NYC metro area transit phone numbers at:
Part of the NYC Subway Resources Pages
"Pour entrer, placez votre jeton dans la fente du tourniquet et marchez au
travers." -From the August 1994 NYC Subway Map, multilingual version
Michael T. Greene
Hank van Cleef The Union Institute
E-mail vanc...@netcom.com or vanc...@tmn.com
Michael T. Greene
AFAIK, Toronto (where he just arrived recently) is Gunn's first Canadian
stop to date.
##### |\^/| Colin R. Leech ag...@freenet.carleton.ca
##### _|\| |/|_ Civil engineer by training, transport planner by choice.
##### > < Opinions are my own. Consider them shareware if you want.
##### >_./|\._< "If you can't return a favour, pass it on." - A.L. Brown
Michael T. Greene