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Nyinyi put cha phyu

Apr 26, 2017, 8:55:36 PM4/26/17
to NyiNyi

6:40 PM (13 hours ago)
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Task & Purpose Today

72 Years Ago, The US Army Blew Up A Giant Swastika In Nazi Germany


Wild Pigs Kill 3 ISIS Fighters, Restore Some Karmic Balance To The Universe


Even Republicans Are Saying Retired Lt Gen Mike Flynn Broke The Law Now


Iran’s New ‘Stealth’ Fighter Looks Like A Flying Garbage Pile


Navy Federal Offers To Cover Military Pay If The Government Shuts Down


The Military Is Testing Almost 400 Bases For Water Contamination


5 Ways To Turn Your Work Office Into A Badass DIY Armory


Which Countries Spent The Most On Military Might In 2016, In One Chart


Trump Looks To A Marine General To Oversee The Secret Service


8:08 PM (11 hours ago)
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What Washington's Talking About

Trump and ‘Chaos’
“As President Trump nears the 100-day benchmark, it’s a good moment to examine the relationship that has evolved between the mercurial and inexperienced commander in chief and his unflappable defense secretary, Jim Mattis. It’s an unlikely partnership, but so far it mostly seems to work. Trump may have relatively few domestic-policy accomplishments to show after three months, but he can take credit for selecting a generally solid national-security team and for listening to its advice.” [David Ignatius, Washington Post]

Conspiracy Theories

The dark allure of conspiracy theories, explained by a psychologist [Brian Resnick, Vox]

News    Technology
Economist: Reclassification — Not Net Neutrality — Hurting Broadband Investment
By Giuseppe Macri

There’s been much debate about the economic impact of the FCC’s net neutrality rules since their passage in 2015. But according to one economist, it’s the rules’ reclassification of internet service as a public utility — not net neutrality principles themselves — that’s hurting broadband investment.


News    Politics
Federal Employees Outpace Private in Wages and Benefits
By Connor D. Wolf

Federal employees outpace those in the private sector when it comes to wages and benefits, except for those workers with advanced degrees, according to a federal report Tuesday.


News    Politics
Should Native American Tribes Have Their Own Criminal Justice Systems?
By Erin Mundahl

One hallmark of American law is the presumption that separate is inherently unequal and that all residents of a given state are subject to the same laws. Indian reservations present a challenge to this principle. Legally they fall under federal jurisdiction, while retaining local control over some matters of criminal law, policing, and social spending.


News    Education
The Right’s School Choice Coalition Has Cracks
By Leo Doran

Though they support the school-choice doctrine in principle—which calls for empowering parents and students to choose among traditional public, public charter, private, and alternative educational options—some federalists are worried that a Washington-run program would necessarily result in regulatory mission creep.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
In Health Care, Is Buyer’s Remorse Killing Us?
By Robert F. Graboyes

Nobel Prize-winning economist Kenneth Arrow and others declared health care “different” from other economic endeavors, but their explanations are unsatisfying. Yes, the quality of your surgeon can determine whether you live or die, but so can the quality of your pilot, bus driver or auto mechanic.


APRIL 26, 2017

Marlins Fans, It’s Time to Root, Root, Root Please Clap for the Home Team!

The era of “Let’s Make Some Noise!” is ending for the Florida Marlins baseball team. Instead, get ready for… “Please clap.” Yes, Jeb Bush could end up being a part owner of the franchise:

Miami Marlins owner Jeffrey Loria has reached an agreement in principle to sell the team to a group led by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and including former New York Yankees star Derek Jeter, pending Major League Baseball approval and other details still to be worked out in the drawing-up and execution of a contract, an MLB source said Tuesday.

According to the source, Bush’s group has agreed to pay $1.3 billion for the team.

The source said the Marlins and the Bush group are very optimistic a deal will be finalized, but the process could take months to conclude.

Bush plans to be the Marlins’ “control person,” the individual who would have ultimate control over franchise decisions, according to the source.

Somewhere, George W. Bush is thinking, “Boy, everything I do, my kid brother has to try to do too!”

Under Jeb’s ownership, the Florida Marlins right fielder will play in right but not too far on the right, not too far from centerfield. He will attempt to persuade umpires that any high inside pitches that come close to hitting the batter do not represent an improper crossing of a boundary, but instead “an act of love.”

‘Just Like ISIS’? Come On, Man.

Gubernatorial primaries are coming up here in Virginia on June 13. On the Republican side, Ed Gillespie’s the favorite over Corey Stewart and State Senator Frank Wagner.

With less than two months remaining, Stewart is… well, this looks like a “Hail Mary” pass:

“Exactly like ISIS”? Exactly like ISIS? Wouldn’t we all agree that if you’re not killing anyone, you’re doing a poor imitation of ISIS?

This is the kind of hyperbolic attack on a lawmaker over terrorism that might even get Representative Peter King to say, “Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Even Alex Jones might say that’s going too far.

This stems from a decision down in New Orleans…

New Orleans on Monday began removing four monuments dedicated to the era of the Confederacy and its aftermath, capping a prolonged battle about the future of the memorials, which critics deemed symbols of racism and intolerance and which supporters viewed as historically important.

Workers dismantled an obelisk, which was erected in 1891 to honor members of the Crescent City White League who in 1874 fought in the Reconstruction-era Battle of Liberty Place against the racially integrated New Orleans police and state militia, Mayor Mitch Landrieu said in a statement.

The monument, which was sometimes used as a rallying point by David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan, has stirred debate for decades. Local leaders unsuccessfully tried to remove it in 1981 and 1993.

The workers were dressed in flak jackets, helmets and scarves to conceal their identities because of concerns about their safety. Police officers watched from a nearby hotel.

Before you start saying, “wait, this is part of history, it ought to be preserved, even if it offends people,” note that the Battle of Liberty Place Memorial has the inscription:

“United States troops took over the state government and reinstated the usurpers but the national election of November 1876 recognized white supremacy in the South and gave us our state.”

Yeah, I can’t begrudge citizens of any color for wanting to remove a public memorial declaring the importance of recognizing “white supremacy.”

Think of all the great Louisiana citizens who don’t have a comparable public monument, who have great accomplishments in history or played a role in the city’s comeback from Hurricane Katrina: Fats Domino. Tennessee Williams. Doug Williams. Hank Williams and Hank Williams Jr. (Heck, you need a monument just to the various famous Williamses from Louisiana.) Paul Brudhomme. Anne Rice. Drew Brees. Harry Connick Jr. Bobby Jindal.

There’s no shortage of Confederate monuments in Virginia, but none have garnered quite as much controversy as the ones down in New Orleans. (Richmond added famous African-American tennis star Arthur Ashe to Monument Avenue.) In Alexandria, they renamed their portion of “Jefferson Davis Highway.” (I suggested renaming the highway after two famous Virginians, Thomas Jefferson and former local Congressman Tom Davis. Then the city could save a lot of money by just adding hyphens and making the signs say “Jefferson-Davis Highway.”)

Denouncing the removal of Confederate monuments seems like an odd move; it’s hard to imagine this is front and center in the minds of Virginia Republicans right now. As Liam Donovan pointed out, Virginia is a state of transplants; just under half of all voters in the state are native Virginians.

Cue The X-Files Theme…

Watch your head. The online conspiracy theorists think something big and bad will happen today.

In defense of the tin-foil hat brigade, a couple of unusual events are aligning today. In Washington, D.C. and the surrounding suburbs, “law enforcement officials and other first responders will participate in afull-scale exercise on April 26 designed to prepare for the possibility of a complex coordinated terror attack in the National Capital Region.”

The entire U.S. Senate is invited to the White House today for a private briefing about North Korea, the sort of briefing that is usually held on Capitol Hill.

North Korea conducted its largest-ever artillery firing drill this morning.

It’s a big time of year for emergency drills, apparently.FEMA just finished “Gotham Shield,” practicing for a nuclear attack on New York City. Today is emergency drill day for Raritan Bay Medical CenterRockland County, New YorkSlippery Rock UniversitySonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit, and the state of South Dakota is holding a statewide tornado drill. I hardly suspect that a shadowy conspiracy is organizing these drills in these far-flung locations because of advance knowledge of an impending disaster.

In all likelihood, the sun sets on April 26, 2017, with no disaster or terror attack striking, and we can all chuckle at the paranoia and fevered imaginations of those online commentators…

…probably. Right?

ADDENDA: You will want to read the symposium of tributes and farewells to our friend, Kate O’Beirne, from dozens of conservative figures, friends, and media voices.

I am told that in lieu of flowers, the family is requesting contributions to Oakcrest School.

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[IS] Opinions    Politics
The Only Agreement Is to Disagree in Today’s Washington
By Gregory Clay

Remember those lyrics from the celebrated movie musical “Shall We Dance.” Eighty years ago, Rogers and Astaire could sing and dance on roller skates — in a pleated skirt and a suit and tie, imagine that — so effortlessly. They were so cool even when they played lovebirds at odds. That was Hollywood.



