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"Defense against Criminal Minds, is making these attack" - Stalin - {HRI 20100111-V3.0}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Jan 13, 2010, 6:02:43 PM1/13/10
"Defense against Criminal Minds, is making these attack" - Stalin

11 January 2010
{HRI 20100111-V3.0}

(Version 3.0
on 13 Jan 2010)



"Defending against a Criminal Mind, is making him attack you
or others."

"Those, who defend themselves and want to protect others, against
Criminal Minds, must be destroyed, because: Any defense 'is
provoking attacks from Criminal Minds' - it offends these, and
may make them feel insecure."

"If you think NICE THOUGHTS about Criminal Minds, they will not
attack you - thinking nice thoughts about a Criminal Mind, as if
he is a good and trustworthy person, does even compel a Criminal
Mind to be good, and, is the way to protect yourself and other
people and your country, from Criminal Minds."



"Defense against Criminal Minds, is making them attack."

In this way, Stalin and his aides "defended" Russia from attacks by

They opposed and ignored or punished or shot for "treason," anyone
who reported or even suggested, that Hitler was going to attack
Russia, and, anyone who made any preparations to defend the people
of Russia, or said, that that was necessary, met with the same fate.

Stalin and his aides, even ordered defense measures nevertheless
taken, to be undone. *(n)


When Hitler actually did invade Russia, on 21 June 1941, this,
the real state of affairs, was violating the sociopath Stalin's
unshakable convictions

(Stalin's conviction, that "any defense against the Criminal
Mind, against Hitler in this case, is making him attack you"
this conviction of Stalin, was shaken by Hitler)

to such an extent, that Stalin suffered a total collapse, a "nervous

(if you can say that of a Criminal Mind, because a Criminal
Mind is always in a suppressed Nervous Breakdown, so when they
actually SHOW it, that is an improvement of their condidion,
not for the environment, of course *(n))

and he, Stalin - still the uncontested, feared and fawned upon
leader of Russia - locked himself up in his room for about a month,

and also when the German war began raging on Russia's soil, to
overrun and destroy all of Russia, even then Stalin himself refused
to order or direct any defensive actions... *(n)




Stalin and his aides had practiced the conviction themselves:

They had put into effect on the people of Russia, their own
conviction, that "any defense against the Criminal Mind Joseph
STALIN, is making him attack you".


Stalin had practiced it against the Russian army officers to such an
extent, that in the years preceding, in 1937 and 1938, they - Stalin
and his sociopath aides, such as Beria (the "Himmler of Russia") -
had executed or imprisoned 182 of the 300 top officers of the Russian
Army: *(n)

Shot by the Russian "government" FOR defending or wanting to
defend the Russian people.


And as a secondary effect, the state of the Russian army was
such by 1940, that, of a total of 225 regiment commanders,
there were none left who had completed a Higher Military
Academy, and only twenty-five possessed the military equivalent
of High School education. *(n)


At the evacuation of the Baltic harbor-town of Tallin, which
became wholly surrounded by German troops, to which came German
submarines and a vast amount of sea mines, and German torpedo
boats at sea and German dive bombers from the air,

when it was clear since long, that the town would fall in the
hands of the German forces on their way to Leningrad,

the Russians nevertheless waited to the very end, with the
evacuation of this large Russian Navy harbor - and they got
no needed protection from the Russian Army Command, to clear
the sea mines, nor air cover to protect the very large
evacuation convoy,

so that of the 29 large transport ships, only 3 came through,
and only one arrived at the destination, Leningrad's Navy

"Withdrawing in the face of the enemy, was 'treason'" -
with the penalty for it, being shot "for treason."

The Russian officers knew, they would, upon arrival of
their convoy at their own country, in Leningrad, be
put in front of a Russian firing squad.

