the power breaker each time it rained. I now have power rain or shine.

Like · Comment · Share · 45 minutes ago

Edward M.

I was very pleased and relieved that the generator was easy to assemble. I even got the generator to produce electricity to light a lamp. The unit is not heavy and very portable. The solar panels are very light and easy to set up. I feel much better that I can face a power failure. I think the cost of the generator was reasonable. Thank you very much for providing this unit.

Like · Comment · Share · 49 minutes ago

Carl R.

I decided to invest in this generator after watching the video online. It made sense to be prepared instead of waiting for a disaster to hit. My daughter and I were living in Florida when Charlie hit and left without electricity for a week. I moved to Tennessee shortly after that stating, "I would never go thru that again". Guess what? Tennessee also gets storms from time to time that have left us in the dark. We are living in scary times and believe we need to have a plan of action rather than regret! I also ordered a year supply of food and the water filter. I feel great knowing I took these steps to protect my family!

Like · Comment · Share · 53 minutes ago

Travis G.

I haven't had the need to fully utilize this generator, but I have tested it on my refrigerator with excellent results. I ran the refrigerator for several hours to measure the battery drain with good results. I also tested the solar panels to recharge the device and all worked well.

Like · Comment · Share · 57 minutes ago

Duane M.

I feel I have done as much as I can to take care of my family and the Patriot solar generator was the one prep item I needed to truly sleep better! Hope I never have to use it, but at least I've got all the bases covered. It's a little spendy for most people, but if you can scrape together the funds. I suggest to anyone who can, buy one! Quality stuff we're talking about here.

Like · Comment · Share · 59 minutes ago

5:52 PM (21 hours ago)
to me

If They Just Had This One Device, This Family Might Still Be Here

A tragedy has occurred in Michigan. A family of six became the latest victims to an epidemic sweeping across America.

No, it's not a viral outbreak, murderous crime spree, or even a natural disaster...

This poor family thought they were just restoring the electricity in their home after a minor power outage. They went to church, came home, and went to sleep...

And never woke up.

Like many Americans wishing to maintain power when the lights go out, this family purchased a gas generator and placed it in their basement.

Little did they realize that when they flipped the switch of their generator to the "on" position, they were also snuffing out their own lives.

Gasoline powered generators can provide some electricity, but they also give off deadly carbon monoxide gas, which is odorless, tasteless and can kill any living thing in its path in just minutes.

This tragic family was just one horrible statistic: 430 deaths a year are caused by carbon monoxide poisoning, according to the CDC.

And yet, it doesn't have to be this way. We can prevent any more families from suffering the same fate.

What will you do when the power goes out?

How will you stay safe... warm... and protected?

Now, there's a revolutionary new device that can power your home without any gas, fumes, or noise and without risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

And that's why many Americans are taking matters into their own hands and are securing their own solar powered generator.

Solar generators are a smart choice because they produce an endless supply of life-saving electricity when you need it most - and...

... without gas
... without fumes
... without noise

Our top recommendation in portable solar generators is the Patriot Power Generator 1500.

It's a breakthrough NEW device that generates up to 1,500 continuous watts of clean, quiet, and FREE renewable power.

That's enough to power lights for safety and comfort, your computer, TV, or cell phone. Even small appliances like a small freezer or critical medical device that will sustain your family during a power outage.

You can see a live action demo of it here in this video

Imagine how much peace of mind you'll have right away when you get your own. Because if a crisis hits and your family asks, "When will the power come back on?" you'll calmly reassure them that they're safe and they will have plenty of electricity to power the critical items.

You'll be able to power lights... preserve food... recharge cell phones and computers... or keep critical medical devices going.

Your home will be a little island of light and warmth in a storm - be it natural or man-made.

Listen, nobody can predict the future. None of us know exactly when or how an attack on our electrical grid will hit.

But from everything we see, it could be soon and it could be devastating.

Watch this video and find out for yourself...

To your survival,

Frank Bates
Patriot Headquarters

The Patriot Power Generator 1500 is a breakthrough portable device that generates up to 1,500 continuous watts of clean, quiet, and free renewable power. Click here to see it in action

Robert H.

I am retired U.S. Army Officer, Ranger, Airborne, combat experienced Vietnam veteran and recently retired from my second career in nuclear security. I purchased the Patriot Power Generator 1500 package about ten months ago and in preparation for Irma's arrival, got it out today and set it, and the solar panels up, for the first time. I found that the generator, as advertised, has remained fully charged while sitting in my garage and it works perfectly. It has brought me an unbelievable degree of confidence and peace of mind that my wife and our family will do just fine if we experience an expected power outage that Irma may produce. I have purchased several additional items since the initial generator buy and have always found the men and ladies who answer the phone to be not only extremely pleasant, but very knowledgeable, professional, and helpful. Thank you for your great support!

Like · Comment · Share · 21 minutes ago

Ron M.

