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April Interstitial Arts Salon - Tuesday April 22nd

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Anthony La Russo

Apr 20, 2014, 12:24:33 AM4/20/14
Hey everyone,

We're trying a new place this month to meet up. It's cozy and airy and has lots of little tables. Tempest discovered it and we hope it works even better for us than Tokyo Tapas (formerly Vagabond Cafe). We'll take over a few tables in the back corner; and management is on board!

The April Salon will take place on Tuesday 4-22-2014 at Press Tea Café at 7pm.

Press Tea
167 7th Ave S (East side of the street)
New York, NY 10014
b/t Waverly Pl & Charles St in West Village

Inbetween 14th and Christopher...closer to 14th. Storefront is entirely big glass windows. 

Come one come all. Call/text/contact me if any questions or 'on my way' notes. But just show up. Artists inspire more Art!

Really looking forward to this Spring Awakening of Creativity.

Anthony La Russo
Google Voice: (917) 720-7930 (Text or VM)

p.s. also, let us know you're coming via this Facebook Event link!:
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