Nyinyi put cha phyu

Apr 26, 2017, 8:58:19 PM4/26/17
to NyiNyi

6:04 PM (13 hours ago)
to me

Trump Can Grow the Economy or Cut Immigration. He Can’t Do Both

The Trump administration is fixated on driving down immigration and on driving up economic growth. But there’s good reason to believe that if it succeeds at the first, it will almost certainly fail at the second by depriving the country of the labor force it desperately needs. Data collected by the Pew Research Center...  
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How Trump’s Tax Cut Plan Would Blow Up the Deficit

Tax and budgetary policy experts are divided on the impact that President Trump’s proposal to slash the corporate income tax rate from 35 percent to 15 percent would have on the federal...  
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Sponsor Content

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For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

These Big, Expensive Giveaways to Illegal Immigrants Will Backfire on Liberals

It looks like the dispute over “The Wall” will not, after all, shut down the federal government. In the past few days, White House officials and President Trump have shifted from demanding...  
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The 15 Best and Worst States for Government Spending on Children

It’s no secret that spending on public education, health care and social services has varied from state to state for years, depending on differences in their economies, tax structures,...  
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How Oil Prices Could Ruin the Stock Market Party

The Nasdaq Composite crossed the 6,000 mark for the first time ever Tuesday, following Monday’s broad market surge — the largest one-day gain since March 1Monday also saw the largest one-...  
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Nyi Nyi

May 15, 2017, 10:47:00 PM5/15/17
to NyiNyi

6:07 PM (15 hours ago)
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Breaking News:

WaPo Catches Democrat Lying About Pre-Existing Conditions

Leaked! Hillary LOSES it on camera [footage inside]

About Time: FBI Deserves a Better Leader Than James Comey

Trump Sees Elizabeth Warren As Number One 2020 Threat

BREAKING: Hillary's Violent Meltdown Caught on Camera

[Show Any Liberal This Disturbing Footage -- Watch Their Face at0:27!]

A Washington insider just posted this brand new footage of Hillary after Trump's Inauguration... and I have to warn you: it's downright disturbing.

It turns out Crooked Hillary wasn't done scheming the day Trump took his oath. In fact, this violent meltdown is living proof she has cruel plans for him…

Plans that could have devastating consequences for all of us. Full Story Here.

[Click here for the GRAPHIC footage.]

Sent to: wwwnyinyiinternetchitthu@gmail.com


UnfilteredPatriot, 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206, Sebastian, FL 32958, United States

6:03 PM (15 hours ago)
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3:00 AM (6 hours ago)
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Breaking News:

Why the System is Broken - Read More Click Here

Leaked! Hillary LOSES it on camera [footage inside]

Europol: Global Cyber Attack “Beyond Anything” Ever Seen - Click Here To Read More

Which mineral deficiency causes cancer more than any other?

In Freedom,
Restore American Glory



PO Box 780948 Sebastian, FL 32958

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May 14 (2 days ago)
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>> Democrats Gearing Up for the Big Show: Trump's Impeachment

>> THIS Military Secret Wasn't Supposed To Get Out...But It Did

>> Trump Administration to Delay Dodd-Frank Review

>> Networks Refuse to Air President Trump's "Fake News" Advertisement

"As a medical doctor and a veteran himself, Dr. Lane Sebring has made it his mission to improve the performance of our troops"

Sent to: wwwnyinyiinternetchitthu@gmail.com


Total Conservative, 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206, Sebastian, FL 32958, United States

May 13 (3 days ago)
to me

May 13 (3 days ago)
to me

Breaking News:

Appeals Court Takes Second Look at Trump's Immigration Ban

Doctor at Harvard: "Probiotics won't fix your stomach problems"

In War on Religious Freedom, Trump Just Returned Fire

Feminist Protester Faces Jail Time for Disrupting Congressional Hearing

Yours in freedom,

Unfiltered Patriot

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

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On Thursday, April 27, 2017 at 7:55:36 AM UTC+7, Nyinyi put cha phyu wrote:

Nyi Nyi

May 15, 2017, 11:10:32 PM5/15/17
to NyiNyi
8:41 PM (13 hours ago)
to me
National Review
Morning Jolt
MAY 15, 2017

How Do You Keep False Information Away from the President?

At the climax of the movie version of The Sum of All Fears, Jack Ryan has learned that Baltimore was just nuked by a weapon stolen from the Israelis, and not by the Russians. At a check point in the Pentagon, Ryan desperately pleads with a general to let him past a check point, needing to stop the escalating tensions between the U.S. and Russia, who are inching closer to a full-scale nuclear exchange: “General, the president is basing his decisions on some really bad information right now. And if you shut me out, your family, and my family, and 25 million other families will be dead in 30 minutes!”

I thought of that when I read this in Politico this morning:

White House chief of staff Reince Priebus issued a stern warning at a recent senior staff meeting: Quit trying to secretly slip stuff to President Trump.

Just days earlier, K.T. McFarland, the deputy national security adviser, had given Trump a printout of two Timemagazine covers. One, supposedly from the 1970s, warned of a coming ice age; the other, from 2008, about surviving global warming, according to four White House officials familiar with the matter.

Trump quickly got lathered up about the media’s hypocrisy. But there was a problem. The 1970s cover was fake, part of an Internet hoax that’s circulated for years. Staff chased down the truth and intervened before Trump tweeted or talked publicly about it.

What’s really egregious about this hoax is that it’s completely unnecessary. No, there was no Timemagazine cover about a coming ice age. But the other newsweekly ran an article with the same general theme:

On April 28, 1975, Newsweek published a provocative article, “The Cooling World,” in which writer and science editor Peter Gwynne described a significant chilling of the world’s climate, with evidence accumulating “so massively that meteorologists are hard-pressed to keep up with it.”

Right now, the president may be “basing his decisions on some really bad information.” Of course, we should recognize that even the world’s finest intelligence agencies can be fooled by elaborate efforts to sell a lie — i.e., when Saddam Hussein’s foreign minister is secretly recruited by Western intelligence, and he believes his country has an extensive program to develop weapons of mass destruction, our spies will believe him. But at least the intelligence agencies have their own methods for attempting to sort out truth from misinformation.

Even if you’re a fan of K. T. McFarland, keep in mind this informal system of giving President Trump unverified information can be used by the advisers you don’t like:

Priebus and White House staff secretary Rob Porter have tried to implement a system to manage and document the paperwork Trump receives. While some see the new structure as a power play by a weakened chief of staff — “He’d like to get a phone log too,” cracked one senior White House adviser — others are more concerned about the unfettered ability of Trump’s family-member advisers, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, to ply the president with whatever paperwork they want in the residence sight unseen.

“They have this system in place to get things on his desk now,” the same White House official said. “I’m not sure anyone follows it.”

What are Americans supposed to do when Trump’s inner circle is feeding him Internet hoaxes?

The Perpetual Threat (or Promise) to Emigrate over Politics

In the New York TimesLee Siegel contemplatesmoving permanently to Norway, giving up on America.

This is where I’m supposed to chuckle and say, “don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya,” but honestly… maybe liberals really would be happier if they moved to Europe.

This time around, though, I’m thinking of living again in Scandinavia more seriously than I ever have before. Something fundamental has changed in America, for the worse.

It’s not just Donald Trump’s volatility, or the unfitness of his cabinet appointees, or his possible collusion with Russia, or the certain prospect that everything from health care to quality education will soon be inaccessible to great numbers of Americans.

Notice the instant revisionism of the Obama years as a golden era of prosperity and good feelings. If health care and quality education were accessible to great numbers of Americans, do you think the American people would have elected Trump?

This argument is pretty fascinating: “There is no impassioned, continuous, organized opposition to the present political establishment… The Democrats are powerless, often more eager to fight one another for ascendance in their party than to fight a threat to the Republic.”

“The Resistance,” Black Lives Matter, the Women’s March on Washington, the judicial setbacks for the administration, the Trump administration’s difficulty in getting big legislation through Congress… Siegel finds it all pretty meaningless.

He decides against moving to Norway. That might be for the best, if you look at the news out of Norway recently. The government is running classes for immigrants, telling them that rape is against the law:

Mr. Kelifa, 33, attended the education program at an asylum center in this town near the western Norwegian city of Stavanger. Like similar courses now underway in the village of Lunde and elsewhere in Norway, it was voluntary and was organized around weekly group discussions of rape and other violence.

The goal is that participants will “at least know the difference between right and wrong,” said Nina Machibya, the Sandnes center’s manager.

A course manual sets out a simple rule that all asylum seekers need to learn and follow: “To force someone into sex is not permitted in Norway, even when you are married to that person.”

The country’s Islamic Council has a new spokeswoman who wears the full niqab.

A major party just voted to take the position of banning circumcision, but say they don’t want it to become law.

Every place has its problems, pal. You’ve just got to choose which problems you can live with.

I also can’t help but notice he’s eager to move to an ethnically homogenous oil-exporting nation with anational church.

This Guy Has His Standards

Our David French offers the long, detailed, well-thought-out argument against that long New York Times feature article about open marriages that seemed to not-so-subtly cheerlead for the concept.

I’ll just focus on this quote from Kevin Patterson from the article: “I don’t have many jealousy triggers. But I don’t like it when someone my wife is seeing takes the parking spot in front of my house.”

Really, pal? That’s where you draw the line? That’swhere you feel insufficiently respected?

ADDENDA: A limited number of copies of The Fall of the Berlin Wall, a rare out-of-print William F. Buckley book, is now for sale from National Review directly…

Last night, Showtime aired the final episode of Twin Peaks again; this coming Sunday, mere 9,477 days after that episode aired on ABC, the story continues. I’m going to write a lot about Twin Peaks the coming months, so… might as well get used to it.

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8:07 AM (2 hours ago)
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MAY 15, 2017
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America Still Is — and Should Remain — the ‘Indispensable Nation’
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How to Recognize ‘Science Denial’
On Thursday, April 27, 2017 at 7:55:36 AM UTC+7, Nyinyi put cha phyu wrote:

Nyi Nyi

May 15, 2017, 11:16:10 PM5/15/17
to NyiNyi

5:59 AM (4 hours ago)
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You’ve Got FOUR Years To Make Your Retirement…

(You’ll Need This Book)

The Democrats are on the warpath…
They hate Trump… They hate the idea of “draining the swamp”…
And frankly, four years from now they may have mounted an unbeatable army of government handout takers to push Trump from the White House.
Fact is, I’m starting to believe more and more that we’ve only got FOUR years to confidently earn retirement income.
Today – in Trump’s America – you NEED to have the best income-generating strategies working for you.



