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Nyinyi put cha phyu

Jul 17, 2017, 1:14:23 AM7/17/17
to NyiNyi
6:06 PM (18 hours ago)
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Incoherent Low-Income Aid Programs Are Fueling Overpayments and Fraud

The federal government spends more than $540 billion annually on a half dozen low-income assistance programs ranging from food stamps, housing vouchers and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) to Medicaid and earned income tax credits. Many of these programs have long been susceptible to fraud and improper payments,...  
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Why Uncle Sam Seized $713 Million From Social Security Checks Last Year

If you're counting on Social Security benefits, you better make sure you don't owe Uncle Sam. Under certain circumstances, the government can seize part of your Social Security check to...  
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[Banned for 82 years] Now OPEN to Regular Investors

For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

Here Is the Deal Democrats Should Offer Republicans to Save Obamacare

TrumpCare is headed for the finish line in the Senate. But it may drop dead first. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) told CBS on Sunday the bill is "probably going to be dead." No one sounds...  
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14 Awkward Trump Handshakes With World Leaders

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10 Things to Look for at an Open House — and 5 to Ignore

You can learn a lot spending a Sunday afternoon touring homes, whether you’re ready to make an offer or just trying to get a feel for the market....  
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Jul 16 (1 day ago)
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(The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)

Trump Won’t be Happy About this New Leaked Report…

A new set of government leaks just exposed what the CIA is really up to…

They’re monitoring us in more ways than we ever imagined.

Through your smartphone… your TV... even in your car.

But a controversial new report called ‘Wire Tapped America’ shows you how to become invisible.

Plus, it reveals dozens of places you should NEVER say anything you don’t want recorded and used against you later…

BEST PART: 2000 copies are being given out FREE to spread the word.

On pg. 30, you’ll learn 7 steps to hide you and your family’s dealings from Big Brother’s prying eyes, permanently.

Don’t say or do anything you wouldn’t want “them” to know about before you get this.

P.S. – the leaker says this is a one-time ‘privacy alert’ giveaway. Once these 2000 copies are gone (and many already are) this info won’t be available free again. Click here to reserve your free hardcopy.




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P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153


Jul 15 (2 days ago)
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Last Chance for the Senate GOP Health Plan: Let the Arm Twisting Begin!

Senate Republicans, depending on where they currently stand on their leaders’ latest proposal in the battle to overturn the Affordable Care Act, will either spend their weekend having their arms twisted to support the Better Care Reconciliation Act, or being enlisted in the effort to twist their colleague’s arms. Time is...  
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Senate Republicans May Try to Skirt CBO Score on Health Care Bill

As the Republican-controlled Congress has battled with itself to pass a bill repealing and replacing Obamacare, the Congressional Budget Office’s analyses of the effects of various pieces...  
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[Banned for 82 years] Now OPEN to Regular Investors

For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

Watch Trump's Epic Cringe Worthy Handshake with the French President

On Friday, before leaving France, where he was visiting as part of Bastille Day celebrations, US President Donald Trump enthusiastically shook French President Emmanuel Macron's hand for...  
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46 Republicans Join Dems in Backing Military Study on Climate Change Threat

President Trump has been highly dismissive of the long-term threat of climate change, to the point of recently pulling the U.S. out of the Paris international climate change accord. But not...  
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25 Best Amusement Parks in the World

There’s nothing like riding a roller coaster on a hot summer day! Here are the top 25 amusement parks in the world, according to Trip Advisor, which analyzed millions of user reviews to...  
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Jul 12 (5 days ago)
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Jul 12 (5 days ago)
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How to Decode the Meeting Between Trump Jr. and the Russian Lawyer

The revelations about communications between the top aides to Donald Trump during his presidential campaign and a lawyer reportedly promising Kremlin-sourced dirt on his Democratic opponent have not exactly redounded to the credit of any members of the Trump administration, with the notable exception of Deputy Attorney...  
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The Navy’s Argument for Building Another $500 Million Combat Ship Doesn’t Hold Water

Under pressure from the White House, the Navy recently agreed to add a second Littoral Combat Ship to its latest budget despite grave concerns about the capabilities of the vessel. The...  
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[Banned for 82 years] Now OPEN to Regular Investors

For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

Five Ways Republicans Can Regain their Mojo on Health Care

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has delayed the start of the August recess for two weeks, giving his colleagues some extra days to come together on a healthcare bill. Good for him –...  
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Will Janet Yellen Give Wall Street a Scare?

For years, the Federal Reserve has been unable to convince the market it's serious about aggressively tightening policy. Janet Yellen and her cohorts have been guilty of "crying wolf,"...  
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The Biggest Winners and Losers in the Senate GOP Health Plan

While Senate GOP leaders await the latest Congressional Budget Office analysis of their plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, a new report from the Urban Institute’s Health...  
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Jul 12 (5 days ago)
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The peer to peer social hiring network.
Hiring has become easier for your contacts
Hi Nyinyi,
ReferHire is the world's fastest growing peer to peer social hiring network and Kanika Singh would like you to also join the ReferHire community.
Kanika Singh
Senior Manager- Recruitment

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So Nyinyi, whether you are hunting for a job or looking to hire, check us out and experience the revolution.

Please Opt Out if you prefer not to receive this again.

Nyinyi put cha phyu

Jul 17, 2017, 1:21:14 AM7/17/17
to NyiNyi

Even Bill Gates Warns That Europe Must Stop Letting Immigrants In

Dear Patriot,

Could the type of shampoo you use actually cause Alzheimer's disease?

It sounds insane, and yet...

If you're using one of the 4 leading shampoo brands, that's exactly what's happening.

Here's the story:

Recently, the National Institutes of Health studied the most popular shampoo brands in America.

And they discovered that 4 brands contain a deadly chemical...

One that causes your brain to "shut down." And, eventually, develop Alzheimer's disease.

If you have a loved one suffering with Alzheimer's disease, or if you're worried about your own memory loss...

You MUST watch this shocking expose immediately (click here now <<<)

- Christine

PS -- When you click here now and watch this short presentation, you'll discover the ONLY known cure for Alzheimer's disease. It's the secret to defeating this deadly disease, once and for all... no matter what type of shampoo you're using. Click here now for the full details.

Sent to: www.shithephitthechitthenyinyi@gmail.com


UnfilteredPatriot, 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206, Sebastian, FL 32958, United States

Even Bill Gates Warns That Europe Must Stop Letting Immigrants In

Dear Patriot,

Could the type of shampoo you use actually cause Alzheimer's disease?

It sounds insane, and yet...

If you're using one of the 4 leading shampoo brands, that's exactly what's happening.

Here's the story:

Recently, the National Institutes of Health studied the most popular shampoo brands in America.

And they discovered that 4 brands contain a deadly chemical...

One that causes your brain to "shut down." And, eventually, develop Alzheimer's disease.

If you have a loved one suffering with Alzheimer's disease, or if you're worried about your own memory loss...

You MUST watch this shocking expose immediately (click here now <<<)

- Christine

PS -- When you click here now and watch this short presentation, you'll discover the ONLY known cure for Alzheimer's disease. It's the secret to defeating this deadly disease, once and for all... no matter what type of shampoo you're using. Click here now for the full details.

Sent to: www.shithephitthechitthenyinyi@gmail.com


UnfilteredPatriot, 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206, Sebastian, FL 32958, United States
Jul 11 (6 days ago)
to me

Trump Team's Russia Meeting Was Really About Releasing Billions to Corrupt Oligarchs

Donald Trump Jr.’s confirmation that he met with a Russian attorney last year in the hope of obtaining damaging information about the Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton opens a window into Moscow’s motivations for interfering in the 2016 election on his father’s behalf. The main goal of attorney Natalia...  
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The Basic Math Problem Facing Republican Health Care Reform

Republicans appear to be fighting a losing battle in their effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Public unhappiness with the Senate proposal grew over the July 4 recess, and...  
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Sponsor Content

[Banned for 82 years] Now OPEN to Regular Investors

For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

Why Republicans Can't Just Move On From Their Health Care Nightmare

Congress typically legislates in short, fruitful bursts between long periods of dormancy. This week kicks off a short stretch where we will learn whether we’re in a moment of activity or...  
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Ah, Frigate! Is the Navy Scuttling the Littoral Combat Ship Program?

Last April, as the Navy was hurrying to replace its problematic Littoral Combat Ship program with a $9 billion plan to build 12 frigates, the General Accounting Office said in essence, “...  
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Freedom Caucus Fires First Volley in New Debt Ceiling Battle

The jockeying for position over the coming need to increase the Treasury Department’s borrowing limit, known as the debt ceiling, has begun in Congress. Even though there is little...  
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Jul 10 (7 days ago)
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Here’s What a Bipartisan Health Care Deal Might Look Like

Practically overnight, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) placed the once-unthinkable notion of a bipartisan deal with the Democrats to salvage the Affordable Care Act well within the realm of possibility. For months, McConnell, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and President Trump vowed to move with alacrity to...  
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4 Reasons US Arms Sales Could Hit an All-Time High This Year

U.S. weapon sales to foreign nations this fiscal year are on track to equal or blow past the $68.6 billion record set in 2012. In a research note published on Wednesday, Roman Schweizer, a...  
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Sponsor Content

[Banned for 82 years] Now OPEN to Regular Investors

For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

How Republicans Can Save Their Health Care Plan — and the Nation’s Health

As they return from recess, Senate Republicans face the decision of whether to fix their health care plan or let it die. The Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) has received a barrage of...  
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Amazon Prime Members Spend More on the Site – a Lot More

Amazon Prime can be a pretty good deal for customers who take advantage of the free shipping and streaming video service, but it’s also a very good deal for Amazon. New data from the...  
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How Automakers Are Propping Up Used Car Prices

Two lanes apart at a noisy, fast-paced auto auction near Detroit, two vehicles show why major U.S. automakers have a problem with used cars. In one lane of the Manheim auction facility, a...  
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Jul 8 (9 days ago)
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(The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)

Expert Warns: "Start Prepping Now!"

Dear Reader,

Jim Rickards here. If you haven't heard, I've just released a new book called The Big Drop. It wasn't a book I was intending to write. But it warns of a few critical dangers that every American should begin preparing for right now.

Here's the catch -- this book is not available for sale. Not anywhere in the world. Not online through Amazon. And not in any brick-and-mortar bookstore.

Instead, I'm on a nationwide campaign to spread the book far and wide... for FREE. Because every American deserves to know the truth about the imminent dangers facing their wealth.

That's why I've gone ahead and reserved a free copy of my new book in your name. It's on hold, waiting for your response. I just need your permission (and a valid U.S. postal address) to drop it in the mail.

Click here to fill out your address and contact info. If you accept the terms, the book will arrive at your doorstep in just a week or two.

Thanks for your time,

Jim Rickards

P.S. Even if you don't want the book, please take a look here and write back to me to let me know why you're denying this free offer. That way, I'll take your copy off hold and send this note to someone else. But when you see all the bonuses I've included, I know you'll want to claim your package right away.





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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

Jul 6 (11 days ago)
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A New Republican Agenda Is Taking Shape—and It Means Tax Increases

Has the Republican strategy of tax cuts as a supply-side stimulator expired? Fiscal conservatives may have found themselves marginalized in the tax discussion, thanks to the election of Donald Trump and the era of populism that lifted him to the White House. An eyebrow-raising report from Axios’ Jonathan Swan predicted...  
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Big Trouble for Coastal Florida as Antarctic Ice Shelf Splits

At about the same time President Trump announced last month that he was taking the U.S. out of the Paris climate change accord, a vast expanse of ice roughly the size of Delaware was...  
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Sponsor Content

[Banned for 82 years] Now OPEN to Regular Investors

For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

CBO Under Fire by Senate Republicans Over Health Care Deal

This has been a rough year for the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the non-partisan analyst and score keeper, which has repeatedly been hammered by the Trump Administration and...  
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The Value of a College Degree in One Simple Chart

The economy is near full employment in many parts of the country, but young adults still have more trouble finding jobs than more experienced workers. The struggle is even more difficult...  
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Here’s the Strategy Behind Volvo’s Big Move Into Electric Cars

All Volvo car models launched after 2019 will be electric or hybrids, the Chinese-owned company said on Wednesday, making it the first major traditional automaker to set a date for phasing...  
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Jul 5 (12 days ago)
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Congress Has Just Weeks to Defuse 3 Fiscal Time Bombs

The Republicans running Congress are poised to spend most of July, at the very least, focused on trying to find some kind of agreement on a deal to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Having left town for the July 4th recess without bringing a bill to the floor, let alone to a vote, the Senate will try again in the...  
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How the Military Discards Injured Troops and Denies Them Veterans Benefits

“Bill” was a combat Marine who served in the Iraq War and received multiple medals and commendations. He later suffered memory loss and PTSD, which he attributes to long-term doses of un-...  
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Sponsor Content

[Banned for 82 years] Now OPEN to Regular Investors

For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

Trump’s Response to North Korea’s Provocation – Try It and You’ll Lose Big

Unburdened by the self-imposed constraints faced by his predecessor, President Trump appears ready to face down North Korea – even if doing so requires confronting China more directly and...  
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Is Cash No Longer King? The Future of Paper Money

On June 27, the ATM turns 50. Former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker once described it as the “only useful innovation in banking.” But today, the cash that ATMs dispense may be...  
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Bad News for Automakers: The Average US Household Can't Afford a New Car

As wages stagnate and the cost of living continues to rise, paying for a new car is a challenge for consumers, according to a new study. The report by Bankrate.com shows that in all but one...  
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Copyright © 2017 The Fiscal Times, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this newsletter because you subscribed at our website, thefiscaltimes.com.  

Jul 5 (12 days ago)
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The peer to peer social hiring network.
ReferHire is the world's fastest growing peer to peer social hiring network and Praveen Kumar would like you to also join the ReferHire community.
Praveen Kumar
Sapient Global Markets

Want to earn your employee referral bonus?
Looking for that dream job?
Are you in HR?
So Nyinyi, whether you are hunting for a job or looking to hire, check us out and experience the revolution.

Please Opt Out if you prefer not to receive this again.