I have had several power outages lately, giving me a chance to try it out. It has run my refrigerator for 8 hours on two different outages. It ran my desktop computer and accessories for about the same time.

Like · Comment · Share · 23 minutes ago

Phillip R.

I was thinking about a solar generator because the noise and fumes from my gas generator was getting on my nerves, then I got the email from 4Patriots. What sold me was the fact that I could charge and discharge this generator once a day every day for more than five years. The warranty- who in the world gives a warranty like that? No one else. The compactness, weight and all those features, outstanding! And finally, the portability factor even including the solar panels. Now I have used the system to run most of my hand tools, a small refrigerator, a desktop computer, a laptop and cell phones and had no problems with over or under power / load. The best part is that most of the tests I did at night and inside. Very quiet. Hooking up the solar panels was a breeze and the unit began charging with no problems. This unit is well worth the money, a great piece of gear to have and an awesome warranty to go with it. I very highly recommend the Patriot Generator 1500.

Like · Comment · Share · 32 minutes ago

Kathy D.

I have been looking at generators. I bought this one because gas might not be available. This one is safe because of the solar power. It is renewable power. It is easy to set up.

Like · Comment · Share · 41 minutes ago

Ann D.

I am very happy with my purchase of the Power Generator. I use it as an independent system in my small second cabin on my property and I can power my sewing machine, lights, and computer. This is a safer alternative than running a 100' extension cord which tripped the power breaker each time it rained. I now have power rain or shine.

Like · Comment · Share · 45 minutes ago

Edward M.

I was very pleased and relieved that the generator was easy to assemble. I even got the generator to produce electricity to light a lamp. The unit is not heavy and very portable. The solar panels are very light and easy to set up. I feel much better that I can face a power failure. I think the cost of the generator was reasonable. Thank you very much for providing this unit.

Like · Comment · Share · 49 minutes ago

Carl R.

I decided to invest in this generator after watching the video online. It made sense to be prepared instead of waiting for a disaster to hit. My daughter and I were living in Florida when Charlie hit and left without electricity for a week. I moved to Tennessee shortly after that stating, "I would never go thru that again". Guess what? Tennessee also gets storms from time to time that have left us in the dark. We are living in scary times and believe we need to have a plan of action rather than regret! I also ordered a year supply of food and the water filter. I feel great knowing I took these steps to protect my family!

Like · Comment · Share · 53 minutes ago

Travis G.

I haven't had the need to fully utilize this generator, but I have tested it on my refrigerator with excellent results. I ran the refrigerator for several hours to measure the battery drain with good results. I also tested the solar panels to recharge the device and all worked well.

Like · Comment · Share · 57 minutes ago

Duane M.

I feel I have done as much as I can to take care of my family and the Patriot solar generator was the one prep item I needed to truly sleep better! Hope I never have to use it, but at least I've got all the bases covered. It's a little spendy for most people, but if you can scrape together the funds. I suggest to anyone who can, buy one! Quality stuff we're talking about here.

Like · Comment · Share · 59 minutes ago

11:13 PM (15 hours ago)
to me

Top News This Week:

The Truth About Jeff “Holier Than Thou” Flake - Read More Click Here

Gasless Generator Could Save Lives

Trump Just Launched this Massive Opportunity for Silver - Click Here To Read More

More Than Ever, White Americans Feel Victimized by Discrimination

Border Wall Prototypes Revealed to the Public - Read More Click Here

The Ridiculous Reason California’s Governor Wants to Sue Trump

Clinton and Friends Lied for a Full Year About Trump Dossier - Read More Click Here

In Freedom, 
Restore American Glory 

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11:11 PM (16 hours ago)
to me

October 28 2017

So, You Call Yourself a Conservative

Dear Jolter,

I for one call myself a “Buckley Conservative.”

How about you? What are you calling yourself on this Happy Weekend as you stock up on candy and goodies for the tykes who will come a-knocking in a few days? Please know, if you ever come a-knocking at NR’s new offices (19 West 44th Street in The Big Apple), you’ll spot a big bowl filled not with candy but with coolio WFB buttons and NR lapel pins. Grab some. Gratis! Now, before we get down to the purpose of this weekly missive, which is to share links . . .

. . . I want you to listen to Kat. The Timpfstress is wondrously pitching in on our current NRO 2017 Fall Webathon effort to raise some funds, not only to help pay the bills in these parts, but to expand our efforts (explained in depth here) to bring the brilliance of conservatism -- of Buckley conservatism! -- to many more here in America and around the globe. You can read Kat’s appeal here. Be assured: We truly need your help.

OK, let’s establish a fact: Kat’s the tops. And I’ll lay down an order: Watch her tonight on The Greg Gutfeld Show. And now we need to move on to things of editorial substance, so please, Get Along Little Dogies.


There was a lonely but important official thundering this week from NR: Interpol Should Remove William Browder from Its Watch List. I’ll admit, not the sexiest headline ever. But it is a truly important piece of writing, filled with drama (Putin as a nasty piece of work), and meaningful: It proved of help in righting a major wrong.