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5:31 AM (4 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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Liberty Headlines
Breaking News... 

NC Voter ID Law Falls as Sup. Ct. Denies GOP Appeal 

Sessions Urged to Go after Lerner's IRS Targeting of Tea Party 

Tinnitus: "When Ringing Won't Stop, Do This for Instant Relief..."

Revolt against CA Dems' Unprecedented Gas Tax Hike 

Islamic Group 'Terrified' Jury Will Learn of Its Radical Ties

Free Gun: "SAINT AR-15's," handed out inside...

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2:04 AM (8 hours ago)
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Artist Jon McNaughton

The Tea Party's Favorite Painter
Is Going Wobbly On Trump

"He's either going down as the best president ever, or the worst president ever," the artist Jon McNaughton was saying in mid April over a breakfast of buttermilk pancakes at a cafe in downtown Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

The 45-year-old, Utah-based painter, whose caustic political images have earned the patronage of Sean Hannity (who owns two McNaughton originals) and the mockery of Stephen Colbert, had become a fixture of the 2016 election cycle, his painstakingly crafted acrylics earning a place of honor alongside memes like Pepe the Frog and other defining emblems of the Trump era. But at that moment, with the administration's 100-day anniversary looming on the horizon, the man whose painting "The Forgotten Man" had so perfectly summed up the forces that propelled the 45th president into office (and done so with uncanny prescience, five years before the election) was nonetheless expressing some misgivings about the new chief executive.


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Breaking News... 

AGAIN! McCain Opposes Trump, This Time on Trade 

Sec of State Tillerson Signs Docs with Climate Change Statement 

FREE: "SAINT AR-15's," handed out inside

Sex Club Posing as Church Will be Forced to Move 

Microsoft Slams NSA For Tools that Caused Global Malware Epidemic

Tinnitus: "When Ringing Won't Stop, Do This for Instant Relief...

This is a lethal firing machine. 

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The Concealed Network is giving away 3 Saint 5.56 AR-15's. 

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Silver Eagle rolls

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NGC First Day of Issue designation!

Collectors love "firsts". So it's no surprise that the earliest Silver Eagles struck in each calendar year have always attracted special attention. "First Strike" coins from the first thirty days of release often command a premium in the marketplace.

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In order to qualify for this elite designation, the coins will be shipped to NGC, still sealed in their official U.S. Treasury boxes with labels identifying them as among those released on the 2017 Silver Eagle's first day of issue, January 25, 2017.

Even though Silver Eagles traditionally do not feature a mint mark on the coin to tell where they were minted, the FDI labels will feature the date 2017 (W) to certify the coins were produced at the prestigious West Point Mint.

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Pedigree by the pound!

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On Thursday, April 27, 2017 at 7:55:36 AM UTC+7, Nyinyi put cha phyu wrote:

Nyi Nyi

May 15, 2017, 11:28:47 PM5/15/17
to NyiNyi

7:06 PM (15 hours ago)
to me

Today's Headlines

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President Trump is preparing for a trip overseas later this week, but there are some pressing matters at home. I’m Davan Maharaj, editor-in-chief of the Los Angeles Times. Here are some story lines I don’t want you to miss today.


Turmoil, ‘Tapes’ and Tweets: Just Another Day in Trumpland
President Trump said he may unveil his choice for a new FBI director before he departs Friday on his first Air Force One trip abroad, an eight-day swing through the Middle East and Europe that suggests a more globalist approach than his rally rhetoric. But before he leaves, he faces growing turmoil in Washington. Lawmakers from both sides of the aislecautioned him not to name a political figure to lead the FBI, and Democrats said they may try to block Trump’s nominee to force the appointment of a special counsel to oversee the Russia investigation. As for any “tapes” that Trump suggested he may have of conversations with James Comey, they want him to hand them over. No doubt, a tweet storm is brewing somewhere.

More From Washington
— The White House is calling North Korea a “flagrant menace” after the test launch of a ballistic missile, which Pyongyang said was “capable of carrying a large-size heavy nuclear warhead.”
— Legal experts say Trump opened himself up to a charge of obstruction of justice when he said “this Russia thing with Trump” was on his mind when he fired Comey.
— The last time a president admitted he secretly taped conversations, he had to resign.

This Went Viral in the Worst Way
If you’re reading this, we hope that means you haven’t been hit with the “WannaCry” computer virus. As people return to work today, cybersecurity experts are worried that what’s been called the largest ransomware attack will grow in scope. The virus exploits a weakness in Windows that had been discovered by the U.S. National Security Agency; that information was stolen by hackers. A top Microsoft executive is comparing it to the U.S. military losing track of some of its Tomahawk missiles.

Video: Inside the Big Dig Under Downtown L.A.
Slowly it turns, step by step, inch by inch: the tunnel-boring machine 60 feet under the streets of downtown Los Angeles. Operating this 400-foot-long, 1,000-ton beast is a tight-knit team of miners working on the S-shaped tunnel that will finally connect L.A.’s Expo, Blue and Gold line trains. “There are no bad people down here,” said one. “We would throw them out if there were.” Go underground with this 360-degree video, Times reporter Thomas Curwen’s article and an array of graphics that explain the big dig.

L.A. tunnels

The $1.75-billion Regional Connector tunnel project being built. (Mel Melcon / Los Angeles Times)

What’s Going On in Twin Falls, Idaho?! Just Making Yogurt, the Locals Say
To hear conspiracy theorist-cum-“performance artist” Alex Jones tell it, the town of Twin Falls, Idaho, has been under siege from refugees spreading crime and disease — and one of the area’s biggest employers, the Chobani yogurt company, is partly to blame. But Chobani has sued for defamation and, moreover, those who live in Twin Falls say people get along just fine and have been welcoming refugees for decades. It’s the latest from our series “On Edge in Trump’s America.”

A Painful Pilgrimage to Aleppo’s Historic Mosque
For thousands of residents who had fled Aleppo during Syria’s civil war, visiting the city’s historic Umayyad mosque is a rite of passage upon their return home. But the once-gleaming structure is now severely battered. “The destruction for the whole country is indescribable, just like what happened to the mosque,” one visitor told Times foreign correspondent Patrick J. McDonnell. “If you knew the mosque before the damage, and saw it now, it is like someone who lost a child or part of his body.”



— Did Trump’s dismissal of Comey feel like a movie? Here it is as a screenplay in five acts

— After a week of self-inflicted chaos, Trump could see long-term costs to his presidency

— Columnist Robin Abcarian introduces us to the Malibu lawyer who isupending California’s political system, one town at a time. 

— Earthquake denial gets a lot harder when you stand on top of the San Andreas fault, as columnist Steve Lopez did. 

— What to have at this Italian restaurant? Restaurant critic Jonathan Gold recommends the $22 spaghetti.


— Hi, Mom! Celebrating the mothers who let their boys grow up to be NFL stars

. — Former Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca comments after being sentenced to three years in prison. 

. — Bryan Cranston and Giovanni Ribisi show their affection for the Amazon series “Sneaky Pete.”


— Trump’s presidency is making it easier for Gavin Newsom to score points as he tries to run for governor. 

— A suspect has been charged in the killing of a mother and her child who were gunned down walking home from a Long Beach supermarket, but a mystery remains

— L.A. County is reviewing how best to handle child welfare donations after an audit found that thousands of toys weren’t given out and inappropriate payments were made. 

— A flash mob of about 200 demonstrators gathered Saturday morning at President Trump’s golf course in Rancho Palos Verdes to spell out the word “Resist!”


— Melissa McCarthy returned to play her Sean Spicer character as she hosted “Saturday Night Live” for her fifth time. 

— “King Arthur: Legend of the Sword” became the first big box-office flopof the summer moviegoing season. 

— Billy Joel waxed nostalgic at Dodger Stadium and had some surprise guests in Pink and Axl Rose. 

— Janelle Monáe and Will Ferrell delivered graduation speeches, one involving singing. Hint: It wasn’t the one you’d expect.


Cue the slap bass theme. On this week in 1998, the ratings powerhouse “show about nothing” “Seinfeld” ended its nine-season run. Yada yada yada.



— A mother of four who had taken refuge inside a Denver church for 86 days has been told she’s been granted temporary relief from deportation

— Amid tight security, Emmanuel Macron became France’s youngest president. At the ceremony, he vowed to fight terrorism. 

— German Chancellor Angela Merkel got a boost, as her conservative party notched its third straight regional election victory in less than two months. 

— Five things Americans should know about Iran’s upcoming presidential election.


— Domino’s Pizza is delivering, in part because the company has aggressively embraced technology

— Marriott is increasingly using prefabricated rooms that can be stacked like shoe boxes to speed construction of hotels.


— The Anaheim Ducks tied their playoff series with the Nashville Predators with a come-from-behind 5-3 victory. 

— The latest on L.A.’s Olympic bid: At least international media were impressed.


— Trump has diminished his own influence as president and may not even know it. 

— Actor Farshad Farahat, who lives in Irvine, wants his representative tostand up against Trump’s travel ban.


— Inside the Comey firing: “Trump is in some ways like a pilot opting to fly a plane through heavy turbulence then blaming the flight attendantswhen the passengers get jittery.” (Washington Post) 

— The heartbreaking story of one mother who died less than a day after giving birth illustrates some of the problems that have led to the U.S. having the worst rate of maternal deaths in the developed world. (ProPublica) 

— White nationalist Richard Spencer led a large group of demonstrators carrying torches in Charlottesville, Va. They chanted, “You will not replace us” and “Russia is our friend.” (Washington Post) 

— Why don’t people return their shopping carts to their little stalls? (Scientific American)


At Loyola Marymount University just north of LAX, studying yoga takes two years and is more in the books than on the mat. Where else but at a Catholic university on the Westside would you find the only place in the United States that offers a master of arts degree in yoga studies

Please send comments and ideas to Davan Maharaj

If you like this newsletter, please share it with friends.