This had been common practice, and it was obviously so strongly
ingrained in the Russian people - no doubt made palatable with
lots of vodka - that they would not successfully argue their
opposition to such vile and intense Evil,

coming from sociopaths in their command or from other sociopath
"superiors," like from the "Russian SS," the NKVD, under the
vicious sociopath Beria, the "Russian Himmler:"

The JOY of murdering one's own people was, and WOULD HAVE
TO BE represented as "justice," and as "necessary for the
protection of the collective or group or country,"

or - as it was in Germany - "for the benefit of Mankind"
even, "to create a master race by elimination of people,"
AND "survival of the fittest," as the Darwinists like
to put it.

Only THEN can sociopaths (Criminal Minds) do so AND even
get paid for it by the state and get then fawned upon by
others who are in fear of such "justice" implemented as
"the cause for 'the greatest good'." *(a)




"Defense against Criminal Minds, is making them attack" - according to

That means, and it resulted then in the fact, that:

All THOSE officers of the Russian Army who worked to DEFEND Russia
and its people against attacks, were branded "Enemies of the people."

They were executed or imprisoned or banned, "for Treason" and
for "being a danger to the people."

In fact, as might eventually become part of your thinking
that sociopaths actually DO exist, the executed or
imprisoned or banned people WERE "a danger to the people,"
"the people" being, however, THE SOCIOPATHS, and any
sociopaths - they protect each other if they can.

Sentenced for "treason" were those, who HAD - in any way - DEFENDED,
or, who WOULD defend and protect, themselves and the Russian people
against Evil, Evil comes from sociopaths, thus, they defended the

and thus against such Criminal Minds as Stalin himself, and against
his, no less sociopathic, aides like Beria and Malenkov.

Truth is absolute: a sociopath is not "a sociopath only after
he (or she) is recognized and labeled by someone or by many,"
but a sociopath is a sociopath, and is born like one, it is
an irreparable condition of the soul, the JOY of inflicting
and seeing suffering in others, and to get other's Life

So Criminal Minds have everything in reverse - Good (seeing,
and detecting and stopping them) "is Evil," and EVIL, destroying
others for joy, and smashing away the Life Energy of others,
and hiding that activity and lying about it, "is Good" - of
course - from their viewpoint, indeed.

Again: "Defense against Criminal Minds, is making them attack" -
according to Stalin - and being a sociopath himself,
this he was certain of.

I 'translate' it for you: "When you let a sociopath do all
the Evil he wants, and let him enjoy whatever Evil he
wants, then he is kept happy and 'will not attack you'."

This is fundamental - fundamental knowledge about
sociopaths (Criminal Minds interacting with Criminal
Minds and with their companions, the Destructive Cowards):

THEY ARE ALREADY and constantly attacking you, which
is their joy, and they want it hidden so they will not
be stopped ("Science" and "Journalism" and the Medical
Trade ALREADY hides the fact THAT sociopaths exist, and
they HIDE the existence of Life Energy - which is like
telling that "there is no air on Earth," THAT idiotic),

so the statement, that "they are not attacking" is wholly
Insane, and then saying, that "if you let them do whatever
they want, they will not attack you," is 'BEYOND Insane.'

So I translate it BACK to you: *(c)

"Defense against Criminal Minds, is making them attack."



So Stalin was convinced, that 'being nice and friendly to Hitler,' and
making sure, that everybody else was too, and sending Hitler presents
from the Russian people in order to "appease" Hitler,

"would keep at least Hitler himself, peaceful towards Russia."


But in actual fact - truth being absolute, regardless of how Stalin
wanted the facts, and himself, "understood" by others and also by
himself - in actual fact he was simply assisting Hitler's intention
and preparation and actions to devastate Russia, and other countries
of course, too.

Stalin was supporting Hitler with raw materials too, which amounted
by the time of April 1941 (only two months before Hitler finally did
invade Russia), to 208,000 tonnes of grain,

(a tonne, is about two thousand pounds),

90,000 tonnes of oil, 8,300 tonnes of cotton, 6,340 tonnes of copper
and similar metals, and 4,000 tonnes of rubber. *(n)


Stalin - himself a very severely Criminal Mind - "knew," that a
fellow Criminal Mind could be appeased just as he would be appeased:

By groveling in front of the Criminal Mind, and never mentioning any
Evil of the Criminal Mind, and by giving large presents,

in general by "not in any way defending oneself," so as "not to give
the Criminal Mind any feeling of insecurity or inferiority, that
might prompt him to attack."