1. Assumption College professor Daniel Mahoney is one of my dearest friends, so I am thrilled that The Great Books podcast features him this week, discussing Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago.

2. Over at Political Beats this week, Scott and Jeff invite political / sports / media wordsmith Jane Coaston to dissect the musical grooviness of Nine-Inch Nails.

3. Once again I get the vapors listening to Jay Nordlinger interview an opera diva on QandAThis week’s episode features the amazing Angela Gheorghiu. All I can say is mamma mia.

4. This week on The Editors, Rich, Charlie, and Michael Brendan Dougherty discuss Jeff Flake’s decision to leave the Senate, anti-Trump speeches from George Bush and John McCain, whether the GOP is now “Trump’s party,” and the Russia scandals that have hit the Democrats. Whew!

5. It was a great pleasure this week to see my old pal John Miller in NYC. Travel though he does, JJM never fails to treat us to yet another episode of The Bookmonger. The new episode features Christopher Scalia, son of Antonin, who’s on to discuss Scalia Speaks: Reflections on Law, Faith, and Life Well Lived.

6. At The Remnant with Jonah Goldberg, our host of hosts cobbles together a great new episode, bringing back Ben Sasse, dragging in David French, and jabbering about sports, current events, survivalism, and a zombie apocalypse.

7. In a war-on-terror edition of The Liberty Files, the aforementioned Mr. French discusses and dismisses the Niger/Benghazi comparison and the many problems with the latest court rulings against President Trump’s so-called “travel ban.”

Nine NRO Pieces You Should Read . . . or Hillary Will Haunt Your Dreams.

1. You wanna talk movies? Good, let’s talk movies. First off, Kyle Smith pops off at George Clooney’s latest chum-toss (I mean Oscar bait) -- Suburbicon. From Kyle’s take:

Clooney and his writing and producing partner Grant Heslov, however, believe they’ve hit on a way to freshen things up and get them back in the race for another Oscar (which they jointly won along with Ben Affleck for producing Argo in 2012). Clooney says, in press notes for Suburbicon, “It seems like a good time for a film that feels angry.” And what is Clooney angry about? Race.

Stapled onto the Fargo-type story is one about racism. Next door to Gardner’s home in a Levittown-style model community is a family that is new to the neighborhood: a black couple and their son, who is about the same age as Gardner’s boy. Neighbors, starting with the mailman who can’t believe the lady of the house is not its maid, freak out, start holding urgent meetings to discuss the “problem,” and eventually surround and terrorize the household in a frenzy of racism.

2. Then we have Review Two: Armond White believes The Square “is probably the film of the year -- though that’s not necessarily a good thing.” Eat the whole enchilada to understand Armond’s concerns.

3. Poor Alexandra DeSanctis must have high-sticked someone, because she is in the NRO penalty box, doing time by being tasked to edit my Weekend Jolt dreck. Poor thing. Anyway, before this purgatory, she was down in Virginia, ace-reporting on Ed Gillespie’s gubernatorial quest. It’s an excellent piece.

4. Jay Nordlinger decries the awful case of a splendid man. What Colombia, and a thick-skulled U.S., are doing to Andres Felipe Arias and his family will make your blood boil. (Listen to Jay’s interview with Catalina Serrano, Arias’s wife.)

5. In the new issue of NR, Mackubin Owens reviews Victor Davis Hanson’s acclaimed just-out history, The Second World Wars: How the First Global Conflict Was Fought and Won, and heaps on more acclaim. Here’s a slice:

Hanson’s background as a classicist and historian of the ancient world enables him to place World War II in a broader historical context, one stressing war’s “eternal elements.” These include such factors as the balance of power, deterrence, surprise, and preemption; victory achieved by defeating, humiliating, and occupying one’s enemy; the ability of one side or the other to learn rapidly from its mistakes; and the importance of geography.

6. Robert VerBruggen provides an exceptional policy piece that makes excellent suggestions on how to reduce gun violence without messing with the Second Amendment. From his piece:

Mass shootings grab our attention, but they are outliers as far as American homicide is concerned. The Las Vegas shooting may have had a double-digit body count, but 15,000 or so people are murdered each year in this country. Where mass shootings are unpredictable, other murders tend to occur in specific geographic areas and social networks. And quietly over the past two decades, criminologists, community groups, and technology companies have hit upon strategies that can reduce the bloodshed without infringing on anyone’s right to bear arms.

7. It’s a Trump Party (I can hear some pals singing through gritted teeth And I’ll Cry if I Want To!) Rich Lowry explains. Here’s some of what our editor has to say:

The great advantage Trump has in Republican politics is that he’s a Republican president, and partisanship is an awesome political force. So is the cult of personality that inheres in the presidency, augmented by Trump’s celebrity. He has the right enemies, and his culture-war fights coupled with his traditional GOP legislative agenda offer something for everyone in the party, from the populists to the Chamber of Commerce.