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Los Angeles Times | 202 West First Street, Los Angeles, CA, 90012. | 1-800-LA-TIMES


6:05 PM (16 hours ago)
to me
Task & Purpose Today
On Thursday, April 27, 2017 at 7:55:36 AM UTC+7, Nyinyi put cha phyu wrote:

Nyi Nyi

May 15, 2017, 11:35:20 PM5/15/17
to NyiNyi

6:00 PM (16 hours ago)
to me



Please see the special message below from our sponsor.


REPUBLICAN Senator Pushing For Gun Confiscation?

Has the world gone nuts?!

State Sen. Brian Boquist is pushing a new bill that blatantly violates the constitution.

Want to know what’s even worse?

This new bill would allow for the gov’t to confiscate your weapons… solely on third-party allegations!

Basically, it would be enough for someone to call your police dept. and say that you’re feeling “depressed” or “suicidal” or acting “unusual”…

…And that would be enough for them to confiscate your weapon for an ENTIRE YEAR!

If you want to know how to defend yourself against these insane upcoming gun laws…

And how to legally acquire guns “off the books” without leaving a paper trail...

This article explains what you have to do.

To your protection,

Frank Mitchell

Father, Veteran, Patriot

P.S. Republican or Democrat – it’s all a big show these days. They may claim to uphold the constitution… but as we see, it’s all a play for TV ratings. Here’s how to keep your guns no matter what.

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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153


May 12 (4 days ago)
to me
GRTs and future GRTs,

We recently tasked you, as members of your community, to organize and perform a “Service Act” as part of your GORUCK Challenge (that meansHeavy, Tough, and Light).

We got a lot of positive feedback and some questions for more clarity. Points brought up centered around the process of organizing the Service Act (on Facebook), or the impact and role that such an act has as part of an endurance event. We even got a few Cadre who sent notes in to say, “old news, I already do this at every Challenge I lead.” Good on you, too. I’m happy to be late to that kind of party.

Some pushback did center around, hey I don’t want to do community service as part of an endurance event. My response to that is twofold:

  • There are a million other endurance events out there. OCRs and road races - take your pick, they’re all about you inherently. At GORUCK, we’re founded on service and we want to stand for a way of life that involves more service. The GORUCK Tough (GRT) Community is the best part of GORUCK, and the strongest community outside of what I was a part of in Special Forces because it’s about selfless service to something bigger than yourself. Membership isn’t about what you did or hope to do, it’s about what you actually do and what we do together.

  • If you’re expecting a “Service Action” to cannibalize the physicality of the Challenge, as if we’re going to replicate Habitat for Humanity in 5 or 12 or even 24 hours, you’ll be relieved to find out we’re not. Btw, Habitat is a great organization, pounding nails is rarely so rewarding.

Expectation Management for the “Service Action”

  • These are quick impact Service Actions. As opposed to a “Service Project”, which would be something like building a house with Habitat or digging wells to bring fresh drinking water to an Afghan village. Those are outside the scope of the limited time we have at any GORUCK Challenge.

  • Cynics or skeptics or both will say, what’s the point to something small? To that I say, the point is to do something. You’ll be surprised where that can lead. Hopefully to bigger things in your community, that you all organize and execute. That’ll be up to you, and please send us some pics when you do.

All May Events - Specific Tasking

  • No doubt many teams have already begun coordinating for their events this weekend, and this month. Charlie Mike (Continue Mission), we’re excited to see what you come up with.

  • Additional tasking for all - please bring one canned good, add it to your packing list. Based on where your start point is, research and find a suitable collection box, shelter or organization in the vicinity of the Start Point. You will present these drop-off options to your Cadre at the Start Point of your event.

I can hear the question already, is the Challenge now a food drive? Not that that’s a bad thing, but no. It’s not just a food drive. We are aware of the operational difficulties associated with organizing many people, several of whom are not on Facebook, at the last minute. While it’s a breeding ground for good ideas that will bear fruit over time, and that was our intent, we want you to be set up for success. Action > Words and Service > None. Our expectations for this community have never been higher, and I have no doubt you’ll exceed our expectations, as you always have.


  • If you’re registered for a May event, please bring one canned good to your event. Luckily you’ll already have a ruck, it’ll go great in there.

  • If you as a team have other Service Actions planned, keep planning, brief your Cadre, and execute them.

  • If you’re expecting to be short-changed on the physicality of the GORUCK Challenge, your next event will assuage those fears.

The GORUCK Challenge might not be for everyone. It’s scary (or something) to venture into the unknown with strangers and a Special Forces guy. But we believe in conquering the unknown, including our fears, and in doing it together. This is how you emerge on the other side a stronger, more confident person - ready to take on any and all of the biggest challenges in your life.

And we believe in making a difference in our communities, no matter how small or big we can do in the time we have. Service begets more service and that’s how we ensure that our best days are in front of us, which they very much are.

So here’s to what was, to what is, and to what will be.
Jason McCarthy
Founder, GORUCK
"Service & Good Livin'."


President, GORUCK Nation
Copyright © 2017 GORUCK Headquarters All Rights Reserved.
This email was sent to wwwnyinyiinternetchitthu@gmail.com by GORUCK Headquarters.
415 Pablo Ave North | #140 | Jacksonville Beach | FL | 32250
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May 12 (4 days ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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Chomsky Says GOP Is More Dangerous Than ISIS, Kim Jong Un 

Mining Starts to Recover after Obama's War against Industry 

Health Alert: Eat THIS before bed to reverse Alzheimer's

Unions Offer Fertile Ground for Islamofascist Beliefs 

Democrats Wanted Comey Fired — Until Tuesday

Will Obama Go Down as One of the Greatest or Worst Presidents?

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Prices and availability subject to change without notice. Facts and figures deemed accurate as of the date of this email. NOTE: GovMint.com® is a private distributor of worldwide government coin and currency issues and privately issued and licensed collectibles, and is not affiliated with the United States government. GovMint.com is not an investment company and does not offer financial advice or sell items as an investment. The collectible coin market is speculative, and coin values may rise or fall over time. All rights reserved. © 2017 GovMint.com.

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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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Drudge Goes Public: Trump Insiders 'Deliberately Sabotaging Presidency' 

Black Univ. Threatens to Mail Diplomas as Low-Class Grads Boo DeVos 

Alert: Shocking Reaction to Trump's Firing of James Comey

Surveillance Video Captures Last Days of Boy Fed to Pigs 

81% of Americans 'Concerned About Declining Moral Behavior'

New Poll Determines Obama's Legacy - Is He an All Time Great (See for Yourself)
Dear Fellow American, 

Will Obama go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents of all time? 

Vote now and let your voice be heard

The Affordable Care Act, the killing of Osama Bin Laden, Marriage Equality, and the US coming out of the recession are all things touted as major accomplishments. 

How do these stack up against the great Presidents of years past? 

Does Obama deserve to be called one of the greatest ever? 

Let us know by voting here


Mark Beckton 

May 11 (5 days ago)
to me

Today's Headlines

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More twists in the aftermath of James Comey’s dismissal from the FBI. I’mDavan Maharaj, editor-in-chief of the Los Angeles Times. Here are some story lines I don’t want you to miss today.


Trump’s Fury Before the Comey Firing
Subpoenas to Michael Flynn and his associates. Questions about how and why President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey. An Oval Office meeting with Russian officials, shut out to U.S. media but with a Russian photographer in attendance. A photo op with Henry Kissinger, right when critics are bringing up Watergate. As Trump said about healthcare, who knew firing Comey would be so complicated? The president’s explanation: “He wasn’t doing a good job.” But officials tell a deeper story, one of Trump’s growing anger at Comey — and Trump’s surprise at the intense reaction to the dismissal.

Trump-Russian officials Oval Office meeting

President Trump speaks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, left, and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during a White House meeting Wednesday. (Russian Foreign Ministry / EPA)

You’ve Got Russia Questions. Will We Get Answers?
Was Comey fired to cripple an expanding investigation into whether any of President Trump’s campaign aides coordinated with Russian intelligence last year? Democratic senators and aides say Comey was sacked after asking Deputy Atty. Gen. Rod Rosenstein for more money and personnel, but a Justice Department spokesman says that request didn’t happen. Meanwhile, as a Comey replacement is sought, the FBI’s inquiry appears to be on uncertain ground. Today, acting director Andrew McCabe testifies to the Senate Intelligence Committee; and next week, Comey has been invited to talk behind closed doors

Mr. President, Meet the Law of Unintended Consequences
What to make of all this? Former officials in Republican and Democratic administrations tell L.A. Times Washington bureau chief David Lauter that if the goal was to get the Russia investigation over with, firing Comey probably moved things in the wrong direction. Some experts think that the Trump White House will eventually have to accept some form of special counsel or independent investigative commission. And as for Mitch McConnell’s role? Read on. 

More From Washington 
— Five candidates under consideration for interim FBI director. 
— The difference between Richard Nixon and John Travolta, plus other things to know about Trump, Comey and special prosecutors
— From Anderson Cooper’s eye roll to Chuck Todd’s “Wow”: The media react

This Mystery From Beyond the Grave Is Solved
Who was the girl who was found in a small, elaborate metal coffin buried more than a century ago in what is now a wealthy San Francisco neighborhood? No headstone or markings offered any clues, so a group of scientists, amateur sleuths and history buffs set out to solve the mystery. They discovered it was Edith Howard Cook. This is her story. 

