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October Salon Next Week!

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K Tempest Bradford

Oct 15, 2012, 2:37:06 PM10/15/12
Hello salon-goers! The next salon is almost upon us, and here are the deets!

When: October 23rd, 7 - 9 PM

Where: The Vagabond Cafe, as always. 7 Cornelia Street, NYC. Map:

If you want to RSVP on Facebook, click here:

Important things of note!

I highly encourage everyone coming to bring an example of their
artistic awesomeness :) Whether it's just a slideshow of your stuff on
a tablet, a physical portfolio, extras of your books you're willing to
give away or lend, or digital copies on an extra USB drive. (I'll have
more of those to give away)

Also, since the holidays are coming up, I'd like to do something
different for our December salon. I'd love everyone's input on that!

The November Salon will be on November 27th for those of you who can't
make it next week. That's the Tuesday AFTER Thanksgiving.

See you all soon :)

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