8. Didn’t you know, math is white? Kat Timpf sizes up a lefty University of Illinois professor and discovers that one plus one equals “Idiot.”

9. A once-Commie-fawning bureaucrat, Olly Robbins, lands a major gig in the UK’s EU Interruptus plan. John O’Sullivan’s remarkable essay, “Reckoning with Communism,” can’t help but go after Europe’s massive blind spot. From his piece:

The truth of the matter is that the West never confronted the radical evil of Communism as it confronted that of Nazism. Both Left and Right had their reasons for forgetting the past as Communism imploded in front of them: The Right wanted a smooth diplomatic resolution of the Cold War and therefore avoided anything that smacked of Nuremberg, crimes against humanity, justice, or, as the smooth diplomatic evasion had it, Western “triumphalism.” The Left needed to throw a cloak over its own underlying sympathy and occasional support for the Soviet experiment and over the family resemblances between democratic socialism and “really existing socialism.”

Speaking-of-Commies Bonus: It’s 1956, and Bill Buckley has the back of a New York school official battling Ted lovers and pettifoggers.

From Our Friends.

1. Ginni Thomas interviews my BFF Anne Sorock, boss of The Frontier Lab (I am on the board) about her take on GOP dunderheadedness.

2. Free Speech Kaput! Gatestone Institute’s Judith Bergman reports that censorship by social-media platforms is now official policy (make that law) in Germany. From her report:

The new law requires social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, to censor their users on behalf of the German state. Social media companies are obliged to delete or block any online "criminal offenses" such as libel, slander, defamation or incitement, within 24 hours of receipt of a user complaint -- regardless of whether or the content is accurate or not. Social media companies receive seven days for more complicated cases. If they fail to do so, the German government can fine them up to 50 million euros for failing to comply with the law.

3. We’ll let the headline of this College Fix report by Aryssa Damron speak for itself: “Yale ‘decolonizes’ English dept. after complaints studying white authors ‘actively harms’ students.”


We thank Our Creator for the blessings of this week past, when many friends of Buckley conservatism joined in New York City to celebrate at the Fourth Annual William F. Buckley Jr. Prize Dinner, said prizes going to the great novelist, Tom Wolfe, and the profound supporters of liberty, Bruce and Suzie Kovner. It was all put on by Lindsay Craig and her incredibly hard-working team at National Review Institute. Kudos to all.

Speaking for myself, I am exhaustzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


Jack Fowler

P.S.: Next Thursday is All Soul’s Day. That cousin, the great aunt, that old friend who died so young, the spinster teacher: Do pray for the forgotten dead. Yours may be that nudge that gets them past the Pearly Gates.

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9:42 PM (17 hours ago)
to me
Breaking News from Headline Health
You have been a free subscriber since 9/6/2017

Headline Health - Breaking News for a Healthier Life
Do you know the biggest "Age Tell" for women over 40? 

No, it's not your wrinkles or hair color... 

The ONE thing making women look up to decades older than they should is the sagging skin on their face and neck. 

Even a few years ago this problem was not correctable without expensive and dangerous surgery. However, today's modern anti-aging technology, has found a way to get rid of that drooping, sagging skin that plagues women in their fifties and up. 

CLICK HERE to watch this short presentation where a noted anti-aging expert reveals how his clients were able to remove their problem areas with this inexpensive at-home 'trick'. 

Be sure to watch this video now before it's taken off the web for good. 

Click here to watch in now

The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. You should always consult with your personal physician regarding any personal health problem. FDA DISCLOSURE: The statements, articles, and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No information or products appearing on this email are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: HeadlineHealth.com may have an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to any persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this email and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained on this email to evaluate the product or service being offered. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service.
Headline Health
PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
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On Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 9:14:30 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Oct 29, 2017, 4:35:11 AM10/29/17
to NyiNyi

Oct 28 (1 day ago)
to me
Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
You have been a free subscriber since 3/22/2017

Liberty Headlines
Breaking News... 

GOP Rep: Is FBI Using 'Unverified Info' to Investigate Americans? 

Disney Reveals Openly Homosexual Character on Show for 10-Year-Olds 

Shocking: You Won't Believe Who's Declaring Obama the Greatest President of All Time

Democrat Senator Praises Flake for His Globalist Commitments 

DNC CHAIRMAN: Electoral College Is Not Part of the Constitution

Poll: Should President Trump Resign? 

The mainstream media attack on President Trump is in full force. 

Many are now calling for President Trump to resign from office. 

Do you believe it's in the Presidents best interest to step down and avoid impeachment? 

Or is this all a fake liberal conspiracy designed to derail Trump's presidency? 

Let you voice be heard by voting now. 

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Liberty Headlines
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Charlotte, NC 28277
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Oct 28 (1 day ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
You have been a free subscriber since 3/22/2017

Liberty Headlines
Breaking News... 

GOP Rep: Is FBI Using 'Unverified Info' to Investigate Americans? 

