TimesOpen 9/12 + NYT is hiring + Present at NYT

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Sep 11, 2012, 9:53:52 PM9/11/12
to ny...@googlegroups.com
Hi. I am a Sr. JS Engineer at The Times and I have three things to share with you fine folks:

Quick Overture:
1. TimesOpen: Sockets and Steams
This is happening tomorrow night (Wed 9/12) at The Times bldg. It is going to be great.
Presenters: Tom Hughes-Croucher, Michael Laing, Ted Hayes
Emcee: Me!

2. We are hiring. For just about every type of role. Message me.

3. Come give a lunch time presentation at The Times! Message me.

1. Event!

Sockets & Streams: Listen. If you have to ask, it's too late.
The second TimesOpen event of 2012 highlights innovations in real-time web systems and content, as well as related topics in interaction design.

   * Ted Hayes, digital poet and principal at Limina Studio
   * Michael Laing, infrastructure architect at The New York Times and former technology consultant and senior officer at the United Nations
   * Tom Hughes-Croucher, principal at Jetpacks for Dinosaurs and co-author of Node: Up and Running from O'Reilly Media

A Q&A panel will follow the speakers, and we'll finish the night with socializing and drinks. We look forward to seeing you at the Times building!

2. Hiring!
Our team is growing at a very rapid rate and we have so many openings at The Times. If you are on this list and have read this far, there is a good chance we want you to come work at The Times. Please reach out to me to discuss it further.

3. Present!
I have orgnazized a weekly JavaScript lunchtime series at The Times. Despite doing an event every week for several months, I have only recently begun to reach outside of NYT for presenters/presentations. And so, if you would like to come in and talk to our group of NYT JS devs about something you are excited about or a project you are working on, please reach out to me. It is a weekly thing on Thursdays from 12-1pm.
Note: it is currently an in-house only (for NYT employees) event. We have been filming them though and may at some point start to make the event and videos public.

Joe Crane-Messina
aka @joe_sepi

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