Fwd: Regarding IPCC release of its next climate report in Stockholm this fall

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Oleg Izyumenko

Jul 3, 2013, 7:15:52 AM7/3/13
to Nordic Youth Climate Action Movement
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From: "Caroline Jonsson" <caroline...@faltbiologerna.se>
Date: Jul 3, 2013 12:15 PM
Subject: Regarding IPCC release of it's next climate report in Stockholm this fall
To: "Tage Erlend Tellnes" <erl...@nu.no>, "Andreas Haakonsen" <andr...@nu.no>, <Hsmar...@gmail.com>, <urpo.u...@hanaholmen.fi>, <linda....@hanaholmen.fi>, <ville.l...@live.com>, <terhi....@gmail.com>, <markus-...@live.fi>, <ol...@wakeupcall.se>, <kitt...@gmail.com>, <jan.fr...@gmail.com>, <jenn...@wakeupcall.se>, <saramari...@kolumbus.fi>, <tova...@gmail.com>, <mom...@hotmail.com>, <peter.r...@gmail.com>, <bjorg...@gmail.com>, <bryndi...@gmail.com>, <nem.sn...@lbhi.is>, <rs...@hi.is>, <yupp...@hotmail.com>, <salomon....@faltbiologerna.se>, <marina...@hotmail.com>, <zund...@manutd.is>, <Olofbe...@gmail.com>, <stin...@live.com>, <mariar...@gmail.com>, <Oska...@gmail.com>, <ronja.ke...@luukku.com>, <evelin...@redcross.se>, <oscar....@live.se>, <emina...@msn.com>, <elinat...@gmail.com>, <ing...@nu.no>, <osk...@nu.no>

Hello all international friends!

This email goes out to all the organizations in the Nordic Youth Climate Movement that we hope may want to do something around the IPCC's release of its next climate report in Stockholm this autumn. We hope you will join us and spread the word about these events in your organizations and networks!

We hope that you will help us to mobilize for this great happening and come and participate in the events that we organize in connection with this!

The two activities that we have planned around this event is a big Climate Scream and a great demonstration.

Climate Scream Friday, September 27

A major press conference for the report release will be held at the end of the conference in Stockholm on Friday 27 September. Perhaps you have heard of PUSH Sweden and Fältbiologernas campaign Climate Scream? In short, the idea behind the campaign is this: research shows that 80% of Swedish youth are deeply worried about the climate issue. This is however not reflected in the policy implemented in Sweden. Therefore we let our climate anxiety free by crying out one single message to our Swedish politicians: raise climate at the top of the political agenda again! A large number of screams have already been implemented throughout Sweden during the spring, which you can read about on the website and the campaign has also spread abroad. On Friday 27 September we mobilize for the biggest climate scream ever and you do not have to be a member of Fältbiologerna or PUSH Sweden to participate, we want EVERYONE who feel dissatisfied with the Swedish climate policy (and international!) to join. Join the Facebook event and spread it widely in your networks so that we make sure to be as absolutely many as possible. Even if they refuse to listen, they should at least hear us!

Demonstration Saturday, September 28

Most likely, the release of the report will arouse strong feelings and a lot of anger amongst all of us. Therefore, we gather for a big demonstration in Stockholm on Saturday 28 September in order to show our displeasure that politicians do not take the climate change issue seriously. We gather at Norra Bantorget in central Stockholm (time to be confirmed). The plans are still hanging loose and all inputs on slogans, speeches, banners, etc. are very welcome. Let's make this demonstratione really big and powerful! Join the Facebook event and spread it in your network so that we make sure that we are really many!

Best regards,
Caroline Jonsson
Organisatör Fältbiologernas Klimatnätverk

Caroline Jonsson
Organisatör Fältbiologernas Klimatnätverk

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