Disney Reveals Openly Homosexual Character on Show for 10-Year-Olds 

Shocking: You Won't Believe Who's Declaring Obama the Greatest President of All Time

Democrat Senator Praises Flake for His Globalist Commitments 

DNC CHAIRMAN: Electoral College Is Not Part of the Constitution

Poll: Should President Trump Resign? 

The mainstream media attack on President Trump is in full force. 

Many are now calling for President Trump to resign from office. 

Do you believe it's in the Presidents best interest to step down and avoid impeachment? 

Or is this all a fake liberal conspiracy designed to derail Trump's presidency? 

Let you voice be heard by voting now. 

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Liberty Headlines
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Charlotte, NC 28277
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Oct 27 (2 days ago)
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China releases its 2017 Silver Moon Panda with a FIRST-EVER holographic design!
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2017 Silver Moon Panda
China releases its 
2017 Silver Moon Panda with a FIRST-EVER holographic design!

The Moon Festival is the second biggest holiday celebration in China -- ranking only behind the Chinese New Year in importance and excitement. It's been celebrated for nearly 3,000 years. But this popular holiday didn't get its own commemorative coin until 2015!

Just two years later, you can own one of the China Mint's latest One-Ounce Silver Moon Panda Proofs -- featuring an all-new 2017 design with a first-ever holographic effect, struck as a high-relief concave bowl-shaped coin!

Order yours now! Only 10,000 will be minted for the entire world -- and whether you choose an ungraded coin or one of Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC) certified First Releases, they're only available from GovMint.com!

  • One Troy Ounce of 99.9% pure silver
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Prices and availability subject to change without notice. Facts and figures deemed accurate as of the date of this email. NOTE: GovMint.com® is a private distributor of worldwide government coin and currency issues and privately issued and licensed collectibles, and is not affiliated with the United States government. GovMint.com is not an investment company and does not offer financial advice or sell items as an investment. The collectible coin market is speculative, and coin values may rise or fall over time. All rights reserved. © 2017 GovMint.com.


Oct 27 (2 days ago)
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(The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)

Trump was RIGHT about wiretaps

Obama and his buddies laughed when Trump claimed that he had been wiretapped prior to the election.

But it was discovered that Trump was right!

New evidence has revealed that ex-campaign head Paul Manafort was wiretapped both BEFORE and AFTER the election… and he might be wiretapped still.

This isn’t a “fringe theory” or anything like that. (CNN actually broke the story.)

What makes this disturbing is that this could happen to anybody at anytime. (They’re already monitoring our cell phones and collecting our data around-the-clock.)

Want to protect yourself from the government’s eyes and ears? Frank Mitchell’s new book ‘Wire Tapped America’ shows you how.

Plus, it reveals dozens of places you should NEVER say anything you don’t want recorded and used against you later...

BEST PART: He’s giving away 2000 copies FREE to spread the word.

On pg. 30, you’ll learn 7 steps to hide you and your family’s dealings from Big Brother’s prying eyes, permanently.

Don’t say or do anything you wouldn’t want “them” to know about before you get this.

Even if you think you have nothing to hide, you should be doing everything possible to protect your privacy.

Learn why here.



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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

Oct 27 (2 days ago)
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October 27 2017

Morning Joe Addresses the Mark Halperin Scandal . . . Delicately

Jim Geraghty

Anyone else find this stance . . . a little dissatisfying?

Mika Brzezinski stated, “Over the past 24 hours, there have been more disturbing reports regarding Mark Halperin’s treatment of younger, female coworkers. Behavior in these reports allegedly occurred one to two decades ago, and now, we’re looking at it, we’re talking about it. Mark and Karen [Avrich, Halperin’s wife] have been a part of Morning Joe’s extended family for years; they’re our friends. And we believe it’s important to stand with our friends, through even the most difficult of times.”

But it’s even more important to demand the truth,” Brzezinski continued. “Even when the facts appear to be extremely painful. Yesterday morning we woke up to reports of unnamed sources telling CNN that Mark made unwanted sexual advances and overtures towards them. A day later, more revelations, pointing to a possible pattern of unacceptable conduct. I’ve spoken to, and heard from some of these women. I feel their pain, and I ...


top stories

‘Anti-Racist’: ‘I Will Always Call on My Black Women Students First’

Frederick M. Hess, Grant Addison

Stephanie McKellop, a graduate teaching assistant in history at the University of Pennsylvania, drew notice last week for her promotion of a little-known progressive pedagogy. As McKellop...

Trump Is the GOP Mainstream

Rich Lowry

Trump Is the GOP Mainstream


Oct 27 (2 days ago)
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Breaking News from Headline Health
You have been a free subscriber since 9/6/2017

Headline Health - Breaking News for a Healthier Life
Dear Reader, 

Can a homemade "beverage" permanently end Alzheimer's disease? 

That's what experts are now claiming after seeing THIS drink in action. 

Here's why... 