A Show You Should Talk About With Your Kids
Nearly 250 years ago, Goethe’s “The Sorrows of Young Werther” became wildly popular but sparked worries about readers copying the suicide depicted in the novel. Fast forward to the era of smartphones and social media, and the Netflix series “13 Reasons Why” is generating concerns that it glamorizes suicide too. Teens have tweeted more about the show than any other program this year. But how is the show being discussed in real life? Educators from around the U.S. told reporter Amy Kaufman what they’re seeing and hearing.



— Helen Mirren discusses the mysteries of the Winchester house. 

— Would “Rocky Horror Picture Show” star Susan Sarandon do a “straight musical”

— Comedian Jon Gabrus explains his process, including why he doesn’t write his jokes down.


— Creating more “affordable housing” or rewarding “illegal behavior”? The L.A. City Council voted to smooth the way for landlords to get approval for bootlegged apartments

— Prosecutors say no criminal charges will be filed against two LAPD officers who shot and killed a woman in 2015. The shooting had drawn a rebuke from a civilian police oversight panel. 

— A new report says there were serious problems in 2016 for some California voters who don’t speak English

— Call it the case of the purloined pizzas. San Bernardino County sheriff’s deputies say teens robbed a pizza delivery man of all his orders, but a bloodhound tracked them down.


— Is it too early to talk about the 2018 Oscars? Not if the movie is Jordan Peele’s “Get Out.” 

— “Saturday Night Live” will be hosted by Melissa McCarthy this weekend. The mind reels. 

— Will he join Kanye? Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is considering a run for the White House

— Actor Michael Parks has died at age 77. Director Kevin Smith called him “hands-down the most incredible thespian I ever had the pleasure to watch perform.”


Phil Silvers started off as a vaudevillian and burlesque comic, but his role as a friendly Army con man named Sgt. Ernie Bilko propelled him to worldwide fame — or, as the son of Russian immigrants born on this date in 1912 might say, he went from “third banana” to “top banana.”



— Video: Students booed Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos when she gave a commencement speech at a historically black college in Daytona Beach, Fla. 

— China has long kept its space program a military secret, but now it’s trying to make one launch site into a tourist destination

— As Mexico combats fears about rising crime, a soldier is caught on video carrying out an execution

— India is building a biometric database for 1.3 billion people, and enrollment is mandatory. 

— Who you gonna call? Scientists have discovered a new species of horned, club-tailed dinosaur with a spooky resemblance to Zuul from the movie “Ghostbusters.”


— Oh, Snap! Snapchat user growth is slowing, and its stock dropped sharply in after-hours trading. 

— The Private Suite at LAX has been dubbed “the TMZ terminal.” Here’s how it works for celebrities and other big spenders looking to avoid the limelight.


— The Anaheim Ducks’ Game 7 curse is dead. They’re headed for the NHL’s Western Conference finals against the Nashville Predators. 

— Bad news for the Dodgers: Outfielder Andrew Toles is out for the season with a torn knee ligament.


— The Russia investigation is on life support. What will it will take to survive after Comey? 

— Spineless Republicans are abdicating their responsibility to keep Trump in check.


— A reporter was arrested after “causing a disturbance by yelling questions at” Kellyanne Conway and Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price. (Washington Post) 

— The director of the U.S. Census is resigning. At first glance that might seem like no big deal, but it could have big political implications. (The Atlantic) 

— Vladimir Putin is asked about the Comey firing, then goes out and scores six goals and five assists in a hockey game. (The Guardian)


The country may be politically polarized, but in California lawmakers of both parties showed this week they can come together … to make bullfrogs jump. In an annual rite of May at the Capitol, the politicians, their staffers and family members held a contest inspired by Mark Twain’s “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County.” Here’s how they hopped to it. 

Please send comments and ideas to Davan Maharaj

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Los Angeles Times | 202 West First Street, Los Angeles, CA, 90012. | 1-800-LA-TIMES


On Thursday, April 27, 2017 at 7:55:36 AM UTC+7, Nyinyi put cha phyu wrote:

Nyi Nyi

May 15, 2017, 11:39:53 PM5/15/17
to NyiNyi

8:05 PM (14 hours ago)
to me

Dems Threaten Legislative Paralysis Unless Trump Agrees to Special Prosecutor

During a commencement address at Liberty University on Saturday, a somewhat subdued President Trump reflected on a tumultuous past week prompted by his abrupt firing of FBI Director James B. Comey amid a federal investigation of possible ties between Trump’s 2016 campaign and Russians seeking to influence the outcome....  
Read more...  Like Dems Threaten Legislative Paralysis Unless Trump Agrees to Special Prosecutor on Facebook  share on Twitter  Google Plus One Button

From the Kushners to the Clintons, Black Sheep of White House Families

Like just about everybody else in the world, most U.S. presidents have an embarrassing relative or two waiting in the wings. But while we common folk only have to put up with Crazy Uncle...  
Read more...  Like From the Kushners to the Clintons, Black Sheep of White House Families on Facebook  share on Twitter  Google Plus One Button

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For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

How Technology Can Solve America’s Twin Pension Crises

As the large Baby Boomer generation enters its golden years — 10,000 people a day are now turning 65 — twin retirement crises have emerged. In the private sector, defined benefit pensions...  
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Intimidated by Investing? Five Simple Rules That Help Newbies Get Started

When speaking with Alice Finn about her new book Smart Women Love Money –a call to action for women to get serious about investing—the conversation inevitably touched on the gender wage gap...  
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How Political Fireworks in Washington Could Singe the Market Rally

With no shortage of tumultuous news out of Washington and investors looking for more information from the Trump administration about fiscal policies, politics loom large over the financial...  
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5:59 PM (16 hours ago)
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Get this $597 Survival Savage Black Out Bag Absolutely FREE!

Hey buddy!

Yes, we’re giving away 3 of these Survival Savage Black Out Bags for Free in the next 24 days. 

This is the bag you want to have around the house or in your car that will keep your family alive for weeks on end. It includes a tent, a top-of-the-line thermal sleeping bag, a high beam tac light, a super cool “blackout” axe plus a whopping 72 additional items that are live savers!

Here’s your chance to win one for FREE! Don’t miss this outstanding opportunity.


Enter Today To Get Your Hands on this Survival Savage Blackout Bag!

Your brother in preparedness,
-Lou Prep

P.S. This amazing bundle is worth an impressive $597. Don’t miss your chance to get one absolutely FREE!

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On Thursday, April 27, 2017 at 7:55:36 AM UTC+7, Nyinyi put cha phyu wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Sep 20, 2017, 4:24:20 AM9/20/17
to NyiNyi

2:17 AM (13 hours ago)
to me

Dear Patriot,

Big Retail is the front runner of offensive markups and deceptivemarketing.

And they're largely responsible for the disappearing middle class...

It's no secret.

But I've uncovered something that these retailers don't want you to know about.

Something huge-something they're fighting tooth and nail to prevent you and the rest of America from seeing.

I can tell you, with over 94.64% confidence, that 40 retail stocks are doomed because of this secret.

And I can also tell you that profits are to be made.

See, I've delivered an average of 44% gains per day to some of my readers.

That comes out to 986% per month.

But these profits won't last when the mainstream media gets ahold of this story.

Watch the presentation to see the secret retail is keeping from you.

To Your Success,

Mike Ward
Publisher, Money Morning
2:17 AM (13 hours ago)
to me

Dear Patriot,

Big Retail is the front runner of offensive markups and deceptivemarketing.

And they're largely responsible for the disappearing middle class...

It's no secret.

But I've uncovered something that these retailers don't want you to know about.

Something huge-something they're fighting tooth and nail to prevent you and the rest of America from seeing.

I can tell you, with over 94.64% confidence, that 40 retail stocks are doomed because of this secret.

And I can also tell you that profits are to be made.

See, I've delivered an average of 44% gains per day to some of my readers.

That comes out to 986% per month.

But these profits won't last when the mainstream media gets ahold of this story.

Watch the presentation to see the secret retail is keeping from you.

To Your Success,

Mike Ward
Publisher, Money Morning

1:32 AM (13 hours ago)
to me

Today's Top Stories

Reagan Advisor Warns of Giant Fiscal Bloodbath Coming Later This Year


Reagan Advisor Warns of "Giant Fiscal Bloodbath" Coming Later This Year
For some, the new "Post-Bubble America" will be devastating. But for a few forward-thinking folks, there's silver lining...

Here's How You Can Prepare for the Coming Crash

Trump Just Launched this Massive Opportunity for Silver


Trump Just Launched this Massive Opportunity for Silver
Trump's new plan for the border wall could absolutely explode silver – so how come NO ONE is talking about it?

Here's the "Under-the-Radar" Move Some Are Making

Millions to be Hit Hard by this Scheme to Confiscate Savings


Unsuspecting Americans to be Hit Hard by this U.S. Scheme to Confiscate Your Savings
Alan Greenspan, 20-yr Chairman of the U.S. Fed, reveals Washington's nasty trick to confiscate the savings of unsuspecting Americans.

Here's What Greenspan Says Can Protect Your Savings

Do You Trust Big Government to Manage Your Savings


[NEW POLL] Do You Trust Big Government to Manage Your Savings?


Make Your Voice Heard Right Here

The Sneaky IRS Tax Law that's Sweeping the U.S.


The Sneaky IRS Tax Law that's Sweeping the U.S.
Big banks and the IRS don't want you to know about the opportunity this IRS "Cheat Code" unlocks... That's not stopping it from sweeping the U.S...