Nyinyi put cha phyu

Jul 17, 2017, 1:24:41 AM7/17/17
to NyiNyi
Jul 4 (13 days ago)
to me

Of Fireworks, Hot Dogs, and Why July 4th Really Counts

This, then, is the state of the union: free and restless, growing and full of hope.So it was in the beginning. So it shall always be, while God is willing, and we are strong enough to keep the faith. ~Lyndon B. Johnson Tomorrow we will celebrate Independence Day, the 241st anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of...  
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Trump Has Forgotten a Major Lesson From the Declaration of Independence

I spent part of my Fourth of July weekend at the new Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia. Amid George Washington’s war tent and a replica privateer ship were an abundance of...  
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Sponsor Content

[Banned for 82 years] Now OPEN to Regular Investors

For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

The Most Important Thing You Need for Grilling This Summer (It’s Not Beer)

When I was a kid -- “before Nixon lied to us all on TV [and] before microwave ovens,” as Merle Haggard sang – my New England mother was always cooking in a black cast-iron pan. For...  
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Cue the Fireworks: Top Movies for the 4th of July

July 4th seems like the perfect cinematic holiday. Whether we’re talking about Redcoats, tri-corner hats and muskets, or barbecues, bikinis and Budweisers, the red, white and blue imagery...  
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The 25 Best Beer Towns in America

America’s craft brew craze has yet to sate the thirst of beer drinkers. More breweries continue to pop up, offering a wider range of IPAs, stouts and lagers. Between 2009 and 2014, the...  
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You are receiving this newsletter because you subscribed at our website, thefiscaltimes.com.  
Jul 4 (13 days ago)
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(The following is a promotional message from one of our sponsors)

STOP What You’re Doing…

The ONE thing you must have to survive the first 72 hours of a disaster

The first 72 hours after a disaster strikes are the most important.

Whatever you do in these crucial hours will determine whether your chances of survival go up… or down.

You must find shelter, warmth and some form of comfort… but most importantly you must find FOOD.

Unfortunately, the usual situation within the first couple of hours looks like this:

To address this, we at Food4Patriots have decided to create these 72-hour starter food kits.

Not just any ordinary food kits – these are kits that hold 16 servings of delicious, highly-nutritious survival food.

For a limited time only, we are giving away one of these kits away FOR FREE.

These kits have a shelf-life of 25 years – so they will last you a long time.

You can have one of these kits at home, in your car, your RV, at work – your choice. Whenever disaster strikes, all you have to do is open one of these kits and your family will be all set.

We believe that you will love our food so much that once you try the first one for FREE – you will want to buy a couple more.

That’s why we’re giving away one of these “super-survival” kits away for FREE (normally $27 + shipping)

==> Try out Food4Patriots 72-Hour Starter Kits for free (just cover postage)

To your preparedness,

Frank Bates


P.S. Our average customer rating is 4.5 / 5 stars. What score would YOU give us? Try out one of our kits for free and let us know.




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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153


Jul 3
to me

Celebrity News: Sean Hannity's Wife Drops Bombshell Amidst Fox News Murder Investigation!

{Continue Reading}




Sent to: www.shithephitthechitthenyinyi@gmail.com


UnfilteredPatriot, 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206, Sebastian, FL 32958, United States

On Monday, July 17, 2017 at 12:14:23 PM UTC+7, Nyinyi put cha phyu wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Jul 17, 2017, 9:48:27 PM7/17/17
to NyiNyi
1:18 AM (7 hours ago)
to me

Breaking News:

Four Things to Know About New GOP Healthcare Bill - Read More Click Here

73 Year Old Man Discovers A Proverbial "Fountain Of Youth"

One GOP Senator Puts Obamacare Repeal on Hold - Click Here To Read More

Rancher Warns Trump from Isolated Mountain

In Freedom,
Restore American Glory


1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

3:32 AM (5 hours ago)
to me

Dear Patriot,

Below is a satellite photo of the Andes Mountains.

The area marked in red shows the location where a mysterious new superfuel has been discovered.

This fuel is so powerful that it is now threatening to destroy OPEC's global energy monopoly.

According to reports from media outlets like CNBC, whoever controls it will be able to form "The New OPEC."

Now it's becoming so valuable the locals call it "Oro Blanco." Translated that means "White Gold."

And if you look closer at this footage, you'll see that the most powerful economic forces in the world are racing to secure strategic reserves.

Every major auto manufacturer has recently journeyed to this location.

And some of the biggest companies outside of the auto industry are also joining the battle.

Google, AT&T, Costco, Amazon, Apple and even Facebook are planning to run their entire operations with systems that will need this fuel.

They're beginning to wage what the locals call "La Guerra" or "The War" over this superfuel.

And that has put OPEC's very existence in danger.

It's critical you understand what's developing and what's at stake.

Because this could be the most important story happening in the world right now.

Click here to get all the details.

To Your Success,

Mike Ward
Publisher, Money Morning


UnfilteredPatriot, 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206, Sebastian, FL 32958, United States

Yours in freedom,

Unfiltered Patriot

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958


Jul 17 (1 day ago)
to me

Breaking News:

Trump Plan to Cut Immigration in Half - Read More Click Here

Should Donald Trump Be Impeached?

Is Planned Parenthood Getting Tax Dollars Through Unofficial Channels? - Click Here To Read More

If You’re a Christian, You Need to See This

In Freedom,
Restore American Glory


1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

Yours in freedom,

Unfiltered Patriot

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958


Jul 16 (2 days ago)
to me

Every time I watch a spy movie, I fall in love with the idea of “erasing” my identity.

Dream of what it would be like to disappear from the grid -- not just physically, but virtually too.

With government surveillance, identity theft, and the recent cyber attacks sweeping the globe, that idea is starting to sound better and better.

I used to think it was impossible… until I saw this video from Chris Peterson over at Patriot Privacy.

Turns out, erasing your identity and vanishing from the cyber grid is actually simple.

Anyone with a computer can do it in an afternoon -- and you don’t have to have any special skills either. Give it a look:


Recently leaked documents reveal… government spies and hackers have copies of everything you’ve done online in the last few years.

Every camera phone snapshot, personal email, text message, and who knows what else.

But I’ve found the only sure-fire method to wipe it ALL away, and keep them from ever getting it back.

Assume your personal data is ripe for the picking until you implement this.

I wouldn’t wait long.

Chris - Patriot Privacy LLC

P.S. -- Did you know every picture you delete on your phone gets automatically backed up in the cloud? That’s just one of the thousands of ways your information is waiting to be exploited. Learn how to wipe your digital slate clean permanently.

The video should auto-play for you here.

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Jul 14 (4 days ago)
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Astronomers Find New Evidence for Existence of Planet Nine
A planet the size of Neptune, orbiting more than 20 times farther out than Pluto.
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Moon Express Aims for Multiple Lunar Landings, Sample Return Mission By 2020
Moon Express wants to be your shuttle to the moon.
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From the Editors of Road & Track:
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How the Hell Is the Aston Martin Valkyrie a Road-Legal Car?
This is our first official look at a near-production ready Aston Martin Valkyrie. Wow.
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Here's Everything You Need to Know About How a Boxer Engine Works
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Amtrak Considers Adopting Airlines' Worst Quality
Just as it hires an ex-Delta CEO.
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How Ants Build Teeming Towers Through Emergent Engineering
No blueprints required.
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On Monday, July 17, 2017 at 12:14:23 PM UTC+7, Nyinyi put cha phyu wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Jul 17, 2017, 10:23:13 PM7/17/17
to NyiNyi
Jul 16 (2 days ago)
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6:07 PM (15 hours ago)
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Here’s Why We’re Not Prepared for the Next Recession

When will the next recession hit the economy? Nobody knows for sure, but we can be certain that sooner or later the economy will experience another downturn. When that happens, will monetary and fiscal policymakers have the ability to respond effectively? The inevitability of another recession is evident in a graph of the...  
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GOP Health Plan Hits Another Wall and McConnell Once Again Postpones a Vote

The fate of the controversial Senate GOP bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act just got even murkier, as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) postponed the vote yet...  
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Sponsor Content

[Banned for 82 years] Now OPEN to Regular Investors

For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

Does the Navy Really Need an $18 Billion-a-Year, 355-Vessel Program?

The Navy spends at least $18 billion a year building ships, but a portion of that money goes to fixing deficiencies after delivery even after the vessels are declared operational, according...  
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Low-Paid Workers Are Getting a Pay Bump in 44 States

In 44 states, jobs paying roughly $30,000 were among those that got the largest salary bumps since 2010 — evidence that the steady but modest economic growth of the past half-decade may be...  
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46 Republicans Join Dems in Backing Military Study on Climate Change Threat

President Trump has been highly dismissive of the long-term threat of climate change, to the point of recently pulling the U.S. out of the Paris international climate change accord. But not...  
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6:57 PM (14 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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Liberty Headlines
Dear Reader, 

While Las Vegas is famous for its mega-sized hotels, abundance of casinos and outrageous nightlife… 

In the near future, it could become even more famous. 

But not for what's happening on the Strip. 

You see, a massive ocean of energy directly beneath Las Vegas (as well as other cities across the U.S.) could soon put the United States at the forefront of the largest energy revolution in history… 

(Click Play for the Full Story)
Experts at the U.S. Department of Energy say this mammoth ocean of energy could provide America with a "30,000-year energy supply." 

And the U.S. Energy Information Administration reports that this massive reserve, found across the U.S., has "50,000 times more energy than all the oil and natural gas resources in the world." 

What's intriguing about this discovery is how a small Midwestern company — with a remarkable new technology — plans to get all of this fuel out of the ground. 

But even more incredible is the opportunity this presents for early investors. 

For the full story, click here...
Jeff Yastine
Editorial Director, Banyan Hill Publishing 
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5:36 AM (3 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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Liberty Headlines
Breaking News... 

Conservative Rep. Explains Vote for Sex Change Funding 

Judge Rejects Professors' Attempt to Block Campus Concealed Carry 

Investors: World's Biggest Energy Discovery Is in America

The Left Collectively Denies Obvious Vote Fraud 

VISA Incentivizes Businesses to Go All CASHLESS

Shocking: Horror story from a former Goldman Sachs trader

Dear Reader, 

America is about to make an abrupt shift... to a clean, cheap and abundant fuel... that will revolutionize the entire energy industry. 

As the U.S. Energy Information Administration reports, beneath the earth's surface sits "50,000 times more energy than all the oil and natural gas resources in the world." 

What exactly is this fuel? 

It's a remarkable energy that emits no greenhouse gases... that's not radioactive... that has no taste or smell... and weighs nothing. 

Soon, no other fuel source will be relevant. 

And a Midwestern company with the best technology to tap this massive reserve and turn it into electricity is at the forefront of this energy resurgence. 

I am confident people who invest in this company now will become very rich — and have the opportunity to turn a mere $50 investment into an absolute fortune. 

Click here for the full story...
Jeff Yastine
Editorial Director, Banyan Hill Publishing
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Liberty Headlines
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Charlotte, NC 28277
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On Monday, July 17, 2017 at 12:14:23 PM UTC+7, Nyinyi put cha phyu wrote:
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Nyi Nyi

Jul 18, 2017, 11:00:29 PM7/18/17
to NyiNyi
MUST SEE: This Common Pill May Go Down As The Deadliest Ever. Are You Taking It?

Controversial report shows "The Deadliest Drug Ever" is used DAILY by over 9 million people.

A Big Pharma insider says it's so deadly that it's already linked to OVER 106,000 deaths... and it's probably in your medicine cabinet right now.

You MUST see this report to protect your life... and your loved ones.

- Kelly
[Click Here To Skip Right To Deadly Drug #1]

Sent to: wwwnyinyiinternetchitthu@gmail.com


UnfilteredPatriot, 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206, Sebastian, FL 32958, United States

6:32 PM (14 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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Liberty Headlines
Dear Friend, 

If you've been told that the only way to get RID of your pain was to eventually get a knee or hip replacement... 

...or that to get rid of your back pain, shoulder pain or other joint pain you'll have to keep on taking NSAID pain pills – that we now know are actually harmful... 

... or even worse you'll have to endure a series of expensive, painful shots, even though they don't give lasting relief...
Click Here to keep reading...
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Liberty Headlines
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Charlotte, NC 28277
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6:04 PM (14 hours ago)
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The Lesson of the GOP Health Care Collapse: Make America Simpler Again

Last night, Sens. Mike Lee and Jerry Moran put the Republican health care bill out of its misery, simultaneously announcing on Twitter that they couldn’t support it so neither could be precisely blamed for its demise. Health care has been the rocks upon which so many legislative agendas have crashed in the past century;...  
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A New GI Bill Would Boost Spending for American Military Veterans

Lawmakers have introduced new legislation that would increase spending on veterans’ educational benefits under the GI Bill. In the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Congress approved...  
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Sponsor Content

[Banned for 82 years] Now OPEN to Regular Investors

For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

There’s a Nasty Surprise Hidden in the Fine Print of the GOP Health Care Bill

When you buy an insurance policy, it usually pays to read the fine print, and that should go double for lawmakers when they consider whether to vote for a piece of legislation that...  
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The 10 Most Valuable Sports Franchises in the World

The NFL may have slipped in the television ratings last fall, but its marquee franchises remain as valuable as ever. According to data from Forbes, the Dallas Cowboys are the most valuable...  
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The Biggest Regret for Homebuyers

Maybe you should think twice about that tiny house. More than half of all buyers have regrets about their purchase of a home, Trulia reports, and the No. 1 mistake buyers feel like they...  
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Jul 17 (2 days ago)
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2:30 AM (6 hours ago)
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Breaking News:

What is Trump Thinking On Iran Nuclear Deal? - Read More Click Here

Husband and Wife Turn Down Largest Deal Ever On 'Shark Tank'

New York Times Makes Stunning Call - Click Here To Read More

#1 Deadliest Drug Ever (are you taking it?)

In Freedom,
Restore American Glory


1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958


5:35 PM (15 hours ago)
to me

Yours in freedom,

Unfiltered Patriot

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

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Total Conservative, 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206, Sebastian, FL 32958, United States

On Monday, July 17, 2017 at 12:14:23 PM UTC+7, Nyinyi put cha phyu wrote:
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Nyi Nyi

Jul 19, 2017, 11:46:06 PM7/19/17
to NyiNyi

1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

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1:15 AM (9 hours ago)
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Breaking News:

Most Americans Think This - Read More Click Here

Get Prepped For Summer Giveaway Announced

ICE Director Reveals Why Sanctuary Cities Are a Danger - Click Here To Read More

Eat THIS for Breakfast to KILL Deadly Cholesterol?

