[NYCAM] Take part in creating a Nordic Climate Action Camp this summer!

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Oleg Izyumenko

May 20, 2010, 7:43:44 AM5/20/10
to Unga i klimatrörelsen, Nordic Youth Climate Action Movement, cam...@riseup.net
Passing through this interesting info:

Take part in creating a Nordic Climate Action Camp this summer!
- linking our struggles for climate, food, autonomous spaces, equality, self-governance etc; supporting and strengthening each other and taking collective action.

We are a group of activists mainly based in Denmark and Sweden, who have started organizing and setting up the structure for the first ever Nordic climate action camp this summer the 14th to the 20th of july 2010 and we want you to take part.

The camp will be located in Skåne in the south of Sweden.

We are still in the phase of researching and building up the structure for the camp and the campaign connected to it, and the content is still very open. What we do know, is that we want it to be a camp of direct actions targeting the oppressive and destructive system of capitalism and furthering grassroots alternatives.

We want to physically stop the destruction of our planet and lives, while also showing concrete alternatives and ways of living and learning. Unfortunately there’s lots of destructive activities and evil business to choose from. We have chosen to focus on Shell's planed gas drillings in Skåne, which is in the early phase and can still be stopped by our collective power!

We feel it is important to engage groups from all over the Nordic region in being part of organizing and making this camp happen, and its not too late for you to get involved!

We work as a decentralized organization with working groups or practical groups organizing autonomously Ex. Groups taken on responsibility for kitchen, infrastructure (water and maybe renewable electricity production), building and running a common space (tent, tree platform or whatever you would like), DIY workshops etc. but we still need groups or individuals to get engaged and be part of the groups.

get engaged :D

With love from the Nordic Climate Action Camp group

http://nordiccamp.hacklab.dk – cam...@riseup.net

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