Here's the Little-Known (but legal) "Cheat Code" for Your Savings

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The $1,000 Indochino Fall Suit Giveaway
The 9 Best Streaming Devices for your Next Netflix Binge
The future of television is on the internet, and you need something with some serious streaming power.
The Real Story Behind The Myth Of Area 51
There are no aliens at America's most famous top-secret military base, but what is there is just as interesting.
10 of the Coolest James Bond Cars (That Aren't Aston Martins)
DB5? No thanks. We'll take the submarine Lotus instead.
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3:01 AM (12 hours ago)
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New Savings Survival Guide Reveals How to Survive the Coming "Fiscal Bloodbath"

For the past 3 years, I've watched with concern as many bubbles build in our nation's economy.

Today, I fear those bubbles will soon pop, and devastate the retirement savings of millions of Americans.

In fact, David Stockman, former advisor to Ronald Reagan believes we'll face a "giant fiscal bloodbath" as soon as this fall – with stocks crashing 30% to 40%.

To help Americans like you prepare, I'm releasing my new blueprint, "Retirement Up in Smoke: How to Survive the Impending Collapse".

GET IT FREE NOW and be financially protected:

Free Report - Retirement Up in Smoke

This manual is NOT available in stores - you can only request it from this email.

Inside, you'll learn about...

#1 - One expert's fear for middle class retirement savers

#2 - The U.S. states that are changing the rules of retirement on its residents

#3 - And how you can protect your savings

Right now, I'm making this "Savings Survival Guide" available to anyone who clicks this link. Depending on demand, I can't promise how long it will be available.

Get this guide now. Secure your copy here.

To Your Future,
Savings Arsenal

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3:59 AM (11 hours ago)
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Breaking News...

Surprising New Law Gives “Cash Rebate” to 119 Million Americans
On December 18, 2015, President Obama quietly signed a bill that gives 119 million eligible Americans the chance to collect on “consumer rebate checks” that could go anywhere from $1,230 to $12,900 for some people. There are no income requirements to collect. Full Details Here…



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8:05 AM (7 hours ago)
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5 Things Shady Car Dealers Try to Sneak Past You
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Two bystanders were reportedly seriously injured.
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8:07 AM (7 hours ago)
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September 19 2017



Trump’s Successful U.N. Speech

Elliott Abrams

In his speech to the United Nations, President Trump very successfully met the political and intellectual challenge he faced. He reminded the delegates that the United Nations was never meant to be a gigantic bureaucracy that would steadily become a world government. Rather, he said, it is an association of sovereign states...


top stories

Reflections on the Final Solution to the Latin Mass

William F. Buckley Jr.

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in Commonweal on November 10, 1967, and is republished here by permission of the Buckley Estate. In January of this year my sister died,...

The Real Culprit Behind North Korea’s Missile Threat May Be Vladimir Putin

Arthur Herman

Kim Jong-un sent another chilling message to the civilized world with his ICBM launch on Friday, the longest yet and the second to pass over Japan. That prompted international condemnation and a...



Deus Ex Merkelna

Michael Brendan Dougherty

Later this week, Germans are very likely to reelect Angela Merkel as chancellor. Mainstream pundits will take a strong Merkel victory, add it to the one for Emmanuel Macron in France earlier...

Pop Culture’s Acceptable and Unacceptable Lies

Jonathan S. Tobin

Liberals think the Emmy Awards “normalized” Sean Spicer’s lying for Trump, but they forget how their echo chamber aided Barack Obama’s Iran Deal deceptions. In the partisan culture wars, no...

Why John Kasich Is Fighting the New Health-Care Bill

Jason Hart

If Republicans measured politicians’ success by how many people they added to the welfare rolls, Ohio governor John Kasich would be the envy of his peers. When Kasich took office in 2011,...

Rabbis Increasingly Talk about Politics

Dennis Prager

Tomorrow night is Rosh Hashana, one of the two High HoIy Days, or “Days of Awe,” as they are called in Hebrew. The other High Holy Day, nine days later, is Yom Kippur, the Day of...


photo essays

The Enemy at the Gate: Habsburgs, Ottomans, and the Battle for Europe

Andrew Wheatcroft


"Offers a riveting account of the slow, methodical Ottoman approach to Vienna….[A] masterful account of the siege and battle.." - Victor Davis Hanson, First Things


photo essays


7:30 AM (7 hours ago)
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Breaking News...

The digital currency markets are delivering profits unlike anything we’ve ever seen.
23 recently doubled in a single week. And some like DubaiCoin have jumped as much as 8,200X in value in 18 months.
It’s unprecedented... but you won’t receive any of the rewards unless you put a little money in the game. Find out how $10 could make you rich here.



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6:01 AM (9 hours ago)
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Please see the special message below from our sponsor.


24-Hour Special Email Invitation-Only Special…

Our country's at a crossroads. Divided, threatened and vulnerable.

Major threats to our stability, from rioting in the streets, hair-trigger enemies like North Korea or devastating natural disasters like Hurricane Harvey or Irma...

The threats to our way of life are real. And when the next "big one" hits, finding food could be near impossible.

The Red Cross and FEMA both recommend that every American have at least 72 hours of NON-PERISHABLE food on hand in case of an emergency.

That's exactly what you get when you claim your FREE Food4Patriots 72-Hour survival food kit today.

It's guaranteed for 25 full years on the shelf, packaged in military quality, re-sealable Mylar packages.

So, when you tear one open next week – or a decade from now – it will still taste just as delicious as the day it was packaged.

"Survival food is more important today than ever before," explains Frank Bates, a spokesman for the company. "Natural disasters, terrorist attacks and other threats can make obtaining sufficient food impossible in an emergency."

"None of us wants to ever rely on this or any government to feed us in a crisis," Bates says.

Food4Patriots survival foods are made of the finest ingredients, grown and packaged right here in the USA. They taste great and provide the nutrition you need.

Every 72-hour kit that's being given away contains 16 total servings of such delicious meals as Blue Ribbon Creamy Chicken Rice, the always-loved Granny's Home-style Potato Soup, and stick-to-your-ribs breakfast favorite Maple Grove Oatmeal.

This kit sells to the general public for $27.00 plus postage and has been rated 4.5 out of 5 starsby customers.

But readers of this email who act quickly can get them just for the shipping and handling fee.

"We're trying to ensure that no one who wants this free food misses out, but they have to hurry because we have a limited supply of the 72-hour kits we can give away," Bates warned. "Once word got out that folks could actually get free survival food, we had to add extra customer service staff to keep up with incredible demand."

There is still time to take advantage of this offer, but be aware that supplies are limited and the program may end at any time.

>> Get Your Free 72-Hour Survival Food Kit

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5:06 AM (10 hours ago)
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Donald Trump’s Biggest Question Finally Answered (sponsor)

Grab Your Free US Army Issued Handgun

After 35 Years the US Army Finally Has a Brand-New Pistol

The Sig Sauer P320

To celebrate American Gun News wants to give a few lucky readers this same firearm for free.

Simply click here to enter the contest.

This standard issue firearm is anything but basic.  In fact, the US Army spent 2 years and over $17 million testing 12 different handguns before deciding on the new sidearm.

It’s one bad ass and deadly accurate gun.

This very well could become your favorite piece for concealed carry, range shooting, or home defense.

Grab the handgun that’s trusted and approved by the US Army today.

Enter now.


Jason Rodgers



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4:51 AM (10 hours ago)
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By Yuval Rosenberg and Michael Rainey

What the GOP's $1.5 Trillion Tax Cut Deal Means

President Trump has touted the tax cut currently being shaped by his administration and Congress as the biggest in American history, but just how big it could be is — and will be — the subject of some heated debate. Now we have a number: Members of the Senate Budget Committee have reportedly struck a tentative deal for the budget resolution to allow about $1.5 trillion in tax cuts over the next decade.

That budget blueprint is a critical step toward enacting any tax cut or tax reform plan. And while the final size of the tax cuts may still change, the $1.5 trillion being considered is significant for several reasons:

1. It would add to the deficit — though just how much will be the subject of some debate and plenty of accounting games. Some Republicans, for example, argue that the increase in the deficit will be about half as big as the $1.5 trillion tax cut, once you factor in the resulting boost to economic growth and account for some tax cuts that would have likely been extended anyway. But it’s increasingly clear that Republicans have largely jettisoned the idea of fully paying for their tax plan in favor of getting as large a tax cut as they can.

The GOP shift was met with intense criticism from fiscal hawks. “This debt-dependent approach to tax reform flies in the face of the fiscal discipline so many members of the Budget Committee have voiced concern about in the past and violates pay-as-you-go principles and law,” Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, said in a statement Tuesday. “Moreover, the arguments being made to allow for $1.5 trillion of tax cuts – dynamic scoring and current policy adjustments – are disingenuous and at best can help explain a small fraction of this massive tax cut.”

2. It would mean some tax cuts will likely only be temporary. For Republicans to be able to push ahead without Democratic votes, their plan can’t increase the deficit after 10 years. The budget blueprint may not meet that requirement without having some of the provisions sunset. Some Republicans have argued that the 10-year budget window could be extended to keep the tax cuts in place for longer.

3. It would likely mean Republicans still can’t get tax rates quite as low as they want. The 15 percent corporate rate President Trump wants, for example, would cost $2.4 trillion over a decade. And an analysis earlier this year of a plan consistent with President Trump's April outline found that revenue could fall be as much as $7.8 trillion over a decade.

4. It would help Republicans shrug off some — but not all — hard choices. “Calling for a tax cut in the budget would let Republicans lower tax rates while making fewer tough decisions on what tax breaks to eliminate to help pay for the cuts,” the Journal’s Richard Rubin and Siobhan Hughes write. Even so, the rate reductions in the plan could reduce federal revenue by significantly more than $2 trillion, meaning they’d have to close the gap by eliminating some loopholes and tax breaks.