In Freedom,
Restore American Glory


1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206 Sebastian, FL 32958

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Jun 3
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Top Stories on
June 03, 2017
Michael Mann: Climate Change’s Fanatical Prophet of Doom | National Review
Trump & American Global Leadership: Paris Withdrawal Won’t Change It | National Review
Trump & Paris Convention: Constitution Makes Withdrawal Necessary | National Review
College Summer-Reading Programs -- Liberal Indoctrination Failing Students & Our Culture | National Review
Defund Evergreen State College: Student Mob Must Be Punished | National Review
William F. Buckley Jr -- Conservatives Must Move Forward Without Him | National Review
The Divided Era: How We Got Here and the Keys to America's Reconciliation
By Thomas G. Del Beccaro

Jun 4
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First Private Moon Landing Gears Up for Launch by Year's End
Moon Express and Rocket Lab are poised to make history.
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Watch a Porsche Racing Engine Rebuilt in 3 Minutes
One of racing's most famous engines gets a teardown, and we all get to watch.
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From the Editors of BestProducts.com:
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The 100 Coolest Tech Gadgets (So Far!)
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Think: invincible action cameras, waterproof Bluetooth speakers, a mobile printer, a compact phone charger, and more.
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What Would a 21st Century Battleship Look Like?
The fictional USS Montanawould pack a modern battlewagon's wallop.
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Apr 22
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Apr 23
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Don't Buy the Reports About Russia's Scary E-Weapons
Sorry, there is no "electronic bomb."
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6 Powerful Solutions for Keeping Your Devices Charged
A 5-port power dock, bulletproof cables & more.
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From the Editors of BestProducts.com:
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Apple Takes a Swing at Their New Affordable iPad. Here's What It Looks Like.
The newcomer replaces the iPad Air 2 in the tech giant's tablet lineup.
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Russia Made a Robot Gunslinger
FEDOR is apparently how you say "Robocop" in Russian.
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Tiller, Oregon, has an asking price of $3.5 million.
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Popular Mechanics 
Crowdfunding Faceplants Yet Again, To the Tune of $9 Million
Companies that crowdfund directly are incredibly dangerous.
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On Monday, July 17, 2017 at 12:14:23 PM UTC+7, Nyinyi put cha phyu wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Jul 20, 2017, 12:43:43 AM7/20/17
to NyiNyi
8:04 AM (3 hours ago)
to me

July 19 2017



Reebok Should Stay In Fitness, Out of Politics

Ericka Andersen

Reebok should stay in the fitness business. After President Trump was heard last week telling the first lady of France, Brigitte Macron, that “you’re in good shape . . . beautiful,” the athletic brand came out with a snarky graphic showcasing when it is appropriate to make such a comment to a woman. (Hint:...


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Rooting for Macron

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By this point, it’s hard to deny it: Emmanuel Macron is the single most captivating personality in modern politics. It’s not only the precociousness with which the former banker captured the...

More and More Trump Supporters Celebrate His Character Flaws

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We like it. During the campaign, conservatives said they were embracing Donald Trump despite his character. They were willing to overlook his flaws in order to achieve policy victories. Yes,...



Media, Tell the Truth: The Women’s March and Black Lives Matter Embrace Terrorists

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Let’s begin with a thought experiment. Imagine if one of America’s largest and most-respected pro-life organizations tweeted birthday greetings to Robert Dear, the terrorist who attacked a...

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For the second time since taking office, President Trump has recertified that Iran is in compliance with the terms of the Iran nuclear deal, giving the regime in Tehran another 90 days of...

The Curious Case of Natalia Veselnitskaya

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She is relentlessly described as a “Russian lawyer” in media reporting. It should not escape our notice, then, that Natalia Veselnitskaya is not an American lawyer. She is not admitted to...

Manufacturing Hate for ‘Made in America’

Michelle Malkin

It’s “Made in America” week in Washington, D.C. You’d think this would be cause for bipartisan celebration. Who could be against highlighting the ingenuity, self-reliance, and success of our...

6:59 AM (4 hours ago)
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Patriot Publications
P.O. Box 6781, Moore, OK 73153

5:46 AM (5 hours ago)
to me

According to U.S. intelligence, ISIS is building a “chemical weapons cell” for use in future attacks.

That means terrorists lurking inside our borders will have something far worse than guns and bombs.

And they’re becoming masters of disguise. Most of us wouldn’t blink an eye at today’s “covert” ISIS operatives.

But Army Commander Frank Mitchell will teach you how to spot them from a mile away.

Get Frank’s free ISIS identification manual here -- so you can identify, report, and flee the ISIS sleepers walking among us… before they get the chance to add your family to their jihad body count.

Get your FREE COPY of ‘Surviving ISIS’ HERE.

Stay ready,

Lou Prep.

P.S. -- The FBI has confirmed ISIS is present in all 50 states. Are they in your neighborhood? Learn how to find out here.

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TCN - FDN, 7308 South Alton Way, Centennial, CO 80112, United States


5:28 AM (5 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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Breaking News... 

VIDEO: Kasich Says Obamacare Repeal 'Not a Good' Idea 

Democrats CELEBRATE as Health Care System Collapses 

Flash Sale: All-Natural Supplement to Promote Prostate Health

Postal Service Illegally Allowed Workers to Boost Hillary 

DHS to Mandate Biometric Scans in Order to Leave the Country

FREE: Want $1776 for Guns and Ammo?

Breaking Health Alert
The Prostate Mistake
Millions of Men Make
PLUS: Learn how to end frequent trips to the bathroom, improve your bedroom performance and keep your prostate healthy for life

Dear Health Conscious Reader,
Your prostate is the master gland to your masculinity. In your 20s, your prostate worked like clockwork. You could drink gallons of water and not need to pee for hours. And when you did pee, you got a powerful stream and a satisfying emptying of your bladder.

And you undoubtedly had no trouble enjoying all the benefits of your intimate relationships.

But as you got older, things began to take a turn for the worse. You're peeing more than usual during the day...and even getting up 2, 3 or 4 times a night to go to the bathroom.

Believe me, you're not alone. Urinary issues related to prostate health affect as many as 50% of men by age 60. And by age 80, up to 90% of men suffer from significant prostate issues![1]

These problems are certainly annoying to say the least. But it's important to know that ignoring them can sometimes lead to more serious health issues. Left alone, prostate issues can turn a previously strong, confident, virile man into a shadow of his former self.

I'm Joshua Corn, Editor-in-Chief of Live in the Now, one of the fastest-growing natural health publications in the nation. My passion for natural health has always driven me to educate people on alternative solutions that are both safe and effective.

Please keep reading, because if you value your prostate health and want to maintain normal urinary function, I have some startling scientific research to share with you today.

It Starts So Innocently, But Then...
You find yourself having to pee more than usual. But you don't think it's anything to worry about. 

Then you find yourself standing over the toilet bowl waiting to go. And when your waterworks finally do spring into action, you get weak urine flow, discomfort and an embarrassing dribbling. 

But still, you don't think it's anything to be that concerned about. However, as time ticks by, it begins affecting you in other ways.

Not only does this problem have you peeing at all times of the day and night, but it begins creeping into other parts of your life, too. Most notably, your personal life and your intimate relationships. As many men report, these problems eventually end up disrupting their bedroom life as well.

And, as time goes by, things only get worse.

If you've ever had this happen to you, you know just how embarrassing it can be. Performance issues like this can make any man feel like he's lost his mojo.

However, age means nothing once you have your prostate health under control.

And this isn't just mere conjecture. Thousands of men across the country just like you have waved good-bye to nagging, worrying urinary problems. 

They've rediscovered their health, maintained healthy prostate function, eliminated poor urination...and have rediscovered the intimacy they thought was gone forever!

How have they done this? What triggered such a turnaround? 

The European Secret to Restoring
Prostate Health and Renewed Potency
For years, doctors in Europe have been using a combination of two all-natural nutrients to address prostate health.[2] As you're about to see, this powerful double-action approach is safe and amazingly effective — and free of the unwanted side effects that plague other options.[2]

And it's a solution backed by overwhelming scientific research. Multiple placebo-controlled medical studies have demonstrated just how powerful these two nutrients can be at supporting prostate health and function, including[3-5]:
  • Increasing urine flow and promoting an empty bladder
  • Avoiding straining when going to the toilet
  • Promoting healthy prostate size
  • Reducing nighttime trips to the bathroom
  • Supporting healthy prostate function
  • Making it easier to enjoy bedroom intimacy
  • And much more.
About Joshua Corn Joshua Com is
 Editor-in-chief of Live in the Now which has nearly 300,000 subscribers and is
 rapidly growing! Josh has been a natural health advocate for nearly 20 years, and
 is the author of three acclaimed natural health books. In addition to his work in
 the natural health field, Josh is an avid outdoorsman, fitness enthusiast,
 gardener and animal lover who enjoys
The "Dynamic Duo" That Can
Rejuvenate Your Precious Prostate
When you were younger, you didn't give your prostate a second thought. And that's because it worked at the peak of its powers, performing all the vital functions just like nature intended.

Well, I sure hope you're ready, because you're about to feel that great again. Using what I'm about to reveal, you can say good-bye to troublesome urinary problems and begin seeing and feeling the incredible results faster than you may have thought possible.

So what are these two superstar nutrients that can give you all of these benefits?

The first nutrient is a potent plant extract made from flower pollen, which is rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and plant hormones. This pollen extract is proving to be one of the most effective prostate-supporting nutrients Mother Nature has ever produced. 

Ultrasound Scans Reveal Normal Prostate Size
In a double-blind study published in the British Journal of Urology, researchers gave 53 men with prostate problems either 252 mg of this pollen extract or a placebo for 6 months. At the end of the study, the researchers found that men taking this extraordinary extract got an average 69% improvement in their symptoms.[3]

To get further evidence of how potent this flower pollen is for prostate health, the researchers looked at specific prostate-related parameters.

First, they took the unusual step of peering inside the prostate gland with ultrasound scanning equipment. They looked at men's prostates before and after the study to record any changes in size and shape.

And to their surprise, in just a few short weeks, all of the men taking this specific pollen extract had experienced a reduction in prostate size from when they first started the study! They also found these improvements with the men taking the flower pollen[3]:
  • Urinary flow was boosted 71%
  • Urgency cut by 76%
  • Bladder emptying increased 66%
  • Frequency cut by 60%
All told, according to the researchers, a whopping 85% of men in the study reported significant relief from the urinary problems that had troubled them for so long![3] 

It's Incredible How It Works...
The specific flower pollen extract that produced these remarkable results is a patented version called Graminex®. This is the specific brand I recommend because it works in a number of different ways to help support prostate health and reduce troubling urinary symptoms.[10-13]

First, it relaxes the tiny muscles in your prostate. When you have urinary problems, these tiny muscles spasm and contract continuously. Have you ever noticed what happens when you stand on a garden hose while watering plants in your garden? Water flow gets blocked, pressure drops and your get a tiny trickle of water.

The spasms and contractions of these tiny muscles act in much the same way as that garden hose. You get weak urine flow, urine backs up in your bladder and you find yourself peeing for what seems like an eternity! And that's not all, because weak flow doesn't just affect the passing of urine... 

...It can also affect your intimate relationships.
Fortunately, this flower extract helps relax these tiny muscles, so in just a short space of time, symptoms can be reduced or even eliminated entirely.[10,11] You get a stronger flow of urine, increased bladder emptying and a dramatic boost in urinary satisfaction.

Second, by relaxing and reducing the size of these tiny muscles in your prostate gland, it helps support normal prostate size and relieves the annoying consequences.[10,11]

You can go for hours at a time without peeing. You sleep better because you don't have to get up 3-4 times a night to go to the bathroom. You get a properly emptied bladder because your prostate can push more urine through.

Third, it supports normal levels of the inflammatory markers that affect prostate size.[10,11] This pollen extract is teeming with cooling nutrients that support a healthy inflammatory response. Less inflammation means better urine flow, no burning sensations when you pee and better urinary control.

And fourth, it's also a powerful fighter of dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. High levels of DHT can wreak havoc on your body by reducing levels of free testosterone. The less free testosterone, the more it begins affecting your intimate relationships.[12,13] 

The Powerful Plant Sterol That
Improves Prostate Symptoms Scores by 350%!
While Graminex® flower pollen extract alone has been shown to provide extraordinary prostate relief, there is a second powerful nutrient I recommend for prostate health that you should know about.

Beta Sitosterol is a powerful plant sterol that's been used to support prostate health in Europe for more than 50 years. Since its discovery, Beta Sitosterol has been the subject of numerous scientific studies. And the results have been nothing short of remarkable.

In a 6-month double-blind study involving 200 men with prostate problems, researchers gave half of them 60 mg of Beta Sitosterol, and the other half got a placebo. They then measured their symptoms using the International Prostate Symptom Score(IPSS). This test measures urine flow, frequency, urgency and other symptoms. 

The results are startling to say the least. Men who took Beta Sitosterol got a 7.4 point decrease in their IPSS for a whopping 350% improvement in their prostate symptoms over the placebo group![6]

What's more, the men in the Beta Sitosterol group increased bladder emptying by an impressive 54%, while reporting a 35% boost in urinary flow.[6] That meant they were peeing less and were not getting up 2, 3 or more times a night to go to the bathroom!

And, over time, things only got better. In a follow-up study, researchers found that Beta Sitosterol kept delivering the benefits. Urinary flow was increased even further and IPSS lifestyle scores improved significantly, too.[7]

Meanwhile, the men in the placebo group actually had worse scores than when the original study was performed!

Perhaps most striking of all, the researchers performed a further trial[7]— this time on the men in the placebo group. What would happen if they suddenly gave the placebo participants Beta Sitosterol? Well, they decided to find out. And the results were significant.

Urinary flow was boosted by 21%. And bladder emptying increased by 31% — just by switching from a placebo to Beta Sitosterol![7]

By themselves, Graminex® and Beta Sitosterol each offer amazing, scientifically researched prostate support, helping you[3-7]:
  • Sleep like a baby at night! Get a full night of restful, rejuvenating sleep every night without repeated trips to the bathroom!

  • Enjoy healthy urine flow. Boost bladder emptying and eliminate hesitation and dribbling.

  • Rejuvenate your love life! Feel and perform like you did in your 20s...enjoying uninterrupted intimacy!

  • Restore your male "swagger." Be the strong, virile, confident guy you used to be before prostate problems reared their ugly head.
Double-Duty Support for Superior Prostate Relief
Besides my work with Live in the Now, I also run a company called Stop Aging Now, which has been making premium-grade dietary supplements for over 20 years.

Working with our Scientific Advisory Board, I've created a natural prostate and urination support breakthrough by combining both Graminex® and Beta Sitosterol, along with other proven ingredients, in an amazingly effective and super-convenient supplement called BetaPollen PLUS®.

It's also incredibly affordable with a price as low as $12.49 per bottle. This way, nearly everyone can take advantage of its amazing benefits. 

Price aside, what makes BetaPollen PLUS so exceptional is its unique formula that's more effective than just about anything else on the market today. Here's what makes it superior: 

• 400 mg of Graminex® Flower Pollen Extract, the highly potent and purified extract that has been shown in clinical studies to provide super-potent support for optimal prostate health and urinary function.[10-13] 

• 60 mg of Beta Sitosterol Complex, the powerful plant compound that has gained popularity for its ability to support normal prostate size and function as well as cardiovascular health. 

• A potent dose of Lycopene, a unique antioxidant that has been shown to support prostate health by helping to protect the delicate tissues of the prostate from free-radical damage.[8,9] 

• Only 1 Pill per Day — BetaPollen PLUS is so concentrated that you only need one veggie capsule per day, making it incredibly convenient, especially for guys who don't like taking pills. 