Recently, a Tufts University educator unveiled an Alzheimer's-Reversing "Cocktail" recipe and, after watching dramatic transformations of the patients who used it... 

Some researchers are finally admitting it's a cure. 

(I've found a link to his private video here.) 

If you ever worry that your memory is getting worse, or have a loved one suffering from Alzheimer's or dementia... this "cocktail" could be life-changing

Don't wait another second to start reversing your memory loss. Get the incredible recipe here


Christine O'Brien
Nutrition & Healing 

P.S. This isn't something you'll find at a grocery store -- or even your doctor's office. But it's perfectly simple to make yourself... in the comfort of your own home. Click here now to play the private video
The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. You should always consult with your personal physician regarding any personal health problem. FDA DISCLOSURE: The statements, articles, and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No information or products appearing on this email are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: HeadlineHealth.com may have an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to any persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this email and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained on this email to evaluate the product or service being offered. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service.
Headline Health
PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
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Oct 27 (2 days ago)
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The latest from InsideSources.

What Washington's Talking About

The Coming Russia Bombshells [Kimberley A. Strassel, Wall Street Journal]
The Week Trump Won [David Brooks, New York Times]
The dark history behind letting male “geniuses” get away with bad behavior [Tara Isabella Burton, Vox]
Watch: Comedian Julio Torres has some useless but hilarious Halloween costume ideas for you [Caroline Framke, Vox]

News    Energy
Minnesota and Michigan Provided State Grants for Thunderbird Strike Game Attacking Pipelines
By Erin Mundahl

Protest can take many forms, from petitions to occupation and civil disobedience. But a video game might be new territory. Michigan State University professor Elizabeth LaPensée has recently launched a game that would allow “indigenous players” to regain a sense of agency around oil pipelines.


News    Politics
What President Trump’s Public Health Emergency Declaration Means for the Opioid Crisis
By Jack O'Brien

President Donald Trump declared the ongoing opioid crisis a national public health emergencyon Thursday, after months of speculation and debate over how to address the epidemic.


News    Finance
Franchise Leader Discusses Small Business Tax Reform
By Connor D. Wolf

International Franchise Association (IFA) president Robert Cresanti has spent recent weeks traveling the country to talk with employers about the current tax reform push and how it could impact their businesses.


News    Education
Some States Seeking Ways Around Full Compliance With Federal Education Law
By Jessica Towhey

A federal education law designed to let states determine for themselves how to hold schools accountable may leave more children behind if states are allowed to skirt federal requirements through waivers.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Watch What We Do — Not What We Say
By Eric Peters

The Affordable Care Act — Obamacare — being one of all-too-many examples that prove the point. It enshrined some of the worst — and most cost-increasing — aspects of the dysfunctional health care system.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Refugees Are Not Our Enemy
By Jeffrey Voccola

Last summer I volunteered to work with refugee children at a camp on the island of Evia, Greece. News of this elicited a range of reactions from people I know. Many were supportive, while others expressed concern for my safety, the assumption being that I’d be working with a dangerous population. But the most surprising reaction came from several people who were sympathetic to the cause.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Rediscovering America: Happy Birthday, Lady Liberty
By Roger L. Beckett

On October 28, 1886, President Grover Cleveland dedicated the Statue of Liberty. Since that time, the statue has welcomed ships entering New York Harbor and has been seen as an iconic and universal symbol of freedom.


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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

Oct 27 (2 days ago)
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(The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)

North Korea: Shocking
Warning To America

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Pentagon is scrambling to protect America's power grid amid fears of attack by North Korea. Former CIA Director James Woolsey:

"According to the Congressional EMP Commission, a single warhead delivered by North Korean satellite could blackout the national electric grid and other life-sustaining critical infrastructures for over a year - killing nine of 10 Americans by starvation and societal collapse."

President Trump is facing this threat head-on and he is not backing down. He told Reuters, "There is a chance that we could end up having a major, major conflict with North Korea. Absolutely."

North Korea realizes they can't beat us with brute military force on the conventional battlefield. We are way too strong for that.

However we do have a weakness that North Korea or other foreign terrorists can use against us...

Our crumbling electric grid.

Former CIA official Dr. Peter Pry warns, "There is an imminent threat... to the national electric grid and not just to a single U.S. city."

When our electric grid fails, it will be like watching America have a heart attack right before your eyes. Because when the heart stops pumping... everything shuts down and the patient flat lines.

Our enemies could cripple our great country in a matter of minutes, without having to fire a single bullet. They could just sit back and watch as we self-destruct through looting, rioting and the targeting of police officers.

It's a frightening idea, but worst of all...

It may already be happening.

On April 21, three major U.S. cities – New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco – experienced virtually simultaneous power outages. Businesses emptied. Schools closed. Subway commuters were stuck underground in the dark.

Rumors immediately started flying that a cyber-attack had caused all three blackouts.

The "official" word in San Francisco was that the outage was caused by a fire in a substation. In Los Angeles, high winds were blamed. In New York, an equipment failure was the announced culprit.