A Deficit Hawk Strikes a Deal

Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) — a member of the Senate’s “dwindling band of deficit hawks,” as the AP put it — had sought to limit the deficit increases of the GOP tax plan. But he signaled some flexibility in announcing the budget committee’s potential tax cut deal on Tuesday. "I'm all for pro-growth tax reform but over a decade it needs to pay for itself per valid models," he said, according to theAssociated Press.

Corker had said recently that he was willing to accept a budget framework that assumed that some lapsed or expiring tax breaks would be extended by Congress, lowering the official cost of tax cuts by some $250 billion. The so-called “dynamic” effects baked into the official scoring of the tax plan — projections of the economic boost from the policy changes — could add hundreds of billions more.

But those dynamic scoring models are the subject of debate and disagreement among economists — and those debates are bound to intensify as tax legislation winds its way through Congress. “Congress' impartial scorekeepers have accepted the premise of such "dynamic scoring," but past studies by the Joint Tax Committee and Congressional Budget Office have been more pessimistic about how much economic growth and tax revenues would follow tax cuts,” AP’s Andrew Taylor notes.

Corker, meanwhile, was one of eight senators who voted against the $700 billion defense policy bill on Monday. He explained his “no” vote by saying, “The inability to get our fiscal house in order is the greatest threat to our country, and I will continue fighting for an agreement that responsibly funds our military without adding to our massive deficits.”

Tweet of the Day

The Bipartisan Effort to Stabilize Obamacare Fails

The Senate health care push is clearly all on Graham-Cassidy now, which likely undermined the bipartisan effort to fix Obamacare. 

The statement from Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and  Pensions Committee: "Senator [Patty] Murray and I had hoped to agree early this week on a limited, bipartisan plan to stabilize 2018 premiums in the individual health insurance market that we could take to Senate leaders by the end of the month. During the last month, we have worked hard and in good faith, but have not found the necessary consensus among Republicans and Democrats to put a bill in the Senate leaders’ hands that could be enacted.”

Earlier Wednesday, Sen. Lindsey Graham said of his Obamacare replacement bill: "Paul Ryan told me to my face: you pass it, we pass it."

Tax Inversions Come with a Big Price Tag for Uncle Sam

The drugmaker Mylan was founded in West Virginia and maintains its world headquarters in Pennsylvania, but for tax purposes it’s been a Dutch company since 2015. This little bit of geographical magic was made possible through a complicated tax maneuver known as a corporate inversion, in which Mylan acquired the generics business of Abbot Laboratories, headquartered in Netherlands. The move is expected to drive Mylan’s U.S. tax rate from 25 percent down into the teens over the next few years.

According to a study released by the Congressional Budget Office on Monday, tax inversions are all too effective in reducing corporate tax bills. The CBO looked at U.S. companies that executed inversions from 1994 to 2014 and found that their tax expenses fell by an average of $45 million in the year following the maneuver.

The overall effect on the tax base in the U.S. is quite powerful. The CBO expects corporate tax revenues to be 2.5 percent – or $12 billion – lower in 2017 than they would have been as a result of inversions and related strategies for moving profits to lower-tax areas.


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4:15 AM (11 hours ago)
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We've teamed up with Gear Patrol, Wolverine, Randolph USA and Authenticity 50 for a badass Made in USA Giveaway. Enter for your chance to win a GR1 and other USA built products. 

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On Thursday, April 27, 2017 at 7:55:36 AM UTC+7, Nyinyi put cha phyu wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Sep 20, 2017, 4:28:18 AM9/20/17
to NyiNyi
Headline Health - Breaking News for a Healthier Life
Breaking News... 

Lady Gaga's Bizarre Hospital Selfie Contains Not-So-Subtle Message 

'What I saw as a reporter who covered Fla. nursing home deaths' 

[Declassified] World War II Genius CURED Cancer?

Weight loss: Why cooking with THIS oil could help boost metabolism and blast belly fat... 

7 Healthy Foods You Already Have in Your Fridge

Most FL Health Care Facilities Were Ready for Irma 

(JON HAMILTON, NPR) Another hurricane, another health care horror story.

At least that's how it looked when eight patients died at a nursing home in Hollywood, Florida. The facility lost its air conditioning several days after Hurricane Irma struck. 

That event conjured memories of the scores of elderly who died in Louisiana hospitals and nursing homes following Hurricane Katrina in 2005. 

But it would be misleading to attribute the Florida deaths primarily to Irma.READ MORE. 

Did Nazi medical experiment CURE cancer in 1942? 

By Brad Lemley
Senior Editor, Natural Health Response 

Did a Nazi medical experiment actually uncover a true cancer cure? 

And were those results covered up in the decades since World War II? 

Those are the questions experts are asking after viewing a new video leaked to the Internet. 

[Editor's Note: Full video can be found here.] 

And you won't believe the skeleton they say they've uncovered. 

The mystery starts with Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler. 

He was one of history's evilest men, no question. His horrifying actions resulted in the deaths of more than 10 million people. 

It is also confirmed that he was paranoid and delusional. 

And it's now known that paranoia related to his health – specifically, his crippling fear of cancer – may have led him to do something really shocking.

You see, in 1935 Hitler underwent surgery for a polyp in his throat. It was benign and easily removed by surgery. 

But Hitler had convinced himself the polyp was a cancerous tumor. He'd seen his mother die in agony of cancer and was terrified of suffering the same fate. 

Crazed with fear, Hitler ordered all of Germany's best scientists to work on finding a cure for cancer. 

[Editor's Note: Full video can be found here.] 

The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. You should always consult with your personal physician regarding any personal health problem. FDA DISCLOSURE: The statements, articles, and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No information or products appearing on this email are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: HeadlineHealth.com may have an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to any persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this email and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained on this email to evaluate the product or service being offered. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service.
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9:47 PM (17 hours ago)
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September 20 from 2–3 p.m. EDT

Learn how you can help prevent suicide

Talking about suicide prevention can be difficult. Being there for Veterans and service members in your life isn’t. Simple acts of kindness, like calling a friend or bringing over dinner, can make a huge difference.

Learn more about how you can help during our #ExploreVA Facebook Live on September 20 at 2 p.m. EDT. Join Joe Chenelly, Executive Director of AMVETS and Megan McCarthy, Deputy Director, Suicide Prevention, VA Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, as they discuss the challenges Veterans face, how to recognize when somebody may be at risk and VA resources that can help.

After the live video, representatives from VA and AMVETS will be available to answer questions and provide helpful resources.

Get more details and register for the event on our event page or by clicking the button below.

Register Now

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Task & Purpose, 394 Broadway, New York, NY 10013


9:00 PM (18 hours ago)
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September 19 2017



Look Who Really Was Wiretapping Trump Tower Resident Paul Manafort

Jim Geraghty

Remember this Tweet from President Trump back on March 4? “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my “wires tapped” in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!”

Last night, from CNN -- you know, that allegedly terrible failing network that the President enjoys sending gifs imagining himself hitting:

US investigators wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders before and after the election, sources tell CNN, an extraordinary step involving a high-ranking campaign official now at the center of the Russia meddling probe.

The government snooping continued into early this year, including a period when Manafort was known to talk to President Donald Trump.

Some of the ...


top stories

The Real Culprit Behind North Korea’s Missile Threat May Be Vladimir Putin

Arthur Herman

Kim Jong-un sent another chilling message to the civilized world with his ICBM launch on Friday, the longest yet and the second to pass over Japan. That prompted international condemnation and a...

Princeton’s Constitution Day Lecture Titled ‘F%*# Free Speech’

Katherine Timpf

Princeton’s Constitution Day Lecture Titled ‘F%*# Free Speech’



8:33 PM (18 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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Liberty Headlines
Dear Reader, 

In my latest video, I'm revealing news of a landmark development that I am convinced will trigger the greatest depression we've ever seen. 

In fact, this event is so potentially explosive it could take the entire American economy down with it. 

And the one asset that so many "experts" will tell you is where you should flock for safety… 

It's about to get slaughtered too. 

Over the last month the price of this asset has become massively inflated. Getting into it now, while it's at an unsustainable peak, could be deadly to your wealth. 

If you own it, it's time to take action - right now. 

That's why I'm urging all our readers to watch this controversial video. 

Send it to your friends and family, before we're forced to take it down. Warn everyone you know about this disturbing development, and move fast to protect your wealth. 

Details here. 

Harry Dent
Founder, Dent Research 
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On Thursday, April 27, 2017 at 7:55:36 AM UTC+7, Nyinyi put cha phyu wrote:

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Sep 20, 2017, 4:32:07 AM9/20/17
to NyiNyi

8:05 PM (19 hours ago)
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The latest from InsideSources.

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What Washington's Talking About

Digital Tulips
Bitcoin’s Wild Ride Shows The Truth: It Is Probably Worth Zero [James Mackintosh, Wall Street Journal]

Troubling Trends in Free Speech Protection
A chilling study shows how hostile college students are toward free speech [Catherine Rampell, Washington Post]
Princeton’s Constitution Day Lecture Titled ‘F%*# Free Speech’ [Katherine Timpf, National Review]

News    Education
In Memory of Our Friend and Colleague
By The InsideSources Team

Our team at InsideSources was saddened and shocked this weekend by the passing of our dear friend and colleague, Leo Doran.


News    Energy
Westinghouse, Largest Nuclear Reactor Builder, Announces Its Exit From Construction Business
By Erin Mundahl

“We are coming back to our previous business model that has been in engineering and procurement. That is where we have the right skills, the right abilities and right capacities,” said CEO Jose Gutierrez at the World Nuclear Association Symposium.