• Quality You Can Trust — BetaPollen PLUS is made in Stop Aging Now's own FDA-inspected facility located in Florida to meet or exceed the stringent USP standards for quality, purity, potency and disintegration. 

• Affordable and Risk Free — This amazing formula is available for as low as $12.49 per bottle for a one-month supply. Plus, it ships to you for free and comes with an "any reason" 365-day guarantee of a full refund for up to one year after purchase. 

Our BetaPollen PLUS Customers Say It Best...
I get letters every day about the amazing benefits of BetaPollen PLUS. Here are just a few I have received recently: 

"Decreased frequency, especially during the night."
I just finished a trial of three bottles of BetaPollen PLUS. I am very pleased with the results. I am experiencing an improved urine flow and decreased frequency, especially at night.*
— Michael Rinaldini from Sebastopol, CA
"I can now sleep through the night."
Due to my prostate issues, I have been making 3 or 4 trips to the bathroom at night, ruining my sleep. With BetaPollen PLUS I am sleeping through the night again. This supplement is certainly working for me.*
— Richard Gablon from Middletown, MD
"I'm better able to empty my bladder."
I started using BetaPollen PLUS about 3 months ago. I can now usually sleep through the night without getting up to urinate. The flow seems to be a little stronger, and I'm better able to empty my bladder.*
— Randy Allen from Honolulu, HI
"Fewer trips to the restroom."
After only 3 weeks of using BetaPollen PLUS, this product has allowed me to better empty my bladder, meaning fewer trips to the restroom.*
— Larry Mckay from Louisville, TN
I Don't Want to Sell You a Bottle...
...I Want to Provide You with a Solution
I honestly want this product to be the solution you've been looking for, and I want you to WOW your doctor at your next checkup. 

But I'm sure you've heard many promises before, which is why BetaPollen PLUS comes with a 365-day return policy. 

That's right, if it doesn't work, it's FREE. Even if you've taken every last capsule if you aren't satisfied, I will still give you every penny back – up to one year after purchase. It also ships to you for FREE, so there's truly no risk! 

Order Now and Get Relief Fast!
The great news about BetaPollen PLUS is that it is quickly absorbed into your bloodstream, and you'll start noticing the effects faster than you may have thought possible.

BetaPollen PLUS can:
Help reduce night time bathroom trips
Make urination effortless and discomfort free—no stop and start
Promote a complete emptying of the bladder
Allow you to enjoy a healthy, active, virile life again
Nourish your prostate while supporting normal size
Whether you're concerned about avoiding trouble down the road or simply increasing your comfort level and quality of life now, BetaPollen PLUS is a smart investment. I hope you'll give it a try! 

Get BetaPollen PLUS For As Low As $12.49 Per Bottle + Free Shipping—ORDER NOW!
To Your Good Health,
Joshua Corn 
President of Stop Aging Now
Editor-in-Chief of Live in the Now 

P.S. I promise that BetaPollen PLUS will have a remarkable, positive impact on your overall health and quality of life. Remember, if it doesn't work for you — it's free! It's not available in stores and ships to you at no cost. Hurry to take advantage of this special offer. 

Scientific References
  1. Campbell's Urology. 8th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2002. pp. 1297–1336.
  2. Life Extension Magazine/2005/6
  3. BR J Urol 1990;66(4):398-404
  4. Urologe (b) 1988;28:301-6
  5. BR J Urol 1993 Apr. 7(4) 433-38
  6. Lancet 1995;345:1529-32
  7. BJU Int 200;85:842-6
  8. PLoS One 2015;10(9):e0137427
  9. Int J Mol Sci 2014;15(1):1433-40.
  10. Eur Urol. 2009 Sep;56(3):544-51.
  11. BJU Int. 2000 May;85(7):836-41.
  12. Mol Cell Biochem. 2003 Aug;250(1-2):21-6.
  13. Urologiia. 2007 May-Jun (3):35-9.
*Testimonial results not typical. Customers may have received a gift certificate after submitting their testimonial. The information contained above is for general consumer understanding and education, and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This product is not an alternative to any prescription drug. If you are currently taking a prescription drug, consult your doctor before making any changes. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All contents Copyright 2001-2017 Stop Aging Now, LLC. All rights reserved. Republishing of Stop Aging Now content without written authorization is strictly prohibited.
The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: You should assume that the sender of this email has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this message and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained in this email to evaluate the product or service being endorsed. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service. FDA DISCLOSURE: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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6:03 PM (17 hours ago)
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Breaking News Update:Husband and Wife Turn Down Largest Deal Ever On 'Shark Tank'

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6:02 PM (17 hours ago)
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Do You Fear President Trump Could be Impeached in 2017?

Donald Trump's brief time as President of the United States has had a lot of controversy. Politicians from both sides of the aisle have criticized his use of Twitter to voice his opinion.

As a matter-a-fact, some Washington insiders believe tweets regarding the FBI Russia investigation could lead to impeachment hearing starting very soon.

Tea Party USA is conducting a short national poll to ask voters if you believe Congress will attempt to Impeach President Trump in 2017 for this or any other reason. Please take 30-seconds to complete this brief, ONE-QUESTION poll

Click Here to Submit Your Vote Now!

To thank you for your time, the first 1000 participants to this poll will have the opportunity to claim a FREE high beam flashlight or survival knife.

All you need to do is take 20 seconds of your time to participate right now!

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Keith Jacobs
TeaPartyUSA.org (in conjunction with Patriot Powered News and Family Survival Plans)

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12:57 AM (10 hours ago)
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9:47 PM (13 hours ago)
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July 19 2017



The President Won’t Stop Steering Himself Directly into Controversy

Jim Geraghty

The theme for today’s Jolt: You can’t save everybody.

Donald Trump's astonishing second meeting with Vladimir Putin at the G-20.

You can’t save a president from himself.

The White House official said Mr. Trump spoke with many leaders during the dinner [at the G20 summit] and said the president “spoke briefly” with Mr. Putin, who was seated next to first lady Melania Trump, toward the end of the evening.

Mr. Bremmer said the two spoke for about an hour, joined by Mr. Putin’s translator.

The White House official said Messrs. Trump and Putin used the Russian translator because the American translator accompanying Mr. Trump spoke only English and Japanese. Mr. Trump had been seated next to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

“The insinuation that the White House has tried to ‘hide’ a second meeting is false, malicious and absurd,” the White House official said. “It is not merely perfectly normal, it is part of a president’s duties, to interact with ...


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8:07 PM (15 hours ago)
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The latest from InsideSources.

What Washington's Talking About

Healthcare Surrender; Moving On to Tax Cuts
“Now, some of the conservative groups that helped Republicans win control of Washington, and that spent large sums of money and political capital pushing for the health care overhaul, are increasingly worried that their party’s inability to pass ambitious legislation will imperil its chances in next year’s elections. And they are beginning an aggressive and expensive campaign to promote new tax cuts, which they see as their last and best shot at enacting a major conservative policy before voters punish them.” [Jeremy Peters, New York Times]
“Personally I can live with a Trump administration that appoints conservative judges and fails at everything else, since judicial appointments are about the only thing I trust this G.O.P. to do. But if Congress insists on continuing to try legislating, I will give a 10-year tax cut my official Trump-era seal of approval: They could certainly do worse.” [Ross Douthat, New York Times]
Tax reform becomes a must-win issue for the White House [Nancy Cook and Josh Dawsey, Politico]

The Millennial Life
Most Ivy League students and upper-middle-class progressives don’t practice the anything-goes lifestyle they endorse for others. [Max Bloom, National Review]

News    Education
ESSA Implementation Proceeding Despite Partisan Skirmishes
By Leo Doran

A Congressional hearing on Tuesday morning in the House of Representative’s Education and Workforce Committee laid bare continued partisan disagreements over both the implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act, or ESSA, as well as broader education policy.


News    Technology
Comcast Wants Net Neutrality Repeal So It Can Make Data Fast Lanes for Self-Driving Cars
By Giuseppe Macri

Comcast submitted its argument for repealing Obama-era net neutrality rules to the Federal Communications Commission hours before the comment deadline Monday, reviving one of the least-heard yet seemingly most convincing arguments for walking back at least some of the open internet rules.


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Methane Rule Exposes Constitutional Issues Behind Environmental Law
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How far does an executive agency’s regulatory authority extend? When it comes into conflict with a Senate vote, whose authority prevails? These are knotty questions of constitutional law currently playing out over the topic of the methane rule.


[IS] Opinions    Technology
Net Neutrality: Looking Past the Sensationalized Hype
By Silvia Elaluf-Calderwood, PhD

Last week’s “Internet Day of Action,” organized by Battle for the Net, underscored that special interests in Silicon Valley, elite advocacy activists, and pro-regulation academics care about one thing – controlling the future of the internet by any means necessary.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Not a Good Look in Hawaii
By Gregory Clay

When the reprise of the hit 1960s-1970s television show “Hawaii Five-O” launched in 2010, the promotional billboard for the prime-time police detective drama featured four actors standing in a horizontal line. “It was launched as an ensemble of four co-stars,” Mayeda said.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
In Latest Budget, Congress Shouldn’t Mix Planets and Politics
By Ross Marchand

In a 2009 panel on all-things science, noted self-proclaimed nerd Neil deGrasse Tyson shocked his audience in his answer to a politically loaded question. When asked which political party was better for science, Tyson remarked that Republicans were in fact more reliable providers of science funding.


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7:06 PM (16 hours ago)
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Today's Headlines

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The pressure is growing on Republicans to work with Democrats on healthcare. I’m Davan Maharaj, editor-in-chief of the Los Angeles Times. Here are some story lines I don’t want you to miss today.


No Repeal, No Replace, No Ownership
If at first you don’t succeed, try and then let it fail? That’s more or less President Trump’s latest stance on the Affordable Care Act. “Let Obamacare fail,” he said as it became clear not enough Senate Republicans would support a move to repeal it without a concrete replacement. “I’m not going to own it.” Voters ultimately will decide whether Trump “owns” it, but polls indicate most Americans would support a bipartisan approach. As these numbers show, there’s much room for improvement in U.S. healthcare, especially when compared with other countries.

Per capita healthcare expenditures

A graph of countries with the largest per capita healthcare expenditures in 2015.

A Second Meeting With Putin, an Eighth Person at Trump Tower
A second, undisclosed meeting between President Trump and Vladimir Putin — reportedly with no aides present — comes to light. The identity of an eighth person at Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer during the presidential campaign is revealed. It’s become a cliché, but the drip-drip of Team Trump’s dealings with Russia continues. Who is Irakly “Ike” Kaveladze, the California businessman born in a former Soviet republic who was present at the Trump Tower meeting? Read on. 

Trump Wants to Undo Obama’s Legacy, but Is It Undoing Him?
Most new American presidents have pushed their own initiatives rather than trying to undo the work of their predecessors. The theory is that addition is much easier than subtraction. As Times Washington bureau chief David Lauter writes in this analysis, Trump’s focus on undoing President Obama’s legacy isn’t doing himself many favors

More Politics 
— A day after certifying that Iran is obeying international restrictions on its nuclear program, the Trump administration put new sanctions on Tehran for unrelated alleged transgressions. 
— Russia says it is losing patience over the return of properties that the United States seized as a penalty for Moscow’s election interference. 
— “This could be a really great inspiration for other Republicans around the country”: Arnold Schwarzenegger talks bipartisanship and climate change

USC Breaks Its Silence on a Former Med School Dean
USC President C.L. Max Nikias says the university will “examine and address” a report in The Times earlier this week that its former medical school dean abused drugs and associated with criminals and drug users. Addressing the controversy for the first time in a letter to the campus community, Nikias acknowledged concerns that many at the school have expressed and stated “we are working to determine how we can best prevent these kinds of circumstances moving forward.” 

A Ray of Hope at a Bridge of Despair
It’s a beautiful bridge with a sad history stretching from the Great Depression to the present day: The Colorado Street Bridge in Pasadena has been the site of numerous suicides over the decades. A recent increase has prompted the city to put up temporary barriers while trying to work out a permanent solution. Columnist Steve Lopez visited the site with a suicide prevention expert who has a message for anyone struggling to cope: Help is available. Just reach out. 

One More Tutor for the LAUSD
The first day of school at the L.A. Unified School District is a month away, but summer recess has been full of extracurricular activity. A pro-charter school majority took its place on the school board for the first time earlier this month, and now a new player has entered the picture: an advisory panel of business, philanthropic and community leaders that will work with Supt. Michelle King. First task: improving attendance. Read on to see who will have a say.


— A Mexican American cultural center in L.A. begins to blossom after a rocky start

— “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” director Rian Johnson discusses the movie’s opening crawl.



— Gov. Jerry Brown says the state’s housing crisis is his next priority, but reaching a deal won’t be easy. 

— A massive wildfire in Mariposa County has triggered a new round of evacuations and threatened power lines that feed Yosemite National Park

— James Kanno, who spent years in a World War II-era internment camp and went on to become one of America’s first Japanese American mayors, has died at age 91. 

— Remember Carmageddon? A new version of it is coming in September to the U.S.-Mexico border crossing in San Ysidro, which will be closed for 57 hours to realign part of Interstate 5.


— Pop music critic Mikael Wood saw Fleetwood Mac at the Classic West festival and walked away feeling betrayed

— “The Disaster Artist” could be James Franco’s next shot at Oscar gold

— The Muppets Studio and the former voice of Kermit the Frog are engaged in a war of words over his departure. 

— In the largest single arts gift to the Cal State university system, a prominent Iranian American family has donated $17 million to CSUN’s Valley Performing Arts Center.


On screen and off, James Garner was a maverick. He easily moved between the small screen and big screen at a time that was rarely done. He successfully battled two studios in court. And when an executive told him to tone down his humor in “The Rockford Files,” he replied, “I’m not going to change at the whim of somebody with no experience and no judgment, so either fire me or don’t mess with it.”Garner died on this date in 2014.


— The United States is planning “strong and swift” sanctions against the leftist government of Venezuela if it moves ahead with plans to rewrite its constitution and weaken its democracy. 

— “Nobody kill anybody”: Exhausted by homicides, neighborhood leaders are calling for a murder-free weekend in Baltimore

— Watch: Rep. Dana Rohrabacher of Costa Mesa asked a NASA scientist, “Is it possible that there was a civilization on Mars thousands of years ago?” 

— Singapore is orderly, civil … and aghast over a feud among members of its founding family

— A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report shows that nearly half of Americans have diabetes or prediabetes, and many of them don’t know it.



— A new survey says foreign home buyers scooped up a record number of residential properties in the U.S. over the last year, despite a rising dollar and political uncertainty. 

