Senior UI Developer (NOT with a staffing agency)

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Sergio Longoria

Mar 7, 2013, 5:53:37 PM3/7/13
Hello Everyone,

I am a Sourcing Specialist with Thomson Reuters.  Just some quick, up front FYI, I am NOT with a staffing agency or any type of 3rd party vendor.  I also do not plan on spamming your group with job postings for a client.  This is your group and I by no mean intend to intrude.  I am the end client and represent Thomson Reuters for this particular position.  If any 3rd party vendor or staffing agency reads this we are not using any agencies for this position so please do not contact me.  That being said...

Thomson Reuters is looking for a Senior UI Developer to be located in our NYC office.  Though the position is for someone more Senior we are also open to looking at candidates that are a bit more junior due to the fairly young age of some technologies listed below

As a Senior UI Developer you would join a cross-functional team poised to reshape an entire product line already established as market-leading. We have multiple product lines in the web and RIA space that we are looking to unify with a brand new, top-to-bottom design. Our clients are professionals from around the world working in sophisticated applications with rich interaction models. We are looking for someone to join our UX team and create functional, exciting design. Help create a framework, controls, and best practices to be adopted division-wide. Be an internal consultant, and work on a wide range of products as a mentor and trailblazer. The team is small, selective, practices Agile/Lean UX, and reports under the CTO of the Tax & Accounting Division.

The focus: UX, UI, interaction, style, re-usable components, performance, testing, best practices.

  • Naturally, you love JavaScript.
  • Essentially, you should be eager to share that love:
  • By teaching others one-on-one.
  • By helping to get remote dev teams off to a running start with the new tech.
  • By diving into existing code and showing how a particular re-factoring could restore its shine.
  • By collaborating on the implementation of new custom controls.

We know that the modern JavaScript world is exponentially more vast and rich than even 4 years ago. There are a multitude of nooks, crannies, chapters and factions comprising the contemporary JS domain. Just to help orient us: you know the names and github handles of people like Holowaychuk, Ashkenas, Osmani, Zakas, Rauch, Sharp, Irish (you get the idea).

Of course, you exercise high competence using object-oriented and functional methodologies in pure JS and jQuery. You love jQuery, but if it disappeared from this world, you would blink once and then keep on going.

You have built with application frameworks such as Angular or Backbone. You have built with jQuery (you will have made many ad hoc plugins), JQueryUI (you will have composited controls into larger compositions), Twitter Bootstrap (you like it), or similar. You have tested with QUnit or Jasmine or Mocha or similar, and linted with friends such as JSLint, JSHint, CSSLint or Recess. 

  • You can swim in the Node eco-system (beginning with npm, express, connect,, mocha, etc). You may have filed github issues and discussed them with TJ or Ryan.
  • You considered legally changing your middle name to JSON.
  • You have tasted and baked with various flavors of templates (jade, haml, mustache, handlebars, etc).
  • You have particular favorite visualization and charting libraries, perhaps including d3, protovis, raphael, HighCharts, etc. 
  • On a recent project you made heavy use of data grids such as DataTables, SlickGrid, Handsontable, etc.
  • You would rather eat sand than be deprived of either the Chrome Developer Tools or FireBug.
  • You move easily between major operating systems but nurse a not-too-secret preference for the posix-compatible crowd.
  • The command line is your friend, perhaps even such a good friend that you have written build scripts in `make` or `grunt` or the like.
  • Designers have told you in the past that `you have a great eye for detail!` - or perhaps you actually are a designer too. :-)

Bonus points:

  • You have reasonable competence in ASP.NET (MVC).
  • You have worked in a native framework such as iOS, Silverlight/WPF, Android, QT, or WxWidgets.
  • You like CSS enough to have a preference, born of project experience, between SASS, LESS and Stylus. But you'll be fine with any or all.
  • You can suggest particular repos in your github account for us to check out.
  • You have a CS (or related) degree.

·If you are interested shoot me your resume at the email address given below and we can go from there.


Sergio Longoria
Talent Acquisition Sourcing Specialist

Thomson Reuters

Phone: 469-563-8109

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