[IS] Opinions    Finance
A Simple Change to Push Bank Subsidies to Depositors
By Paul Kupiec

The Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee meets this week (Tuesday and Wednesday) to decide whether it should continue to use taxpayer money to subsidize banks by $30 billion annually, or increase the subsidy.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Mentors Don’t Have to Look Like You
By Gregory Clay

Condoleezza Rice broken the mold. Yes, she became the first black woman appointed to the offices of national security adviser and secretary of state, but this mold-breaking experience goes deeper than that.


News    Technology
Sinclair Forces Rhode Island TV Station to ‘Run Pro-Trump Programs’
By Giuseppe Macri

Sinclair, the U.S.’s largest broadcaster, forces a Rhode Island TV news station to run heavily biased coverage favoring President Donald Trump, according to a weekend local newspaper story.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Making Football Fair for Fans
By Michael Farren and Anne Philpot

The NFL season kicked off with a surprise. The underdog Kansas City Chiefs scored more points against the Super Bowl champion New England Patriots than any other team in the last 17 years — to the joy of many fans across the country. But regardless of how much 160 million football fans will enjoy the current season — it’ll be the taxpayers who inevitably lose.


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7:04 PM (20 hours ago)
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Today's Headlines

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A last-ditch Republican effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act seems to be picking up steam, and once again the stage is being set for another potentially dramatic Senate showdown. Here are the stories you shouldn’t miss today:


The Senate GOP Tries and Tries Again on Obamacare
Remember “repeal and replace,” “repeal only” and the “skinny repeal”? After those attempts to roll back the Affordable Care Act failed, congressional Republicans seemed ready to move on. But now, Senate GOP members are giving it one more go. The idea behind the so-called Graham-Cassidy proposal is to give states more power through a fundamental overhaul of healthcare funding. Major patient and healthcare groups oppose it, and the Congressional Budget Office says it can’t give a full analysis by next week. Why the rush? The rules that would allow changing Obamacare with just 50 votes in the Senate, rather than 60, expire Sept. 30 — and getting to 50 could be another white-knuckle affair.

More Politics
— President Trump approved an emergency declaration in the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico ahead of Hurricane Maria, which has grown into a Category 5 storm.
— Trump will give his first address to the U.N. General Assembly this morning. On Monday he urged the global body to “focus more on people and less on bureaucracy.”
— Defense Secretary James N. Mattis explained why the U.S. military hasn’t tried to shoot down North Korea’s missiles: None have been on a trajectory to hit U.S. or allies’ territory.

Leaving America, With U.S.-Born Kids in Tow
After Donald Trump’s inauguration, the effect was immediate, according to Mexico’s consul general in L.A.: a sharp increase in applications for dual citizenship for American-born children, just in case their parents had to leave the U.S. With the help of consulates in Los Angeles, Houston and Chicago, more than 100 people have voluntarily returned to Mexico since January. But for the children involved, the move to an unfamiliar country has its challenges.

Monumental Consequences for the American West
Should commercial fishing, logging and coal mining, among other activities, be allowed on land that is now under federal protection? That’s the crux of a Trump administration proposal for 10 of America’s national monuments that was secret until obtained by the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post. It’s far more expansive than previously reported. Whether Trump has the legal ability to strip away protections from millions of acres, primarily in the West, is up for debate. What’s at stake? See the monuments that may be targeted.

At-risk national monuments

A Connection in Three Seemingly Unrelated Killings?
The killings were several years and hundreds of miles apart: An entrepreneur found shot to death in his Las Vegas home. An attorney killed in his Rolling Hills Estates driveway. A father slain outside his Whittier apartment complex. Now authorities say there is a connection: a Whittier businessman who, they say they’ve been told, is in Montenegro. The man has not been charged with a crime, and officials would not detail their evidence, though they believe he did not carry out the shootings himself.

How Hulu, an Emmys Underdog, Came Out on Top
If you had to pick one streaming service to win what many view as the premier prize at the Emmy Awards, Hulu probably wouldn’t have topped the list. Not that long ago, it was known mostly as a place to catch up on episodes of “Seinfeld,” “The Golden Girls” and “South Park.” Yet on Sunday night, Hulu’s feminist sci-fi series “The Handmaid’s Tale,” based on the Margaret Atwood novel, took home five Emmys, including the drama series award. It’s been a long, sometimes rough journey for the company.


— The historic victories at the 2017 Emmy Awards. 

— L.A. Drives: Automotive writer Charles Fleming goes for a spin through Latigo Canyon in a Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupe

— A road trip with the Dodgers fan group Pantone 294.



— Six California beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program sued the Trump administration for rescinding protectionsunder the program. 

— A satellite engineer who sold military secrets to an undercover FBI agent he believed to be a Russian spy was sentenced to five years in federal prison. 

— Susan and Henry Samueli have donated $200 million to UC Irvine for an initiative to integrate conventional and alternative medical approaches

— Did you feel it? A magnitude 3.6 earthquake rattled much of L.A. on Monday night, centered on the Westside.


— TV critic Lorraine Ali takes note of the two Muslim men who won Emmy Awards for “shows that demystified the scary ‘Islamist’ talked about so often on the Trump campaign trail.” 

— Yusuf, a.k.a. Cat Stevens, has recorded several songs from his earliest days in music for his new album, “The Laughing Apple.” 

— Commentator Laura Ingraham will join Fox News Channel’s prime-time lineup as a host on Oct. 30

— Jerry Seinfeld takes a look back in the Netflix show “Jerry Before Seinfeld.”


In the mid-1960s, Adam West was appearing in TV commercials to help pay the rent. Several ads he did for Nestlé’s Quik caught the eye of a 20th Century Fox TV producer who was looking for someone to star as Bruce Wayne and his crime-fighting alter ego, Batman. That was just one Hollywood adventure for West, who was born on this date in 1928 and died in June of this year.


— The Pentagon says two senior Navy officers have been fired after two collisions with civilian ships in the western Pacific killed 17 sailors at sea. 

— Pakistan, under pressure internally and from the United States, is weighing how to respond to U.S. demands that it do more to help stop the fighting in Afghanistan. 

— The U.N. says Rohingya Muslims are facing ethnic cleansing in Myanmar. So why is India trying to kick them out too? 

— What happened to the location scout for the series “Narcos” who was found dead in Mexico is still a mystery. 

— With tattoos and piercings becoming more commonplace at younger ages, pediatricians are dealing with a new set of guidelines for talking about them with patients.



— Northrop Grumman Corp. is betting billions that the militarization of space and missile defense will become a key priority.

— Political commentator Scottie Nell Hughes has filed a lawsuit alleging she was raped by Fox News host Charles Payne. 

— Toys R Us has filed for bankruptcy protection but says its stores will remain open for business as usual.


— Rams coach Sean McVay is getting ready to face the San Francisco 49ers, a team his grandfather John McVay once made into NFL champions

— Pitcher Clayton Kershaw gave up his first career grand slam in the Dodgers’ 4-3 loss to the Philadelphia Phillies.


— If customs officials want to keep going through American travelers’ cellphones and laptops when they return to the United States, they should get a warrant first.

— California’s bullet train isn’t just fast transit; it’s a way to bridge the divide between rich and poor.


— How special counsel Robert S. Mueller III and his team are playing hardball in the Russia investigation. (New York Times) 

— This East German schoolboy wrote a letter to the BBC and was jailed for it. (BBC) 

— How training in visual art can help med school students. (Pacific Standard)


What’s the buzz at StubHub Center in Carson, home to the L.A. Galaxy soccer club and temporary abode of the Los Angeles Chargers football team? It could be coming from one of its eight beehives, which are part of the urban farm the Galaxy started as an outlet for employees and a source of food for team meals. So even if the Galaxy isn’t winning too many games this year, it still has about 800 pounds of honey as a consolation prize. 

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6:07 PM (21 hours ago)
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Task & Purpose Today

‘We Are A Service That Is Too Small’: An Air Force In Crisis Looks For A Shakeup


Veteran House Hopeful Releases Most Cringeworthy ‘Top Gun’ Campaign Ad Ever


Russia’s Unmanned Aircraft Are Getting Lethal New Munitions


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This Football Recruit Just Committed To West Point In The Most Epic Way


This Is China’s Master Plan For A Nuclear War Against America


Be All You Can Pee: Urine Might One Day Power America’s Wars


Sheriff Clarke May Be Stripped of Degree After Being Caught Plagiarizing Naval Postgraduate Thesis


Marine Veteran, Amputee Athlete Kirstie Ennis Gets The Keys To A Custom-Made Home


Navy Fires 2 More Top Officers As Investigations Into 7th Fleet Mishaps Continue


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6:06 PM (21 hours ago)
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(The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)

Dear Fellow American,

There has been a major uproar recently over removing statues and monuments people find offensive.

It started with confederate statues… Moved on to Christopher Columbus…

Now there is even talk of removing the monuments that honor our founding fathers like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

Where do we draw the line?

Well, conservatives are now targeting a specific statue they’d like to see removed:

How about you?

Do you think the statue honoring former President Barrack Obama should be removed?

Let your opinion be heard today by taking part in this nationwide poll.

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Mark Patricks



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Sep 19 (1 day ago)
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September 18 2017



Katherine Timpf

This year’s annual Constitution Day lecture at Princeton University was titled “F%*# Free Speech: An Anthropologist’s Take on Campus Speech Debates” and maintained that “the academy has never promoted free speech as a central value.” According to an article in Campus Reform, the lecture was given by the chairwoman of the...


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Cider and Religious Freedom

Margot Cleveland

On Friday, the Tennes family of Charlotte, Mich., and their family-run orchard won a temporary reprieve. The city of East Lansing, Mich., had banned them from the city’s farmer’s market because...

Eric Schneiderman Needs to Recuse Himself from Trump Investigations

Dan McLaughlin

New York’s attorney general, Eric Schneiderman, has reportedly been assisting with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort. The investigation is one...


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