— Disney plans to fit a new Marvel Galaxy into its California Adventure Park. But how?


— The Dodgers are soliciting sponsorship offers from companies interested in attaching their name to Dodger Stadium. Dodgers President Stan Kasten says the name itself, though, isn’t for sale

— The Clippers’ Patrick Beverley is ready to succeed Chris Paul, with an accent on winning. But he wants to make clear that “I am not Chris Paul.”


— With Obamacare repeal off the table, will Republicans start trying to actually improve healthcare

— If someone tells you your kid’s teacher would be better off with a 401(k) than a pension, don’t believe it.


— The former wife of a successful Silicon Valley lawyer tells the story of how he succumbed to drug addiction. (New York Times) 

— How the Venmo money transfer app might make a lot of moola. (The Atlantic) 

— The stories behind 100 amazing movie props. (Thrillist)


Hall H is a 65,000-square-foot room in the San Diego Convention Center, but for a few days each year, it’s the most important room in Hollywood. That’s when Comic-Con takes over, complete with all the sights and sounds of films and TV shows hoping to hit it big. As for the smell of success? Film reporter Jen Yamato describes the air as being filled with “romantic top notes of hot dogs and cooling nachos … mingling with the distinct bouquet of 6,500 amped-up human bodies.” 

Please send comments and ideas to Davan Maharaj

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6:54 PM (16 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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Breaking Health Alert
The Prostate Mistake
Millions of Men Make
PLUS: Learn how to end frequent trips to the bathroom, improve your bedroom performance and keep your prostate healthy for life

Dear Health Conscious Reader,
Your prostate is the master gland to your masculinity. In your 20s, your prostate worked like clockwork. You could drink gallons of water and not need to pee for hours. And when you did pee, you got a powerful stream and a satisfying emptying of your bladder.

And you undoubtedly had no trouble enjoying all the benefits of your intimate relationships.

But as you got older, things began to take a turn for the worse. You're peeing more than usual during the day...and even getting up 2, 3 or 4 times a night to go to the bathroom.

Believe me, you're not alone. Urinary issues related to prostate health affect as many as 50% of men by age 60. And by age 80, up to 90% of men suffer from significant prostate issues![1]

These problems are certainly annoying to say the least. But it's important to know that ignoring them can sometimes lead to more serious health issues. Left alone, prostate issues can turn a previously strong, confident, virile man into a shadow of his former self.

I'm Joshua Corn, Editor-in-Chief of Live in the Now, one of the fastest-growing natural health publications in the nation. My passion for natural health has always driven me to educate people on alternative solutions that are both safe and effective.

Please keep reading, because if you value your prostate health and want to maintain normal urinary function, I have some startling scientific research to share with you today.

It Starts So Innocently, But Then...
You find yourself having to pee more than usual. But you don't think it's anything to worry about. 

Then you find yourself standing over the toilet bowl waiting to go. And when your waterworks finally do spring into action, you get weak urine flow, discomfort and an embarrassing dribbling. 

But still, you don't think it's anything to be that concerned about. However, as time ticks by, it begins affecting you in other ways.

Not only does this problem have you peeing at all times of the day and night, but it begins creeping into other parts of your life, too. Most notably, your personal life and your intimate relationships. As many men report, these problems eventually end up disrupting their bedroom life as well.

And, as time goes by, things only get worse.

If you've ever had this happen to you, you know just how embarrassing it can be. Performance issues like this can make any man feel like he's lost his mojo.

However, age means nothing once you have your prostate health under control.

And this isn't just mere conjecture. Thousands of men across the country just like you have waved good-bye to nagging, worrying urinary problems. 

They've rediscovered their health, maintained healthy prostate function, eliminated poor urination...and have rediscovered the intimacy they thought was gone forever!

How have they done this? What triggered such a turnaround? 

The European Secret to Restoring
Prostate Health and Renewed Potency
For years, doctors in Europe have been using a combination of two all-natural nutrients to address prostate health.[2] As you're about to see, this powerful double-action approach is safe and amazingly effective — and free of the unwanted side effects that plague other options.[2]

And it's a solution backed by overwhelming scientific research. Multiple placebo-controlled medical studies have demonstrated just how powerful these two nutrients can be at supporting prostate health and function, including[3-5]:
  • Increasing urine flow and promoting an empty bladder
  • Avoiding straining when going to the toilet
  • Promoting healthy prostate size
  • Reducing nighttime trips to the bathroom
  • Supporting healthy prostate function
  • Making it easier to enjoy bedroom intimacy
  • And much more.
About Joshua Corn Joshua Com is
 Editor-in-chief of Live in the Now which has nearly 300,000 subscribers and is
 rapidly growing! Josh has been a natural health advocate for nearly 20 years, and
 is the author of three acclaimed natural health books. In addition to his work in
 the natural health field, Josh is an avid outdoorsman, fitness enthusiast,
 gardener and animal lover who enjoys
The "Dynamic Duo" That Can
Rejuvenate Your Precious Prostate
When you were younger, you didn't give your prostate a second thought. And that's because it worked at the peak of its powers, performing all the vital functions just like nature intended.

Well, I sure hope you're ready, because you're about to feel that great again. Using what I'm about to reveal, you can say good-bye to troublesome urinary problems and begin seeing and feeling the incredible results faster than you may have thought possible.

So what are these two superstar nutrients that can give you all of these benefits?

The first nutrient is a potent plant extract made from flower pollen, which is rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and plant hormones. This pollen extract is proving to be one of the most effective prostate-supporting nutrients Mother Nature has ever produced. 

Ultrasound Scans Reveal Normal Prostate Size
In a double-blind study published in the British Journal of Urology, researchers gave 53 men with prostate problems either 252 mg of this pollen extract or a placebo for 6 months. At the end of the study, the researchers found that men taking this extraordinary extract got an average 69% improvement in their symptoms.[3]

To get further evidence of how potent this flower pollen is for prostate health, the researchers looked at specific prostate-related parameters.

First, they took the unusual step of peering inside the prostate gland with ultrasound scanning equipment. They looked at men's prostates before and after the study to record any changes in size and shape.

And to their surprise, in just a few short weeks, all of the men taking this specific pollen extract had experienced a reduction in prostate size from when they first started the study! They also found these improvements with the men taking the flower pollen[3]:
  • Urinary flow was boosted 71%
  • Urgency cut by 76%
  • Bladder emptying increased 66%
  • Frequency cut by 60%
All told, according to the researchers, a whopping 85% of men in the study reported significant relief from the urinary problems that had troubled them for so long![3] 

It's Incredible How It Works...
The specific flower pollen extract that produced these remarkable results is a patented version called Graminex®. This is the specific brand I recommend because it works in a number of different ways to help support prostate health and reduce troubling urinary symptoms.[10-13]

First, it relaxes the tiny muscles in your prostate. When you have urinary problems, these tiny muscles spasm and contract continuously. Have you ever noticed what happens when you stand on a garden hose while watering plants in your garden? Water flow gets blocked, pressure drops and your get a tiny trickle of water.

The spasms and contractions of these tiny muscles act in much the same way as that garden hose. You get weak urine flow, urine backs up in your bladder and you find yourself peeing for what seems like an eternity! And that's not all, because weak flow doesn't just affect the passing of urine... 

...It can also affect your intimate relationships.
Fortunately, this flower extract helps relax these tiny muscles, so in just a short space of time, symptoms can be reduced or even eliminated entirely.[10,11] You get a stronger flow of urine, increased bladder emptying and a dramatic boost in urinary satisfaction.

Second, by relaxing and reducing the size of these tiny muscles in your prostate gland, it helps support normal prostate size and relieves the annoying consequences.[10,11]

You can go for hours at a time without peeing. You sleep better because you don't have to get up 3-4 times a night to go to the bathroom. You get a properly emptied bladder because your prostate can push more urine through.

Third, it supports normal levels of the inflammatory markers that affect prostate size.[10,11] This pollen extract is teeming with cooling nutrients that support a healthy inflammatory response. Less inflammation means better urine flow, no burning sensations when you pee and better urinary control.

And fourth, it's also a powerful fighter of dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. High levels of DHT can wreak havoc on your body by reducing levels of free testosterone. The less free testosterone, the more it begins affecting your intimate relationships.[12,13] 

The Powerful Plant Sterol That
Improves Prostate Symptoms Scores by 350%!
While Graminex® flower pollen extract alone has been shown to provide extraordinary prostate relief, there is a second powerful nutrient I recommend for prostate health that you should know about.

Beta Sitosterol is a powerful plant sterol that's been used to support prostate health in Europe for more than 50 years. Since its discovery, Beta Sitosterol has been the subject of numerous scientific studies. And the results have been nothing short of remarkable.

In a 6-month double-blind study involving 200 men with prostate problems, researchers gave half of them 60 mg of Beta Sitosterol, and the other half got a placebo. They then measured their symptoms using the International Prostate Symptom Score(IPSS). This test measures urine flow, frequency, urgency and other symptoms. 

The results are startling to say the least. Men who took Beta Sitosterol got a 7.4 point decrease in their IPSS for a whopping 350% improvement in their prostate symptoms over the placebo group![6]

What's more, the men in the Beta Sitosterol group increased bladder emptying by an impressive 54%, while reporting a 35% boost in urinary flow.[6] That meant they were peeing less and were not getting up 2, 3 or more times a night to go to the bathroom!

And, over time, things only got better. In a follow-up study, researchers found that Beta Sitosterol kept delivering the benefits. Urinary flow was increased even further and IPSS lifestyle scores improved significantly, too.[7]

Meanwhile, the men in the placebo group actually had worse scores than when the original study was performed!

Perhaps most striking of all, the researchers performed a further trial[7]— this time on the men in the placebo group. What would happen if they suddenly gave the placebo participants Beta Sitosterol? Well, they decided to find out. And the results were significant.

Urinary flow was boosted by 21%. And bladder emptying increased by 31% — just by switching from a placebo to Beta Sitosterol![7]

By themselves, Graminex® and Beta Sitosterol each offer amazing, scientifically researched prostate support, helping you[3-7]:
  • Sleep like a baby at night! Get a full night of restful, rejuvenating sleep every night without repeated trips to the bathroom!

  • Enjoy healthy urine flow. Boost bladder emptying and eliminate hesitation and dribbling.

  • Rejuvenate your love life! Feel and perform like you did in your 20s...enjoying uninterrupted intimacy!

  • Restore your male "swagger." Be the strong, virile, confident guy you used to be before prostate problems reared their ugly head.
Double-Duty Support for Superior Prostate Relief
Besides my work with Live in the Now, I also run a company called Stop Aging Now, which has been making premium-grade dietary supplements for over 20 years.

Working with our Scientific Advisory Board, I've created a natural prostate and urination support breakthrough by combining both Graminex® and Beta Sitosterol, along with other proven ingredients, in an amazingly effective and super-convenient supplement called BetaPollen PLUS®.

It's also incredibly affordable with a price as low as $12.49 per bottle. This way, nearly everyone can take advantage of its amazing benefits. 

Price aside, what makes BetaPollen PLUS so exceptional is its unique formula that's more effective than just about anything else on the market today. Here's what makes it superior: 

• 400 mg of Graminex® Flower Pollen Extract, the highly potent and purified extract that has been shown in clinical studies to provide super-potent support for optimal prostate health and urinary function.[10-13] 

• 60 mg of Beta Sitosterol Complex, the powerful plant compound that has gained popularity for its ability to support normal prostate size and function as well as cardiovascular health. 

• A potent dose of Lycopene, a unique antioxidant that has been shown to support prostate health by helping to protect the delicate tissues of the prostate from free-radical damage.[8,9] 

• Only 1 Pill per Day — BetaPollen PLUS is so concentrated that you only need one veggie capsule per day, making it incredibly convenient, especially for guys who don't like taking pills. 

• Quality You Can Trust — BetaPollen PLUS is made in Stop Aging Now's own FDA-inspected facility located in Florida to meet or exceed the stringent USP standards for quality, purity, potency and disintegration. 

• Affordable and Risk Free — This amazing formula is available for as low as $12.49 per bottle for a one-month supply. Plus, it ships to you for free and comes with an "any reason" 365-day guarantee of a full refund for up to one year after purchase. 

Our BetaPollen PLUS Customers Say It Best...
I get letters every day about the amazing benefits of BetaPollen PLUS. Here are just a few I have received recently: 

"Decreased frequency, especially during the night."
I just finished a trial of three bottles of BetaPollen PLUS. I am very pleased with the results. I am experiencing an improved urine flow and decreased frequency, especially at night.*
— Michael Rinaldini from Sebastopol, CA
"I can now sleep through the night."
Due to my prostate issues, I have been making 3 or 4 trips to the bathroom at night, ruining my sleep. With BetaPollen PLUS I am sleeping through the night again. This supplement is certainly working for me.*
— Richard Gablon from Middletown, MD
"I'm better able to empty my bladder."
I started using BetaPollen PLUS about 3 months ago. I can now usually sleep through the night without getting up to urinate. The flow seems to be a little stronger, and I'm better able to empty my bladder.*
— Randy Allen from Honolulu, HI
"Fewer trips to the restroom."
After only 3 weeks of using BetaPollen PLUS, this product has allowed me to better empty my bladder, meaning fewer trips to the restroom.*
— Larry Mckay from Louisville, TN
I Don't Want to Sell You a Bottle...
...I Want to Provide You with a Solution
I honestly want this product to be the solution you've been looking for, and I want you to WOW your doctor at your next checkup. 

But I'm sure you've heard many promises before, which is why BetaPollen PLUS comes with a 365-day return policy. 

That's right, if it doesn't work, it's FREE. Even if you've taken every last capsule if you aren't satisfied, I will still give you every penny back – up to one year after purchase. It also ships to you for FREE, so there's truly no risk! 

Order Now and Get Relief Fast!
The great news about BetaPollen PLUS is that it is quickly absorbed into your bloodstream, and you'll start noticing the effects faster than you may have thought possible.

BetaPollen PLUS can:
Help reduce night time bathroom trips
Make urination effortless and discomfort free—no stop and start
Promote a complete emptying of the bladder
Allow you to enjoy a healthy, active, virile life again
Nourish your prostate while supporting normal size
Whether you're concerned about avoiding trouble down the road or simply increasing your comfort level and quality of life now, BetaPollen PLUS is a smart investment. I hope you'll give it a try! 

Get BetaPollen PLUS For As Low As $12.49 Per Bottle + Free Shipping—ORDER NOW!
To Your Good Health,
Joshua Corn 
President of Stop Aging Now
Editor-in-Chief of Live in the Now 

P.S. I promise that BetaPollen PLUS will have a remarkable, positive impact on your overall health and quality of life. Remember, if it doesn't work for you — it's free! It's not available in stores and ships to you at no cost. Hurry to take advantage of this special offer. 