Thus "Hitler would not actually attack Russia," so Stalin maintained
to the very end and beyond even, "though over time - maybe in one
year - Hitler's 'evil generals,' or England or America, might have
succeeded in convincing Hitler that 'he has to' invade Russia." *(n)



Indeed Hitler conquering Russia - which very many people also in
Russia hoped for, and which people in countries recently occupied by
Soviet Russia, even more intensely hoped for -

Hitler's invading Russia 'might "save the Russian people" from
dictator Stalin,' and more generally 'would stop the destruction
of the society by those Criminal Minds preaching, teaching, and
practicing Communism also in others countries.'

This hope of many, and not only in Russia, that "the Russian people
would be freed from communist dictatorship," the hope of those
people, was naturally used by Hitler and by his Nazi supporters,
to bolster his efforts - to get people in the German Army who
loathed Hitler, and to get much of the people that had been occupied
by Soviet Russia, in one way or another to diminish their opposition
to Hitler and instead to support the invasion of Russia by the German
army. *(n)


But Hitler HAD ONLY THE INTENTION TO OBLITERATE the Russian people and
conquer the European part of Russia - to use the population as slaves
for Germany's factories, and on farms in Russia to produce grain for
Germany, and to obtain Russia's mineral resources and use these in
Germany's war factories. *(n)



The intention to obliterate a people and its economy, was then echoed
later, in a weaker form, by the American World War Two president
"FDR" Roosevelt, who wanted "Germany totally exterminated," as "the
solution to the Evil of the Nazis" *(n)

- which is a refusal to understand the nature of Evil and of Criminal
Minds, because that is exactly what these want -

THEY WANT a refusal to understand their Evil, and they do not
mind at all, to be exterminated themselves too in the end, at
the end of the process of exterminating as many others as

- THEY are spiritually already dead, and THEY love death:

it 'gives them a kick,' as you say, they ENJOY to see death.

The intention to destroy or punish anyone FOR defending himself
and others against Criminal Minds, is carried on also by Putin and
his aides, 'the Sergeys' Lavrov and Ivanov, Patrushev, and the
Rosoboron crowd, etc., in present Russia. *(n)

And it is the same intention, that is most elaborately exercised also
in current, communist dictatorial China. *(n)



Hitler's INTENTION was to destroy the German nation totally - to
destroy his OWN nation - but in order to achieve that, to get any
cooperation at all in that endeavor,


And that is how he succeeded in it...


Hitler with his close aides - being intensely Criminal Minds themsel-
ves too, with Goering, Goebbels, Himmler etc. - Hitler got decent
people, and German soldiers in particular, enthusiasticly attacking
their very own friends, in the surrounding countries, "in order to
'defend' the Germanic people and the German nation."

And the Japanese, who were the allies of Hitler, did no less attack
their own friends.

Such is their Insanity - and with it, they of course completely
violate The Nature of War. *(n)

And Hitler and his aides praised the German soldiers loudly, for what
were in actual fact severe crimes. And those that were actually their
best and certainly the truest friends, who refused to murder "oppo-
sing people" and "enemies of Germany" - those who refused to murder
decent and caring people - were imprisoned or shot, and executed
branded "traitors," in Germany.



This has, since, given pacifists a seemingly deserved good name - by
hiding their actual motives of NOT opposing Criminals

- pacifism being the typical, highly destructive and degrading
Insanity of those who refuse to face and to stop Evil -

with their refusal to protect others and themselves, "they can not be
doing anything wrong."

