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November Salon: 7pm Tuesday Nov. 19, Vagabond Café

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Anthony La Russo

Nov 14, 2013, 10:55:18 AM11/14/13
Hey everyone,

The November Salon will take place on Tuesday 11-19-2013 at Vagabond Café at 7pm.

I scoped out the new Vagabond (and talked to new owner) and it's mostly similar to previous set-up. Tables are new, couches remain. We can push tables together.

Bring a snippet of your art, poem, music, writing if you want to. Those of us doing NaNoWriMo could talk about that, too (I will!). Please share resources and inspiration. Particularly this month because -- unless I hear a strong vote otherwise --after this meetup, we'll take December off and resume in January 2014. People typically are out of town, traveling and way too busy with holidays. So set yourself up with November motivation! Come "Group" with us!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Vagabond Cafe
7 Cornelia St., NYC (1/4 block from West Fourth B/D/F/M Subway stop)

Come one come all, lovely folk. Call/text/contact me if any questions or 'on my way' notes. But just show up. Artists inspire more Art!
~Anthony La Russo
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