Scientific References
  1. Campbell's Urology. 8th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2002. pp. 1297–1336.
  2. Life Extension Magazine/2005/6
  3. BR J Urol 1990;66(4):398-404
  4. Urologe (b) 1988;28:301-6
  5. BR J Urol 1993 Apr. 7(4) 433-38
  6. Lancet 1995;345:1529-32
  7. BJU Int 200;85:842-6
  8. PLoS One 2015;10(9):e0137427
  9. Int J Mol Sci 2014;15(1):1433-40.
  10. Eur Urol. 2009 Sep;56(3):544-51.
  11. BJU Int. 2000 May;85(7):836-41.
  12. Mol Cell Biochem. 2003 Aug;250(1-2):21-6.
  13. Urologiia. 2007 May-Jun (3):35-9.
*Testimonial results not typical. Customers may have received a gift certificate after submitting their testimonial. The information contained above is for general consumer understanding and education, and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This product is not an alternative to any prescription drug. If you are currently taking a prescription drug, consult your doctor before making any changes. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All contents Copyright 2001-2017 Stop Aging Now, LLC. All rights reserved. Republishing of Stop Aging Now content without written authorization is strictly prohibited.
The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: You should assume that the sender of this email has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this message and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. You should not rely solely on information contained in this email to evaluate the product or service being endorsed. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service. FDA DISCLOSURE: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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This NASA-Breakthrough “Space Blanket” Could SAVE Your Family One Day!

Get it FREE for a Limited Time 

We've had a little accident in our ordering. We've got an overload of these best selling NASA survival blankets and we're giving them away to clear space in the building.

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Grab your free NASA Survival blanket today.

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GUN OWNERS: Claim Your FREE Tactical Honey Gun Oil Here

Gun Supporter,

Call me crazy, but I'm a little surprised you still haven't taken me up on this:

Claim Your FREE (+S/H) Tactical Honey Gun Oil Here

If you really want to keep your guns safeand clean. (and I'm guessing you do or you wouldn't be here), then this is your perfect first step.

Remember, this will keep your guns working smoothly, at a price that can't be matched.

So DO IT NOW before it gets lost in the shuffle of life.

Just let me know where you want me to ship your FREE Gun Oil.

Enter Your Shipping Info Here

Stay vigilant,

Managing Editor NGOA

P.S. Don't hesitate we only have so many FREE(+S/H) bottle of gun oil to give away and if you wait you will miss out!

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On Monday, July 17, 2017 at 12:14:23 PM UTC+7, Nyinyi put cha phyu wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Jul 20, 2017, 11:38:06 PM7/20/17
to NyiNyi

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6:46 PM (15 hours ago)
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Dear Reader, 

My patients and I are no longer taking turmeric. 

Don't get me wrong... 

For years I've had a great deal of respect for the all-purpose healing powers of turmeric. 

It's been a staple of ancient medicine going back for 4,000 years... 

And a mountain of studies show it treats no less than 619 different health concerns. 

But typical turmeric is simply not absorbable enough. And doesn't cross the blood-brain barrier. 

The sad truth: most turmeric users only see a tiny fraction of its true benefits. 

That's why I use a new technology proven to enhance turmeric's power by 2,000%. 

A technology that turns turmeric from a kitchen spice into the world's most powerful healer. 

And the results we're now experiencing are no less than breathtaking... 

Younger brains, joints, hearts, eyes and lungs — this is how turmeric is SUPPOSED to work. 

The wait is over... 

You can finally start experiencing the miracle of turmeric today. 

Click here to get started.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS 

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Can Trump Raise the Dead? Senate to Vote One More Time to Repeal Obamacare

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On Monday, July 17, 2017 at 12:14:23 PM UTC+7, Nyinyi put cha phyu wrote:

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Jul 21, 2017, 12:23:19 AM7/21/17
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July 20 2017

Is Rand Paul’s Health-Care Stance Really Based on Principle?

Jonah Goldberg

The greatest trick any politician can pull off is to get his self-interest and his principles in perfect alignment. As Thomas More observed in Robert Bolt’s A Man for All Seasons, “if we lived in a State where virtue was profitable, common sense would make us good, and greed would make us saintly.” Which brings me to...


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Attorney General Jeff Sessions should reconsider his plan to expand the use of civil asset forfeiture in the service of the so-called war on drugs. If he fails to do so, Congress should...

Hillary Clinton Is Even Less Popular Now Than She Was During the Election, HuffPo Blames...

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The U.S. Should Violate the Iran Deal

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Our Relationship with Saudi Arabia Is an Embarrassment

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6:59 AM (4 hours ago)
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WATCH OUT! Your Email Could be Unsafe…

Pay very special attention to this message! The emails in your inbox are at risk due to the latest developments in the NSA “Big Brother” spying program.

Recent government leaks have revealed that THEY  are listening and watching much more than just your email messages!

They’re monitoring through multiple brand new methods to access your most private conversations and you’re not safe in any area of your home (or even your vehicle!).

You won’t believe the ways they’re monitoring you inside your private home and car!

If you’re not following these strange procedures, you’re EXPOSED to their spying eyes every single hour of the day!

The good news is ONE retired military vet has a sneaky method for you to remain completely invisible at all times.

His “leaked” report has NSA spies scrambling to minimize the number of people who can get their hands on it (they’re trying to shut him down!).

Only 455 Free copies remain.

Click here to get yours before they’re gone.


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5:34 AM (5 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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Liberty Headlines
Breaking News... 

OJ Simpson Granted Parole; To Be Released in October 

ACLU Sues Trump for Release of Religious Liberty Order 

Alert: Why Trump will NOT be impeached (shocking)

Pastors Slam Race-Baiting 'Minister' for Criticism of Prayer for Trump 

Obama's DHS Sec'y Admits Immigration Laws Weren't Enforced

24-Hours Left: Here's the Secret to Get 12-24% Income from Gold...


If you listen to the media, Trump's days are numbered. 

He's on his way out, with nothing to stop him... 

And liberals are rejoicing over his impeachment like it's a done deal. 

But what none of them know is that Trump has a surprise in store for America

One that could not just preserve his presidency, but guarantee his election victory in 2020. 

What's more, it could "make America's health great again" – no matter what happens to ObamaCare. 

Just wait until you discover what the Donald has up his sleeve... 

And how it could save your life, or that of you and a loved one. 

You won't believe this until you see it. 

Click here to get the full story

To Your Good Health,
 Sears, MD
Al Sears, MD 

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4:59 AM (6 hours ago)
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4:47 AM (6 hours ago)
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Free device stops digital thieves from stealing your CC data! With a $25 scanner, digital thieves can steal data right off your new “chip cards” from up to 50 feet away! But this free device stops them cold.

Free book shows you how to blindfold Big Brother. America’s intelligence agencies are watching everything you do 24/7. This new book shows you how to stop them from watching and listening.





Ex-CIA officer’s discreet (and free) gift…
The contents in this box are not for everyone. It leaks confidential brutal defense tactics and secret CIA spy techniques -- like how to ‘disappear’ when SHTF...

Erase your online identity & ‘digital footprint’...
New leak shows that copies of everything you’ve done online in the past few years could be freely floating in cyberspace. Here’s how to wipe the slate clean.

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2:18 AM (9 hours ago)
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Heroes to CEOs: A New Grant Program For Veteran Entrepreneurs

Do you have an idea or a business that needs a boost? Bob Evans Farms and The Mission Continues have partnered to provide grants and coaching and help turn your idea into a success.

The Heroes to CEOs initiative will give away $25,000 grants to three veteran entrepreneurs who submit a video proposal demonstrating a solid business concept.

Submit a business plan by August 8th to be considered.

Learn More

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Task & Purpose, 394 Broadway, New York, NY 10013


11:45 PM (11 hours ago)
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Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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Liberty Headlines
Breaking News... 

New Evidence of DC Police & FBI Cover-up of Seth Rich Murder 

Conservatives Erupt Over Sessions's Acceleration of Property Seizures 

[URGENT] TRUMP vs. "Fake News"...Who Tells the Most Lies?

Congressional Dems Launch 'No Confidence' Resolution against Trump 

Free Webinar: Simple Strategy for You to Get CASH FLOW from Gold

REVEALED: Vicious 'Voter Shaming' in NH Done by Kasich Team

TRUMP vs. MEDIA: Who Do You Trust More to Deliver the Truth?
It seems like hardly a day goes by where there isn't a new feud between President Trump's administration and news media outlets like CNN, NBC and CBS. Both sides have accused the other of using "falsehoods" (otherwise known as lies) and there was a lot of controversy about Trump's repeated use of the phrase "Fake News". 

In coming months and years, this battle between the President and the media is sure to escalate. Tea Party USA is conducting a short national poll to ask voters if you trust President Trump or the news media more to tell you the real TRUTH. 

Please take 30-seconds to complete this brief, ONE-QUESTION poll... 

To thank you for your time, the first 1000 participants to this poll will have the opportunity to claim a FREE flashlight or survival knife

All you need to do is take 20 seconds of your time to participate right now!

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


Keith Jacobs

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Liberty Headlines
PO Box 49043
Charlotte, NC 28277
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9:12 PM (14 hours ago)
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July 20 2017

Senator John McCain Faces One More Fight, and Everyone’s in His Corner

Jim Geraghty

Awful, awful news.

Sen. John McCain revealed Wednesday that he has a primary brain tumor. The cancer was discovered during cranial surgery last week to remove a blood clot above his left eye.

In a statement from Mayo Clinic, McCain's doctors described the tumor as a glioblastoma.

The American Brain Tumor Association describes glioblastoma tumors as typically malignant and difficult to treat because they contain many types of cells.

“It’s a very aggressive tumor,” said Dr. Joseph Zabramski, a neurosurgeon at Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix not involved in McCain's treatment. “In general, it is a tumor that has relentless force. You can slow it down but not stop it.”

The median survival rate for the most common type of glioblastoma is 14.6 months, according to the association. About 30 percent of patients live two years with glioblastomas.

The 80-year-old McCain, R-Ariz., is reviewing treatment options with his family. Those could include a ...


top stories

Reebok should stay in the fitness business. After President Trump was heard last week telling the first lady of France, Brigitte Macron, that “you’re in good shape . . . beautiful,” the...

Scoring the Cruz Amendment

Chris Pope

Scoring the Cruz Amendment



More and More Trump Supporters Celebrate His Character Flaws

Ben Shapiro

We like it. During the campaign, conservatives said they were embracing Donald Trump despite his character. They were willing to overlook his flaws in order to achieve policy victories. Yes,...

Putin’s Playthings

Victor Davis Hanson

About a year ago, Donald Trump Jr. met with a mysterious Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya. Trump Jr. was purportedly eager to receive information that could damage Hillary Clinton’s 2016...

Media, Tell the Truth: The Women’s March and Black Lives Matter Embrace Terrorists

David French

Let’s begin with a thought experiment. Imagine if one of America’s largest and most-respected pro-life organizations tweeted birthday greetings to Robert Dear, the terrorist who attacked a...

The Editors

Attorney General Jeff Sessions should reconsider his plan to expand the use of civil asset forfeiture in the service of the so-called war on drugs. If he fails to do so, Congress should...


On Monday, July 17, 2017 at 12:14:23 PM UTC+7, Nyinyi put cha phyu wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Jul 21, 2017, 12:27:25 AM7/21/17
to NyiNyi
8:08 PM (15 hours ago)
to me

The latest from InsideSources.

What Washington's Talking About

Is the News Media an ‘Existential’ Threat?
“It used to be that conservatives thought liberals were wrong while liberals thought conservatives were evil. Among the other ways in which Trump has degraded the conservative movement is that he’s turned us into a mirror image of what we used to accuse liberals of being. He’s turned us into haters.” [Bret Stephens, New York Times]

An American Hero Faces His Greatest Battle
“Eight years ago, McCain, one of the last giants of the Senate, stood before the flag-draped coffin of his friend and sparring partner Sen. Edward Kennedy, who had succumbed to the same disease he is now fighting, and explained their common approach to life. ‘Ted and I shared the sentiment that a fight not joined was a fight not enjoyed,’ McCain said, recalling roiling arguments with his fellow Senate lion, but also times when they had buried their differences to forge progress for the nation.” [Stephen Collinson, CNN]

[IS] Opinions    Technology
Congress Concerned About Fake Net Neutrality Comments From Russia
By Giuseppe Macri

During a congressional hearing Wednesday, FCC appointees seeking Senate approval were questioned about more than 300,000 fake comments from Russia meant to influence the Trump administration’s plan to repeal net neutrality rules.


[IS] Opinions    Technology
Why Quality Will Trump Quantity in the Net-Neutrality Debate
By Mike Godwin

There’s some debate, though, about whether the sheer number of comments — which are unprecedented not only for the FCC but also for any other federal agency — is a thing that matters.


News    Energy
Enbridge 3 Fight Shows Connections Between Indigenous Environmentalism and AIM
By Erin Mundahl

At first glance, the Enbridge 3 pipeline seems like a non-threatening project. Rather than building a new pipeline, the project will replace an aging, 1960s vintage pipeline with a modern pipeline of the same size.


News    Politics
Keep on Trucking: Is American Freight Standing Still Because of a Truck Driver Shortage?
By Erin Mundahl

The trucking industry is predicting solid growth in the coming years, but it faces hurdles caused by increased regulation and an ongoing shortage of truckers.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Trump Is Safe to Reduce the Size of National Monuments
By Arthur R. Wardle

Environmentalists, legal scholars, rural residents and others are anxiously anticipating Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s coming national monuments proposal. Following an executive order from President Trump, Zinke is expected to suggest modifying the boundaries of at least some national monuments.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Chaos in the U.S., and All in the (Trump) Family
By Donald Kirk

Americans like to believe their experiment in democracy is a global trend-setter. If there’s one particular sin they love to point out, it’s that of nepotism. Look at all these terrible dictators appointing their relatives to high positions, they say in tones of righteous indignation. Why can’t they be more like us, democratic, fair-minded, egalitarian, fair and just?


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7:04 PM (16 hours ago)
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Today's Headlines

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President Trump isn’t happy with the Senate or the Justice Department or … . I’m Davan Maharaj, editor-in-chief of the Los Angeles Times. Here are some story lines I don’t want you to miss today.


The President Will Scold You Now
Repeal and replace. Repeal and delay. Let it fail. Work it out, or else. In less than a week, President Trump has employed all these tactics to try to do away with Obamacare. On Wednesday, he scolded Republican senators, telling them they shouldn’t leave town until they pass a measure to replace it. He pointed at one and said, “Look, he wants to remain a senator doesn’t he, OK?” Meanwhile, the Congressional Budget Office numbers on a repeal-only plan weren’t good: double the premiums and 32 million more Americans without health insurance. Later, Trump vented his frustrations about another topic — the Justice Department — telling the New York Times he isn’t happy with Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions, Deputy Atty. Gen. Rod Rosenstein and fired FBI Director James Comey. He had a warning for special counsel Robert Muellertoo.

