Final Memo on the IYCM mailing list prior to COP15

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Sébastien DUYCK

Dec 1, 2009, 3:51:12 AM12/1/09
to Sébastien DUYCK

Just a few days prior to COP, here comes the latest version of the memo! We are now about 1000 youth delegates on the main mailing list...

Please respect the following guidelines as much as possible:
- do not send an email/reply to the list when it is aimed at one person (choose "reply to author"),
- use tags so everyone can differentiate between information and requests for decisions (see below),
- identify the most appropriate list for your emails/do not send the same email to every possible list.

You will find below the usual monthly reminder of guidelines, tips and the links to all mailing lists currently used...
Modification since the last memo: the Outreach WG became the Action WG.
New lists: wrap-up, US youth, Jeunesse Francophone (see below)

Please note the

See you in a few days,

TEMPORARY COP15 Phone Number (from 2nd December): +45 5065 2648

How to use the IYCM communication tools - Memo

This is a regular and updated reminder on how to use the google group-lists of the international youth climate constituency.

 The main rationale behind the use of these guidelines is to ensure that the mailing lists are used in the most effective manner.

 Content: (1) link to all the lists used by the constituency, (2) guidelines on how to use the lists, (3) advices on how to improve your own navigation, (4) transparency rules

 1. Main Lists:

Youth Participation to UNFCCC Process: contains all information related to UNFCCC process and to the COPs. This includes youth strategy at COP, addressing governmental delegates… The planning and activities related to smaller UNFCCC meetings are discussed in event lists. The list is also used by the Youth Focal Points to spread official information to the constituency, their emails include the [UNFCCC-Official] tag in the subject line. 

 Youth Climate Info: contains all other information on policy, actions, funding opportunities, events (this is the former youth climate network list)…

 The additional sub-lists are listed below. Please if you create a sub-list send the link to it to and so we can keep track of all information platform in a transparent way.

 Working Groups:

Working Groups (COP15 related): 

1.    Policy WG

2.    Communication WG

3.    Actions WG

4.    Logistics WG

5.    COY WG

6.    Youth Media WG

7.    Global South WG

8.    Capacity Building WG 

Thematic affinity groups of the Policy WG

Forests (discussing policy and actions related to LULUCF/REDD)

Getting Youth In the Text (tracking and advocating for references to youth in the text of the climate agreement)



Technology Transfer


Delegation Tracking

 Thematic Lists:

Young and Future Generations Day (preparing the events of the 10th of December)

Project Survival (discussing the Survival project launched in Poznan)

Global South Youth (working on issues related to southern youth)

youthclimate development working on

Wrap-Up Event (planning of the evaluation/movement building event)

 Event based Lists:


COP14 youth (archives only, no posting)


Bonn3 Youth



African Youth Initiative on CLimate Change

Asian Youth Climate Movement

European Youth Climate Movement

Clima Latino (listserv for Latin America)

Nordic Youth Climate Action Movement

Youth Climate Movements in the countries of the former USSR (in English and Russian)

Jeunesse Francophone

US Youth – COP15


2. Guidelines for the use of our google groups/lists:

 Posting to the list: please always summarized as much as possible the issue discussed in the email in the subject line (+use the tags mentioned below), in case your email is relatively long, please provide a short summary of the content in the first lines of the message.

 Replying to a message: when replaying to a message, do not change the subject line of the email (see next point). Also select the “reply to author” option if you have a personal question or wish to discuss a particular point.

 Important: When posting to new subject thread do not click reply and change the subject header, please create a new message to the group, other wise this will confuse the googlegroup forum ability

 “Turning off” an annoying trend: As for getting flooded with irrelevant convos, anyone using Gmail can mute any thread that they're not 
interested in:

 Using Tags: in order for all of us to better identify important and urgent emails, please make use of the following tags in the subject line of your message:

* FYI: For your information

* ACT: A legislative action or other item put forth by a coalition 
member for the rest of the coalition to get involved in

* REACT: A coalition item to respond to

* CALL: Upcoming Call Information

* MTG: Upcoming In-Person Meeting Information

* VOTE: Email Vote needed on a proposal

* FUND: Fundraising Information or Update

* BUDG: Budget Update

* NAG: I asked you before: I'm asking you again.

 * REQ: A request for information

3. Improving your navigation

 Unsubscribing: please see next paragraph

 Editing your membership (by editing your membership you can: change the delivery mode into emails/no emails/daily digest, change your name, unsubscribe): click on the link to the list provided above, navigate to “edit my membership” on the right side of the page.

 Using our list as a forum (google allows you to choose if you take part in a group as a mailing list or as a forum): you can disable email delivery, following the process explained in the previous paragraph, go to “edit my membership” and choose the “no email” option. All messages will be available and archived on the page of the group which you can reach by following the links provided above.

 Improving your own use of Google Groups: Use keyboard shortcuts and learn to search, and discover new functions to use more effectively Gmail

 Accessing archived messages: Just access the page of the google group and you will find all messages exchanged so far. 

Translating emails: for Gmail users, Gmail can translate for you the emails you are receiving. In Gmail, click "Settings" ---> "Labs" tab ---> Change the radio button next to "Message translation" to "Enable" ---> click "Save Changes". Then a new option will appear in the header of each email you are receiving.


4. Transparency rules

 Since the multiplication of the number of mailing lists might lead to difficulties for all of us to follow closely what is relevant to us, we will stick to the following guidelines so that we can work in the most transparent environment:

  • When new lists are opened, a link to subscribe and to the content is sent to the relevant main list, the link is then inserted in the page of the main list and in the regular memos.
  • One or a few moderators implement the respect of the guidelines on each list at the view of maintaining effectiveness (and thus access for those with irregular connection) and transparency. Those moderators are identified on the main page of each list.
  • Regular (the regularity is determined by the level of traffic) activity summaries are sent from the sub list to the relevant main list by the facilitator so that everyone can keep an overview on what is going on.

Sébastien DUYCK

Rysdvagen 256 A 36
58434 Linkoping


Skype/CS/twitter: duycks
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