Yet those pacifists are only a stone's throw away from - and they in
fact carry out - the murderous intentions of the very severe Criminal
Mind, who spreads and practices the conviction, that "Defense against
Criminal Minds, is making these attack you or others." *(n) [DCS]



Maybe this understanding will at some time penetrate the "non-
existent" walls,

made up of "non-existent" Harmful Life Energy, *(n)

that are blocking your "non-existent" soul from understanding
these simple things, and from

understanding your possible "pacifism," your admiration of
'Beatle' John Lennon and the like, *(n) [JL, MJ, MM, AG, BS]

who created walls, made of the Energies that push ideas and
that have the force of walls,

blocking your feeling of Life as it actually is, AND blocking your
acting upon your feeling and understanding of Life, and

blocking, and diverting into futility,

your very strong and natural desire to protect those you Love most
and those who Love you most.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


(a) You have no idea, how Insane*(n) you are, for NOT being
able to detect, or NOT to talk about and discuss, or NOT
to write about, and NOT to label and name sociopaths (Criminal
Minds) - you do not even do so in history books, where it is a
'must' for understanding the development of events - yes, you

NOT EVEN EDUCATING your own children, neither in school,
nor at home, to detect and discuss sociopaths - which is
VITAL not only to their life, but also to your life and to
the security of your country and of the world.

It should practically be the first thing, that a child
must learn, in life, in order to secure his ability to
perceive, to think, and to enjoy life; and to sense, to
develop and to use his native abilities; so as to secure
his own safety and to defend his own sanity. And yours
too. *(b)

No you rather take or demand others take pills, and more
and more pills - to "remedy" YOUR Insanity and YOUR
Cowardice, regarding this matter of sociopaths. *(n)

(b) My mother did the REVERSE - she taught, or if we rebelled, she
forced us, with intrigues and threats, to accept, that SHE
"must be trusted," and that everyone ELSE was "out to seduce
children" (called 'Kinder-lokkers,' in the native tongue),
and "everyone else" not part of the family or school, was
"dangerous or ugly," in particular someone who MIGHT look
through her, or who did. Indeed, this was the Energy SHE did
create, in large and forceful amounts, much worse than beating,
because it destroyed or crippled our soul.

'She might as well have shot us,' as there is hardly anything
more devastating or crippling to a life, than having to feel and
accept a sociopath as "being a caring person," and as "meaning
good to you," and inevitably then, being also forced to feel,
that good and caring and loving people around you, "are
harmful," or "are dangerous to you." *(n)
[DDC series] [IDCM series]

But we were there to elevate her social position, and the more
we were not allowed to look at others, not to compare, but
"everybody is like they are," they are "perfectly normal."

However, each time that I was away from them, in an area where
there were NO sociopaths, for some appreciable time period,
like in a summer holiday camp, or a long holiday as a sailor,
my Love for people quickly increased, and to a thousandfold
after a week or two. Then all the girls were in love with me
again, and I with them - and all the men were big friends.

I am obviously endowed with a resilient soul. And so it also
is now - my dealing with the most violent and most vicious and
most intelligent (and largely as such undetected) sociopaths on
Earth, I and my body get hit with the vilest Energy bursts, in
ways and in volumes that I would not like anyone to be subjected
to - and certainly not your children. *(n)

(c) So I translate it BACK to you, back to the language called
'Moronian.' The name is derived from the people of Moron, who
were called Morons, and who speak Moronian;

which was long before they changed the name of their people,
quite inexplicably, to 'Intellia' - a gentleman then being
called 'Intelligent,' which, for some wholly unintelligible
reason, they liked better, than being called what they had been
called and actually still were, 'Morons,' but which they now did
not want to admit to being, anymore;

and that resulted in a tremendous drop in their ability to
reason, for the men now wanted to be addressed as 'Intelligent,'
indeed out of no other rationale, than that THEY HAD AGREED
AMONGST EACH OTHER, to do so - out of peer pressure, you might
say, and after having then voted on it democratically. So it
WAS legal, they were sure of that.


(n) (to be added as the text indicates, and as indicated in the text)


Harrison E. Salisbury: 'The 900 Days, The Siege of Leningrad'
1969, Harper & Row

(more references as applicable)


Copyright 2010 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
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