John McCain Keeps Up the Fight
John McCain has been a fighter all his life, as a prisoner of war and a senator for 30 years. Now it’s been revealed he is battling brain cancer, discovered after a procedure last week to remove a blood clot above his left eye. His absence had delayed the Senate vote on healthcare this week, and his return to Washington is uncertain.

More From Washington
— Grandma and grandpa can come on in: Supreme Court justices said the Trump administration could not limit the kinds of “close” family members exempt from the travel ban, but it can temporarily reinstate restrictions on refugee resettlement.
— Atty. Gen. Sessions has expanded the authority of law enforcement to seize criminal suspects’ money and property.
— Trump and Vice President Mike Pence opened the first meeting of the White House’s voter-fraud task force with a vigorous defense of the commission’s mission.

USC Faces the Wrath of Its Doctors-to-Be
The students at the USC Keck School of Medicine in Boyle Heights were bewildered and at times angry. The current dean spoke of his predecessor, Dr. Carmen A. Puliafito, and announced the university had launched multiple internal investigations into Puliafito’s conduct: “These allegations, if they are true, they are horrible and despicable,” Dr. Rohit Varma said at a town-hall-type meeting, called in the wake of The Times’ article earlier this week about Puliafito’s conduct. Read how Varma answered a question about whether he would support action against USC President C.L. Max Nikias.

The Parole Hearing of the Century
It’s been more than two decades since the O.J. Simpson saga played out in real time on TV screens across the country. This morning, if only for a few hours, the feeding frenzy will be back. Now 70, Simpson will face a Nevada parole board, hoping to be released after serving the minimum of his 9-to-33-year prison sentence after a bizarre 2007 robbery. Outside, 19 networks and 120 reporters are expected be encamped.

When Trump Backers Want to Tell a Pipeline to Go Take a Hike
Picture this: A peaceful hike along the Appalachian Trail through the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia, with birds chirping and brooks babbling. Now picture this: A natural gas pipeline and corridor up to 150 feet wide, running right along the trail, that could boost the local economy. The prospect of building it next to one of the United States’ most prized scenic trails has set off fierce debate, but not entirely along the lines you might expect: Some Trump supporters hate the idea, and the Democratic governor favors it.

Blue Ridge Parkway

A couple admires the view from the Blue Ridge Parkway outside Roanoke, Va. (Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times)

The Ports and the ‘Diesel Death Zone’
The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach long ago took steps to reduce air pollution, but they remain Southern California’s largest single source of it. That’s why officials have unveiled a plan to replace diesel trucks and cargo equipment with zero-emissions technology over the next two decades. The cost: up to $14 billion. But who pays for it, and how, is where things get hazy.


— Who is dedicated enough to be first in line as Comic-Con opens its doors? 

— Check out this rare recording system from the 1920s that still works. 

— Blake Griffin re-signs with Clippers: five years, $175.74 million.



— State officials say the Aliso Canyon natural gas storage facility near Porter Ranch, which was shut down after a massive leak, can reopen at a reduced capacity

— After a six-month surge in water levels, the flood risk has begun to ease along California’s rivers

— The state pot czar says California is working to avoid a shortage of legalized marijuana

— The owners of a small coffee shop at the center of multiple anti-gentrification protests in Boyle Heights say their business was vandalized.


— “Ghostbusters 101,” “Intersectional Feminism in Comics” and “The Trump Presidential Library Panel”: The must-see panels of Comic-Con 2017. 

— CBS will promote a recurring cast member and add two new performers to “Hawaii Five-0” after the departures of Daniel Dae Kim and Grace Park. 

— Monica Lewinsky is lauding Jay-Z for owning up to his past infidelity on the album “4:44.” 

— London calling: Theater critic Charles McNulty says “Angels in America” is as fresh as ever at the National Theatre.


Carlos Santana, who turns 70 today, has always followed an eclectic path. He’s played psychedelic blues, fusion jazz and mainstream pop-rock, at venues ranging from the Fillmore to Woodstock to the Hard Rock Las Vegas. In the late 1990s, he says he heard the words of an angel called Metatron, who promised to “reconnect him to the frequency of radio.” The result? The mega-selling album “Supernatural.”


— Rebuilding Mosul: The mission to bring the demolished city back from the dead is daunting. 

— The Russian government says it was surprised when the rebel leader of a breakaway region of eastern Ukraine proposed the creation of a new nation-state called Little Russia

— Iran’s latest culture battle: Should women in cars keep their heads covered? 

— Researchers across the United States are launching an ambitious clinical trial to test whether a package of low-tech life hacks can prevent or delay dementia.



— After an unexpectedly amicable start to U.S.-China relations under Trump, including high-level economic talks, many are wondering when the other shoe will drop

— Disneyland has launched a digital version of its Fastpass, but — surprise! — it will cost you.


— Del Mar enjoyed a safe opening day on a new track that was designed with a safety-first mentality. Last year, 17 horses died in the summer meet. 

— How good will the new-look Clippers be? That’s most definitely uncertain.


— USC’s silence on the double life of its former medical school is deafening

— Trump aides want to re-privatize the military. That would be a big mistake.


— Excerpts from the New York Times’ latest interview with President Trump

— Baltimore authorities have launched investigations after being alerted to body camera footage that the public defender’s office says shows an officer planting drugs. (Baltimore Sun) 

— More cheese, please? This little-known, government-sponsored dairy marketing group wants you to eat it up. (Bloomberg)


Pop quiz: What’s the official state nut of California? If you said the almond, you’d be correct. If you said the pecan, walnut or pistachio … you’d also be correct. That’s because a law recently designated all four as such, even though not one of them, scientifically speaking, is a nut. So how did we get four official state nuts that are actually seeds? That’s the nuttiest part. 

Please send comments and ideas to Davan Maharaj

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Los Angeles Times | 202 West First Street, Los Angeles, CA, 90012. | 1-800-LA-TIMES


6:06 PM (17 hours ago)
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Task & Purpose Today

Sen John McCain Diagnosed With A Brain Tumor


The Navy Has Its First Female Applicants For SEAL Officer And Special Boat Units


How To Load Mags On The Fly Like A Marine Corps Gunner


Trump Wants Troops To Tell Him How To Win In Afghanistan. Here Are Some Suggestions


9 Combat Arms-Friendly Companies Hiring Vets — No Degree Required


Turkey Just Blew Up US Military OPSEC In Syria, Potentially Endangering Troops


The Civilian Marksmanship Program Is One Step Closer To Selling Colt 1911s


Here’s A First Look At Army National Guard Training Changes Coming In 2018


Navy Wife Will Serve As Temporary State Senator While Her Husband Is On Reserve Training


The Air Force’s Largest Plane Is Getting Pulled From The Flight Line After Another Malfunction


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6:01 PM (17 hours ago)
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Please see the special message below from our sponsor.


CLAIM Your Free 3-Day Survival Food Kit in the Next 24-Hours

In a crisis, your #1 need is food.

But not just any food...

Experts say everyone needs to have non-perishable, good for 25 years survival food on hand in case of an emergency.

Well right now – in what is truly an unprecedented move – 72-hour Food4Patriots survival food kits are being given away to loyal subscribers as long as they beat the program deadline and while supplies last.

"Survival food is more important today than ever before," explains Frank Bates, a spokesman for the company. "Natural disasters, terrorist attacks and other threats can make obtaining sufficient food impossible in an emergency."

"None of us wants to ever rely on this or any government to feed us in a crisis," Bates says.

Food4Patriots survival foods are made of the finest ingredients, grown and packaged right here in the USA. They taste great and provide the nutrition you need.

Recent advancements in the processing and packaging have led to this food being guaranteed fresh for an amazing 25 years. Packages are made of military-grade Mylar, the same material used to protect NASA astronauts.

Every 72-hour kit that's being given away contains 16 total servings of such delicious meals as Blue Ribbon Creamy Chicken Rice, the always-loved Granny's Home-style Potato Soup, and stick-to-your-ribs breakfast favorite Maple Grove Oatmeal.

This kit sells to the general public for $27.00 plus postage and has been rated 4.5 out of 5 stars by customers.

But those who act quickly can get them just for the shipping and handling fee.

"We're trying to ensure that no one who wants this free food misses out, but they have to hurry because we have a limited supply of the 72-hour kits we can give away," Bates warned. "Once word got out that folks could actually get free survival food, we had to add extra customer service staff to keep up with incredible demand."

There is still time to take advantage of this offer, but be aware that supplies are limited and the program may end at any time.

>> Get Your Free 72-Hour Survival Food Kit

>> Get Your Free 72-Hour Survival Food Kit

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4:59 PM (18 hours ago)
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Breaking News...

Former Navy SEAL Sniper [Video]

U.S. Navy SEAL elite forces have major advantages over their targets. Superior training, state of the art weapons and advanced tactics all play a role.

But one critical advantage trumps them all. And it can be found right here.  

Former SEAL sniper and SEAL Team One Platoon Commander Cade Courtley wants to give you the same advantage used by SEAL teams to keep you and your family safe in a crisis.

Click here to see the video and claim it for yourself.



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On Monday, July 17, 2017 at 12:14:23 PM UTC+7, Nyinyi put cha phyu wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Jul 21, 2017, 12:36:49 AM7/21/17
to NyiNyi

11:56 PM (11 hours ago)
to me

Breaking News:

Russia Bought Hillary Clinton’s Stance on Sanctions - Read More Click Here

73 Year Old Man Finds A Proverbial "Fountain Of Youth"

Dems Don’t Have Much Chance of Taking Back Senate - Click Here To Read More

Pharmaceutical Giant Sits On 2-Decade Old Patent That Could Have Saved 4 Million Lives

In Freedom,
Restore American Glory


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7:06 PM (16 hours ago)
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On Monday, July 17, 2017 at 12:14:23 PM UTC+7, Nyinyi put cha phyu wrote:
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Nyi Nyi

Sep 3, 2017, 4:10:36 AM9/3/17
to NyiNyi

Aug 29 (5 days ago)
to me

Hundreds of thousands of great Americans have joined the military since 9/11/2001, knowing that they’d likely deploy to combat and face the real horrors of war. I am not one of them.

On June 2nd of 2001, I graduated from West Point, pinned on my butter bars, and headed off to join an Army that wasn’t doing a whole heck of a lot...and that was fine by me. It’s true, I was a good cadet and I intended to be a good officer, but I also fully planned to ride out my 5-year active duty commitment and go get a ‘real job’. I did have big plans for my time as a lieutenant at Ft. Hood, however. I was going to shoot some tanks, learn to play the guitar, and most importantly, drink beer on 6th Street in Austin. Sure, I might get stuck with a tour pulling security and lifting weights in Bosnia or spend some time ‘in the box’ at the National Training Center, but nothing too serious. Needless to say, that isn’t exactly how things shook out.

I can still remember it as if it were yesterday. My class was in the St. John’s motor pool at Ft. Knox, Kentucky practicing the assembly and disassembly of heavy machine guns. I overheard one of my cadre make a comment about a plane hitting one of the Twin Towers in New York. My first thought was that some knucklehead smacked a Cessna into one of the buildings by accident. Over the next hour, we started to see the cadre speaking more seriously and in hushed tones, and wondered what was up. Soon, they’d pull us all together to let us know that our nation was under attack. Two hijacked planes had intentionally struck the World Trade Center and there may be more still in the air. They sent us all home and told us to wait for further instructions. I could feel myself starting to fill with rage.

I made it home just in time to watch the first tower collapse. As much as I’d been struck by the replay of the planes hitting the towers, watching them crumble struck an even deeper nerve. I didn’t yet know who was responsible for these attacks or what our response would be...but I wanted in. Over the next 8 years, for better or worse, I would have my chance. Like so many of you, 9/11 completely changed the trajectory of not just my military career, but my entire life.

As time passes, my reflections on 9/11 are less and less about rage and revenge...and more and more about pride, community, and purpose. The days and weeks after 9/11 yielded some of the most selfless and patriotic acts our nation has ever seen. From the first-responders at Ground Zero to the recruiting centers across the country to the blood banks; our nation mobilized and banded together in a way that we could really stand to remember these days. It is crazy for me to think that most everybody under the age of 23 (an entire generation of Americans) has no recollection of a world before 9/11 or its immediate aftermath. I can’t help but feel like we all have an obligation to do something to keep these memories alive; the shock, the pain, the anger, the resolve, the healing, all of it.

One of the things that I love most about GORUCK is our commitment to bridging the gap between those who’ve fought our nation’s wars and the citizens they vowed to serve. It may seem simple, but spending a night alongside your fellow Americans (weirdos) carrying logs and meeting time hacks goes a long way toward putting aside our differences and creating some common ground...especially when done under the watchful eye of a Special Forces Veteran. So this year, I can think of no better way to commemorate the anniversary ofSeptember 11th than to hop on a plane and join my fellow GRTs at the NYC 9/11 Tough. Jason has always told me that NYC 9/11 are our flagship events and I’m eager find out. If you can join me, I look forward to seeing you there. Otherwise, I’d encourage you to find some other opportunity to get out of the house, shake somebody’s hand, breathe some fresh American air, and remember that we’re all in this together.

Blayne Smith
President, GORUCK

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"Never Forget."


President, GORUCK Nation

Aug 29 (5 days ago)
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The latest from InsideSources.

What Washington's Talking About

Frankly, My Dear, I Don't Give A Damn.
A Memphis theater’s pulling of ‘Gone with the Wind’ viewed as ‘cultural cleansing’ by critics [Travis M. Andrews, Washington Post]
“Were you planning to instruct your child about the value of hard work and civility? Not so fast! According to a current uproar at the University of Pennsylvania, advocacy of such bourgeois virtues is ‘hate speech.’” [Heather MacDonald, National Review]
“It may someday be possible to reduce the influence of white identity politics, but probably not while Trump is in office. As long as he is in power the G.O.P. is a house viciously divided against itself, and cannot stand.” [David Brooks, New York Times]

Annoyed by DC Bag Tax? It Could Be Worse...
Kenyans risk 4 years in jail for selling or using plastic bags [John Aglionby, Financial Times]

News    Technology
Gens Z, Y Think VR Is the Tech Most Likely to Change How They Work
By Giuseppe Macri

The youngest generations in and about to enter the workforce think virtual reality will change the way they work more than advances in cloud computing, wearable tech, or audio and video streaming.


News    Energy
When Activists Masquerade as Independent Scholars
By Erin Mundahl

As their campaign against ExxonMobil stalls both in legal courts and the court of public opinion, green activists are attempting to restart the effort by promoting a study by two prominent professors.