Perhaps those were the real causes. Or maybe these simultaneous blackouts were dry runs for future attacks.

We may never know the truth.

But former CIA official Dr. Peter Pry says that attacks on just 9 of the nation's 55,000 electrical substations could result in nationwide blackouts for up to 18 months.

Our government is woefully unprepared.

It seems like the government has been fixated on taking more and more away from people who worked hard to earn it, while doing virtually nothing to secure our nation's infrastructure.

They've ignored dire warnings from experts about the grid's vulnerability to physical, electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and cyber-attack by North Korea, Russia, China and even ISIS and other terrorist groups.

"Our death toll would be staggering" reports FOXNews. We're all fine when the power goes out for a few hours and even days. But an extended blackout would be devastating.

Frank Gaffney, founder of the Center for Security Policy predicts, "... should the power go out and stay out for over a year, 9 out of 10 Americans would likely perish."

>> When North Korea strikes the U.S.

Imagine a blackout lasting not days, but weeks or months. Your life would be frozen in time right at the moment the power fails. Lights all over the country would go out, throwing people into total darkness.

Without access to a generator, your fridge, electric range and microwave would be dead. All the food in your fridge and freezer would spoil.

Your well couldn't pump any fresh water into your house. And even if you don't have a well, a total grid failure means no fresh water to drink, cook, or clean with.

You wouldn't be able to operate your radio or TV, or charge your cell phone, so you'd feel isolated and cut off from your friends and family.

Sadly, this is NOT science fiction or some crazy doomsday theory...

And retired CENTCOM General Lloyd Austin says, "It's not a question of if, it's a question of when."

Will you be prepared for this devastating crisis... one that could take months or even years to recover from?

How will you stay safe... warm... and protected?

What will you do when the power goes out?

That's why many Americans are taking matters into their own hands and are securing their own solar powered generator.

Solar generators are a smart choice because they produce an endless supply of life-saving electricity when you need it most - and without gas, fumes or noise.

Our top recommendation in portable solar generators is the Patriot Power Generator 1500.

It's a breakthrough NEW device that generates up to 1,500 continuous watts of clean, quiet, and FREE renewable power.

That's enough to power lights for safety and comfort, your computer, TV, or cell phone. Even small appliances like a small freezer or critical medical device that will sustain your family during a power outage.



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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

Oct 27 (2 days ago)
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Today's Headlines

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Pregnancy and childbirth are killing women at inexplicable rates in the United States, especially African American women in Texas. Here are the stories you shouldn’t miss today:


In the Heart of Texas, Black Mothers Are Dying
With all of today’s medical advances, the process by which we all arrive in this world — childbearing — can be deadly for women in America. Every year, about 700 die as a result of pregnancy or delivery complications, giving the U.S. one of the highest maternal death rates in the developed world. African American women in Texas are dying at the highest rates of all. Among the theories about why: poverty, lack of health insurance, stress and discrimination. “There isn’t a single thing that explains it,” says the head of Texas’ Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Task Force. “There are so many different factors.” 

The Red Flags for Tax Reform
With the approval of a 2018 budget plan, House Republicans have set the stage for President Trump’s tax overhaul package, but the final act could be just as dramatic as the effort to repeal Obamacare. “Do not underestimate the UNITY within the Republican Party,” Trump tweeted. The numbers tell a different story: Twenty Republicans didn’t vote for the budget resolution, a hint at how much friction lies ahead over taxes. Some key areas to watch: state and local deductions, 401(k) plans, tax brackets and how much gets added to the deficit. 

What Does Declaring an Opioid ‘Emergency’ Really Mean?
On Thursday, Trump made some sweeping new promises to mobilize the federal government against the nation’s opioid epidemic, which killed more than 64,000 Americans last year. But in his declaration of a limited 90-day “public health emergency,” rather than a “national emergency,” the president offered few new resources to combat it. Senior administration officials say they hope Congress will provide more money later this year, but officials would not say how much the White House will seek. 

When Fossils Fuel a Monumental Debate
The Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in Utah offers stunning views and is one of the world’s richest fossil sites for studying the age of dinosaurs. It also holds an estimated 62 billion tons of coal. No wonder, then, that Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has proposed shrinking the monument to open the land to mining and oil drilling. Paleontologists fear untold secrets in the rocks could be lost.

Powell Point

Light from a fading sunset bathes 10,188-foot Powell Point in a view from state Highway 12 near Tropic, Utah, in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. (Brian van der Brug / Los Angeles Times)

A Mysterious Absence From School
School has been in session at the Los Angeles Unified School District since mid-August, but for the last six weeks, Supt. Michelle King has been absent — and she will be at least until January. The reason isn’t exactly clear: It’s to recover from an unspecified medical procedure. King’s long medical leave adds another layer of uncertainty at the LAUSD, which has seen its school board get a new majority backed by charter school advocates and one of its members, Ref Rodriguez, charged with campaign money laundering.


