Nice speaking with you!
Per our conversation, although I know you're not looking, you
you may have someone in mind.
The firm(large newpaper company) I'm working with is seeking mid and
level PHP developers.
This is not a front end type flash graphic design job. What they need
are hardcore, back-end developers with Unix, Linux, scripting.
All should have worked in a LAMP environment.
Based on your resume, I believe you would be a potential fit.
If you can call me to discuss, I'd appreciate it. Below is a
for your reference! Thanks a lot for any help!
I can be reached at 212-710-5537
Daniel Goldstein
Info Technologies
seeking solid LAMP developers to work as part of a team to architect
and build the software that helps the client function as a site with
unparalleled combination of scale and complexity. Responsibilities:
* Writing application and related database objects to enable users
* Integrating a diverse set of data sources including related
search engines, and XML data
* Integrating feeds from 3rd parties into the content management
The ideal candidate must have high standards with regard to the
product and must be concerned about the quality and maintainability of
the underlying software. In addition, the ideal candidate possess the
ability to design systems, communicate and work effectively with
write scalable and high quality code, and deliver work on schedule.
Necessary skills:
*PHP LAMP expereince
* 3-5 years web development work experience
* Unix proficiency
Goldstein, Daniel" <>
to me
show details
4:26 pm (32 minutes ago)
How are you? MY name is Dan Goldstein. I work for Info technologies, a
firm that specializes in IT recruitment.
I came across your resume and am interested in speaking with you
regarding your background.
Currently, I'm working for a large media firm in NYC that is seeking a
strong PHP developer.
Someone who has worked in a LAMP environment.
Based on your level of experience, I believe you are a potential fit.
If you can call me to discuss, I'd appreciate it.
I can be reached at 212-710-5537
Daniel Goldstein
Info Technologies