News    Education
Experts Still Split on Academic Redshirting
By Leo Doran

Every year, parents of five-year-olds born in late summer toy with making a similar decision. Some, worried that their children will be the youngest in their incoming Kindergarten class, will keep them in preschool for an additional year and allow them to develop physically and emotionally before entering grade school.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Secretary of State Tillerson Enters New Diversity Frontier
By Gregory Clay

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson recently made a remarkably, bold statement in public — and, no, it didn’t involve Barcelona or North Korea or Afghanistan.


[IS] Opinions    Finance
Trump’s Secret Weapon Against Unfair Trade Is the FCPA
By Eliot Bakker

In the global trade game, the deck of cards has seldom been more stacked against American manufacturing companies than it is now. Facing players with cards like cheap labor, government subsidies, and tariffs up their sleeves, the United States hasn’t been dealt anything resembling a winning hand in decades.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Trump, Arpaio and the Cabal of Washington
By Michael McGrady

Ever since the 2016 election, I’ve seen my vote for Donald Trump become more of a mistake than a blessing. Granted, a vote for Clinton was not an option either; however, I am having a hard time taking the presidency seriously.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Let’s Bring a Compassion Standard Back to Health Care for Our Veterans
By Lana M. McKenzie

On a busy city corner, there’s a man playing a trumpet with a bucket nearby holding a few dollar bills and a little bit of hope. His song echoes off the concrete as people scurry by, rationalizing, “I’m late. Someone else will drop a dollar in his cup.” He is not their concern. He’s a veteran.


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Aug 29 (5 days ago)
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Today's Headlines

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Amid the storm in Texas, dramatic rescues are taking place, as the rain and flooding go on. Experts had long warned of such a deadly scenario in Houston. Here are the stories you shouldn’t miss today:


In Texas, the Waters, Fears — and Heroes — Rise
Tropical Storm Harvey continues to wreak havoc across southeast Texas, leaving at least nine people dead and submerging much of Houston. As heavy rain and floodwaters hit Texas and Louisiana, authorities say more than 30,000 people across the Gulf Coast are likely to seek temporary shelter. “Harvey has in many ways turned southeast Texas into an inland lake,” says one Red Cross official. Amid the disaster, emergency personnel and a navy of amateurs in virtually anything that would float ferried stranded survivors to safety. One crew of volunteers used a boat, a dump truck and a school bus to rescue dozens of Houston families.

Houston flooding graphic

Why Houston Is a Sitting Duck
For years, experts had been warning that Houston was a hurricane disaster waiting to happen. The city is built on a massive flood plain next to the Gulf of Mexico, which routinely sends big rainstorms its way. As the city has grown into the nation’s fourth largest, developments have gone up in areas that more strictly regulated states wouldn’t allow. And with the long-term risks to Houston rising, there’s no easy or cheap fix.

More About the Storm
— President Trump will visit Corpus Christi and other parts of Texastoday, and promised that Congress would move swiftly to approve long-term recovery funding.
— Speaking of the politics of disaster … More than 20 Texas representatives and senators voted against aid after Hurricane Sandy.How will they vote on Harvey?
— The storm is hurting Texas’ oil refinery output, but its full economic hit is too early to tell.
— Here are some ideas for how you can help the victims.

‘Trump Tower Moscow’ Had a Ring to It
The plan: Build Trump Tower Moscow, a luxury hotel and condominium project. The players: Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, and Felix Sater, a Russian-born businessman. The timing: Cohen says he worked on it for five months after Trump declared his candidacy for president in 2015. “Our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” Sater wrote in an email to Cohen. “I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this.” In a statement to the House Intelligence Committee, Cohen says he abandoned the Moscow project in January 2016 after deciding it was “not feasible.” He also says Sater is prone to using “colorful language.”

More Politics
— North Korea launched a missile over Japan, U.S. military officials said, increasing tensions again.
— A panel of U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals judges heard arguments in Seattle over how broadly President Trump’s travel ban can be enforced.

‘Antifa’ Violence Strikes a Nerve
The videos are graphic: People clad in black, their faces covered in masks, kicking and beating supporters of President Trump and others whom they accused of being Nazis. The “black bloc” was only one of dozens of groups at Sunday’s protest in Berkeley, but its actions have prompted soul-searching among the leftist activist movement: Some are worried the violence helps advance the idea that the two sides are the same.

The Long Armor of the Law
When police have surplus military gear, does it make cities safer? That was the idea behind a Pentagon program created by Congress in 1990. But after images of police quelling the Ferguson, Mo., protests of 2014, President Obama stopped the distribution of armored vehicles, high-powered weaponry and grenade launchers, saying it could create the impression of “an occupying force.” As he has with many Obama policies, President Trump has now reversed that decision. For its part, the LAPD says that won’t change its approach.


— Six months after student Juan Castillo was found shot to death, Santa Monica High School retired his football jersey number

— Inside the kitten nursery at Best Friends Animal Society of Los Angeles. 

— Poolside with Kaley Cuoco of “The Big Bang Theory” and her two pit bull mixes and shaggy terrier mix.



— Forecasters say a Southern California heat wave will go through the middle of the week, raising fire danger and probably setting records. 

— The city of Los Angeles may get rid of its ban on the sale of “ultracompact” guns after legal warnings from gun-rights groups. 

— A state Supreme Court decision may make it easier for local tax increases to finance specific repairs or expansions of schools, roads and more. 

— Border Patrol agents say they found a cross-border tunnel in Otay Mesa after dozens of people emerged from it.


— Actor Aidan Gillen talks about that Littlefinger moment on the “Game of Thrones” season finale. 

— Celebrities such as Kevin Hart, Beyoncé and Drake are helping to raise money for storm-hit Texas. 

— Singer-songwriter Bedouine recorded her early songs on an iPhone in a closet in Echo Park. Her debut album has gained acclaim. 

— “Gone With the Wind” won’t be shown in the future by a Memphis theater that decided it was “insensitive” to many in the community.


This week in 1964, moviegoers were feeling “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” after “Mary Poppins” hit theaters. Julie Andrews would win a lead actress Oscar for playing the super-nanny. A sequel starring Emily Blunt is coming out next year: “No one is ever going to out-Julie Julie Andrews, so I just had to do my version of her.”


— Depleted and on the run, Islamic State lost the city of Tall Afar, Iraq,without much of a fight. It was the hometown of some of the group’s top figures. 

— A German nurse convicted in 2015 of killing two people with heart medication overdoses is now suspected in the deaths of dozens more

— Russia had its own version of the Confederate monument problem. The solution was a sculpture park in Moscow. 

— The quiet mountain kingdom of Bhutan has found itself in the middle of a dispute between China and India. 

— The Food and Drug Administration is cracking down on clinics offering questionable stem-cell treatments for cancer and other diseases.


Task & Purpose Today

Russia Just Announced How Many Deadly T-14 Armata Tanks It Will Build


North Korea Releases Alarming New Photos Of Missile Program In Warning To US


White House Sued By ACLU Over Transgender Soldiers Ban


Sailor Under Investigation For ‘Intentional’ Fire That Destroyed Drug Test Samples


Trump To Restore Program Transferring Surplus Military Weapons And Gear To Local Police Forces


Photos: Guardsmen, Coasties Brave Hurricane Harvey As Streets Become Violent Waterways


Texas Needs Every American Citizen’s Help After Hurricane Harvey


Ecstasy Is So Effective In Treating Vets’ PTSD, It’s Just Been Designated A ‘Breakthrough Therapy’


Air Force Lt Col Dismissed From Service For Downrange Relationship


Navy Recovers Bodies Of All 10 Missing USS McCain Sailors


Aug 29 (5 days ago)
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August 28 2017



A Bad Pardon

The Editors

The announcement of the pardon of former Sheriff Joseph Arpaio on a Friday night — the time usually reserved for getting out bad news — suggests that some people at the White House might have been embarrassed by it. If so, they were correct. We are mindful of the hypocrisy of the Left regarding abuse of the president’s...


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Aug 28 (6 days ago)
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Total Conservative, 1627 US Highway 1 Suite 206, Sebastian, FL 32958, United States

The latest from InsideSources.

What Washington's Talking About

An Epic Friday News Dump
As Harvey made landfall, the Trump White House faced a flurry of headlines for the pardon of Joe Arpaio, exit of Sebastian Gorka, and release of implementation orders for a military transgender ban. [Josh Dawsey, Politico]
“Mr. Trump’s power to pardon is undeniable, but pardoning Mr. Arpaio sends a message that law enforcers can ignore court orders and get away with it. All you need is a political ally in the White House or Governor’s mansion. Down that road lies anarchy. ... Some of our friends on the right say Mr. Trump’s liberal critics had no problem dismissing Congress’s contempt citations against former Attorney General Eric Holder and IRS official Lois Lerner as political. The left also supported the commutation of Bradley Manning, who leaked military intelligence. All true and deplorable, but since when does liberal hypocrisy justify conservative disdain for the law?” [Editorial, Wall Street Journal]

The Bitcoin Bubble?

“I’m not here to burst anyone’s bubble. The blockchain will radically alter financial services, much as Napster changed the music business. But at some point the market will wake up and apply rational valuation techniques. That price—$4,361—implies a lot of belief in Bitcoin as a long-term store of value well beyond the economic value of the transaction platform. Solid currencies are based on the growth and productivity of their countries. You can’t simply declare a currency value—not at $72 billion, much less a trillion. Sure, Bitcoin could trade to $10,000, $100,000, who knows? I just can’t get there. Maybe coin owners should appeal for tax-exempt status if the IRS would consider Bitcoin a faith-based organization.” [Andy Kessler, Wall Street Journal]

[IS] Opinions    Technology
Elon Musk and the Power of Celebrity
By Llewellyn King

Agents of change are not always welcome. Seldom, in fact. Take Elon Musk, unquestionably an agent of change and not universally celebrated by his peers.


News    Education
Disorganization, Public School Competition Have Hurt D.C. Voucher Participation Rates
By Leo Doran

While private school choice programs have expanded rapidly around the country, Washington, D.C.’s federally mandated voucher program has actually been losing students rather than adding them.


News    Technology
NSA Says Expiring Surveillance Powers Under FISA Section 702 ‘Save Lives’
By Giuseppe Macri

The National Security Agency is raising the stakes in the debate to renew sweeping surveillance powers contained in Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) Act, arguing the law “saves lives” and that failing to reauthorize it could cost them.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Point: The View From a Front-Row Seat to History
By Lynn Walsh

A window to the world. That’s what it’s been said journalists provide. In a sense, it’s absolutely true. We have a front-row seat to history. We listen, we watch, we question, we try to understand. Most important, we share.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Counterpoint: Liberal Bias Has Reached Disturbing New Heights
By Justin Haskins

A truly objective press has never existed in the United States, but the news media’s current commitment to destroy the Trump administration has revealed the sad reality that much of the American press is hardly engaging in journalism at all.


News    Politics
Union Warns White Supremacy Is Driving Possible Immigration Decision
By Connor D. Wolf

President Donald Trump might soon eliminate a program that protects people who illegally entered the country as minors–a possible decision one major union claims is driven by a white supremacist agenda.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Bombard North Korea With Information From the Sky
By Donald Kirk

SEOUL — Donald Trump’s notion of “fire and fury” for North Korea inspires cheers, fears and jeers. Is he threatening the biblical “fire and brimstone,” or does his rhetoric more closely resemble Shakespeare’s “tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”?


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The latest from InsideSources.

What Washington's Talking About

An Epic Friday News Dump
As Harvey made landfall, the Trump White House faced a flurry of headlines for the pardon of Joe Arpaio, exit of Sebastian Gorka, and release of implementation orders for a military transgender ban. [Josh Dawsey, Politico]
“Mr. Trump’s power to pardon is undeniable, but pardoning Mr. Arpaio sends a message that law enforcers can ignore court orders and get away with it. All you need is a political ally in the White House or Governor’s mansion. Down that road lies anarchy. ... Some of our friends on the right say Mr. Trump’s liberal critics had no problem dismissing Congress’s contempt citations against former Attorney General Eric Holder and IRS official Lois Lerner as political. The left also supported the commutation of Bradley Manning, who leaked military intelligence. All true and deplorable, but since when does liberal hypocrisy justify conservative disdain for the law?” [Editorial, Wall Street Journal]

The Bitcoin Bubble?

“I’m not here to burst anyone’s bubble. The blockchain will radically alter financial services, much as Napster changed the music business. But at some point the market will wake up and apply rational valuation techniques. That price—$4,361—implies a lot of belief in Bitcoin as a long-term store of value well beyond the economic value of the transaction platform. Solid currencies are based on the growth and productivity of their countries. You can’t simply declare a currency value—not at $72 billion, much less a trillion. Sure, Bitcoin could trade to $10,000, $100,000, who knows? I just can’t get there. Maybe coin owners should appeal for tax-exempt status if the IRS would consider Bitcoin a faith-based organization.” [Andy Kessler, Wall Street Journal]

[IS] Opinions    Technology
Elon Musk and the Power of Celebrity
By Llewellyn King

Agents of change are not always welcome. Seldom, in fact. Take Elon Musk, unquestionably an agent of change and not universally celebrated by his peers.


News    Education
Disorganization, Public School Competition Have Hurt D.C. Voucher Participation Rates
By Leo Doran

While private school choice programs have expanded rapidly around the country, Washington, D.C.’s federally mandated voucher program has actually been losing students rather than adding them.


News    Technology
NSA Says Expiring Surveillance Powers Under FISA Section 702 ‘Save Lives’
By Giuseppe Macri

The National Security Agency is raising the stakes in the debate to renew sweeping surveillance powers contained in Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) Act, arguing the law “saves lives” and that failing to reauthorize it could cost them.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Point: The View From a Front-Row Seat to History
By Lynn Walsh

A window to the world. That’s what it’s been said journalists provide. In a sense, it’s absolutely true. We have a front-row seat to history. We listen, we watch, we question, we try to understand. Most important, we share.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Counterpoint: Liberal Bias Has Reached Disturbing New Heights
By Justin Haskins

A truly objective press has never existed in the United States, but the news media’s current commitment to destroy the Trump administration has revealed the sad reality that much of the American press is hardly engaging in journalism at all.


News    Politics
Union Warns White Supremacy Is Driving Possible Immigration Decision
By Connor D. Wolf

President Donald Trump might soon eliminate a program that protects people who illegally entered the country as minors–a possible decision one major union claims is driven by a white supremacist agenda.


[IS] Opinions    Politics
Bombard North Korea With Information From the Sky
By Donald Kirk

SEOUL — Donald Trump’s notion of “fire and fury” for North Korea inspires cheers, fears and jeers. Is he threatening the biblical “fire and brimstone,” or does his rhetoric more closely resemble Shakespeare’s “tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”?


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