The federal government on Thursday released nearly 3,000 secret documents about the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, with some temporarily withheld because of sensitive national security and law enforcement information. You can join the scholars and conspiracy theorists digging through them online in the National Archives, or take a look at that fateful day in Dallas in pictures.

JFK in Dallas

President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy ride in the back seat of a limousine through downtown Dallas. Shots rang out moments later. (Associated Press)


— A vehicle drove into a group of protesters outside GOP Rep. Ed Royce’s office in Brea, but no injuries were initially reported to police.

— Los Angeles Dodgers manager Dave Roberts and pitcher Kenley Jansen talk about the Game 2 loss to the Astros. The World Series resumes tonight in Houston.

— Paris Hilton takes us inside the screening room at her Beverly Hills mansion.



— After the Tubbs fire, some Santa Rosa residents are eager to rebuild. But cleaning up toxic waste and handling government paperwork are expected to slow their efforts. 

— Federal prosecutors have charged three Pomona police officers in the beating of an unarmed teenager, accusing a 20-year department veteran of attacking the boy and all three of lying. 

— Officials say a fast-moving wildfire at a remote off-road vehicle park in the Cleveland National Forest near Lake Elsinore ignited after a motorcyclist crashed into a tree. 

— Pasadena police say they responded to a disturbance at the bar of the Langham Hotel involving Houston Astros management and other hotel patrons after Game 1 of the World Series.


— The top 10 picks on Jonathan Gold's 101 Best Restaurants in L.A. list. 

— Two words: vegan sushi. Is it any good? 

— Thirteen new Halloween reads to chill, amuse, inform and terrify. 

— How to enjoy the rebirth of Palm Springs.


— Harvey Weinstein sued his namesake company for documents, including emails and his personnel file, that he says can be used to defend himself and the studio he co-founded. Meanwhile, Ashley Judd described the deal she made with Weinstein to escape sexual harassment. 

— Times film critic Justin Chang says George Clooney’s racially charged “Suburbicon” is a dreadful movie for dreadful times

— On the other hand, “The Square,” which won the Palme d’Or at Cannes, is a virtuoso satire of the modern art world.


— Las Vegas is trying to walk the delicate line of enticing tourists back after the shooting while at the same time acknowledging the hurt, worries and fears that came with it. 

— Catalonia is bracing for Spain’s central government to vote on a takeover today, as both sides remain deadlocked. 

— After a display of anti-Semitism by soccer fans in Rome, parts of “The Diary of Anne Frank” are being read at Italian soccer games. 

— Many Kenyans stayed away from a repeat presidential election because of an opposition boycott, protests and security fears, further casting doubt on the process’ credibility.



— The multimedia career of political journalist and author Mark Halperin is on shaky ground after a report that he sexually harassed five women during his tenure at ABC News. 

— Three Latina engineers sued Uber this week alleging unfair labor practices, saying the ride-hailing company systematically underpays women and other underrepresented groups.


— Why so many home runs in the first two games of the World Series? The theories are many, including all the hot air at Dodger Stadium. 

— Columnist Bill Plaschke says it’s now all about how the Dodgers players respond to their first bit of October adversity.


— It’s not just Trump, it’s the whole GOP that calls “fake things true and true things fake.” 

— “Who paid for the dossier” doesn’t matter; Russian meddling in our elections is what’s important.


— A look at how much money White House officials could save the public by flying commercial. (New York Times) 

— Is baseball the most philosophical of games? (Public Books) 

— Why Sichuan peppercorns were banned from the U.S. for decades and can still be hard to import. (Roads and Kingdoms)


Norman Lloyd remembers very well the World Series game he saw at Yankee Stadium, when Babe Ruth slid into second base and tore his pants. The year was 1926, and the young fan was 12 years old. Ninety-one years laterLloyd talked about his old Giants-hating days while taking in this year’s World Series at Dodger Stadium, just a few days shy of his 103rd birthday. Name sound familiar? That’s because he played Robin Willliams’ nemesis in “Dead Poets Society” and Dr. Daniel Auschlander on “St. Elsewhere.” 

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Oct 27 (2 days ago)
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Task & Purpose Today

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Oct 27 (2 days ago)
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October 26 2017

Victor Davis Hanson

The Islamic State just lost its capital at Raqqa, and with it the last of the terrorist group’s fantasies of establishing a Middle East caliphate. In recent years, ISIS has horrified global audiences with video clips of unspeakable atrocities. What sort of humans could behead, incinerate, drown, torture, and blow up...


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A School Superintendent Battles Pro-Communists and Pettifoggers

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Navigating Trumpian Politics in the Virginia Gubernatorial Race

George Will

Arlington, Va. — The breakfasters at Bob and Edith’s Diner are too preoccupied with their tasty bacon and eggs to notice the Democratic gubernatorial candidate. Or perhaps, like all Americans...



George Clooney’s Latest Oscar Bait

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Blame Monetary Policy for Financial Crises

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